32. "im undecided but by the time i break shit down i'll know" In response to In response to 10 Tue Jun-14-05 04:33 PM by MiracleRic
whateva's verse didnt hit me until the mass produced line, but from then on, it was solid, clever shit, but the flow coulda been iller...
Ax was solid all the way thru and had the best image with that KnowOne dancin at your doorstep shitn (that shit had me get up and run from the comp laughin), i do know ax and know how this would sound and i think this is the first time ive felt his "flow" as much as my own
whateva - had the more clever punches ax - had the hottest/most humorous punch/image
whateva - flow was straight ax - flow was heat
whateva - a small chunk of filler ax - a lil filler but better spaced
my first instinct was draw and in the edit ive changed my mind
whateva's wasnt as clever as i first thought, and frak's had swag
AX wins
Let me sport my Air Hyperbole 2010s in peace. (c) ansomble