these were both pretty basic- if it was up to me neither of these dudes would be in the 3rd BUT im gonna give it to def1 for several reasons
a) danna, dis, iss, these misspelled shits aren't necessary they instantly dumb down mcee's verse and make it harder to follow- that shit is just straight up annoying on the page- and it's not necessary to understanding the beat or rhyme
cee i've heard you on audio JUST WRITE THE WORDS DOWN you come off as a special needs person and you dont need to
you get annoyed whenever anybody responds to your shit saying the spelling errors detract from the rhyme- but this is peoples feedback- they do! if youre going to keep posting writtens and you want people to respond more positiviely to them listen to criticism
im 99.9% sure i have recently heard this EXACT same line on the boards:
>I guess you similar ta Keys, you got niggas sayin boo,
and finally
>Mentally scarred like concentration camps was in my bars,
as a jew i'll say go fuck yourself for this one
ive said before that i think being offensive can strengthen the humor or punch factors of a line- BUT - this line doesnt have any jokes in it just the offensive content
if you made me laugh hard enough i wouldnt have noticed that i should be offended but this didnt make me laugh at all it just annoyed me