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Subject: "Do you feel trapped?" This topic is locked.
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Member since Feb 22nd 2003
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Thu Nov-20-03 04:29 PM

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"Do you feel trapped?"
Thu Nov-20-03 04:34 PM



I do.

I've just graduated college, with 21,000 debt. Due to the bad economy, I haven't been able to find a gig.

So, right now I'm doing temp work(9.50 an hour, 8 something with taxes taken out) and ended moving in with my parents to save money.

So, times go by....guess what? Time to start paying 300 dollars a month for loans. Setting me back from my goal to get the heck out of my parents crib (asap), and the heck out of Wichita.

Gotta have car insurance. Gotta buy gas, gotta eat, gotta make car repairs, ect.

In all reality, I'm living comfrotably, I have supportive parents, and I feel blessed for that. But, I feel like I'm spending money to get money, to acheive something I really don't think I want, and the cycle keeps on going, and going....going nowhere.

Then I sit back and wonder what is attaining corporate success or whatever going to REALLY give me? Money...yeah. What am I working for?

Then I get depressed and come vent on okayplayer.

I feel like society can outline our life for you, not really giving you any options. The way society is set-up, it seems like there are no options. Am I crazy?

I hate going around in a suit, tap dancing for human-resources, tap dancing for execs, being fake, acting like I care about their company when I don't. It's all fake, none of it is me, and what I want for my life, but at the same time, I feel that is the only option that I have right now.

I feel like being true to yourself is a crime, a risk, and it shouldn't be.

Coming out of college is harder than what I thought it would be, emotionally and finacially. Maybe it's just me.

I know I went everywhere with this post, but my main point is I'm feeling trapped right now, with no options, but to continue in the lame outline that society has set for me. (school---------->college---->internship(lots of resume building/tap dancing/butt kissing)----->corp job(more tap dancing).

Is my observation wrong?

Right now, I'm in the process of trying to get this job at Cintas as a manager trainee. Starts at 34k a year, which is good for around here. I honeslty could care less about the job, and it's nothing what I want to really do with my life, but I care about the money, which is what I need. I feel like a slave to the way out without getting burned.

Ideally I want to be self-employed. I want to make money my way, and want to do what I want to do, independently without having to kiss someone's behind. Is it possible at my age, with nothing but debt?


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
RE: Do you feel trapped?
Nov 20th 2003
RE: Do you feel trapped?
Nov 20th 2003
RE: Do you feel trapped?
Nov 20th 2003
Good question
Nov 21st 2003
RE: Do you feel trapped?
Nov 20th 2003
Law of Attraction
Nov 20th 2003
Nov 20th 2003
      RE: BTW
Nov 20th 2003
RE: Do you feel trapped?
Nov 20th 2003
this is one of the reason
Nov 21st 2003
This is malarky.
Nov 21st 2003
this why
Nov 21st 2003
RE: this is one of the reason
Nov 28th 2003
First off...
Nov 21st 2003
make sure u check out the good and bad
Nov 21st 2003
      good point
Nov 22nd 2003
           you don't HAVE to do anything...
Nov 22nd 2003
RE: Do you feel trapped?
Nov 21st 2003
Nov 21st 2003
my brother is going through this.
Nov 21st 2003
RE: Do you feel trapped?
Nov 21st 2003
RE: it's called feudalism
Nov 21st 2003
what was your major???
Nov 22nd 2003
It's a nightmare come true
Nov 22nd 2003
RE: Do you feel trapped?
Nov 23rd 2003
my friend graduated, couldn't find a gig and just
Nov 24th 2003
RE: Do you feel trapped?
Nov 28th 2003
Nov 28th 2003

Member since Aug 01st 2003
43 posts
Thu Nov-20-03 04:55 PM

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1. "RE: Do you feel trapped?"
In response to Reply # 0


My situation is exactly the same as yours. I'm only about 8,000 in dept but I haven't found a job in over a year and a half so tha 8000 feels like 80,000. I finished school in May 2002 and it's been hell ever sense. I finally start training this weekend for a job that isn't in my field (graphic design).All i can say to you is that if you have a idea put time into it, even if your are already working. A lot of succesfull folks actually work more than 40hrs in their own buisiness ventures so if you can take out the time it will be well worth it. Don't going into it thining that it's a waist of time because you aren't gettin paid as you go along cause it'll all pay off in the long run. I plan on starting a clothing company so i've been investing time into that. I finished a logo for it and eveything. I have other ideas for movies scripts etc. You definitely aren't alone. I've heard stories of engineers selling matresses and nursing students who can't get work at Mc Donalds.

How we gonna get up unless we get down

"Don't be afriad your life will end,
be afriad it will never begin"

Grace Hansen


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Member since Nov 17th 2003
40 posts
Thu Nov-20-03 04:56 PM

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2. "RE: Do you feel trapped?"
In response to Reply # 0


I feel you man. Shit, thats why I went to grad school (among other reasons). Here's some advice for what it's worth.

Corporate america is a fat pile of BS. Try looking into non-profit organizations. They don't pay as much, but they will give you enough to eat and live reasonably well. Plus you will feel that sense of purpose that is nowhere to be found in corporate america (there are exceptions however)
I know this is not easy to do, but think hard about what you want from your job besides a roof over your head. You have defined fairly well what you dont want to do. Look around on the internet. Check the histories of people you admire and see where they started and who gave them their first break after college. Shit, go teach english in Spain or Japan. I know that debt can be a motherfucker, but there are ways to defer it until you get a job that you like. My moms is still paying off her college loans and she's damn near fifty, but she likes her job and she has a sense of purpose. (She works for LISC, their nation wide check their website. ) Most of all, just keep at it. This shit takes time so just maintain and you'll find something
Hope some of this was helpfull.

Kill your television

Kill your television


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Member since Jun 22nd 2003
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Thu Nov-20-03 05:09 PM

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3. "RE: Do you feel trapped?"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Nov-20-03 05:09 PM


I told myself that the second I start taking loans is the second I quit school...

Since you're past that point, respectfully, what exactly is it that you want to do? You obviously understand that money is meaningless to you, and you know that your personal aspirations aren't wrong, so what is it that you want to do? peace... keep the faith

***I'm a Child of Production***


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Member since Feb 22nd 2003
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Fri Nov-21-03 04:42 AM

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11. "Good question"
In response to Reply # 3



My major was strategic communications, which is a journalism degree. Nobody knows what my degree means, but it's basically a study of PR, Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, Marketing and such.

I've always been a creative person. I play piano, compose my own music, write, I paint, in high school I was the photographer for my school's yearbook and very involved with that, I was a dancer for 6 years while in school and was a part of a dance theatre for young people.

I just don't know where to put my focus. I always thought I'd be good with Public Relations or Advertising because I am such a creative person. I thought I could use my creativeness to sell and grow companies.

My mind isn't even there anymore. I want to do my own things. I just don't know what. I'm still soul searching. Asking myself what really makes me happy, what areas am I exceptionally talented in, and where I should put my focus.

Working 45-50 hours a week with this temp job, it's hard to find the time to find one's self.

But, I'm going to be auditioning for an upcoming production of "Richard the III", just to do something I've never done before. It'll help me feel like I'm being creative and putting my energy into something other than my whack job.

I'm a very indecisive person and it's hard for me to make up my mind about things. I wish I was the kind of person that knew EXACTLY what they wanted. I know what I don't want though.


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Member since Sep 24th 2002
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Thu Nov-20-03 05:42 PM

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4. "RE: Do you feel trapped?"
In response to Reply # 0



That is exactly what i am trying to avoid right now. I am supposed to be doing the internship thing right now but i can't find one that i actually want to do.

I actually got a chance speak with dwayne anderson on wednesday, he is an anchor for fox sports chicago and does pre- and post-games for the chicago bulls. He told me the usual do what you are passionate about, but i also like something else he said. He said find a job that you want to do and then do it only the way that you can do it. Don't try to fit the mold, be yourself and do something original. I don't know if that does much for you or not, but i think it is great reinforcement for someone like me who doesn't fit in the box.

Oh yeah, there is one more thing............. it's been emotional

"The essence of good listening is empathy, which can be achieved only by suspending our preoccupation with ourselves and entering into the experience of the other person. Part intuition and part effort, it's the sutff of human connection" - Author unknown


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Thu Nov-20-03 07:01 PM

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5. "Law of Attraction"
In response to Reply # 0



When I was 12 I decided to end it all if I did not find my purpose. A decade later I turned a dream into a vision with a mounting student loan debt (my parents would not support me after age 17) and more debt coming. I decided to go to grad school. Somewhere along the way to now I found this:

"Whenever you feel a negative emotion, recognize that your Guidance System, from within, is telling you two very important things: First there is something you want! Otherwise you wouldnít be feeling any emotion. Second, you are not looking at what you want, but in the opposite direction."

Some call this "manifesting your destiny" and some personal coaches ask these three questions:
1) What have you accomplished?
2) What have you learned?
3) Where do you want to be and what is keeping you from getting there?

For me it started with "Why?" At age 12, I had straight As in school, high test scores and was expected to be a doctor or something my family thought would be "successful". It happens to most people. There was no pressure but people just assumed things about me. I knew that I wanted something but whatever it was did not meet the expectation.

"So often, we are asked the question, "Why am I here?" So many physical beings do not understand why they exist, and even though many answers have been offered, including such things as, "You are here, being tested, to prove yourselves worthy of a happy existence after this physical life or you are an accidental product of physical mass coming together," we would like to offer a further explanation:

YOU ARE THE CREATORS! NOT GATHERERS OF THINGS OR RELATIONSHIPS. NOT REGURGITATORS OF EXPERIENCES LIVED BY OTHERS! You have very specifically chosen this time and this place and this dimension for the deliberate application of Universal Laws. In short, you wanted to be here upon the earth, in this physical body, at this time, to enjoy the deliciousness of creating."

When I was 17 I enrolled myself in a job training course that promised to give me a summer job when I graduated. I did everything I was told and went in confident that I would get this job. After I showed my portfolio, I was told that I was overqualified. Overqualified?! It was my first job interview...ever! So I walked out of there, took off my navy blue suit and heels and never wore a suit or heels again. I was trained, dressed for success and still no job (and those people were under contract to hire program grads).

I learned the lesson of pivoting right there and then. I enjoyed my summer and went off to art college determined to find my own path...with no support.

"Most physical beings have no idea that they are the absolute creator of their own experience. They have followed the lead of those who have gone before in giving credit or blame to any number of other people, institutions and so on. However, a very large sector of the population of the planet are becoming increasingly aware that they do influence their experience through thought or attitude.

In witnessing those who have decided to become deliberate in their creating, we have noticed a common occurrence. There is a propensity toward always looking toward a brighter future. "When I get that job, life will be better." "Once I find my true love, then I will be happy." "Once I get rid of these extra pounds, I will by happy." and so on. While we are pleased that you are looking toward a deliberate happy future, you are missing the point.

You are here to bring yourselves to a joyful state of being, moment by moment, day by day, as you chew upon the data of life. As you stand in your now, aware of where you want to be, or even aware of where you are going, your tendency is to note the lack of where you are. As you contrast now with future success, what you usually are FEELING is the pain of the LACK of the now. AND AS YOU FEEL THE LACK OF THE NOW, YOUR NOW WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED.

Grasp the concept of BECOMING. Not unhappy now. Not unfulfilled now, while upon a journey that will later lead to more happiness, or more success---but a free, joyous, growing being continuing upon your path of creativity.
There is not much that we could offer to you that would be of more value to you, as deliberate creators, than an understanding of being in a state of joyous becoming."

<--- Blame this lady for Nutty.


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Thu Nov-20-03 07:10 PM

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6. "BTW"
In response to Reply # 5



I wrote all this to say, "I've been there, too." But, you know, at some point we make our own choices to stay where we are or to take a leap. But how to choose? The universal law of attraction brings like intentions together. You may think about getting out of your parent's house but say that you like being there. So nothing changes. Until you decide to do it, nothing happens. You are using your own will to stay where you are and that, along with the pull to leave is where the trapped feeling may come from.

I was thinking long and hard about leaving my current job but I was also listening to others about how I needed the job, should be lucky to have a job and I thought I liked having the security the job brings. So nothing happened. I am deciding now to take that leap.

<--- Blame this lady for Nutty.


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Member since Jun 22nd 2003
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Thu Nov-20-03 07:14 PM

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7. "RE: BTW"
In response to Reply # 6


nice! peace,

***I'm a Child of Production***


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Member since Nov 10th 2002
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Thu Nov-20-03 07:31 PM

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8. "RE: Do you feel trapped?"
In response to Reply # 0



If i can offer some advise. If i was in your position, i would look into a volunteer position in the field you are trained in. You could gain some experience and possibly be awarded with a paid position.


let's play ping pong ■


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Fri Nov-21-03 02:09 AM

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9. "this is one of the reason"
In response to Reply # 0



I would not want my son to go to college....I rather he pick up a trade...carpenter, plumbing, bricklayer...something of that sort. Just cant image at 21-25 being in so much debt...cant find a direction. With a trade..he will always have this skill and can teach it to other brotha and sistas in the community.

some people believe going to college is the solution but how when most of today's youth are at least in $20,000 debt. My ex is a physician, wont even begin to tell you how much debt he has inquired...and you figure he wont be finish paying for it until he's retirement do you enjoy life, when you have to pay back loans for most of it. Not to mention the parents that front it for you...and after such and such years...nuthin to show for it..but a piece a paper worth such and such dolla's


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Member since Sep 27th 2002
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Fri Nov-21-03 04:34 AM

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10. "This is malarky."
In response to Reply # 9



>I would not want my son to go to college....I rather he pick
>up a trade...carpenter, plumbing, bricklayer...something of
>that sort. Just cant image at 21-25 being in so much
>debt...cant find a direction. With a trade..he
>will always have this skill and can teach it to
> other brotha and sistas in the community.

In large metro areas, more than likely one needs to be a member of a union in order to get skilled labor jobs like those you described above. i heard it's mad racism in these unions in philly metro. barbering is another cool trade but your financial potential is greatly limited if you only do the trade thing. of course if you flipped the trade with a MBA and a general contractors license you'd be doing it...but that;s a big if and also he'd have to go down the route you told him not to....formalized education. you just want tha industrialized (thanks Booker T.)

And far as being 21-25 with no job and no direction...that's your kids fault. All my jobs that I have got have been in terrible ecoonomic situations and under hiring freezes. how did i get my gigs??? by being supreme. crem de la creme. only limitedly tooting my own horn here but that's what the folks told me after they hired me. i've had positions created just so i could work at places. why??? because i showed that i was solicitous about my field. i don't do this as a job, i do thhis because i care. and as far as no direction...that's where the parents come into play. or at that age they are adults. don't you think they need to be taking the brunt of their own misfortune? not saying they can't ask for assitance/guidance but they ain't got no one to blame cept themselves. i'm tired of folks crying that their are no jobs but it don't seem like the classifieds are any smaller to me. some think jobs are beneath them. shit, i worked at cap'n D's, wal-mart and a perfume sweatshop in alabama before i gogt on good.

>some people believe going to college is the solution but how
>when most of today's youth are at least in $20,000 debt. My
>ex is a physician, wont even begin to tell you how much debt
>he has inquired...and you figure he wont be finish paying
>for it until he's retirement do you enjoy life,
>when you have to pay back loans for most of it. Not to
>mention the parents that front it for you...and after such
>and such years...nuthin to show for it..but a piece a paper
>worth such and such dolla's

u never heard the sayin it takes money to make money? first off not everyone needs to spend $20K+ on a college education nor take out loans to do so. second off, i know that if i wouldn't have taken out loans i wouldn't have had the grades to get me the jobs that i ahd outside of school so quickly. i'm not saying that i never would've gotten them because i'm sure i wouldve but i'm saying that it would've taken longer. actually my position now i know i wouldn't have gotten because i'm fallin way short now as i NEED a PhD/ScD to work here and I only got a BS. It pays to know top notch faculty of prestigous schools. but if i aint have my BS he wouldn't even be able to make a case for me to work here. And in actuality much of the mundane shit i do on a daily basis I learned in ugrad. of course i coulda learned this shit on my own but that sheet of paper that says Michael Anthony Rambo - Bachelo of Science Mathematics Cum Laude verifies that I jumped through a good number of hoops. Now some schools believe that their hoops are higher or more valuable than others but that's another post.

Yeah, some may spend $120K to get become a MD. But MDs median salary are also a lot higher than folks that don't have to pay for as much in schooling. Say a plumber. Yeah some plumbers make $120K per annum but how many? Yeah some MDs make $400K per annum, yeah but how many? Way more than plumbers makin $120K I can tell you. There are many Radiologists, Oncologists, Ob/Gyns, and Cardiologists making over $500K per annum. I work with many of them.

Is college/formailzed secondary educationt he say all end all?
Does it teach you a lot of shit in a short period of time?
Is it worth it?
Are my kids going?
Yes, at least for 2 years.
I mean I wouldn't mind if my kids said fuck this shit and bounced to Peru learned spanish, started a day school and tourism business and taught the local under privilaged youth while at the same time pimping the gringos that wanna come down for relaxation. but not many folks do that so it's a pipe dream of mine.

pink toes:


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Charter member
41728 posts
Fri Nov-21-03 05:22 AM

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13. "this why"
In response to Reply # 10



>In large metro areas, more than likely one needs to be a
>member of a union in order to get skilled labor jobs like
>those you described above. i heard it's mad racism in these
>unions in philly metro. barbering is another cool trade but
>your financial potential is greatly limited if you only do
>the trade thing. of course if you flipped the trade with a
>MBA and a general contractors license you'd be doing
>it...but that;s a big if and also he'd have to go down the
>route you told him not to....formalized education. you just
>want tha industrialized (thanks Booker T.)

Ive heard about the racism in union but Im not going to let this limit him especially because racism comes from all areas...even with a college degree. Its a matter of what you want in life. I have no desire to make lots of money and I wont raise my son to be this way either. Were going with the skills/abilites he has now and looking to build on them. He doesnt necessarly have to work for a union...he can start his own business in a black some things to uplift our communities...our people.

>And far as being 21-25 with no job and no direction...that's
>your kids fault. All my jobs that I have got have been in
>terrible ecoonomic situations and under hiring freezes. how
>did i get my gigs??? by being supreme. crem de la creme.
>only limitedly tooting my own horn here but that's what the
>folks told me after they hired me. i've had positions
>created just so i could work at places. why??? because i
>showed that i was solicitous about my field. i don't do
>this as a job, i do thhis because i care. and as far as no

this could also work for a trade? Whatever my son does..he does with his heart....and picking up a skill that he already has some knowledge in would make it that more enjoyable. He already has the intrest vs, a kid straight outta school who spends at least two years in college (if not longer)before he "really" decides what he wants to do.

that's where the parents come into play. or at
>that age they are adults. don't you think they need to be
>taking the brunt of their own misfortune? not saying they
>can't ask for assitance/guidance but they ain't got no one
>to blame cept themselves. i'm tired of folks crying that
>their are no jobs but it don't seem like the classifieds are
>any smaller to me. some think jobs are beneath them. shit,
>i worked at cap'n D's, wal-mart and a perfume sweatshop in
>alabama before i gogt on good.

>u never heard the sayin it takes money to make money? first
>off not everyone needs to spend $20K+ on a college education
>nor take out loans to do so.

this is true, but the more money you wanna make...the longer your in school...resulting in what...more debt. you may have just gotten lucky...I wouldnt chance it. Esp. when you have those that waste their parents money

second off, i know that if i
>wouldn't have taken out loans i wouldn't have had the grades
>to get me the jobs that i ahd outside of school so quickly.
>i'm not saying that i never would've gotten them because i'm
>sure i wouldve but i'm saying that it would've taken longer.
> actually my position now i know i wouldn't have gotten
>because i'm fallin way short now as i NEED a PhD/ScD to work
>here and I only got a BS. It pays to know top notch faculty
>of prestigous schools. but if i aint have my BS he wouldn't
>even be able to make a case for me to work here. And in
>actuality much of the mundane shit i do on a daily basis I
>learned in ugrad. of course i coulda learned this shit on
>my own but that sheet of paper that says Michael Anthony
>Rambo - Bachelo of Science Mathematics Cum Laude verifies
>that I jumped through a good number of hoops. Now some
>schools believe that their hoops are higher or more valuable
>than others but that's another post.

>Yeah, some may spend $120K to get become a MD. But MDs
>median salary are also a lot higher than folks that don't
>have to pay for as much in schooling. Say a plumber. Yeah
>some plumbers make $120K per annum but how many? Yeah some
>MDs make $400K per annum, yeah but how many? Way more than
>plumbers makin $120K I can tell you. There are many
>Radiologists, Oncologists, Ob/Gyns, and Cardiologists making
>over $500K per annum. I work with many of them.

what point are you making here....they still have debt. They dont get to enjoy this income until close to retirement age. The difference is a plumber can make just as much as a MD, with less schooling.

>Is college/formailzed secondary educationt he say all end
>Does it teach you a lot of shit in a short period of time?
>Is it worth it?
>Are my kids going?
>Yes, at least for 2 years.
>I mean I wouldn't mind if my kids said fuck this shit and
>bounced to Peru learned spanish, started a day school and
>tourism business and taught the local under privilaged youth
>while at the same time pimping the gringos that wanna come
>down for relaxation. but not many folks do that so it's a
>pipe dream of mine.

that is fine..if it works for you.


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Charter member
4409 posts
Fri Nov-28-03 07:41 AM

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28. "RE: this is one of the reason"
In response to Reply # 9


My ex queen's sister is a doctor as well. She didn't go to Johns Hopkins but her debt is like well over $100,000, but she is making some good money.


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Member since Sep 27th 2002
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Fri Nov-21-03 04:46 AM

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12. "First off..."
In response to Reply # 0



You should get graduated payments.
I did and it reduced my monthly payment from $325 to $160 per month. Yeah it's gonna take me twice as long to pay it off but I dnon't gotta be stressin as much to get the payment in. Yeah it's gonna cost me more in interest over the life of the loan but I figure if I never drop below my salay now (which is faily low for an adventurous single guy but if I'd need to be a family of 11 to qualify for low-income housing) I'd be cool. You gotta learn how to live below your means. Albeit I made a little more than twice your salary when I came outta ugrad I think it could be done. My boy works on the Hill and after a lil research I found out this dude is makin only like $22K per annum as a staffer. this position he's craving for that's like 2 steps above the one he has now (LSC or something) only pays like $29K. I'm like damn boy you really paying you dues. But he also got a pad in Bethesda, MD that's twice as fat as mine was in Suitland, MD when I got my first gig. He got the homeboy hook-up so I can't hate.

But yeah, I'd say do what you're passionate about. is a nice program to work with. Even though their funding is getting cut so is Americorp. Hell do like someone else said and work abroad. Work in a ski slope. Have fun with your life now. Say fuck the debt. Your being a slave to the debt because you wanna be slave to somethin else that's why you're worried about paying this debt back because it'll make you have bad credit. what can't you get with bad credit? houses, cars, stereo systems. i said fuck all that and i have fun. travel and party extensively. but i pay my bills on time all the time and acknowledge all my debts. not because i want to have good credit (because i don't) but because i am a man of my word and if i said i was gonna pay someone something then i do it.
but also all this travelling and partying is taxing on my life savings. which is null right now. but you know what??? i haven't any kids or other dependents. all my money is mine. and as far as retirement...i plan on dipping to another country anyway and getting a condo on the beach and some land inland somewhere and just chill. if i had $100K in the bank right now I'd neve have to work another day in my life to pay bills if i lived abroad. but i'd have to work to keep my sanity as I found out earlier this year on a 2 month sabbatical. it has to do with the society that I was raised in and folks going to work at least 4 days or 40 hours per week. when sit on the beach all day drinking beer and talkin to the ladies you start to go insane.

I've spent enough time on this.
Time to get a snack.

pink toes:


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Fri Nov-21-03 09:19 PM

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16. "make sure u check out the good and bad"
In response to Reply # 12



teach for america ain't for everybody.

America has imported more warlord theocracy from Afghanistan than it has exported democracy.


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Member since Feb 22nd 2003
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Sat Nov-22-03 03:58 AM

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20. "good point"
In response to Reply # 16



thanks for that. I was thinking this. I went to website and I don't think I like the fact you have to do for 2 years. It sounds like something that would be very rewarding, but I don't know.


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Member since Sep 27th 2002
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Sat Nov-22-03 10:09 AM

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23. "you don't HAVE to do anything..."
In response to Reply # 20



there are many folks that get out after 1 year.
just like peace corps.
sometimes that shit just don't agree with you or you with it.

pink toes:


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Member since Jul 10th 2002
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Fri Nov-21-03 11:10 AM

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14. "RE: Do you feel trapped?"
In response to Reply # 0



I am trying to avoid this feeling right now. I am a senior at an Ivy league institution. Fornutaley my loans are not out of control but they are substantial nonetheless. But I have to do what I think will make me happy. I was on wall street this summer making bank but it was the most depressing working experience of my life. When I factored in all the hours I was working or was supposed to work the wage was probably way below $10/ hour. That's not the way to go. You have to be happy doing whatever it you choose to do.

Basically I've decided that I plan on going to grad school (law) but I will not go another one of these top tier institutions unless they're offering a full ride. Otherwise I'll go to a state school and minimize my debt.

Next year I also plan on doing teach for america in New Orleans. Fuck working for one of those corporate giants and becoming a part of the COWS, corporate owned working slaves. The money sounds good but you begin living a lifestyle that requires you to stay in the business. It's a never ending cycle that traps you.

I ain't pass the bar but I know a little bit, like you won't illegally search my shit - Jay-Z


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Charter member
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Fri Nov-21-03 11:26 AM

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15. "Direction"
In response to Reply # 14



Im nowhere near your situations right now, because im not in school, however i do know that your looking to fit into a program that has already been set. If you change your mindset about money, how to spend and make it, you might be able to pull a 180 before you end up at the Job of your dreams living a nightmare. I read "Rich dad poor dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki, and even though it doesnt offer concrete solutions, it helped me invent my own way of thinking, especially on how to manage life after college, avoiding debt, and making Money work for me instead of me working for money.


" As the proverb goes, it's a
brave new world, but alas,
one less and less in touch
with reality. Studio
gangstas claim "realness"
through body counts, pretty
boy players brag about
carat weight and even the
underground has become
lost i


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Charter member
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Fri Nov-21-03 09:21 PM

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17. "my brother is going through this."
In response to Reply # 0



i hope u work for what fulfill's your heart and not what fills your pockets.

America has imported more warlord theocracy from Afghanistan than it has exported democracy.


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Member since Apr 16th 2003
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Fri Nov-21-03 09:54 PM

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18. "RE: Do you feel trapped?"
In response to Reply # 0



hey, this is off subject but i'm from wichita also. i've been taking my time through school. i will graduate just in time for my ten year and if i don't have a job within six months or so, i'm going back to school. so, where did you go to high school? heights '95 myself. inbox me. peace


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Member since Nov 21st 2002
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Fri Nov-21-03 10:12 PM

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19. "RE: it's called feudalism"
In response to Reply # 0



and it's baaaaack

gotta read this thread later (since its in activist there is no danger of getting bumped by endless posts about titties); i can definitely sympathize with some of what i have read so far...

And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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Sat Nov-22-03 04:14 AM

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21. "what was your major???"
In response to Reply # 0



damn, you are scarin me! i graduate in 3 semesters, and i fear that i will be in the same damn position.. no real gig, mad debt, and no crib of my own.. keep ya head up yo.. somethin will work out...




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Member since Feb 22nd 2003
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Sat Nov-22-03 05:12 AM

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22. "It's a nightmare come true"
In response to Reply # 21



I also was afraid of this happening to me, and guess what? I'm here.

I suggest you at least have a gig before you graduate, even it's just waitressing or whatever, so you can at least live on your own. Of course, unless you don't mind living at home.

I started early looking for a job, and still didn't have anything when my lease was up on my apartment. Looking was seriously a full time job in itself, all the running around, driving, faxing, emailing, filling out applications that took forever....

Anyway, I hope things turn out better for you than they did me. I wish I would have known alternative ways to go about a career. Learn to be a self-starter. This is very important. Think of other ways to make money doing what you like to do. I'm learning that even after finding a job, people still aren't satisfied, and end up doing things on the side on their own to make money, and to add fulfillment to their life.


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Member since Sep 27th 2003
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Sun Nov-23-03 10:50 AM

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24. "RE: Do you feel trapped?"
In response to Reply # 0



to answer your question in one word...ABSOLUTELY. I just graduated from a state school (Northern Arizona University) last May, and now I'm working 50 hours a week in retail for a cell phone provider. I told myself I wouldn't leave college and get a job for "The MAN" busting my ass and not being rewarded for it; but rent, college loans, vehicle (payments, insurance, gas), food and money to just get by has to come first. I wish the best to everyone who finds themselves in a similiar situation, and if you find some nice employment please get at your boy!!!

People are always quick to ask me how I'm doing...
i tell 'em I'm maintaining and continue on...

People are always quick to ask me how I'm doing...
I just tell 'em I'm maintaining and continue on..


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Member since Apr 15th 2003
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Mon Nov-24-03 10:52 AM

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25. "my friend graduated, couldn't find a gig and just"
In response to Reply # 0



decided to create his own business, though he's still at his old job making 12/hr. But soon enough in roughly 2 years he'll probably be able to quit his job. He put in soo many apps and resumes and didn't get anything. It's very inspiring and I'm gonna shoot to own my own business as well. I got bout a year left of school before having my BA in Business Adm. But the key is making the best of your current circumstances and looking forward, figuring out how you can better your situation, also seeking God to lead you. I felt trapped at times, cuz I wasn't in school for a while and had to pay my loans back, but they gave me options which helped me. The best thing to do though if you don't wanna pay your loans right back is get back into school. Even if you don't have any money to take a bunch of classes, take at least one or two, so you don't have to worry bout it.

My handles


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Member since Nov 05th 2003
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Fri Nov-28-03 05:36 AM

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26. "RE: Do you feel trapped?"
In response to Reply # 0


>Then I sit back and wonder what is attaining corporate
>success or whatever going to REALLY give me? Money...yeah.
> What am I working for?
>I feel like society can outline our life for you, not really
>giving you any options. The way society is set-up, it seems
>like there are no options. Am I crazy?
>I hate going around in a suit, tap dancing for
>human-resources, tap dancing for execs, being fake, acting
>like I care about their company when I don't. It's all
>fake, none of it is me, and what I want for my life, but at
>the same time, I feel that is the only option that I have
>right now.
>I feel like being true to yourself is a crime, a risk, and
>it shouldn't be.
>Coming out of college is harder than what I thought it would
>be, emotionally and finacially. Maybe it's just me.

My words, almost exactly.


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Member since Nov 05th 2003
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Fri Nov-28-03 05:51 AM

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27. "Debt"
In response to Reply # 26


Oh, and debt is corporate America's favorite word.

Don't buy a new car, or a car at all. Get rid of the credit cards. Fuck the fancy clothes, apartments, jewelry, trips, etc.

When you accumulate debt, you essentially become a "serf" to the corporate feudal system.


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