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Sun Dec-14-03 04:10 AM

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"Saddam captured."


Saddam Hussein Captured Alive Near Tikrit
29 minutes ago

By HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - American forces captured a bearded Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) as he hid in a dirt hole under a farmhouse near his hometown of Tikrit, ending one of the most intensive manhunts in history. The arrest, eight months after the fall of Baghdad, was carried out without a shot fired and was a huge victory for U.S. forces.

AP Photo

Slideshow: Iraq

Saddam Hussein Captured Alive
(AP Video)

Latest news:
· Blair: Saddam's Capture a Triumph for Muslims
Reuters - 10 minutes ago
· Arabs Have Mixed Emotions About Saddam Capture
Reuters - 10 minutes ago
· World Leaders Welcome Hussein's Capture
AP - 13 minutes ago
Special Coverage

"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him," U.S. administrator L. Paul Bremer told a news conference Sunday. "The tyrant is a prisoner."

Saddam was captured Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in a specially prepared "spider hole" in a house in Adwar, a town 10 miles from Tikrit, said Lt Col. Ricardo Sanchez, the top U.S. military commander in Iraq (news - web sites). The hole was six to eight feet deep, with enough space to lie down, camouflaged with bricks and dirt and supplied with an air vent to allow long periods inside.

A U.S. defense official said Saddam admitted his identity when captured.

Sanchez, who saw Saddam overnight, said the deposed leader "has been cooperative and is talkative." He described Saddam as "a tired man, a man resigned to his fate."

In the capital, radio stations played celebratory music, residents fired small arms in the air in celebration and passengers on buses and trucks shouted, "They got Saddam! They got Saddam!"

Eager to give Iraqis evidence that the elusive former dictator had indeed been captured, Sanchez played a video at the news conference showing the 66-year-old Saddam in custody. Saddam, with a thick, graying beard and bushy, disheveled hair, was seen as doctor examined him, holding his mouth open with a tongue depressor, apparently to get a DNA sample. Saddam touched his beard during the exam. Then the video showed a picture of Saddam after he was shaved, juxtaposed for comparison with an old photo of the Iraqi leader while in power.

Iraqi journalists in the audience stood, pointed and shouted "Death to Saddam!" and "Down with Saddam!"

Though the raid occurred Saturday afternoon American time, U.S. officials went to great length to keep it quiet until medical tests and DNA testing confirmed Saddam's identity.

Washington hopes Saddam's capture will help break the organized Iraq resistance that has killed more than 190 American soldiers since President Bush (news - web sites) declared major combat over on May 1 and has set back efforts at reconstruction. U.S. commanders have said that while in hiding Saddam played some role in the guerrilla campaign blamed on his followers.

In the latest attack, a suspected suicide bomber detonated explosives in a car outside a police station Sunday morning west of Baghdad, killing at least 17 people and wounding 33 more, the U.S. military said.

Saddam was being held at an undisclosed location, and U.S. authorities have not yet determined whether to hand him over to the Iraqis for trial, Sanchez said. Iraqi officials want him to stand trial before a war crimes tribunal created last week.

"This success brings closure to the Iraqi people," Sanchez said.

"Saddam Hussein will never return to a position of power from which he can punish, terrorize, intimidate and exploit the Iraqi people as the did for more than 35 years."

Ahmad Chalabi, a member of Iraq's Governing Council, said Sunday that Saddam will be put on trial.

"Saddam will stand a public trial so that the Iraqi people will know his crimes," said Chalabi told Al-Iraqiya, a Pentagon (news - web sites)-funded TV station.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites) hailed the capture, saying the deposed leader "has gone from power, he won't be coming back."

"Where his rule meant terror and division and brutality, let his capture bring about unity, reconciliation and peace between all the people of Iraq," Blair said in brief comments at his 10 Downing St. office.

In Tikrit, U.S. soldiers lit up cigars after hearing the news of Saddam's capture.

Some 600 troops from the 4th Infantry Division along with Special Forces captured Saddam, the U.S. military said. There were no shots fired or injuries in the raid, called "Operation Red Dawn," Sanchez said.

Two men "affiliated with Saddam Hussein" were detained with him, and soldiers confiscated two Kalashnikov rifles, a pistol, a taxi and $750,000 in $100 bills, Sanchez said. The two men were "fairly insignificant" regime figures, a U.S. defense official said.

Celebratory gunfire erupted in the capital, and shop owners closed their doors, fearful that the shooting would make the streets unsafe.

"I'm very happy for the Iraqi people. Life is going to be safer now," said 35-year-old Yehya Hassan, a resident of Baghdad. "Now we can start a new beginning."

Earlier in the day, rumors of the capture sent people streaming into the streets of Kirkuk, a northern Iraqi city, firing guns in the air in celebration.

"We are celebrating like it's a wedding," said Kirkuk resident Mustapha Sheriff. "We are finally rid of that criminal."

"This is the joy of a lifetime," said Ali Al-Bashiri, another resident. "I am speaking on behalf of all the people that suffered under his rule."

Despite the celebration throughout Baghdad, many residents were skeptical.

"I heard the news, but I'll believe it when I see it," said Mohaned al-Hasaji, 33. "They need to show us that they really have him."

Ayet Bassem, 24, walked out of a shop with her 6-year-old son.

"Things will be better for my son," she said. "Everyone says everything will be better when Saddam is caught. My son now has a future."

After invading Iraq on March 20 and setting up their headquarters in Saddam's sprawling Republican Palace compound in Baghdad, U.S. troops launched a massive manhunt for the fugitive (news - Y! TV) leader, placing a $25 million bounty on his head and sending thousands of soldiers to search for him.

Saddam was one of the most-wanted fugitives in the world, along with Osama bin Laden (news - web sites), the leader of the al-Qaida terrorist network who hasn't been caught despite a manhunt since November 2001, when the Taliban regime was overthrown in Afghanistan (news - web sites).

Saddam proved elusive during the war, when at least two dramatic military strikes came up empty in their efforts to assassinate him. Since then, he has appeared in both video and audio tapes. U.S. officials named him No. 1 on their list of 55 most-wanted Iraqis, the lead card in a special deck of most-wanted cards.

Saddam's sons Qusai and Odai — each with a $15 million bounty on their heads — were killed July 22 in a four-hour gunbattle with U.S. troops in a hideout in the northern city of Mosul. The bounties were paid out to the man who owned the house where they were killed, residents said.

Adnan Pachachi, member of Iraq's U.S.-appointed Governing Council, said Saddam's capture will bring stability to Iraq.

"The state of fear, intelligence and oppression is gone forever," Pachachi said. "The Iraqi people are very happy and we look forward to a future of national reconciliation between Iraqis in order to build the new and free Iraq, an Iraq of equality."


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
They're saying this is a victory for Bush...I disagree
Dec 14th 2003
RE: They're saying this is a victory for Bush...I disag
Dec 14th 2003
I disagree with you
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
      Co Fucking Sign
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Why this doesn't matter...from page 1 of Activist:
Dec 14th 2003
RE: Saddam captured.
Dec 14th 2003
RE: Saddam captured.
Dec 14th 2003
RE: Saddam captured.
Dec 14th 2003
      He works plumbing and heating
Dec 14th 2003
Tariq Ali said it best
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
I thought he was dead already, honestly.
Dec 14th 2003
Well let's read what the ARABS have to say about the ca
Dec 14th 2003
RE: Tariq Ali said it best
Dec 14th 2003
      Well that's simple...
Dec 14th 2003
           RE: Well that's simple...
Dec 14th 2003
RE: Saddam captured.
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Who the hell iz you??!
Dec 14th 2003
of course you wont
Dec 14th 2003
      RE: of course you wont
Dec 14th 2003
      Don't retort, Pinko...
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
      You're sucha cute kid foxxy
Dec 14th 2003
      you are a rediculous liberal
Dec 14th 2003
           What's sad and yet funny is that you're
Dec 14th 2003
           RE: What's sad and yet funny is that you're
Dec 14th 2003
                I give up
Dec 14th 2003
                RE: What's sad and yet funny is that you're
Dec 14th 2003
           wow, you just sound more and more....
Dec 14th 2003
           RE: you are a rediculous liberal
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Sad how most people in this country
Dec 14th 2003
It's just immaturity/lack of sophistication
Dec 14th 2003
You poor Godamned retard...
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
I'm telling you - Fox can't be more than 16
Dec 14th 2003
      It's sad how many continue to
Dec 14th 2003
           When Bush gets a monument
Dec 14th 2003
                First we do lunch at
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
maybe in your own little world
Dec 14th 2003
      You kidding me?!
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
                RE: ROFL!!
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 15th 2003
your moniker
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 15th 2003
           that was an insult.
Dec 18th 2003
Good news....with reservations
Dec 14th 2003
RE: Good news....with reservations
Dec 14th 2003
      RE: Good news....with reservations
Dec 14th 2003
           RE: Good news....with reservations
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
They couldn't find a poor redneck for months...
Dec 14th 2003
oh yeah
Dec 14th 2003
they already had him awile back
Dec 14th 2003
      Why bring him out now?
Dec 14th 2003
      a political victory
Dec 14th 2003
      RE: they already had him awile back
Dec 14th 2003
Things I don't understand...
Dec 14th 2003
i dont understand u
Dec 14th 2003
Depends on who nukes who first...
Dec 14th 2003
RE: Things I don't understand...
Dec 14th 2003
It begins......
Dec 14th 2003
But where's Osama?
Dec 14th 2003
RE: But where's Osama?
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
      Didn't you know?
Dec 14th 2003
           who cares what other nations think...
Dec 15th 2003
                and you wonder why the world hates us..
Dec 19th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Dec 14th 2003
Co-sign on the above sentiments
Dec 14th 2003
RE: Saddam captured.
Dec 14th 2003
Don't Forget-Saddam Is A Dictator
Dec 14th 2003
The Fall of Saddam PT II
Dec 14th 2003
Yeah Right!
Dec 14th 2003
Manuel Noriega = cellmate?
Dec 14th 2003
so what?
Dec 14th 2003
America breathes a collective sigh of relief....
Dec 14th 2003
not surprised by the capture
Dec 14th 2003
wow, i feel so much safer now!
Dec 15th 2003
I think I'll visit Baghdad...
Dec 19th 2003
43% of Americans before Saddam was captured
Dec 19th 2003

Charter member
18463 posts
Sun Dec-14-03 04:26 AM

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1. "They're saying this is a victory for Bush...I disagree"
In response to Reply # 0



Already reporters are talking about the political ramifications of Saddam's capture to the Bush administration. Saying that this is a blow to the Democrats, as they have been using an elusive Saddam to attack Pres. Bush for the past 8 months. Well, considering that this was an illegal war, I don't see how this capture weighs in the favor of Bush. Had Osama Bin Laden been captured, that would be another story. Of course there are those who will say that Saddam was a tyrant, and his capture is a victory for the US, the Bush Administration and the Iraqi people. But what does his capture really mean? For the past 8 months Saddam has been out of commission as a leader, and still the Iraqi people have no peace or clear political system. Hell, they're not even in control of their #1 resource, oil. Everyday the death toll for US soldiers rises in Iraq. The attacks on US troops that were attributed to Saddam, to his financing, appear to be sourced from someone else. So Saddam is captured. He'll be brought before trial, maybe in Iraq, maybe before an international tribunal. He'll be found guilty of numerous crimes. Maybe he'll be put to death.

And that leaves us where? Maybe with lower gas prices. That's always a good reason to start an illegal war.

down on the upside


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Charter member
6902 posts
Sun Dec-14-03 04:33 AM

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2. "RE: They're saying this is a victory for Bush...I disag"
In response to Reply # 1



>Already reporters are talking about the political
>ramifications of Saddam's capture to the Bush
>administration. Saying that this is a blow to the
>Democrats, as they have been using an elusive Saddam to
>attack Pres. Bush for the past 8 months. Well, considering
>that this was an illegal war, I don't see how this capture
>weighs in the favor of Bush. Had Osama Bin Laden been
>captured, that would be another story. Of course there are
>those who will say that Saddam was a tyrant, and his capture
>is a victory for the US, the Bush Administration and the
>Iraqi people. But what does his capture really mean? For
>the past 8 months Saddam has been out of commission as a
>leader, and still the Iraqi people have no peace or clear
>political system. Hell, they're not even in control of
>their #1 resource, oil. Everyday the death toll for US
>soldiers rises in Iraq. The attacks on US troops that were
>attributed to Saddam, to his financing, appear to be sourced
>from someone else. So Saddam is captured. He'll be brought
>before trial, maybe in Iraq, maybe before an international
>tribunal. He'll be found guilty of numerous crimes. Maybe
>he'll be put to death.
>And that leaves us where? Maybe with lower gas prices.
>That's always a good reason to start an illegal war.

co muh-fukkin sign

T-U-L-L-Y........keeps your milk from gettin' lonely


Fuck aliens




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Member since May 23rd 2003
14441 posts
Sun Dec-14-03 08:12 AM

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32. "I disagree with you"
In response to Reply # 1
Sun Dec-14-03 08:25 AM



>Already reporters are talking about the political
>ramifications of Saddam's capture to the Bush
>administration. Saying that this is a blow to the
>Democrats, as they have been using an elusive Saddam to
>attack Pres. Bush for the past 8 months. Well, considering
>that this was an illegal war, I don't see how this capture
>weighs in the favor of Bush. Had Osama Bin Laden been
>captured, that would be another story. Of course there are
>those who will say that Saddam was a tyrant, and his capture
>is a victory for the US, the Bush Administration and the
>Iraqi people. But what does his capture really mean? For
>the past 8 months Saddam has been out of commission as a
>leader, and still the Iraqi people have no peace or clear
>political system. Hell, they're not even in control of
>their #1 resource, oil. Everyday the death toll for US
>soldiers rises in Iraq. The attacks on US troops that were
>attributed to Saddam, to his financing, appear to be sourced
>from someone else. So Saddam is captured. He'll be brought
>before trial, maybe in Iraq, maybe before an international
>tribunal. He'll be found guilty of numerous crimes. Maybe
>he'll be put to death.
>And that leaves us where? Maybe with lower gas prices.
>That's always a good reason to start an illegal war.

Although I believe your statements are correct. I disagree that is will not be a political victory for Bush. I believe the majority of the american voting public have the critical thinking skills of a 3 month old. So although you make very valid points, we are talking about people who think with emotions and not logic.


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Charter member
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Sun Dec-14-03 11:00 AM

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76. "absolutely"
In response to Reply # 32



he'll be screwing us for another four years come 2004 :|

down on the upside


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Member since Oct 07th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 12:59 PM

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80. "Co Fucking Sign"
In response to Reply # 76


On Point


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Charter member
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Sun Dec-14-03 01:14 PM

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81. "delete"
In response to Reply # 1
Sun Dec-14-03 02:06 PM



NELLY: I'm Humble In Life Taking Nothing For Granted


THE BROKER: John Grisham


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Charter member
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Sun Dec-14-03 04:50 AM

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3. "Why this doesn't matter...from page 1 of Activist:"
In response to Reply # 0



The guerrillas can't stop, won't stop...

"Alphas are that good high...stick witcha, you can't shake that heroin. You'll always be addicted."
--OKP novembersgift


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Member since Dec 07th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 05:40 AM

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4. "RE: Saddam captured."
In response to Reply # 0





Bush Crime Family bagman, James Baker III, aided by CBS Network operatives, heavily bribed Saddam Hussein's guards to make the Iraqi strongman available to be arrested by secret U.S. unit aided by Kurdish troops. A CBS Network reporter accidentally let it slip in a live broadcast. Expect fallout in Saddam's properties including Daimler Chrysler, Fairchild Missiles, Hachett (American magazine publisher), Matra, (the French firm operating a key portion of the O'Hare Airport in Chicago).

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Charter member
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Sun Dec-14-03 05:43 AM

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5. "RE: Saddam captured."
In response to Reply # 0



Who gives a fuck?!



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Member since Dec 07th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 09:12 AM

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58. "RE: Saddam captured."
In response to Reply # 5



what did osama do?

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Marcus3x's leading candidates for 2004 Idiot of the Year

1. Pat Tillman - former nfl player leaves family and a multi-million dollar contract to fight for Bush's lies only to end


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Member since Jun 20th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 09:17 AM

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62. "He works plumbing and heating"
In response to Reply # 58



out of a store front off Atlantic Avenue and owna nice beagle puppy named 'Stimpy' who has an awful tendency to piddle the rug and chew the cuffs off Osama's work pants. he leads a quiet little life living off 9th Street in Park Slope, where he can be seen walking Stimpy on 7th Street every morning before work.



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Member since Dec 11th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 05:45 AM

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6. "Tariq Ali said it best"
In response to Reply # 0



when he asked, "When will this colonialist mentality of the west stop? This is a ridiculous and archaic view that Westerners have about foreign nation; that if we capture their leader, then the natives will become docile and subservient. Take out the leader and the natives will be enlightened." The truth is that the capture of Saddam has no relevance to what happens to the people. What happens to the people in Iraq will be determined by the economic interests of the west. The uprising and resistance to the US occupation in Iraq is the people rising up, not the lies that they tell us about a bunch of unruly Saddam loyalists. The so-called leader may be in custody but the resistance will live on! END TO WESTERN CHAUVANISM AND IMPERIALISM!!!

"If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito."


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Sun Dec-14-03 08:23 AM

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38. "."
In response to Reply # 6
Sun Dec-14-03 08:30 AM






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Member since Oct 27th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 08:32 AM

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41. "I thought he was dead already, honestly."
In response to Reply # 38



Which is why this is largely a symbollic capture, and dosen't change the situation at all.

Right-ists need to chill with labelling left-ists upset and angry that Sadaam is caught. Of course 'tis good that he's out of power. What many left-ists are is realistic--A US troop will die tommorow, again, and the world's overall safety index will be undampered. Opps for Terrorism is no less today than yesterday. It'll sell T-shirts, and give us something to plug our brains for a few months, ala Schwartzenegger.

Symbollism isn't going to cut it around the world. Symbollism isn't going to correct Halliburton.

Symbollism dosen't make an illegal war, legal.

Plain and simple.

"O-E"--Inaugural Member, Okaysports Hall of Fame

"I do it the way I want to do it...It doesn't take news cameras or reporters or big events to get involved with the let me know on the inside that I'm doing something good. -Rasheed Wallace

"Whoopdee Damn Doo" -Derrick Coleman.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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Member since Oct 02nd 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 09:41 AM

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65. "Well let's read what the ARABS have to say about the ca"
In response to Reply # 6



Yeah I was on a tinkle mission when the TV started flashing with Breaking News. Then a Ted Bundy/haggard Fidel Castro look-a-like emerged on the my screen with a luminous flashlight aimed under his tongue. Since then I've been saturated with American media, so I went to take a peek at what Al Jazeera had to say.



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Member since Dec 07th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 09:42 AM

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66. "RE: Tariq Ali said it best"
In response to Reply # 6



who is the "west?"

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Marcus3x's leading candidates for 2004 Idiot of the Year

1. Pat Tillman - former nfl player leaves family and a multi-million dollar contract to fight for Bush's lies only to end


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Member since Nov 09th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 09:46 AM

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67. "Well that's simple..."
In response to Reply # 66



We're mindless drones, of course...

<------------ There's only one way to find out... (LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2009)

<3 u Mom: Sep. 3, 1960 -May 1, 2006


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Member since Dec 07th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 10:08 AM

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72. "RE: Well that's simple..."
In response to Reply # 67




Support and listen to

Marcus3x's leading candidates for 2004 Idiot of the Year

1. Pat Tillman - former nfl player leaves family and a multi-million dollar contract to fight for Bush's lies only to end


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Member since Nov 09th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 06:02 AM

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7. "RE: Saddam captured."
In response to Reply # 0



Really, I don't think anything could have deferred Bush getting re-elected.

But on the subject of Sadaam, all I've got to say is, I'm happy that they're handing him over to the Iraqis to be dealt with. Knowing Bush, I thought he'd grab a gun and dispose of the guy, himself. However, I think many Americans, come election time, will fail to realize the actual reason why we invaded Iraq. I still haven't seen any news about them finding weapons of mass destruction...How strange.

<------------ There's only one way to find out... (LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2009)

<3 u Mom: Sep. 3, 1960 -May 1, 2006


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Member since Jun 20th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 06:05 AM

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8. "CO-SIGN"
In response to Reply # 7



As is, they're saying how this is going to affect STOCKS on Monday. The Dow tops 10K and now we've got the >aheam< Butcher o' Baghdad.


it's going to be like the Dailey dynasty in Chicago... oh dear lord in Heaven...


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Charter member
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Sun Dec-14-03 06:09 AM

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9. "HAHA!"
In response to Reply # 0



you damned liberals are so pissed they got saddam!!! you should all die with him!!!!! LOL!!!


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Member since Nov 09th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 06:14 AM

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10. "Who the hell iz you??!"
In response to Reply # 9



...Know what?...I was gonna say something..But it's not worth my time...

<------------ There's only one way to find out... (LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2009)

<3 u Mom: Sep. 3, 1960 -May 1, 2006


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Charter member
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Sun Dec-14-03 06:20 AM

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12. "of course you wont"
In response to Reply # 10



liberals are all pissed cause the capturing of saddam goes against the political agenda. they would rather have saddam running around organizing moral busting attacks on the US troops. now that saddam is captured, bush is cast in a whole new light. think of all the intelligence they will get off saddam. this guy was a brutal dictator that killed thousands of his own people for undeserving reasons.


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Member since Dec 11th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 06:44 AM

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16. "RE: of course you wont"
In response to Reply # 12



do you really believe the attacks on the US military is going to stop? Are you really stuck in the colonialist mentality of "get the leader and the people will fall behind"? These attacks are not Saddam orchestrated, they are true and real uprisings by the people of the region in opposition to this imperialist occupation.

"If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito."


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Member since Nov 09th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 06:47 AM

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18. "Don't retort, Pinko..."
In response to Reply # 16



Giving stupid people like that the time of day would be a bad call on your part...

<------------ There's only one way to find out... (LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2009)

<3 u Mom: Sep. 3, 1960 -May 1, 2006


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Charter member
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Sun Dec-14-03 06:54 AM

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20. "plz..."
In response to Reply # 18



you havnt said anything remotely intelligent since you started posting so....


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Sun Dec-14-03 08:54 AM

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47. "You're sucha cute kid foxxy"
In response to Reply # 12



>>liberals are all pissed cause the capturing of saddam goes against the political agenda.

Nope, you'rej ust wrong as usual

>>they would rather have saddam running around organizing moral busting attacks on the US troops.

First off, Saddam hasnt been organizing shit for a long for the deserved attacks on the US troops.....That aint gonna stop cause they pulled a lice infested bearded man from a hole inthe ground...I thought maybe you were smarter than that foxx.
>> now that saddam is captured, bush is cast in a whole new light.
Wrong again, Bush didnt do shit, so why will he be cast in a whole new light? He was an dumb inbred asshole yesteday, and that didnt change when he woke up this morning and heard that troops captured saddam

>>think of all the intelligence they will get off saddam.
He's not going to give anything up...and i know where you're going with this....Trust when i say he aint gonna know shit about Osama and he sure as hell isnt gonna lead the US to him....There was no Saddam Osama link , and there is no Saddam Osama link. Just wishful thinking on the rights part....

>>>this guy was a brutal dictator that killed thousands of his own people for undeserving reasons.

So then Bush should be hiding in a hole too.....He's a brutal dictator whos killed thousands of people,both his own and of course, people from those "uncivilized" countries like afghanistan.....Wake up man.


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:01 AM

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50. "you are a rediculous liberal"
In response to Reply # 47



>>>liberals are all pissed cause the capturing of saddam goes against the political agenda.
>Nope, you'rej ust wrong as usual

yea right. you know you want the whole thing to turn to shit so that a liberal gets elected president. please. you ve been spouting shit since day one.
> >>they would rather have saddam running around organizing
>moral busting attacks on the US troops.
>First off, Saddam hasnt been organizing shit for a long
> for the deserved attacks on the US troops.....That
>aint gonna stop cause they pulled a lice infested bearded
>man from a hole inthe ground...I thought maybe you were
>smarter than that foxx.

how do you know this? oh wait, you dont.

>>> now that saddam is captured, bush is cast in a whole new light.
>Wrong again, Bush didnt do shit, so why will he be cast in
>a whole new light? He was an dumb inbred asshole yesteday,
>and that didnt change when he woke up this morning and heard
>that troops captured saddam

hahah you are so bitter!!!! lmao!!!! exposed!!!!
>>>think of all the intelligence they will get off saddam.
>He's not going to give anything up...and i know where you're
>going with this....Trust when i say he aint gonna know shit
>about Osama and he sure as hell isnt gonna lead the US to
>him....There was no Saddam Osama link , and there is no
>Saddam Osama link. Just wishful thinking on the rights
actually, they said he has been very talkative so....

>>>>this guy was a brutal dictator that killed thousands of his own people for undeserving reasons.
>So then Bush should be hiding in a hole too.....He's a
>brutal dictator whos killed thousands of people,both his own
>and of course, people from those "uncivilized" countries
>like afghanistan.....Wake up man.

haha. stop spouting shit. bush has killed thousands of his own people? please enlighten me on this. you need to wake up and stop being so damn bitter!!!


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:11 AM

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57. "What's sad and yet funny is that you're"
In response to Reply # 50



proclaiming Saddam's capture
as some kind of victory that
benefits YOUR interests.

I never knew you were a member
of the multinational corporate
business community. *shrugs*


The Rand (Paul or Ayn) philosophy, putting private property rights at
the same level of human rights, equates the status of things with the
status of human beings. If property is considered equal


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:16 AM

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61. "RE: What's sad and yet funny is that you're"
In response to Reply # 57



it does benefit my interests. im an american. i want freedom for the iraqi people. saddam's capture will equal more freedom.


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Member since Jun 20th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 09:36 AM

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64. "I give up"
In response to Reply # 61



You've obviosuly got your head buried so far up your ass that you can SEE yesterday's lunch.



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Sun Dec-14-03 06:10 PM

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85. "RE: What's sad and yet funny is that you're"
In response to Reply # 61



>it does benefit my interests. im an american. i want freedom
>for the iraqi people. saddam's capture will equal more


*shakes head*


The Rand (Paul or Ayn) philosophy, putting private property rights at
the same level of human rights, equates the status of things with the
status of human beings. If property is considered equal


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Sun Dec-14-03 11:00 AM

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75. "wow, you just sound more and more...."
In response to Reply # 50



Like and ignorant pussy everytime you open your mouth....

>yea right. you know you want the whole thing to turn to shit
>so that a liberal gets elected president. please. you ve
>been spouting shit since day one.

Nope, i want a leader elected who wont lie to me on a daily basis, who wont push imperialism and tout it as liberation. YOu can just stay right where you are though, in that flock of sheep.....

>how do you know this? oh wait, you dont.

Nice one foxxy. So how do you know he has? Oh, cause your buddies on the right have been shoving it down your throat...Maybe you should click off of FoxNews and step outside


>>Wrong again, Bush didnt do shit, so why will he be cast in
>>a whole new light? He was an dumb inbred asshole yesteday,
>>and that didnt change when he woke up this morning and heard
>>that troops captured saddam
>hahah you are so bitter!!!! lmao!!!! exposed!!!!

WOW, you win! Of course i am bitter that the man who stole the presidency can get on TV and straight up lie to us over and over and no one does a thing about it.....Get off his dick foxxy

>actually, they said he has been very talkative so....

They also said he had weapons of mass destruction and ties to al qaeda. I love how just eat up the lies without questioning anything....Must be easy going through life completely ignorant.

>haha. stop spouting shit. bush has killed thousands of his
>own people? please enlighten me on this. you need to wake up
>and stop being so damn bitter!!!

I said bush has killed thousands of people, not thousands of HIS people...If you dont think Bush has the blood of dead American soldiers on his hands then i cant help you, cause its obvious you're a lost cause. Hes got the blood of Americans, Iraqi's, and Afghans on his hands.


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Member since Sep 24th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 11:50 AM

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78. "RE: you are a rediculous liberal"
In response to Reply # 50



"actually, they said he has been very talkative so...."

Oh how we love to take the Fox News side of things and run with them.

"Asked about Saddam's state at the time of his capture, Sanchez said: "He was a tired man, a man resigned to his fate."

Saddam is talkative and is being cooperative, the general said. He is being held at an undisclosed location." - Fox News

"Sanchez said the former leader was uninjured, "talkative and cooperative," after his capture in the raid, dubbed Operation Red Dawn.

However, members of the Iraqi Governing Council said Sunday when they went to see Saddam Hussein they found him "tired and haggard, unrepentant, even defiant." - CNN

"He seemed rather tired and haggard but he was unrepentant and defiant at times," said Pachachi, who was foreign minister before Saddam's Baath party took power in 1968.

"He tried to justify his crimes one way or another and said that he was a just but firm ruler," he said, flanked by other Governing Council members." - Aljazeera

I hear Fox News is having a parade down the street, why don't you go join them?

Oh yeah, there is one more thing............. it's been emotional

"The essence of good listening is empathy, which can be achieved only by suspending our preoccupation with ourselves and entering into the experience of the other person. Part intuition and part effort, it's the sutff of human connection" - Author unknown


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Sun Dec-14-03 10:00 AM

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69. "oh,"
In response to Reply # 12



>this guy was a brutal dictator that killed thousands
>of his own people for undeserving reasons.

you mean bush, right?


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Sun Dec-14-03 10:07 AM

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71. "CO-SIGN"
In response to Reply # 69





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11. "RE: HAHA!"
In response to Reply # 9



I was pissed when they had him for thirty years before the gulf war... as a paid ally!! So, who's going to be the new tyrant of Iraq? Haliburton?

"If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito."


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Sun Dec-14-03 08:27 AM

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40. "Sad how most people in this country"
In response to Reply # 9



continue to remain narrowly
focused on partisan politics


The Rand (Paul or Ayn) philosophy, putting private property rights at
the same level of human rights, equates the status of things with the
status of human beings. If property is considered equal


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Sun Dec-14-03 08:35 AM

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43. "It's just immaturity/lack of sophistication"
In response to Reply # 40



Hopefully he'll grow out of it before someone physically accosts him.


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Sun Dec-14-03 08:34 AM

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42. "You poor Godamned retard..."
In response to Reply # 9



... the beauty is history supports a timeline where your kind are eventually butchered and fed to the pigs.


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Sun Dec-14-03 08:59 AM

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49. "Ha!"
In response to Reply # 42





The Rand (Paul or Ayn) philosophy, putting private property rights at
the same level of human rights, equates the status of things with the
status of human beings. If property is considered equal


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:04 AM

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53. "I'm telling you - Fox can't be more than 16"
In response to Reply # 49



WITH THAT ATTITUDE? CAN'T Be more than 16-19 years old. No adult can be that naive.


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:07 AM

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55. "It's sad how many continue to"
In response to Reply # 53



place their trust in
state power without
even bothering to
question the actions
of the government.

Just have a look at the
AOL message boards.

*Bows to our great leader


The Rand (Paul or Ayn) philosophy, putting private property rights at
the same level of human rights, equates the status of things with the
status of human beings. If property is considered equal


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:09 AM

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56. "When Bush gets a monument"
In response to Reply # 55



can we go visit? can we? okayplayer FIELD TRIP? huh? please?!


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:15 AM

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59. "First we do lunch at"
In response to Reply # 56



the Reagan International
Airport cafeteria.

Egg salad sandwiches on me.


The Rand (Paul or Ayn) philosophy, putting private property rights at
the same level of human rights, equates the status of things with the
status of human beings. If property is considered equal


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:18 AM

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63. "Excellent"
In response to Reply # 59



make sure that egg salad has bacon in it.

jews love bacon.



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Sun Dec-14-03 09:03 AM

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52. "maybe in your own little world"
In response to Reply # 42



stop being bitter. honestly. grow the fuck up.


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Member since Jun 20th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 09:07 AM

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54. "You kidding me?!"
In response to Reply # 52



read a little history, champ.

Most nation-states have had periods of intermitent upheaval - revolution, dissolution, civil war - where the first people ground to chewing gum are the fucking idiot weiner dogs who pray at the font of the establishment with almost ridiculous fervor.

which would be YOU.

and I'm sorry, but when did the conservative hard rocks become such pussies that they can't take a little ribbing and criticism? i thoguht that wass the implicit function of the 1st Amendment.


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Sun Dec-14-03 01:31 PM

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82. "ROFL!!"
In response to Reply # 54



you guys have made my internet day. honestly. your responses are so predictable.


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:35 PM

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86. "RE: ROFL!!"
In response to Reply # 82



so are yours idiot.

A seal walks into a club.


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Mon Dec-15-03 02:51 AM

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87. "wow"
In response to Reply # 86



did you think of that response all by yourself?


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Sun Dec-14-03 02:50 PM

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84. "your moniker"
In response to Reply # 9



is two television station names combined.


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Mon Dec-15-03 02:53 AM

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88. "your"
In response to Reply # 84



genious is unmatched...


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Thu Dec-18-03 07:15 PM

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91. "that was an insult."
In response to Reply # 88



your tackiness is unmatched.


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Sun Dec-14-03 06:29 AM

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13. "Good news....with reservations"
In response to Reply # 0


This is a good thing for a couple of reasons. Saddam's capture will certainly serve as a boost for the morale of the American/British troups (I know 95% of ya'll on here could care less about this, but it's true). Moreover, for a large segment of Iraq's populace this will quell the fear that Saddam and his henchman still have a grip on the insurgency movement.

That said, with stories like this, I remained concerned about this developing into another "Vietnam":

The general public needs to be aware that this occupation is FAR from over.


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Sun Dec-14-03 06:34 AM

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15. "RE: Good news....with reservations"
In response to Reply # 13



>This is a good thing for a couple of reasons. Saddam's
>capture will certainly serve as a boost for the morale of
>the American/British troups (I know 95% of ya'll on here
>could care less about this, but it's true). Moreover, for a
>large segment of Iraq's populace this will quell the fear
>that Saddam and his henchman still have a grip on the
>insurgency movement.

historically speaking, stocks should continue their rise on monday which is another good thing!
>That said, with stories like this, I remained concerned
>about this developing into another "Vietnam":
>The general public needs to be aware that this occupation is
>FAR from over.

less than 200 troops have died since the 'war' officially ended in iraq. this is in no way, shape or form going to turn into another vietnam. almost 60,000 US troops died in vietnam. i would agree that the occupation isnt over, but this is certainly a step in the right direction. if the capturing of saddam is somehow a bad thing i would like to hear why.


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Sun Dec-14-03 06:44 AM

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17. "RE: Good news....with reservations"
In response to Reply # 15


>historically speaking, stocks should continue their rise on
>monday which is another good thing!


>less than 200 troops have died since the 'war' officially
>ended in iraq. this is in no way, shape or form going to
>turn into another vietnam. almost 60,000 US troops died in
>vietnam. i would agree that the occupation isnt over, but
>this is certainly a step in the right direction. if the
>capturing of saddam is somehow a bad thing i would like to
>hear why.

I say Vietnam not in the sense of number of causalties-certainly it will never approach that number- but rather as a failed endeavor of the United States government. That is my concern.

We have A LOT of work to do in Iraq to make this work. I want the American government to see this through, otherwise this war will really have been for absolutely nothing.


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Sun Dec-14-03 06:52 AM

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19. "RE: Good news....with reservations"
In response to Reply # 17



i agree. the US should see this through. some on this board disagree. they would rather see the US fail horribly and have iraq reduced to anarchy than see the US prevail and create a democracy for the people.


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Frank Castle
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Sun Dec-14-03 06:32 AM

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14. "RE:"
In response to Reply # 0



They can find a powerful leader like Saddam , but can't find Bin Ladin , a man that lives in the mountains.



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Sun Dec-14-03 07:04 AM

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21. "They couldn't find a poor redneck for months..."
In response to Reply # 14


how are they gonna catch a rich Arab any faster?

Remember that guy that bombed some abortion clinics (or was it the olympics)? He had help too but not nearly the resources that Bin Laden has (or the territory to roam).



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Frank Castle
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Sun Dec-14-03 07:20 AM

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24. "oh yeah"
In response to Reply # 21



the dude that lived in the mountains for



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Member since Feb 05th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 07:05 AM

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23. "they already had him awile back"
In response to Reply # 14



with soldiers getting killed everyday and the president approval rating going down now they decide to tell the people that they capture him. this is bullshit

the world is a toll-free toilet-george clinton


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Sun Dec-14-03 07:47 AM

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28. "Why bring him out now?"
In response to Reply # 23


He's WAAY more valuable to any effort to continue a war if he's quiet, can't be found, or dead. Now they can definitevly ask him questions that can only hurt Bushes reasoning for being in Iraq.

Did you have WMD?


Damn, why the hell can't the US find ANY EVIDENCE? Then we'd wonder if they're making Saddam lie.


Damn, why the fuck did we ever go over there?

It's a lose-lose situation.



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Member since Feb 05th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 07:54 AM

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30. "a political victory"
In response to Reply # 28



this is going to help bush in the long run. why? because most of these people in this country r stupid and believe everything they see on tv. this look good for his re election.people dont want the truth they rather be told a lie

the world is a toll-free toilet-george clinton


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Frank Castle
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Sun Dec-14-03 08:59 AM

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48. "RE: they already had him awile back"
In response to Reply # 23



>with soldiers getting killed everyday and the president
>approval rating going down now they decide to tell the
>people that they capture him. this is bullshit

Never thought of it that way , very interesting!



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Member since Nov 09th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 07:05 AM

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22. "Things I don't understand..."
In response to Reply # 0



1) Why the U.S. thinks that it is their Divine Right to "fix" all problems in the world.

We're looking for a democracy to be set up in Iraq? Well, I think we'll be looking for a very long time. Iraq is a nation run by religion, and whether Sadaam is removed or not, the Iraqi people (as well as any nation solely run by religion), will NOT succumb to the idea of seperating religion and government. I personally dont think democracy will work. Especially for people as devout to their religion as the Muslims of the Middle-East.

2)How come people have all of a sudden forgotten the reason we went into Iraq.

Simple enough. We went in, gunz-a-blazing, looking for weapons of mass destruction. Where are they? Where is this so called "power" that Sadaam was building up against us? Notice, also, how much of the American public has forgotten that this was why we invaded Iraq. I might even go as far as to ask someone to please remind me why we took a detour in Sadaam's direction when we should have been going after Osama.

3)Kim Jong Il

If we're looking for a threat against America and WMD, how about we sporadically invade a country that actually has them; N. Korea. If we're looking for a tyrant that has actually posed a threat towards us, Kim Jong Il is our man.

Just a few things that I wanted to bring up...

<------------ There's only one way to find out... (LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2009)

<3 u Mom: Sep. 3, 1960 -May 1, 2006


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Member since Feb 05th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 07:31 AM

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26. "i dont understand u"
In response to Reply # 22



why should this country fight anyone over wmd they have them too

the world is a toll-free toilet-george clinton


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Sun Dec-14-03 07:38 AM

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27. "Depends on who nukes who first..."
In response to Reply # 26



If they're the first to push the button...then we wont really be needing our WMD anymore. That's if they had any to begin with.

And also, like i've said, this is the whole reason we invaded Iraq in the first place; because supposedly they were planning to use these WMD against us.

<------------ There's only one way to find out... (LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2009)

<3 u Mom: Sep. 3, 1960 -May 1, 2006


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Sun Dec-14-03 07:51 AM

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29. "RE: Things I don't understand..."
In response to Reply # 22


> 1) Why the U.S. thinks that it is their Divine Right to
>"fix" all problems in the world.
>We're looking for a democracy to be set up in Iraq? Well, I
>think we'll be looking for a very long time. Iraq is a
>nation run by religion, and whether Sadaam is removed or
>not, the Iraqi people (as well as any nation solely run by
>religion), will NOT succumb to the idea of seperating
>religion and government. I personally dont think democracy
>will work. Especially for people as devout to their religion
>as the Muslims of the Middle-East.

Well the US created the problem in the first place.

> 2)How come people have all of a sudden forgotten the
>reason we went into Iraq.
>Simple enough. We went in, gunz-a-blazing, looking for
>weapons of mass destruction. Where are they? Where is this
>so called "power" that Sadaam was building up against us?
>Notice, also, how much of the American public has forgotten
>that this was why we invaded Iraq. I might even go as far
>as to ask someone to please remind me why we took a detour
>in Sadaam's direction when we should have been going after

Bush made that WEAK link between Osama and Saddam to get the country into Iraq. Saddams answers to the questions of WMD's will be VERY interesting bc I don't think any of his answers will make the war look moral.

> 3)Kim Jong Il
>If we're looking for a threat against America and WMD, how
>about we sporadically invade a country that actually has
>them; N. Korea. If we're looking for a tyrant that has
>actually posed a threat towards us, Kim Jong Il is our man.

N. Korea can fight back.



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Member since Jul 07th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 07:25 AM

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25. "It begins......"
In response to Reply # 0




"Science" and Religion are the two most dangerous weapons of ideology. See holocaust.

Why do "scientists" constantly produce statistics based on "race", a social construct?


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Sun Dec-14-03 08:08 AM

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31. "But where's Osama?"
In response to Reply # 0



and the WMD's


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Sun Dec-14-03 08:12 AM

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33. "RE: But where's Osama?"
In response to Reply # 31



just wait. they will get all sorts of info outta saddam.


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Sun Dec-14-03 08:40 AM

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44. "Huh?"
In response to Reply # 33


You think Saadam has info on Osama? As for WMD, there are none. The latest report coming from Mr. Kay is that there is no evidence of WMD. Even though we have known this from the start of the war.

"rick ross got old african woman swag" (c)nayaa


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Member since Jun 20th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 08:47 AM

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46. "Didn't you know?"
In response to Reply # 44



Osama and Saddam are old drinking buddies! They met in their fratboy days at the International University of Terrorism. Saddam was and English Lit major, and Osama was trying get into Dental School, but they still had plenty in common. They kept in touch when Saddam did his graduate work in Advanced Terrorism and Fashion Design, and have sort of kept track of each other over e-mail. So you gotta figure Saddam knows where Osama is. They had a lunch date planned for next Thursday!
fucking RETARDS! GOD! And they wonder why motherfuckers abroad think we are a nation of fat, violent, ill-informed yahoos!


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Mon Dec-15-03 02:54 AM

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89. "who cares what other nations think..."
In response to Reply # 46



especially when you've got all the guns and all the money?


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Fri Dec-19-03 07:11 AM

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92. "and you wonder why the world hates us.."
In response to Reply # 89



and wants us dead?? Cause of people like you sayin shit like this

>especially when you've got all the guns and all the money?


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Member since Jun 20th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 08:16 AM

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In response to Reply # 31



I'm TELLIN' you! I SEEN him!


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Member since Jun 20th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 08:17 AM

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In response to Reply # 31



With that beard? HE'S HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT!

I'm TELLIN' you. I SEEN him.


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Member since Jun 20th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 08:18 AM

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In response to Reply # 31



Ya no?


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Member since Jun 20th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 08:19 AM

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In response to Reply # 31



Where he will be paraded like a prized pony down Pennsylvania Avenue before being ritually beheaded by King George - IMPERIUS REX; DRAGONSLAYER!

Which will of course usher in a new era of prosperity, peace, and good times AROUND the world.


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Member since Nov 09th 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 08:23 AM

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39. "LOL!!!"
In response to Reply # 37
Sun Dec-14-03 08:25 AM




<------------ There's only one way to find out... (LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2009)

<3 u Mom: Sep. 3, 1960 -May 1, 2006


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Sun Dec-14-03 08:47 AM

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In response to Reply # 37



Guarandamntee that he is "found" a short time before the election....Shit's bananas...He's gonna get Joe Schmo middle america's vote now because they "found" Saddam.....


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:02 AM

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51. "Co-sign on the above sentiments"
In response to Reply # 0


This is some bullshit, what exactly is Saddam's crime? Resisting illegal occupation? His crimes have been well known and tolerated for years and no arrest attempts were ever made. Hardly the same as catching Bin-Laden. Could well be one of his lookalikes anyway unless DNA testing shows otherwise...

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Member since Oct 21st 2003
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Sun Dec-14-03 09:16 AM

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60. "RE: Saddam captured."
In response to Reply # 0



About time.

The bastard.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>But the people highest up got the lowest self esteem

<<The prettiest people do the ugliest things (c)


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Sun Dec-14-03 09:50 AM

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68. "Don't Forget-Saddam Is A Dictator"
In response to Reply # 0


I have no sympathy for him,it's the outcome of this on the people of the U.S and the smoke and mirrors campaign against any questions on reasons for going into this war.


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Sun Dec-14-03 10:01 AM

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70. "The Fall of Saddam PT II"
In response to Reply # 0


The first was when his statue fell, this is the second.

Both are symbols being used by the Bush Admin and the complicit media to paint a rosy picture of the reality of Iraq.

Fact is, Saddam was never heading the insurgency, and his capture might only make a small, short-term dent in the amount of violence.

When a stable Iraqi government is finalized, that has been voted in by the people (not appointed by the US) then we can really celebrate.


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Member since May 20th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 10:16 AM

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73. "Yeah Right!"
In response to Reply # 0
Sun Dec-14-03 10:18 AM



Simple distraction from the real issues. Halliburton's filtering U.S. dollars from the government. The stock markets failure to recover. The 911 investigation getting hotter on the daily. The failed search for weapons of mass destuction in Iraq. Osama still under a rock somewhere. If anyone believes that they just simply found Sadaam in some hole in the ground Now after the country has been devistated is crazy. With all the technological advancement that this county has why could'nt he have been captured without totally devisating Iraq? Why did so many have to suffer and die for one mans capture? All I can say is don't believe the hype.

A Message to the white man:

"If you talk to the animals they will talk to you and you will know each other.
If you do not talk to them, you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear;
And what you fear you will destroy."



SARS: A physcological tool created in 2003 to impose peoples freedom of movement from place to place.

Terrorist: A term used in the new millinium to describe any person that displays dissent by way of protest,
A person that speaks out against the government, disloyalty to the ruling authority.



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Sun Dec-14-03 10:29 AM

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74. "Manuel Noriega = cellmate?"
In response to Reply # 0


Anyone else here remember our other Prodigal Son?

Maybe Noriega and Saddam can be cellmates!

It wouldn't be any weirder than when Jim Bakker and Lyndon LaRouche were cellmates.

--I'm Joe Castleman

Have , will


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Member since Aug 30th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 11:11 AM

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77. "so what?"
In response to Reply # 0



<~~~~~~~Go-Go Yubari is gangsta!!!
~~~~~~OKP SIGS OF THE MONTH~~~~~~~

"i guess i'm lucky to have busted a bagillion times before losing my virginity." © OKP- illadelphgurl

If you're out there you're vulnerable. People prefer to disappear in life to repress their personality. That's not living. It's dying. I see them all over the place, the walking dead. --Grace Jones


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Member since Sep 24th 2002
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Sun Dec-14-03 12:07 PM

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79. "America breathes a collective sigh of relief...."
In response to Reply # 0



Now that Americans no longer feel threatened by a man or country that has never attacked them, they can stop pretending that they give a fuck about Iraqis. Now they can go on with the lives and turn their backs on Iraqis without food or water because the important task is finished, Saddam is captured!! As soon as Osama is captured next summer before elections, Americans will feel secure that no one is coming to take their SUVs.

Oh yeah, there is one more thing............. it's been emotional

"The essence of good listening is empathy, which can be achieved only by suspending our preoccupation with ourselves and entering into the experience of the other person. Part intuition and part effort, it's the sutff of human connection" - Author unknown


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Sun Dec-14-03 02:16 PM

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83. "not surprised by the capture"
In response to Reply # 0
Sun Dec-14-03 02:26 PM



and our problems remain due to "terroist" !
now this possibly intensify their efforts to strike americans.
not for saadaam, but their own cause.

we no longer fight the wars of world war 1,or 2.

"terroist" strike by all means neccessary and are patient.
"for every usama there are 10 usama's"---young afgan physics student.
"we are patient"--afghan tailiban.

business as usual. nothing unexpected has happened. at least not to me.


NELLY: I'm Humble In Life Taking Nothing For Granted


THE BROKER: John Grisham


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Mon Dec-15-03 05:32 AM

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90. "wow, i feel so much safer now!"
In response to Reply # 0



This definitely justifies the thousands of Iraqis killed and hundreds of American soldiers killed. It was all worth it just to get this one man who was a major threat to the safety of Americans. Now the Iraqi resistance will stop and we can spread democracy throughout the region!
<just some of the ridiculous things I heard people saying today>

'I can't stand Tim McCarver. He has a penchant for making blindingly obvious statements in a self-congratulatory tone' Kyle Lohse


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Member since Jul 07th 2003
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Fri Dec-19-03 09:13 AM

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93. "I think I'll visit Baghdad..."
In response to Reply # 90



>This definitely justifies the thousands of Iraqis killed and
>hundreds of American soldiers killed. It was all worth it
>just to get this one man who was a major threat to the
>safety of Americans. Now the Iraqi resistance will stop and
>we can spread democracy throughout the region!

Yes!!! Isn't it grand?!!!

"Science" and Religion are the two most dangerous weapons of ideology. See holocaust.

Why do "scientists" constantly produce statistics based on "race", a social construct?


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Fri Dec-19-03 10:12 AM

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94. "43% of Americans before Saddam was captured"
In response to Reply # 0



believed he was tied in to the events of Sept. 11.

Prior to the U.S.-led invasion in march 2003, over 70% of the American public believed that his regime had a role in orchestrating the attacks.

And...following his capture, the % of Americans who thought he had something to do with Sept. 11 jumped from 43% to 53%.

On what evidence?!


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