slow low hum opressive heat that starts at 7am water moccassians collard greens and hamhocks, hoe cakes and pound cake funerals always have the best food
Sophistifunk Member since Apr 12th 2005 11287 posts
Thu Oct-06-05 10:06 PM
1. "RE: givin it a try..." In response to Reply # 0
water drops on my window and my diary sings the Blues of long forgotten days and re-aquainted love... of many sleepless nights and too long afternoons of 'maybes' and 'what ifs'...
man, your blues aint like mine
------ En tu sonrisa yo veo una guerrilla, una aventura, un movimiento Tu lenguaje, tu acento...
3. "RE: your blues aint like mine(add on)" In response to Reply # 0
haunted by the unattainable dreams constructed in marble columns rendered into ashen relics upon awakening into reality which, though tangible is no more sustainable than the dream
10. "shit your greens aint like mine" In response to Reply # 4
fresh cut grass green vibrate youth new money smells reaching deep into the newness of birthing creation the color green hums cuz it's happy just to BE paradise is always green
loved this third.. great idea...this is classic.... everyone's responses were awesome
your thoughts aint like mine...
gathered many shingles of perspectives and form fitted a mosiac collage collecting picture-esque memoirs, movein soft thru the filaments of my pigment plummet prisms into my soul stab my chest and leak out the sun my bones glow with collections rotating the flecks in the optical illusions of eyes
many days, playing the fool schools out, playing with you laying with you, praying you dont move dont leave, stay put, breathing together enjoying the rest of the moment
waking up to your phone calls golden light all in my eyes giggling at chef mcfly..why oh why the browns of ur eyes on the brown of my skin sinking in......
you remembered that! well, you're a better cat or should i say kitten, miss, being specific back in the days writtens, lots of telefone trippin rockin myself to sleep thinkin of things i wished but didnt do you get it?
i awake to warm air brushing across my liquor-laden lips hoping it's you breathing, leaning in to kiss my morning into being...only it's not you, just a product of me leaving the window open the night before when i pondered jumping out of it.
*********************************** "I loved those poems that seemed so small on the page but that swelled in the mind; I didn’t like the windy, dwindling kind." -Louise Gluck
11. "RE: your blues aint like mine(add on)" In response to Reply # 9
your pain isn't like my pain constantly planting seeds with each letter that proceedeth in vain so they choke her essence his so called lady eyes rain misleading and teasing your pain ain't like my pain tainting her fertalized soil once he made her feel hot like temperture boil she didn't think with her he'd toy but he said it himself "I'm only a boy" future only in dreams your pain ain't like my pain no tomorrow for this lady? heart in sorrow? maybe growing cold to relationships your pain ain't like my pain destiny creating a new fate no faith to wait many days of comtemplate and debate your pain ain't like my pain her doors knock with others his words just surface covers actions replaced new truths if love was sick in him she caught it and now is dying of a terminal illness your pain ain't like my pain
15. "RE: your blues aint like mine(add on)" In response to Reply # 11
I'm clairvoyant withouth being cocky my crystal ball is made of ice so I tell the cold hard truth I can't remember the days whyn my gypsie got me more than a cheap drink and a hicky but I still rock dreads cause I'm s'posed to be concious
niggas your clear definitely ain't like my clear.
thanx for words.
_____________________________________ WITH CUZ (STACEY) GONE, I'LL NEVER REALLY BE HERE AGAIN
I swear I'm a marry an OKP
Nakia Genevieve are my middle names... Not my attempt to morph Phenom with Novembersgift... But...
16. "RE: your blues aint like mine(add on)" In response to Reply # 0
I realize my dreams have holes eaten in them moths have made homes in my deep abiding faith and left me remarkably a realist where at once my knees hit the floor to cry and pray the dust from my lungs I ached for you that night and you showed up right on time as usual
~~~~~~~~ if you like my poems let them walk in the evening,a little behind you
then people will say "Along this road i saw a princess pass on her way to meet her lover(it was toward nightfall)with tall and ignorant servants." e.e. cummings
Sleep interrupted your voice between thighs and dark like window's air I am whispering laughter and moaning his name in silence Come to me everyday It is hard to be in love with two men Your dreams ain't like mine