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Subject: "I can't front. I'm having a real hard time with Muslims about now." This topic is locked.
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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
45213 posts
Thu Dec-03-15 02:05 PM

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"I can't front. I'm having a real hard time with Muslims about now."



My wife and I went to Wal-Mart yesterday during lunch and we saw two women in hijabs and I tensed the fuck up. The Wal-Mart is a short ride from the shooting. I wanted to leave there and then.

I've always been fairly reasonable on this subject but now that it's hitting me at home I can't help but feel anger toward "them" and not just the shooters. I recognize the myriad issues of logic but I can't shake it so far.

I didn't know any of the victims personally but they are and were my co-workers. I have friend who works with autistic kids from IRC. The shootout happened near my mother mother in laws home. The shooter lived near a friend. If it seems like I feel like that could have been me or friends or family, that's probably the truth. My wife and I are both civil servants. We don't have windows at our desk. Our guards are not armed. The victims are/were fellow SB county employees. This is close enough for my comfort, that's for damn sure.

We are San Bernardino County employees and we closed all but the most necessary services today and tomorrow. It was a relief to have the day off at first but now that I've had some time alone to reflect there's a lot more to sort through than I thought. I'm in Redlands at a cafe Rio and saw an Arab-looking man and actually wondered if he knew the shooter.

I have a friend who absolutely mistrust all Muslims and goes back to some fatwa from like 1918 as his proof. I've always been a counterpoint to his rants but today when he said this only confirmed his suspicions I said nothing. His daughter is the friend who lived near the shooter so I imagine that really added to his fears.

The truth is these fucks were terrorists, but no more than the fuck who shot up planned parenthood or Sandy hook or the Batman movie and yet I don't see a white face and fear him blowing me and my loved one's to bits. I fear him if he's a police officer, but that's another matter I suppose.

I don't think I'm in danger of falling into that anti-muslim hysteria but damn if I don't understand the sentiment a little better today.


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
I'm having trouble with white guys with guns
Dec 03rd 2015
Great addition. I was initially posting this to fb but changed my mind
Dec 03rd 2015
i just don't think your intent is hateful or bigoted
Dec 03rd 2015
I'm uncomfortable around guns, so this is true for me (for all races)
Dec 03rd 2015
      THANK YOU. I even don't fuck with the Brinks cats.
Dec 04th 2015
I'm from Philly, so I have a soft-spot for Black women wearing
Dec 03rd 2015
Dec 03rd 2015
i lived in Philly for 5 years...
Dec 03rd 2015
If you don't live in a diverse / dense enough area to be inoculated
Dec 03rd 2015
lol right...its no different from fear of blacks.
Dec 03rd 2015
but wouldn't it be better for someone to say or write
Dec 03rd 2015
      no that's fair
Dec 03rd 2015
I live in a muslim neighborhood in BK (I think)
Dec 03rd 2015
I mean my barber is Arab / Egyptian
Dec 03rd 2015
i lived on Cambridge Place and Fulton. right by the little square mosque
Dec 03rd 2015
yup. in my hood i regularly see women walking around
Dec 03rd 2015
beat that shit back. don't give in to it.
Dec 03rd 2015
^This and the fact that we would be next (to the extent we not first)
Dec 03rd 2015
Dec 03rd 2015
well said
Dec 03rd 2015
agree with all this. And props for being honest about it.
Dec 08th 2015
Mods. Don't delete this. Let's folks talk it through. Have faith we wil...
Dec 03rd 2015
agreed. moderate the convo on a per reply basis if need be
Dec 03rd 2015
I hope i didn't come across as bigoted. Frankly I'm surprised at myself.
Dec 03rd 2015
you didnt nm
Dec 03rd 2015
I hope i didn't come across as bigoted. Frankly I'm surprised at myself.
Dec 03rd 2015
THIS isn't THAT...
Dec 03rd 2015
Dec 04th 2015
ive lived near rens of thousands of them my whole life
Dec 03rd 2015
^^Funny thing is, except for a few angry cab drivers, the muslim folks
Dec 03rd 2015
lmao @ except for the few cab drivers.
Dec 03rd 2015
I mean I get into it with Cab drivers, many of which whom are Muslim.
Dec 03rd 2015
      Lol i'm in nyc....i know what ya mean.
Dec 03rd 2015
man come to Detroit and see how some of these dudes stunt lol
Dec 03rd 2015
      I don't know why the pork eating is especially hilarious to me lol
Dec 03rd 2015
           cuz its fun? shiit cuz its tasty
Dec 03rd 2015
           in their case it was tremendous amounts of bacon lol
Dec 03rd 2015
yeah. After 9/11 I didn't KNOW I had slight fear issues with Islam
Dec 03rd 2015
      yep. spending time around regular ass ppl is the best medicine
Dec 03rd 2015
           "travel is fatal to prejudice" -Twain
Dec 03rd 2015
                i totally agree. i actually feel pretty lucky in that regard.
Dec 03rd 2015
                     RE: i totally agree. i actually feel pretty lucky in that regard.
Dec 03rd 2015
If you're Black .
Dec 03rd 2015
Dec 03rd 2015
after 911, I kinda felt the opposite
Dec 03rd 2015
Sorry, only white dudes are allowed to go "Postal".
Dec 03rd 2015
Dec 03rd 2015
if it was just him i would agree...
Dec 03rd 2015
      Re: white males -- the snake is already starting to eat it's own tail.
Dec 03rd 2015
I saw the other side of it right after 9/11
Dec 03rd 2015
Dec 03rd 2015
Similar story with Punjabis
Dec 03rd 2015
thats sad to hear. the nonMuslim ppl in Dearborn didnt act that way.
Dec 03rd 2015
      IIRC there were attacks on Arab-Americans in Dearborn
Dec 03rd 2015
The news is pumping hate at us constantly with this stuff
Dec 03rd 2015
This post is going really well. Civil and not personal.
Dec 03rd 2015
There are two people who may come in on some fuckshit
Dec 03rd 2015
When it comes to life -- no one gets out alive.
Dec 03rd 2015
muslim is the new black
Dec 03rd 2015
It's enough to make me consider converting to Islam to make sure I have
Dec 03rd 2015
thats how i feel bout yt's except i'm not scared of them.
Dec 03rd 2015
i'm not
Dec 03rd 2015
I'm having a hard time with dysfunctional niggas and devilish white folk
Dec 03rd 2015
this is more like it
Dec 03rd 2015
Dec 03rd 2015
have no problem with muslims, only muslim extremists
Dec 03rd 2015
Dec 03rd 2015
I don't think you have any basis for saying there are 10s of millions of...
Dec 03rd 2015
tens of millions just sounds like it might could be accurate
Dec 03rd 2015
I mean, take a second to think about America's armed forces
Dec 03rd 2015
extremists != terrorist
Dec 03rd 2015
I think the idea is if you have 5 dudes from Palestine do a suicide atta...
Dec 03rd 2015
      Yeah but dude if you polled how many Americans agreed with bombing
Dec 03rd 2015
      boming cities with women and children is extreme
Dec 03rd 2015
      depends on *why* they answer. not how.
Dec 03rd 2015
      I don't think those questions are perfect equivalencies.
Dec 03rd 2015
           yo, sit down. lol
Dec 05th 2015
      yeah but Palestine is at war with an occupying force
Dec 03rd 2015
Dec 05th 2015
                uh...October 15th? here is an entire list if youre interested
Dec 08th 2015
a 2 state holy land would go a long way to clearing that up
Dec 03rd 2015
      ^^^^Obama's best move and possible legacy re foreign policy
Dec 03rd 2015
I'm having a real hard time dealing with far right white folks right now...
Dec 03rd 2015
iont trust anyone that dont jaywalk...
Dec 03rd 2015
I can't front. I'm having a real hard time with this cop...
Dec 03rd 2015
I have a problem with extremists. Christian. Catholic. Muslim...
Dec 03rd 2015
thats non responsive to the topic at hand
Dec 03rd 2015
      Im in Toronto bruh. I see it all the time.
Dec 03rd 2015
No Muslims ever called me nigger
Dec 03rd 2015
mofo you live in the IE and scared of fkng muslims??
Dec 03rd 2015
it's like that out there? wow
Dec 03rd 2015
reason #1 why we refused to even consider IE
Dec 03rd 2015
What is IE?
Dec 03rd 2015
      Inland Empire
Dec 03rd 2015
      inland empire
Dec 03rd 2015
      Inland Empire
Dec 03rd 2015
           shit sounds like a cool rock band
Dec 03rd 2015
San Bernardino is the second poorest coty of its size after Detroit.
Dec 03rd 2015
      if you go with the larger scope if IE...
Dec 03rd 2015
Lol. Look fucker I'm just sorting through some emotions in light of this
Dec 03rd 2015
how'd this one go?
Dec 03rd 2015
They made some threats. I got a few "personal" calls that seem...
Dec 03rd 2015
i know you seen it all..i dont think you have alot to worry about w/ mus...
Dec 03rd 2015
San Bernardino/Highland is WAAAYYY diff from the rest of the IE
Dec 05th 2015
151 forgot Riverside, Mo Val, Perris, Temecula, Hemet, San Jacinto
Dec 05th 2015
My opinion hasn't changed about them, I definitely dont tense up when I
Dec 03rd 2015
sounds like you struggling w/ the appearance. not the religion
Dec 03rd 2015
i don't fear terrorist attacks but i do fear our reaction to them
Dec 03rd 2015
yeahhhhhhh naw i can't all
Dec 03rd 2015
I would hope not lol
Dec 03rd 2015
Understandable. Most people are idiots. Why shouldn't you be?
Dec 03rd 2015
Dec 03rd 2015
The wife looks white, is this the reason they arent showing her photo?
Dec 03rd 2015
word is she's Pakistani and he copped her in Saudi Arabia
Dec 03rd 2015
I hold a different view
Dec 03rd 2015
nah, they were radicalized...
Dec 03rd 2015
Not taking the media's word for it
Dec 04th 2015
they didnt have that huge ass arsenal because his co-workers were dicks
Dec 03rd 2015
      How do you know?
Dec 04th 2015
      all those weapons, and explosives because, work sucks?
Dec 04th 2015
           Here is my point
Dec 04th 2015
Dec 04th 2015
                When have we ever heard of a wife riding shotgun when shit went postal?
Dec 04th 2015
                     Questions for you...?
Dec 04th 2015
                          oh, i agree with you about his job playing a part
Dec 04th 2015
      why wouldn't they? The Colorado shooter had an arsenal.
Dec 04th 2015
           Colorodo shooter is a terrorist. Not a pissed off employee
Dec 04th 2015
                Sandy hook shooter had plenty of guns too. So did the Columbine kids.
Dec 09th 2015
It doesn't help that you never see Muslim leaders condemning
Dec 03rd 2015
A simple google search shows such condemnations.
Dec 04th 2015
total bullshit.... the muslims dont respond shit is the lie that wont di...
Dec 04th 2015
hey if you're happy with the way muslims are represented
Dec 04th 2015
True. You never see it. Like, ever.
Dec 04th 2015
I hold you personally responsible for the actions of
Dec 04th 2015
I lived in Bahrain during the Arab Spring
Dec 04th 2015
One possibly significant detail about the workplace violence thing
Dec 04th 2015
Dude prolly used that 1750 to buy some of that gear
Dec 04th 2015
Just change Muslims for any other group and you'll see this is foolish
Dec 04th 2015
Watch me do it with Ndibs post.
Dec 04th 2015
yeah i mean i wasnt gonna take it there explicitly but ...
Dec 04th 2015
Damn, pretty much
Dec 04th 2015
Damn, pretty much
Dec 04th 2015
not the same, black leaders have been on tv since tv was invented
Dec 04th 2015
      It's exactly the same, and everything you said after that doesn't even m...
Dec 04th 2015
           hey if you want to be delusional you're allowed to believe that muslims...
Dec 04th 2015
                whore are these black leaders you're referring to?
Dec 08th 2015
Oh i know. I think the proximity just had me a little shook
Dec 04th 2015
      that's good, in the end it was only messing with you, not them anyway
Dec 04th 2015
      You seem like a good guy truth.
Dec 05th 2015
           Thanks. I appreciate the first three points a great deal.
Dec 07th 2015
Seeing the pics of the victims today in the NY Times got me fucked up
Dec 04th 2015
I appreciate the honesty and self examination.
Dec 04th 2015
Ok... so why is the news refusing to show her picture???
Dec 04th 2015
if she's part of a cell or whatever then counter intelligence maybe?
Dec 04th 2015
the photo i saw is a touch different (link)
Dec 04th 2015
she wore a burqa, not even her husband's brothers were allowed
Dec 05th 2015
So what. Not our problem. Fuck her and her rituals.
Dec 08th 2015
reportedly that's his brother
Dec 06th 2015
Dec 04th 2015
Sounds like me and police.
Dec 04th 2015
well thats just sound policy in todays world.
Dec 04th 2015
Same here, except I'm far more comfortable mistrusting police
Dec 07th 2015
Wack copies but excellent episode on muslims in the US
Dec 06th 2015
I'm not a psychologist, but from the subject matter of your post,..
Dec 06th 2015
This is a very thoughtful response.
Dec 07th 2015
      My obsessive thoughts tended to involve racial or sexual labels
Dec 08th 2015
           Damn. That last line was pinloint accurate.
Dec 08th 2015
So another victim died. Turns out she's the sister of the
Dec 07th 2015
This hurts me bro
Dec 08th 2015
I hear you. I feel terrible if this post hurts you or anyone else.
Dec 08th 2015
      we have spoken off line, we good!
Dec 09th 2015
still waiting on my GATDAMN time machine.
Dec 08th 2015
This post is the worst
Dec 08th 2015
Dec 08th 2015
Dec 08th 2015
oh jesus fucking christ
Dec 08th 2015
Alot of people desperately wanted to believe this was Colorado
Dec 09th 2015
      TO WHOM?
Dec 09th 2015
           Oh I think there are distinct camps here.
Dec 09th 2015

Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:14 PM

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1. "I'm having trouble with white guys with guns"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-03-15 02:15 PM by veritas


A guy was open carrying at the liquor store when I went in Tuesday so I went and pretended to look at some shit in the back of the store (near an emergency exit) until he left even though I damn well knew what I wanted and it would take 15 seconds to pick up and walk to the register. I didn't really think he was about to shoot up the place but I didn't want to be near him and wanted to be near an exit.

I'm choosing to take this post as a confession thursday of sorts about our semi-irrational (or outright irrational) behaviors in the wake of local shooting sprees, so that's mine.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:24 PM

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15. "Great addition. I was initially posting this to fb but changed my mind"
In response to Reply # 1



I don't want to foster hysteria or invite overly liberal pc police and that's a strong possibility there. I just wanted to vent my currently irrational feelings and hopefully have some reasonable dialogue and you came through. Kudos.

I think the seeds to a solution may lie somewhere embedded in the acceptance of these irrational fears as irrational fears.


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:27 PM

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21. "i just don't think your intent is hateful or bigoted"
In response to Reply # 15


And we all have feelings that we're not proud of.

Better to confront them than internalize hem and give in to prejudice, so far as I can tell.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Member since Oct 06th 2005
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:25 PM

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18. "I'm uncomfortable around guns, so this is true for me (for all races)"
In response to Reply # 1
Thu Dec-03-15 02:26 PM by PimpTrickGangstaClik


You have a gun on your hip and trying to have a regular conversation with me? Not gonna happen.
Half of my mind is going to be focused on that gun.



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Member since Nov 21st 2002
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Fri Dec-04-15 08:48 AM

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124. "THANK YOU. I even don't fuck with the Brinks cats."
In response to Reply # 18



If those dudes are coming in or out the door, I'll wait a minute to go into an establishment. When I went to Arizona and saw everyone carrying openly, I was like WTF is this? Made me very uncomfortable.

And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:16 PM

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2. "I'm from Philly, so I have a soft-spot for Black women wearing "
In response to Reply # 0





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Member since Nov 05th 2003
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:18 PM

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6. "^"
In response to Reply # 2
Thu Dec-03-15 02:19 PM by flipnile


It runs pretty deep here. A lot of Philly Black culture has Muslim influences.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:29 PM

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28. "i lived in Philly for 5 years... "
In response to Reply # 2


I don't have a soft spot but I seen them all the time in Philly and see a few each day in Charlotte.

I'm from Pittsburgh and growing up it was white and black, Italians and Polish. Most of my idler family are real conservative and have old school views on muslims...

but I went to a college with a nice sized Muslim population and been around them damn near 20 years.

ionno.. I really don't view radical muslims like the people I know or knew who are muslim.

it would be like me seeing white people as the Klan since I live down south.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:16 PM

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3. "If you don't live in a diverse / dense enough area to be inoculated"
In response to Reply # 0



by consistent neutral to positive contact with any type of group, you will have negative reactions to the actions of a few and buy into the public hysteria surrounding a particular 'threat group'


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Member since Aug 24th 2005
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:19 PM

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7. "lol right...its no different from fear of blacks."
In response to Reply # 3



-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:24 PM

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16. "but wouldn't it be better for someone to say or write "
In response to Reply # 7


"I feel afraid of black people right now because ______" and actually confront the feeling than just internalize it?

I'm not saying it's a good conclusion to come to but CT seems to be approaching this with almost a contempt for that feeling while still acknowledging the feelings exist and he's noticing them in himself.

It just seems more productive to bring your reactionary emotions and fears into the light to address them than internalizing them.

Maybe that's naive.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Member since Aug 24th 2005
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:27 PM

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22. "no that's fair"
In response to Reply # 16



I would have an open conversation with someone racist against blacks if they showed a similar contempt for the idea of their feelings. So i think its good that he said it. His post does have a different feeling than truths.

-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:22 PM

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11. "I live in a muslim neighborhood in BK (I think)"
In response to Reply # 3



Near Barclays and all the muslim shops on Atlantic avenue. Can hear the chants from the mosque during the day. And see people praying. I've never gotten this feeling and I moved there just a few years after 9/11.

This morning I was in a cab with a muslim driver and I decided not to discuss the shooting with my wife but that was more out of a concern of not making it awkward for everyone.

Anyway, you hit the nail on the head.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:37 PM

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40. "I mean my barber is Arab / Egyptian"
In response to Reply # 11



I definitely don't discuss anything political with him

We mostly just make fun of the Italian barbers


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:37 PM

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41. "i lived on Cambridge Place and Fulton. right by the little square mosque"
In response to Reply # 11


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Charter member
154163 posts
Thu Dec-03-15 02:26 PM

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20. "yup. in my hood i regularly see women walking around"
In response to Reply # 3



in full-on burqa ( i take it in stride. i see them out and about doing regular stuff.

fuck you.


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:17 PM

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4. "beat that shit back. don't give in to it."
In response to Reply # 0



don't succumb to that fear and allow it to consume you.

you'll see others around you succumbing to theirs. stand strong. b/c allowing that fear to result in unreasonable suspicion of Arab Muslims won't keep you safe. it won't keep us safe. it will just feed mistreatment of Muslims. which could actually result in us being less safe as the mistreatment could rile up and radicalize folks all over the world and right here in the USA. and those radicalized folks might take action against us.

^ i posted this in that big SB shooting post.

fuck you.


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:24 PM

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14. "^This and the fact that we would be next (to the extent we not first)"
In response to Reply # 4



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Ted Gee Seal
Member since Apr 18th 2007
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Thu Dec-03-15 03:14 PM

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65. "^"
In response to Reply # 4



>don't succumb to that fear and allow it to consume you.
>you'll see others around you succumbing to theirs. stand
>strong. b/c allowing that fear to result in unreasonable
>suspicion of Arab Muslims won't keep you safe. it won't keep
>us safe. it will just feed mistreatment of Muslims. which
>could actually result in us being less safe as the
>mistreatment could rile up and radicalize folks all over the
>world and right here in the USA. and those radicalized folks
>might take action against us.
>^ i posted this in that big SB shooting post.

Just IMO though.


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-03-15 05:16 PM

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100. "well said"
In response to Reply # 4



>don't succumb to that fear and allow it to consume you.
>you'll see others around you succumbing to theirs. stand
>strong. b/c allowing that fear to result in unreasonable
>suspicion of Arab Muslims won't keep you safe. it won't keep
>us safe. it will just feed mistreatment of Muslims. which
>could actually result in us being less safe as the
>mistreatment could rile up and radicalize folks all over the
>world and right here in the USA. and those radicalized folks
>might take action against us.


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Charter member
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Tue Dec-08-15 12:19 PM

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166. "agree with all this. And props for being honest about it."
In response to Reply # 4





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Charter member
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:18 PM

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5. "Mods. Don't delete this. Let's folks talk it through. Have faith we wil..."
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-03-15 02:19 PM by Buddy_Gilapagos



to a reasonable place. Stopping the convo just makes it worst. There are plenty of people here to fight bigotry talk. This ain't Stormfront.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Member since Aug 01st 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:20 PM

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9. "agreed. moderate the convo on a per reply basis if need be"
In response to Reply # 5



But i hope it stays up



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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:31 PM

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32. "I hope i didn't come across as bigoted. Frankly I'm surprised at myself."
In response to Reply # 5



I suppose half of this was pouring out my thoughts on how close to home this was for me in many ways. I think that's what fueled this feeling of.... I dunno.

Mistrust? I mistrust cops as a whole and always have. Probably always will. But this just feels different. I think I want to see some greater denouncement of this by the muslim community yet I haven't even looked around to see if that's occurred.

Again, I think this is a temoorary emotional reaction that will subside within a few days. I don't think I'm on the path of anti-muslim hyster2. I hope that conflict came across correctly.


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Member since Aug 01st 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:43 PM

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48. "you didnt nm"
In response to Reply # 32





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Cold Truth
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:31 PM

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33. "I hope i didn't come across as bigoted. Frankly I'm surprised at myself."
In response to Reply # 5



I suppose half of this was pouring out my thoughts on how close to home this was for me in many ways. I think that's what fueled this feeling of.... I dunno.

Mistrust? I mistrust cops as a whole and always have. Probably always will. But this just feels different. I think I want to see some greater denouncement of this by the muslim community yet I haven't even looked around to see if that's occurred.

Again, I think this is a temoorary emotional reaction that will subside within a few days. I don't think I'm on the path of anti-muslim hyster2. I hope that conflict came across correctly.


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Thu Dec-03-15 02:52 PM

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56. "THIS isn't THAT..."
In response to Reply # 5



>to a reasonable place. Stopping the convo just makes it
>worst. There are plenty of people here to fight bigotry talk.
>This ain't Stormfront.

the other post was deleted because of bigoted rhetoric by its author in the OP. we don't fight bigoted rhetoric here, we simply toss it out.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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114. "^^^^^^^^"
In response to Reply # 56



"The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in." - James Baldwin


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Thu Dec-03-15 02:19 PM

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8. "ive lived near rens of thousands of them my whole life"
In response to Reply # 0



(This was my reply to ThaTruth in the earlier post that got deleted between typing it out and hitting POST, copied and pasted.)

I appreciate that I am able to experience a culture (in whatever ways i can as an outsider) that most people dont understand or even see in their day to day lives. Headwraps, prayer calls, arabic signage everywhere...thats normal life for me. Its weird to think there are so many people in the world who are so scared of it.

nothing any religious zealots do would ever change that



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Thu Dec-03-15 02:28 PM

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25. "^^Funny thing is, except for a few angry cab drivers, the muslim folks"
In response to Reply # 8



I have dealt with have been the kindest humblest cats I have ever met.

That's one of the coolest thing I get from my understanding of islam, humility is a core tenant (from what I understand) and you see it in alot of muslims.

To be clear I didn't say muslim people are the most humble kindest people because that's another type of stereotyping generalization but my experience still stands.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Member since Aug 24th 2005
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:29 PM

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29. "lmao @ except for the few cab drivers."
In response to Reply # 25



-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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Thu Dec-03-15 02:36 PM

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39. "I mean I get into it with Cab drivers, many of which whom are Muslim. "
In response to Reply # 29



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Member since Aug 24th 2005
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Thu Dec-03-15 04:04 PM

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77. "Lol i'm in nyc....i know what ya mean. "
In response to Reply # 39



-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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Member since Aug 01st 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:36 PM

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38. "man come to Detroit and see how some of these dudes stunt lol"
In response to Reply # 25



But then again, being around so much mainstream Islam, you see a ton of people who have the same casual approach to their religion as you do in Christianity.

People sinning their asses off lol

I knew a girl in college whose Palestinian dad used to have 1 night a month of gambling, drinking, and pork eating. Just because its fun.



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Member since Oct 06th 2005
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:48 PM

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50. "I don't know why the pork eating is especially hilarious to me lol"
In response to Reply # 38


>I knew a girl in college whose Palestinian dad used to have 1
>night a month of gambling, drinking, and pork eating. Just
>because its fun.

Like they are all equally bad. But just imaging someone chowing down on some pork chops once a month is so funny



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Thu Dec-03-15 02:49 PM

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54. "cuz its fun? shiit cuz its tasty"
In response to Reply # 50


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Aug 01st 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:53 PM

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58. "in their case it was tremendous amounts of bacon lol"
In response to Reply # 50





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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:35 PM

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37. "yeah. After 9/11 I didn't KNOW I had slight fear issues with Islam"
In response to Reply # 8



One time a woman fully covered on the train made me almost straight up panic. I was aware it was totally nonsensical, but couldn't control the temporary bout of fear.

But I was around the Muslim community in Brooklyn at length and that helped me get over that weird tendency


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Thu Dec-03-15 02:38 PM

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43. "yep. spending time around regular ass ppl is the best medicine"
In response to Reply # 37





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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 03:05 PM

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63. ""travel is fatal to prejudice" -Twain"
In response to Reply # 43


or really more like exposure is fatal to prejudice.

people use heuristics more than real logic in their day to day thinking. so limited exposure limits perspective.

not to downplay your contribution or insult you in any way, but your experience with Muslims as regular people makes that your normal perspective. In a different community with less exposure that's more difficult. Not to excuse Islamophobes or anything, but where you've come from and what you've seen matters.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Member since Aug 01st 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 03:49 PM

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69. "i totally agree. i actually feel pretty lucky in that regard."
In response to Reply # 63



I wasnt trying to hold it over anyones head or shame them or something. If you arent around it, you just around it.

I actually dont think much of America even knows that such a place exists. John Q Redstate yelling about the Islamization of America on Facebook would have a proxysmal attack ending in brain asplosion if he walked around East Dearborn for 5 minutes. I feel pretty confidently that the average poster here would be a little weirded out for 5 minutes and then it would be whatever.



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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 05:14 PM

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99. "RE: i totally agree. i actually feel pretty lucky in that regard."
In response to Reply # 69


>I wasnt trying to hold it over anyones head or shame them or
>something. If you arent around it, you just around it.

No doubt, I didn't think you were.

I feel pretty confidently that the average poster
>here would be a little weirded out for 5 minutes and then it
>would be whatever.

I had an experience like this in Marseille, France, kind of. I was (dumbly, whitely?) trying to ride a bike from Florence, Italy to Pamplona Spain and got pretty sick North of Marseille and couldn't find a hotel or hostel. So I ride south through the city and after what seemed like hours of riding in less and less light through what seemed like probably projects I finally find a hotel and it's a super Muslim area, hotel has a crescent moon and star, al jazeera on the TV, all that shit. I'm so tired and sick I'm hopeful for any place I can lie down, so I get over my apprehensiveness. It wasn't a great hotel by any means and the people working there seemed surprised at my appearance (lone American in full bike gear, at night, they had every right to be surprised) but nobody made me feel anything less than welcome.

I was definitely in heightened awareness mode for a little while at the beginning (which I was on a lot anyway, alone in foreign countries on a bike) but there's no reason to keep that up when you start realizing the people who feel foreign to you intend you no ill or harm.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Nappy Soul
Member since Jan 04th 2007
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:20 PM

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10. "If you're Black ."
In response to Reply # 0



And affraid of Muslims. You done drank the Kool Aid.

time is money, money is time
so i keep 7 o'clock in the bank and gain interest in the hour of God
I'm saving to buy my freedom, God, grant me wings, I'm too fly not to fly _ Saul Williams


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Thu Dec-03-15 02:23 PM

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13. "^^"
In response to Reply # 10



I'm tryna be better off, not better than...


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Member since Mar 19th 2008
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:23 PM

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12. "after 911, I kinda felt the opposite"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-03-15 02:25 PM by bentagain



when I would see citizens dressed in traditional muslim garments

I felt sorry for them imagining all of the BS that they suddenly were probably dealing with

gleering eyes
and probably outright harrassment

when it was all good just a week ago

from the little bit of info that's been provided to date

IDK how people are making the entire jump to blaming Islam

dude was born here.

there is some talk of a recent trip to Pakistan, but w/o more details, it just sounds like dude went postal, IMO.


I wish people in this country were as focused on fixing the mass shooting problem as they are on blaming Islam.

or at least be consistent and blame radical christianity when people shoot up churches and PP


If you can't understand it without an explanation

you can't understand it with an explanation


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Thu Dec-03-15 02:25 PM

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17. "Sorry, only white dudes are allowed to go "Postal". "
In response to Reply # 12



>when I would see citizens dressed in traditional muslim
>I felt sorry for them imagining all of the BS that they
>suddenly were probably dealing with
>gleering eyes
>and probably outright harrassment
>from the little bit of info that's been provided to date
>IDK how people are making the entire jump to blaming Islam
>dude was born here.
>there is some talk of a recent trip to Pakistan, but w/o more
>details, it just sounds like dude went postal, IMO.
>I wish people in this country were as focused on fixing the
>mass shooting problem as they are on blaming Islam.
>or at least be consistent and blame radical christianity when
>people shoot up churches and PP

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Thu Dec-03-15 02:27 PM

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23. "^^"
In response to Reply # 12



fuck you.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:34 PM

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36. "if it was just him i would agree..."
In response to Reply # 12


but the wife riding shotgun smells like some radical shit.

this country will never go at radical Christianity tho..

we need a boogie man and it will never be a white male.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Atillah Moor
Member since Sep 05th 2013
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:44 PM

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49. "Re: white males -- the snake is already starting to eat it's own tail. "
In response to Reply # 36



Eventually white men will be the boogie men if we continue down the road we're on and I'd bet the farm we will continue on it.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:26 PM

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19. "I saw the other side of it right after 9/11"
In response to Reply # 0



We were renting a crib from a Lebanese family, nice folks, really down to earth.

9/11 happened. During the weeks afterwards, anti Middle Eastern/Muslim sentiment was running high, particularly in SE Michigan. Acts of violence had been reported.

My landlord fled the country... Like, dude bailed and flew back to Lebanon, but left the family here. His brother dyed his hair blond in an attempt to blend in with white folks. The wives and kids largely stayed home though I was told by his brother that they allowed the wives and older girls to abandon their hijabs when going out in public in an attempt to blend in.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Member since Aug 24th 2005
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:28 PM

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26. "damn"
In response to Reply # 19



-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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Member since Jan 18th 2008
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:40 PM

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44. "Similar story with Punjabis "
In response to Reply # 19



When shook idiots started attacking gurdwaras and Sikhs, some Punjabi dudes starting going out without their turbans

Apparently Americans are too stupid to know the difference


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Member since Aug 01st 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:41 PM

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46. "thats sad to hear. the nonMuslim ppl in Dearborn didnt act that way."
In response to Reply # 19



At least not from what my mom told me at the time

I was in ATL then



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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:49 PM

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53. "IIRC there were attacks on Arab-Americans in Dearborn"
In response to Reply # 46



>At least not from what my mom told me at the time
>I was in ATL then

not many, but enough to make them believe that the threat of it everywhere.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Thu Dec-03-15 02:28 PM

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24. "The news is pumping hate at us constantly with this stuff"
In response to Reply # 0



It's in the air so it's hard not to absorb it by osmosis. You've already acknowledge it and and know that its wrong to feel that way. You're already doing better than half the country by admitting that. Just work on the shit best you can and try to resist.




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Member since Apr 18th 2006
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:29 PM

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27. "This post is going really well. Civil and not personal."
In response to Reply # 0



I wonder how someone will fuck it up

"People that need positivity around them all the time are weak individuals in my book" - @lilduval


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Cold Truth
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:34 PM

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35. "There are two people who may come in on some fuckshit"
In response to Reply # 27



I think one is plainly obvious. I'll ignore that one if it happens.


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Atillah Moor
Member since Sep 05th 2013
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:30 PM

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30. "When it comes to life -- no one gets out alive. "
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-03-15 02:45 PM by Atillah Moor



that being said, I don't find myself in public spaces much these days and I'll be avoiding the mall like the plague again this holiday season. At work if I hear gunshots I plan to hit the floor and GTFO as fast as possible and I keep trying to save enough paper so that I can put this place behind me for good, but hate muslims? Nah -- they aren't the enemy, it's whoever is financing the destruction of their region.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Member since Aug 31st 2009
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:30 PM

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31. "muslim is the new black"
In response to Reply # 0


is what I hear from all my muslim homies. It's a trip but since a lot of these senseless idiotic things have been going on, I have been meeting more and more muslims. Coming up to me like "yo, I finally understand what you go through in america". Really trips me out

we keep it moving,


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Thu Dec-03-15 02:38 PM

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"It's enough to make me consider converting to Islam to make sure I have"



my bases covered.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Big Kuntry
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:33 PM

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34. "thats how i feel bout yt's except i'm not scared of them."
In response to Reply # 0




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Crash Bandacoot
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:38 PM

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42. "i'm not"
In response to Reply # 0




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Member since Mar 08th 2006
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:40 PM

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45. "I'm having a hard time with dysfunctional niggas and devilish white folk"
In response to Reply # 0







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Crash Bandacoot
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:41 PM

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47. "this is more like it"
In response to Reply # 45




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Member since Oct 06th 2005
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:49 PM

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52. "lol"
In response to Reply # 47




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Member since Oct 22nd 2003
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:48 PM

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51. "have no problem with muslims, only muslim extremists"
In response to Reply # 0



the problem is muslim extremists number in the 10s of millions globally
and their recruitment is effective across borders,education levels, and wealth segments



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Thu Dec-03-15 02:50 PM

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55. "basically"
In response to Reply # 51


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Thu Dec-03-15 02:52 PM

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57. "I don't think you have any basis for saying there are 10s of millions of..."
In response to Reply # 51



muslim extremist.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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T Reynolds
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:54 PM

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59. "tens of millions just sounds like it might could be accurate"
In response to Reply # 57



that's waaaay too high


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Ted Gee Seal
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Thu Dec-03-15 03:06 PM

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64. "I mean, take a second to think about America's armed forces"
In response to Reply # 59



and how many personnel there are. Then consider how screwed the whole world would be if extremists actually numbered that many. North Korea had about 1 million and no-one was screwing with them even before they went nuclear.

Just IMO though.


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Member since Oct 22nd 2003
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Thu Dec-03-15 03:00 PM

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62. "extremists != terrorist "
In response to Reply # 57



if you believe any of the polls it's probably closer to 100s of millions
i'm not willing to go that far though
but yea anything less than moderate is an issue to me
and this applies to all religions



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Thu Dec-03-15 03:32 PM

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67. "I think the idea is if you have 5 dudes from Palestine do a suicide atta..."
In response to Reply # 57
Thu Dec-03-15 03:34 PM by RaFromQueens



how many Palestinians would see them as warriors for the right side? Empathize with or even lionize them?

I don't agree with Bill Maher on all this stuff but he had some crazy numbers one time. A survey of Muslim countries revealed that a shocking number (to us) of people believed apostasy should be punishable by death. That's extremism and it's silly to expect anything less from people who are uneducated about he west and live under theocracies.

EDIT: This might be it

"People that need positivity around them all the time are weak individuals in my book" - @lilduval


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Thu Dec-03-15 03:45 PM

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68. "Yeah but dude if you polled how many Americans agreed with bombing"
In response to Reply # 67



Hiroshima or Nagasaki would all the people who agreed with that be correctly identified as Extremist?

Would all the Americans who agreed with torturing by the CIA would all those people be extremist?

>how many Palestinians would see them as warriors for the
>right side? Empathize with or even lionize them?
>I don't agree with Bill Maher on all this stuff but he had
>some crazy numbers one time. A survey of Muslim countries
>revealed that a shocking number (to us) of people believed
>apostasy should be punishable by death. That's extremism and
>it's silly to expect anything less from people who are
>uneducated about he west and live under theocracies.
>EDIT: This might be it

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Thu Dec-03-15 03:58 PM

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73. "boming cities with women and children is extreme"
In response to Reply # 68


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Aug 01st 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 04:13 PM

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79. "depends on *why* they answer. not how."
In response to Reply # 68



Altho anyone supporting personal torture is probably an extremist in one direction or another



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Member since Apr 18th 2006
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Thu Dec-03-15 05:07 PM

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97. "I don't think those questions are perfect equivalencies."
In response to Reply # 68



Their extremism is extreme on our end but the opposite isn't true. Shouldn't that say something?

If only the Arab spring was a real thing that happened and these people could be free to advance.

"People that need positivity around them all the time are weak individuals in my book" - @lilduval


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148. "yo, sit down. lol"
In response to Reply # 97
Sat Dec-05-15 02:50 AM by husam



>Their extremism is extreme on our end but the opposite isn't
>true. Shouldn't that say something?
>If only the Arab spring was a real thing that happened and
>these people could be free to advance.

this is a dumb ass post


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Thu Dec-03-15 03:57 PM

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72. "yeah but Palestine is at war with an occupying force"
In response to Reply # 67



So as long as there are Israeli settlements forcibly relocating Palestinians into internment, Paleatinians will continue to support guerilla action against Israel and those that support them.

Also worth mentioning that Palestinians use suicide bombing as an answer to having modern rockets fired at them.



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149. "word? "
In response to Reply # 72



>Also worth mentioning that Palestinians use suicide bombing as
>an answer to having modern rockets fired at them.

when's the last time you heard of a Palestinian suicide bomber ?


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172. "uh...October 15th? here is an entire list if youre interested"
In response to Reply # 149





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71. "a 2 state holy land would go a long way to clearing that up"
In response to Reply # 51



Especially if followed up by a US govt as interested in punishing Israeli aggression as they are about punishing Islamic terrorism



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81. "^^^^Obama's best move and possible legacy re foreign policy"
In response to Reply # 71



could be the walk-back from Israel

"People that need positivity around them all the time are weak individuals in my book" - @lilduval


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Member since Nov 14th 2004
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Thu Dec-03-15 02:56 PM

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60. "I'm having a real hard time dealing with far right white folks right now..."
In response to Reply # 0



Muslims are cool and don't deserve any hate they get. CT, at least you're open, honest, and willing to confront the issues you have. It doesn't seem like you've gone all right wing on muslims.

The gun toting christian extremists are the ones I'm worried about. Fuckers have shot up two establishments this year near me and that has me worried. Took down a state building and a fast food spot. One of these events involved a murder suicide. The other was a pissed off employee. That guy spouting those talking points that has access to weapons and training is the same one I'm weary of all the time.

In all honesty, I'm worried about getting gunned down by a reckless policer officer for jaywalking than I am muslims. My ready to die hierachy of needs goes police officer then far right gun toting extremist. Everyone else is cool.


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Big Kuntry
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Thu Dec-03-15 03:00 PM

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61. "iont trust anyone that dont jaywalk..."
In response to Reply # 60



wit that bein said, yesterday it was cops all over the place leavin my building. I always grill cops but I caught myself lookin at this pig for fake permission to jaywalk smh.

Man, I walked anyway but bruh, I had to check myself.


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Big Kuntry
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Thu Dec-03-15 03:20 PM

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66. " I can't front. I'm having a real hard time with this cop..."
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-03-15 03:21 PM by Big Kuntry



I know Killer Mike siced dudes head but I can't vibe wit him doin all this for the gram. To me it comes off faker than a 7 dollar bill.


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Member since Dec 26th 2003
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Thu Dec-03-15 03:50 PM

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70. "I have a problem with extremists. Christian. Catholic. Muslim..."
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-03-15 03:50 PM by Heinz



Whites. Blacks. Americans. Theres extremists in all of those categories who take it too far. I have problems with all of them. Some live on this site. *shrugs*


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75. "thats non responsive to the topic at hand"
In response to Reply # 70



The idea is whether or not someone following normal Islamic traditions plays on your fear of extremism

Could you look at a woman covered from head to toe in customary attire and determine if she were extremist? Would it affect the way you treat her? How much wpuld your visceral reaction guide your mind?

I think those are the relevant questions here



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78. "Im in Toronto bruh. I see it all the time."
In response to Reply # 75
Thu Dec-03-15 04:06 PM by Heinz



I live in Brampton. Google it. Brown out numbers white here. We have old white racists passing out flyers about minorities taking over. I see people covered head to toe all the time. Im not phased by it.

However, on my way from Chicago a few months ago I see a white man with a vest with all these racist patches sewed to it about muslims, blacks, and Obama and pro gun shit. Was I afraid? Nope, but I def watched out for his stupid ass more than I would anyone else. Why? because he was a pro white, pro gun, christian, pro american extremist.


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kevlar skully
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Thu Dec-03-15 04:01 PM

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74. "No Muslims ever called me nigger "
In response to Reply # 0



I got a muslim ass name even though I'm non-religious

In College I got cool with a few different muslim cats from India. They were cool as shit and even thought it was never explicitly stated, there was certain bond there on some people of color shit. They didn't hate us cause we black or stereotype us or nothing; in fact they looked out for my manager when the white boss did do that shit.

I wish I would profile muslim people as a black man with a muslim ass name... Having my own self would be the next step in that line of thinking, imo


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Member since Jan 24th 2004
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Thu Dec-03-15 04:01 PM

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76. "mofo you live in the IE and scared of fkng muslims??"
In response to Reply # 0


   have much more shit to ACTUALLY WORRY about on a daily basis than some random fkng muslims.... you got EVERY fkng NEO NAZI group in california planted in the tons of stupid bloods and crips and eses and shit...

2021 Mexican Resident

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Thu Dec-03-15 04:23 PM

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80. "it's like that out there? wow"
In response to Reply # 76


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Thu Dec-03-15 04:38 PM

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83. "reason #1 why we refused to even consider IE"
In response to Reply # 80



When I was interviewing with Google, NeoPets, and the like while considering relocating to SoCal, we read about IE and found that it's pretty much overrun with racists and assorted other idiots.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Thu Dec-03-15 04:43 PM

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84. "What is IE?"
In response to Reply # 83



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Thu Dec-03-15 04:48 PM

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86. "Inland Empire"
In response to Reply # 84


South-Central California basically.

San Bernardino County (which is massive) encompasses a lot of it.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Member since Mar 19th 2008
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88. "inland empire"
In response to Reply # 84



riverside/ontario ca area


If you can't understand it without an explanation

you can't understand it with an explanation


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90. "Inland Empire"
In response to Reply # 84





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92. "shit sounds like a cool rock band"
In response to Reply # 90


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Cold Truth
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Thu Dec-03-15 04:52 PM

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91. "San Bernardino is the second poorest coty of its size after Detroit."
In response to Reply # 80



I dunno about now but it was at or near the top of the murder rate list for fucking ever.

This is a pretty poor area. A lot of drugs and a poor job market plus it's a major hub for sex trafficking.

I've never lived anywhere else but this is a pretty rough place overall.


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Thu Dec-03-15 05:10 PM

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98. "if you go with the larger scope if IE..."
In response to Reply # 91



> A lot of drugs and a poor job
>market plus it's a major hub for sex trafficking.

you also include Palm Springs, DHS, Cathedral City, etc and there's an assload of meth running out that way.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Dec-03-15 04:49 PM

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87. "Lol. Look fucker I'm just sorting through some emotions in light of this"
In response to Reply # 76



> have much more shit to ACTUALLY WORRY about on
>a daily basis than some random fkng muslims.... you got EVERY
>fkng NEO NAZI group in california planted in the tons
>of stupid bloods and crips and eses and shit...

Yes. I'm well aware. I've had particular trouble with the eses. I've been jumped more times than I can count. You forgot to add bikers. I once kicked two Vagos out of my cab. Never had any trouble whatsoever with black gangs though. The Nazis seem to be more out on Temecula though. They used to be heavy on Fontana and Yucaipa but I haven't seen any in recent years.

So I've been here all my life and hear you.

This is different. Much different. And this emotional reaction will pass.


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95. "how'd this one go?"
In response to Reply # 87



>I once kicked two Vagos out of my cab.

they're popping up more and more around my way. most of them are veteranos from local gangs. they pretty much just do their own thing


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Cold Truth
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Thu Dec-03-15 05:04 PM

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96. "They made some threats. I got a few &quot;personal&quot; calls that seem..."
In response to Reply # 95
Thu Dec-03-15 05:06 PM by Cold Truth



I kicked a lot of people out so it was nothing to me to be honest. Supposedly I kicked out more people in 5 months than The dispatcher could recall anyone doing.

I never had any run ins with them after. I just watched my ads and didn't go to calls that gave me red flags.


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Member since Jan 24th 2004
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Thu Dec-03-15 07:08 PM

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103. "i know you seen it all..i dont think you have alot to worry about w/ mus..."
In response to Reply # 87



hahaha yeah i forgot biker gangs and anywhere they have a yearly nascar race..i'm

2021 Mexican Resident

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151. "San Bernardino/Highland is WAAAYYY diff from the rest of the IE"
In response to Reply # 76


I was born and raised in Pomona, which is largely Hispanic. Claremont, Upland, Ontario, Chino, La Verne, etc, are all very nice cities. It's not until you really get to SB and Highland that you do get Aryan fucks, maybe even some in Fontana, but west of the 15? nah, not like that at all.



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Cold Truth
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Sat Dec-05-15 05:55 PM

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153. " forgot Riverside, Mo Val, Perris, Temecula, Hemet, San Jacinto"
In response to Reply # 151



Elsinore, Yucaipa, etc.

While it's true that Chino,Upland,Ontario,Rancho,and Claremont are practically night and day by comarison. Even nicer cities out this way like Temecula and Murrieta have a strong white supremacist presence. Redlands is a nice community in the midst of it all but theres much more fuckery than SB in the IE.


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Thu Dec-03-15 04:30 PM

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82. "My opinion hasn't changed about them, I definitely dont tense up when I "
In response to Reply # 0


see them though.

I sure would hate to be one right now.


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Member since Jun 15th 2007
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Thu Dec-03-15 04:47 PM

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85. "sounds like you struggling w/ the appearance. not the religion"
In response to Reply # 0



im not up on my muslim knowledge but i know its more of em walking around in street clothes than traditional garb.

<--- Big Baller World Order


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Thu Dec-03-15 04:50 PM

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89. "i don't fear terrorist attacks but i do fear our reaction to them"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-03-15 04:53 PM by Mynoriti



i guess it's all very abstract for me, because it's never even been close to hitting home, so it's not something i feel will ever happen to me. but hearing the rhetoric after paris, and now during this, who knows what we're capable of as a society when fear, anger, and nativism start to dominate.

so seeing a family at the store, or women in hijabs, especially in times like these, i can't help but at admire the hell out of them, knowing how most of the public perceives them, even moreso if they have children.

but there are also times i find myself more on Maher's side in some theses debates about islam, but again, that's abstract, and it's not a subject I claim to any kind of great knowledge of, or any kind of set-in-stone opinions about


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Thu Dec-03-15 04:54 PM

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93. "yeahhhhhhh naw i can't all"
In response to Reply # 0





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Cold Truth
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Thu Dec-03-15 04:59 PM

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94. "I would hope not lol"
In response to Reply # 93



That's sort of the crux of this post.


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Member since Jan 03rd 2013
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Thu Dec-03-15 06:01 PM

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101. "Understandable. Most people are idiots. Why shouldn't you be?"
In response to Reply # 0



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Thu Dec-03-15 10:58 PM

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108. "Pussy "
In response to Reply # 101




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Thu Dec-03-15 06:44 PM

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102. "The wife looks white, is this the reason they arent showing her photo?"
In response to Reply # 0


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Feb 24th 2009
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Thu Dec-03-15 07:38 PM

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104. "word is she's Pakistani and he copped her in Saudi Arabia"
In response to Reply # 102



Apparently he met her online, flew over there and brought her back on a k-1 fiancee visa
FWIW the Gulf Arabs treat their South Asian population worse than dog shit
and we all know the last place a woman wants to be is in Saudi

The more I think about what's being reported the less sense this makes


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Member since Feb 15th 2012
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Thu Dec-03-15 07:46 PM

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105. "I hold a different view"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-03-15 08:01 PM by BabyYoda



What happened in S.B. was horrific. The couple who committed that heinous act got what they deserved, but I would never put their actions on a whole religion nor its worshippers. My father and ex step mom are Muslims. I never heard of them having extremist views. Every Muslim I met was polite, intelligent, peaceful and welcoming.

I believe that what happened in S.B. had more do do with workplace drama than religious extremism. There are many people who mistreat subordinates and fellow co- workers. Hostility within the workplace ia a real thing and I think that was the main reason why that couple killed those people at the holiday party.


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Thu Dec-03-15 09:47 PM

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106. "nah, they were radicalized... "
In response to Reply # 105


reports are coming out of dude having contact with people on our terror list.

no damn way a wife and husband gear up over workplace drama.

they had pipe bombs attached to a remote control car, that's some extra shit.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Feb 15th 2012
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Fri Dec-04-15 01:28 AM

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110. "Not taking the media's word for it"
In response to Reply # 106



>reports are coming out of dude having contact with people on
>our terror list.
>no damn way a wife and husband gear up over workplace drama.
>they had pipe bombs attached to a remote control car, that's
>some extra shit.
I am not buying that the couple murked all of those people just in the name of Islam or Isis. I believe that they had connections to extremists, but I definitely believe that workplace drama was at least half of the issue.

People love to downplay hostile work environments, but forget that the term "going postal" didn't just magically appear. I think he had issues with his collegues, supervisors, etc over a period of time and attending the holiday party was the straw that broke the camel's back. He and his wife, I believe had planned on killing people at the job for a while and they ended up doing such.


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Thu Dec-03-15 11:04 PM

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109. "they didnt have that huge ass arsenal because his co-workers were dicks"
In response to Reply # 105
Thu Dec-03-15 11:19 PM by Mynoriti



details arising make it pretty clear they were into some shit, or likely part of something terrorist related. Who knows, maybe peeps at work pissed him off and he decided to make them the target instead. But there's way more to this than just workplace violence


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Member since Feb 15th 2012
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Fri Dec-04-15 01:36 AM

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111. "How do you know?"
In response to Reply # 109



>details arising make it pretty clear they were into some
>shit, or likely part of something terrorist related. Who
>knows, maybe peeps at work pissed him off and he decided to
>make them the target instead. But there's way more to this
>than just workplace violence

How do you know what dude went through at his job? I never said that the couple did not have radical and extremist views, but I will not accept that they killed those people only in the name of Islam. I believe the massacre was mixed with extremist religious beliefs AND personal beef at the workplace.

People get dogged out at work all the time and every now and then, some people resort to mass murders in order to solve their problem. I makes no sense to just dismiss the possibility that the guy had no work related issues. He could have easily chose other places in the area if they wanted to kill a bunch of people in the name of religion. Hell, he could have went to San Manuel Casino in Highland and murked hundreds of people or instance or hit up restaurant row which is near the the area where those people were killed.


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Fri Dec-04-15 03:30 AM

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116. "all those weapons, and explosives because, work sucks?"
In response to Reply # 111



I didn't say work was a non-factor, I said there's clearly more there. I don't disagree that this is some kind of hybrid of extremist views, and anger at his co-workers. I don't think he just shot up his job because, Islam.


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Fri Dec-04-15 04:30 AM

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117. "Here is my point "
In response to Reply # 116



>I didn't say work was a non-factor, I said there's clearly
>more there. I don't disagree that this is some kind of hybrid
>of extremist views, and anger at his co-workers. I don't think
>he just shot up his job because, Islam.
Obviously, there is more to the story. But, I refuse to believe dude and his wife were on a holy war crusade when they murdered all of those people.

I don't trust white media nor their fearing ring tactics.


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Fri Dec-04-15 04:42 AM

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118. "ok"
In response to Reply # 117




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Fri Dec-04-15 07:04 AM

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120. "When have we ever heard of a wife riding shotgun when shit went postal? "
In response to Reply # 117


I think work was the target because he hated some people at the job.

But there was definitely a sprinkle of radical dust on these 2.

99.9% of wives dont want their husband to fuck up the money...

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Feb 15th 2012
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Fri Dec-04-15 08:19 AM

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122. "Questions for you...?"
In response to Reply # 120



Do you think everyone who goes postal kill the same way? Next, who goes to work and kill fellow co-workers for non work related issues?

I never said that the dude wasn't involved or affiliated with any extremist religious groups. He very well could have had contact with the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Isis while in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. However, I refuse to believe that his work environment was peaches and cream and he just decided to randomly shoot up a work holiday party because of some religious crusade against the "infidels".

The aforementioned scenario is what the media want people to believe. But, I believe he did not like some people at his job based in some negative encounters during his 5 year tenure at the job. I also believe that he deliberately planned to chip some co workers and once he got into it with someone at the party, it gave him the reason to carry out his planned attack and put in work. His actions was terroristic and horrific, but I believe that he had disdain for his co-workers and worked in a hostile work environment.


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Fri Dec-04-15 10:38 AM

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128. "oh, i agree with you about his job playing a part"
In response to Reply # 122


but it seems like all the first reports said he left the party angry and it was work related...

but the amount of weapons and his wife by his side seems to suggest there was more at play.

sounds like he was pissed off at work and his wife brought that Saudi logic back with her.. "well, if you gonna go hard, GO HARD"

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Atillah Moor
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Fri Dec-04-15 11:37 AM

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131. "why wouldn't they? The Colorado shooter had an arsenal. "
In response to Reply # 109
Fri Dec-04-15 11:37 AM by Atillah Moor



I think most of these mass shooter tend to have quite a few guns.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Fri Dec-04-15 04:20 PM

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143. "Colorodo shooter is a terrorist. Not a pissed off employee"
In response to Reply # 131




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Atillah Moor
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176. "Sandy hook shooter had plenty of guns too. So did the Columbine kids."
In response to Reply # 143



I'd wager all mass killers are terrorists, it's their motivation for committing acts of terror that should be given attention. Islamic terrorists, Police Terrorists, Government Terrorists, etc.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Member since Aug 06th 2012
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Thu Dec-03-15 10:46 PM

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107. "It doesn't help that you never see Muslim leaders condemning "
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-03-15 10:47 PM by ndibs


Extremists on the news. I don't know if the media chooses not to report it or they don't do it aside from a tweet here or there. But Muslims definitely have a pr problem. I know they're not monolithic, I know they shouldn't have to speak for extremists, etc etc. I know ppl shouldn't paint all Muslims with a broad brush. But the optics of not having a Muslim leader on the news condemning this violence and calling on young Muslims to not get involved in these types of groups is a bad look for them.


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Cold Truth
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Fri Dec-04-15 01:40 AM

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112. "A simple google search shows such condemnations. "
In response to Reply # 107



How well those condemnations are publicized to the masses is another story, but they're doing it.


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Fri Dec-04-15 06:57 AM

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119. "total bullshit.... the muslims dont respond shit is the lie that wont di..."
In response to Reply # 107



and when they do this is how the right-wing respond:

i will not let finite disappointment undermine infinite hope
- Cory Booker

Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes, and at the end the Germans always win
- Gary Lineker


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Fri Dec-04-15 12:16 PM

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134. "hey if you're happy with the way muslims are represented"
In response to Reply # 119


on the news and in the media great.

but it's not a myth, it's just reality that you don't see them on the news for whatever reason speaking out.


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Member since Jun 17th 2008
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Fri Dec-04-15 01:19 PM

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135. "True. You never see it. Like, ever."
In response to Reply # 107


But I'm telling you that it is happening loudly and clearly from so many communities and prominent leaders across the US.

Who controls the media? Not Muslims.

Why doesn't it make it to the news? I have no good answer. Would it change the narrative or the fear tactics that the media loves to perpetuate?

It's out there if you go look for it. That's at least one equalizing factor. It may not get airplay, but you can find it if you want to look for it.


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Fri Dec-04-15 03:49 PM

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140. "I hold you personally responsible for the actions of"
In response to Reply # 107
Fri Dec-04-15 03:55 PM by Sarah_Bellum



Bobby Shmurda



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Fri Dec-04-15 02:37 AM

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113. "I lived in Bahrain during the Arab Spring"
In response to Reply # 0


Was there for a couple of years. Some of THE nicest people ive ever met in my life. I used to have to avoid walking in on someone eating because they would ALWAYS offer me some of their meal, EVERY single time. Id refuse and theyd insist. If they had a cookie, just one cookie they would offer it to me. Polite, generous, funny, nice. One guy gave me a handmade rug from Mecca before i left, and i only really met him two or three times.

So i have no fear whatsoever of Arab Americans or Muslims and i really feel it depends on your life experience. There are Muslims all over the University i go to here in Jacksonville, even a Muslims Student Union. Id recommend going to a local mosque and talking to them about it. May change your mind or make you feel more at ease.


"The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in." - James Baldwin


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Cold Truth
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Fri Dec-04-15 03:29 AM

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115. "One possibly significant detail about the workplace violence thing"
In response to Reply # 0



We had a huge push to bring in a union to replace our association last year. That push failed.

I don't know what bargaining unit he was in but all but one wound up rolling with the union and taking what amounted to a bribe of $1,750 and a very small equities increase.

Many who got the equities increase were denied their annual step increase because they received the equity increase-which, again, wasn't much. This was a pretty big issue that on my recently saw some resolution.

This year the association brought in the Teamsters and now we are affiliated with them. The current ballot has a 7% increase across The board for all bargaining units, however that 7% is misleading as fuck as it is doled out in two 1% increments in December of this year and I think July of next year, with small increments until 2018. This doesn't even keep up with inflation and is a fucking joke especially in light of the increase in dues as a result of the Teamster affiliation and a increase in insurance premiums as part of the same proposal.

Each new contract has become increasingly worse than the last for about a decade, with step increases getting cut in half and spread out over twice the time, and numerous minor benefits have been cut down as well.

I don't think this was the motivation here but there was a rumor circulating yesterday that this was a Teamster party but I have not been able to confirm that. Also, other information that has come out certainly paints a picture of affiliation with organized terror groups at a minimum.


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Fri Dec-04-15 07:06 AM

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121. "Dude prolly used that 1750 to buy some of that gear"
In response to Reply # 115


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Nov 21st 2002
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Fri Dec-04-15 08:47 AM

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123. "Just change Muslims for any other group and you'll see this is foolish"
In response to Reply # 0



Especially with a group that large.

There are people in the world who are totally fucked and they run the full range of identity.

And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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Fri Dec-04-15 09:57 AM

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125. "Watch me do it with Ndibs post. "
In response to Reply # 123



"It doesn't help that you never see Black leaders condemning
Black violence on the news. I don't know if the media chooses not to report it or they don't do it aside from a tweet here or there. But Black people definitely have a pr problem. I know they're not monolithic, I know they shouldn't have to speak for other black people, etc etc. I know ppl shouldn't paint all Black people with a broad brush. But the optics of not having a Black leader on the news condemning this violence and calling on young black people to not get involved in these types of groups is a bad look for them.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Member since Nov 21st 2002
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Fri Dec-04-15 10:36 AM

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127. "yeah i mean i wasnt gonna take it there explicitly but ..."
In response to Reply # 125



it is the same argument people make with blacks, latinos, etc all the time.

i once had a guy, smart guy and very wealthy, who said he agreed with something mark cuban said and that if he sees a guy with a hoody and a bunch of tats he thinks differently than seeing someone in a three-piece suit. he said emphatically AND THAT'S OK!

i told him, yeah, i see them differently, too. the guy in the hoodie might take my wallet and the guy in the suit might take my whole life's savings.

that was just an ice breaker but i went on to say that that is a function of his environment. he grew up in a small town in canada and once he left he lived a life of fame, wealth and privilege as a professional athlete and later a broadcaster. conversely i grew up in a lower-middle-class neighborhood with lots of people who wore baggy clothes and had tats. if i crossed the street every time i saw someone like that, i'd be playing frogger all day. you learn to discern the *real* signs of risk and not to alienate yourself from someone just based on something so trivial.

same thing here. i am all for rooting out violent people and jihadists but to paint a billion-plus people with that brush is obviously wildly inaccurate. if every muslim or even a simple majority were of that mind, they'd have an army of hundreds of millions.

And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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Member since Aug 24th 2005
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Fri Dec-04-15 11:12 AM

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129. "Damn, pretty much"
In response to Reply # 125



-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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Member since Aug 24th 2005
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Fri Dec-04-15 12:00 PM

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132. "Damn, pretty much"
In response to Reply # 125



-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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Member since Aug 06th 2012
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Fri Dec-04-15 12:04 PM

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133. "not the same, black leaders have been on tv since tv was invented"
In response to Reply # 125


black people realized nobody was going to stand up for us but us a long time ago and our image has come a long way because of it.


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Fri Dec-04-15 01:43 PM

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137. "It's exactly the same, and everything you said after that doesn't even m..."
In response to Reply # 133



any sort of coherent sense.

>black people realized nobody was going to stand up for us but
>us a long time ago and our image has come a long way because
>of it.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Member since Aug 06th 2012
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Fri Dec-04-15 02:59 PM

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138. "hey if you want to be delusional you're allowed to believe that muslims..."
In response to Reply # 137
Fri Dec-04-15 03:06 PM by ndibs


are represented in the media as anything but terrorists and that they have groups like the naacp and civil rights leaders advocating for them like black people. if you want to believe that. that's cool. i don't have time to argue with you. you must be watching some other channel or reading some other paper nobody else is reading. maybe in your head. you can also pretend black leaders never condemn black violence or there aren't anti-gang, anti-violence groups in every city. it's cool.


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Garhart Poppwell
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Tue Dec-08-15 08:25 AM

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161. "whore are these black leaders you're referring to?"
In response to Reply # 138



Garhart Ivanhoe Poppwell
Un-OK'd moderator for The Lesson and Make The Music (yes, I do's work up in here, and in your asscrease if you run foul of this


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Cold Truth
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Fri Dec-04-15 10:32 AM

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126. "Oh i know. I think the proximity just had me a little shook"
In response to Reply # 123



I'm good now. I think the combination of a little time, releasing this feeling into the ether, and seeing some of that same reaction from others helped me over the bill with the quickness


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Fri Dec-04-15 10:50 PM

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147. "that's good, in the end it was only messing with you, not them anyway"
In response to Reply # 126



And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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Member since Apr 11th 2008
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Sat Dec-05-15 03:14 AM

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150. "You seem like a good guy truth."
In response to Reply # 126
Sat Dec-05-15 03:17 AM by denny


And you always have an interesting opinion to offer up.

I think it took some bravery to come clean about this....and the difference between you and an islamaphobic asshole would be that the latter doesn't attempt to analyze or deconstruct his gut reaction. So I think it's commendable to cop to having these feelings....and also to have enough sense to question them.

How many muslims do you interact with? Is it somewhat uncommon to see women in a niqab or burka where you live? Like others have said....exposure is key. When I take my family up to northern ontario we get alot of double-takes and weird vibes. People up there probably only see black people in movies and rap videos for the most part.

Not sure if this suggestion sounds too corny....but it might be a worthwhile exercise to kinda force yourself to engage with a muslim if this same reaction happened again. Talk to them about the weather. Make small talk. This type of irrational fear is based on dehumanizing. By engaging in small force yourself to humanize them. It might work to force yourself into seeing them as individuals again instead of representatives or symbols. Cause really that's what it is right? That person became a symbol to you rather than a particular, specific person with their own set of interweaving characteristics and personality traits....of which religion is only one.


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Cold Truth
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Mon Dec-07-15 01:05 AM

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159. "Thanks. I appreciate the first three points a great deal. "
In response to Reply # 150



>And you always have an interesting opinion to offer up.
>I think it took some bravery to come clean about this....and
>the difference between you and an islamaphobic asshole would
>be that the latter doesn't attempt to analyze or deconstruct
>his gut reaction. So I think it's commendable to cop to
>having these feelings....and also to have enough sense to
>question them.

Yeah that last one is the one that I think represents the great divide in these issues.

>How many muslims do you interact with? Is it somewhat
>uncommon to see women in a niqab or burka where you live?

Nah. It's not, like, constant or anything but I see it often enough. I even have- wait for it, groan, I know, lol- a friend. A former coworker in fact who converted and started showing up to work in her burka. I see it often enough. It just never occurred to me to think twice when I saw it until Wednesday.

>Not sure if this suggestion sounds too corny....but it might
>be a worthwhile exercise to kinda force yourself to engage
>with a muslim if this same reaction happened again.

I think if this persists- and I don't think it will, but I digress- I plan on further educating myself to mainstream Muslim culture in America. I don't know enough about the differences between the major sects, for example, to understand the broader values of Muslims in America.

Talk to
>them about the weather. Make small talk. This type of
>irrational fear is based on dehumanizing. By engaging in
>small force yourself to humanize them. It might
>work to force yourself into seeing them as individuals again
>instead of representatives or symbols. Cause really that's
>what it is right? That person became a symbol to you rather
>than a particular, specific person with their own set of
>interweaving characteristics and personality traits....of
>which religion is only one.

Well, I can compare it to my issue with Cholos. I've lost count of the number of times I've been attacked. Jumped. Not Mexicans. Cholos. Gangsters. I can spot the difference. Feel it, even. I know the real deal from a punk kid. Generally speaking, I've never had an issue with anyone who was about shit. These cats saved their balls for enemies. Other gangsters. They don't fuck with you unless you disrespect them and if you fuck up and disrespect in some trivial way, these dudes will call you out on your fuck up. You man up, own your offense, and apologize and you're good.

A perfect example is a dude named Butter I came across when I was a teenager. Older dude, early twenties maybe. I knew who he was but never directly interacted with him. Anyhow I bought the wrong drink at a liquor store and the asshole wouldn't let me exchange it. I was mad and threw it into the trash can, except I overshot it and it landed by his foot. He hit me with "Ay homie, you trying to get fucked up today? You almost hit me and that would have fucked up my shoes if it would have opened." I apologized but he was still kind of heated. I said look, I said sorry, I bought the wrong drink and dude wouldn't let me do an exchange. He understood why I threw it like I did and asked what I was trying to get and I told him and he actually bought me a new drink. He busted my balls since it was a cherry Coke but h recognized me from then on and every time he's seen me since he's called me Cherry.

Punk kids trying to prove how down they were? Those were a dime a dozen and I'd wind up getting jumped for everything from an obvious b-boy style piece on my backpack to having a black eye and a broken hand which somehow meant I wanted to fight all people at all times.

Anyhow, I see these people and judge them differently based on little things i pick up on that tell me where they fall into that hierarchy. I legitimately fear the younger punks and dudes that go out of their way to mad dog, especially now having a family, because I've been targeted by these fools before and know how long that shit can drag on. They really don't give a fuck whereas the more standup guys actually abide by a code.

Without all that interaction, negative and positive, I may never have learned to spot the subtleties that made one sect different from the other.


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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Fri Dec-04-15 11:31 AM

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130. "Seeing the pics of the victims today in the NY Times got me fucked up"
In response to Reply # 0



Totally brought out a kind of anger / sadness out. I can understand with your proximity to this whole tragedy your reaction would be exponentially stronger.


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Member since Jun 17th 2008
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Fri Dec-04-15 01:35 PM

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136. "I appreciate the honesty and self examination."
In response to Reply # 0


Keep in mind, the clothes someone wears has absolutely no bearing on how they practice their religion and is only an indicator of what clothes they chose to wear.

I know Muslims that wear hijab, or have long beards and wear kufi and regularly drink and go to clubs/strip clubs, etc. Lots of people wear no traditional clothing and are the most pious and knowledgeable people out there.

It's hard, as a Muslim, to have some dickheads putting these images in folks minds. Especially here, in the US. It's one thing when it's "over there", but when people start thinking - oh what about my neighbors? Do I need to be afraid of them?

The reality, is that you have a higher risk of dying in a car accident on your way to/from work. Yet, people continue living their lives and be as safe as they can be.

That's about all you can do. Live your life and be safe.

You can never stop an individual from killing, if they aren't advertising it online, ahead of time. Regardless of their beliefs or race.

How do you stop kids from fighting at school? You can't.
How do you stop corner store stick-ups? You can't.

People are going to keep being people.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Dec-04-15 03:30 PM

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139. "Ok... so why is the news refusing to show her picture???"
In response to Reply # 0




"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Atillah Moor
Member since Sep 05th 2013
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Fri Dec-04-15 04:20 PM

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142. "if she's part of a cell or whatever then counter intelligence maybe?"
In response to Reply # 139



There could be a chance she's working with others who may only know her perhaps by a code name or if this isn't an attack they were ordered to carry out then you don't want those they were in contact with to be aware that you have a link to them.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Fri Dec-04-15 08:28 PM

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146. "the photo i saw is a touch different (link)"
In response to Reply # 139





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Sat Dec-05-15 05:03 PM

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152. "she wore a burqa, not even her husband's brothers were allowed"
In response to Reply # 139


to see her...


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Cold Truth
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Tue Dec-08-15 01:25 PM

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169. "So what. Not our problem. Fuck her and her rituals. "
In response to Reply # 152



You murder 14 people you forfeit all respect for your chosen personal practices.


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Ashy Achilles
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Sun Dec-06-15 11:14 PM

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156. "reportedly that's his brother"
In response to Reply # 139



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Fri Dec-04-15 03:49 PM

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141. ""
In response to Reply # 0



Substitute candles for your thoughts and the drank for the news and that's u. Hhahaha.


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Fri Dec-04-15 07:39 PM

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144. "Sounds like me and police."
In response to Reply # 0



One Hundred.


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Fri Dec-04-15 08:07 PM

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145. "well thats just sound policy in todays world."
In response to Reply # 144



open weapons and people who may or may not be emotionally equipped to handle that?

Those people arent even really acting like dicks and they still end up killing people.

Plus obviously the ones that do act like dicks



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Cold Truth
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Mon Dec-07-15 12:10 AM

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158. "Same here, except I'm far more comfortable mistrusting police"
In response to Reply # 144



There's far more empirical evidence for that.


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Sun Dec-06-15 04:06 PM

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154. " Wack copies but excellent episode on muslims in the US"
In response to Reply # 0
Sun Dec-06-15 04:09 PM by rawsouthpaw



specifically in Dearborn, MI, where a Christian lives with a Muslim couple. I played the dvd to my south LA students after the Paris attacks, and with the San Bernardino attacks they are watching the discrimination play out with critical eyes.


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Sun Dec-06-15 10:42 PM

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155. "I'm not a psychologist, but from the subject matter of your post,.."
In response to Reply # 0



you may be experiencing distress because of obsessive thoughts.

Like SimplyHannah said, at least you are aware of your biases creeping into your conscious thoughts which cause you distress. That awareness definitely makes you more conscious of the harmful consequences that acting on those fears would cause to innocent people.

As strong as many of us who post here are, we're not wholly immune to a culture that is full of conscious and latent expressions of distrust and in some cases overt anger towards Arabs and Muslims and other minority groups. It's easy to become psychologically riddled by ignorance and simply isn't your fault that these biases are overwhelming you or isn't who you are.

I wouldn't be tough on yourself, because 1.) It won't get at the root of your issue and 2.) you are simply human.

That being said, I would recommend either talking to a counselor (religious or otherwise) and asking him or her about cognitive behavioral therapy. The therapist could offer techniques to 'stop' your mind from reacting in a way to these situations in a way that is keeping with your character and alleviates the stress to yourself.

Not to steer the post towards myself, but I've suffered from thoughts and subtle, subconscious reactions that you described for a number of years and talking with a counselor really helped with those feelings.

My issues dealt with a generalized fear that I had of a group of people that was based upon a number of bad experiences. But over time, I was able to admit and express my anxieties to others, including a counselor, and that decreased the anxiety significantly.

The fears were real, but after I was able to maintain better boundaries and felt comfortable expressing anxieties to people of that group, my sense of calm became more natural and stable.

If you want to check out CBT on your own, I would recommend 'Feeling Good' by David Burns. Or there's another book called 'Feeding Your Demons' that's effective as well.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Mon Dec-07-15 12:05 AM

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157. "This is a very thoughtful response. "
In response to Reply # 155



I'm not sure where you're coming from on the obsessive thoughts portion so I'd like you to expound on that part a bit.

Also, I'm pretty much over this issue and don't feel or anticipate any lingering issues going forward.

I think CBT may work for my general inability to let things go though, since I treat petty missives the same way I do more severe personal attacks.


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Member since Jan 29th 2003
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Tue Dec-08-15 06:28 PM

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170. "My obsessive thoughts tended to involve racial or sexual labels"
In response to Reply # 157



For instance, if I was walking around the city and I saw a person who appeared gay or simply was a well-cultured man, a voice in my head would start dropping the f-bomb.

Or if I were walking around a man who was Latino I would think of a slur in my head.

No matter what the label, it was like there was a disconnect in my mind where the voice would talk without any sense of the harm the effects of my disrespect, if I ever spooke with the person, might cause. So I would immediately tense up and if the encounter happened where I did have to talk, like a check out line or on a bus, I would have a mild panic attack.

I tried mindfulness training and breathing techniques and they worked on and off, I simply couldn't train my brain to stop saying them. But seeing a therapist and voicing the terms involved helped for whatever reason. I guess it was like spitting up phlegm in the toilet. I had to get the sickness out.

Also, writing in a journal about the base cause, which in my case is a fear blown out to irrationality that the other person might harm me. After my anxiety lessened and I felt I could be vulnerable if I felt anxious by saying, 'Hey. I'm suffering from an anxiety attack. Do you mind if we cut our conversation short.'

In the end, I needed to know that I could appeal to the different groups as people and not view them with the same fear of what is unknown that much of the country views gays or Latino(a)s or in this case Muslims.

My brain tends to soak up social cues, even the bad ones, so that's likely where the negative misunderstandings of people with different labels than the ones I identify with.

It sounds like your mind ruminates when someone wrongs you. It basically means that your mind 'overthinks' and ends up rubbing the wound deeper into your psyche. The book 'Feeling Good' offers some CBT that would help with that, IIRC.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Tue Dec-08-15 06:34 PM

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171. "Damn. That last line was pinloint accurate. "
In response to Reply # 170



>It sounds like your mind ruminates when someone wrongs you. It
>basically means that your mind 'overthinks' and ends up
>rubbing the wound deeper into your psyche. The book 'Feeling
>Good' offers some CBT that would help with that, IIRC.

Oh yeah. That's me down to a t. Generally it's at its worse after repeated offenses. I was extremely forgiving until, say, 20. Now it's an increasingly short leash before I write someone off.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Mon Dec-07-15 06:53 PM

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160. "So another victim died. Turns out she's the sister of the"
In response to Reply # 0



Regional Secretary in my office. Her name was Yvette Velasco and she was our secretary's youngest sibling.

I feel disgusted and angry all over again. Not at Muslims or Islam, but at the shooters.


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Tue Dec-08-15 09:16 AM

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162. "This hurts me bro"
In response to Reply # 0



I know you are only being honest but there are ALL KINDS of Muslims in the world and we are peaceful, Allah loving people. There is no reason to fear us, regardless how we are dressed. America is doing this to us, not our religion. Please, see past the smoke screen and understand that Muslims are not terrorists... terrorists are.

Enter the Written World of Fahim Malik Nassar

The House of Caine (available)

Melancholoy Funk (available)

Tha Anthology (Words 2001-2003) Poetry inspired by OKP and Wash, DC

The Spook who sat by the Radio Poetry (av


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Tue Dec-08-15 12:16 PM

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165. "I hear you. I feel terrible if this post hurts you or anyone else."
In response to Reply # 162



For the record, I was good after a couple of days and stated that I was over this issue in a couple of posts. That doesn’t change the shock of the OP, but it is what it is. It was an irrational, emotionally charged feeling with no real foundation beyond an additional burst of anger and frustration stemming from my proximity to the situation. That's not an excuse. It's just what was.

I have a close friend- matron of honor at my wedding, actually- who is on call for the next 6 months as a counselor to the families and survivors. I’ll be spending the next three days of work assigned to an outreach for the families and survivors. These were my coworkers as public service employees for SB county and one of those who died is the sister of a coworker in my office. A lot of us have been threatened over the years and suddenly those threats are taken far more seriously than ever before and frankly I pity the next guy to wig out and tell us he’s gonna get us or something because the cops will be called and they’ll probably throw the book at him.

So that proximity, anger, frustration, fear, etc left me a little tense in the presence of two muslims and people with middle eastern “features”, I guess is the best description. That doesn’t excuse my irrational anger or fear and the fact that said anger and fear was fleeting doesn’t make it acceptable. For me this post wasn’t just about being honest and venting, but releasing it. If I posted this on facebook I’d get a few level headed folks that would point out how ridiculous it was to react that way but I’d also get a barrage of YEAH! MURICA! KILL THOSE GOAT FUCKERS. Hell I see those as it is.

I posted this here because I know there are Muslims here, though with few exceptions I wasn’t sure who was who exactly. I posted this here because I was open to being called out on the irrationality of it all. I posted this here because sense and reason was far more likely to carry the day. I also posted this here for accountability purposes, which wouldn’t come in other places due to the swarm of cosigns it would generate.

I did fear an immediate and fierce backlash, however I was fortunate to articulate myself in a way that the vast majority of people understood the heart of my dilemma, which was that this isn’t a thought or feeling that I am accustomed to, didn’t like, didn’t think would continue, yet really needed to grapple with.

Perhaps these are empty platitudes but I am grieved to know that this hurt you- or anyone else, for that matter- because I know that this was likely just another in a long line of bitter, angry, irrational emotions you must see more and more frequently. It’s not good, it’s not acceptable, and it’s not to be tolerated. I can control how I react to my emotions but I can’t really control that initial emotional reaction. I can’t take back what I felt though perhaps it would have been better to grapple with this on my own time in my own thoughts.

Again, I’m truly sorry.


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Wed Dec-09-15 09:39 AM

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174. "we have spoken off line, we good! "
In response to Reply # 165



Enter the Written World of Fahim Malik Nassar

The House of Caine (available)

Melancholoy Funk (available)

Tha Anthology (Words 2001-2003) Poetry inspired by OKP and Wash, DC

The Spook who sat by the Radio Poetry (av


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Tue Dec-08-15 09:18 AM

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163. "still waiting on my GATDAMN time machine."
In response to Reply # 0



this shit has really broken ALL deliverable dates.

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?


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Member since Oct 26th 2005
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Tue Dec-08-15 09:25 AM

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164. "This post is the worst"
In response to Reply # 0




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Member since May 24th 2007
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Tue Dec-08-15 01:02 PM

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In response to Reply # 0




First the shooters were reported to be 3 large white males in tactical gear.

Now, we are supposed to forget that shit, and believe that two brown folks who practice radical islam did the shit.

Truth: They didn't want the country to be worried about "homegrown terrorist". Especially since they had caucasian features. So what they did was put two brown folks as scapegoats, kill them, and put the blame on them. Captured the real shooters and put them in a psych ward, that way Radical Islam is the enemy and not Pete H. Whitely and Sons.

The only reason the President is going along with this is because a) it makes more of a case for his campaign against ISIL, b) I think they are keeping him out of the loop as to what really happened, c) because there has been radicals on US soil so its believable, especially after the paris bombing.

Stay Woke People!

P.S. I'm not really into conspiracy theories, but I saw this one play out on tv and the net myself. I just can't go with the bait and switch. Something is wrong with this situation.

"We don't make mistakes, we just have happy little accidents" - Bob Ross

"I'm wearing a MSU Tshirt because I went to MSU, you are wearing a UM Tshirt because you went to Walmart!" -unknown.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Tue Dec-08-15 01:21 PM

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In response to Reply # 167
Tue Dec-08-15 01:25 PM by Cold Truth



>First the shooters were reported to be 3 large white males in
>tactical gear.

No. ONE person said that. She also said they were tall and athletic. She was also looking down from the second story.

>Now, we are supposed to forget that shit, and believe that two
>brown folks who practice radical islam did the shit.

Interested fact: that same woman reported they were wearing the same tactical gear that these two were actually wearing, and they were driving the same SUV EVERYONE AND THEIR MOMMA SAID THEY LEFT IN.


Yeah, they just happened to be rolling along in tactical gear in the same SUV with assault weapons, probably out for an afternoon tea and some Baskin Robbins and big bad whitey showed up to murk them. Or big bad whitey put them in all that gear and SUV and forced them to drive? I dunno.

>Truth: They didn't want the country to be worried about
>"homegrown terrorist". Especially since they had caucasian
>features. So what they did was put two brown folks as
>scapegoats, kill them, and put the blame on them. Captured
>the real shooters and put them in a psych ward, that way
>Radical Islam is the enemy and not Pete H. Whitely and Sons.

Wait.. so that IS your theory? Wow. Holy shit.

>The only reason the President is going along with this is
>because a) it makes more of a case for his campaign against
>ISIL, b) I think they are keeping him out of the loop as to
>what really happened, c) because there has been radicals on
>US soil so its believable, especially after the paris bombing.
>Stay Woke People!
Take off the tin foil, people.

>P.S. I'm not really into conspiracy theories, but I saw this
>one play out on tv and the net myself. I just can't go with
>the bait and switch. Something is wrong with this situation.

Not “into” them but jump right on one with no actual legs that’s dependent entirely upon the word of one witness and a shit ton of imagination.


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Tue Dec-08-15 06:45 PM

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173. "oh jesus fucking christ"
In response to Reply # 167




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Wed Dec-09-15 09:41 AM

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175. "Alot of people desperately wanted to believe this was Colorado"
In response to Reply # 167



Planned Parenthood Part 2. But then it started to become clear after the 2nd or 3rd day that it wasn't.


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Wed Dec-09-15 11:52 AM

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177. "TO WHOM? "
In response to Reply # 175




Enter the Written World of Fahim Malik Nassar

The House of Caine (available)

Melancholoy Funk (available)

Tha Anthology (Words 2001-2003) Poetry inspired by OKP and Wash, DC

The Spook who sat by the Radio Poetry (av


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed Dec-09-15 12:59 PM

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178. "Oh I think there are distinct camps here. "
In response to Reply # 177
Wed Dec-09-15 01:00 PM by Cold Truth



Group A wanted another crazy white dude. I think a lot of people just expected this because, well, the profile fit the basic nature of the crime.

Group B wanted anyone but and Islamic radicals fit the bill pretty well.


Well the two that were shot were shot and identified on the same day. The gear and the SUV are the same as what was reported by eye witnesses. The initial identification of “white males” by a couple of people is….. Interesting. I did come across a second witness who reported white males.

but I imagine with all the gear they were wearing


Oh this is an absolute wash IMO, at least depending on what we’re discussing. Eye witnesses are notoriously unreliable and a 50-50 bet to get accurate information. Her skin seemed particularly light and I assume she had some sort of covering for her face (don’t know this detail) but even if she didn’t, and I don’t say this to be disrespectful, but her face isn’t particularly feminine and could easily be mistaken for a guy at a glance, especially in the midst of such chaos. She’s not terribly dark either.

He’s darker but not so dark that it’s not unreasonable to mistake him for a tanned white guy in a situation like this unless you get a good, long look at him.

Also, the time of the shooting and the time of the shootout with the cops was what, five hours? Six?

This would basically have had to be planned well in advance. I listened to the police scanners during that entire portion in real time and heard multiple reports of the SUV while they searched for it as well as a mention of the home in Redlands. The setup for something like this seems like it would have had to be meticulous to ridiculous levels in order to have three white dudes do the initial shooting and swap out these two as patsies.

There was a third witness who was a coworker who also says it wasn’t Sayd, however the verbal statement I saw of this was more of “I couldn’t believe it, I told them, he’s so quiet”. Not “I saw all three shooters and none of them were Sayd”. There was a written report of what he said that said he saw “one of the shooters spraying bullets”.

Most of this stuff is showing up on websites that traffic in counterculture news such as Info Wars and numerous other third rate hack sites and the most rational agenda to follow IMO is web clicks for those sites because everyone and their mama is posting links to these places on Facebook.

The part that bothers me is that a third shooter seemed pretty definitive, even in the police scanner that I listened to. I think there are reasonable mistakes that can be made in terms of identifying the appearance of the shooters and think those accounts either have holes (one woman said they were all tall and athletic, but she was looking down from the second story which makes her description of “tall” suspect at best.) or are being somewhat misreported, as in the third witness I spoke of.

But a third shooter seems like a pretty hard detail to screw up and that’s the one element that isn’t passing the smell test. Not running into any conspiracies with that part just yet but that’s a glaring change that I don’t have any reasonable explanation for and I haven’t seen one.


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