Any feedback will be appreciated. I'm tryin to change my style gradually. This is very important because I'm on stages all the time. Thanks
All the saints in the building dat know I'm reppin my God Whateva Satan kicks out I punch in like time cards I'm nice boo.... Pen, paper, pickachu, and evolution stone Cuz I leave a shocking affect wheneva I Raichu Forget me says me so I too Whateva God says I do, Jesus besides You I neva been one to strike, I love to eat from ya Word, and I have a ball over a plate like stike two To strike me and strike three Satan would like dat I got struck like you wrote me a letter cuz I'm write back Twice dat, matta fact in multiples Don't accept Christ, you in hell like an open nose When Jesus walks open toes without doctor scholl's When He talks it's read like open scrolls Naw, its read like books, plus read like LOOK The blood gottem' red handed, hands red like crooks Hands read like palm readers Sermon on the mount He's a bomb speaker Through bomb speakers that blast the lyrics So hard the pages flip to John 3:16 and grasp the spirit Placed a silencer on the truth cuz when blasted only few wil hear it You wonder why inside is the spirit Cuz His side in His side they took a spear and they speared it
"And it's not that You're passive; Its just that Your grace is as active as Your wrath should be" -Crossmovement's PHANATIK
1. "^This^ Is Different From Yo Usual Steeze ..." In response to Reply # 0
I don't think I like it! --
Your verbage is tight -- On Point Lines and allladat -- *No Doubt*
Cuz U know, that U know, whatcha KNOW -- *Spiritually On Point*
It didn't flow smooth to me -- and your grammar was kinda ... *hmmmmm* -- choppy / broken ... nahmean?
I'mmma fan of your work tho, and U know thisssssss maynnnnnn ...
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥
2. "RE: ^This^ Is Different From Yo Usual Steeze ..." In response to Reply # 1
Thanks so much Photo. I appreciate the feedback. It definitely was different for me. Thats da reason I needed the feedback. I even have trouble trying to say this one out loud. When I read it to a beat in my head its fire, but when I try to recite it,.......I don't know. Much love and thanks again.
"And it's not that You're passive; Its just that Your grace is as active as Your wrath should be" -Crossmovement's PHANATIK