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Subject: "Call me crazy, but if you've been working in fast food for 20 years..." This topic is locked.
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99998 posts
Fri Oct-16-15 11:57 AM

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"Call me crazy, but if you've been working in fast food for 20 years..."


and you're not in management you're doing something wrong...

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Subject Author Message Date ID
this is the type of post that should get ppl banned.
Oct 16th 2015
i am in favor of stiffling "debate."
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
you know?
Oct 16th 2015
Meh, congrats to the man for being employed for 2 decades
Oct 16th 2015
excellent response.
Oct 16th 2015
honesty and integrity is a muhfugga...said his fam skipped meals
Oct 16th 2015
I once had a job that paid minimum wage. You know what I did? I got a...
Oct 16th 2015
yay for you.
Oct 16th 2015
That's what most people do. "Move on up" like George and Weezy.
Oct 16th 2015
'most ppl'
Oct 16th 2015
where did you get all of that?
Oct 18th 2015
      thats the bullshit his dumbass injects into the conversation
Oct 18th 2015
The numbers would say otherwise of this guy wouldn't be at the White Hou...
Oct 16th 2015
reading the comments in that link you see the exact same thing
Oct 16th 2015
      we need to drown out these voices however we can.
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
           Do you actually go to McDonald's or Wal-Mart? Do you actually know...
Oct 16th 2015
           I know a woman who's worked in the customer service at Wal-mart for
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
                $8 isn't minimum wage.
Oct 16th 2015
                     So how much does the lady you're referring to make?
Oct 16th 2015
           no. never.
Oct 16th 2015
           then raise minimum wage to $10-$11/hr and be done with it
Oct 16th 2015
                $15/hr is the goal.
Oct 16th 2015
another reply that should result in an immediate ban.
Oct 16th 2015
please, qualify your statement
Oct 16th 2015
      b/c some of us don't wanna read y'all's bullshit.
Oct 16th 2015
      ah, so it's another case of "Your rights end where my feelings begin"
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
      this is funny coming from you...
Oct 16th 2015
           i'm glad you think so.
Oct 16th 2015
           I applaud this ETHER
Oct 18th 2015
      your reply should be banned as well.
Oct 16th 2015
I don't care what you personally did. In a society of millions
Oct 16th 2015
      posts #43 & #48. n/m
Oct 16th 2015
      when millions of anecdotes are the same or similar can you really
Oct 16th 2015
           annecdotes are worthless.
Oct 16th 2015
           There are not as many made it from the bottom stories as there are
Oct 16th 2015
                It ain't even about "making it" in the sense that you're balling now
Oct 16th 2015
exactly, people dont get that they themselves subsidize this farce
Oct 17th 2015
old school says a job is a job is a job
Oct 16th 2015
This is more to blame on Mcdonalds hiring policies than him
Oct 16th 2015
this isn't 100% true.
Oct 16th 2015
I blame MD's for not upwardly managing the career paths of employees.
Oct 16th 2015
How do you know they don't? The majority of fast food managers and...
Oct 16th 2015
      because we aren't disingenuous liars.
Oct 16th 2015
      Pretty much.
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
      There is no way a any management team has helped this man go further.
Oct 16th 2015
You think he wants to be in that position?...
Oct 16th 2015
fam could easily be knockin old ladies in the head or slingin bricks..
Oct 16th 2015
If it was either that or my kids skipping meals, guess which one I'd do.
Oct 16th 2015
      and once youre gone then they deeper in the hole
Oct 16th 2015
He boasts about being a "2nd generation fast food worker"...
Oct 16th 2015
      a dose of reality.
Oct 16th 2015
      So?? Unless he's asking you personally for some money why do you care?
Oct 16th 2015
if the revolution happened tomorrow, you'd be a snitch.
Oct 16th 2015
The same revolution that produced the likes of Castro, Lenin, Mao
Oct 17th 2015
right or wrong, your post is likely how most americans will react to him
Oct 16th 2015
which is why it is important for more ppl to tell their stories.
Oct 16th 2015
      what lies?
Oct 16th 2015
           all of them.
Oct 16th 2015
                So you can't give any examples? Gotcha
Oct 16th 2015
                i just did.
Oct 16th 2015
                     links nigga...
Oct 16th 2015
                          reply 99
Oct 16th 2015
                Lmao...glad to yall going in on these idiots
Oct 17th 2015
                     bitch please
Oct 17th 2015
                          you're mad. why?
Oct 17th 2015
                          Your Mama's a bitch and you're nm
Oct 18th 2015
crazy how strong we are conditioned to devalue people based on their job
Oct 16th 2015
it's not necessarily the people being devalued, it's the jobs that are
Oct 16th 2015
      the ppl working the jobs have lives.
Oct 16th 2015
           True, but their lives are not the basis for those wages
Oct 16th 2015
                will the distinction matter when disenfranchised folks get violent?
Oct 16th 2015
we got us another one huh?
Oct 16th 2015
not everyone is destined or designed to rise to the top
Oct 16th 2015
of course, so fuck any attempt to make it better?
Oct 16th 2015
      thats not my point. i was addressing the OP
Oct 16th 2015
If I didn't know that TheTruth wasn't a thinker
Oct 16th 2015
I'm just trying to understand. I actually go to fast food restaurants...
Oct 16th 2015
RE: I'm just trying to understand.<-----'-- that's a lie.
Oct 16th 2015
let's examine this.
Oct 16th 2015
      RE: let's examine this.
Oct 16th 2015
           why should she go to law school?
Oct 16th 2015
                Does she make more than $8/hr?
Oct 19th 2015
i think you're right.
Oct 16th 2015
Those aren't mutually exclusive propositions.
Oct 19th 2015
ha! they MAD
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
radical conservatives are crazy, radical liberal expectations are hilari...
Oct 16th 2015
how about, "the gov't can, but hasn't. we should ask why."
Oct 16th 2015
      yeah, they REAL mad.
Oct 16th 2015
           we should be.
Oct 16th 2015
                people in our communities are choosing to suffer
Oct 16th 2015
                     burn it all down, or peacefully ask for a redress of grievances.
Oct 16th 2015
                          math problem for you
Oct 16th 2015
                               or, millions of poor ppl rioting in the streets.
Oct 16th 2015
                                    all i ask for is action with the sob stories
Oct 16th 2015
                                         this mentality leads to folks shooting random ppl.
Oct 16th 2015
                                              we see this happen like once per month.
Oct 16th 2015
                                              No, trying to better your situation doesnt lead to murder.. stop making ...
Oct 16th 2015
corporate greed, systemic racism, and discrimination exists
Oct 16th 2015
burn the society down, or petition the gov't for redress of grievances.
Oct 16th 2015
      expressing grievances isnt enough we need action
Oct 16th 2015
           burning society down IS action.
Oct 16th 2015
                seeking better pay and/or education IS action too
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
I thought there was honor in all work
Oct 16th 2015
I applaud this man and his wife. GREAT PEOPLE
Oct 16th 2015
RE: I applaud this man and his wife. TRUE AMERICANS
Oct 16th 2015
      i don't have kids, but as a child, yes i did
Oct 16th 2015
           RE: i don't have kids, - NEXT.
Oct 16th 2015
                whatever, props to two GREAT AMERICANS
Oct 16th 2015
hmm where is he from?
Oct 16th 2015
RE: hmm where is he from?
Oct 16th 2015
      in rural areas, those types of jobs are made up of older folks.
Oct 16th 2015
           I've been to fast food places in rural areas and I haven't seen this...
Oct 16th 2015
                well i haven't seen 20 either c'mon.
Oct 16th 2015
so basically his wife has been a CNA for 16 years?
Oct 16th 2015
Nah, CNA is 6-12 weeks depending on the school
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
Exactly, this is why we're falling behind as a society, this is what we'...
Oct 16th 2015
      that old school mentality
Oct 16th 2015
20 years? nah yo... someone convinced this man he couldnt work
Oct 16th 2015
Glad we got Seasoned Vet to let us know the deal
Oct 16th 2015
Did this dude ever try to improve his situation?
Oct 16th 2015
what if he didn't?
Oct 16th 2015
      This guy agrees with you:
Oct 16th 2015
      so does this guy:
Oct 16th 2015
      And he never worked a day in his life. LMAO
Oct 17th 2015
      If he didn't try, then no respect.
Oct 16th 2015
           crazy how even asking the question incites RAGE
Oct 16th 2015
           this post is not rage; disenfranchised ppl rioting & killing ppl is rage...
Oct 16th 2015
           *updates database*
Oct 16th 2015
           Yay! for you
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
           if he tries, fails, then kills random ppl, will you respect him then?
Oct 16th 2015
                Lol, stfu with that nonsense
Oct 16th 2015
                I will never stop trying as long ppl hold opinions like yours.
Oct 16th 2015
                ^ all day, every day.
Oct 16th 2015
                if we win then more poor folk will move on from McD's
Oct 18th 2015
                these mass shootings don't happen for no reason.
Oct 16th 2015
                     Fuck those people who commit mass shootings cause they cant deal
Oct 17th 2015
                          Right? If a white dude even implied....
Oct 17th 2015
                               no mental health care, poverty, and incendiary political rhetoric.
Oct 17th 2015
                I spend all day fighting on behalf of some of the most disenfranchised i...
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
                nigga... stop trying to act like you're some kind of people's hero
Oct 16th 2015
                     'I got the gun, You got the briefcase. Its all in the game tho right?'
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
                     let's pretend like you haven't told us what you do repeatedly
Oct 16th 2015
                          And being the astute reader you are you have deduced what I do.
Oct 16th 2015
                     this has got to be the most disgusting post i've seen
Oct 16th 2015
                     The nigga decided to hit me with personal, low ass insults
Oct 16th 2015
                          you attack the character of millions of poor ppl tho.
Oct 16th 2015
                               nigga I ain't but a moment away from being poor myself.
Oct 17th 2015
                     pow pow
Oct 17th 2015
                     thought he was a public defender....
Oct 17th 2015
                          the hate is strong in you.
Oct 17th 2015
                So that's what us Black folks do....
Oct 16th 2015
It says almost 20 years of working at McDonalds...
Oct 16th 2015
Nah b, we control where we end up in life by and large
Oct 16th 2015
      We disagree right >here<
Oct 16th 2015
           right, but skin color is one of those things completely out of our contr...
Oct 17th 2015
                Salute for the great conversation. Seriously, this is why I love OKP..
Oct 17th 2015
Poor blacks wont get ahead if we keep applauding and coddling..
Oct 16th 2015
let ignore ppl like him until they get violent to make their point.
Oct 16th 2015
      what in the entire FUCK are you even talking about?
Oct 16th 2015
      read my replies and figure it out.
Oct 16th 2015
      only a dumbfuck thinks this way
Oct 16th 2015
           ppl that feel trapped don't care. nm
Oct 16th 2015
Wow I th ink I disagree with both sides lol
Oct 16th 2015
Most people in those jobs likely didn't aspire to them
Oct 16th 2015
suggesting such means you hate the poor
Oct 16th 2015
      if that's what these niggas want to take away from it then so be it
Oct 16th 2015
           oh you want hard times anecdotes?
Oct 16th 2015
           you don't want to play this game nigga...
Oct 17th 2015
                Powerful post bruh...
Oct 17th 2015
Oct 17th 2015
                i'm sure you think it's profound.
Oct 17th 2015
                of course you'd agree with him.
Oct 17th 2015
                     Troll better joe
Oct 17th 2015
                Thank you. Cats wanna wallow in pity....
Oct 17th 2015
                yeah, that's what i did-- wallow in pitty.
Oct 17th 2015
                     I didn't imply that you currently have it bad in life....
Oct 17th 2015
                     I didn't imply that you currently have it bad in life....
Oct 17th 2015
                     it's a shitty post.
Oct 17th 2015
                     The irony is hilarisad
Oct 17th 2015
                          irony is the opposite of what you'd expext. nm
Oct 17th 2015
                and you grew up to be a shit bag.
Oct 17th 2015
                The difference between you and me:
Oct 17th 2015
                     uh huh.
Oct 17th 2015
Oct 19th 2015
           I thought you were Native?
Oct 17th 2015
                I am, I'm also Black
Oct 17th 2015
yes, underemployed and the unemployed must not have google.
Oct 16th 2015
      sarcasm is the last refuge of those with no real argument.
Oct 16th 2015
Oct 16th 2015
      Whatever you just posted makes sense. I'm sure it does.
Oct 16th 2015
      Nah but there are ways to improve your situation on google
Oct 17th 2015
           suggesting such means you hate the poor
Oct 17th 2015
                hit dogs hollar.
Oct 17th 2015
Dis ninja at it
Oct 16th 2015
if they ain't out here jackin', they're doing something VERY right imo.
Oct 17th 2015
I dont agree with ThaTruth, his sentiment lacks much needed empathy
Oct 17th 2015
well, this is OKP.
Oct 17th 2015
these viewpoints are not mutually exclusive...
Oct 17th 2015
I think its loyalty to a fault
Oct 17th 2015
      what a twat you are.
Oct 17th 2015
      bi nigga
Oct 17th 2015
           damn bro, calm down lol
Oct 17th 2015
      we don't even know he 's been at mcd's for 20 years
Oct 17th 2015
this gumbo is delicious.
Oct 17th 2015
Oct 17th 2015
Oct 17th 2015
Oct 18th 2015
           this fool tried to cook gumbo with high heat...
Oct 18th 2015
I cant front....I somewhat agree.
Oct 18th 2015
Exactly. I am not saying that minimum wages should be....
Oct 18th 2015
no but seriously, what is wrong with you people?
Oct 18th 2015
I remember when a woman told W she was working 3 jobs
Oct 19th 2015

Mike Jackson
Member since Dec 11th 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 11:59 AM

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1. "this is the type of post that should get ppl banned."
In response to Reply # 0



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Mike Jackson
Member since Dec 11th 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 12:09 PM

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3. "i am in favor of stiffling "debate.""
In response to Reply # 1


we get enough of this shit from tv.
Why allow it here?


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Member since Nov 18th 2003
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Fri Oct-16-15 12:24 PM

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7. "^^^^"
In response to Reply # 1



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Charter member
154163 posts
Fri Oct-16-15 01:07 PM

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9. "you know?"
In response to Reply # 1



fuck you.


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 12:05 PM

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2. "Meh, congrats to the man for being employed for 2 decades"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Oct-16-15 12:06 PM by MEAT



In a society that took care of its people he would've just had 2 decades towards a pension.

Instead McDonald's has continued to grow exponentially while paying someone less than $8 an hour for over two decades. Meanwhile the government has foot the bill for a majority of his insurance and will continue to after his retirement.

But hey, let's shit on the little guy. Because success is 1000% about drive, and clearly he just wasn't driven enough.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Member since Jan 01st 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 12:15 PM

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4. "excellent response."
In response to Reply # 2




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Member since Jan 24th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 12:20 PM

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5. "honesty and integrity is a muhfugga...said his fam skipped meals"
In response to Reply # 2



bcz of his low wage......we mightve been broke..but we dam shole wouldnve skipped no meals...

good man

2021 Mexican Resident

2019 CABG Survivor

2016 OK Survivor Champion

be about it or be without it



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Charter member
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:28 PM

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14. "I once had a job that paid minimum wage. You know what I did? I got a..."
In response to Reply # 2


better paying job.

Fry cook is not meant to be a career.

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Charter member
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:30 PM

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15. "yay for you."
In response to Reply # 14



so the fuck what?

fuck you.


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Charter member
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:32 PM

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16. "That's what most people do. "Move on up" like George and Weezy."
In response to Reply # 15


"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Charter member
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:35 PM

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18. "'most ppl'"
In response to Reply # 16



and those who don't - fuck 'em.


b/c clearly they're shiftless niggers w/o ambition. so they deserve their lot in life.

it ain't like forces beyond their control might make it more difficult for them to 'move on up' like the rest of us. if they're stagnant it's gotta be due to a lack of effort. they're unwilling to pull themselves by their bootstraps. it can't be about health issues (including mental health), immediate and/or extended family problems, poor decision making in their youth that has left them boxed in w/o options available to 'most ppl'. it can't be about the impact of entrenched, centuries-old racism. it's gotta be about their lack of drive. and if they don't have drive they deserve to starve.

amen, brother. amen.

i can tell all of that time you've spent in church has worked.

fuck you.


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Member since Nov 10th 2004
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Sun Oct-18-15 02:57 PM

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220. "where did you get all of that?"
In response to Reply # 18



>and those who don't - fuck 'em.
>b/c clearly they're shiftless niggers w/o ambition. so they
>deserve their lot in life.
>it ain't like forces beyond their control might make it more
>difficult for them to 'move on up' like the rest of us. if
>they're stagnant it's gotta be due to a lack of effort.
>they're unwilling to pull themselves by their bootstraps. it
>can't be about health issues (including mental health),
>immediate and/or extended family problems, poor decision
>making in their youth that has left them boxed in w/o options
>available to 'most ppl'. it can't be about the impact of
>entrenched, centuries-old racism. it's gotta be about their
>lack of drive. and if they don't have drive they deserve to
>amen, brother. amen.
>i can tell all of that time you've spent in church has




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seasoned vet
Member since Jul 29th 2008
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Sun Oct-18-15 07:32 PM

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223. "thats the bullshit his dumbass injects into the conversation"
In response to Reply # 220




his feeble mind automatically JUMPS to a "fuck the poor" mode


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:55 PM

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60. "The numbers would say otherwise of this guy wouldn't be at the White Hou..."
In response to Reply # 16



“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:42 PM

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24. "reading the comments in that link you see the exact same thing "
In response to Reply # 15
Fri Oct-16-15 01:43 PM by PoppaGeorge



over and over and over.

Nobody wants to hear that someone that worked fast food had the gumption to move on. Nobody wants to hear about the Walmart worker that started grabbing carts and is now a manager making decent money. The reason nobody wants to hear about it is because it's counter to the argument trying to be made. This back and forth will always exist as long as there's enough people out there that step forward like "Um... no, I used to work for said evil company and I got on up out of there/moved up in the ranks". There's always going to be people that will dismiss them as if they don't exist so they can keep claiming all people working there are stuck and can't progress.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
Member since Dec 11th 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:45 PM

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28. "we need to drown out these voices however we can."
In response to Reply # 24



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Charter member
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:52 PM

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32. "what?"
In response to Reply # 24



those stories are trotted out all of the time.

and when i hear them i think of the person's coworkers. there are relatively few managerial positions in any given entity. not everyone who works carts and/or fries can be promoted to a managerial position. somebody's gonna have to work carts and/or fries. the ppl who don't 'move on up' still exist. they don't vanish. they don't/can't all get jobs elsewhere. some are gonna stay there working carts/fries.

we need to deal w/them. b/c they're part of us.

i'd like to see conditions improve for them where they are. i don't think keeping conditions hard at the fries/carts level will necessarily inspire everyone who works fries/carts to 'move on up'. some ppl just don't have that drive. or they have other priorities. or they have issues beyond their immediate control that prevent their 'movement'. and yet they exist. and we need to deal w/them.

fuck you.


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Charter member
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:35 PM

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48. "Do you actually go to McDonald's or Wal-Mart? Do you actually know..."
In response to Reply # 32


anybody personally that's been on fries or carts for 10-20 years?

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:57 PM

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61. "I know a woman who's worked in the customer service at Wal-mart for"
In response to Reply # 48



At least 16 years and while she's not making minimum wage she's earning far below what 16 years in a position should be making.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Charter member
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Fri Oct-16-15 03:00 PM

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63. "Next..."
In response to Reply # 61


>she's not making minimum wage

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 03:03 PM

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65. "$8 isn't minimum wage."
In response to Reply # 63



“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Charter member
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Fri Oct-16-15 03:04 PM

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67. "So how much does the lady you're referring to make?"
In response to Reply # 65


"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Fri Oct-16-15 03:12 PM

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73. "no. never."
In response to Reply # 48



i only shop at Barney's and all of my friends and family work on Wall Street.

fuck you.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:42 PM

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52. "then raise minimum wage to $10-$11/hr and be done with it"
In response to Reply # 32



$15/hr is absurd. $10-$11/hr is where it should be to give those people that still work fries/counter a measure of economic stability.

The issue that many people refuse to acknowledge is that once that increase is made, hours will be cut. I've lived through a few increases in minimum wage and each time it went up that's precisely what happened. That guy/girl that was getting 30+hrs a week is now going to get 20. But she should be happy she got that increase even though the net effect is her making less per week, right?

The other thing that everyone seems to be missing is that a lot of the people that get trotted around when they're making the sympathy plea for a higher minimum wage is that many of them are NOT working full time; they're in part-time jobs. That last chick we argued about, Safiyyah Cotton, was barely getting 20hrs/week. So we're not even arguing about full time workers. This is especially important to note because there are very, very few people working in fast food outside of management that are getting 40 hrs a week.

Pay them more because it's long overdue, but that's not going to guarantee a better life.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Fri Oct-16-15 03:13 PM

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75. "$15/hr is the goal."
In response to Reply # 52



for now. and it'll need to be increased again later, of course. as long as we're all here we'll need to keep raising that minimum.

fuck you.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:36 PM

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20. "another reply that should result in an immediate ban."
In response to Reply # 14


>better paying job.
>Fry cook is not meant to be a career.


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31. "please, qualify your statement"
In response to Reply # 20



exactly why should these statements be grounds for a ban?


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Fri Oct-16-15 01:54 PM

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33. "b/c some of us don't wanna read y'all's bullshit."
In response to Reply # 31



sure, that works both ways. i'm only concerned w/this way.

i want you ppl gone.

of course, that ain't gonna happen.

but still...i want you ppl gone.

kinda like y'all want the ppl who work fries to just disappear. i want all ppl who agree w/Truth (on just about anything) to disappear. my world would be better w/o y'all in it.

but oh well.

fuck you.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:12 PM

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41. "ah, so it's another case of "Your rights end where my feelings begin""
In response to Reply # 33




Entitled, bratty children the lot of you.

I have to ask though, mr SoWhat, have you ever worked in fast food for any length of time? I put in two years at Hardee's and got time under my belt at McDonalds, Arby's, and Taco Bell.

Surely you've worked or at least one fast food, minimum wage job before your illustrious career of putting drunk drivers, rapists, and thieves back on the street. Please, enlighten us, or are you yet another one of those people talking that have never walked in these shoes, just saying some shit to make yourself feel morally superior, and in your case trying to balance the fucked up shit you've done with something that might be positive in order to quell the guilt you have for getting a nigga off with a slap on the wrist that destroyed someone's life while driving drunk.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:30 PM

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45. "nope."
In response to Reply # 41


These assholes wanna complain about how most of the "good", "entertaining" posters left
because a few socially conservatives blowhards got banned?

aight. Fine.

But let's be clear.

If we had OUR way,
the socially conservative blowhards that remain would ALSO be banned.

Because this shit is not entertaining for us. Nor is it funny.

I am making my views on the overmoderation known.

This site is not over moderated.
If it was, I'd banish all of you ppl.

My rights would end where your feelings begin.

Just wanted to make that clear.

And the OP is reprehensible.
Every post I've ever seen from him is reprehensible.
Because thatruth is reprehensible.

That is all.


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Fri Oct-16-15 03:14 PM

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77. "no.,"
In response to Reply # 41



fuck you.

fuck you.


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88. "ha! "
In response to Reply # 77


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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47. "this is funny coming from you..."
In response to Reply # 33


>sure, that works both ways. i'm only concerned w/this way.
>i want you ppl gone.
>of course, that ain't gonna happen.
>but still...i want you ppl gone.
>kinda like y'all want the ppl who work fries to just
>disappear. i want all ppl who agree w/Truth (on just about
>anything) to disappear. my world would be better w/o y'all in
>but oh well.

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Fri Oct-16-15 03:14 PM

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78. "i'm glad you think so."
In response to Reply # 47



fuck you.


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215. "I applaud this ETHER"
In response to Reply # 47



And I laughed

Prime example of the abuse trying to abuse

"hey, make this right mayne
stop at the light mayne,
my yester night thang got me hung off the night train "


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:01 PM

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38. "your reply should be banned as well."
In response to Reply # 31


>exactly why should these statements be grounds for a ban?

i don't like reading these lies.
i don't like explaining WHY i don't like reading these lies.

i want to get rid of you ppl.
all of you.

you are holding back hunan progess by existing.

that's pretty much it.

of course, i can't get rid of you ppl and your idead
any more than you all can get rid of me and mine.

but if i was a mod, you wouldn't be talking that shit here.

You ppl have have taken control of
the dialouge here.

why pretend to like it.

i wish you ppl would go away.

>"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the
>peace when we were getting laid out?
>Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances?
>Where is the peace then?
>They don't want to call for peace then.


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:54 PM

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59. "I don't care what you personally did. In a society of millions"
In response to Reply # 14



Your anecdotal evidence is irrelevant.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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66. "posts #43 & #48. n/m"
In response to Reply # 59


"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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99. "when millions of anecdotes are the same or similar can you really"
In response to Reply # 59



... ignore all of that especially when it's very easy to prove?


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 04:31 PM

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113. "annecdotes are worthless."
In response to Reply # 99


ppl that prefer annecdotes to facts
should be banned.


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124. "There are not as many made it from the bottom stories as there are"
In response to Reply # 99
Fri Oct-16-15 05:06 PM by MEAT



Still at the bottom stories. The numbers don't add up. So yes. I can dismiss a hypothetical million anectdotal stories because:
1. They don't exist in that quantity
2. The quantity that does exists pales in comparison to the opposite.

Hell, I'm one of those "came from the bottom" stories and I sure as shit didn't get there just by hard work. And there have been some lazy people on all points of that ladder and some hard workers too.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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144. "It ain't even about "making it" in the sense that you're balling now"
In response to Reply # 124



and before you were broke, it's about getting that minimum wage job through whatever circumstance and moving on from it. I'd wager that there are millions of people across a huge swath of ages that can speak to that.

As far as it being "anectodal", we all have W2's and tax returns to back those stories up. If you don't want to believe the words from someones mouth then you can always turn to the IRS to corroborate much of that (as well as credit reporting agencies that tend to keep track of your employers).


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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185. "exactly, people dont get that they themselves subsidize this farce"
In response to Reply # 2



And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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Fri Oct-16-15 12:21 PM

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6. "old school says a job is a job is a job"
In response to Reply # 0


b thankful be blessed keep food on the table bills paid
and a roof over your head and basic necessitys

mistermaxxx R.Kelly, Michael Jackson,Stevie wonder,Rick James,Marvin Gaye,El Debarge, Barry WHite Lionel RIchie,Isleys EWF,Lady T.,Kid creole and coconuts,the crusaders,kc sunshine band,bee gees,jW,sd,NE,JB

Miami Heat, New York Yankees,buffalo bills


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Fri Oct-16-15 12:55 PM

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8. "This is more to blame on Mcdonalds hiring policies than him"
In response to Reply # 0



McDonalds being the cheap piece of shit company that it is, you never hear about them offering management training on the job. Some "OWNERS" will offer that out of their time and money but a sponsorship from corporate? Nope.
PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c)T510


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11. "this isn't 100% true."
In response to Reply # 8
Fri Oct-16-15 01:26 PM by PoppaGeorge



If you express an interest in moving up, they'll guide you towards whatever goal you have. I've seen it personally when I worked for McDonalds and then there's this guy that moved up from the backline:

"Jeff Stratton is President, McDonald's USA, LLC. In this role, Mr. Stratton is responsible for the strategic direction and overall business results of the 14,000 McDonald’s restaurants in the United States....

... Stratton joined McDonald’s as a crewmember in his hometown of Detroit, Michigan in 1973. He worked his way up through the restaurants and held various field operations positions in the Detroit Region until 1987 when he was promoted to Staff Director of Operations and Menu Management. In 1990, Stratton moved to Columbus to serve as the Director of Operations, and later held several corporate positions at the company’s headquarters before returning to field operations as the Regional Vice President for the McDonald’s Denver Region in 1998...."


Funny thing about guys like Stratton, they NEVER lose their training on the back line. My store happened to be a corporate owned McDonalds, we got a visit from a regional manager or whatever once and dude was back there with us on the grills making sure shit was done right, and he was fast as fuck with it too.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Fri Oct-16-15 01:16 PM

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10. "I blame MD's for not upwardly managing the career paths of employees. "
In response to Reply # 0




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Fri Oct-16-15 01:26 PM

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13. "How do you know they don't? The majority of fast food managers and..."
In response to Reply # 10


supervisors didn't start in that position, most of them started at the bottom and worked their way up and it didn't take them 20 years to do it.

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:35 PM

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19. "because we aren't disingenuous liars."
In response to Reply # 13


because we don't have the need to introduce a "debate" around settled facts.

because we don't value anecdontes
as much as statistics.

because we are not interesting in
supporting lies that are damaging to
working people.

because we are not stupid.

because we are not brand new.

because we aren't callous bastards.

that's why.

>supervisors didn't start in that position, most of them
>started at the bottom and worked their way up and it didn't
>take them 20 years to do it.


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70. "Pretty much. "
In response to Reply # 19




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109. "lawwwwwwwd"
In response to Reply # 19


PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c)T510


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71. "There is no way a any management team has helped this man go further."
In response to Reply # 13




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Big Kuntry
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:24 PM

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12. "You think he wants to be in that position?..."
In response to Reply # 0



My hat goes off to that man, he's working two jobs and prolly makin bigger sacrafices than you and I could imagine.

You missin the purpose of what that man is talkin bout


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17. "fam could easily be knockin old ladies in the head or slingin bricks.."
In response to Reply # 12



that man is doing it the honest way.


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Fri Oct-16-15 01:40 PM

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22. "If it was either that or my kids skipping meals, guess which one I'd do."
In response to Reply # 17


"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Big Kuntry
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:45 PM

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27. "and once youre gone then they deeper in the hole "
In response to Reply # 22
Fri Oct-16-15 01:45 PM by Big Kuntry





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21. "He boasts about being a "2nd generation fast food worker"..."
In response to Reply # 12


>My hat goes off to that man, he's working two jobs and prolly
>makin bigger sacrafices than you and I could imagine.
>You missin the purpose of what that man is talkin bout

So what IS the purpose of what he's talking about?

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Fri Oct-16-15 01:41 PM

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23. "a dose of reality."
In response to Reply # 21



w/o regard for how homie 'ended up' where he is - he's there. and he's one of millions. and w/o regard for what we think he should be doing - this is what he's doing. he's part of our society. he's part of several communities. he's working hard and barely making it. are we okay w/that? do we want this to continue?

he's there to spur conversations like this.

your perspective is a common one - IMO it's way too common. and i'm glad to see so many ppl challenging it. i hope that most ppl who hear this man's story are bothered by the fact that the man is working as hard as he is but still can't get ahead. he's still only drawing a piddly salary. i think his situation needs improvement and it can be improved via reasonable measures - like an increase in the minimum wage, for example. i assume homie doesn't want to work fast food for 20 yrs - but maybe he does. and that's fine too. i don't think it's right for a person to work full time and struggle. i think there's enough money floating around in the USA that we can take care of ppl like him more than we do. i think we should make changes.

fuck you.


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Big Kuntry
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:54 PM

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34. "So?? Unless he's asking you personally for some money why do you care?"
In response to Reply # 21



The point that you're missin is minimum wage has not caught up wit inflation
& this country needs higher minimum wages that folks can live off.

You could make the argument that he should go to school, ok how?

He could find another job? How when the unemployment rate is through the roof.

It's easy to say what he should be doin from a distance.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:44 PM

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25. "if the revolution happened tomorrow, you'd be a snitch."
In response to Reply # 0


Nobody should listen to you, ever.


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Shaun Tha Don
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Sat Oct-17-15 06:41 PM

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213. "The same revolution that produced the likes of Castro, Lenin, Mao"
In response to Reply # 25


and Pol Pot? The same revolution that had its biggest supporters fleeing for their lives if they haven't got killed yet to the very countries whose systems they swear are so oppressive to the poor?

Rest In Peace, Bad News Brown


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26. "right or wrong, your post is likely how most americans will react to him"
In response to Reply # 0




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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:48 PM

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30. "which is why it is important for more ppl to tell their stories."
In response to Reply # 26


ppl are ashamed of being poor.
they shouldn't be.

i applaud this dude for coming forward.

We need folks to step up to drown out the lies.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:00 PM

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37. "what lies?"
In response to Reply # 30



please, tell us these lies you're hearing?


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:04 PM

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39. "all of them."
In response to Reply # 37


>please, tell us these lies you're hearing?

Everything this poster has ever said on this site.

Do a search.

If TheTruth typed it, it's a lie.
If somebody agreed with him, that's a lie.

If somebody asked for "clarity" about
why something ThaTruth as was a lie,
that person is full of shit too.

All of it.

>"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the
>peace when we were getting laid out?
>Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances?
>Where is the peace then?
>They don't want to call for peace then.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:50 PM

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55. "So you can't give any examples? Gotcha"
In response to Reply # 39



typical nigga that makes some shit up and when you call them on it they say "Just google it mah nigga".

You cannot cite sources for these "lies" you're talking about.

Until you can do this, you're the liar, and you should be banned.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:52 PM

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57. "i just did."
In response to Reply # 55


every statement he made in this post is a lie.

Every other post he made is also a lie.

He's a liar.

>typical nigga that makes some shit up and when you call them
>on it they say "Just google it mah nigga".
>You cannot cite sources for these "lies" you're talking
>Until you can do this, you're the liar, and you should be
>"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the
>peace when we were getting laid out?
>Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances?
>Where is the peace then?
>They don't want to call for peace then.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 03:46 PM

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95. "links nigga... "
In response to Reply # 57



you did NOT cite sources.

Show proof or shut the fuck up.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 06:28 PM

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139. "reply 99"
In response to Reply # 95



>you did NOT cite sources.
>Show proof or shut the fuck up.
>"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the
>peace when we were getting laid out?
>Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances?
>Where is the peace then?
>They don't want to call for peace then.


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198. "Lmao...glad to yall going in on these idiots"
In response to Reply # 39


I'm so tired of reading their bs opinions.


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200. "bitch please"
In response to Reply # 198




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Mike Jackson
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205. "you're mad. why?"
In response to Reply # 200



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214. "Your Mama's a bitch and you're nm"
In response to Reply # 200



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Fri Oct-16-15 01:47 PM

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29. "crazy how strong we are conditioned to devalue people based on their job"
In response to Reply # 0


including ourselves.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Fri Oct-16-15 02:53 PM

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58. "it's not necessarily the people being devalued, it's the jobs that are"
In response to Reply # 29



we place no value on those particular jobs, even though they're pretty much essential to making a company run.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
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74. "the ppl working the jobs have lives."
In response to Reply # 58


fuck those lives, is the message of this post.


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103. "True, but their lives are not the basis for those wages"
In response to Reply # 74



So, again, their lives have not been devalued, only the job.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
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129. "will the distinction matter when disenfranchised folks get violent?"
In response to Reply # 103


>So, again, their lives have not been devalued, only the job.
>"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the
>peace when we were getting laid out?
>Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances?
>Where is the peace then?
>They don't want to call for peace then.


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35. "we got us another one huh?"
In response to Reply # 0



...anyway, I wish homie nothing but the best....

On another note, I wanted a side job at MD a couple years ago, and my interviewer treated me like a one percenter playing with her time....I was kinda offended.... I've never been around such unprofessional, openly jealous folks b4 LOL...

"yes, sometimes my rhymes are sexist, but you lovely bitches and hos should know i'm tryin to correct it"- hiphopopotamus


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double negative
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Fri Oct-16-15 01:57 PM

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36. "not everyone is destined or designed to rise to the top"
In response to Reply # 0



dont quote me on it but I think its a very American idea to have a drive to keep moving up.

I did wince slightly at the idea that someone would be a second generation fast food worker and put in 20 years and have three kids but, thats how it is for a ton of people.

Im conflicted but I get it I think



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Mike Jackson
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40. "of course, so fuck any attempt to make it better?"
In response to Reply # 36


you should be banned, too.


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double negative
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44. "thats not my point. i was addressing the OP"
In response to Reply # 40



and the idea that something must be way wrong if someone works the same job for 20 years and doesn't become manager

nor am I saying that we shouldnt help



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John Forte
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42. "If I didn't know that TheTruth wasn't a thinker"
In response to Reply # 0


I'd think he was a bad human being. Instead, I understand that he's internalized the conventional wisdumb and is unable to see any other perspective. There's little use arguing with him.


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43. "I'm just trying to understand. I actually go to fast food restaurants..."
In response to Reply # 42
Fri Oct-16-15 02:31 PM by ThaTruth


I know people that work there or have worked there. I have friends and family that work or have worked in fast food. I don't anybody that's worked fast food for 10+ years and is not at least a shift leader. If you do your job and put in the time you eventually move up. If you don't do your job you eventually get fired.

Its hard for me to comprehend how someone could put in 20 years and STAY at the bottom unless they have some sort of mental or physical disability.

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 02:41 PM

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51. "RE: I'm just trying to understand.<-----'-- that's a lie."
In response to Reply # 43


>Its hard for me to comprehend how someone could put in 20
>years and STAY at the bottom unless they have some sort of
>mental or physical disability.

and what if that guy DOES have an undiagnosed mental disability?

fuck him, i guess.
Or work harder to not be disabled.

What a piece of shit you are.


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112. "let's examine this."
In response to Reply # 43



> If you do your job and put in the
>time you eventually move up. If you don't do your job you
>eventually get fired.
>Its hard for me to comprehend how someone could put in 20
>years and STAY at the bottom unless they have some sort of
>mental or physical disability.

you said if a ff worker does the job well they move up. if they don't do well they're fired. unless they have some mental or physical disability.

so...maybe this guy has a mental or physical disability.

or maybe there's more to the world than what you've written here.

i work in an office where we have an admin assistant who's been here for 30 yrs. she hasn't been promoted and she hasn't been fired. she's been a secretary for 30 yrs. she hasn't moved on to some other job where she can advance. she's here. for 30 yrs. as a secretary.

analyze her.

fuck you.


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116. "RE: let's examine this."
In response to Reply # 112


>i work in an office where we have an admin assistant who's
>been here for 30 yrs. she hasn't been promoted and she hasn't
>been fired. she's been a secretary for 30 yrs. she hasn't
>moved on to some other job where she can advance. she's here.
> for 30 yrs. as a secretary.
>analyze her.

She should've went to law school.

I bet she makes more than $8/hr though.

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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117. "why should she go to law school?"
In response to Reply # 116



fuck you.


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224. "Does she make more than $8/hr?"
In response to Reply # 117


"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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119. "i think you're right."
In response to Reply # 42



fuck you.


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227. "Those aren't mutually exclusive propositions."
In response to Reply # 42


>RE: If I didn't know that TheTruth wasn't a thinker
>I'd think he was a bad human being.


Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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46. "ha! they MAD"
In response to Reply # 0



LMAO @ wanting an opinion to be banned


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Mike Jackson
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49. "so?"
In response to Reply # 46


>LMAO @ wanting an opinion to be banned

Conservatives fight for opinions to be banned all the time.

When the last time you heard somebody not support the troops?

That's a banned opinion.

We, as a society, ban opinions all the time.

Why not ask for different opinions to be banned?


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Fri Oct-16-15 02:41 PM

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50. "radical conservatives are crazy, radical liberal expectations are hilari..."
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Oct-16-15 02:42 PM by seasoned vet



mcdonalds should
mcdonalds should
mcdonalds should



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Mike Jackson
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53. "how about, "the gov't can, but hasn't. we should ask why.""
In response to Reply # 50


>mcdonalds should
>mcdonalds should
>mcdonalds should

or is that an opinion you want banned?

what a piece of shit you are.


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54. "yeah, they REAL mad."
In response to Reply # 53




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Mike Jackson
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56. "we should be."
In response to Reply # 54


ppl in our communities are suffering.
should we be happy about that?


anger is an appropriate emotion in this case.


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64. "people in our communities are choosing to suffer"
In response to Reply # 56




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Mike Jackson
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72. "burn it all down, or peacefully ask for a redress of grievances."
In response to Reply # 64
Fri Oct-16-15 03:10 PM by Mike Jackson


don't shit on ppl for expressing a grievence.

nobody benefits from that.


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82. "math problem for you"
In response to Reply # 72



50,000 people are upset about low wages at mcdonalds

which option gets their voice heard?

1. 50,000 people getting up every day to clock in while expressing grievances for 20 years.


2. 50,000 people walking off the job because of low wages.


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Mike Jackson
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85. "or, millions of poor ppl rioting in the streets."
In response to Reply # 82


don't shit on ppl for talking about their problems...

that stiffles the likelyhood of being able to organize 50k ppl organizing a peaceful strike.

peaceful resoltion is better.
so quit shitting on folks that are suffering.

that makes them feel that they are out of peaceful options.

>50,000 people are upset about low wages at mcdonalds
>which option gets their voice heard?
>1. 50,000 people getting up every day to clock in while
>expressing grievances for 20 years.
>2. 50,000 people walking off the job because of low wages.


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90. "all i ask for is action with the sob stories"
In response to Reply # 85



dont just sit there and take it while complaining

get up
off your ass
and DO something about YOUR situation

then id listen
til then irdgaf
i really dont


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Mike Jackson
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92. "this mentality leads to folks shooting random ppl."
In response to Reply # 90


one too many dismissive comments
and ppl fly off the handle and kill ppl.

not my idea of our best course of action... but let's not be surprised
when ppl stop trying to work the system and "suddenly" turn violent.

shit ain't complicated.

but keep shitting on him and ppl like him.

folks will eventually take action
but not the kind anybody wants.

>dont just sit there and take it while complaining
>get up
>off your ass
>and DO something about YOUR situation
>then id listen
>til then irdgaf
>i really dont


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115. "we see this happen like once per month."
In response to Reply # 92



no, not all of the mass shooters have been underpaid ff workers.

but they've all felt marginalized and disenfranchised and powerless and forgotten for various reasons.

we can't just ignore the folks on the fringes. not when Wal-Mart sells guns and ammo.

fuck you.


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132. "No, trying to better your situation doesnt lead to murder.. stop making ..."
In response to Reply # 92


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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62. "corporate greed, systemic racism, and discrimination exists"
In response to Reply # 0



THIS we agree on

its insane to expect that same greedy corporate, discriminatory, racist system to wake up one day and treat you fair and equal

mcdonalds has done exacly what i expect them to do
which is why its unwise to wait on them


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Mike Jackson
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69. "burn the society down, or petition the gov't for redress of grievances."
In response to Reply # 62


Given our options,
let's not shit on ppl for expressing

which is what assholes like you do.


I know why.
You're a vile person.

Let's move on.

>THIS we agree on
>its insane to expect that same greedy corporate,
>discriminatory, racist system to wake up one day and treat you
>fair and equal
>mcdonalds has done exacly what i expect them to do
>which is why its unwise to wait on them


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76. "expressing grievances isnt enough we need action"
In response to Reply # 69



action and personal accountability

however, feel free to call me another name because you disagree with me


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Mike Jackson
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79. "burning society down IS action."
In response to Reply # 76


I'd rather we resolve this peacefully.

Wouldn't you?

>action and personal accountability
>however, feel free to call me another name because you
>disagree with me


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83. "seeking better pay and/or education IS action too"
In response to Reply # 79




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Mike Jackson
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87. "sure."
In response to Reply # 83


let's avoid the likelihood of
violent action by NOT shitting on ppl
talking about their problems.

that works out better for everyone,
wouldn't you agree?


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68. "I thought there was honor in all work"
In response to Reply # 0




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80. "I applaud this man and his wife. GREAT PEOPLE"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Oct-16-15 03:19 PM by justin_scott


Glad to see he's at least been rewarded somewhat with a trip to the WH. Hopefully this trip will result in a better wage somewhere for him. He deserves it. I, and lots of people, have worked jobs that didn't pay enough simply because we loved the job and the atmosphere it provided.



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81. "RE: I applaud this man and his wife. TRUE AMERICANS"
In response to Reply # 80


>I, and lots of people, have
>worked jobs that didn't pay enough simply because we loved the
>job and the atmosphere it provided.

were your children "skipping" meals?

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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84. "i don't have kids, but as a child, yes i did"
In response to Reply # 81


and my father worked 2 jobs. we didn't always have food, but my father was an inspiration. he worked hard, and if wages had gone up at the same rate as inflation, we would have been far better.



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86. "RE: i don't have kids, - NEXT."
In response to Reply # 84


"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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93. "whatever, props to two GREAT AMERICANS"
In response to Reply # 86





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89. "hmm where is he from?"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Oct-16-15 03:29 PM by Cenario



when i'm out of nyc, there be all types of older folks working in mcdonalds/walmarts etc. Those are the only jobs available. Everyone can't make it to manager.

-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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91. "RE: hmm where is he from?"
In response to Reply # 89


>when i'm out of nyc, there be all types of older folks
>working in mcdonalds/walmarts etc. Those are the only jobs
>available. Everyone can't make it to manager.

I know there are older people that work minimum wage jobs for a number of reasons. But how many of them have been there 20 years? Maybe they can't make it to manager but supervisor should be doable.

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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96. "in rural areas, those types of jobs are made up of older folks."
In response to Reply # 91



If you got a mickey d's with 20 employees 40+ years old that been there for 10+ years all of them can't get promoted to supervisor lol

I got fam that live in parts of Virginia that were shocked to find out i was working in an office in my late teens. They said those jobs don't exist unless you have a degree. Even clerical stuff.

-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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98. "I've been to fast food places in rural areas and I haven't seen this..."
In response to Reply # 96


>If you got a mickey d's with 20 employees 40+ years old that
>been there for 10+ years

but I'll take your word for it.

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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107. "well i haven't seen 20 either c'mon."
In response to Reply # 98



i mean i've seen 10 bc there were 10 working. I assumed the rest of the staff was a similar demographic.

-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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seasoned vet
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Fri Oct-16-15 03:44 PM

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94. "so basically his wife has been a CNA for 16 years?"
In response to Reply # 0



becoming a CNA takes a 2 week course

it only takes 1 more year to become an LPN

stop with the excuses


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97. "Nah, CNA is 6-12 weeks depending on the school"
In response to Reply # 94




"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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100. ""
In response to Reply # 97




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102. ""
In response to Reply # 97




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Fri Oct-16-15 04:03 PM

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105. ""
In response to Reply # 97




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Fri Oct-16-15 04:06 PM

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106. ""
In response to Reply # 97




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Fri Oct-16-15 04:02 PM

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104. "Exactly, this is why we're falling behind as a society, this is what we'..."
In response to Reply # 94


teaching our kids.

"Don't strive to achieve, to excel, to better yourself, to improve your situation. Wait for the government to take care of you."

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Fri Oct-16-15 04:07 PM

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108. "that old school mentality"
In response to Reply # 104


like my older fam back home paying outrageous cable bills and don't even have internet at the crib.

I tell them to call and ask for retention but they shrug because they fear the loss of cable.

same thing with these jobs.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Fri Oct-16-15 04:02 PM

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101. "20 years? nah yo... someone convinced this man he couldnt work "
In response to Reply # 0


anywher else.

and y'all niggas should be ashamed of youselves for defending this...

no one should work 20 years without a promotion unless they really like working on fries.

why we appluading/defending shit we wouldn't do?

and fuck McD's for not pushing that man into,a,better position.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Fri Oct-16-15 04:18 PM

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110. "Glad we got Seasoned Vet to let us know the deal"
In response to Reply # 0



I had no idea so many shiftless field Negroes existed.
PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c)T510


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The Wordsmith
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Fri Oct-16-15 04:22 PM

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111. "Did this dude ever try to improve his situation?"
In response to Reply # 0



Dude could've went to UPS and came up. When I worked at UPS, I went from $8.50 to over $11 an hour in four years AND I was due to get a raise that year that would've pushed me over $12 an hour but I left for the military before that could happen.

Did dude even apply for other jobs during those 20 years? I don't have time to really watch and hear what he is saying. I'm just perplexed as to how this dude didn't find any kind of way to come up in 20 years.

Since 1976


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Fri Oct-16-15 04:32 PM

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114. "what if he didn't?"
In response to Reply # 111



what if he did and wasn't able to.

what if he didn't b/c he feels stuck. b/c he's convinced himself he can't.

what if he actually IS stuck?

does any of this mean he deserves to live the life he's got? when his employer can afford to pay him a wage on which he can live?

should his employer pay him more?

or does he deserve his lot in life b/c he hasn't advanced 'beyond' working fast food for 20 yrs?

what's 'wrong' w/working the same job for 20 yrs? does everyone have to 'advance'?

i just posted about the woman who's been a secretary in this office for 30 yrs. what does she deserve? since she hasn't 'advanced beyond' being a secretary for 30 yrs.

fuck you.


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Fri Oct-16-15 04:37 PM

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118. "This guy agrees with you:"
In response to Reply # 114


"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Fri Oct-16-15 04:37 PM

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120. "so does this guy:"
In response to Reply # 118



fuck you.


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Shaun Tha Don
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Sat Oct-17-15 03:51 PM

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212. "And he never worked a day in his life. LMAO"
In response to Reply # 118


Rest In Peace, Bad News Brown


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The Wordsmith
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Fri Oct-16-15 04:47 PM

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121. "If he didn't try, then no respect."
In response to Reply # 114



I can understand if someone tried and had setbacks. But if they don't even put one foot forward then that's on them. Especially after 20 years.

Since 1976


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seasoned vet
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Fri Oct-16-15 05:01 PM

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122. "crazy how even asking the question incites RAGE"
In response to Reply # 121




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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 05:36 PM

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128. "this post is not rage; disenfranchised ppl rioting & killing ppl is rage..."
In response to Reply # 122


it's weird that you think ppl
writing about a problem is rage.

it's really not.


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Fri Oct-16-15 05:16 PM

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125. "*updates database*"
In response to Reply # 121



fuck you.


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seasoned vet
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Fri Oct-16-15 05:33 PM

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127. "Yay! for you"
In response to Reply # 125




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140. "Right?!"
In response to Reply # 125



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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 05:28 PM

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126. "if he tries, fails, then kills random ppl, will you respect him then?"
In response to Reply # 121


It's obvious he is not being heard.

>I can understand if someone tried and had setbacks. But if
>they don't even put one foot forward then that's on them.
>Especially after 20 years.
>Since 1976


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Fri Oct-16-15 05:59 PM

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131. "Lol, stfu with that nonsense"
In response to Reply # 126


Millions of people try, fail and try again...

You really want our people to not try so their feelings wont get hurt?

Have you stopped trying to advance in your profession?

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Fri Oct-16-15 06:07 PM

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135. "I will never stop trying as long ppl hold opinions like yours."
In response to Reply # 131
Fri Oct-16-15 06:07 PM by SoWhat



As long as there are ppl in positions of power who think like you on this issue I will never stop fighting. You ppl will not win as long as I can do anything about it.

fuck you.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 06:12 PM

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138. "^ all day, every day."
In response to Reply # 135




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217. "if we win then more poor folk will move on from McD's "
In response to Reply # 135


if you win, people will continue to work at McD's for 20 years.

but I guess the goal is to bitch about McD's low pay for flipping burgers and fries.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 06:08 PM

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136. "these mass shootings don't happen for no reason."
In response to Reply # 131


Hopeless ppl kill ppl.
That is the trend.

Can we be less dicks about it?
Other ppl's pain affect us all.

>Millions of people try, fail and try again...
>You really want our people to not try so their feelings wont
>get hurt?
>Have you stopped trying to advance in your profession?


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Member since May 05th 2011
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169. "Fuck those people who commit mass shootings cause they cant deal"
In response to Reply # 136


with failure or not getting a girl or a job promotion...

and fuck you for trying to imply black people are too fragile to better themselves

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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The Wordsmith
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Sat Oct-17-15 06:54 AM

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177. "Right? If a white dude even implied...."
In response to Reply # 169



....that Black folks had a proclivity towards rioting, looting, and killing because of a setback of two, this dude would be appalled. Yet he wants to pitch this hyperbolic nonsense. Since he's making excuses as to why people commit mass murder, I wonder what are his excuses for ol' boy who shot those folks in that church in Charleston?


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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 08:13 AM

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183. "no mental health care, poverty, and incendiary political rhetoric."
In response to Reply # 177


>Since he's making excuses as to why people commit
>mass murder, I wonder what are his excuses for ol' boy who
>shot those folks in that church in Charelston?

doesn't take a genius to see what happened there.

hopeless ppl kill ppl.
not rocket science.

it's only racist if you assume black ppl are predisposed to violence.

but it's obvious anybody will break
if they get pushed.

maybe stop pushing ppl?


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Fri Oct-16-15 06:05 PM

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134. "I spend all day fighting on behalf of some of the most disenfranchised i..."
In response to Reply # 126



And it often feels like I'm climbing Mt Everest. Or beating my head against a wall. The task feels impossible. And it takes a toll on me bc i care for these ppl and their plights and I want them to win. Posts like this are especially dsheartening bc the attitudes expressed in the OP and by those who agree with it are held by so many of the ppl I fight everyday. It's hard. Anyway the better part here is I'm not the only one on he right side of this issue. I like seeing that. It makes me believe the work I do is worth it. I'm not in a position to effect large scale change. Yet. But posts like this remind me I probably should be.

fuck you.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 06:10 PM

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137. "word."
In response to Reply # 134


i needed to read that.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 07:27 PM

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149. "nigga... stop trying to act like you're some kind of people's hero"
In response to Reply # 134



You put drunk drivers back behind the wheel
You put drug dealers back on the block
You put rapists back in arms reach of their victims
I don't doubt that you've probably cheered as a murderer or two was let go or got off with a minimal charge and probation.

You're a professional liar. Most of your clients you KNOW were guilty, but you did everything in your power to get them off or get them a light sentence. Your biggest concern ain't about seeing them win, it's seeing your pocket get fatter. 'Cause if you were REALLY trying to see them win, if you really believed the bullshit you're typing, you'd be handling your cases pro-bono. If you're really trying to see these people win, you'd be an active participant in the Innocence Project or something of the sort to exonerate people wrongly convicted of crimes.

If you were REALLY about that life of helping people get better pay, you'd switch from criminal law to labor law so you can truly fight for the people.

But you're not about that life... you're profiteering off of criminals with complete disregard for their victims.

So, please, break your fingers in your luxury car door and cut off your own tongue so you can't write or speak that bullshit ever again.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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seasoned vet
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Fri Oct-16-15 07:52 PM

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151. "'I got the gun, You got the briefcase. Its all in the game tho right?'"
In response to Reply # 149




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Fri Oct-16-15 08:06 PM

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154. "Yes."
In response to Reply # 149
Fri Oct-16-15 08:11 PM by SoWhat



I am exactly who you say I am.

fuck you.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 08:38 PM

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158. "let's pretend like you haven't told us what you do repeatedly"
In response to Reply # 154



so you can pretend you're the champion of the downtrodden some more.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Fri Oct-16-15 08:40 PM

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159. "And being the astute reader you are you have deduced what I do."
In response to Reply # 158
Fri Oct-16-15 08:42 PM by SoWhat



I am nailed by the stereotypes you referenced as you reached your conclusion.

fuck you.


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Member since Sep 15th 2002
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Fri Oct-16-15 08:30 PM

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157. "this has got to be the most disgusting post i've seen"
In response to Reply # 149



on OKP in a long while

"i fear no fate" e.e. cummings
"No girl. No fried chicken. I'm going back to get some sleep." - Haruki Murakami


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 09:36 PM

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164. "The nigga decided to hit me with personal, low ass insults"
In response to Reply # 157



couldn't even say the shit directly to me, nah he had to say it responding to other niggas.

When that happened, the gloves came off.

It's all cool to argue back and forth, that's expected. Debate is healthy and a part of life. But to sit off and attack a person's character? And get other niggas sittin off cheerleading the nigga forming pyramids and shit??? Nah b, fuck that. He get's what's coming to him. He has no real moral high horse to sit on thanks to his profession. It's one thing to play the moral crusader, but do so when you're not the cat getting known criminals get off the hook.

And... Fuck you too for making this reply.

"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 10:26 PM

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166. "you attack the character of millions of poor ppl tho."
In response to Reply # 164


that character attack is cool.
but somebody accuses you of being
a slimeball and now you're indignant.


Now ask me "where did i attack poor ppl's character?"

actually, don't.
read your replies and figure it out yourself.



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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Sat Oct-17-15 01:49 AM

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171. "nigga I ain't but a moment away from being poor myself."
In response to Reply # 166



>that character attack is cool.
>but somebody accuses you of being
>a slimeball and now you're indignant.

Nah, it ain't even that. This is some shit between dude and me. He knows what the fuck he said that got me on this shit with him and he ain't even have to go there. He could have kept shit just arguments and debates but he took it to the gutter, so that's where it's at.

>Now ask me "where did i attack poor ppl's character?"
>actually, don't.
>read your replies and figure it out yourself.

Yes. I'm a jerk because I just barely pulled my family out of the fuckin poor house. I'm a jerk because I finally got us off food stamps. I'm a jerk because I got us out of that weekly and into a rental house. I'm a jerk because we lost damned near everything from our three cars to our beautiful house, to shit we had to leave behind because we ran out of money and couldn't afford another truck and storage for it all.

Yup... that's me.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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167. "pow pow"
In response to Reply # 149


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Oct 22nd 2003
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Sat Oct-17-15 01:50 PM

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203. "thought he was a public defender...."
In response to Reply # 149



in any case you may be giving him too much credit
i doubt someone spending 4+ work hours a day here minimum has as high a win % as purported
he probably sees half his cases for the first time while in court like the majority of these other shitty PDs



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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 02:52 PM

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207. "the hate is strong in you."
In response to Reply # 203


Let it all out, bro.



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The Wordsmith
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Fri Oct-16-15 06:41 PM

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142. "So that's what us Black folks do...."
In response to Reply # 126



.....when we try and fail? We go and rob and kill folks? With few exceptions, that ain't about to happen with most folks. I've failed before, heck, I'm working through some setbacks now which includes unemployment and no unemployment checks and I don't have the urge to rob and kill. You're being way too extreme just to excuse lack of ambition, IF that's dude's issue.

Since 1976


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Fri Oct-16-15 05:04 PM

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123. "It says almost 20 years of working at McDonalds..."
In response to Reply # 0



He's 36 so that means he started at 16.

It's too much shaming going on in here. We are where we at in life because of circumstances out of our control and some circumstances that we had control over. It's not for me to say whether or not this man and his family should be where they are 20 years later. However, McDonalds could do a better job of helping employees advance.

It's going to be real interesting to see how society adapts to technology taking away some of these low wage jobs. It seems like corporations' response to rising minimum wages has technology replacing those jobs. That's quite a scary scenario for anyone with a child or grinding to make it. How fucked is it that society has reached a point where it would rather erase a job completely than pay someone an extra $2 to $5 an hour for a part-time job?


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 06:36 PM

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141. "Nah b, we control where we end up in life by and large"
In response to Reply # 123



>He's 36 so that means he started at 16.
>It's too much shaming going on in here. We are where we at in
>life because of circumstances out of our control and some
>circumstances that we had control over. It's not for me to say
>whether or not this man and his family should be where they
>are 20 years later. However, McDonalds could do a better job
>of helping employees advance.

Know what's out of your control? That stray bullet that left you or a loved one paralyzed, that drunk driver that smashed into your ride leaving you fucked up. Shit like that is out of your control.

Pretty much everything else is squarely on you.

How you proceed in life is yours to own. Whether you get ahead, barring life altering events completely outside of your sphere of influence, is determined by how much work you're willing to put into it and what sacrifices you're willing to make.

You determine your level of success. Are you willing to do what it takes to get out of the hole or are you going to sit there and complain about it?

>It's going to be real interesting to see how society adapts to
>technology taking away some of these low wage jobs. It seems
>like corporations' response to rising minimum wages has
>technology replacing those jobs. That's quite a scary scenario
>for anyone with a child or grinding to make it. How fucked is
>it that society has reached a point where it would rather
>erase a job completely than pay someone an extra $2 to $5 an
>hour for a part-time job?

It's always been that way though. The auto industry replaced line workers with robotics and many other industries now rely heavily on industrial automation to get the jobs done that once required people. Those jobs HAVE been erased. This is why the US is no longer a manufacturing center like it was decades ago. What you're talking about is the reality we've been living in at least all of my life.

And if it's not going to a robot, it's being shipped to a third world country where human labor is dirt cheap. This is the reason you get an Indian on the phone when you call up almost any large corporation for support nowadays and why so much of our shit says "Made in China".

Face it, the world you're postulating about is the same world you live in.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Member since Nov 14th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 08:19 PM

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156. "We disagree right >here<"
In response to Reply # 141



>Know what's out of your control? That stray bullet that left
>you or a loved one paralyzed, that drunk driver that smashed
>into your ride leaving you fucked up. Shit like that is out of
>your control.
>Pretty much everything else is squarely on you.
>How you proceed in life is yours to own. Whether you get
>ahead, barring life altering events completely outside of your
>sphere of influence, is determined by how much work you're
>willing to put into it and what sacrifices you're willing to
>You determine your level of success. Are you willing to do
>what it takes to get out of the hole or are you going to sit
>there and complain about it?

I saw it happen few times where someone's skin tone gave them an opportunity that someone else would not receive. I worked in a restaurant when I was young bussing tables. This couple comes in and I buss the table they're about to sit in. Cool, nothing happens. White guy that is a good dude mind you does the same thing. They see his plight and ask why he's working here. He shouldn't be working there and offers him a rather lucrative job offer. He takes it and the rest is history. Good for him and he's my friend to this day.

The same thing happens at uni except for this time it's a pristine pure white sorority sister that meets a successful businesswoman. We served the same people but these people found something in common, i.e. cultural reasonance, with the people that served them and it lead to an opportunity that advanced their world.

I'm not saying don't grind but let's not ignore the elephant in the room here. We know it exists because it happens all the time.

>It's always been that way though. The auto industry replaced
>line workers with robotics and many other industries now rely
>heavily on industrial automation to get the jobs done that
>once required people. Those jobs HAVE been erased. This is why
>the US is no longer a manufacturing center like it was decades
>ago. What you're talking about is the reality we've been
>living in at least all of my life.
>And if it's not going to a robot, it's being shipped to a
>third world country where human labor is dirt cheap. This is
>the reason you get an Indian on the phone when you call up
>almost any large corporation for support nowadays and why so
>much of our shit says "Made in China".
>Face it, the world you're postulating about is the same world
>you live in.

This is not the same world I live in because I don't work at these jobs. The general apathy towards the plight of others and excitement towards this scenario is what separates things now from back then. We went way too far championing the stock market and this push for constant profit at the expense of people's lives.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Sat Oct-17-15 02:37 AM

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172. "right, but skin color is one of those things completely out of our contr..."
In response to Reply # 156



>I saw it happen few times where someone's skin tone gave them
>an opportunity that someone else would not receive. I worked
>in a restaurant when I was young bussing tables. This couple
>comes in and I buss the table they're about to sit in. Cool,
>nothing happens. White guy that is a good dude mind you does
>the same thing. They see his plight and ask why he's working
>here. He shouldn't be working there and offers him a rather
>lucrative job offer. He takes it and the rest is history. Good
>for him and he's my friend to this day.
>The same thing happens at uni except for this time it's a
>pristine pure white sorority sister that meets a successful
>businesswoman. We served the same people but these people
>found something in common, i.e. cultural reasonance, with the
>people that served them and it lead to an opportunity that
>advanced their world.
>I'm not saying don't grind but let's not ignore the elephant
>in the room here. We know it exists because it happens all the

And, again, it's completely out of your control. Look, there's no way I should have got that engineering job I had in the defense sector. I have no degree and only IT experience, but the section manager I interviewed with was a brother. He told me later he gave me the opportunity because he felt I would push myself hard to fit in with the rest of the people that had engineering degrees. He also gave it to me because I'm a Black man trying to move forward against everything. I stood in front of him and knew I wasn't really qualified for the job, but I gave him a pitch that made him feel good about bringing me on board. I walked into that company a senior engineer, with white dudes with degrees and experience under me. I probably took a job away from some white cat that was far more qualified for the job, but I got it largely because of my skin color.

At the same time I KNOW I've been denied jobs strictly because of my skin color. Companies that wanted to hire me over the phone where a face to face was only supposed to be a formality 'cause I had the job. But when I walked through the door and was Black suddenly they wanted to interview other people, suddenly the jobs disappeared.

But, again, this is completely out of our control. We cannot change what race we are.

>This is not the same world I live in because I don't work at
>these jobs. The general apathy towards the plight of others
>and excitement towards this scenario is what separates things
>now from back then. We went way too far championing the stock
>market and this push for constant profit at the expense of
>people's lives.

whether you work them or not is moot. The fact of the matter is there were once plentiful manufacturing jobs here in the US, and now the vast majority of those jobs have vanished completely or have been moved outside of this country. The few that remain are on the short list of jobs to be replaced by robots in the very near future. It used to be that you could get your HS diploma and if you didn't want to go to college or pick up a trade you could at least get a job on an assembly line somewhere. Those jobs have largely disappeared. This IS the world you live in.

I think we at least agree that shareholders and wall street are partly to blame for the current lack of jobs. If they hadn't started rewarding companies for laying off employees to "boost profits" back in the 80's, we would still have a lot of those jobs.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Member since Nov 14th 2004
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Sat Oct-17-15 03:38 PM

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210. "Salute for the great conversation. Seriously, this is why I love OKP.."
In response to Reply # 172



>And, again, it's completely out of your control. Look, there's
>no way I should have got that engineering job I had in the
>defense sector. I have no degree and only IT experience, but
>the section manager I interviewed with was a brother. He told
>me later he gave me the opportunity because he felt I would
>push myself hard to fit in with the rest of the people that
>had engineering degrees. He also gave it to me because I'm a
>Black man trying to move forward against everything. I stood
>in front of him and knew I wasn't really qualified for the
>job, but I gave him a pitch that made him feel good about
>bringing me on board. I walked into that company a senior
>engineer, with white dudes with degrees and experience under
>me. I probably took a job away from some white cat that was
>far more qualified for the job, but I got it largely because
>of my skin color.

I never really thought it from this perspective as an African-American male. Don't take this as me speaking on your life or making any negative assumptions about you. Quite frankly, you're black so even if you did get in the door best believe you're working harder just to justify your existence because of white coworker envy. Again, no shots at all just saying as black people we have to work hard as shit to survive.

>At the same time I KNOW I've been denied jobs strictly because
>of my skin color. Companies that wanted to hire me over the
>phone where a face to face was only supposed to be a formality
>'cause I had the job. But when I walked through the door and
>was Black suddenly they wanted to interview other people,
>suddenly the jobs disappeared.
>But, again, this is completely out of our control. We cannot
>change what race we are.

It is truth that we cannot change our race or the perceptions that come from it.

>I think we at least agree that shareholders and wall street
>are partly to blame for the current lack of jobs. If they
>hadn't started rewarding companies for laying off employees to
>"boost profits" back in the 80's, we would still have a lot of
>those jobs.

We're 100 percent in agreement about this. Another part of it is this post 2008 apathy towards people receiving government aid. How dare these poor black people receive aid from the government. This attack mentality on the middle class is sickening.

Thanks for the conversation. It's been really productive and conducive to actual discussion about the issue.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Fri Oct-16-15 05:57 PM

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130. "Poor blacks wont get ahead if we keep applauding and coddling.."
In response to Reply # 0


when they hustle backwards.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 06:04 PM

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133. "let ignore ppl like him until they get violent to make their point."
In response to Reply # 130


lol @ him thinking talking about a problem is worth it.

let him go postal.
that's better.

>when they hustle backwards


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seasoned vet
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Fri Oct-16-15 06:45 PM

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143. "what in the entire FUCK are you even talking about?"
In response to Reply # 133




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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 06:51 PM

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145. "read my replies and figure it out."
In response to Reply # 143



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Fri Oct-16-15 06:56 PM

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146. "only a dumbfuck thinks this way"
In response to Reply # 133



Yes, let's give the corporations a real reason to dump more money into militarized police forces and prisons. Yes, let's give them a reason to dump more money into politicians pockets to roll back protective measures like Affirmative Action to keep us piss poor and broke. Yes, let's give those in power a reason to believe that they were right all along about us.

Yes, let's get violent and die and leave those that depend on us in an even worse situation than they were in when we were alive.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-16-15 07:07 PM

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147. "ppl that feel trapped don't care. nm"
In response to Reply # 146



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Fri Oct-16-15 07:14 PM

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148. "Wow I th ink I disagree with both sides lol"
In response to Reply # 0



There are some locales where it's hard to get/find real work, unless you got an education. Not everyone has the circumstance to do that. That's fine. Assuming they tried other avenues to come up...i'm not gonna write someone off just bc they been in fast food for 20 years. I need to hear their story.

But saying what if they didn't try bc they felt stuck???? Lmao gtfoh. There are plenty of things to try. It's a google search away. Not trying bc of (entire excuse here) is not acceptable on any level.

-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 07:37 PM

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150. "Most people in those jobs likely didn't aspire to them"
In response to Reply # 148



whats more, they pretty much hate their work.

If that's the case, there's other shit for you to learn to do.

The way I see it, if you're willing to get up every day to go to a job you hate or had no interest in doing up to that point, then you can learn something else a bit more lucrative to make ends meet. You can learn development online with nothing more than a $50 CL bought computer and a cheap internet connection at the crib or learning it at the public library for free.

Before y'all try to say some shit like "everybody ain't interested in tech like that" just remember that everybody ain't interested in flippin burgers either, but they're in them jobs anyways. If you're going to do something you have never had an interest in, you might as well do something that can earn you a few bucks more an hour.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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seasoned vet
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Fri Oct-16-15 07:54 PM

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152. "suggesting such means you hate the poor"
In response to Reply # 150




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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 08:01 PM

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153. "if that's what these niggas want to take away from it then so be it"
In response to Reply # 152



but considering that it ain't even been a year since my family got off food stamps or only a few months since moving out of a little ass weekly you'll have to understand if I really don't give a flying fuck if these self-righteous assholes think I "hate the poor".

Shit, the majority of them would prolly kill their families and jump off a bridge butt naked if they had gone through even a fraction of the shit I just came through. As much shit as they talk they ain't built to fall as hard as we just did. They ain't ready to go through the self loathing I just went through knowing that my failure is what caused all of it.

These niggas is twinkie soft. Fuck what they think.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
Member since Dec 11th 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 10:15 PM

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165. "oh you want hard times anecdotes?"
In response to Reply # 153


try growing up with a physically abusive, cruel, vindictive father.

try getting through school
with undiagnosed asperger's and a learning disability. teachers trying
to put you in slow classes, advisors telling you not to go to college.
kids bullying the fuck out of you.
father terrorizing you at home while
your mother does nothing to stop it.

try learning how to trust ppl
when you have no concept of "safety" at home.

try overcoming all the details
i left out of that story and
making a life for yourself
that is better than your past.

and after you've done all that,
tell me how you react when assholes
like you that likely would have killed themselves and others had they had to deal with a fraction of what you had to deal with growing up say "Black ppl would be better off if they would stop being lazy and try harder."

you think folks that disagree with you are soft?

your oppinions are worth jack shit.

i'm living proof that a hard life
doesn't have to turn a person into
a callous, unsympathetic scumbag
like you.

fuck you.
fuck this post.

Now who wants to point out that "i'm mad?" or "in my feelings"?

gee, what was your first clue?

fuck this post.
fuck you.
fuck anybody that doesn't find the OP
completely reprehensible.

90 percent of you ain't been through
10 peecent of what i have.
"Try harder?"

As the fuck if.

>but considering that it ain't evenmaseen a year since my
>family got off food stamps or only a few months since moving
>out of a little ass weekly you'll have to understand if I
>really don't give a flying fuck if these self-righteous
>assholes think I "hate the poor".
>Shit, the majority of them would prolly kill their families
>and jump off a bridge butt naked if they had gone through even
>a fraction of the shit I just came through. As much shit as
>they talk they ain't built to fall as hard as we just did.
>They ain't ready to go through the self loathing I just went
>through knowing that my failure is what caused all of it.
>These niggas is twinkie soft. Fuck what they think.
>"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the
>peace when we were getting laid out?
>Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances?
>Where is the peace then?
>They don't want to call for peace then.


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Sat Oct-17-15 01:12 AM

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168. "you don't want to play this game nigga..."
In response to Reply # 165



>try growing up with a physically abusive, cruel, vindictive

Check. Make that man your stepfather and a pillar of the Black community, an activist to no end that has you growing up reciting Maya Angelou, The Lost Poets, and knowing who every important Black figure in recent history was.

Also make it so you see your mother's ass kicked on a regular basis. Have that man beat your ass and your sister's asses for trivial, meaningless shit while you're at it. Let him be an chronic weed smoker and heavy drinker too.

Oh, since we're playing that game, have him beat his own younger sister's ass in front of you as well for God only knows what.

Now let's add to this you own father who's a raging alcoholic with a temper, his brother, your uncle who's only 9 years older than you is also an alcoholic and with a worse temper. His middle brother, the only one in the family that managed to get through college another alcoholic, an alcoholic grandmother that you've personally had to help pick up off the ground at the age of 5 years old. Throw in three more alcoholic grandfathers on that same side of the family and... well... you get the picture.

>try getting through school
>with undiagnosed asperger's and a learning disability.
>teachers trying
>to put you in slow classes, advisors telling you not to go to

I got two of those kids I'm raising now.

>kids bullying the fuck out of you.
>father terrorizing you at home while
>your mother does nothing to stop it.

Yeah, 'cause, you know, moms was busy ducking and dodging his blows herself. It's bad enough that there are certain hairdos and outfits I can't stand seeing my mother in because it reminds me of the days seeing her being flung against the walls, face first and all I can see is the back of her head and the back of certain dresses.

Add to that my father who decides to beat my stepmother when he's drunk, to the point where I learned how to patch drywall after covering up holes he left after pushing her head through them

How about seriously contemplating patricide at 13 years old. Talking it over with your younger stepbrother and the lil white girl next door the morning after he beats the shit out of your stepmother. Telling them how you're going to pack a kitchen knife in your clothes bag and stabbing the shit out of him while he's driving you to your grandmothers to finish the rest of the weekend you're visiting. How about actually packing that knife in your bag, and sitting next to him in the front seat of that dark blue '84 Chevy Celebrity, bag in your lap, hand on the handle of that knife.

Maybe we talk about my moms getting remarried that same year, and only a 4 years after that you find yourself standing between your mother and your new stepfather with a bat in your hand ready to beat the ever living fuck out of him for putting his hands on her.

now fast forward 30 years, being able to put all of the shit those men and even your own mother put you through behind you (though to be fair, me and my mother are still working through our issues) and missing your father after he passed in 2001 to the point where, 14 years later, you still can't look at his picture without choking up.

>try learning how to trust ppl
>when you have no concept of "safety" at home.
>try overcoming all the details
>i left out of that story and
>making a life for yourself
>that is better than your past.

Did I forget you grew up in a slum? Did I forget to add watching a nigga OD on heroin in front of your while you're sittin in front of the crib on your Big Wheel, have this nigga slump over in front of you dying at the age of 3? How about your birth father abandoning you, your moms, and your newborn baby sister with us ending up eating fried hot dogs and eggs twice a day 'cause that's what's in the fridge. How about growing up watching all the shit going on with your moms and trying your best to find SOMEBODY in the neighborhood to give you a job... at 10 years old... so you can help your struggling family. Now have that carry over into your adult life, always trying to make sure the women you're with never have to struggle and taking it way too hard when you're out of a job and can't provide.

>and after you've done all that,
>tell me how you react when assholes
>like you that likely would have killed themselves and others
>had they had to deal with a fraction of what you had to deal
>with growing up say "Black ppl would be better off if they
>would stop being lazy and try harder."

Nigga you ain't the only one that's been through some shit. How we come out the other side is what matters. The reason I look at folks and don't buy their excuses is because of the shit I've been through.

>you think folks that disagree with you are soft?

as a goddamned marshmallow.

>your oppinions are worth jack shit.
>i'm living proof that a hard life
>doesn't have to turn a person into
>a callous, unsympathetic scumbag
>like you.

As a point of fact I'm quite possibly the most sympathetic person you'll ever meet to a fault. As I've said in other threads I STAY trying to help people get on their feet, even sneaking that point into those threads where I post up jobs folks can get right now ('cause I have a feeling some folks on here need better paying jobs but ain't trying to ask for it like that). I'm always pushing jobs at folks, always trying to make sure people I meet have a way to take care of themselves. BUT that doesn't mean I'm blind either. I know how shit works, I know what people are up against, and that's why I try to help them work harder to get out of that rut. I'm that walking proverb "Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for the rest of his life". Well... I'm teaching folks to fish. I'm not telling them to wait for the government or businesses to help them along. I'm showing them where they can get legit money right now; fuck waiting for it.

>fuck you.
>fuck this post.
>Now who wants to point out that "i'm mad?" or "in my

Waaaay in 'em fam, waaaaay in 'em.

>gee, what was your first clue?
>fuck this post.
>fuck you.
>fuck anybody that doesn't find the OP
>completely reprehensible.

because he's not. If you want to be oblivious to the shit people do that gets them into these shitty positions, fine; be that dude. I, on the other hand, will let you know how you fucked up, but I will offer a solution if you're willing to listen and do it. Y'all, on the other hand, have ZERO solutions other than to wait and keep rallying for massa to give you a few more dollars an hour. Fuck that. The shit is out there right now if you're willing to put the effort in to get it. It's there if you're willing to stop wasting your money on shit that ain't getting you any closer to a better life. It's there if you really want it... And I'll show you how to get it when you get tired of minimum wage.

>90 percent of you ain't been through
>10 peecent of what i have.
>"Try harder?"
>As the fuck if.

and you know what... There's people out there that look at your life and would tell you that you had it easy compared to them.

For everyone that didn't have it as hard as you, there are many that had it far worse. Be grateful you're not one of them and keep moving forward. That's how I'm able to wake up every morning.

>>"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the
>>peace when we were getting laid out?
>>Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances?
>>Where is the peace then?
>>They don't want to call for peace then.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Sat Oct-17-15 01:48 AM

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170. "Powerful post bruh... "
In response to Reply # 168


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Charter member
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Sat Oct-17-15 04:34 AM

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173. "indeed"
In response to Reply # 170




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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 07:36 AM

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181. "i'm sure you think it's profound."
In response to Reply # 173



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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 07:35 AM

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180. "of course you'd agree with him."
In response to Reply # 170


Both of you suck as ppl.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Sat Oct-17-15 10:58 AM

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191. "Troll better joe"
In response to Reply # 180


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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The Wordsmith
Member since Aug 13th 2002
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Sat Oct-17-15 06:39 AM

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176. "Thank you. Cats wanna wallow in pity...."
In response to Reply # 168


   they go above and beyond in excusing other cats who'd rather wallow in pity instead of trying to find their way out of their miserable situations.

It's obvious cats are acting hurt, thus their reasons for attacking others on a personal level instead of leaving their difference of opinion at a healthy debate. While I didn't have it as tough as you, my pops left my mama, sis, and me high and dry. I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth. And while I still enjoyed my early childhood years, things got tougher for me during my preteen and teenaged years. From having to deal with other kids trying me to questioning my mom's mental health, I had my tough times growing up. I've had plenty of setbacks in life and as stated earlier up above, I'm working on overcoming a current financial and unemployment setback.

That's why I was trying to figure out if dude even attempted to try to progress during his fast food tenure. Because I can relate to having hard times but cannot relate to not even trying to overcome those hard times. Cats wanna act as if those of us who DON'T have this misplaced "compassion" for a dude that may have not attempted to progress don't know what it's like to have it hard in life. It's ridiculous.

Since 1976


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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 07:31 AM

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178. "yeah, that's what i did-- wallow in pitty."
In response to Reply # 176


that's why i am still stuck at home,
living with my mom,
complaining about my lot in life instead of overcoming obstacle after obstacle after obstacle.

except, wait...

that's like the opposite of what happened.

my bad.
it's almost like you don't know me at all.


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The Wordsmith
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Sat Oct-17-15 10:44 AM

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"I didn't imply that you currently have it bad in life...."


   dude that this post is about. You can be a success and still wallow in pity regarding feeling sorry for yourself because of your past. It's obvious you're that type of dude. The fact that the original post touched nerve lets me know that. Everything is extreme with you, sheesh.

Since 1976


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The Wordsmith
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Sat Oct-17-15 10:44 AM

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188. "I didn't imply that you currently have it bad in life...."
In response to Reply # 178


   dude that this post is about. You can be a success and still wallow in pity regarding feeling sorry for yourself because of your past. It's obvious you're that type of dude. The fact that the original post touched nerve lets me know that. Everything is extreme with you, sheesh.

Since 1976


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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 10:50 AM

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189. "it's a shitty post."
In response to Reply # 188


>The fact that the original post touched nerve lets me know


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Sat Oct-17-15 10:59 AM

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192. "The irony is hilarisad"
In response to Reply # 178


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 11:05 AM

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194. "irony is the opposite of what you'd expext. nm"
In response to Reply # 192




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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 07:33 AM

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179. "and you grew up to be a shit bag."
In response to Reply # 168


you failed.
try harder, i guess.



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Sat Oct-17-15 01:23 PM

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201. "The difference between you and me:"
In response to Reply # 179
Sat Oct-17-15 01:24 PM by PoppaGeorge



You went through your shit while growing up and all you end up doing is talk about how the government should help the poor.

I went through my shit growing up and I actually help the the poor.

Huge difference.

While you sit there, admiring your words you typed just know that no one that was hungry was fed or bettered their position thanks to all that typing.

I, on the other hand, put two more people on to some better paying jobs they can do from home to help make ends meet just yesterday.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 01:30 PM

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202. "uh huh."
In response to Reply # 201


it is important for me to tell you
everything i do for my community.

it's important for you to know these things about me.

because your opinion matters, man.
i hope you approve of the work i do.

i really do.


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Member since Aug 24th 2005
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Mon Oct-19-15 09:01 AM

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226. "damn."
In response to Reply # 168



-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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Big Kuntry
Member since May 09th 2010
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Sat Oct-17-15 07:39 AM

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182. "I thought you were Native?"
In response to Reply # 153




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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Sat Oct-17-15 12:45 PM

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199. "I am, I'm also Black"
In response to Reply # 182



I've said that a few times on here. But, yeah, I'm biracial and part of that includes being a registered, card holding Native American.

The alcoholics I wrote about in the post you replied to.... That's them.

"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Fri Oct-16-15 08:07 PM

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155. "yes, underemployed and the unemployed must not have google."
In response to Reply # 148



Bc it's good jobs on Google.

My bad.

fuck you.


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seasoned vet
Member since Jul 29th 2008
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Fri Oct-16-15 08:45 PM

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160. "sarcasm is the last refuge of those with no real argument."
In response to Reply # 155



keep thinking you dropping bombs tho


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Member since Nov 07th 2004
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Fri Oct-16-15 08:45 PM

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161. "actually..."
In response to Reply # 155



without stating it completely, those jobs I've posted over and over that pay $13.50+/hr...

... yeah.

'cause I'm still technically under NDA, I can say that you work with large internet search providers... I just can't say which of them you work with, but those jobs are out there and you don't need special skills to do them.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.


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Fri Oct-16-15 09:06 PM

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162. "Whatever you just posted makes sense. I'm sure it does."
In response to Reply # 161



>without stating it completely, those jobs I've posted over
>and over that pay $13.50+/hr...
>... yeah.
>'cause I'm still technically under NDA, I can say that you
>work with large internet search providers... I just can't say
>which of them you work with, but those jobs are out there and
>you don't need special skills to do them.
>"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the
>peace when we were getting laid out?
>Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances?
>Where is the peace then?
>They don't want to call for peace then.

fuck you.


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Member since Aug 24th 2005
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Sat Oct-17-15 06:18 AM

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175. "Nah but there are ways to improve your situation on google"
In response to Reply # 155



Such as adult education classes,training g for specific skills/trades, resume workshops etc.

But it do3snt matter what's out there bc ya'll are saying it's ok if someone doesn't try to improve their situation.

-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.


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seasoned vet
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Sat Oct-17-15 10:54 AM

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190. "suggesting such means you hate the poor"
In response to Reply # 175




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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 11:07 AM

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196. "hit dogs hollar."
In response to Reply # 190



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NoDrawls McGraw
Member since Jun 24th 2007
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Fri Oct-16-15 09:20 PM

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163. "Dis ninja at it"
In response to Reply # 0



Ish makes me think about that archived Djpoke post
where you cold showed yo AZZ.

Do you tho, Troop.

"You can take an African out of Africa, but you can't take Africa out of the African"
Afro-Americana/Afro-Caribbana/Afro-Latino unite. We are ALL Black!


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Member since Sep 04th 2009
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Sat Oct-17-15 06:01 AM

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174. "if they ain't out here jackin', they're doing something VERY right imo."
In response to Reply # 0





#BYLUG >>>


screamin' mothafuck a 12 /
bitches ain't shit /
cops ain't neither /
they huntin' my people /

- i. rashad



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Sat Oct-17-15 08:58 AM

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184. "I dont agree with ThaTruth, his sentiment lacks much needed empathy"
In response to Reply # 0



yet somehow he's one of the least weird people in this post


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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 09:57 AM

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187. "well, this is OKP."
In response to Reply # 184


we should expect okayplayery responses.


let it cook.

we have gumbo.


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Member since Aug 06th 2012
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Sat Oct-17-15 09:39 AM

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186. "these viewpoints are not mutually exclusive..."
In response to Reply # 0


someone working at mcdonalds should probably should look for better paying work or work with more opportunities for advancement at least.


mcdonalds should pay more.

but let's not act like we KNOW this guy is a shiftless unambitious bum. we don't know his level of mental functioning, physical abilities etc.

But, by just reading the article you can see HE ALREADY HAS AS A SECOND JOB.

so he HAS looked for and FOUND other work.

so he clearly agrees with the viewpoint, there's more to life than working at mcdonalds.

that doesn't let mcdonalds off the hook for paying shit wages.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Sat Oct-17-15 11:03 AM

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193. "I think its loyalty to a fault"
In response to Reply # 186
Sat Oct-17-15 11:05 AM by legsdiamond


He damn sure isnt a shiftless bum

McDonalds could pay more BUT SINCE THEY DONT...

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 11:05 AM

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195. "what a twat you are."
In response to Reply # 193


>He damn sure isnt a shiftless bum
>McDonalds could pay more BUT SINCE THEY DONT...


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Sat Oct-17-15 02:45 PM

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204. "bi nigga"
In response to Reply # 195


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 02:50 PM

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206. "damn bro, calm down lol"
In response to Reply # 204



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Member since Aug 06th 2012
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Sat Oct-17-15 11:07 AM

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197. "we don't even know he 's been at mcd's for 20 years"
In response to Reply # 193


just that he's been in the fast food industry.


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Mike Jackson
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Sat Oct-17-15 03:00 PM

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208. "this gumbo is delicious."
In response to Reply # 0


I make it hot!

and they say this site fell off, lol

ya'll just don't know how to cook.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Sat Oct-17-15 03:27 PM

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209. ""
In response to Reply # 208


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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NoDrawls McGraw
Member since Jun 24th 2007
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Sat Oct-17-15 03:44 PM

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211. "LMAO!"
In response to Reply # 209



"You can take an African out of Africa, but you can't take Africa out of the African"
Afro-Americana/Afro-Caribbana/Afro-Latino unite. We are ALL Black!


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double negative
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Sun Oct-18-15 09:07 AM

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216. ""
In response to Reply # 209





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Member since May 05th 2011
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Sun Oct-18-15 10:55 AM

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218. "this fool tried to cook gumbo with high heat... "
In response to Reply # 216


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Nov 10th 2004
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Sun Oct-18-15 02:54 PM

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219. "I cant front....I somewhat agree."
In response to Reply # 0
Sun Oct-18-15 02:55 PM by rorschach



That still doesn't excuse the low minimum wage we have in America. It's been proven that the average American worker can't survive off the minimum wage alone.

But the idea I'm seeing in this thread that someone should be on the fries for decades while their family misses meals is terrible to me. The better question would be why doesn't the fry cook want to advance his/her career? Why isn't their family woes enough motivation to make forward progress?

But we rather agenda the post up.....



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The Wordsmith
Member since Aug 13th 2002
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Sun Oct-18-15 03:54 PM

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221. "Exactly. I am not saying that minimum wages should be...."
In response to Reply # 219



...where they are currently. I'm just wondering how in the world did this dude stay so stagnant for that long? My position is that I can't feel sorry for him IF he never even attempted to try for better.

Since 1976


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Sun Oct-18-15 06:10 PM

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222. "no but seriously, what is wrong with you people?"
In response to Reply # 0



a) that's rhetorical

b) by "you people" I mean a younger less kind me would have called you niggers.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Mon Oct-19-15 08:35 AM

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225. "I remember when a woman told W she was working 3 jobs"
In response to Reply # 0


and he said it was very American of her

man, that ain't American, that's awful.

Did the WH get this man a better gig?

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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