>What makes you think I am >not "urban"? Because I >don't say "That's my jawn!!!" >or "ish" every 5 seconds? > You are a little >too self-righteous for my taste. > You put down people >that haven't been here as >long as you. Why? > I would never reveal >anything personal about myself on >the internet anyway. > I have never revealed >my race or where I >live or any of that, >so your assumptions are irrelevant. > What do you mean >by urban? The ghetto? > If that's what you >are talking about than I >am glad I don't know >about that, nor would I >ever want to. You >are not making sense to >me. I am trying >to teach you that in >many of these posts there >is alot of underlying racism >and its just wrong. >Its bad enough that everyday >life is filled with racism, >we don't have to put >it on a message board >where the communication is less >direct and easily misunderstood. >Why would someone start a >post about white people in >hip hop unless they were >looking to start something? >Its all because people have >nothing better to do with >their time than to think >up absurd ideas and then >post them. It doesn't >make sense. Okayactivist is not >a good name for this >forum. No one is >being active at all, they >are just making bigger problems. > They are sitting on >their asses and typing. >Sure I am doing the >same thing as everyone, but >I don't pretend to be >Martin Luther King and preach >to people online like you >do. You are going >to be my teacher? I >think I'll drop that class. >