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Subject: "In other news, I've finally accepted the inevitable: I'm an athiest" Previous topic | Next topic
Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
44989 posts
Wed May-30-18 12:19 PM

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"In other news, I've finally accepted the inevitable: I'm an athiest"



Strange days, these days.

Up is down, left is right, and uncertainty abounds.

This has been an extremely long, gradual shift. Christianity was, for a very long time, a refuge. About ten years ago I left the church, but still held onto, and even defended much of that ideology. I argued with people online, and yes, here on OKP. I even did my lil stretch of digging into "creation science". Still, through all those years, I had tons of questions that simply did not have sufficient answers. I leaned on a few of the usual fallacies, up to and including good ol' Pasquel's wager: what if I'm wrong, but never really had anything satisfactory to justify my belief. So it's been a long, slow and gradual turn.

I went back a few times, mainly because of my wife, and I made a few attempts to renew that commitment.

We went back last year, but at that point it was 100% arbitrary; I went for her, and for my daughter, who, in another story entirely, had been indoctrinated at her day care for about two and a half to three years before I knew what was going on, and has fully embraced the idea of god and jesus dying for her. But I knew I was in a fully arbitrary mode where neither my heart nor my mind was invested in the slightest.

So fast forward through this marital situation. I thought, hey, let me get back to the foundations of this Christianity thing, and perhaps I can rediscover that faith, perhaps gain some new revelation, and started looking up youtube videos to listen to at work to give me some foundation upon which to justify my faith, because I figured now would be a good time to get that back.

Then I stumbled upon clips that did the opposite, completely dismantling every argument I'd ever used, ever dogma I ever held, while simultaneously providing historical context, science, and basic principles of reason to complete this turn. Over the last, say, two months, any religious belief I once held is completely gone. No 'I'm spiritual, not religious" nonsense either. I now hold the position that there is simply insufficient evidence to justify belief in any deity, to any degree. That isn't to discount evidence that could arise in the future or anything... but I am actually well settled in this.

I'm obviously abridging a ton of details on this journey. It's a new skin though, and I genuinely feel as though I'm viewing the world through a different lense. I do feel some sort of loss of that security blanket, but I also, strangely, feel somewhat more empowered to take control of my life.

Though I am settled in my conclusion, I am now in a period of deprogramming an awful lot of remnants. That should be an interesting process.


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
a person is only a christian if he or she has been born again
May 30th 2018
Been there, done that, but check this: there's no evidence.
May 30th 2018
You're ready for that response because you were never born again
May 30th 2018
False. Spare the No True Scottsman. There is no "born again".
May 30th 2018
      You seem quite ready to fight Christianity. Because you were calling
May 30th 2018
           Zzzz. You seem offended that I finally broke free of your delusion
May 30th 2018
                I'm showing you the light with my telling you what happened
May 30th 2018
                     You're showing a lot of things, but "light" is not among them
May 30th 2018
Oh boy
May 30th 2018
      It's very, very much open for debate and the "evidence" is min...
May 30th 2018
May 30th 2018
           So are you saying the evidence is conclusive?
May 30th 2018
May 30th 2018
pretty sure there are some born agains who ain't shit
May 30th 2018
Jesus has His ways of dealing with His saints
May 30th 2018
what about the Aints?
May 30th 2018
      You're an adult, how have you seen Jesus deal with the ain'ts?
May 30th 2018
           I haven't seen Jesus yet
May 30th 2018
                And you have never heard of a person becoming christian?
May 30th 2018
                     I'm talking about after they become christian
May 30th 2018
                          If you have seen people become christian in your lifetime, then
May 30th 2018
plenty of born agains who ain't shit who i've known personally
May 31st 2018
Protestant ass niggas claiming Christianity for themselves
May 30th 2018
May 30th 2018
      such a turn off
May 31st 2018
           Yup. Much of the flack Christians gets are cause of born agains
May 31st 2018
                never forget this preacher telling me he was going to heaven
May 31st 2018
                If a christian has to take flack about what Jesus said about
May 31st 2018
                     If a believer can't justify his belief with evidence,
May 31st 2018
                          I stand with what Jesus said about being born again
May 31st 2018
                               You stand with canned, preprogrammed. Generic replies
May 31st 2018
                                    Obviously, you can focus on me if you want, but.....
May 31st 2018
                                         Do you have evidence to support your beliefs?
May 31st 2018
                                              why are you avoiding replying to reply #60?
May 31st 2018
                                                   Typical christian, telling others what to do and when to do it
May 31st 2018
                                                        Does Case One have shenanigans? What can explain that reply #60
May 31st 2018
                                                             If you used your brain for once, you'd be able to figure that out
May 31st 2018
                                                             anyone reading this post by now knows that you stopped replying to
May 31st 2018
                                                                  Patently false, but keep telling us about the sort of Christian you are
May 31st 2018
                                                             Oh, and the answer to why I'm spending time on you is obvious too,
May 31st 2018
I trust that you'll maintain your morals though, correct?
May 30th 2018
Can you clarify that question?
May 30th 2018
      You a good dude, you understand that the act of being good is not
May 30th 2018
      I'd actually argue that far more people use religion to wild out, morall...
May 30th 2018
           Haha...true true indeed.
May 30th 2018
      oops, just realized I didn't answer your question. I don't believe moral...
May 30th 2018
You're free now.
May 30th 2018
Damn right!
May 30th 2018
lemme as't you this...
May 30th 2018
I don't really see spirituality as anything more than a vague concept
May 30th 2018
Congrats! It was a liberating acceptance for me
May 30th 2018
This actually makes a lot of sense
May 30th 2018
Just curious, csn you expound on what specifically makes sense, and why?
May 30th 2018
      This was what I was referring to
May 31st 2018
It really is a great feel to just say it out loud and be done with it.
May 30th 2018
has your marriage played a part in this revelation?
May 30th 2018
Not in the least
May 30th 2018
      word, thanks for clarifying
May 30th 2018
Are you going to be a proselytizing atheist?
May 30th 2018
a proselytizing atheist isn't an atheist at all IMO.
May 30th 2018
May 30th 2018
I've shared this change with some in my close circle, absolutely
May 30th 2018
we can still be cool, right?
May 30th 2018
I'm quite literally surrounded by Christians. Everyone in my life is a b...
May 30th 2018
Man, I feel you. I'm somewhere in the realm of
May 30th 2018
not sure where I am in my journey
May 30th 2018
Fortunately our church is onna dem big non-dom churches..
May 30th 2018
Elevation? That sounds like a similar church
May 30th 2018
      HA!!!!!!!!!! Furtick do be rockin; the "Strangler" jeans, huh?
May 30th 2018
I feel that
May 31st 2018
RE: Man, I feel you. I'm somewhere in the realm of
May 30th 2018
Sorry to hear about your dilemma.
Jun 03rd 2018
As far as the "what if you're wrong" proposition...that's not binary
May 30th 2018
I'm agnostic in the purest sense
May 30th 2018
For the record, this isn't true at all.
May 31st 2018
RE: For the record, this isn't true at all.
May 31st 2018
Well, you sure are agnostic as to how science works. I'll give you that....
May 31st 2018
I've basically come to that conclusion too.
May 30th 2018
May 30th 2018
Did you ever feel like you had a relationship with God?
May 30th 2018
I once believed that, yes.
May 30th 2018
      I have a few A few questions. What was that relationship like?
May 30th 2018
May 30th 2018
                I read every word and I thank you for sharing.
May 30th 2018
                     To clarify some things....
May 31st 2018
                          In Response. Real talk, I'm not trying to debate you or argue
May 31st 2018
                               Nah. No. And yes, you are debating, but I'm good with that.
May 31st 2018
                                    Communicating different perspectives is not a debate
Jun 01st 2018
                                         Lmao bruh... stop the semantic games
Jun 01st 2018
                                              In the end you've got Free Will. So the Choice is yours.
Jun 01st 2018
                                                   Oh. So if you can't be patronizing, you don't want a discussion. Noted.
Jun 01st 2018
                                                        Bro. I was not patronizing you. And I'm not going to argue.
Jun 01st 2018
                                                             Evidence shows otherwise, but we can agree to disagree and k.i.m
Jun 01st 2018
yea...this hits home a bit
May 30th 2018
I still enjoy going to church when we go to Pittsburgh
May 31st 2018
      Mt Ararat?
May 31st 2018
I'm not an atheist but I'm not satisfied with how man has defined "God".
May 30th 2018
Waits for the never mind God is real follow up post 5 years from now
May 31st 2018
Idk. Logic or reason has never been the basis for my faith.
May 31st 2018
I feel you on Community.. but communion?
May 31st 2018
By communion I didn't mean THAT particular cerimony.
Jun 01st 2018
Yeah it's convenient, lol. But each his own.
Jun 01st 2018
Congrats and welcome
May 31st 2018
Thanks.. except I'm not black. Black wife and kids, but I'm white and Me...
May 31st 2018
      actually yeah
May 31st 2018
           pardon my ignorance, but what is the point of an atheist group?
Jun 06th 2018
                Like minded people sharing thoughts
Jun 06th 2018
                     Ah, I get it. An online community group.
Jun 06th 2018
I emphatically 100% reject religion but can't get with atheism
Jun 01st 2018
How did you arrive at this conclusion?
Jun 01st 2018
It's my fact, an answer I'm satisfied with to explain the unexplainable
Jun 01st 2018
      With due respect, i don't think you understand what theory is
Jun 01st 2018
           Yes common fallacy, I stand corrected
Jun 01st 2018
Sounds like you stuck on Pascal's wager
Jun 01st 2018
      This from the Wiki is where I'm at
Jun 01st 2018
congrats, especially if it empowers you for more
Jun 01st 2018
How do you reconcile with the fact that Spirituality is a religious term...
Jun 01st 2018
I'd start with the fact that religion and spirituality are two different...
Jun 01st 2018
I think I'm a step or ten adjacent to this
Jun 01st 2018
I hope that brings some clarity and peace for you
Jun 01st 2018
Now that you are an atheist...
Jun 02nd 2018
What's sad is that you think those two sentences made perfect sense
Jun 02nd 2018
Jun 02nd 2018
Jun 02nd 2018
Please accept my apologies...
Jun 02nd 2018
      Rephrase, I guess, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt
Jun 02nd 2018
           Towards the end of your original post...
Jun 02nd 2018
                Your question is a non sequitur.
Jun 02nd 2018
                     You wrote in the thread title that you are now an atheist...
Jun 02nd 2018
                          Your question is a non sequitur, and you've been dishonest at every turn...
Jun 02nd 2018
                          Your question is a non sequitur, and you've been dishonest at every turn...
Jun 02nd 2018
                               You know you had this pegged in 118, right?
Jun 02nd 2018
                               Agreed. But we both know I have a hard time letting ANYTHING go
Jun 02nd 2018
                                    haha. do you, man.
Jun 02nd 2018
                               In one sentence...
Jun 02nd 2018
                                    Death and god are two different things. Entirely.
Jun 02nd 2018
                                         You want it (God) to be one way...
Jun 02nd 2018
                                              What is or isn't is immaterial to what anyone "wants".
Jun 02nd 2018
                                                   What's wrong with this equation?
Jun 03rd 2018
                                                        Eveththing. Literally, everything. All of it. 100% of what you wrote is ...
Jun 03rd 2018
                                                             Everything I said is incorrect...
Jun 03rd 2018
                                                             Yes, everything you've said is incorrect.
Jun 03rd 2018
                                                                  I see no need to address you post by post...
Jun 03rd 2018
Jun 03rd 2018
                                                             you're a patient man.
Jun 03rd 2018
                                                                  Agreed, lmao
Jun 03rd 2018
                                                                  that's not who it is
Jun 04th 2018
                                                                       I thought about him too. But this also reads like a certain Canadian exi...
Jun 04th 2018
                                                                       nah, not enough use of quotation marks to be the other one.
Jun 06th 2018
Stewie Griffin can explain it for you:
Jun 07th 2018
religious/political views and sexual fetishes go in the same bag
Jun 02nd 2018
Why did you feel the need to add sexual fetishes to this?
Jun 02nd 2018
my point was pretty clearly made
Jun 02nd 2018
      Nobody said the point was unclear, first of all.
Jun 02nd 2018
           the subject line of Reply 122 seemed to be asking for an explanation
Jun 02nd 2018
                And the body of my post quite clearly shows it was a rhetorical question
Jun 02nd 2018
                     best of luck
Jun 02nd 2018
what the fuck lol
Jun 02nd 2018
Nigga whut?
Jun 02nd 2018
Thank you for typing this kind of stuff out.
Jun 03rd 2018
this place is bizarro world
Jun 03rd 2018
      Sure, pretend ur commentary is only considered nonsensical on here
Jun 03rd 2018
      You posted about a woman being choked during sex in an Athiest post
Jun 03rd 2018
           you arent even a little bit smart, it shows every day
Jun 03rd 2018
                Says the genius. Lmao
Jun 03rd 2018
What the TMZ Kanye are you talking about... ROTFL
Jun 04th 2018
you're another stupid person, dont reply to me
Jun 04th 2018
      Yoooo. There's no need to get ugly and Extra Emo
Jun 04th 2018
           nah you're a stupid person
Jun 05th 2018
           Watch out bro... he’s a choker
Jun 06th 2018
Jun 06th 2018
                Okay, Strangler?
Jun 06th 2018
                     He said he wont try and make sense anymore... ANYMORE???
Jun 06th 2018
                          Try?.... ROTFL
Jun 06th 2018
                          ah so you're stupid and into shaming women's kinks
Jun 06th 2018
                               Nah. I’m shaming you for bringing it up in an Athiest post
Jun 07th 2018
Did you by chance live in Scranton from 2005-2013?
Jun 06th 2018
      RE: Did you by chance live in Scranton from 2005-2013?-LMAO!!!
Jun 06th 2018
      Philadelphia 2006-2012
Jun 06th 2018
           If you had a sitcom, it would be called Perfect Stranglers.
Jun 06th 2018
*sigh*. okay. i'm gonna pray first before i read through this post.
Jun 03rd 2018
I'm not an atheist and my experiences don't point me towards atheism...
Jun 03rd 2018
Here's a summary of my interaction with Cold Truth:
Jun 04th 2018
Exactly. DigiSoul has no capacity for even the most basic logic.
Jun 04th 2018
Jun 04th 2018
Good summary
Jun 04th 2018
Im still chuckling at someone believing in a death diety in 2018
Jun 04th 2018
I bet he plays his worship music on 45's played in reverse
Jun 05th 2018
Jun 05th 2018
This would have been better as a Thanos alias than the one you're using
Jun 06th 2018
True, but he'd have to be joking for that to work
Jun 06th 2018
holy shit, all of the so called discussion with you in this post has me
Jun 06th 2018
RE: In other news, I've finally accepted the inevitable: I'm an athiest
Jun 05th 2018
It certainly feels that way, for the most part
Jun 05th 2018
RE: In other news, I've finally accepted the inevitable: I'm an athiest
Jun 07th 2018
      That freedom exists whether or not you're an athiest
Jun 07th 2018
how do yall feel about people on islands who believe in Gods?
Jun 06th 2018
Who am I mocking? And you know believers impose themselves all the time
Jun 06th 2018
      lol.. I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about those mocking...
Jun 06th 2018
           I gave some general examples in my post, answering that broader question
Jun 06th 2018
           I edited but I feel you when it comes to debating someone who comes
Jun 06th 2018
                Gotcha. To start, I disagree with your friend completely
Jun 06th 2018
                     well IMO no church is perfect
Jun 06th 2018
Jun 06th 2018
The fool has said in his heart there is a god.
Jun 07th 2018
The dumb motherfucker believes in fairy tales for which there is no evid...
Jun 07th 2018
The level of stupidity in this thread is staggering
Jun 07th 2018
Especially since you've added a comment... ROTFL..
Jun 07th 2018
OP: I'm an atheist
Jun 07th 2018
So, do you still say stuff like, Oh God when stuff happens?
Jun 07th 2018
Yes, I use common colloquialisms
Jun 07th 2018
      When did they become common colloquialisms for you?
Jun 07th 2018
           Sorry, not participating in your asinine line of questioning
Jun 07th 2018
                I'm going to start calling you Angry Man
Jun 07th 2018
                     As long as I can call you a lying, thieving manipulative piece of shit, ...
Jun 07th 2018
SPOILER tag this next time CT
Jun 07th 2018

Member since Jan 15th 2008
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Wed May-30-18 12:21 PM

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1. "a person is only a christian if he or she has been born again"
In response to Reply # 0





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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed May-30-18 12:43 PM

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7. "Been there, done that, but check this: there's no evidence. "
In response to Reply # 1



And I'm only going there because of your statement.

If there's no sound evidence to prove christ was anything more then, at the barest of minimums, most likely an amalgam of several Jewish teachers of the time, let alone a ressurection or any extrabiblical evidence of any of the supposed miracles that wiuld have lent credence to the whole "son of god" claim, which, mind you, is in and of itself historically proven to be taken from other, eaier religious stories....

That means the entire proposition of being "born again" is meaningless. It's just a concept, nothing more.


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Member since Jan 15th 2008
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Wed May-30-18 12:44 PM

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9. "You're ready for that response because you were never born again"
In response to Reply # 7





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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed May-30-18 12:50 PM

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15. "False. Spare the No True Scottsman. There is no "born again"."
In response to Reply # 9



I didn't make this post to antagonize believers, but I'm also not going to allow you or anyone else to run with these fallacies on skme passive aggressive shit.p

Until you can prove the claims of the existence, and divinity, of the character of jesus, you have absolutely no foundation for the concept of being "birn again" as anything but a concept.

If you're going to play this game, then you need to first substantiate the claims of your religion. Otherwise, please keep it moving.


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Member since Jan 15th 2008
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Wed May-30-18 12:59 PM

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19. "You seem quite ready to fight Christianity. Because you were calling"
In response to Reply # 15



yourself a christian when you weren't born again


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed May-30-18 01:03 PM

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22. "Zzzz. You seem offended that I finally broke free of your delusion"
In response to Reply # 19



How christy of you to take this tacky ass tact.

A real, true blue, born again Christian would be praying for me to see the light, not trying to bam up my post.

Great job!


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Member since Jan 15th 2008
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Wed May-30-18 01:08 PM

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25. "I'm showing you the light with my telling you what happened"
In response to Reply # 22





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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed May-30-18 01:18 PM

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30. "You're showing a lot of things, but "light" is not among them"
In response to Reply # 25



You're not show anything consistent with any of the fabled fruits of the spirit.

You're showing the true colors, not to mention the ignorance, intellectual dishonesty, and canned, dogmatic puppetry inherent in many believers.

But definitely not "light".


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Charter member
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Wed May-30-18 03:57 PM

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45. "Oh boy"
In response to Reply # 7


>If there's no sound evidence to prove christ was anything more
>then, at the barest of minimums, most likely an amalgam of
>several Jewish teachers of the time

There's an entire field of scholarship out there on the historical figure of Jesus, a field that doesn't require any dogmatic requirements, that insists there is plenty of evidence that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person whose life was congruent in a number of important ways with the Gospel accounts. Shit, even John Crossan thinks Jesus *existed* and that guy doesn't care what anybody thinks.

I don't know you, so I don't have any dog in the fight with respect to your religious commitment. But you're not representing scholarship in this field accurately.


"Walleye, a lot of things are going to go wrong in your life that technically aren't your fault. Always remember that this doesn't make you any less of an idiot"

--Walleye's Dad


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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 04:26 PM

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46. "It's very, very much open for debate and the "evidence" is min..."
In response to Reply # 45
Wed May-30-18 04:37 PM by Cold Truth



>>If there's no sound evidence to prove christ was anything
>>then, at the barest of minimums, most likely an amalgam of
>>several Jewish teachers of the time
>There's an entire field of scholarship out there on the
>historical figure of Jesus, a field that doesn't require any
>dogmatic requirements

Yes, I'm aware.

>That insists there is plenty of
>evidence that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person whose life
>was congruent in a number of important ways with the Gospel
>accounts. Shit, even John Crossan thinks Jesus *existed* and
>that guy doesn't care what anybody thinks.

Insistence amd assertion is not evidence.

>I don't know you, so I don't have any dog in the fight with
>respect to your religious commitment. But you're not
>representing scholarship in this field accurately.

First, I'm not representing scholarship of the field. Second, I cited the lack of sound evidence. I did not say there was no evidence, I said there was no sound evidence....and that's accurate. It's very much up for debate as to whether the character, as expressed in the bible, existed in real life.

Again: i said there was no sound evidence, but let me clwrify: there's no conclusive evidence that this person was real. To say there is conclusive evidence is just a flat out lie.

Further, significant portions of the jesus of the bible are direct lifts of stories that factually predated the character.

And again... that's the bare minimum you need to prove, to say nothing of him dying and ressurecting for the expressed purpose of atonement for our supposed sins.

And if you want to press in on the concept of being "born again", you have to prove these things conclusively, and what we do have does not remotely approach that standard. It doesn't even come close.

If there were conclusive evidence, not only of his existence, but of his supposed miracles, his death being specifically to atone for our sins, or his supposed ressurection, guess what?

Faith wouldn't be necessary, because faith is only required for things that lack sufficient evidence.

The phrase "oh boy" is best reserved for the monumentally insurmountable task of proving something so riddled with holes the truest miracle of all is that it managed to catch on to begin with.


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Charter member
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Wed May-30-18 04:40 PM

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50. "Okay"
In response to Reply # 46


I am comfortable representing the field of scholarship here, and you're pretty far outside the mainstream on it.


"Walleye, a lot of things are going to go wrong in your life that technically aren't your fault. Always remember that this doesn't make you any less of an idiot"

--Walleye's Dad


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed May-30-18 04:54 PM

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52. "So are you saying the evidence is conclusive? "
In response to Reply # 50



Is there a wealth of contemporary, secular writers who corraborated this person?

Further, for the sake of argument, granting the very minimal criteria of establishing his existence has been met, there are a significant number of hurdles left to clear to get to the whole son of god thing.

>I am comfortable representing the field of scholarship here,
>and you're pretty far outside the mainstream on it.

I don't care about whether or not my perspective aligns with the "mainstream". If that were my motive, I'd still believe, now wouldn't I?

And even if, for the sake of argument, the historicity of jesus were conclusive, what extrabiblical evidence is there for all the other claims?

But I digress, since conclusive evidence does not exist.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed May-30-18 04:26 PM

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47. "."
In response to Reply # 45
Wed May-30-18 04:33 PM by Cold Truth





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Member since May 05th 2011
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Wed May-30-18 12:43 PM

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8. "pretty sure there are some born agains who ain't shit"
In response to Reply # 1


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Jan 15th 2008
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Wed May-30-18 12:47 PM

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11. "Jesus has His ways of dealing with His saints"
In response to Reply # 8
Wed May-30-18 12:47 PM by c71



trust me


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Wed May-30-18 12:48 PM

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14. "what about the Aints? "
In response to Reply # 11


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Jan 15th 2008
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Wed May-30-18 12:58 PM

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17. "You're an adult, how have you seen Jesus deal with the ain'ts?"
In response to Reply # 14



You've lived life almost as long as I have.


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27. "I haven't seen Jesus yet"
In response to Reply # 17


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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29. "And you have never heard of a person becoming christian?"
In response to Reply # 27



that's how Jesus Christ deals with the "ain'ts"


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31. "I'm talking about after they become christian"
In response to Reply # 29


just cause someone is baptized and takes communion doesn't mean they are christian.. that's the easy part IMO.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Wed May-30-18 01:28 PM

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32. "If you have seen people become christian in your lifetime, then"
In response to Reply # 31



you have heard testimonies of how they have gone through whatever ups and downs, back and forth, that goes on.


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86. "plenty of born agains who ain't shit who i've known personally"
In response to Reply # 8



and many of other born agains who are also good people who found what works for them.

only real difference between an aint shit born again, and a "non saved" ain't shit person, is the non-saved one isn't going around judging everyone, and hiding their ain't shitnesss behind jesus and being saved.


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62. "Protestant ass niggas claiming Christianity for themselves"
In response to Reply # 1




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Cold Truth
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63. "^^^^^^"
In response to Reply # 62




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66. "such a turn off"
In response to Reply # 62
Thu May-31-18 10:00 AM by legsdiamond


who the fuck has the authority to tell someone they are or aren't a christian or going to heaven?

You have to be a real dickhead to think you have that type of power

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Thu May-31-18 10:17 AM

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68. "Yup. Much of the flack Christians gets are cause of born agains"
In response to Reply # 66
Thu May-31-18 10:18 AM by BigReg



with their hypocracy and somehow being...welll lets be honest, evil, lol. Them niggas is as self serving as fuck.

So I guess its cool they get to claim the whole concept of Christ while regular ass baptists/lutherans etc..rock, lol.


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70. "never forget this preacher telling me he was going to heaven"
In response to Reply # 68


but another preachers kid wasn't.

I'm like.. "nigga, yo check just bounced, stfu and get me my money"

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Thu May-31-18 01:46 PM

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72. "If a christian has to take flack about what Jesus said about"
In response to Reply # 68



a person needing to be born again, then that is what has to happen.


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Cold Truth
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Thu May-31-18 01:50 PM

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73. "If a believer can't justify his belief with evidence, "
In response to Reply # 72
Thu May-31-18 01:53 PM by Cold Truth



Then whatever dogma he spews regarding said belief is worth less than dog shit.

If your had so little evidence behind it that you ultimately have to rely on faith, or, more aptly phrased, a "just go with it" mindset, then any pillar of that faith you try to cite is entirely meaningless.


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Thu May-31-18 01:51 PM

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74. "I stand with what Jesus said about being born again"
In response to Reply # 73





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Cold Truth
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76. "You stand with canned, preprogrammed. Generic replies "
In response to Reply # 74



Because you have absolutely no foundation upon which to justify your belief.

Literally every argument there is in support of your religion has been laughably and easily debunked a thousand times over..... and you get so mad when you see someone manage to break free of your delusion that you forget to actually walk that walk in a manner worthy of the calling you erroneously think you've recieved.


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Thu May-31-18 02:10 PM

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77. "Obviously, you can focus on me if you want, but....."
In response to Reply # 76



Case One had a nicer tone, seemingly....


if you appreciate that tone, you could reply to what Case One asked you in reply #60:

"I, however, do have additional questions, but the only question that I really want to ask is, 'What happened to you that caused you to lose faith in all that you know and have experienced?'"

If you appreciated how Case One went about his business in this post, then I'm sure Case One would appreciate a reply to his reply #60 question.


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Cold Truth
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Thu May-31-18 02:47 PM

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79. "Do you have evidence to support your beliefs? "
In response to Reply # 77



Let's hear it.

Substantiate not just the existence, but the divinity of the mangled, conceptual ripped off zombie son of your petty, jealous, self-centered, homicidal, genocidal, egomanical deity.

Then resolve the myriad holes and inconsistencies in the book.

Then reconcile the reprehensible morality of the bool, along with the highly dubious historical accuracy of the whole sordid mess.

Then you can talk your born again nonsense.

But we both know the deal. We both know you're not acting upright in this situation. We both know you're not exhibiting an ounce of love, compassion, or concern. You're not showing a single trait consistent with a minister of your gospel.

You're as fugazi as it gets. It's not that I "prefer" Case's tone, it's that his tone is actually consistent with his professed faith...and yours is anything but😉


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80. "why are you avoiding replying to reply #60?"
In response to Reply # 79



Reply #60 came almost ten replies before my replies from today.

First things first.

First is you replying to reply #60


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Cold Truth
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81. "Typical christian, telling others what to do and when to do it"
In response to Reply # 80



All while dipping, ducking diving and dodging every inquiry into their shenanigans.

Way to keep the faith, champ


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82. "Does Case One have shenanigans? What can explain that reply #60"
In response to Reply # 81



came so much earlier than my replies from today and yet you didn't answer the question in reply #60?

"I, however, do have additional questions, but the only question that I really want to ask is, 'What happened to you that caused you to lose faith in all that you know and have experienced?'"

If Case One has qualities that are more in line with his faith than I do to what I profess, then why did you stop replying to Case One and eagerly start replying to me?

Wouldn't you have a more productive post if you had continued to reply to Case One, whose faith is in line with his tone, according to youi?


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Cold Truth
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Thu May-31-18 03:26 PM

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83. "If you used your brain for once, you'd be able to figure that out"
In response to Reply # 82



But since you're a dumb puppet entirely incapable of thinking for yourself, the obvious answer escapes you.


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84. "anyone reading this post by now knows that you stopped replying to"
In response to Reply # 83



Case One because you didn't like the question to you in his last reply in this post, reply #60:

"I, however, do have additional questions, but the only question that I really want to ask is, 'What happened to you that caused you to lose faith in all that you know and have experienced?'"

Answering that question will do more for you than me going back and forth with you, so, in the name of helping you, I'll leave it to you to eventually (why the delay?) answer the question in reply #60:

"I, however, do have additional questions, but the only question that I really want to ask is, 'What happened to you that caused you to lose faith in all that you know and have experienced?'"


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Cold Truth
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Thu May-31-18 03:40 PM

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88. "Patently false, but keep telling us about the sort of Christian you are"
In response to Reply # 84




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Cold Truth
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85. "Oh, and the answer to why I'm spending time on you is obvious too,"
In response to Reply # 82



I'm giving you plenty of opportunity to show exactly what kind of Christian you are, particularly in contrast to every other professed believer in this post.

And I have to say, you're doing an excellent job showing the type of Christian you are.

Smooches 😘


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2. "I trust that you'll maintain your morals though, correct? "
In response to Reply # 0



"Get ready....for your blessing....."


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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 12:45 PM

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10. "Can you clarify that question? "
In response to Reply # 2



Do you believe morality cannot exist without a relgious foundation? If so, why?


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21. "You a good dude, you understand that the act of being good is not "
In response to Reply # 10
Wed May-30-18 01:02 PM by FLUIDJ



driven by a desire to be rewarded by a higher being in an afterlife (or in the here & now).

Morality isn't based on belief in a God...some folks equate the two in order to reach the conclusion that non-belief = lack of morality and that an athiest can't be a good person.

Some people use athiesm as an excuse to wild out.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."


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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 01:49 PM

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36. "I'd actually argue that far more people use religion to wild out, morall..."
In response to Reply # 21



Most athiests I've come across tend to also he humanists with generally progressive viewpoints.

Conversely, I routinely come across religious people who use their religion as a shield to justify views that do not tend to favor the overall well being of people.

Obviously there's a more nuanced discussion to be had there.

That said, to answer your question, I think I'm arguably more moral, having dispensed with any of the conflicts that arise in holding views that come in direct conflict with my religion.

I no longer need to twist or contort to justify my views. I don't need to default to a book that's rife with deplorable moral inconsistencies as my guide.

Instead, I am free to examine whether or not a given view helps or harms the well being of my fellow man, and I do not have to do semantic or ideological gymnastics to justify those views because they're juxtaposed with religious dogma.


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37. "Haha...true true indeed. "
In response to Reply # 36



>Most athiests I've come across tend to also he humanists with
>generally progressive viewpoints.
>Conversely, I routinely come across religious people who use
>their religion as a shield to justify views that do not tend
>to favor the overall well being of people.
>Obviously there's a more nuanced discussion to be had there.
>That said, to answer your question, I think I'm arguably more
>moral, having dispensed with any of the conflicts that arise
>in holding views that come in direct conflict with my
>I no longer need to twist or contort to justify my views. I
>don't need to default to a book that's rife with deplorable
>moral inconsistencies as my guide.
>Instead, I am free to examine whether or not a given view
>helps or harms the well being of my fellow man, and I do not
>have to do semantic or ideological gymnastics to justify those
>views because they're juxtaposed with religious dogma.

Basically I guess my question/statement was along the lines of what Legs had asked...if it was related to the marriage stuff or not. Thus my statement about folks using it as an excuse to wild out...or couching it in that.... many nuances indeed...

"Get ready....for your blessing....."


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26. "oops, just realized I didn't answer your question. I don't believe moral..."
In response to Reply # 10



>Do you believe morality cannot exist without a relgious
>foundation? If so, why?

has or should have anything to do with a religious foundation. I believe that the two are completely separate things independent of each other altogether.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."


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3. "You're free now. "
In response to Reply # 0



<--- Big Baller World Order


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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 03:21 PM

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43. "Damn right!"
In response to Reply # 3




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double negative
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4. "lemme as't you this..."
In response to Reply # 0



are you going full atheist - as in nothing is there, nothing in your life represents spirituality?


are you on a journey to find something that fits your world view?

I grew up in the church and I am athei-ish. I just started going to temple (buddhism) and thats pretty much it for spirituality - I'm not into the mysticism within buddhism but it fits my world view.

I don't believe in the biblical god but I think there is something...I'm really pantheist at the end of the day but there ain't no church for me and if there was I would not want to go.

strangely enough as godless as I am I am totally fine with my children growing up in the church if thats what they want to do.



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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 09:30 PM

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59. "I don't really see spirituality as anything more than a vague concept"
In response to Reply # 4



>are you going full atheist - as in nothing is there

Not sure what you mean by "nothing is there", but I assume you mean some sort ofnhigher power. If that's something close to the definition you're getting at, nah.

Not at all. I've seen no reasonable evidence for that.

>in your life represents spirituality?

I wouldn't say I subscribe to any ideology that would qualify as "spiritual", but then I don't really think spirituality exists as anything truly substantial.

>are you on a journey to find something that fits your world

Not at all. I simply do not see any sound, reasonable evidence for a diety of any kind. I don't seek any sort of grand truth or framework to fit a specific worldview.

I do think the overall value of religious fairy tales yield diminishing returns, and the general harm they breed tends to far outweigh any value on the whole. I also think that, on the whole, the ability to genuinely say, and accept that "I don't know, but let's figure it out to the extent that our knowledge and resources will allow" is a significantly better and more beneficial approach then plugging in holes in our knowledge with a fairy tale.


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Wed May-30-18 12:32 PM

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5. "Congrats! It was a liberating acceptance for me"
In response to Reply # 0


I remember it like it was yesterday, but it was actually 18 years ago when I verbalized my feelings. Been good ever since.



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6. "This actually makes a lot of sense"
In response to Reply # 0



>I'm obviously abridging a ton of details on this journey. It's
>a new skin though, and I genuinely feel as though I'm viewing
>the world through a different lense. I do feel some sort of
>loss of that security blanket, but I also, strangely, feel
>somewhat more empowered to take control of my life.

So how are things with your family and the faith? You mentioned your daughter already being in the church, are you going to explain to her why you don't go to church anymore? Or just leave it for if she asks? How is your wife handling it?

I am glad you seem to have found something that is working for you and matches your worldview.


12 play and 12 planets are enlighten for all the Aliens to Party and free those on the Sex Planet-maxxx

XBL: trkc21
Twitter: @tyrcasey


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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 09:02 PM

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58. "Just curious, csn you expound on what specifically makes sense, and why?"
In response to Reply # 6



>So how are things with your family and the faith? You
>mentioned your daughter already being in the church

To be clear, she's not currently attending. She- and my wife- only goes if I go, and it's been nearly a year since that happened. We've had a few stretches, but attendance was always extremely spotty. She believes because her daycare apparently includes Sunday school in the curriculum.

>going to explain to her why you don't go to church anymore? Or
>just leave it for if she asks? How is your wife handling it?

I'll eventually take her because she genuinely likes to go. My wife, though she professes belief doesn't go unless I go, but she's been aware of my feelings from jump. I've always had issues with everything from doctrine to overall church practices, to say nothing of questioning the existence of god itself, even before I met her. We started dating a couple years after I left the church so she's always known this. She's on some each their own steeze though.

>I am glad you seem to have found something that is working for
>you and matches your worldview.

Well... I'm not quite sure how to reply to that. Atheism doesn't "work" for me, as it isn't a belief system, contrary to the popular framing by clergy that it's a religion in it's own right.

I'd say being an athiest deals solely with a lack of belief in a god and nothing more, though that lack of allegiance does afford me the freedom to truly think and act for myself.


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Thu May-31-18 01:57 PM

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75. "This was what I was referring to"
In response to Reply # 58



>It's a new skin though, and I genuinely feel as though I'm viewing
>the world through a different lense. I do feel some sort of
>loss of that security blanket, but I also, strangely, feel
>somewhat more empowered to take control of my life.

About it feeling both like a big loss in your life as well as the start of a new chapter. Because it's both. There's a rush of excitement that comes from figuring out who you are, but it doesn't make the losses from your "old" life (for lack of a better term) any less real.

>>I am glad you seem to have found something that is working
>>you and matches your worldview.
>Well... I'm not quite sure how to reply to that. Atheism
>doesn't "work" for me, as it isn't a belief system, contrary
>to the popular framing by clergy that it's a religion in it's
>own right.
>I'd say being an athiest deals solely with a lack of belief in
>a god and nothing more, though that lack of allegiance does
>afford me the freedom to truly think and act for myself.

Yeah, didn't mean to imply you were strapping on a fedora and getting a Youtube channel about atheism. I'm pretty much in the same boat (call myself an atheist, don't actually believe in a deity, do not want to turn it into my own belief system.) I guess I meant congrats to you for figuring out this part of yourself, not everyone can get there.


12 play and 12 planets are enlighten for all the Aliens to Party and free those on the Sex Planet-maxxx

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Wed May-30-18 12:47 PM

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12. "It really is a great feel to just say it out loud and be done with it. "
In response to Reply # 0





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Wed May-30-18 12:48 PM

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13. "has your marriage played a part in this revelation? "
In response to Reply # 0


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 12:53 PM

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16. "Not in the least"
In response to Reply # 13



As I said. This was a long, drawn out process. This was slow and incremental, and while the circumstances of my marriage are what lead me to try to rediscover that faith, the conclusion is entirely based on whether or not there is any evidence to justify belief in any god of any kind.

My marital situation was/is not an evidentiary factor.


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Wed May-30-18 12:58 PM

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18. "word, thanks for clarifying"
In response to Reply # 16


sometimes folks hit a speed bump or get wronged by man and lose their faith

that's why I asked

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Oct 06th 2005
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Wed May-30-18 01:00 PM

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20. "Are you going to be a proselytizing atheist?"
In response to Reply # 0


Or a mind your business atheist?



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Wed May-30-18 01:04 PM

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23. "a proselytizing atheist isn't an atheist at all IMO."
In response to Reply # 20



"Get ready....for your blessing....."


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24. ""
In response to Reply # 23




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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 01:57 PM

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38. "I've shared this change with some in my close circle, absolutely"
In response to Reply # 20



One, whose path resembles mine, I shared to help encourage him because he's on that fence but leaning away.

So, to a degree, I think the knowledge that someone else was able to accept the lack of belief within themselves can be of great help to others struggling in a similar way.

But I'm not standing on street corners.

One of the factors that helped me accept this is the realization that athiesm is a simple lack of belief on a god. That'sit. There's nothing to proselytize about that.

However, if someone is trying to impose a worldview using their religion as a foundation, I may challenge that.


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Wed May-30-18 01:09 PM

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28. "we can still be cool, right?"
In response to Reply # 0





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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 01:38 PM

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34. "I'm quite literally surrounded by Christians. Everyone in my life is a b..."
In response to Reply # 28



So, yes.

Despite the condescending, wholly antagonistic tact taken by homeboy up top, I'm not trying to start beef with believers in making this poat.

I grew up in the church, and that's where I met the vast majority of people in my life. The only people with which I've disassociated are those who take a similar tact to the obvious outlier within this post.


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Wed May-30-18 01:32 PM

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33. "Man, I feel you. I'm somewhere in the realm of"
In response to Reply # 0


... pantheism/panentheism/agnosticism myself. I've shared some of my story* w/ you guys - mostly on OKS, but yeah, I've tried multiple different ways to maintain that faith but that will has been more or less destroyed. Maybe it'll come back around, but I'm not gonna force its hand.

*here it is if you want the gist of it -


The Brand Pod

The Life Pod


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Wed May-30-18 01:45 PM

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35. "not sure where I am in my journey"
In response to Reply # 33


I'm just here right now

we don't go to church

but part of me wants to return for that extended family feeling.. home away from home type steez.

but I damn sure don't want to be around stuffy folks judging my every move

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Wed May-30-18 02:00 PM

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39. "Fortunately our church is onna dem big non-dom churches.."
In response to Reply # 35



I dont have to sit and listen to somebody tell me how many I'm going to hell, but I get a class in how to better incorporate Christ in my life (at least thats how it feels. Dudes apporach is more of a teacher than a preacher, and I appreciate that).

There are three services on Sunday, and theres always new faces when I choose to pay attention. I know one dude that goes there, and I've known him for years. So, we don't get the "fellowship" portion of "chu'uch"...and I appreciate that. I can come in, get what I need, and be gone (in about an hour, lol).

Don't have that "give, give, give" pressure either. We don't take up offering. Most people pay online, and if you brought cash or a check to pay with, drop it off at guest services. They don't even remind you....the contributions they get from "donors and the community" is enough to keep the church going.

I say all that to say that I get the disconnect with church, and I'm just lucky enough to have found everything I was looking for.


Fuck aliens



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Wed May-30-18 02:13 PM

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40. "Elevation? That sounds like a similar church"
In response to Reply # 39
Wed May-30-18 02:14 PM by legsdiamond


that place is too progressive for me tho

plus his jeans be too tight

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Wed May-30-18 02:18 PM

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41. "HA!!!!!!!!!! Furtick do be rockin; the "Strangler" jeans, huh?"
In response to Reply # 40



We used to go there...the one down the street in Matthews. Moved to the A and found a more chill version of it called Buckhead Church.

..but don't get Elevation sideways...dude did a whole sermon one Sunday about the money..complete with pie charts and erything...


Fuck aliens



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Thu May-31-18 06:16 PM

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93. "I feel that"
In response to Reply # 35
Thu May-31-18 06:17 PM by snacks


>I'm just here right now
>we don't go to church
>but part of me wants to return for that extended family
>feeling.. home away from home type steez.

I do miss the camaraderie, but I still keep up w/ the ones I was closest to and they still let me play in their football/bball tourneys so I feel like I kinda have the best of both worlds in a way

>but I damn sure don't want to be around stuffy folks judging
>my every move

I found this tough to navigate cause, in my case at least, I do believe that at their core, ppl just wanted (what they thought was) the best for me and that it was out of genuine concern. The way some of them expressed it tho ...


The Brand Pod

The Life Pod


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Member since Jan 06th 2014
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Wed May-30-18 05:52 PM

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56. "RE: Man, I feel you. I'm somewhere in the realm of"
In response to Reply # 33



> ... pantheism/panentheism/agnosticism myself. I've shared
>some of my story* w/ you guys - mostly on OKS, but yeah, I've
>tried multiple different ways to maintain that faith but that
>will has been more or less destroyed. Maybe it'll come back
>around, but I'm not gonna force its hand.
>*here it is if you want the gist of it -

I’m in the same boat. Been struggling for the last 6 years...

I'll start with a little background about my current situation that's been bothering me. So to start, I am 24 years old. I’ve only gone on two dates in my life and that was after age 22. Never kissed a boy nor gone on a date before then. Fast forward to Feb. 15, 2018. I started taking to this 23 year old guy. We end up connecting very well and had our first three dates within the last two months. My mom (whom I live with) knew about him, but my father didn’t. So I told him I’m dating the guy the day before our third date, and my dad went way left with the questions. Some of them are completely understandable but the others were just.... wild! The VERY FIRST question he asked was, “is he Christian?”.......

(backstory: I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school, but after my dad and mom divorced when I was 16, he got married a year or two later to a Christian woman, and now he’s a Super Christian who says Catholicism is against God’s word. Lol. And when I got to college, I basically became a skeptic of organized religion... I’m not sure if I believe in God or a higher power, but I, teetering on the non-belief in the Christian idea of God. My personal journey led me to want to learn the different teachings of various spiritual systems and form my own “path”. I tried to tell my dad this 2 years ago but he wasn’t understanding. He was just like “read your Bible”. 😒. Oh and he also says slavery was “justified” because Africans practiced voodoo and he also believes that all Muslim men beat their wives. *cough*)


Growing up, I had always believed in a higher power... But over time, around 5 years ago, I began to believe that we as a people are Gods, that God is really all in me, and in all of you. God lives in all of us, and we have our own free will to shape our universe. God is also in every other living thing, and transcends space and time. I guess this would technically categorize me as a "panentheist". Additionally, our bodies reflect the composition of the universe. We have different elements within us that are also found in space, as well as in the Earth. I believed there is only one true God/Deity/Higher Being/Creator/whatever and that this being has no sex no color no beginning no end, this being is totally incomprehensible to our human experience. I did not agree with "fearing" God; I believed that we should understand that the Higher Power is capable of acts beyond our comprehension and all we can do is honor and respect that Power. We should learn how to leave self control and compassion, empathy, and goodwill towards each other, so that the God above/in the universe as well as the God within us can achieve satisfaction and continue to tap into the higher consciousness we all have. And also, the idea of God as the Heavenly Father. I started to question if we should even gender god? There was a point when I referred to God as She, then I just referred to God simply as The Creator...


Then, after discovering several Black Nationalist videos on youtube in 2012, (Sa Neter TV) and learning more about Black/African history *staying woke*, I stopped believing in a "messiah". I remembered hearing that we are our own messiahs; we have the power to save ourselves and the Black family. I'm not sure you've heard the "I Met God, She's Black" statement, but that was the point where I questioned the gendering of what people believed to be the Creator. Is God He because Western society values and follows patriarchy? Or is God He because that's just how the stories of Mary and Jesus (and those who came before them) interpreted the Creator? I also said that The Black Woman is God because she/we were the Original beings who cultivated life. The Black Man is also God because he planted the seed in the Black woman, in order to help create the human race. I had renounced religion entirely and I felt that I'd taken on a more spiritual path. I didn't want to follow any type of "religion" at all, because I personally felt it was limiting... all religions are man made and therefore I didn't want subscribe to any of them. If I were to follow a "religion", I said I would follow something original, that spawned from a country/peoples from the continent of Africa; the practices of my people. And I'd follow something that didn't steal elements or entire stories from original African religions (the story of Heru). But with that said, I still didn't even want to associate myself with anything that is called "religion". I am a person who loves to absorb different elements from different practices, and apply them to my life as I see fit.


After a few years of self reflection, I am at a point where.. I DON'T KNOW about my beliefs. I have dozens of questions that are going 100mph in my head...

I think where I started to question even further is the comprehension of the Bible: is it to be taken literally? Figuratively? Is one supposed to read and mold it to their own mindset?

We have Christians who push hatred because "the Bible says ____".

We have Christians who push love and tolerance because "the Bible says ____".

For a while I also started wondering about Humans representing God on earth. Then I'm like... FOR HOW and WHY ARE WE HERE? How did we get here? Big Bang or naw? 7 days? Did woman come from one man's rib? OR was there originally only one woman who gave birth to the human race? Let there be light or naw? Lmaoo

And I also keep thinking, if I were born in another part of the country or outside the U.S., would I have a different faith system? What makes one system "right"?

SO MANY QUESTIONS LOL this stuff rattles my brain 24/7!!!


But, I digress; back to my issue:

So I’m like “.......... uhhh yeah” 🤔 to my dad’s question on if the guy I'm dating is Christian, because he actually mentioned it to me the day before; he said he felt guilty for not going to church on Easter. And I was like, “the church is in your heart” or something because I didn’t know what else to say lol.

But yeah. That was the first question. Eventually he asks me if he quotes the Bible and goes to church! Not everyone goes around reciting scriptures from the Bible like my dad does. And I told him no and also said that my generation has a different view or opinion about religion and he went on a tangent about how Jesus said religion is wrong but Christianity is right.

So for one, I think my dad wants me to find a holier than thou man who is a super Christian like he is and I don’t want that at all. I don’t care what religion he is, but I know if I came to my dad with an atheist he’d absolutely lose his shit. But seeing that he accused the guy as not being a “real Christian man” because he drinks socially and doesn’t go to church normally is so wild to me. I also made the mistake of telling my dad he plays semi pro football and still lives at home with his parents (like almost all people my age do), so pops went and basically called him a steroid injecting, alcoholic woman-beating loser. Yep. -_-

It was so frustrating. Because he spent 45 minutes lecturing me on what the Bible says (he does that all the time) and I just don’t know how to tell him that I don’t follow what he does. I haven’t gone to a church in 6 years!!! (I swore I thought he knows this).

All in all... I just don’t know what to say or how to talk to my dad about me not following or believing in the same religious system. I’m a terrible verbal communicator and I cry every time someone raises their tone at me haha. I don’t know what to do... or what to believe.

"I'm twenty-two, catch
In the prime of my life,
I don't have time to be a wife"

"She was on that tip about stoppin' the violence
About my people she was teachin' me..."


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155. "Sorry to hear about your dilemma."
In response to Reply # 56



I can't say that I've been in your current situation with you and your new boyfriend and your father, but I sympathize.

Discovering your parents as you bring a new potential family member can be disappointing as you see that the love that your parents once gave freely now may appear to have strong and nonsensical conditions. Your father has his opinions and beliefs and he's entitled to those. But so do you about your own life. He may object to your choice but it sounds like he does love you. Perhaps in time, his love for you may melt away his misunderstanding and you two can continue your relationship. But I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that.

I have had experience with a faith that has slowly lost steam since an outbreak of depression almost 20 years ago. I think what you're going through is normal and ought to be encouraged more among young people. If only because if you're going to make a pact to follow and love the creator of the Universe, you ought to do so with your blinders open, hopefully in a relatively supportive environment.

No one can really give you the answers you seek and in the end, your answer is between you and God, as you define God. If in your mind, God is in all things and the way that connection to God as taught in church conflicts with your personal beliefs and experiences, than follow your heart. That in a way is a walk with faith in the sense that you have to just trust that the God you know can be found in the outside world and within yourself.

Good luck.

<--- Me when my head hits the pillow


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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 09:57 PM

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61. "As far as the "what if you're wrong" proposition...that's not binary"
In response to Reply # 33



If I may offer a perspective you're likely already aware of, that's not a plus-minus.

The hinest truth of that question is that the answer is mutually exclusive to so many frameworks that, if one were to be true, anyone who gets it "right" will essentially win a lottery.

To ask that question with complete honesty necessitates that it be asked not just of every god proposition imaginable, but also of propositions you are unaware of. There may be only two answers to the question of whether or not god exists, but the "yes" proposition yields exponentially more possibilities, meaning that arriving at any "true" proposition really amounts to luck.


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Wed May-30-18 02:35 PM

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42. "I'm agnostic in the purest sense"
In response to Reply # 0



I simply believe man's knowledge is limited. So limited that we have no idea how the universe was created and what drives it. Astrophysics is all educated guesses...any astrophysicist will tell you that. Man doesn't know how the universe was created, and we're not even quite that sure about how our own bodies work. There are still undiscovered species on this planet. How can we begin to think that we know exactly how the universe was created?

That's why religion is referred to as faith. No one really knows if there's a God...they just have faith that he's there.

I sometimes feel that there are unseen forces at work, but I refuse to define it...because I know it can't be defined. Not by our limited scope.


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Member since Feb 24th 2003
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Thu May-31-18 09:56 AM

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65. "For the record, this isn't true at all."
In response to Reply # 42


>we have no idea how the universe was created and what drives
>it. Astrophysics is all educated guesses...any astrophysicist
>will tell you that.

I know hundreds of astrophysicists, and I am one myself, and none of us would describe our tedious, exacting, painstaking life's work as "educated guesses." Cosmologists don't know everything there is to know about the early universe, but they understand most aspects of it better than most people understand anything at all.

Man doesn't know how the universe was
>created, and we're not even quite that sure about how our own
>bodies work. There are still undiscovered species on this
>planet. How can we begin to think that we know exactly how the
>universe was created?

This is a specious criticism. For one thing, biologists and biochemists understand a whole hell of a lot about how our bodies work. For another thing, hard as this may be to imagine, the large-scale structure of the universe is actually a much simpler system than the systems that occur in biochemistry.

>That's why religion is referred to as faith. No one really
>knows if there's a God...they just have faith that he's

And that's fine. People should believe that if they want to believe it, honestly, as long as people don't use it to hurt anyone else.

But don't pretend that it's logically justified, or nihilistically claim that nothing is justified. Science is not a way to believe whatever you want to believe. Religion is.


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double 0
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Thu May-31-18 10:05 AM

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67. "RE: For the record, this isn't true at all."
In response to Reply # 65



Double 0
Producer in Kidz In The Hall
twitter: @godouble0
IG: @godouble0


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Thu May-31-18 10:25 AM

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69. "Well, you sure are agnostic as to how science works. I'll give you that...."
In response to Reply # 42




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Wed May-30-18 03:33 PM

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44. "I've basically come to that conclusion too."
In response to Reply # 0


although my wife's not riding with me on it. its actually been less of an issue that I anticipated.

the thing for me is that I don't care what other folks believe, but don't try selling to me. I'm good. I won't try to sell you on my thoughts.

now if you ask questions, I can have a convo about it. just don't try to convince me that my life is doomed since I don't believe in it.

Y'all buy those labels, I was born supreme


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Wed May-30-18 04:27 PM

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48. "100%"
In response to Reply # 44




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Wed May-30-18 04:39 PM

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49. "Did you ever feel like you had a relationship with God?"
In response to Reply # 0



"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 04:44 PM

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51. "I once believed that, yes. "
In response to Reply # 49




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Wed May-30-18 04:58 PM

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53. "I have a few A few questions. What was that relationship like?"
In response to Reply # 51


Did you talk to God?
Did you hear from God?
Did you ever feel the presence of God?
Did you ever experience revelation concerning God?


"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Wed May-30-18 05:30 PM

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55. "Answers. "
In response to Reply # 53



>Did you talk to God?

Yes, quite often, actually. To be clear, I went of my own accord. This wasn't something that was forced upon me. I initially went with this woman my friend knew, because she took a bunch of kids to church, and then out to eat, and then to a movie or other outing, every Sunday.

I was 12, and at the time me and my siblings went to escape our roach-infested apartment for a few hours, get a decent meal, and get to see and do some things we were otherwise not privy to. The worse things got, the more I started leaning into that relationship and that church, because it gave me things I sorely lacked. And I eventually began to buy in.

There was a time when I would pray as I drove, as I took a shower, as I walked up the street.

I spoke to god in prayer, not asking for things (I did that as well, but you get my meaning), but often on an intercessory basis, for quite some time. I'd silently pray for random people.

I learned that my name, Jason, means "to cure", or "to heal". My mom didn't want to know my gender before birth, but somehow thought I'd be a girl, so my intended name was Jennifer. I was born male, and my grandmother supposedly named me Jason, on the spot.

Knowing that history, in light of my faith and the discovery of the meaning of my name, coupled with the incredibly screwed up childhood I had, lead me to believe all of this was divinely intended.

Thus, I just knew intercessory prayer was my calling. I laid hands on people. I had moments and circumstances where I felt that I had confirmation of this.

>Did you hear from God?

I believed I did, and quite a bit. Once, I thought I heard god, as close to audibly as possible without actually being audible, if that makes sense. And he simply said, "pray". Which, for me, was another sign in the direction of intercessory prayer.

>Did you ever feel the presence of God?

Yes, I believed I did, on countless occasions.

>Did you ever experience revelation concerning God?

I need more clarification of your meaning to answer this.

If you mean clarification from god regarding a matter, then yes, there were times I believed this.

If you mean clarification from god concerning himself, I supposed this on many occasions throughout my life.

For all the passive aggressive posturing of Captain Christian up above, I was "born again", and had a relationship with god. I was in position to minister and I ministered. I was a foster child, and wound up working for a foster family agency that was ran by Christians for several years. Again, I believed this to be divinely inspired positioning. I lead bible studies for a couple of years for the girls in the group homes there. I preached the gospel.

I taught not just from a bible, but in conjunction with a Strong's concordance so that I could remain consistent with the Bible as it was written.

I sought evidence for my beliefs, digging into creation science and apologetics.

And on and on and on.

To keep it one hundred, I think questions like this are intended, perhaps not maliciously, to undermine the experience of former believers as somehow less than authentic, as though anyone who no longer believes was never genuine.

I was by no means a perfect Christian. I was very, very flawed, but I was resilient. I don't know many Christians who, as a 16 year old runaway from foster care, walked (roughly) 3 miles to and from church every Sunday morning. That did not come from my parents or some authority figure.


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Wed May-30-18 09:54 PM

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60. "I read every word and I thank you for sharing. "
In response to Reply # 55


At no point were my questions intended to undermine you or your history. You have a remarkable story and have a true journey that lives on and in faith.

I, however, do have additional questions, but the only question that I really want to ask is, "What happened to you that caused you to lose faith in all that you know and have experienced?"

Your journey, even filled with all the pain, setbacks, and missteps has prepared you for a purpose beyond what you have settled for today. You know that your encounters with God were and are real. I don't know exactly what happened along the way, but I wish I could have been with you to help you stay on the path, encouraged you, supported, and cheered you on when things got tough. I don't think you've totally given up, I believe that you are tired of fighting the good fight because you're empty from all that pouring out and no one took the meaningful time to really pour back into you and value the gift for ministry that you have. I'll just add, don't walk away from Him, because He's never walked away from you.


"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Thu May-31-18 05:38 PM

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90. "To clarify some things...."
In response to Reply # 60



>"What happened to you
>that caused you to lose faith in all that you know and have

The answer that question is easy: nothing. However, if I'm being completely honest, that's an invalid question, because it presupposes some sort of trauma as the cause.

To be clear, my faith was often strongest when times were hardest.

And, to clarify further, the verbiage used in my initial reply to you was within the context of my belief at the time, and not a reflection of my current perspective.

The reason I lost faith is multifaceted, though it boils down to one critical element: whether or not I had any evidence to support that faith, because faith, to me, is purely a work of fiction to compensate for a lack of evidence.

And that, sorry to say, has nothing to do with pain, setbacks, or missteps. That's often hard for religious folks to understand, but that's what it is. With due respect to the sincerity of your reply, I think it's a bit condescending to frame it in such a way that presumes as much.

Not only do I not believe those experiences I mentioned were "real" in that they had anything to do with any god, I wholly reject the notion that any god exists entirely.

The reason I lost faith is that there is simply no evidence to justify belief in any god whatsoever. If I had evidence, I wouldn't need faith, and the fact that faith is central to belief is in and of itself more than enough reason to reject that belief entirely.

And the more I sat and reasoned through things logically, I realized how much religion influences people to substitute honesty with magic. That is to say, instead of simply admitted and accepting that the answer to so many questions is "I don't know", religion opens up "because god" as an option. In other words, god is the God Of The Gaps. Wherever there is a gap in knowledge, religion plugs god into that hole.

And I reject that.

I will respond later to discuss some of the obvious implications of this stance, juxtaposed against the experiences I touched on.

Contrary to what your blatantly un-christlike fellow parishinor above would like to assume, you asked honest and, I believe, sincere questions, which means they deserve the sort of time and sincerity in writing a thoughtful response, unlike his, which deserve pithy and biting retorts.

It maybe this evening, but most likely during my noon break, just as I did yesterday and today.


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Thu May-31-18 09:37 PM

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95. "In Response. Real talk, I'm not trying to debate you or argue"
In response to Reply # 90


>>"What happened to you
>>that caused you to lose faith in all that you know and have
>The answer that question is easy: nothing. However, if I'm
>being completely honest, that's an invalid question, because
>it presupposes some sort of trauma as the cause.

My Question is valid because something - whatever you want to use to justify your current position - caused you to lose faith in your ability to have a relationship with God.

>To be clear, my faith was often strongest when times were

As it should be and as it is for most Christians that recognize that God has a plan for everything.

>And, to clarify further, the verbiage used in my initial reply
>to you was within the context of my belief at the time, and
>not a reflection of my current perspective.
>The reason I lost faith is multifaceted, though it boils down
>to one critical element: whether or not I had any evidence to
>support that faith, because faith, to me, is purely a work of
>fiction to compensate for a lack of evidence.
>And that, sorry to say, has nothing to do with pain, setbacks,
>or missteps. That's often hard for religious folks to
>understand, but that's what it is. With due respect to the
>sincerity of your reply, I think it's a bit condescending to
>frame it in such a way that presumes as much.

Also I said, "Your journey, even filled with all the pain, setbacks, and missteps has prepared you for a purpose beyond what you have settled for today." That has nothing to do with being religious or condescending.

>Not only do I not believe those experiences I mentioned were
>"real" in that they had anything to do with any god, I wholly
>reject the notion that any god exists entirely.

So what were those experiences about?

>The reason I lost faith is that there is simply no evidence to
>justify belief in any god whatsoever. If I had evidence, I
>wouldn't need faith, and the fact that faith is central to
>belief is in and of itself more than enough reason to reject
>that belief entirely.

But you do have faith in a lot of things and you believe in a lot of things that you don't have current evidence to support those beliefs. But I'll leave you to ponder this part.

>And the more I sat and reasoned through things logically, I
>realized how much religion influences people to substitute
>honesty with magic. That is to say, instead of simply admitted
>and accepting that the answer to so many questions is "I don't
>know", religion opens up "because god" as an option. In other
>words, god is the God Of The Gaps. Wherever there is a gap in
>knowledge, religion plugs god into that hole.
>And I reject that.

That's not totally true for all things. The Lord God is the God of All Period. Many people don't have a problem admitting that they don't know something. And may people have a knowing and a relationship with God that allows them to know and have faith about His work in all thing and in their life.

>I will respond later to discuss some of the obvious
>implications of this stance, juxtaposed against the
>experiences I touched on.
>Contrary to what your blatantly un-christlike fellow
>parishinor above would like to assume, you asked honest and, I
>believe, sincere questions, which means they deserve the sort
>of time and sincerity in writing a thoughtful response, unlike
>his, which deserve pithy and biting retorts.
>It maybe this evening, but most likely during my noon break,
>just as I did yesterday and today.

I look fowrad to your response.


"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Thu May-31-18 09:53 PM

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96. "Nah. No. And yes, you are debating, but I'm good with that. "
In response to Reply # 95



>My Question is valid because something - whatever you want to
>use to justify your current position - caused you to lose
>faith in your ability to have a relationship with God.

No, it isn't. There is insufficient evidence for the existence of god. The end. Not some "happening", and the entirety of your post + the verbiage you use make your implication clear.

>>To be clear, my faith was often strongest when times were
>As it should be and as it is for most Christians that
>recognize that God has a plan for everything.

No, when people are vulnerable and impressionable toward somethind that can bring comfort, they can and do turn to faith in something because it helps them make sense of things. That's it.

>But you do have faith in a lot of things and you believe in a
>lot of things that you don't have current evidence to support
>those beliefs. But I'll leave you to ponder this part.

NOPE. No. Not at at all. And even if that absolute lie you just told weren't the lie that it is, it's absolutely irrelevant tk whether or not there is sufficient evidence to believe in a god.

>That's not totally true for all things. The Lord God is the
>God of All Period.

Cool storyx but again, no. There is no evidence that your god exists.

>Many people don't have a problem admitting
>that they don't know something.

Agreed, but not a lot of religious people when they arrive at a point where they can't explain something. Then they just pkug god into that slot and pretend it's true.

>And may people have a knowing
>and a relationship with God that allows them to know and have
>faith about His work in all thing and in their life.

Those people hold a belief for which they have no evidence. Anecdotal evidence, arguments frkm ignorance, etc.

>"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a
>supernatural force that is outside of space and time could
>have done that. ~ Francis Collins

^^^^^100% argument from ignorance and personal incredulity. The inability to see another option is absolutely not justification to believe in a god. That statement is precisely the god of the gaps i spoke of earlier.


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Fri Jun-01-18 12:26 PM

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100. "Communicating different perspectives is not a debate"
In response to Reply # 96


>>My Question is valid because something - whatever you want
>>use to justify your current position - caused you to lose
>>faith in your ability to have a relationship with God.
>No, it isn't. There is insufficient evidence for the existence
>of god. The end. Not some "happening", and the entirety of
>your post + the verbiage you use make your implication clear.

Actually it is because I have and you have (we Both) experienced encounters whit God. But I'm going to leave it at that. I can be an apologist, but there is no need. You know the truth and it's your choice to do as you please - Free Will.

>>>To be clear, my faith was often strongest when times were
>>As it should be and as it is for most Christians that
>>recognize that God has a plan for everything.
>No, when people are vulnerable and impressionable toward
>somethind that can bring comfort, they can and do turn to
>faith in something because it helps them make sense of things.
>That's it.

Yes. That's not a complete fact, that a lot of your opinion. Faith involves taking a blind step, it also involves listening to God's communication and having an unction concerning this plans and revelation. Faith is a means to cultivate a real relationship wit God too.

>>But you do have faith in a lot of things and you believe in
>>lot of things that you don't have current evidence to
>>those beliefs. But I'll leave you to ponder this part.
>NOPE. No. Not at at all. And even if that absolute lie you
>just told weren't the lie that it is, it's absolutely
>irrelevant tk whether or not there is sufficient evidence to
>believe in a god.

No need to lash out at me. You do have faith in many things. You went to sleep and believed by faith that you would wake up. You had not Absolute factual basis to stand on to determine if you would wake up, but by faith you planned for this day on yesterday.

>>That's not totally true for all things. The Lord God is the
>>God of All Period.
>Cool storyx but again, no. There is no evidence that your god

The fact is that you know the truth.

>>Many people don't have a problem admitting
>>that they don't know something.
>Agreed, but not a lot of religious people when they arrive at
>a point where they can't explain something. Then they just
>pkug god into that slot and pretend it's true.

Some do, some don't a lot of non religious people believe in Luck to expalin things. Do you believe in Luck?

>>And may people have a knowing
>>and a relationship with God that allows them to know and
>>faith about His work in all thing and in their life.
>Those people hold a belief for which they have no evidence.
>Anecdotal evidence, arguments frkm ignorance, etc.

Actually, those people do have a track record of evidence to support there belief in God and faith in His will and care for their lives. I have personal stories / testimonies that will blow your mind. I'm sure you do too, but you've chosen to maybe just disregard them as coincidences or happenstance.

>>"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a
>>supernatural force that is outside of space and time could
>>have done that. ~ Francis Collins
>^^^^^100% argument from ignorance and personal incredulity.
>The inability to see another option is absolutely not
>justification to believe in a god. That statement is precisely
>the god of the gaps i spoke of earlier.

You should read up on Francis Collins - Francis Sellers Collins is an American physician-geneticist who discovered the genes associated with a number of diseases and led the Human Genome Project. He is director of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, United States.


"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Fri Jun-01-18 01:39 PM

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101. "Lmao bruh... stop the semantic games"
In response to Reply # 100



>Actually it is because I have and you have (we Both)
>experienced encounters whit God.

No, we experienced things, but not "god".

But I'm going to leave it at
>that. I can be an apologist, but there is no need. You know
>the truth and it's your choice to do as you please

What I know there is no evidence for your psychotic magical sky genie.

>Yes. That's not a complete fact, that a lot of your opinion.

Here's a fact: there's no evidence to support that your religion is remotely trbut there's significant evidence to prove that it stole a lot of ideas frk. earlier religions.

>Faith involves taking a blind step

^^^and here's what kills your religion, b3cause it does not rely on truth. It relies on exactly that: taming a bkond step.

it also involves listening
>to God's communication and having an unction concerning this
>plans and revelation. Faith is a means to cultivate a real
>relationship wit God too.

Faith is a way to help peoplemake sense of things for which they cannot otherwise explain, as well as tk help them deal with things emotionally.

But it's based on nothing substantial.

>No need to lash out at me.

Lashing out? No.
Telling you the truth isn't lashing out, and the more you try puahing your bullshit snake oil, the more hard truths you'll get.

You do have faith in many things.
>You went to sleep and believed by faith that you would wake
>up. You had not Absolute factual basis to stand on to
>determine if you would wake up, but by faith you planned for
>this day on yesterday.

LMAO holy shit you really went straight to the dumbest possible argument for this.

You're confusing faith- a blind step, as you've already admitted- with a reasonable certainty based on overwhelmingly consistent and readily observable evidence.

That there is a possibility that i won't wake up tomorrow or the next day does jot change the fact that I've woken up every day for over 13,000 consecutive days, to say nothing of the countless people I've observed doing the exact same thing.

I have a high degree of certainty that I will wake up from my sleep because the exception to that general rule is a statistical improbability based on myriad factors. Yes, there is a chance that i won't wake up tomorrow, and, depending on various factors, that probability may increase or decrease, but absent a major change, that probability is extremely slim.

If your god had anything close to that level of overwhelming and consistent evidence, faith would not be required.

But again... you are badly, ignorantly, embarrassingly displaying a fundamental lack of understanding of the differwnce between a belief based on faith and reasonable certainty based on evidence.

I seriously can't believe you said that shit.

>The fact is that you know the truth.

There is a reason you make weak assertions like this instead of presenting evidence.

>Some do, some don't a lot of non religious people believe in
>Luck to expalin things. Do you believe in Luck?

Not the way you're most likely framing it, no.

Luck is a way of describing positive or negative chance occurences, but luck isn't some sort of force. If i find a 100 bucks ont he ground, I'm "lucky" only in the sense that it was a chance occurrence that yielded a positive result.

I believe that chance occurences happen because there's evidence that they happen, but I do not believe in luck as a cause or catalyst for those occurences.

>Actually, those people do have a track record of evidence to
>support there belief in God and faith in His will and care for
>their lives. I have personal stories / testimonies that will
>blow your mind.

Yes, you have stories where people will connect dots and ignorantly conclude that a god did it, because they do not have a better, more logical explanation.

Sorry, that wouldn't blow my mind in the least.

I'm sure you do too, but you've chosen to
>maybe just disregard them as coincidences or happenstance.

Yes, I've chosen to utilize my rational brain instead of fairy tale nonsense.

Look, we can rsume a more respectful tone, but not as long as you choose to continue this bullshit of telling me I "know the truth" and all that jazz. You keep that shit up and I'm going to get real disrespectful on the subject.

If you really want a discussion of opposing ideas or thoughtful discourse, I'm down. But not if you're going to approach it the way you've been.

The choixe is yours, rev.


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Fri Jun-01-18 02:20 PM

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104. "In the end you've got Free Will. So the Choice is yours. "
In response to Reply # 101


At this point, nothing will change, so I'm not going to go back an forth with you. You made a choice and you're have to work that out for yourself.


"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Fri Jun-01-18 03:53 PM

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109. "Oh. So if you can't be patronizing, you don't want a discussion. Noted. "
In response to Reply # 104




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113. "Bro. I was not patronizing you. And I'm not going to argue. "
In response to Reply # 109


I asked you a few questions. You responded. We shared some dialog.

Today is still a good day. Love, Peace and Wave Grease!


"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Fri Jun-01-18 08:35 PM

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115. "Evidence shows otherwise, but we can agree to disagree and k.i.m"
In response to Reply # 113





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54. "yea...this hits home a bit"
In response to Reply # 0



my family is very religious...but cool
my journey kind of made me step back from them
having kids has brought closer again...but they never questioned what i believe
when im home...i still go to my home church
view the sermons as good plays


Navem nu, cuando sol
Tutu nu, vondo nos nu
Vita em, no continous non
Nos nu ekta nos sepe ta, amen

When the sun shades the ship
We sweat and life is not safe
To swim or to touch not
When we unite we hedge amen


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Thu May-31-18 07:59 AM

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64. "I still enjoy going to church when we go to Pittsburgh"
In response to Reply # 54


best preacher I ever had and his wife..

whew she fine.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Oct 18th 2004
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Thu May-31-18 05:34 PM

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89. "Mt Ararat?"
In response to Reply # 64



>whew she fine.


Navem nu, cuando sol
Tutu nu, vondo nos nu
Vita em, no continous non
Nos nu ekta nos sepe ta, amen

When the sun shades the ship
We sweat and life is not safe
To swim or to touch not
When we unite we hedge amen


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Member since Jul 06th 2002
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57. "I'm not an atheist but I'm not satisfied with how man has defined "God"."
In response to Reply # 0


I'm only willing to engage in discussions with reasonable people who want to talk about it, ie I'm never the evangelist in the convo, pushing my views on others. I'm of the philosophy that "people who want to share their religious beliefs with you, seldom if ever want you to share yours with them."

The main wisdom I've learned from spending 46 years on this planet:

The concept of "ideology" is the single most destructive force in human history.


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71. "Waits for the never mind God is real follow up post 5 years from now"
In response to Reply # 0



Or not. Either way I’m happy you found your peace.

>Strange days, these days.
>Up is down, left is right, and uncertainty abounds.
>This has been an extremely long, gradual shift. Christianity
>was, for a very long time, a refuge. About ten years ago I
>left the church, but still held onto, and even defended much
>of that ideology. I argued with people online, and yes, here
>on OKP. I even did my lil stretch of digging into "creation
>science". Still, through all those years, I had tons of
>questions that simply did not have sufficient answers. I
>leaned on a few of the usual fallacies, up to and including
>good ol' Pasquel's wager: what if I'm wrong, but never really
>had anything satisfactory to justify my belief. So it's been a
>long, slow and gradual turn.
>I went back a few times, mainly because of my wife, and I made
>a few attempts to renew that commitment.
>We went back last year, but at that point it was 100%
>arbitrary; I went for her, and for my daughter, who, in
>another story entirely, had been indoctrinated at her day care
>for about two and a half to three years before I knew what was
>going on, and has fully embraced the idea of god and jesus
>dying for her. But I knew I was in a fully arbitrary mode
>where neither my heart nor my mind was invested in the
>So fast forward through this marital situation. I thought,
>hey, let me get back to the foundations of this Christianity
>thing, and perhaps I can rediscover that faith, perhaps gain
>some new revelation, and started looking up youtube videos to
>listen to at work to give me some foundation upon which to
>justify my faith, because I figured now would be a good time
>to get that back.
>Then I stumbled upon clips that did the opposite, completely
>dismantling every argument I'd ever used, ever dogma I ever
>held, while simultaneously providing historical context,
>science, and basic principles of reason to complete this turn.
>Over the last, say, two months, any religious belief I once
>held is completely gone. No 'I'm spiritual, not religious"
>nonsense either. I now hold the position that there is simply
>insufficient evidence to justify belief in any deity, to any
>degree. That isn't to discount evidence that could arise in
>the future or anything... but I am actually well settled in
>I'm obviously abridging a ton of details on this journey. It's
>a new skin though, and I genuinely feel as though I'm viewing
>the world through a different lense. I do feel some sort of
>loss of that security blanket, but I also, strangely, feel
>somewhat more empowered to take control of my life.
>Though I am settled in my conclusion, I am now in a period of
>deprogramming an awful lot of remnants. That should be an
>interesting process.

... "A Beautiful Struggle"



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Thu May-31-18 02:29 PM

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78. "Idk. Logic or reason has never been the basis for my faith. "
In response to Reply # 0
Thu May-31-18 02:29 PM by Buddy_Gilapagos



So logic and reasoned arguments against my faith have always bounced off me like rubber bullets. I know it's convenient but that's how I feel.

I also don't think youtube videos would do very much good to strengthen my faith. Communion and Community have always been my best source for strengthening my faith when I need to.

In fact I just went to this super progressive church in BK that had black lives matter and LGBTQ banners prominently in the front. The preacher spoke on progressive issues like mass incarceration and gender pay equality as passionately as he spoke on bible scriptures.

Most Christian type folks drive me crazy but that place got me going.

But I get it. I think I've been there. I hope you find peace in not believing that you didn't find in trying to believe.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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87. "I feel you on Community.. but communion? "
In response to Reply # 78


for me that was just a service that was an extra hour (southern baptist)

but I rock with your points. I think if someone wants to believe, they will.. and when they don't.. they won't.

I was shocked when my Dad told me he didn't believe.. but as life kept happening, he did. I think most folks lose faith in man..

I know that's why I stepped back.

I think I will start going tho because I want my kids to have that sense of community that Church can give you.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Fri Jun-01-18 03:39 PM

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106. "By communion I didn't mean THAT particular cerimony. "
In response to Reply # 87



Not the bread and wine ceremony in particular. I meant doing rituals together as a group. Like Vacation Bible School, Like having the shared experience of all knowing about a preacher going on too long.

Religion, or maybe Church rather is more than beliefs, it's also about shared experiences. And shared experiences/rituals can be anything.

My kids won't have what I have because I find it too hard to get up and go to church on Sundays after a long week. I know part of it is because as much as I like the preacher and the church, it's not like when I grew up when everyone in that church were my neighbors and family and we had so much of a shared history. They could become my community, but it would take a lot more work on my part and attending a lot more events.

And the most F'd up thing to admit is that I think we go to church as much as we need to go, and I don't NEED to go so much right now. I know that if my life takes one bad turn, I'd be up in that house WAY more than I am right now. F'd up to admit but I think that would be me being honest. I totally get that crack head who all of suddenly embraces the church.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Cold Truth
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Fri Jun-01-18 08:35 PM

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114. "Yeah it's convenient, lol. But each his own."
In response to Reply # 78



>So logic and reasoned arguments against my faith have always
>bounced off me like rubber bullets. I know it's convenient but
>that's how I feel.

That doesn't work for me at all. Even when I was deep in it, I still needed more solid answers then I got, but I'd try to roll with some if the standard dismissals.

>I also don't think youtube videos would do very much good to
>strengthen my faith. Communion and Community have always been
>my best source for strengthening my faith when I need to.

I think both information and community are important, neither more than the other, but I digress.

To be clear, for my use, YouTube is just the platform of delivery though, and it's incredibly useful as a foundational jumping off point to begin to unravel just about any informational thread.

So I'm talking specifically about using to listen to sermons, lectures, podcasts, etc

>Most Christian type folks drive me crazy but that place got me
>But I get it. I think I've been there. I hope you find peace
>in not believing that you didn't find in trying to believe.

Interesting comment. I suppose I never thought about finding peace in my lack of belief in a god, but framing it that way does make sense. I definitely feel a drastically decreased lack of inner confoict, as I no longer need to check my personal views against the backdrop of a system of dogma.

Who knows where this leads though.


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91. "Congrats and welcome"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu May-31-18 05:45 PM by Tw3nty



if you need to connect with other black atheists hit me up.



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Cold Truth
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Thu May-31-18 05:54 PM

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92. "Thanks.. except I'm not black. Black wife and kids, but I'm white and Me..."
In response to Reply # 91



Invitation still stand?


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94. "actually yeah"
In response to Reply # 92



I'm actually pretty involved in the minority atheist community.
There are a ton of white atheists who avoid some of the toxicity of
"mainstream" white atheist groups and align with the minority groups.
Its really interesting to see the dynamics between races as far as atheism goes.
It seems very black church vs white church-ish.
I'm years removed from the transition of leaving theism,
Its a very happy place to be honest.
The weight that comes off your shoulders is amazing to experience.
You're in for an enlightening ride.



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191. "pardon my ignorance, but what is the point of an atheist group?"
In response to Reply # 94



honestly, no snark. i'm genuinely curious in the answer.


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195. "Like minded people sharing thoughts"
In response to Reply # 191
Wed Jun-06-18 09:21 PM by Tw3nty



Honestly, its almost exactly like OKP.
Not many references to god, religion or the lack thereof like folks would think.
One group I was in is about 5000 members 95% black. They're probably more active than GD.
I think folks would be disappointed if they were actually in the group and saw how little talk of atheism or religion there was.
Everyone thinks atheism is some kind of void.
Its actually very fulfilling.



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Member since Jan 01st 2008
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196. "Ah, I get it. An online community group. "
In response to Reply # 195



I was thinking this was a group that met together in person on a regular basis. Like church.

That makes much more sense. Thanks.


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Member since Feb 24th 2009
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Fri Jun-01-18 09:26 AM

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97. "I emphatically 100% reject religion but can't get with atheism"
In response to Reply # 0



to me all religions are man made stories seeking to explain the unexplainable and answer the unanswerable

What happens when we die?

There is no 100% factually true answer to that question

Every religion does have an answer to that question, but they can't be verified

We want and need to believe someone like Hitler or Stalin is roasting in the pits of hell, but we'll never know

Child molesters, serial killers, etc....we'll never know

After being born and raised culturally Catholic (only went to church for baptisms and weddings)
Going through my "third eye opening/pseudo-Islamic 5 %" phase in college
(that's another post- the Latino 5 percenter that memorized Rakim and Brand Nubian, got the Supreme Alphabet and Mathematics, the 120, and was blown away by the Autobiography of Malcolm X)
Reading about and dabbling in Buddhism, Taoism, and Santeria
Attending a prosperity gospel charismatic church when I was in the struggle life going through depression
(Look up Edir Macedo...Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, and Osteen are rookies compared to this dude)

I now define myself as a secular monotheist

God exists and is real
Everything else is assumptions, hypotheses, conjecture, and straight up hustling


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Cold Truth
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Fri Jun-01-18 09:55 AM

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98. "How did you arrive at this conclusion? "
In response to Reply # 97



>God exists and is real

Your phrasing suggests this as fact

You state that everything else is conjecture and hustling, which to me implies that your belief in god is viewed as knowledge, not faith.

So I'm curious if that's the case, and if so, how you arrived at that conclusion.


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Fri Jun-01-18 11:20 AM

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99. "It's my fact, an answer I'm satisfied with to explain the unexplainable"
In response to Reply # 98



When I was in the struggle (what we call first world problems i.e.
Living in a hood adjacent studio, driving a hooptie, rinky dink call center job, hand to mouth 1st and 15th, borrowing to pay rent, etc)
I asked God "is this it? is this going to be my life? Show me the way, I don't want to live like this"
Opportunities then started appearing where there were none

And things like the big bang theory and theory of evolution
They're theories, not fact
I don't discount the biblical creation story as false
It could be true, I don't know, I wasn't there
just like the big bang can also be true

My bottom line is God as defined by me (a superior force stronger than human beings and anything we can come up with it) transcends religions, belief systems, etc that seek to give answers to our eternal questions (what happens when we die, how did we get here, what's the purpose of life)

I don't know. Nobody knows. Only God knows. One day we'll find out (or not)


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Cold Truth
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Fri Jun-01-18 01:59 PM

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103. "With due respect, i don't think you understand what theory is"
In response to Reply # 99



>When I was in the struggle (what we call first world problems
>Living in a hood adjacent studio, driving a hooptie, rinky
>dink call center job, hand to mouth 1st and 15th, borrowing to
>pay rent, etc)
>I asked God "is this it? is this going to be my life? Show me
>the way, I don't want to live like this"
>Opportunities then started appearing where there were none

No argument from me. I have my opinions on that but i respect that as your personal view.
>And things like the big bang theory and theory of evolution
>They're theories, not fact

Again, no disrespect intended, but do you have a proper understanding of what a theory is in science?

Because the statement that something is a theory but not a fact is riddled with problems, and I'm just wondering if you have a genuine understanding of what a theory is.

>I don't discount the biblical creation story as false
>It could be true, I don't know, I wasn't there
>just like the big bang can also be true

Well... one is backed by significant evidence. The other doesn't hild up to scientific scrutiny.

We can rule out the biblical creation story through multiple fields of science.

>My bottom line is God as defined by me (a superior force
>stronger than human beings and anything we can come up with
>it) transcends religions, belief systems, etc that seek to
>give answers to our eternal questions (what happens when we
>die, how did we get here, what's the purpose of life)
>I don't know. Nobody knows. Only God knows. One day we'll
>find out (or not)

Cool, just wondering how you got there.


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Member since Feb 24th 2009
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Fri Jun-01-18 03:57 PM

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110. "Yes common fallacy, I stand corrected "
In response to Reply # 103



As noted below I choose to believe in a higher power while at the same time removing any religious connotation from that choice


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102. "Sounds like you stuck on Pascal's wager"
In response to Reply # 97





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107. "This from the Wiki is where I'm at"
In response to Reply # 102



"Pascal describes humanity as a finite being trapped within an incomprehensible infinity, briefly thrust into being from non-being, with no explanation of "Why?" or "What?" or "How?" On Pascal's view, human finitude constrains our ability to reliably achieve truth."

Now, every religion has an answer to those questions

And that's why I discount them, because they can never be proven
or disproven for that matter

But I don't need to believe in God (I choose to, but I don't HAVE to)
I don't NEED to in order to know that stealing is wrong
or adultery
or child abuse
or murder
etc etc

I was in the military, I never directly killed anyone
but I did launch jets loaded with bombs to Afghanistan
did one of those bombs kill a child? Will I pay for that?


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Fri Jun-01-18 02:39 PM

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105. "congrats, especially if it empowers you for more"
In response to Reply # 0



i think i've been athiest for some time but I lean more towards uncertainty or possibility in the spiritual area...i'm mostly doubtful if not quite outright rejecting

alternative medicine for instance is one of those things that seems to often have one leg in science and another in there are things i assume we don't understand and reluctantly at least semi-open to attributing to spiritual ideas

Let me sport my Air Hyperbole 2010s in peace. (c) ansomble

Building repetoires (c) spm since 1983


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Fri Jun-01-18 03:47 PM

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108. "How do you reconcile with the fact that Spirituality is a religious term..."
In response to Reply # 105



"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Fri Jun-01-18 04:04 PM

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111. "I'd start with the fact that religion and spirituality are two different..."
In response to Reply # 108



How do you reconcile the fact that religion and spirituality are all made up concepts that can literally be anything a person decides.

I've decided that Skittles are my new god.

It's really no different from the god you worship, with the significant exception that there is definitive evidence that Skittles exist.

Praise be to Skittles.


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Cold Truth
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Fri Jun-01-18 04:12 PM

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112. "I think I'm a step or ten adjacent to this"
In response to Reply # 105



>i think i've been athiest for some time but I lean more
>towards uncertainty or possibility in the spiritual area...i'm
>mostly doubtful if not quite outright rejecting
>alternative medicine for instance is one of those things that
>seems to often have one leg in science and another in
> there are things i assume we don't
>understand and reluctantly at least semi-open to attributing
>to spiritual ideas

Not to the degree that I'm willing to attribute anything to a spritual idea, but that I am open to the idea that there could potentially be undiscovered evidence of some sort of metaphysical phenomenon.

As it stands, with the experiences I've had that make me go "hmm", I'm comfortable accepting that I cannot explain those things. What I am unwilling to do is be dishonest and simply plug "supernatural" into that hole.


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Fri Jun-01-18 10:36 PM

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116. "I hope that brings some clarity and peace for you"
In response to Reply # 0


I vary btw agnostic and atheist depending on the day, but I'm not that invested in it. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since May 04th 2011
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Sat Jun-02-18 01:13 AM

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117. "Now that you are an atheist..."
In response to Reply # 0


tell us how it feels to know that you are no longer subject to death/dying like the rest of us? After all, since there is no god or controlling force/deity around to place limits on your life span, you should now be able to live as long as you want.


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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 01:43 AM

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118. "What's sad is that you think those two sentences made perfect sense"
In response to Reply # 117
Sat Jun-02-18 01:43 AM by Cold Truth



Now that you're an alias, tell us how it feels to write something exponentially dumber then the already staggeringly stupid things you wrote earlier in the thread.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Sat Jun-02-18 05:05 AM

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119. "LOL"
In response to Reply # 118


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Pete Burns
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Sat Jun-02-18 05:39 AM

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120. "lol"
In response to Reply # 118



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123. "Please accept my apologies..."
In response to Reply # 118


In no way, shape or form am I attempting to be snarky or insulting and judging by the tone of your response, it appears that was your impression. By the way, this is not an alias and my last post was also my first in this discussion.

With that out of the way, I still stand behind the legitimacy of my question. Could you provide an answer or tell me why you think the question is absurd?


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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 10:55 AM

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125. "Rephrase, I guess, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt"
In response to Reply # 123



And I'll answer in earnest


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Member since May 04th 2011
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Sat Jun-02-18 11:46 AM

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127. "Towards the end of your original post..."
In response to Reply # 125
Sat Jun-02-18 11:47 AM by DigiSoul


You stated that you felt empowered to take control of your life. My question seeks to address the amount of control we as humans would like to have over our existence versus the amount of control we actually have.

Are we really masters of our own fate? Is death something that you would choose for yourself or will it be thrust upon you by a force beyond your control?


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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 12:40 PM

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128. "Your question is a non sequitur."
In response to Reply # 127



>My question seeks to address the amount of control we
>as humans would like to have over our existence versus the
>amount of control we actually have.

No, it doesn't.

>Are we really masters of our own fate? Is death something
>that you would choose for yourself or will it be thrust upon
>you by a force beyond your control?

First, having control over one's life does not mean having control over one's death, absent the obvious caveat of suicide.

Second, control over one's life is not the same as having control over external factors.

Third, the existence of a force beyond my control could be any number of entirely naturalistic causes, and the preponderance of the evidence overwhelmingly shows that death occurs through naturalistic means.

Conversely, there is no evidence to conclude that death is due to the will of a god, or the three fates, or any other mythological character.

I could die of a heart attack, or a drunk driver, or stabbed to death in a fight, or in some other freak accident, or any other number of naturalistic causes.

You're being cute with your semantics, arguing that if I have control of my life, this must mean I have the ability to control the timing, and cause of my death (again, not including the obvious caveat of suicide).

You can't possibly think that conclusion is consistent with the contextual spirit and meaning of ny statement.

Your question deals in an illogical extreme, and, again, is an invalid question.

Having control of my life, within the context of my post, is about being able construct my worldview independent of religious dogma.

It means I do not have to reconcile choices or perspectives with conflicts that arise due to the necessity to adhere to the tenets of some book.

But again, you chose to run to some illogical extreme that was neither expressed nor implied by anything I wrote.

So, again....your question relies on an absurdity.


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Member since May 04th 2011
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Sat Jun-02-18 07:46 PM

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133. "You wrote in the thread title that you are now an atheist..."
In response to Reply # 128


The implication is that you deny the existence of any power that can override your will as a human being. Therefore, my question is logical and relevant to your statement.

You've made a number of assumptions. For example, nowhere in this discussion have I stated an argument of any kind. I've only asked questions. The only argument between us is the one you assigned to me in your response to my last post.

Reading between the lines, I see that you may have unintentionally answered my question. You mentioned that death could come via naturalistic means. What is your definition of naturalistic?


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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 08:10 PM

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"Your question is a non sequitur, and you've been dishonest at every turn..."



>The implication is that you deny the existence of any power
>that can override your will as a human being.

That's 100% untrue and I listed several things that can and do override/impact my will as a human being.

The lack of a god is immaterial to the existence of other forces that can effect my life and again, you're flat out wrong to say that anything i said implies there's no power that can override my will as a human being.

>Therefore, my
>question is logical and relevant to your statement.

Not in the slightest.

>You've made a number of assumptions. For example, nowhere in
>this discussion have I stated an argument of any kind.

You absolutely did. Every question you've asked is rife with presumption.

>only asked questions.

Pmin a presumptive tone, yes.

The only argument between us is the one
>you assigned to me in your response to my last post.
>Reading between the lines, I see that you may have
>unintentionally answered my question. You mentioned that
>death could come via naturalistic means.

Death *only* comes through naturalistic means, based on overwhelming evidence.

And not could, WILL.

But none of this

What is your
>definition of naturalistic?

Stop. I literally listed several examples.


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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 08:10 PM

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135. "Your question is a non sequitur, and you've been dishonest at every turn..."
In response to Reply # 133



>The implication is that you deny the existence of any power
>that can override your will as a human being.

That's 100% untrue and I listed several things that can and do override/impact my will as a human being.

The lack of a god is immaterial to the existence of other forces that can effect my life and again, you're flat out wrong to say that anything i said implies there's no power that can override my will as a human being.

>Therefore, my
>question is logical and relevant to your statement.

Not in the slightest.

>You've made a number of assumptions. For example, nowhere in
>this discussion have I stated an argument of any kind.

You absolutely did. Every question you've asked is rife with presumption.

>only asked questions.

Pmin a presumptive tone, yes.

The only argument between us is the one
>you assigned to me in your response to my last post.
>Reading between the lines, I see that you may have
>unintentionally answered my question. You mentioned that
>death could come via naturalistic means.

Death *only* comes through naturalistic means, based on overwhelming evidence.

And not could, WILL.

But none of this

What is your
>definition of naturalistic?

Stop. I literally listed several examples.


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Charter member
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Sat Jun-02-18 08:43 PM

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136. "You know you had this pegged in 118, right?"
In response to Reply # 135




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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 08:50 PM

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137. "Agreed. But we both know I have a hard time letting ANYTHING go"
In response to Reply # 136



One day I'll try to tackle that pesky predilection. Believe me, I wish I could just KIM with like 70% everything.

On the flip, there's also a certain, mild satisfaction in playing slow pitch softball, so to speak.

But yeah... you're 100% correct.


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Sat Jun-02-18 09:04 PM

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138. "haha. do you, man. "
In response to Reply # 137




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Member since May 04th 2011
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Sat Jun-02-18 10:03 PM

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139. "In one sentence..."
In response to Reply # 135


You deny the existence/power of God (a supreme force with absolute power overriding the will of human beings) and in another sentence you accept the existence/power of Death (a supreme force with absolute power overriding the will of human beings).

It is my opinion that those who say they don't believe in God might really be saying that they don't believe in the image of God projected onto them by the Christian Church. This is understandable.

My questioning (annoying as it seems to you) was an attempt to deconstruct an image of God as undependable and reconstruct it in the image of one (Death) who is dependable.

You may choose not to accept the idea of God and Death being two sides of the same coin but I doubt it will be due to a lack of evidence.

Honestly, I wasn't trying to attack you and I'm sorry that you got that impression.


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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 10:27 PM

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140. "Death and god are two different things. Entirely. "
In response to Reply # 139



>You deny the existence/power of God (a supreme force with
>absolute power overriding the will of human beings) and in
>another sentence you accept the existence/power of Death (a
>supreme force with absolute power overriding the will of human

Two different things, despite your weird attempt to equate them through a generic description.

What you've done is create a syllogistic fallacy.

>It is my opinion that those who say they don't believe in God
>might really be saying that they don't believe in the image of
>God projected onto them by the Christian Church. This is

No, I, and most atheists I've spoken and listened to, reject the notion of any god whatsoever. Your opinion is objectively and demonstrably wrong.

Yes, wrong. Factually incorrect.

>My questioning (annoying as it seems to you) was an attempt to
>deconstruct an image of God as undependable and reconstruct it
>in the image of one (Death) who is dependable.

Your questioning isn't so much annoying. It's just logically inept.

>You may choose not to accept the idea of God and Death being
>two sides of the same coin but I doubt it will be due to a
>lack of evidence.

Uh..... a lack of evidence IS the reason, for reasons I've already explained. They are not two sides of the same coin, and no amount of semantic gymnastics will change that.

You can attempt to frame death and god as one in the same, but you absolutely cannot provide evidence to support that frame work. This isn't my opinion, it's a fact.

I'd be perfectly happy to accept evidence proving me wrong, but again: you don't have any.

>Honestly, I wasn't trying to attack you and I'm sorry that you
>got that impression.

It's not about being attacked. Trolled, yes, but not attacked.

I'm sorry but these aren't good questions at all. They're either dishonest respresentations of my words and context, presumptively framed, factually incorrect, or poorly constructed syllogisms. They're really, really inept.


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Member since May 04th 2011
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Sat Jun-02-18 10:40 PM

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141. "You want it (God) to be one way..."
In response to Reply # 140


perhaps it's the other way.


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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 11:23 PM

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142. "What is or isn't is immaterial to what anyone "wants"."
In response to Reply # 141
Sat Jun-02-18 11:43 PM by Cold Truth



You understand that much, yes?

>perhaps it's the other way

If it were, you wouldn't be asking so many poorly thought out questions or presenting syllogistic fallacies.

You'd actually provide evidence.

Since there's no evidence, you've instead provided the embarassing mess above.

I also love how, instead of directly addressing my replies, you just move on to the next poorly constructed question/argument.


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Member since May 04th 2011
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Sun Jun-03-18 12:10 AM

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143. "What's wrong with this equation?"
In response to Reply # 142



God(A) = A supreme force with absolute power overriding the will of human beings(B).

Death(C) = A supreme force with absolute power overriding the will of human beings(B).

Therefore, A(God) must equal C(Death).

My questions aren't difficult or illogical. You've chosen to reject God and accept Death despite evidence already presented that suggests identical properties/characteristics between the two.

Before you write your next highly opinionated insult to my intelligence, please follow your own advice and support it with a basis/explanation.


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Cold Truth
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Sun Jun-03-18 12:57 AM

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145. "Eveththing. Literally, everything. All of it. 100% of what you wrote is ..."
In response to Reply # 143
Sun Jun-03-18 12:58 AM by Cold Truth



And there's not a single thing right about your, uh, "Equation". Everything about it is wrong.

>God(A) = A supreme force with absolute power overriding the
>will of human beings(B).
>Death(C) = A supreme force with absolute power overriding the
>will of human beings(B).
>Therefore, A(God) must equal C(Death).

Again: syllogistic fallacy. But hey, I'll play.

>My questions aren't difficult or illogical.

Who the fuck said difficult?

>You've chosen to
>reject God and accept Death despite evidence already presented
>that suggests identical properties/characteristics between the

Extremely broad characteristics, for starters. You further, you present this as though two things having certain identical properties must also be the same thing.

A football and a basketball could easily be *described* using properties they both possess, and yet they are two very different objects used on very different ways.

And that's exactly why you've chosen to go with your syllogism and not actual evidence.

It's also why you've chosen to use broad, catch-all descriptions of their properties and not more specific and detailed descriptions of each.

Second, you have provided absolutely zero evidence for the existence of a god, and your symantic gymnastics do not qualify as evidence for the existence of any god.

And we both know why you're not providing a detailed, specified description of god.

Third, you present death a "force" in a way that implies that it is has some sort of will, but again- there's no evidence to support this. None whatsoever.

Literally zero. There's no evidence at all that suggests death is "Death", as you describe it.loop Conversely, there is overwhelming, consistent, and, in fact, persistent evidence that death is definitively a natural occurrence.

Fourth, I accept "death", not "Death", and I accept "death" for the inarguable fact that it is, which is the end of the biological functions that sustain life. This is observable and testable on many levels.

To the contrary, the prospect of god is 180 degrees away in terms of that staggering level of reliability. The attempt to equate the two is a profound and unfortunate demonstration of the depths of your ignorance. This is particularly egregious since you used the the word "must".

Look, I can keep going if you'd like. It's not like there aren't plenty more essily identifiable flaws in your syllogism.

>Before you write your next highly opinionated insult to my
>intelligence, please follow your own advice and support it
>with a basis/explanation.

Lmao at telling me to do what I've done with you from jump

I've literally done that at every turn. I even pointed out the specific fallacy you employed by name with this abca nonsense. every turn. I've replied to eachq of your points in significant detail, while you absolutely refuse to engage my points with specificity.

This is not a matter of opinion, but a demonstrated and observable fact.

Further, as has been implied by someone else in this post, I've given you explanation that is exceedingly above and beyond what your statements actually deserve.

The more you write, the clearer it becomes that my first reply was sufficient.

Literally the only reason you've been afforded the dignity of me treating your replies as anything more than the bad jokes they actually are, and providing the thoughtful replies that I have, is because I have a hard time just walking away.


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Member since May 04th 2011
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Sun Jun-03-18 03:08 PM

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151. "Everything I said is incorrect..."
In response to Reply # 145


If I base my statements on the same logic that you are basing yours on. Do you really think that I am not keenly aware of how nonsensical my questions/comments are to you? Rather than approach you with the typical Christian proselytizing, which you probably expected to hear and were prepared to respond to, I presented to you an alternative logic that you didn't expect and weren't prepared to respond to. That would explain the ironic nature of my line of questioning. Predictably, you dismissed something new and unfamiliar to you as an absurdity. The bulk of your responses are impetuous and none address any of my questions head on.

It is my opinion that you have been given an image of the Creator and a trajectory to find him that you have found to be inaccurate and unreliable. I find no fault in your conclusions. It's like you've been told you could get to Los Angeles from New York via I-95. This simply isn't possible as I-95 just isn't routed that way. My questioning is an attempt to entice you try a different route in your reasoning. What if up really is down? We're often told that God is found in all that is good and profound. What if he is found in what we consider evil and profane instead?

You argue against the existence of God with the same path of logic that religious people use to argue in favor of his existence. In your mind, God can't possibly be associated with death. Rather than open your mind to the possibility that God could be in a place that you least expect him to be, you reject it in favor the same place religion has him in. For an atheist, you sound more religious than religious people. You also find it easy to question/criticize the beliefs of others but don't like your beliefs to be brought into question. That makes you a hypocrite.

You attack my statements surrounding my questions (never the actual questions) using terms like syllogistic fallacy but you make no effort to point out where they exist. I am not impressed nor am I intimidated.


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Cold Truth
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Sun Jun-03-18 04:09 PM

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152. "Yes, everything you've said is incorrect. "
In response to Reply # 151



Do you really think that I am not keenly aware of
>how nonsensical my questions/comments are to you?

Lmao... oh. You intentionally asked the stupidist questions in the post. Right. Totally buy that.

>Rather than
>approach you with the typical Christian proselytizing, which
>you probably expected to hear and were prepared to respond to

More assumptions, but no. You do realize atheism is not a response to christianity, but to the existence of god, yes?

Pssst... everything doesn't revolve around christianity.

>I presented to you an alternative logic that you didn't expect
>and weren't prepared to respond to.

I was quite clearly prepared. You're either stupid or high of you think the evidence shows otherwise.

>That would explain the
>ironic nature of my line of questioning.

Ironic? Try stupid. That's much more accurate.

>Predictably, you
>dismissed something new and unfamiliar to you as an absurdity

What did you say that was new or unfamiliar to me?

But hey, you revealed your master plan of intentionally asking said stupid questions. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

You've literally admitted, in this very reply, that your questions were nonsense.

> The bulk of your responses are impetuous and none address any
>of my questions head on.

Note how I addressed your comments point by point and went gave detailed explanations for why you were wrong, every time.

Then note how you haven't done the same, at any point.

>It is my opinion that you have been given an image of the
>Creator and a trajectory to find him that you have found to be
>inaccurate and unreliable.

You do realize there is way more than one concept of a god, yes? More than one religion?

>if up really is down? We're often told that God is found in
>all that is good and profound. What if he is found in what we
>consider evil and profane instead?

What if you had actual evidence?

Then you wouldn't need to serve up so much word salad. You could simply direct people to the evidence and bypass this whole image of someone who probably smokes way, way, way too much weed, man.

I don't care where god "is". Yih either have evidence for your position, or you don't. Do you?

>You argue against the existence of God with the same path of
>logic that religious people use to argue in favor of his

Uh.... no. People who argue the existence of god ultimately drill back down into faith. There's only one argument I've used against the existence of god, and it's simply a matter of a lack of evidence.

That's the entire argument. Once again, you're just plan incorrect.

In your mind, God can't possibly be associated
>with death.

No, in my mind, there is no evidence for the existence of god, and no evidence showing god is death. I've made statements to this effect, in fact.

You could provide evidence to show that god is death, but you haven't done so. Instead, you offered a tangled mess of logic that was easy to pick apart.

>Rather than open your mind to the >possibility
>that God could be in a place that you least expect him to be,
>you reject it in favor the same place religion has him in.

"Opening my mind" enough to bite into your wilted word salad isn't a line to truth.

You know what is?


Provide some, if you have it.

It's a very simple proposition. You have a belief, provide some evidence to support it.

Further, I don't have any god in any place, because again: I do not believe in any god. If someone has a concept of god, I'm all ears and eyes, as long as they can substantiate their god with something better than some vague and esoteric idea with no supporting evidence.

>For an atheist, you sound more religious than religious

Based on what, exactly?

>You also find it easy to question/criticize the
>beliefs of others but don't like your beliefs to be brought
>into question.

Actually, this post clearly shows me dealing with different people in different ways, based on the way they approach me. I even approached case differently when he changed his tact.

Again, there's evidence to support my assertion, but none for yours.

>You attack my statements surrounding my questions (never the
>actual questions)
>using terms like syllogistic fallacy but you
>make no effort to point out where they exist.

Actually, I did, many times over. The fact that you continue to ignore those posts doesn't magically change that from happening.

>I am not
>impressed nor am I intimidated.

I'm pretty sure I'd have to eat a pound of shrooms and a large pan of pot brownies before I could write to the sort of meandering nonsense it would take to impress you, so I'm good with.


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Member since May 04th 2011
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Sun Jun-03-18 06:34 PM

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154. "I see no need to address you post by post..."
In response to Reply # 152


They all add up to one thing anyway...deflection.

Let's revisit my very first post in this discussion. In all of your answering, it seems you failed to answer this: Now that you are an atheist, tell us how it feels to know that you are no longer subject to death/dying like the rest of us? After all, since there is no god or controlling force/deity around to place limits on your life span, you should now be able to live as long as you want. This question was so easy, you asked me to rephrase it.

By the way, who sold you the rights to the definition of stupid?


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Cold Truth
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Sun Jun-03-18 07:10 PM

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156. "Bye."
In response to Reply # 154



>They all add up to one thing anyway...deflection.


>Let's revisit my very first post in this discussion. In all
>of your answering, it seems you failed to answer this: Now
>that you are an atheist, tell us how it feels to know that you
>are no longer subject to death/dying like the rest of us?

Answered alr3ady, and with far more respect then you deserved.

This question was so easy,
>you asked me to rephrase it.

Yes, in an attempt to give you a little dignity. Not because it was difficult.

>By the way, who sold you the rights to the definition of

Bye. Please don't procreate.


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Sun Jun-03-18 09:40 PM

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158. "you're a patient man."
In response to Reply # 145


gift = curse on this one. lol

btw, I actually don't believe this is you know who, tho I kinda hope it is. this person spells better.

Y'all buy those labels, I was born supreme


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Cold Truth
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Sun Jun-03-18 10:31 PM

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159. "Agreed, lmao"
In response to Reply # 158



>gift = curse on this one. lol

Tell me about it.

>btw, I actually don't believe this is you know who, tho I
>kinda hope it is. this person spells better.

I would be ecstatic if it were him, hut yeah I agree. Probably not. There a couple of dark horse exiles I thought about too.


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Mon Jun-04-18 03:40 AM

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160. "that's not who it is"
In response to Reply # 158



>btw, I actually don't believe this is you know who, tho I
>kinda hope it is. this person spells better.

not him, but i suspect it's the other guy who dunning kruger'd it up early on in this post, and then dipped out.


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Cold Truth
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Mon Jun-04-18 08:03 AM

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161. "I thought about him too. But this also reads like a certain Canadian exi..."
In response to Reply # 160
Mon Jun-04-18 08:04 AM by Cold Truth



The things he's saying, from the whole "god is death" thing, to the "gotcha! I asked these nonsensical questions on purpose to catch you off guard! Aha!" bit are both very reminiscent of the sort of ideas and tact he'd used.

I could be wrong though.

I need that alias who exposed the identity of aliases to weigh in on this mystery, lol


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193. "nah, not enough use of quotation marks to be the other one."
In response to Reply # 160




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211. "Stewie Griffin can explain it for you:"
In response to Reply # 117


>tell us how it feels to know that you are no longer subject
>to death/dying like the rest of us? After all, since there is
>no god or controlling force/deity around to place limits on
>your life span, you should now be able to live as long as you


Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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Sat Jun-02-18 08:13 AM

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121. "religious/political views and sexual fetishes go in the same bag"
In response to Reply # 0



as in, they're very personal things that are no one's business. one of my exes loved to be choked in bed, pretty hard at that. Im sure she's never said it on the web though, that's how religion discussions should be.

the problem is the internet provides an easy space for self-important views, that triggers the opposite side to tell someone how they're wrong and next thing you know it's a shitstorm


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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 09:58 AM

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122. "Why did you feel the need to add sexual fetishes to this? "
In response to Reply # 121



>as in, they're very personal things that are no one's

Says you. If that's your view, please feel free to live by that.

>one of my exes loved to be choked in bed, pretty
>hard at that.

I'm confused.

Are you hosting a breath play orgy and need to recruit a few guys to handle the choking duties

Maybe trying to see who jumps at the description, on some "yo is her name Rebecca? Because she sounds like this one girl I used to fuck, and she basically made me murder her every night because her boyfriend lacked the grip strength to choke her out hard enough for her to nut."

I'm just having a hard time figuring out why you chose to shoehorn that entirely unrelated and inconsequential detail, because your point could have been made quite sufficiently without making sure we knew this personal thing about her that you view as nobody's business but chose to tell us anyways.

Its not a leap to infer that you obliged, which means you just told us about how you would choke your ex during sex. Which is fine behavior among two consenting adult, to be clear.

But including that detail completely undermines the point you were talking at me with. Had you stuck to the religion/politics standby, you'd still sound like the crotchety old man who could have easily avoided the discussion subject entiremy, but still felt it was his duty to tell us whippersnappers what for.

But your point still would have been made without telling us how your ex used to take the scenic route toward becoming her version of a star fucker.

>I'm sure she's never said it on the web though
>that's how religion discussions should be.

And if she did, she'd have every right to discuss her desire to play the knockboot-knockout game.

>the problem is the internet provides an easy space for
>self-important views

That's "the" problem? The problem of what, exactly? Please expound.

Because you're demonstrably incorrect.

The ACTUAL problems with society are better served by removing the social taboo from uncomfortable topics, because that plays to tribalist tendencies to discuss these things only with those who most likely already agree with them.

That's how people wind up living in bubbles, preaching to choirs.

>that triggers the opposite side to tell
>someone how they're wrong and next thing you know it's a

Quite the contrary. This was a very healthy, productive and insightful discussion. One guy tried to turn the thread into a mess, but try as he might, he wasn't able to pull it off.

Case and I had a discussion that reached a point where jt was decided it was best not to continue, which is, in and of itself a net positive by any metric.

Several people came in and discussed their point of view and got quality replies.

You know what else the internet offers? A platform for expressing views that may or may not generate productive dialogue from those views.

Hell, even your curmudgeonly fist shaking didn't change that, because it was so goddamned easy to make fun of. So again, net positive.

That said, good morning.


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Sat Jun-02-18 10:44 AM

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124. "my point was pretty clearly made"
In response to Reply # 122



religious/political views and sexual fetishes go in the same bag

as in, they're very personal things that are no one's business.
then I went along to provide an example of something a grown woman has probably not shared with the web

in any case, I wasnt firing shots at you. just giving my thoughts on how oversharing lends itself to unwelcome opposition

I have a relationship with God and the slightest mention of it was material for people's snark, so it's another thing I opt out of speaking about on here


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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 11:12 AM

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126. "Nobody said the point was unclear, first of all."
In response to Reply # 124



No need to explain again. It was clear, just, you know, ridiculous to say on a message board.

>religious/political views and sexual fetishes go in the same

>as in, they're very personal things that are no one's

It's not for you to tell anyone which business is theirs to discuss or not. That's the thing.

It is possible that I'm misreading you entirely, but that's the way it reads to me.

>then I went along to provide an example of something a grown
>woman has probably not shared with the web
>in any case, I wasnt firing shots at you. just giving my
>thoughts on how oversharing lends itself to unwelcome
>I have a relationship with God and the slightest mention of it
>was material for people's snark, so it's another thing I opt
>out of speaking about on here

So do you and don't speak about it.

No beef with you at all, BUT within the context of your stance in this post, you can kick rocks telling me not to speak about my view on the subject.

Especially if that stance is due to the way that subject has played out for you. When someonne plays that shit with me, I address it head on. If you notice, I took a different tact with different people basedgmon their approach. I spoke to J, who expresssed his belief in god in a way that is clearly at odds with my view, but we had a perfectly reasonable exchange.

Homeboy up top took a different tone and I approached it accordingly.

My point is thqt its not an either/or proposition. The subject doesn't have to lead to a den of fuckery.

A good amount of quality exchanges took place here. So the notion that it's nobody's business is, while true, not a reason not to discuss it.

Honestly, I do think you're projecting here due to your relationship with this board. It's not like I'm not, or haven't been at tines, a top tier pariah around here for years. But that's no reason not to engage, at least if you're still logging.


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Sat Jun-02-18 01:40 PM

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129. "the subject line of Reply 122 seemed to be asking for an explanation"
In response to Reply # 126



Im not looking for an argument

I thought conventional wisdom was you dont discuss things like politics and religion with strangers, that's all


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Cold Truth
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Sat Jun-02-18 02:17 PM

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131. "And the body of my post quite clearly shows it was a rhetorical question"
In response to Reply # 129



>Im not looking for an argument
>I thought conventional wisdom was you dont discuss things like
>politics and religion with strangers, that's all

So..... when you saw someone discussing those subjects, you thought the appropriate response was to tell this?

I don't follow.

If I made a post about my view of religion on a message board, the post itself clearly indicates that I don't subscribe to that line of reasoning.

What reason, apart from telking someone they should keep their views to themselves, reply with "religion is a personal matter that is nobody's business" and to follow up with "conventional wisdom is that you don't discuss religion with strangers"?

Because I do not see a reason for such a reply.

Are we on a date?

Do most of us not already have longstanding familiarity?

Is OKP not a community?

Do many of us not have at least a few phone numbers of other okps?

Do some of us not communicate outside of OKP?

Is this not a message board, where we discuss all manner of topics, religion and politics among them, in a regular basis?

I'm not trying to beat you over the head here, but I think it's crystal clear that the rule of thumb you're citing really had no merit within the context of, well, everything about this post.

If you have difficulty posting and having productive and fulfilling discussions about somewhat touchy subject matter, cool. I feel you. It can be that way sometimes.

But don't try to stink up my post with some weak ass, archaic "rule" when we- we meaning OKP as a community of people who have been talking to each other for years-are well past such formalities.


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Sat Jun-02-18 03:14 PM

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132. "best of luck"
In response to Reply # 131




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Sat Jun-02-18 01:42 PM

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130. "what the fuck lol"
In response to Reply # 121





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Member since May 05th 2011
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Sat Jun-02-18 07:54 PM

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134. "Nigga whut?"
In response to Reply # 121


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Boogie Stimuli
Member since Sep 24th 2010
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Sun Jun-03-18 12:18 AM

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144. "Thank you for typing this kind of stuff out."
In response to Reply # 121
Sun Jun-03-18 12:36 AM by Boogie Stimuli


Since we're offering unsolicited advice, I suggest that it would greatly benefit you (atruhead) to never use comparisons, hypotheticals and metaphors in discussions, because you consistently come up with... not-so-good ones.

>as in, they're very personal things that are no one's

Political views are no one's business? The fact that you don't see the absurdity of this point makes the above advice all the more relevant.

>one of my exes loved to be choked in bed, pretty
>hard at that. Im sure she's never said it on the web though,
>that's how religion discussions should be.

... LOL

>the problem is the internet provides an easy space for
>self-important views

So this guy wanting to share his journey on a discussion board with people he's known for many years is "self-important"? Very interesting view... very odd as well. He also just went through a huge split and might just need to talk some things out in an environment he enjoys. Of course you couldn't be bothered to think of that tho. You could only think to use your own experience to proselytize about how others "should" conduct themselves on here. Maybe THAT'S what's "self-important."

>that triggers the opposite side to tell
>someone how they're wrong and next thing you know it's a

Some people are gonna be assholes no matter what you say or do, and many of them do that as a means of trying to silence you (such as rjcc). Others are just disagreeable people. You've let those people paralyze and silence YOU, so you want others to be paralyzed and silenced as well. You gave that away when you said:
"I have a relationship with God and the slightest mention of it was material for people's snark, so it's another thing I opt out of speaking about on here."
Sorry you let people shut you down. There's another way for you to look at this... maybe Cold_Truth can handle himself in that regard better than you can. Maybe "the problem" isn't his sharing... maybe "the problem" is your own weakness. Just food for thought.

Days like this I miss Sha Mecca


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Sun Jun-03-18 07:33 AM

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146. "this place is bizarro world"
In response to Reply # 144



full blown unstable weirdos and trolls think there's something wrong with my views, but that's the norm here so I wont try making sense anymore


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Boogie Stimuli
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Sun Jun-03-18 08:19 AM

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147. "Sure, pretend ur commentary is only considered nonsensical on here"
In response to Reply # 146
Sun Jun-03-18 08:20 AM by Boogie Stimuli


>but that's the norm here so I
>wont try making sense anymore

Well apart from you projecting your own self-importance
onto the OP and proposing that everyone should operate
according to your own code of weakness, I guess the
saddest part is that you were actually trying to make sense.

Days like this I miss Sha Mecca


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Sun Jun-03-18 10:09 AM

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148. "You posted about a woman being choked during sex in an Athiest post "
In response to Reply # 146


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Sun Jun-03-18 10:49 AM

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149. "you arent even a little bit smart, it shows every day"
In response to Reply # 148




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Sun Jun-03-18 11:20 AM

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150. "Says the genius. Lmao"
In response to Reply # 149


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Mon Jun-04-18 10:45 AM

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165. "What the TMZ Kanye are you talking about... ROTFL"
In response to Reply # 121



"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Mon Jun-04-18 10:23 PM

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167. "you're another stupid person, dont reply to me"
In response to Reply # 165




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Mon Jun-04-18 10:46 PM

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169. "Yoooo. There's no need to get ugly and Extra Emo"
In response to Reply # 167


You made a wild comment and folks called you out. Just take the L like a man and check out.

"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Tue Jun-05-18 09:35 PM

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170. "nah you're a stupid person"
In response to Reply # 169




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Wed Jun-06-18 06:54 AM

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175. "Watch out bro... he’s a choker"
In response to Reply # 169


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Boogie Stimuli
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Wed Jun-06-18 07:31 AM

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176. "lmfao"
In response to Reply # 175


Days like this I miss Sha Mecca


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Cold Truth
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Wed Jun-06-18 07:42 AM

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177. "Okay, Strangler?"
In response to Reply # 175




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Wed Jun-06-18 08:01 AM

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178. "He said he wont try and make sense anymore... ANYMORE???"
In response to Reply # 177
Wed Jun-06-18 08:04 AM by legsdiamond



I's dying, this dude actually choked someone...

with his hands

while boning

him, of all people.

and told us in a post about God or the lack there of?

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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188. "Try?.... ROTFL"
In response to Reply # 178


Current Favorite Song:

"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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197. "ah so you're stupid and into shaming women's kinks"
In response to Reply # 178




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201. "Nah. I’m shaming you for bringing it up in an Athiest post"
In response to Reply # 197


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Cold Truth
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Wed Jun-06-18 09:28 AM

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180. "Did you by chance live in Scranton from 2005-2013?"
In response to Reply # 121



Just trying to solve a mystery.


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189. "RE: Did you by chance live in Scranton from 2005-2013?-LMAO!!!"
In response to Reply # 180




Fuck aliens



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198. "Philadelphia 2006-2012"
In response to Reply # 180




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Cold Truth
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Wed Jun-06-18 10:40 PM

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199. "If you had a sitcom, it would be called Perfect Stranglers."
In response to Reply # 198
Wed Jun-06-18 10:41 PM by Cold Truth





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153. "*sigh*. okay. i'm gonna pray first before i read through this post. "
In response to Reply # 0



i do that in trust that, wherever your head is at these days, you take it as a good faith (no pun intended) effort on my part and know where it comes from.

i pray for your family. for your marriage. for your peace and strength. for your job. and for all of the decisions you have in front of you.

i know you've experienced a LOT in this life, and that you've been incredibly strong throughout, even while doubting your strength. i can't imagine the depth of pain that you've felt (and am not asserting that this decision or conclusion or however you would characterize it is a result of that pain and frustration).

i know (from what you've shared), that your faith has given meaning or hope at least during some previously dark episodes. in convos with you i've taken it at your word that you were a Believer, and have no reason to retroactively doubt your sincerity (or accuracy) in previous profession.

and so i'm just saying... i TRULY pray (or hope, strongly, to translate, secularly) that you have peace in the midst of whatever storms you face. and i will continue to do so for you and yours, regardless of anything.

i just wanted to say that before reading the post. and also, get at me if you ever need to talk about anything.

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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157. "I'm not an atheist and my experiences don't point me towards atheism..."
In response to Reply # 0



as a reasonable explanation for my experiences as a human on earth.

But I am touched by the expression of compassion towards humans and other beings here on Earth, even more so because their sense of eternity or peace of mind doesn't hinge on such a decision. Their love is a gift, in a true sense, and I think everyone can learn from that.

(I'm not referring to more politically minded atheists like Richard Dawkins who's motives seem authoritarian and seek to tear away artifacts and belief systems which allow millions upon millions to find clarity, love, and peace of mind as they live. )

My own walk with faith has led me down the path of Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism. I think there's validity in most religions or ways of belief (or outlook in the case of atheism).

But in the end, I believe, we're all seeking liberation from our 'human frailty' and a sense that our lives matter and stem from some form of universal truth.

I applaud that you have found a sense of sublime peace in your personal understanding of the Universe and your mind. I hope that you walk in 'liberation' brings much happiness and offers you peace of mind and equanimity as life bends away from happiness.


<--- Me when my head hits the pillow


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162. "Here's a summary of my interaction with Cold Truth:"
In response to Reply # 0
Mon Jun-04-18 08:23 AM by DigiSoul


Cold Truth declares he is an atheist meaning, he denies the existence/evidence of existence of a god (can be described as a supernatural power with absolute authority overriding human will) of any kind.

DigiSoul presents ColdTruth with death (can be described as a supernatural power with absolute authority overriding human will).

Cold Truth responds stating there is no evidence of the existence of a god of any kind.



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163. "Exactly. DigiSoul has no capacity for even the most basic logic."
In response to Reply # 162


Thank you for summarizing the situation so succinctly.


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Cold Truth
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Mon Jun-04-18 10:19 AM

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164. ""
In response to Reply # 162




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166. "Good summary"
In response to Reply # 162


I guess.. lol

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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168. "Im still chuckling at someone believing in a death diety in 2018"
In response to Reply # 162
Mon Jun-04-18 10:42 PM by BigReg



The collection of black metal tees with arcane front and upside down crosses must be off the heezy


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Cold Truth
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172. "I bet he plays his worship music on 45's played in reverse"
In response to Reply # 168
Tue Jun-05-18 10:16 PM by Cold Truth





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173. "."
In response to Reply # 172
Tue Jun-05-18 10:17 PM by Cold Truth





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179. "This would have been better as a Thanos alias than the one you're using"
In response to Reply # 162




12 play and 12 planets are enlighten for all the Aliens to Party and free those on the Sex Planet-maxxx

XBL: trkc21
Twitter: @tyrcasey


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Cold Truth
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Wed Jun-06-18 09:29 AM

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181. "True, but he'd have to be joking for that to work"
In response to Reply # 179



Im pretty sure he's..ahem...dead serious

*looks at camera*


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194. "holy shit, all of the so called discussion with you in this post has me"
In response to Reply # 162



cracking up. i mean, there have been some wildly absurd things typed by you, and the replies have been golden.

well done, OKP. well done indeed.


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171. "RE: In other news, I've finally accepted the inevitable: I'm an athiest"
In response to Reply # 0


Welcome to freedom


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Cold Truth
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Tue Jun-05-18 10:18 PM

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174. "It certainly feels that way, for the most part"
In response to Reply # 171





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205. "RE: In other news, I've finally accepted the inevitable: I'm an athiest"
In response to Reply # 171


The freedom to sleep as long as you like on a Sunday.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Jun-07-18 12:04 PM

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206. "That freedom exists whether or not you're an athiest"
In response to Reply # 205



Church isn't a requirement for belief in god.


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Wed Jun-06-18 10:03 AM

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182. "how do yall feel about people on islands who believe in Gods?"
In response to Reply # 0


whether its God of water, rain, earth, etc???

They crazy too?

How did those folks come to believe in such things?

I think it's OK not to believe but extremely shallow to make fun of folks who do. Why not let them be.. even when some of them are obnoxious and won't leave you alone.

why do some of y'all feel the need to mock folks?

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Cold Truth
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Wed Jun-06-18 11:14 AM

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183. "Who am I mocking? And you know believers impose themselves all the time"
In response to Reply # 182



>whether its God of water, rain, earth, etc???
>They crazy too?

Crazy? Who said anyone was crazy?

Lacking evidence to prove their belief doesn't make them crazy.

>How did those folks come to believe in such things?

Ignorance, generally. That's as simply as I can put it, but I'm willing to expound if you like.

>I think it's OK not to believe but extremely shallow to make
>fun of folks who do.

Why not let them be.. even when some of
>them are obnoxious and won't leave you alone.

Hold up: so you want atheists to leave believers be, even when they are obnoxious and won't leave us alone?

To answer the question of I why won't do that: because, with those people, fuck that, that's why.

These people come to our doors to proselytize. Fuck that. They show up to my door and I'm going to discuss all the problems with their beliefs. If that's not what they came for, not my problem. They came to me.

When creationists try to insert the junk "science" of intelligent design into schools, that science should be questioned and evaluated, and roundly dismissed as anything that should be included as curriculum in a taxpayer funded public school.

>why do some of y'all feel the need to mock folks?

Why do religious people fele the need to legislate their beliefs onto others? Why do religious people vote against gay marriage, when they can't even substantiate the validity of the god whose supposed word they cite as their reasoning?

Fuck that. You seek to impose that stance on others, you deserve to get confronted with the reasons why your belief is so problematic.

Why do religious people get so uptight over wishing someone happy holidays as opposed to wishing them merry Christmas?

You get pissy about that and you deserve to listen to peoe breakdown the fact that it was a pagan holiday that clgot christified before ultimately getting commercialized into materialist oblivion.

When you talk to me, knowing that I was once a believer, and you use patronizing verbiage about how I "know the truth" despite me saying I wholly reject that belief system, I'm calling you out on that shit.

When you tell me I wasn't "born agan" ajyways- implying that my belief wasn't real- I'm going to challenge you to prove the validity of that belief before I'll accept your dogmatic retort to my lack of belief.

However, I've clearly taken a different tact with less zealous believers in this thread.

Believers impose themselves on people all the time. Sue us if they sometimes get a dose of reality in return.


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184. "lol.. I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about those mocking... "
In response to Reply # 183
Wed Jun-06-18 11:21 AM by legsdiamond


folks who believe.

and I have issues with believers who do all the things you listed. Its one of the things that turned me off from church. A friend of mine made a good point though. Church shouldn't be about the other people who annoy you but rather your relationship with God.

So my thing is.. even though believers can be obnoxious and hypocritical, why stoop to that level? Just be Athiest and happy you are "free"

I don't get why folks who are athiest feel the need to run around being just as annoying (IMO) as the folks they swear they would never want to be like.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Cold Truth
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Wed Jun-06-18 11:20 AM

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185. "I gave some general examples in my post, answering that broader question"
In response to Reply # 184




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186. "I edited but I feel you when it comes to debating someone who comes"
In response to Reply # 185


to you trying to tell you about your life after death. That's annoying and uncalled for...

but my post wasn't about debating those who step to you.

its reading some folks laughing at the "fools" who still believe.

That's my issue with those folks. Why even go there?

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Cold Truth
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Wed Jun-06-18 12:31 PM

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187. "Gotcha. To start, I disagree with your friend completely "
In response to Reply # 186



>A friend of mine made a good point though. Church shouldn't be
>about the other people who annoy you but rather your
>relationship with God.

I would disagree with that, from a biblical standpoint.

No man is to be an island unto himself, correct? The Church= The Body.

So, from that perspective the church is there for edification, accountability, support, etc. That corporate worship of the church as The Body is wholly different from your individual walk, though the two are- and are supposed to be- intertwined.

Those relationships absolutely matter, and the fact that so many are driven away due to toxic people and their practices is a long-ignored problem in my experience.

Fortunately for me, that lead to my current understanding, because getting away from those people meant getting away from so much canned ideology and pressure to fall in with the company line, as it were. So I'm grateful for those barriers.

But in terms of those who seek to the things a believer seeks, the church environment matters a great deal, as the church is not, in my opinion, about your relationship with god, but about your relationship with other believers, ostensibly as a tool to sharpen and build better and stronger believers.

>So my thing is.. even though believers can be obnoxious and
>hypocritical, why stoop to that level? Just be Athiest and
>happy you are "free"

Why not?

>I don't get why folks who are athiest feel the need to run
>around being just as annoying (IMO) as the folks they swear
>they would never want to be like.

I think that's an oversimplification, since the "don't want to be like them" thing is generally more about the belief itself, though the accompanying worldview proselytizing comes with the territory.

But in genera, people are people, and the people who do those things do those things under the banner of whatever their "thing" is.

>its reading some folks laughing at the "fools" who still

The bible says that a fool says in his heart, there is no god.

So... tit, meet tat

Every group has its zealots. This post is a fine example. I've had perfectly fine and, in many cases, fulfilling and thoughtful threads of dialogue with many believers, which means they themselves had perfectly fine dialogue with me as an unbeliever.

But then there are the outliers, and I think those guys are going to do those things regardless of the specific belief they hold.


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Wed Jun-06-18 02:08 PM

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190. "well IMO no church is perfect"
In response to Reply # 187


and there will always be toxic people one can can point to as a reason for leaving the church.

I agree with her theory because its like going to a party and everyone is having a good time but as soon as one woman refuses to dance with your boy he wants to leave because "ALL THESE BITCHEZ ARE STUCK UP!!"

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Wed Jun-06-18 02:54 PM

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192. "nnn"
In response to Reply # 184

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Thu Jun-07-18 03:42 AM

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200. "The fool has said in his heart there is a god."
In response to Reply # 0



Deal with it.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Jun-07-18 07:43 AM

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202. "The dumb motherfucker believes in fairy tales for which there is no evid..."
In response to Reply # 200



The buffoon believes the myths written in a book written by ignorant peasants that contained stories and concepts that were lifted from other, earlier stories and concepts.

So and so forth


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203. "The level of stupidity in this thread is staggering "
In response to Reply # 0




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Thu Jun-07-18 10:39 AM

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204. "Especially since you've added a comment... ROTFL.."
In response to Reply # 203



Current Favorite Song:

"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Thu Jun-07-18 04:10 PM

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213. "OP: I'm an atheist"
In response to Reply # 203





12 play and 12 planets are enlighten for all the Aliens to Party and free those on the Sex Planet-maxxx

XBL: trkc21
Twitter: @tyrcasey


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Thu Jun-07-18 12:08 PM

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207. "So, do you still say stuff like, Oh God when stuff happens?"
In response to Reply # 0


Or say the name Jesus when you'tr frustrated?
Current Favorite Song:

"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Thu Jun-07-18 01:02 PM

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208. "Yes, I use common colloquialisms"
In response to Reply # 207



Do you think that validates the existence of a diety?

Moreover, do you think that validates the specific diety you've chosen to follow?


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Thu Jun-07-18 01:06 PM

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209. "When did they become common colloquialisms for you?"
In response to Reply # 208


Current Favorite Song:

"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Thu Jun-07-18 01:09 PM

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210. "Sorry, not participating in your asinine line of questioning"
In response to Reply # 209
Thu Jun-07-18 01:14 PM by Cold Truth



Get to where your going or kim

Further, i asked you questions in return

If you're going ro do this bullshit where you don't participate in a two way convo and don't reply to my questions as well, you can kick rocks or I'll just start getting disrespectful, because we both knowcyour pattern


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Thu Jun-07-18 04:05 PM

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212. "I'm going to start calling you Angry Man"
In response to Reply # 210


And it's Deity not Diety.

You Asked:
Do you think that validates the existence of a diety?

My Answer: It depends on context and social location. For someone folks, the colloquialisms enforces and fosters their relationship with the Lord God and Jesus. I find it of for an atheist to say. Oh my God" if they don't believe in any god or the Lord God.

Moreover, do you think that validates the specific diety you've chosen to follow?

My Answer: I follow the only God there is and HE is the LORD Yahweh. And calling on Him in times of trouble doesn't validate Him, it validates my relationship, service, and my growing knowledge and love regarding Him - because He first loved me.

Current Favorite Song:

"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins


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Cold Truth
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Thu Jun-07-18 04:48 PM

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214. "As long as I can call you a lying, thieving manipulative piece of shit, ..."
In response to Reply # 212



It's odd that you consistently equate the act of calling you out for your bullshit with being "angry".

At any rate I'm perfectly ok with approaching you with the sort of tact your dishonestand ignorant approach to seemingly everything deserves.

>And it's Deity not Diety.

I'm aware. I'm also aware of many other typos. I'm also aware of your odd penchant for capitalizing random words, and no, I'm not talking about deity.

>My Answer: It depends

Wrong. It either does or doesn't.

Oon context and social location. For
>someone folks, the colloquialisms enforces and fosters their
>relationship with the Lord God and Jesus.

Stop. If you think the use of the term "oh god" somehow validates the existence of your god.....

I find it of for an
>atheist to say. Oh my God" if they don't believe in any god or
>the Lord God.

Psst..hence...colloquial. YOU capitalize the word god, not me.

You're too wrapped up in your worldview to understand the very simple context in which that phrase is used that to me, the phrase "oh god" is no different than "oh shit" or "oh fuck".

Surely you grasp that very simple nuance, yes?

>My Answer: I follow the only God there is and HE is the LORD
>Yahweh. And calling on Him in times of trouble doesn't
>validate Him, it validates my relationship, service, and my
>growing knowledge and love regarding Him - because He first
>loved me.

Cool story, bro.

Can you prove the real world existence of the yahweh character?


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Member since Nov 14th 2004
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Thu Jun-07-18 11:27 PM

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215. "SPOILER tag this next time CT"
In response to Reply # 0



Not in here to judge but respect your lifestyle choice. I'm not an atheist so maybe it's just how you feel and not a lifestyle choice. You as a christian never made sense as you're too quick to call out bullshit when you see it. You seem like the type to go off on someone over repeated lack of social awareness about basic stuff so church never made sense to me. CT as aggressive doctrine guy wouldn't make sense either.

Do you feel freed as a person?
How's it feel to not go to church?

Part of aging is growing as a person so I hope this revelation brings happiness and newfound perspective on life.


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