i started out as a self taught graphic designer and transitioned into web. been doing web for the past 3-4 years. been in the field for about 8 years.
>Are you at the point where you're solely freelance?
i've been freelance the entire time. i'm also single with no kids so can deal with the feast or famine cycle.
>My wife is a graphic designer/artist and is terrified about >trying to do freelance only. Unfortunately we aren't at point >financially where it could be done with just my income. but >I'm trying.
yeah, freelancing definitely is hard. i've debated a lot about continuing this path or bouncing for some more stability. but i know for me the trade offs aren't worth it. i need the freedom to choose which projects i work on.
for your wife, i know a lot of folks who dipped their toes in first instead of jumping all in. instead picking up a few freelance gigs here and there and eventually getting to a point where the demand made sense to go full-time. doing that also helps in building out the systems and processes you need to run a freelance biz. everything from lead gen to the actual deliverables.
>Her biggest fear is not having enough insurance coverage for >us, plus we want to try for a kid soon.
this is real. and definitely one of the downsides of freelancing.
the key to happiness is not being rich; it's doing something arduous and creating something of value and then being able to reflect on the fruits of your labor