There's a huge logic fail that severely lessens my enjoyment. I was hoping they'd change it from the book, but no. I swear Gregg Hurwitz wrote Amy in both the movie and the book.
Obvious spoiler here:
So Nick goes through all that shit, right? He catches on and basically manipulates Amy into returning, right?
A lot of intrigue and suspense builds up through that vehicle. Amy is an incredible mastermind, right?
Sooooo........... Nick manipulates her, tells her what she wants to hear, and she takes the stance that hey, this shows how well we know each other.
All good.
The problem? Nick had absolutely no fucking plan for what to do when she got there. Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.
The ending is what it is. I hate it, but whatever. One thing that bugs me to no end in any story is an impossibly brilliant/connected/all powerful/etc antagonist who is always ten steps ahead of the antagonist, and never makes a mistake. That's the shit Hurwitz does. The bad guy always knows every step made by the protagonist, always has infinite reach, etc, and Amy's planning is the same way.
At least Hurwitz gives his heroes some air to breathe, something to give them a dog in the fight somewhere. Shit, he writes suspense well enough that I've gone through about 5 of his books, but they're all marred by the annoying habit of all seeing, all knowing, far reaching villains.
THIS shit though? Fucking Amy? Very well written and executed, but then Nick doesn't even try to stop her. Oh, he brainstorms. He thinks. He has breakfast with Boney and Go and wonders aloud. I could live with a weak, failed plan that underestimated the brilliance and depth of Amy's special brand of crazy. But no plan? No effort, nothing? Blech. No thanks.
The ending is whatever. Sometimes the villain wins, so be it. Just give the protagonist a fucking brain and I'm good with it. It's saying something about how awful Amy is that anyone would want to see Nick win, because the lying prick is highly unlikable. Giving him no plan of attack after Amy returned was a bad move IMO. -Sig-
“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"
-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.