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95308 posts
Mon Jul-06-15 04:23 PM

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"Cosby post #24567"
Tue Jul-07-15 01:11 AM by Rjcc


"BREAKING: Documents: Cosby admitted in 2005 to getting Quaaludes to give to women he sought sex with."

let he among us who has not obtained barbituates to give to a woman he was going to bang throw the first stone

(update -- this article has been heavily revised since the first draft, which is copied here, was posted -- you should click the link)

PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Bill Cosby testified in 2005 that he got Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with, and he admitted giving the sedative to at least one woman and "other people," according to documents obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

The AP had gone to court to compel the release of the documents; Cosby's lawyers had objected on the grounds that it would embarrass their client.

The 77-year-old comedian was testifying under oath in a lawsuit filed by a former Temple University employee. He testified he gave her three half-pills of Benadryl.

Cosby settled that sexual-abuse lawsuit for undisclosed terms in 2006. His lawyers in the Philadelphia case did not immediately return phone calls Monday.

Cosby has been accused by more than two dozen women of sexual misconduct, including allegations by many that he drugged and raped them in incidents dating back more than four decades. Cosby, 77, has never been criminally charged, and most of the accusations are barred by statutes of limitations.

Cosby resigned in December from the board of trustees at Temple, where he was the popular face of the Philadelphia school in advertisements, fundraising campaigns and commencement speeches. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
that's not a nail in the coffin admission
Jul 06th 2015
i think he did that shit tho. this isn't as incriminating as it sounds.
Jul 06th 2015
which is why the subject line isn't COSBY TOTES ADMITTED IT
Jul 06th 2015
Wait... what?
Jul 06th 2015
His point is that there is a big difference between giving someone drugs...
Jul 07th 2015
      his statement isn't based on the actual testimony
Jul 07th 2015
Jul 07th 2015
RE: that's not a nail in the coffin admission
Jul 06th 2015
Im with you, the media loves a good headline
Jul 06th 2015
i agree
Jul 07th 2015
RE: that's not a nail in the coffin admission
Jul 07th 2015
Jul 06th 2015
Anybody ever had Quaaludes?
Jul 06th 2015
you are not alone.
Jul 06th 2015
      Topic, subject line and poster = archive
Jul 06th 2015
He did that shit. We should move on.
Jul 06th 2015
Jul 06th 2015
I couldn't imagine fucking woman who was acting like Leo in Wolf
Jul 06th 2015
Power, not sex.
Jul 06th 2015
I feel you. Probably like hunting deer to him. Wild.
Jul 06th 2015
to be fair, he took like the strongest ones on earf.
Jul 06th 2015
point taken, Leo was wilding, but Cos would have to give them
Jul 06th 2015
      the testimony in question
Jul 06th 2015
to a rational person that makes sense but rapists don't act rationally
Jul 07th 2015
RE: Cosby post #24567
Jul 06th 2015
where are all the Negros who were trying to give him a pass...
Jul 06th 2015
Sadly, there are those who don't love themselves enough
Jul 06th 2015
RE: where are all the Negros who were trying to give him a pass...
Jul 12th 2015
Unless charges arise, it's all a moot point.
Jul 06th 2015
Not really. He keep denying.
Jul 06th 2015
      What can he deny? How much further can it go?
Jul 06th 2015
           It matters because his defenders can't defend him anymore.
Jul 06th 2015
                I can see that, but beyond this, I'm out.
Jul 06th 2015
                     then get out, stay out. remain out.
Jul 06th 2015
                          Dude, take an antidepressant or something.
Jul 06th 2015
                               ^^^Still not out.^^^
Jul 06th 2015
                               did anyone request he stay? I'm so confused
Jul 06th 2015
                               ...and this is the ish I'm talking about.
Jul 06th 2015
                               you think I'm angry for suggesting you do what you said you'd do
Jul 06th 2015
                                    You've shown yourself to be affected beyond reason...
Jul 06th 2015
                                         I want you to do what you want to do.
Jul 06th 2015
Jul 06th 2015
Jul 06th 2015
Interesting he had enough sense not to perjure himself 10 years
Jul 06th 2015
that means 10 years ago there were ample ways to prove he
Jul 06th 2015
Apologists pretty quiet.
Jul 07th 2015
Jul 07th 2015
You know it
Jul 07th 2015
post #2
Jul 07th 2015
He sure had a lot to say.
Jul 07th 2015
This is the true test of integrity for them.
Jul 07th 2015
he admitted to buying it for the ladies. not for giving it to them
Jul 07th 2015
It doesn't really matter at this point.
Jul 07th 2015
      RE: It doesn't really matter at this point.
Jul 07th 2015
      Pretty much.
Jul 07th 2015
      am i the only one giving the timing of this whole thing the side-eye
Jul 07th 2015
           This was sealed testimony. This is news.
Jul 07th 2015
           Well, what's different is if you look at all his statements lately.
Jul 07th 2015
           no. I'm literally not at all.
Jul 07th 2015
           i am not side eyeing this at all.
Jul 07th 2015
                so am i the only one not surprised by this statement:
Jul 07th 2015
                     what are you talking about? you're referencing multiple
Jul 07th 2015
                     so maybe my comments aren't addressed to you.
Jul 07th 2015
                          who are you responding to tho?
Jul 07th 2015
                               i just went to trending topics on FB
Jul 07th 2015
                                    based on the testimony
Jul 07th 2015
                                    Probably because this lends more credence to the belief
Jul 09th 2015
                     Yes, you are. Great for YOU!
Jul 07th 2015
Jul 07th 2015
                               Ok. I read it.
Jul 07th 2015
                                    i read it for us. it was worth it.
Jul 07th 2015
                                    i got it then....i get it now. the settlement out of court was...
Jul 07th 2015
                                         Settlements aren't technically admissions of wrongdoing.
Jul 07th 2015
                                         The release of this transcript is unlikely to have impact in a court of ...
Jul 08th 2015
Jul 07th 2015
I came here to post this lol
Jul 07th 2015
you can read the actual documents, via NYT
Jul 07th 2015
*updates list*
Jul 07th 2015
RE: *updates list*
Jul 07th 2015
word up
Jul 09th 2015
Qualuudes? Did they wash it down with Ripple?
Jul 07th 2015
unless the person you gave them to says
Jul 07th 2015
true...was that in the deposition?
Jul 07th 2015
      give it a read
Jul 07th 2015
sure but this little piece of info tends to support the stories of
Jul 07th 2015
      def no smoking gun
Jul 07th 2015
           Oh well.
Jul 07th 2015
proud to say I NEVER looked up to dude
Jul 07th 2015
Jul 07th 2015
Pound Cake lecture part of reason why documents unsealed
Jul 07th 2015
Ha! He shoulda kept quiet! (per the very last line)
Jul 07th 2015
Soooooo why weren't these docs unsealed years ago????
Jul 07th 2015
The AP was pushing for it recently.
Jul 07th 2015
Cosby didn't try to bully an AP producer until last year
Jul 07th 2015
      ohhh hell no they weren't going to let it go
Jul 07th 2015
Cosby officially 'died' to me with that speech
Jul 16th 2015
Jul 07th 2015
Jul 07th 2015
this meme is awful but they on it
Jul 07th 2015
wow. :(
Jul 07th 2015
what happened to the people who said we need to hear Cosby's side?
Jul 08th 2015
I'll speak for myself
Jul 08th 2015
      His testimony is his side
Jul 09th 2015
           No it isn't
Jul 09th 2015
                Actually, it is. Within the context of a lawsuit that involved the alleg...
Jul 09th 2015
                it literally is. they brought him in to tell his side
Jul 09th 2015
                     So much for having an honest convo
Jul 09th 2015
                          he was being sued by one of the accusers.
Jul 09th 2015
                          I understand that much
Jul 09th 2015
                               he made statements addressing these charges. in 2005. you can read them.
Jul 09th 2015
                               Thanks, I appreciate your candor
Jul 09th 2015
                               you won't ever get that.
Jul 09th 2015
                                    What is the truth?
Jul 09th 2015
                                         *pats head*
Jul 09th 2015
                                         I guess you are privy to info that I'm not privileged to receive
Jul 09th 2015
                                              Yup. Your bad.
Jul 09th 2015
                                                   It is, I thought that you all were working with common sense
Jul 09th 2015
                                                        No problem.
Jul 09th 2015
                                         RE: What is the truth?
Jul 09th 2015
                                              So you'd stay silent for ten years after the allegations came out?
Jul 09th 2015
                                                   RE: So you'd stay silent for ten years after the allegations came out?
Jul 10th 2015
Jul 10th 2015
                                                             RE: LOL
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                  whether or not someone is a serial rapist
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                       RE: whether or not someone is a serial rapist
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                            word. you don't care about anything that happens to people you don't kno...
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                 RE: word. you don't care about anything that happens to people you don't...
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                      you have a quote that talks about truth in your sig
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                      RE: you have a quote that talks about truth in your sig
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                      the truth is the truth.
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                      RE: you have a quote that talks about truth in your sig
Jul 10th 2015
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                      RE: LOL
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                      the stuff you said just isn't true
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                      RE: the stuff you said just isn't true
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                      don't take my word for it
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                      RE: don't take my word for it
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                      good luck and good health in your search for the truth
Jul 10th 2015
                          you inserted several words into what I said.
Jul 09th 2015
                               No, I addressed your faulty logic
Jul 09th 2015
                                    he was asked about these charges. he responded
Jul 09th 2015
                                         No, but spin on
Jul 09th 2015
                                              I will! He won't speak, because what he has to say is worse than this
Jul 09th 2015
                                                   I didn't know that I was engaging with eyewitnesses
Jul 09th 2015
                                                        Right. You are in the wrong here.
Jul 09th 2015
                                                        So nice you had to say it twice
Jul 09th 2015
                                                             No problem.
Jul 09th 2015
                                                        you said to keep spinning, so I spun.
Jul 09th 2015
They brought out the hot young blonde. Its a wrap.
Jul 08th 2015
what if there were witnesses?
Jul 08th 2015
Jul 09th 2015
It's entertaining watching some men pander to women on FB for likes.
Jul 09th 2015
Jul 09th 2015
yes, that's the key issue here
Jul 09th 2015
show me my Cosby support.
Jul 09th 2015
      you know the posts are still on this site right?
Jul 09th 2015
           find where I supported Cosby. Show me where I claimed his innocence.
Jul 09th 2015
                why would I try to disprove your delusions?
Jul 09th 2015
                     So you can't. Because I haven't. So shut your dumb ass up.
Jul 09th 2015
                          it infuriates you that you can't make me bend to your delusions
Jul 09th 2015
                               you can stall or you can provide a link. Your choice.
Jul 09th 2015
                                    I don't have to do anything, and so I won't
Jul 09th 2015
                                         if you could, you would, but you can't. But you soooo wish you could.
Jul 09th 2015
                                              I actually have no interest in pawing through your posts
Jul 09th 2015
Jul 09th 2015
                                                   I bet you think this post, or even these replies
Jul 09th 2015
Jul 09th 2015
                                                   links or it didnt happen bruh
Jul 09th 2015
                                                        see what's great is I don't have to do shit
Jul 09th 2015
                                                             links or it didn't happen
Jul 09th 2015
                                                             you should keep telling me what I have to do
Jul 09th 2015
                                                                  All I see is threats but no linkage
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                       I feel like you're not clear on what a threat is
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                            Post a link and then clear up the context for me
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                                 there's no context for a threat. that is an invention of your own making
Jul 10th 2015
                                                             uhh thats cosby kids
Jul 10th 2015
                                                                  unfortunately it's not kids. it's grown men
Jul 10th 2015
because ...instead they should be pandering to you
Jul 09th 2015
I mean why else would you think that standing up for rape victims
Jul 09th 2015
morals? ...nah
Jul 09th 2015
yeah that's exactly what I mean. Your brilliance is so impressive.
Jul 09th 2015
      it is. i know.
Jul 09th 2015
you're such a sad little man.
Jul 10th 2015
Cliff Huxtable drugged BBQ Sauce on The Cosby Show
Jul 10th 2015
While I'm in the "He's Guilty" committie, I have a problem with
Jul 12th 2015
      as I do about the jokes about 'Spanish Fly'
Jul 16th 2015
Camille is clearly in a two person cult <swipe>
Jul 12th 2015
so basically "my cheating husband didn't rape those
Jul 12th 2015
Jul 13th 2015
links don't work that way
Jul 13th 2015
      sure, they do. it's not complicated-
Jul 13th 2015
Lt. Martin Kendall: Of Course Bill Cosby Is Guilty
Jul 14th 2015
What a humane and empathetic response
Jul 14th 2015
Jul 15th 2015
      expertly skillful take-down. I came back 2 this post to see if this was ...
Jul 15th 2015
      he never claimed to be removed from bias
Jul 15th 2015
           he also wished him a comfortable retirement in the country
Jul 15th 2015
                RE: he also wished him a comfortable retirement in the country
Jul 16th 2015
                     RE: he also wished him a comfortable retirement in the country
Jul 16th 2015
                          RE: he also wished him a comfortable retirement in the country
Jul 16th 2015
Whoopi changed her stance.
Jul 14th 2015
Studio execs gave Whoopi the business
Jul 14th 2015
I truly doubt that, I think she's just really let all the info sink in a...
Jul 15th 2015
      nah, she also defended Roman Polanski on some "what is rape?" bullshit
Jul 15th 2015
           the answer is she's an idiot. this answers any question
Jul 15th 2015
                yes but
Jul 16th 2015
the only importance here
Jul 14th 2015
can one question the timing?-
Jul 14th 2015
yes. you can question the timing of a rapist
Jul 14th 2015
      but, that's not what i said.
Jul 14th 2015
           oh, then no.
Jul 15th 2015
Jul 16th 2015
RE: the only importance here
Jul 14th 2015
but during those times she also spoke about how
Jul 15th 2015
Chuck D talking about it
Jul 16th 2015
NY Times: Bill Cosby Detailed His Pursuit of Women
Jul 18th 2015
Textbook G shit
Jul 18th 2015
Excerpts From Bill Cosby’s Deposition
Jul 19th 2015
Hes a damn trip
Jul 19th 2015
i am disgusted.
Jul 20th 2015
      What a wasted existence.
Jul 27th 2015
DL Hughley says he did it. Sway Interview
Jul 22nd 2015
spot on
Jul 23rd 2015
a video? I don't have time to listen to dl hughley
Jul 23rd 2015
      Maybe you should've watched the video before making
Jul 23rd 2015
      im pretty sure that was sarcasm
Jul 23rd 2015
      I have factual data
Jul 23rd 2015
      DL is disgusted by Cos and has told him so.
Jul 23rd 2015
           so the same stuff everyone has said
Jul 23rd 2015
                Over engineering never hurts.....
Jul 23rd 2015
                     if there were just one, sure. there are 40.
Jul 23rd 2015
Bill Cosby Forced to Testify on Sexual Assault
Jul 23rd 2015
35 Women Tell Their Stories About Being Assaulted by Bill Cosby
Jul 26th 2015
Yep sure do nm
Jul 26th 2015
I'm glad you're clear on that.
Jul 27th 2015
So far I've already seen "this is a distraction from Sandra Bland" and
Jul 27th 2015
they'd rather listen to DL Hughley
Jul 27th 2015
      Happy to see that you adore him so much
Jul 27th 2015
           LMAO.. what did DL do to him?
Jul 27th 2015
           this has nothing to do with DL Hughley
Jul 27th 2015
Jul 27th 2015
                     watch deez
Jul 27th 2015
                          ^^^ mousepad mobster
Jul 27th 2015
                               ask DL Hughley about me
Jul 27th 2015
           But why did DL Hughley of all people get you to finally believe these wo...
Jul 27th 2015
                cuz the dude's a liar and he's finally trying to find a way out
Jul 27th 2015
                     ^^^ This is the correct answer, thanks
Jul 27th 2015
despite the overwhelming evidence its still crazy how a black man was...
Jul 27th 2015
      a. clearly he was.
Jul 27th 2015
      he had powerful friends.
Jul 27th 2015
      probably helps that it wasn't considered rape by most folks back then
Jul 27th 2015
           that's not that far removed from an era when black men were lynched...
Jul 27th 2015
                it must be nice to just say stuff
Jul 27th 2015
                     Cos was actually born a few years before this dude...
Jul 27th 2015

Member since Jul 03rd 2002
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Mon Jul-06-15 04:26 PM

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1. "that's not a nail in the coffin admission"
In response to Reply # 0



you know how many women i've gotten weed or alcohol for, who i sought to have sex with? you can procure drugs for someone. and just cause you "get" them doesn't mean you give them to them without their knowledge or consent.

i think he did that shit tho. this just isn't really as incriminating as it sounds.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.


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Charter member
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Mon Jul-06-15 04:28 PM

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3. "i think he did that shit tho. this isn't as incriminating as it sounds."
In response to Reply # 1



i'll stand in this line...


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Charter member
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Mon Jul-06-15 04:37 PM

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4. "which is why the subject line isn't COSBY TOTES ADMITTED IT"
In response to Reply # 1


but a. you probably weren't getting them DEM LUUDES tho (which really might not be so weird, depending on the timeframe).

also b. afaik, dozens of them have not surfaced accusing you of drugging and raping them

which is what separates the situations

it's just interesting because it's probably the part that he can't at all deny, because there are people who aren't involved in the accusations that already know he did at least that. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since May 05th 2012
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Mon Jul-06-15 05:18 PM

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13. "Wait... what?"
In response to Reply # 1


We are equating the date rape drug with alcohol and weed now?

Is this a troll post?


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Tue Jul-07-15 01:03 PM

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54. "His point is that there is a big difference between giving someone drugs..."
In response to Reply # 13



liquor, weed, etc. with their consent versus giving it to someone without their consent...namely one is a crime and the other is not.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're


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Tue Jul-07-15 02:35 PM

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61. "his statement isn't based on the actual testimony"
In response to Reply # 54

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Charter member
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Tue Jul-07-15 02:50 PM

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62. "okaay"
In response to Reply # 61



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're


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Member since Sep 15th 2005
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Mon Jul-06-15 06:37 PM

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19. "RE: that's not a nail in the coffin admission"
In response to Reply # 1


Yo my dude...Take that Troll back to the bridge...

GOAT of his era......long live Prince.....God is alive....


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Charter member
85230 posts
Mon Jul-06-15 07:03 PM

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22. "Im with you, the media loves a good headline"
In response to Reply # 1



but there are too many of the same accusations and I while I could believe maybe 1, 2 or 3 women are shitty enough to lie (but for what reason? they aren't asking for money) I cant believe 24 women are lying

some of them were probably consensual and maybe not okay with being drugged after the fact, but overall this was his *thing*


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Charter member
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Tue Jul-07-15 11:52 AM

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50. "i agree"
In response to Reply # 1



I dunno..........
I always think some shit went down...hell....that was in the day of Studio54....shit SUPPPOSEDA go down then....and he wasn't the ONLY one

I just don't think it was ALLLL the women who they said it was....

but then again......

I just don't know......


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Ted Gee Seal
Member since Apr 18th 2007
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Tue Jul-07-15 01:51 PM

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57. "RE: that's not a nail in the coffin admission"
In response to Reply # 1



>you know how many women i've gotten weed or alcohol for, who

Yes. But you're getting them for the both of you right? You're drinking/smoking and hooking her up, not looking just to ply her.

>i sought to have sex with? you can procure drugs for someone.
>and just cause you "get" them doesn't mean you give them to
>them without their knowledge or consent.

How about using rohypnol as the drug example instead? Would the person still get a free pass then? Because we're talking about a drug that's billed partially as a sleeping pill and sedative.

Just IMO though.


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Charter member
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Mon Jul-06-15 04:27 PM

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2. "Right"
In response to Reply # 0


"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."


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John Forte
Member since Feb 22nd 2013
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Mon Jul-06-15 04:37 PM

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5. "Anybody ever had Quaaludes?"
In response to Reply # 0


I'm a little sad I missed out


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Mike Jackson
Member since Dec 11th 2008
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Mon Jul-06-15 04:49 PM

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8. "you are not alone."
In response to Reply # 5


>I'm a little sad I missed out


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John Forte
Member since Feb 22nd 2013
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Mon Jul-06-15 05:03 PM

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9. "Topic, subject line and poster = archive"
In response to Reply # 8



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Ryan M
Member since Oct 21st 2002
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Mon Jul-06-15 04:42 PM

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6. "He did that shit. We should move on."
In response to Reply # 0




17x NBA Champions


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Charter member
154163 posts
Mon Jul-06-15 04:49 PM

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7. "*sigh*"
In response to Reply # 0



he needs to just disappear.

fuck you.


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Errol Walton Barrow
Member since Jul 02nd 2002
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Mon Jul-06-15 05:10 PM

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10. "I couldn't imagine fucking woman who was acting like Leo in Wolf"
In response to Reply # 0



of Wall Street in the Quaaludes scene. How can you really enjoy that?

Whatever happened to a good old fashioned mistress for these rich guys?

------- - Essays, reviews, short stories and free writes on music, film and life around us.


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Ryan M
Member since Oct 21st 2002
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Mon Jul-06-15 05:12 PM

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11. "Power, not sex."
In response to Reply # 10




17x NBA Champions


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Errol Walton Barrow
Member since Jul 02nd 2002
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Mon Jul-06-15 05:17 PM

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12. "I feel you. Probably like hunting deer to him. Wild."
In response to Reply # 11



------- - Essays, reviews, short stories and free writes on music, film and life around us.


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now or never
Member since Oct 27th 2004
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Mon Jul-06-15 06:15 PM

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17. "to be fair, he took like the strongest ones on earf."
In response to Reply # 10



No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. (c) HL Mencken or some other motherfucker.


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Errol Walton Barrow
Member since Jul 02nd 2002
6186 posts
Mon Jul-06-15 06:27 PM

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18. "point taken, Leo was wilding, but Cos would have to give them"
In response to Reply # 17



an amount to have them like Leo if he was to then rape them. I mean the white guys that told me they took ludes said they would walk around the basement until they felt drunk and they knees got wobbly.

These women though, are saying that they blacked out and had no idea what was happening to them. From Cos' point of view, at that point they would have to have slurred speech and droopy eyes. In my mind, they'd have to be acting strange and un-sexy. But then dude smashed. That's crazy to me.

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Mon Jul-06-15 08:09 PM

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37. "the testimony in question"
In response to Reply # 18


he did not admit giving them to women who were accusing him of rape

that said, if that's what he likes, one can see the connection - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Atillah Moor
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Tue Jul-07-15 09:11 AM

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43. "to a rational person that makes sense but rapists don't act rationally"
In response to Reply # 10




Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Wonk Saggin
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Mon Jul-06-15 05:35 PM

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14. "RE: Cosby post #24567"
In response to Reply # 0


i hear ludes are to loosen the butthole, so i hear i hear. from a friend i heard.

the devil planted fear in the black babies - ghostface


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Warren Coolidge
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Mon Jul-06-15 05:56 PM

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15. "where are all the Negros who were trying to give him a pass..."
In response to Reply # 0



gonna be pretty hard to cop pleas for his azz now...


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Ted Gee Seal
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Mon Jul-06-15 08:01 PM

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35. "Sadly, there are those who don't love themselves enough"
In response to Reply # 15



>gonna be pretty hard to cop pleas for his azz now...

Let alone the victims in this story. They're not ready to see the truth about Cosby, because then they'd have to confront why they found it so easy to believe him and doubt all those women.

Just IMO though.


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183. "RE: where are all the Negros who were trying to give him a pass..."
In response to Reply # 15
Sun Jul-12-15 11:16 AM by Corey_Atherley



Whoopi is NOT having it, though. She's still giving him a pass.


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Starbaby Jones
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Mon Jul-06-15 06:01 PM

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16. "Unless charges arise, it's all a moot point. "
In response to Reply # 0



I mean, his career is indelibly stained from it. He'll never, under any circumstances be America's Dad again. Most didn't need further proof to believe his guilt. Those who don't believe he did, probably never will. So, I'm over this story unless something is happening in court with it. At this point it's just keeping the story going. I'm not sure it's even helpful to the victims at this point. All the damage that can happen, has pretty much already happened, no?


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Ryan M
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Mon Jul-06-15 06:45 PM

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20. "Not really. He keep denying."
In response to Reply # 16



The more evidence that comes out about it, the worse he looks. And honestly...who the fuck cares if a rapist is further embarassed? Fuck this guy.


17x NBA Champions


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Starbaby Jones
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Mon Jul-06-15 06:48 PM

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21. "What can he deny? How much further can it go?"
In response to Reply # 20



I'm not defending him, but what more can happen to him. He's already been shunned. He's already the punchline. He'll never have his place of prominence. The only thing more that could happen would be if he was charged. Since we all know that isn't gonna happen, what does it solve? How does it help anyone? If we're gonna go in about rape culture, maybe, but I'm not really interested in the particulars of this case anymore. It's beating a dead horse.


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Mon Jul-06-15 07:09 PM

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23. "It matters because his defenders can't defend him anymore. "
In response to Reply # 21



At least not without looking like outright deniers. It's now absolute fact that he's been lying about this, all while knowing what he admitted to in 2005.

Before this came out you could defend him by just saying "he just settled because he didn't want to go through with the case, all the women are making it up" but that is completely gone now.

More importantly, there are tons of people who acted indifferent to the situation. The people who were quick to forget about the allegations after he settled until Hanibal Burress brought it up again.

(And please don't come with a TOKPR saying that none of the current outrage had to do with Burress because everyone was aware of the allegations. A good chunk of people straight up FORGOT about it because they viewed Cos as the perfect dad, until Burress brought it up.)


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Starbaby Jones
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Mon Jul-06-15 07:15 PM

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24. "I can see that, but beyond this, I'm out. "
In response to Reply # 23



Unless the women themselves are seeking more attention to it, I'd rather the conversation shift to the cultural implications, instead of being focused on him specifically. He's a creep. He's a rapist. We get it. Now, what can we apply towards society for the greater good? It just seems a lot of this is less about being concerned about the victims and more about satisfying the ego of those who said, "I told you he did it."

So, what now? Are we gonna focus on removing statute of limitations? Are we going to focus on educating people on rape and sensitivity to rape survivors. I'm all for talking about that. I'm just over Bill Cosby.


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Mon Jul-06-15 07:37 PM

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25. "then get out, stay out. remain out."
In response to Reply # 24

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Starbaby Jones
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Mon Jul-06-15 07:43 PM

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26. "Dude, take an antidepressant or something. "
In response to Reply # 25



Did Cos drug you?


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Mon Jul-06-15 07:45 PM

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27. "^^^Still not out.^^^"
In response to Reply # 26




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Mon Jul-06-15 07:50 PM

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29. "did anyone request he stay? I'm so confused"
In response to Reply # 27

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Starbaby Jones
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Mon Jul-06-15 07:50 PM

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30. "...and this is the ish I'm talking about. "
In response to Reply # 27



It's not about the victims or about bringing awareness to rape culture. It's just petty cats gloating over something no one should find satisfaction in. And for the record, I'm not even defending Cosby. I just said the conversations should move beyond him until he can have some real consequences.


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Mon Jul-06-15 07:46 PM

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28. "you think I'm angry for suggesting you do what you said you'd do"
In response to Reply # 26


think about that. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Starbaby Jones
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Mon Jul-06-15 07:52 PM

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32. "You've shown yourself to be affected beyond reason..."
In response to Reply # 28



way too many times on this. You're coming sideways at me and I'm not even defending the dude.


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Mon Jul-06-15 07:54 PM

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33. "I want you to do what you want to do."
In response to Reply # 32


you said you wanted to leave. I agreed. If you've changed your mind, that has less than nothing to do with me. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Starbaby Jones
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Mon Jul-06-15 07:55 PM

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34. ""
In response to Reply # 33



This can help you.


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Mon Jul-06-15 08:02 PM

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36. "(response)"
In response to Reply # 34


this is apparently what you want. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Mon Jul-06-15 07:51 PM

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31. "Interesting he had enough sense not to perjure himself 10 years"
In response to Reply # 0





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Warren Coolidge
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Mon Jul-06-15 09:17 PM

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38. "that means 10 years ago there were ample ways to prove he "
In response to Reply # 31



did that....

there was no way to cover it up...


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Tue Jul-07-15 12:17 AM

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39. "Apologists pretty quiet."
In response to Reply # 0


Where's the reverend at?


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Ted Gee Seal
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Tue Jul-07-15 02:02 AM

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40. "Right."
In response to Reply # 39



Just IMO though.


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Tue Jul-07-15 05:04 AM

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41. "You know it"
In response to Reply # 39






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Tue Jul-07-15 09:05 AM

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42. "post #2"
In response to Reply # 39



>Where's the reverend at?

i will not let finite disappointment undermine infinite hope
- Cory Booker

Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes, and at the end the Germans always win
- Gary Lineker


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Tue Jul-07-15 10:03 AM

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44. "He sure had a lot to say."
In response to Reply # 42



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Tue Jul-07-15 10:17 AM

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46. "This is the true test of integrity for them. "
In response to Reply # 39



Even Jill Scott goofbutt came out and said she was wrong.



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Tue Jul-07-15 10:13 AM

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45. "he admitted to buying it for the ladies. not for giving it to them"
In response to Reply # 0


without their knowledge.

that's like buying weed and planning on smoking with a young lady.


plus the other ladies said they were taking it willingly.



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Tue Jul-07-15 10:24 AM

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47. "It doesn't really matter at this point."
In response to Reply # 45



The message that got conveyed over the last 36 hours is that He Admitted Under Oath (10 Years Ago) That He Gave Drugs To Women He Wanted To Have Sex With. With the defections of some of his biggest supporters, nitty-gritty details won't change the narrative.

I think the full death-blow will be when Phylicia Rashad speaks out.


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Tue Jul-07-15 10:28 AM

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48. "RE: It doesn't really matter at this point."
In response to Reply # 47



Just like this...



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Tue Jul-07-15 10:31 AM

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49. "Pretty much."
In response to Reply # 48




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Tue Jul-07-15 12:15 PM

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53. "am i the only one giving the timing of this whole thing the side-eye"
In response to Reply # 47



he admitted this 10 years ago. this isn't new information. he said he, "got them drugs." which wouldn't stand up on a tennis court, let alone a court of law. nothing has changed from thins "groundbreaking" admission.

and with race relations where they are in the country right now, i'm so surprised everyone jumped and took the bait on this. its like as soon as we get close to unifying and making progress, we get distracted. and yes...i think Cosby deserves to go to jail. but to chomp like sharks, at this seaweed bait deserved for minnows, troubles me.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.


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Tue Jul-07-15 01:08 PM

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55. "This was sealed testimony. This is news."
In response to Reply # 53



And no, I don't think it's a conspiracy. The AP, or whichever news organization, has probably been trying to get this info since the Hannibal Burress stage of this story.


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Ryan M
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Tue Jul-07-15 01:09 PM

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56. "Well, what's different is if you look at all his statements lately. "
In response to Reply # 53



A lot of head shaking, a lot of "I will not discuss this", but never outright denying it as to not perjure himself...because he actually admitted the whole drug thing.

It's very interesting.

Also, he's obviously a rapist and a scumbag.


17x NBA Champions


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Tue Jul-07-15 03:02 PM

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64. "no. I'm literally not at all."
In response to Reply # 53


you could've said this same "side eye RACE RELATIONS DISTRACTION" shit at any time in the last year. or decade.

or lifetime.

it's not based on any logic. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Tue Jul-07-15 03:19 PM

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67. "i am not side eyeing this at all."
In response to Reply # 53



AP likely has been trying to get at this sealed deposition transcript at least since the original story broke last year after Hannibal Burress spoke out about the alleged rapes. it can take several months to get this kind of info...if it's ever gotten.

fuck you.


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Tue Jul-07-15 03:53 PM

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72. "so am i the only one not surprised by this statement:"
In response to Reply # 67



"Cosby admitted in 2005 to getting Quaaludes to give to women he sought sex with."

if you thought he was guilty from the jump like i did, of course he sought drugs to give the women. i mean that was his M.O., right? drugging women and having sex with them. from a legal point of view this isn't an admission of giving anyone drugs, but getting them drug. getting and giving have different implications. it all sounds like semantics, but people have gotten off for less, which is why i don't see this as productive. its damaging, but if he wasn't already damaged to you then i don't know what to tell you.

and i read somewhere that we're acting like this is the nail in the coffin, when 40+ women coming forward weren't already nails in the coffin. i give their accounts more weight than his obvious admission of "getting Quaaludes to give to women he sought sex with."
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.


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Tue Jul-07-15 03:58 PM

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73. "what are you talking about? you're referencing multiple"
In response to Reply # 72


outside things that seem to not exist.

and constantly bringing up whether or not this was the smoking gun, so you can say it's not the smoking gun, even though when I posted it, it didn't say shit about HERE'S THE SMOKING GUN - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Tue Jul-07-15 04:15 PM

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74. "so maybe my comments aren't addressed to you."
In response to Reply # 73



there's a general feeling of....we got him! going around, like he's just now guilty. or like this is more incriminating than anything we've ever heard before. and to me this is common sense. of course he was getting them drugs.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.


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Tue Jul-07-15 05:10 PM

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76. "who are you responding to tho?"
In response to Reply # 74


you talk about a general feeling. point 'em out.

talk about what they are specifically saying. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Tue Jul-07-15 05:42 PM

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80. "i just went to trending topics on FB"
In response to Reply # 76



and maybe its just my friends on FB or whatever, but they seemed impressed by this. if you believe he was giving drugs to women and raping them...of course he was getting drugs. i give the testimonies more weight than an admittance of "getting drugs".

this is what i was seeing:

Yup. So now he admits it. This raping piece of shit. You got drugs for "sex." Pahleez. You mean rape. He needs a LOT of jail time. These guys ruin our lives. Rapists should be jailed for life.

"Disappointment Cos, Disappointment"


"It's a wrap *closes piano shut*"

"Bill Cosby is who they said he was. The Cosby show can exist as a great piece of art. He can still have had positive effect on some lives. But he's a drugger & rapist. Bottom line. No logic needed."

and i get it. its a step i guess. but if that judge couldn't get an indictment from that judicial deposition, that how is this any different. i'm about indictments and jail time. again...i think he did it. but if you want to prove that he did it...this isn't it.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.


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Tue Jul-07-15 06:17 PM

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85. "based on the testimony"
In response to Reply # 80


they're not entirely incorrect, although they are certainly presumptuous.

you should talk to them about that. with specifics. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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102. "Probably because this lends more credence to the belief"
In response to Reply # 80



that he was doing what you believed that he was doing. It's not a smoking gun, but it's more compelling, especially given his denials.


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Tue Jul-07-15 05:27 PM

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78. "Yes, you are. Great for YOU!"
In response to Reply # 72



Cosby has denied everything the accusers are saying - even that he gave them drugs other than sinus medication. This testimony seems to contradict the claim that he only offered sinus medication.

fuck you.


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Tue Jul-07-15 05:49 PM

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81. "gave?"
In response to Reply # 78



he said he gave one Benedryl.

but if you want a conviction off of him saying, "i was getting drugs to give to women," i don't think its gonna happen.

i get drugs to give to women all the time. only difference is they're awake and lucid when i give them to them. sometimes i get drugs to give to women and they give me the money for it, cause sometimes you cop for your friends.

as a lawyer and from a legal aspect (cause really i want to know. i've seen so many rich people get off cause of legal loopholes, that i have no faith in the judicial system) would you expect a guilty verdict from this:

According to the documents, Cosby was asked by attorney Dolores Troiani: "When you got the quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?"

Cosby answered yes.

Who are Cosby's accusers?
Who are Cosby's accusers? 26 photos
The attorney then asked: "Did you ever give any of those young women the quaaludes without their knowledge?" At that point, Cosby's lawyer objected, stopping his client from answering.

Cosby then clarified an earlier remark saying that he had misunderstood.

He'd said he gave quaaludes to other people, and he later said: "I misunderstood. Woman ... not women."

The documents include Cosby's recollection of an incident in Las Vegas in the 1970s.

"She meets me backstage. I give her quaaludes. We then have sex," he said.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.


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Tue Jul-07-15 06:14 PM

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84. "Ok. I read it."
In response to Reply # 81
Tue Jul-07-15 06:39 PM by SoWhat



1. stop talking about 'convictions'. Cos has not been criminally charged and won't be for any acts beyond relevant statutes of limitation. So stop it. In the Court of Public Opinion he has been tried, convicted and sentenced. It's over.

2. Cosby was asked those questions during a deposition in some civil case. i dunno what the case was about - but he later settled the matter for an undisclosed sum.

fuck you.


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Tue Jul-07-15 06:18 PM

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86. "i read it for us. it was worth it."
In response to Reply # 84



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Tue Jul-07-15 08:51 PM

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92. "i got it then....i get it now. the settlement out of court was..."
In response to Reply # 84



all i needed to hear. so why now is his statement so triumphant now? can they use it in more civil cases, or is the statute of limitation over for those too?
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.


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Tue Jul-07-15 09:14 PM

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93. "Settlements aren't technically admissions of wrongdoing."
In response to Reply # 92



This report has him saying affirmatively "yes, I did that." This is a new piece of information.


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97. "The release of this transcript is unlikely to have impact in a court of ..."
In response to Reply # 92



The reactions you see are purely about the court of public opinion.

fuck you.


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51. ""
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52. "I came here to post this lol"
In response to Reply # 51



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58. "you can read the actual documents, via NYT"
In response to Reply # 0


if it's not incriminating as fuck, why did his lawyers fight so hard for this not to get out?

(a: read it.) - the other stuff i'm looking at


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59. "*updates list*"
In response to Reply # 0





"if the children are not initiated into the village they will burn it down just to feel its warmth." - african proverb


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60. "RE: *updates list*"
In response to Reply # 59




When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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105. "word up"
In response to Reply # 59


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63. "Qualuudes? Did they wash it down with Ripple?"
In response to Reply # 0



Everyone was popping 'ludes in the 70's.
As stated above...there's a difference between slipping something in their drink and giving them their choice of party pleasures to get loose.
If that's rape, then there should be a lot of folks locked up.

Eclectic Soul/Sunday, 2-4 PM est/89.3 WCSB.ORG


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65. "unless the person you gave them to says"
In response to Reply # 63


they had no idea you were giving them pills and you raped them.

that is entirely different. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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66. "true...was that in the deposition?"
In response to Reply # 65



I haven't read the whole thing yet.

Eclectic Soul/Sunday, 2-4 PM est/89.3 WCSB.ORG


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69. "give it a read"
In response to Reply # 66

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Tue Jul-07-15 03:22 PM

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68. "sure but this little piece of info tends to support the stories of"
In response to Reply # 63
Tue Jul-07-15 03:23 PM by SoWhat



the several women who claim Cosby drugged them. before this we had no statement like this from Cosby that supported their claims - oh except he admitted he had offered Benadryl to some women.

this statement is no smoking gun, of course.

fuck you.


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71. "def no smoking gun "
In response to Reply # 68



But enough for folks to run with though...

Eclectic Soul/Sunday, 2-4 PM est/89.3 WCSB.ORG


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79. "Oh well."
In response to Reply # 71



fuck you.


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Tue Jul-07-15 03:46 PM

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70. "proud to say I NEVER looked up to dude"
In response to Reply # 0



i appreciated his funny

and that's where it began and ended



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75. ""
In response to Reply # 0




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Ted Gee Seal
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Tue Jul-07-15 05:21 PM

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77. "Pound Cake lecture part of reason why documents unsealed"
In response to Reply # 0



Hypocritical moralisers take note.

Judge Eduardo C. Robreno concluded “The stark contrast between Bill Cosby, the public moralist and Bill Cosby, the subject of serious allegations concerning improper (and perhaps criminal) conduct” made him unseal 2005 deposition

Bill Cosby‘s controversial conservative lecture to black parents on how to raise their children might have been his downfall.
Judge Eduardo C. Robreno shed light Monday on why the 2005 deposition where Cosby admitted to giving women Quaaludes in order to have sex with them was unsealed.

“The stark contrast between Bill Cosby, the public moralist and Bill Cosby, the subject of serious allegations concerning improper (and perhaps criminal) conduct, is a matter as to which the AP — and by extension the public — has a significant interest,” Judge Eduardo C. Robreno wrote on Monday.

The public moralist the Judge referenced revolved around a now infamous 2004 speech Cosby gave, where he called out black parents for not teaching their kids better.

“Looking at the incarcerated, these are not political criminals,” Cosby said. “These are people going around stealing Coca-Cola. People getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake! Then we all run out and are outraged: ‘The cops shouldn’t have shot him.’ What the hell was he doing with the pound cake in his hand?”

Cosby’s attorney argued the case didn’t feature a politician, public official or public company, and celebrities are entitled to the right to privacy.

“It was a private dispute between two individuals over their personal relationship,” attorney George Gowen argued.

The Judge wasn’t having any of it.

“This case, however, is not about status as a public person by virtue of the exercise of his trade as a televised or comedic personality. Rather, has donned the mantle of public moralist and mounted the proverbial electronic or print soap box to volunteer his views on, among other things, childrearing, family life, education, and crime.”
Also Read: Roseanne Barr Fuels Bill Cosby Scandal With Gruesome

Robreno added, “He has voluntarily narrowed the zone of privacy that he is entitled to claim” and that Cosby lost his right to privacy by addressing the allegations made my dozens of women: “By joining the debate about the merits of the allegations against him, he has further diminished his entitlement to a claim of privacy.”

Just IMO though.


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Tue Jul-07-15 06:12 PM

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82. "Ha! He shoulda kept quiet! (per the very last line)"
In response to Reply # 77
Tue Jul-07-15 06:12 PM by Teknontheou



Judge was like "yeah, you already started addressing this publicly, so I'm letting them see it."

I wonder who dropped the ball on that move, Cos himself or his lawyers.


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88. "Soooooo why weren't these docs unsealed years ago????"
In response to Reply # 77



If the pound cake speech nerved him so much??

I may not know about the space program but I know something just ain't right w/ this

....and It's not because it's "Cosby" either...

Eclectic Soul/Sunday, 2-4 PM est/89.3 WCSB.ORG


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Tue Jul-07-15 06:37 PM

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89. "The AP was pushing for it recently."
In response to Reply # 88



The whole general situation was a weird open secret for like 8 or 9 years.


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Tue Jul-07-15 06:42 PM

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90. "Cosby didn't try to bully an AP producer until last year"
In response to Reply # 88


you think they were going to let that shit go? - the other stuff i'm looking at


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91. "ohhh hell no they weren't going to let it go "
In response to Reply # 90



Eclectic Soul/Sunday, 2-4 PM est/89.3 WCSB.ORG


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Dr Claw
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212. "Cosby officially 'died' to me with that speech"
In response to Reply # 77



imagine him saying that bullshit today, in light of all of the people dead at the hands of the police


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In response to Reply # 0



He’s got a bag of things that he will say will make you feel beautiful. Heroin, cocaine. He has some uppers and some downers and marijuana and all kind of good things, that will one day have you in pain and agony. But you can look at him right in the face and you can sing this song to him

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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87. "FUCK"
In response to Reply # 83



...I'm from the era when A.I. was the answer, now they think ai is the answer - Marlon Craft


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Tue Jul-07-15 09:52 PM

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94. "this meme is awful but they on it"
In response to Reply # 0



awful but they on it


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95. "wow. :("
In response to Reply # 94




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Wed Jul-08-15 05:11 PM

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96. "what happened to the people who said we need to hear Cosby's side?"
In response to Reply # 0


where'd they go? - the other stuff i'm looking at


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99. "I'll speak for myself"
In response to Reply # 96
Wed Jul-08-15 10:13 PM by csuave03



I said that I wanted to hear both sides and still do. But I believe that many of the others haven't gone anywhere, they probably just avoided this post because of the condescending remarks in the rebuttals.

I was at Ben's Chili Bowl in DC a year ago, which is where Cos has a mural and is supposedly his fave restaurant. A feminist reporter asked me should the mural be removed because of the recent allegations. I asked her had he been convicted of anything, she said no, so I said no to her question. She tried to spit game after that but I was too focused on that turkey dog and fries.

This is not the finishing blow. I would like to hear his side of the story since he does have a right to defend himself. I'm still going to watch A Different World.

Edit & slight post jack: Y'all know they got a new Ben's in NE DC? That's a game changer, I recently quit poultry but I'm hitting up those vegetarian and cheese fries when I'm back in the area. Lawd


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103. "His testimony is his side"
In response to Reply # 99




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104. "No it isn't"
In response to Reply # 103




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107. "Actually, it is. Within the context of a lawsuit that involved the alleg..."
In response to Reply # 104



activity at the heart of the scandal, he provided his story through sworn testimony. It may not be the whole story, but it's part of it, and only a fool wouldn't be able to understand that.


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108. "it literally is. they brought him in to tell his side"
In response to Reply # 104


and that's it - the other stuff i'm looking at


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111. "So much for having an honest convo"
In response to Reply # 108



if that clip from the deposition = Cosby defending himself from these allegations

I don't know what to tell you if that's what you believe, not only is that a logical fallacy it appears that you would have a personal axe to grind.

Don't want to be OK Legal here but cmon. Everyone has a right to defend themselves in such a situation

If someone wants to spin this into 'Cosby admits he raped several women!' thats on you, I just work with the information thats given and try not to add on.

Others won't let small things like facts get in the way.


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Thu Jul-09-15 01:03 PM

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112. "he was being sued by one of the accusers."
In response to Reply # 111



>if that clip from the deposition = Cosby defending himself
>from these allegations

that's exactly what it is. he was being sued by a woman who claimed Cosby had drugged and raped her. he was the defendant in the suit. he was being deposed on the matter.

fuck you.


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113. "I understand that much"
In response to Reply # 112



I'm talking about the overall situation, my apologies if that much could not be inferred.

Still, I will like a statement from Cosby addressing these charges currently and not simply owning up to getting drugs for women.

I would like something more definitive and I understand that everyone does not feel the same way.


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Thu Jul-09-15 01:55 PM

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116. "he made statements addressing these charges. in 2005. you can read them."
In response to Reply # 113

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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137. "Thanks, I appreciate your candor "
In response to Reply # 116




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134. "you won't ever get that."
In response to Reply # 113



Cosby is not stupid. he is not ever going to address these allegations - unless and until he's named as a defendant in a criminal or civil matter related to the allegations.

but i hear you - there are many ppl who don't want to accept the fairly obvious truth about Cosby and his nefariousness. they are hard pills to swallow.

fuck you.


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138. "What is the truth?"
In response to Reply # 134



I'm not refusing to accept anything but the available information. Sorry that I lack the clairvoyance to know exactly what Cosby has done


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141. "*pats head*"
In response to Reply # 138



the truth is the man raped and/or drugged at least 20 women.

it's okay if you're not ready to accept it. many ppl aren't.

fuck you.


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142. "I guess you are privy to info that I'm not privileged to receive"
In response to Reply # 141



Sorry that I wanted to hear both sides, mistake on my part


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146. "Yup. Your bad."
In response to Reply # 142



fuck you.


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148. "It is, I thought that you all were working with common sense"
In response to Reply # 146



I forgot the allegiance to your respective agenda, my bad


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151. "No problem."
In response to Reply # 148



I'm completely unfazed.

fuck you.


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Member since Jul 14th 2011
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150. "RE: What is the truth?"
In response to Reply # 138


>I'm not refusing to accept anything but the available
>information. Sorry that I lack the clairvoyance to know
>exactly what Cosby has done

I am with you on this. People are acting as if he's gone to trial and was found guilty for rape. All he said was that he used to get the drugs to give to the girls that he wanted to have sex with. What's so wrong with that? He didn't say he drugged anybody, he didn't say anything about him forcibly raping anyone. I've gotten drugs to give girls that I was going to have sex with plenty of times whether it was marijuana, alcohol, ecstasy etc. I'm not here to defend the man but shit if I was a public figure I wouldn't want people judging me based on allegations that may or may not be true and shutting down everything i have going on. This is just overall not right to me.

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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156. "So you'd stay silent for ten years after the allegations came out?"
In response to Reply # 150


sorry, after ten years of you not saying shit and trying to shut up anyone who does -- we're gonna fill in the blanks ourselves.

Also, thanks for telling me that you only believe things as decided by court cases. Apparently you approve of george Zimmerman's story about trayvon, and all of the cops who weren't convicted. if it's not in a court of law, it's not true. got it. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Fri Jul-10-15 01:43 AM

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157. "RE: So you'd stay silent for ten years after the allegations came out?"
In response to Reply # 156


>sorry, after ten years of you not saying shit and trying to
>shut up anyone who does -- we're gonna fill in the blanks

I hear you and I think that if anyone of his stature has committed a crime of this nature should address the public about it absolutely. But I also don't think anyone should have to address something that isn't true about them regarding anything criminal or anything really if it is not true. I'm not saying that he is innocent I'm just saying that we don't know if he is guilty or not. From the reports I've heard or read from some of the women have seemed like crap to me but that's just my opinion. It's just hard for me to believe that someone I've grown up looking at as a positive black male role model was a serial rapist at some point without having any real evidence or him ever being convicted of such. I just feel like I at least should give him the benefit of doubt i mean shit he's a black entertainer and considering that some black entertainers may have been lied on in regards to rape and sentenced to prison and this man wasn't ever even tried in court I can't go for the okie doke.

>Also, thanks for telling me that you only believe things as
>decided by court cases. Apparently you approve of george
>Zimmerman's story about trayvon, and all of the cops who
>weren't convicted. if it's not in a court of law, it's not
>true. got it.

Nah not even but at the same time you're just believing allegations about someone and running with them because there's all these people making them now. If that man was to make a statement about that now or even 10 years ago and said he didn't do it. Would you believe him? No. I'm sure you wouldn't and in that case that means he has no defense for himself so why even make a statement when critics like yourself are gonna say he's guilty anyway? It's like he can't say "Well just check the DNA..." or however the fuck they figure if somebody raped someone cause it can't be done now. He's defenseless and it's sad to see black people especially just like yep he's admitted to it now he gave drugs to em he must be a rapist.

> - the other stuff i'm looking at

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Fri Jul-10-15 11:06 AM

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159. "LOL"
In response to Reply # 157
Fri Jul-10-15 11:30 AM by Rjcc


so as long as he's innocent he doesn't have to say anything.

but we can't know if he's guilty because he hasn't said anything.

the problem is us.

not that Bill cosby is a serial rapist based on the accusations

and an overall shitty human being in general, based entirely on his own verified statements and actions.

even if he said he was a rapist, you would find a way to be unconvinced.

he is a serial rapist because he's by 40 women of drugging and raping them.



say that when you're denying the charges on his behalf because he won't speak up for himself, say exactly what it is that you don't believe. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Fri Jul-10-15 12:38 PM

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164. "RE: LOL"
In response to Reply # 159


>so as long as he's innocent he doesn't have to say anything.
>but we can't know if he's guilty because he hasn't said

>the problem is us.
>not that Bill cosby is a serial rapist based on the
>and an overall shitty human being in general, based entirely
>on his own verified statements and actions.

Where did he ever say that he was in fact a serial rapist or did anything of that nature show me then I will most likely change my mind. Until then FOH. I ain't defending him I'd be saying this for any man in this situation but the way this shit is going it's like any female that a man has sex with can come back 10-20 years later saying that you raped her and people will believe it. You don't have to have evidence or anything just women saying that it happened and that she was drugged and the man just needs to say that he used to get drugs for the women he intended to have sex with. Then everyone in the world believes it. TF?

>even if he said he was a rapist, you would find a way to be

Why would I be unconvinced when someone actually admits to raping someone? You sound stupid as fuck and you don't strike me to a dumb dumb. If he's innocent you're still going to say he did it. To me this shit is just like the O.J. Simpson case he even went to trial and was declared not guilty but yet there's plenty of white people especially who believe that he was guilty of murdering his ex wife. How does that type of thinking help our society?

>he is a serial rapist because he's by 40 women of drugging and
>raping them.
>say that when you're denying the charges on his behalf because
>he won't speak up for himself, say exactly what it is that you
>don't believe.

I aint denying any charges bro idgaf if he did it or not truthfully. Where are the charges tho lol. You're looking too deep into this but at the end of the day everyone in this country is innocent of any crime until proven guilty. If he was never even tried for a particular crime how can you believe it ever occured? Let me say this if these events did occur then I feel bad for the women that may have dealt with this I have 2 daughters and was raised by women and its unfortunate for any woman to be raped. But on the other hand which we all should take into consideration that he may indeed be innocent and in that event then what? After all the crap about him.... if he's innocent then what? Call it what you want but I'm sticking to what I believe and that is due diligence under the law. Our Judicial system may be flawed but i still respect it.

> - the other stuff i'm looking at

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Fri Jul-10-15 01:26 PM

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167. "whether or not someone is a serial rapist"
In response to Reply # 164


is a weird thing to not care about.

like, on the list of things to care about, you mention your daughter.

but when you hear 40 women have been raped, your response is "idgaf"

bruh, be honest with yourself for two minutes. your lies don't match up. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Jul 14th 2011
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Fri Jul-10-15 01:48 PM

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168. "RE: whether or not someone is a serial rapist"
In response to Reply # 167


>is a weird thing to not care about.

This is just something in the media that is popular there's a post on it so I commented. Why should I have so much care about his situation. I don't get your logic.

>like, on the list of things to care about, you mention your
>but when you hear 40 women have been raped, your response is

My daughters are not any of these women and i don't know any of these women. But like i said in the last message if these things did occur to any of these women then that is highly unfortunate and he should have been sent to prison at the time the events occured but at this point we can't prove any of it so what the fuck?
These women have been coming out of nowhere that doesn't alarm you in anyway. Especially knowing that it's past the statue of limitations for these supposed crimes.
Bro have you seen some of the shit some of these women are saying?

>bruh, be honest with yourself for two minutes. your lies don't
>match up.

What am i lying about sir?
What I'm saying is I really don't care if he's innocent or not. His life has nothing to do with mines so that's why I say that I could care less. What I'm concerned with is people in america and how all of these people are saying that he's guilty when there'e no proof of him being guilty that's all. There's guys with rape cases all across america IDGAF about their cases tf are you talking about? What the hell does someone on trial for rape have to do with my daughters?

> - the other stuff i'm looking at

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Fri Jul-10-15 03:03 PM

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169. "word. you don't care about anything that happens to people you don't kno..."
In response to Reply # 168



or just 40+ rapes?

dude, just admit what it really is. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Jul 14th 2011
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170. "RE: word. you don't care about anything that happens to people you don't..."
In response to Reply # 169


>or just 40+ rapes?
>dude, just admit what it really is.
> - the other stuff i'm looking at

Bro you keep insinuating shit with me just like you're doing with Cosby i didn't say that i don't care what happens to people I don't know, I'm saying I don't know them so why should I be so concerned over some 20-40 year old allegations that should've been reported then. If this shit would've been reported then and he was arrested or what not then i could ride with you and whomever on him being guilty and being a piece of shit and all that. But why should I and why do you care so much about something that you and I don't even know is true or not? Why should I care so much about fucking rape allegations that should've been reported 20-30 years ago when the person they are alleging could've actually been prosecuted.

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Fri Jul-10-15 03:36 PM

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171. "you have a quote that talks about truth in your sig"
In response to Reply # 170


but when it comes to an active serial rapist who has been raping women within the last decade and stretching back to the 70s, you're like "who needs the truth"

admit why you don't care about this one b.

I wasn't aware the truth had a time limit on it. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Jul 14th 2011
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Fri Jul-10-15 04:20 PM

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172. "RE: you have a quote that talks about truth in your sig"
In response to Reply # 171


>but when it comes to an active serial rapist who has been
>raping women within the last decade and stretching back to the
>70s, you're like "who needs the truth"

What? where is the truth? if you just want to take their allegations as the truth and if that's what everyone else is doing then Men we're really fucked in america.

>admit why you don't care about this one b.

I've told you already. Ok look at it this way, have you ever slept with a woman after you smoked some weed with her? or Popped a X pill? or Drank some liquor with her? If you haven't then god bless you, you lil angel you. But if you have then you saying cosby is guilty is saying that any woman from your past who you may have done any of the above with can come back 10-40 years later and say you raped her. Do you get that part?

>I wasn't aware the truth had a time limit on it.

Once again what are you talking about? I'm all for truth and no the truth has no time limit but the real truth behind all of this we will never know. You can't know the truth at this point my friend. He can't be tried now on this shit sooooo.... All the women can do at this point is sue him and many may win based on the statement that he made in regards to getting drugs to give them. But does that mean he actually raped them? IDK you can believe what you want.... this is the same shit that happened to O.J. Simpson and he was arrested and was tried and found not guilty yet majority of white america still believe til this day that he was the culprit.

I don't really have any stance on this I am caught up in how our American people are thinking these days and how they are reacting to this situation as well as many other situations at this time.

> - the other stuff i'm looking at

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Fri Jul-10-15 04:41 PM

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175. "the truth is the truth."
In response to Reply # 172


now you're saying it doesn't count because it's 40 years old. even though there are much newer accusations.

keep inventing new reasons - the other stuff i'm looking at


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173. "RE: you have a quote that talks about truth in your sig"
In response to Reply # 171


>but when it comes to an active serial rapist who has been
>raping women within the last decade and stretching back to the
>70s, you're like "who needs the truth"
>admit why you don't care about this one b.
>I wasn't aware the truth had a time limit on it.
> - the other stuff i'm looking at

To add to this I saw a couple of the people who are saying that he raped them. One being Janice Dickinson and she says one night that she went to his home He gave her a pill that she took willingly fell asleep and woke up with his penis in her face. But yet she says she had many other encounters with him afterwards. Why Tf did she keep messin with him and not report it? Then there was another woman who said he raped her several times and she got tired of that so she told him she contracted a disease that he would catch if he kept raping her. So she says from that point on He forced her to give him oral sex. How the hell does a man for a woman to give him oral sex? With a pistol to her brain or what? After seeing those allegations I couldn't take this serious and thats where my uncertainty about this whole thing stems from.

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Fri Jul-10-15 04:40 PM

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174. "LOL"
In response to Reply # 173


funny, how we can't doubt cosby, but we can doubt his accusers.

it's almost like you have different rules for different people. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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176. "RE: LOL"
In response to Reply # 174


>funny, how we can't doubt cosby, but we can doubt his
>it's almost like you have different rules for different
> - the other stuff i'm looking at

I just told you IDK what tf is going on here... This is a really complicated situation and I can't just go off of people's allegations that just started popping up. It just looks fishy to me... It's possible he may have done something to someone.... but 40 women coming out of the blue... Come on Man... And at the same time I had wondered why hasn't he just said "I aint do the shit, Ok" but then I thought well if he hasn't done anything why should he say something. I'm just not where you are yet with this not saying I won't be if this is all the truth but at this point I'm just like IDK... I'm not saying he's innocent and I'm not saying he's guilty what i'm saying is IDK about this... it's tricky...

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Fri Jul-10-15 05:08 PM

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177. "the stuff you said just isn't true"
In response to Reply # 176


what you think you know about sexual assault has no connection to reality. the behavioral assumptions you've made are either entirely incorrect, or just your imagination.

If you'd like to learn more you should educate yourself.

Also, there are 40+ accusations.

"I don't know" doesn't cut it. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Jul 14th 2011
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Fri Jul-10-15 05:39 PM

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178. "RE: the stuff you said just isn't true"
In response to Reply # 177


>what you think you know about sexual assault has no
>connection to reality. the behavioral assumptions you've made
>are either entirely incorrect, or just your imagination.

How so professor?

>If you'd like to learn more you should educate yourself.

Show me something that will educate me bro since you got all the answers Sway. Show me why you believe what you believe then maybe my mind will change to how I view this.

>Also, there are 40+ accusations.

Ok there's 40+ accusations are there any that aren't passed the statue of limitations that he can be tried in court for?

>"I don't know" doesn't cut it.

show me something.

> - the other stuff i'm looking at

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Fri Jul-10-15 05:46 PM

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179. "don't take my word for it"
In response to Reply # 178


do research on the subject yourself. I feel like (I could be wrong) you are not considering me a trustworthy source, so I wouldn't want to taint the info. There are many experts in the field, I'm sure you can find one. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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180. "RE: don't take my word for it"
In response to Reply # 179


>do research on the subject yourself. I feel like (I could be
>wrong) you are not considering me a trustworthy source, so I
>wouldn't want to taint the info. There are many experts in the
>field, I'm sure you can find one.
> - the other stuff i'm looking at

All that for this... LOL...

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Fri Jul-10-15 06:23 PM

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181. "good luck and good health in your search for the truth"
In response to Reply # 180

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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115. "you inserted several words into what I said."
In response to Reply # 111


I said that was his side.

which it was.

you can't say that he was defending himself in that testimony, and also say he hasn't told his side. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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139. "No, I addressed your faulty logic"
In response to Reply # 115



but maybe that was a stretch to comprehend


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140. "he was asked about these charges. he responded"
In response to Reply # 139


how is that not him telling his side.

what person thinks that 10 years isn't enough time to say anything you need to say, when you've already spoken on the record.

and then spent the next ten years keeping your words buried. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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143. "No, but spin on"
In response to Reply # 140




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Thu Jul-09-15 03:47 PM

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144. "I will! He won't speak, because what he has to say is worse than this"
In response to Reply # 143

     - the other stuff i'm looking at


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145. "I didn't know that I was engaging with eyewitnesses"
In response to Reply # 144



Sorry thought you guys were working with the same info as I


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147. "Right. You are in the wrong here."
In response to Reply # 145



fuck you.


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149. "So nice you had to say it twice"
In response to Reply # 147



thanks, you're not doing much to change my mind but you are steadfast in halting convo and for that you are appreciated

by someone, likely the other guy who is seemingly transcendent


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152. "No problem."
In response to Reply # 149



I'm completely unfazed.

fuck you.


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Thu Jul-09-15 04:55 PM

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155. "you said to keep spinning, so I spun."
In response to Reply # 145


I felt like that was clear. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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98. "They brought out the hot young blonde. Its a wrap. "
In response to Reply # 0



As if it wasnt already.


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100. "what if there were witnesses?"
In response to Reply # 0


I wonder if, in the 70s, a grown man in the entertainment industry gave a young girl quaaludes and raped her in front of several other people, what would happen.

(spoiler: not much) - the other stuff i'm looking at


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132. "thanks"
In response to Reply # 100



>I wonder if, in the 70s, a grown man in the entertainment
>industry gave a young girl quaaludes and raped her in front of
>several other people, what would happen.
>(spoiler: not much)
> - the other stuff i'm looking at

and adding you on FB if you don't mind

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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101. "It's entertaining watching some men pander to women on FB for likes."
In response to Reply # 0



"We have to protect our women fellas!!"

What, retroactively?

but have you ever checked out my website?


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Thu Jul-09-15 10:18 AM

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106. "Ha!"
In response to Reply # 101



>"We have to protect our women fellas!!"
>What, retroactively?


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109. "yes, that's the key issue here"
In response to Reply # 101


pandering to women on facebook.

nice pivot away from your never ending cosby support, but still the shittiest thing you could be, given the circumstances. I applaud your consistency. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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110. "show me my Cosby support."
In response to Reply # 109



but have you ever checked out my website?


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114. "you know the posts are still on this site right?"
In response to Reply # 110


you're not just a misogynist who hides behind religion, you're also a lunatic - the other stuff i'm looking at


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117. "find where I supported Cosby. Show me where I claimed his innocence."
In response to Reply # 114



Don't worry, I'll wait.

but have you ever checked out my website?


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119. "why would I try to disprove your delusions?"
In response to Reply # 117


we know that you think the important thing, when dealing with a serial rapist, is to make sure that no men are nefariously getting facebook likes. that no one believes the testimony of dozens of women.

we know who you are.

we can see you. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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121. "So you can't. Because I haven't. So shut your dumb ass up."
In response to Reply # 119



but have you ever checked out my website?


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123. "it infuriates you that you can't make me bend to your delusions"
In response to Reply # 121


I could drop links all day, and you'd lie like you always have.

I don't have to.

We see you. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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124. "you can stall or you can provide a link. Your choice."
In response to Reply # 123



I'll wait.

but have you ever checked out my website?


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Thu Jul-09-15 02:10 PM

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125. "I don't have to do anything, and so I won't"
In response to Reply # 124


and you can't make me.

I love it! - the other stuff i'm looking at


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126. "if you could, you would, but you can't. But you soooo wish you could."
In response to Reply # 125



It would make your day to rub all the things I never said in my face because of this wonderful new revelation.

Too bad.


but have you ever checked out my website?


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Thu Jul-09-15 02:17 PM

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127. "I actually have no interest in pawing through your posts"
In response to Reply # 126


I've read them before.

we know who you are.

we see you. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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128. "suuuuuurrre."
In response to Reply # 127



but have you ever checked out my website?


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129. "I bet you think this post, or even these replies"
In response to Reply # 128


are about you.

that's how delusional you are - the other stuff i'm looking at


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130. ""
In response to Reply # 129



but have you ever checked out my website?


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135. "links or it didnt happen bruh"
In response to Reply # 127


you can't throw that out and not back it up...

well, you can buy it makes you look unstable

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Thu Jul-09-15 02:46 PM

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136. "see what's great is I don't have to do shit"
In response to Reply # 135


the cosby club is pretty well known.

we see you too - the other stuff i'm looking at


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153. "links or it didn't happen"
In response to Reply # 136


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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154. "you should keep telling me what I have to do"
In response to Reply # 153

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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160. "All I see is threats but no linkage "
In response to Reply # 154



That's majorly wrong


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161. "I feel like you're not clear on what a threat is"
In response to Reply # 160

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Fri Jul-10-15 12:14 PM

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162. "Post a link and then clear up the context for me "
In response to Reply # 161




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Fri Jul-10-15 01:24 PM

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166. "there's no context for a threat. that is an invention of your own making"
In response to Reply # 162

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Fri Jul-10-15 12:25 PM

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163. "uhh thats cosby kids"
In response to Reply # 136



>the cosby club is pretty well known.
>we see you too

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be about it or be without it



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Fri Jul-10-15 01:23 PM

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165. "unfortunately it's not kids. it's grown men "
In response to Reply # 163

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Thu Jul-09-15 02:01 PM

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118. "because ...instead they should be pandering to you"
In response to Reply # 101



because if they aren't always and constantly taking up for men
then they are "pandering"

the lack of logic...
no longer astounding
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Thu Jul-09-15 02:03 PM

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120. "I mean why else would you think that standing up for rape victims"
In response to Reply # 118


is important.

it MUST be to get facebook likes.

because those have value, as opposed to women, who don't have value. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Thu Jul-09-15 02:31 PM

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131. "morals? ...nah"
In response to Reply # 120



Facebook likes


When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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122. "yeah that's exactly what I mean. Your brilliance is so impressive."
In response to Reply # 118



but have you ever checked out my website?


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133. "it is. i know."
In response to Reply # 122



When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Fri Jul-10-15 08:17 AM

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158. "you're such a sad little man."
In response to Reply # 101



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Fri Jul-10-15 11:14 PM

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182. "Cliff Huxtable drugged BBQ Sauce on The Cosby Show"
In response to Reply # 0



Now this is weird as hell... SMH

"You used to be so cool, but now, you know you're so cold"


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Sun Jul-12-15 12:07 PM

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185. "While I'm in the "He's Guilty" committie, I have a problem with"
In response to Reply # 182



shit like this being used as evidence of it

R.I.P. Loud But Wrong Guy
Dec 29th 2009 - Dec 17th 2017


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Dr Claw
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211. "as I do about the jokes about 'Spanish Fly'"
In response to Reply # 185



that joke is indicative of the sleaze of yesteryear, and it MIGHT give an insight to what he finds amusing/acceptable

but I think they both have little bearing on what he is accused of having done. they're both very interesting coincidences, not really hints as to what he was doing behind the scenes.

but that's how sicing works

Yes, I'm mad. Let's move on.

Jays | Cavs | Eagles | Sabres | Tarheels

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Sun Jul-12-15 11:45 AM

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184. "Camille is clearly in a two person cult <swipe>"
In response to Reply # 0
Sun Jul-12-15 11:49 AM by Sarah_Bellum



This bitch is basically Dotty Sandusky with a tan and an on the payroll. After hearing about how she would clear out of the house after she and Cosby arrived with women when it was time to for Cosby to drug them.... I'm not sure she shouldn't be locked up too. She must think we are dumb or delusional.

The New York Post reports that, during a meeting on Tuesday night, Bill Cosby’s wife Camille told a group of close professional advisors that she believes her husband’s accusers consented to both drugs and sex. Camille Cosby’s words come on the heels of an Associated Press report of a 2005 deposition in which Bill Cosby admitted to buying Quaaludes, “with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with.”

Via the NYP:

“Camille still doesn’t believe that Bill provided drugs and had sex with women without their consent,” said a source employed by the Cosby family. “She’s well aware of his cheating, but she doesn’t believe that her husband is a rapist.”

Mrs. Cosby is “a proud, dignified but stubborn woman. You can say that she’s standing by her husband, but really, the more people stand against him, the more she perceives it as an affront to her and all that she’s done to make him a star,” said another source who’s done business with the ­Cosbys and remains close to them.
“They are making him out to be such a bad guy, a monster,” Camille allegedly said during the meeting. According to a source, Camille—who is also Bill’s business manager—strategized with lawyers and PR professionals to repair Bill’s reputation. Though that seems an unlikely scenario given the preponderance of evidence that Bill Cosby is a serial rapist. Nearly 50 women have now come forward with eerily similar accounts of drugging followed by sexual assault.

The Cosbys have been married for 51 years.




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Mr. ManC
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Sun Jul-12-15 12:13 PM

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186. "so basically "my cheating husband didn't rape those"
In response to Reply # 184



50 people because he told me the adultery was consentual"

So she knows he cheated but knows it isn't rape because he said so.

50 cases tho?! C'mon now.

R.I.P. Soulgyal <3
Knowledge Meets Nature
Musica Negra


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Mon Jul-13-15 05:02 PM

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187. ""
In response to Reply # 0



very good, accurate cooment:

"The media is also using a play of words in this Cosby case. In that deposition from 2005 Mr Cosby ONLY ADMITTED TO BUYING DRUGS FOR THE WOMEN. CNN & FOX are falsely reporting that he ADMITTED to buying the drugs and using it to knock out the females in order to RAPE them. This is COMPLETELY false. Most people back in the 70's used recreational drugs like LUDES, COKE, & SPANISH FLY for a good time, ORGIES, and sex parties"

if racism is a cancer, black thought is the answer.

Rjcc is code for "bitch-ass troll"



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Mon Jul-13-15 05:21 PM

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188. "links don't work that way"
In response to Reply # 187


but you should leave it like that.

you look like smarter if people don't see the video - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Jul 05th 2002
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Mon Jul-13-15 05:32 PM

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189. "sure, they do. it's not complicated-"
In response to Reply # 188



>but you should leave it like that.

i will.

>you look like smarter if people don't see the video

that's the beauty of being smart, and true self respect.

i don't worry atall abt "looking" like anything.

if racism is a cancer, black thought is the answer.

Rjcc is code for "bitch-ass troll"



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Tue Jul-14-15 07:43 PM

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190. "Lt. Martin Kendall: Of Course Bill Cosby Is Guilty"
In response to Reply # 0



I love Bill Cosby! Honestly, that phrase may not be enough to sufficiently describe my feelings for Bill. He was my boyhood idol. His influence on my life has been profound. I owe much of who I am to Bill Cosby, so the idea of love seems to fall short of exactly how I feel. It may be that I need more than one word: Adulation! Regard! Devotedness! And yet, I remain inarticulate.

While growing up, I watched everything Bill Cosby did. My father had several of his comedy albums; I memorized them backwards and forwards. Bill was one of two comics that I imitated and memorized. Richard Pryor was the other. I owe my sense of humor to Bill Cosby. However, for me, Bill Cosby was more than a comedian. Bill was my idea of a great man – a great Black man! He was good looking, talented, smart, and he was fearless. The Cos was a ladies man, but also good father and husband – devoted to his wife and children. Bill was educated; he collected art and was fluent in jazz. After my father, Bill Cosby was the man I aspired to be. Few get an opportunity to meet their idol, much less work with them. I was blessed in that regard, and even more blessed that I found my idol as clever, kind, and brilliant as I had imagined.

In 2014 a series of accusations hit the public consciousness. A number of women stepped forward to claim that the great Bill Cosby had behaved inappropriately with them – groping, propositioning, and exposing himself. There were also a number of women who leveled far more serious accusations. These women claimed that Bill had drugged them and had sex with them while they were unconscious. On the street and in the courtroom, that is called rape.

As the story broke, I had dozens of people reach out to me asking me if the stories were true. I was low man on the totem pole. I can’t imagine how inundated with inquiries were Malcolm Jamal Warner or Phylicia Rashad. It must have been hell for them. It was no picnic for me. Everyone wanted to know if my idol was guilty.

When I joined the cast of the Cosby Show in 1989, it seemed to be common knowledge that Bill played around. When I say common knowledge, I mean that it was just something that people seemed to know without anyone saying anything. Bill sleeping around was a “fact” that, like, the air, seemed to just be. You didn’t have to see it or hear it to know that it existed.

There was also the seeming unending parade of pretty young women that streamed through the studio. In fact, that is what some of us called it – the parade. Light skinned. “Good” hair. One prettier than the next. I was 28, healthy, single, and horny as hell! You will forgive me if I wasn’t really focused on Bill during the parades.

Of course, people said things to me as if they had first-hand knowledge of Bills business, and maybe they did. I suspect however, that rather than eyewitness testimony, what they had was the same thing that I had: speculation and gossip. I love dish as much as the next person, but I do prefer to see with my own eyes.

I also know that men who are wealthy and powerful are always the target of gossip, lies, and slander. Hell, you don’t even have to be wealthy, powerful, or good looking. The truth is that people will lie about you just because they are bored!

Still, his infidelity to his marriage vows would not have surprised me. I don’t say that as any comment on Bill’s character. I say it only because I think it would be extremely difficult for any rich, powerful man to say, “No” every single time a woman threw herself at him. I was a scrub and the opportunities for sex that were tossed my way were numerous. I suspect that if I had been really famous and extremely wealthy, the opportunities would have increased exponentially (as would have the lies and gossip). Does any man have the fortitude to turn so much nookie down every single time? Some, perhaps. I don’t think many.

I am also of the opinion that some women who are married to prominent men strike a deal with themselves. They believe that, for men, the act of sex is removed from love. The bargain they make is that as long as their husbands continue to bring home the checks and don’t bring home any babies or diseases, they will overlook any dalliances.

So, in 1989, my attitude was that if Bill was cheating on Camille, I am fairly certain Camille knew. Hey, if everyone who claimed to know actually knew, then certainly Camille knew, and had long ago made her peace with it. At any rate, it was none of my business. I never saw Bill engage in any inappropriate behavior. I certainly never saw him drug anyone. So, all I have is the same gossip as everyone else.

As the accusations began to increase, I became increasingly disturbed. I was fairly certain that some of the women were lying through their teeth, but certainly not all of them. Discovering that the man you idolize may be a serial rapist is a bit traumatic. I don’t imagine it is anything near to the trauma of the alleged victims. Nevertheless, I found it unsettling.

I was particularly shaken the afternoon I bumped into an old friend while shopping. The controversy was at its height. The story of Bill was all over the press. I hadn’t seen this woman for many years. Back in the day, I had asked her out on a few dates, but was relegated to the friend zone so fast it made my ears wiggle. We had kept in touch for a few years, but our lives had taken different paths. Over the years, I had watched with a passive interest as her career grew, so I was excited to see her and catch up a bit.

As we spoke, I recalled that Bill had been her mentor (play father, teacher…something. I couldn’t quite recall what it was). The question popped into my head.

“Hey, do you mind if I ask you something?”

She looked at me and then asked, “Is it going to make me cry?”

I was a bit taken aback. “Well,” I stammered. “I hope it doesn’t make you cry.”

She smiled. “Go ahead and ask your question.”

“Back in the day,” I started. “I remember that you knew Bill – that he was like your mentor or something. Did he ever…”

Before I finished the sentence, she began to cry.

We spent the next two hours sitting on a bench talking. Through tears, she told me her story. She cursed him for violating both her trust and her body. She cursed herself for not being smarter, and for degrading herself in pursuit of success. I listened patiently. As she began to run out of steam, she turned to me. “Do you believe me?”

“Yes.” I said. “I believe you.”

“Why?” she asked.

“Because I don’t believe that you are crazy and only a crazy person would sit with me all this time and share a fantasy.”

I am not sure if our conversation was cathartic for her. I know it was heart-breaking for me.

As I drove home, I battled my emotions. I felt for my friend, for the violation of her trust, loyalty, and body. I was angry with Bill. He had money, fame, and power; he was a walking aphrodisiac! Why? I was also angry at myself for falling for the okey-doke, of putting Bill on a pedestal. Something changed inside me during that drive; call it the last gasp of a mocking bird.

More recently, there were a series of court documents that were unsealed and revealed a dark side to the Cos. Rather than spending his time bouncing kids on his knee and eating Jell-O brand pudding, this Bill was involved in illegal drugs and illicit sex, fornication, and perhaps more.

I’ve done a lot of thinking over these weeks. The good Bill has done over the years is real and enduring. I am not prepared to simply dismiss his brilliance, his wisdom, or his legacy. You see, all of that is a part of who I am as a man – as a Black man. I am not going to toss all of that away, at least not yet. It seems to me that one should be able to look with sober eyes and yet hold on to those elements of substance that are both true and comforting.

Over the weekend, Bill turned 78 years old. It is with all of the love I still have for him and the reverence of one who has idolized him for a lifetime that I offer this plea.

Bill, you have a family who loves you, a wife who is devoted to you; you have more money than you can spend. Please, go live a quiet country life. Allow those of us who truly love you to preserve just a bit of our enchantment.


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Ted Gee Seal
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Tue Jul-14-15 07:51 PM

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191. "What a humane and empathetic response"
In response to Reply # 190



>“Do you believe me?”
>“Yes.” I said. “I believe you.”
>“Why?” she asked.
>“Because I don’t believe that you are crazy and only a
>crazy person would sit with me all this time and share a

Too bad there aren't more men who respond in this way.

Just IMO though.


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Member since Apr 11th 2008
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Wed Jul-15-15 05:11 AM

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200. "ugh"
In response to Reply # 190
Wed Jul-15-15 05:12 AM by denny


That shit is disgusting.

The first comment in the link says it all:

You seem to really understand women. You're familiar with their propensity to throw themselves at men, and spread lies & gossip. You definitely have a very good grasp of the stereotypes applied to the women who marry prominent men. It must have been really difficult for you to field all those questions about allegations against your idol. I can’t imagine what trauma you went through during that time, discovering he may have been a rapist. And it was certainly kind of you to assume the role of truth detector for your sobbing friend, finding it in your heart to grant her validation based on your understanding of what happened as a non-involved party. You were able to see past her “ditzy” nature and remain open to the possibility she may have been assaulted. Finally, I commend you for standing up for Cosby’s legacy, holding on to what’s true and comforting to you, and not allowing his reputation to be sullied by the pain and trauma reported by his rape victims, women who suffered in silence for years fearing their accusations would go nowhere. Your harsh command that Cosby go live out a quiet country life is commendable considering what you’ve been through. In the end, it is preserving your enchantment of a lifelong role model that is most precious. I think any rape victim would be silly to think her need for justice, accountability and validation is anywhere near as important.


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Member since Sep 12th 2002
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Wed Jul-15-15 10:15 AM

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203. "expertly skillful take-down. I came back 2 this post to see if this was ..."
In response to Reply # 200



i just read this a few minutes was so skillful, that I thought she was serious at first



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Wed Jul-15-15 12:14 PM

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205. "he never claimed to be removed from bias"
In response to Reply # 200



he looked up to the man before and while working with him

he expressed sadness, disappointment and lowkey disgust, which is more than anyone else from the show has done publicly


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Wed Jul-15-15 01:01 PM

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206. "he also wished him a comfortable retirement in the country"
In response to Reply # 205


instead of calling for justice for the victims...or shit...even wishing for peace and happiness and "closure" for the victims. If he's gonna be biased, he should have at least been balanced.

i mean, the whole thing started and ended badly, with a lil ignorance and misogyny sprinkled throughout.



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Thu Jul-16-15 03:32 PM

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213. "RE: he also wished him a comfortable retirement in the country"
In response to Reply # 206


>instead of calling for justice for the victims...or
>shit...even wishing for peace and happiness and "closure" for
>the victims. If he's gonna be biased, he should have at least
>been balanced.
>i mean, the whole thing started and ended badly, with a lil
>ignorance and misogyny sprinkled throughout.

Was he supposed to wish Cosby death or some shit? Been balanced how, I'm sure this guy along with many others are aware that the statue of limitations has passed and there's not really much that can be done in most of these cases.

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Member since Apr 11th 2008
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Thu Jul-16-15 03:46 PM

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214. "RE: he also wished him a comfortable retirement in the country"
In response to Reply # 213


He SHOULD put the suffering of the victims before any consequences that may effect him. Ie...the highly questionable 'trauma' he suffered in having his role model revealed to be someone different than his perception. I mean, who the fuck cares?


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Member since Jul 14th 2011
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Thu Jul-16-15 04:01 PM

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215. "RE: he also wished him a comfortable retirement in the country"
In response to Reply # 214


"Discovering that the man you idolize may be a serial rapist is a bit traumatic. I don’t imagine it is anything near to the trauma of the alleged victims. Nevertheless, I found it unsettling."

So by saying his trauma was not anything near the trauma of the victims means nothing huh? His trauma is still notable and I think that was stated to get the reader to realize how hard this was for him to accept. This was his idol who he was around on a daily basis. It's like finding out that your father is a rapist or something. He even said it in an interview that Bill Cosby was 2nd to his father in the men he looked up to.

I'm for truth no matter who tells it. I'm for justice no matter who it's for or against. - el Hajj Malik el Shabazz


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Tue Jul-14-15 08:44 PM

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192. "Whoopi changed her stance."
In response to Reply # 0



Whoopi Goldberg changes stance, says for Bill Cosby all signs 'points to guilt'
Published July 14,

Whoopi Goldberg, one of the few celebrities who has defended Bill Cosby against allegations that he raped and drugged dozens of women, has changed her stance on the scandal.

In a departure from the normal round-table debate style of the “The View,” co-host Goldberg sat down one-on-one with ABC News’ Chief Legal Analyst Dan Abrams on Tuesday to discuss her take on the disgraced comedian.

Goldberg treated the chat as an educational sit down, claiming that she had always been under the impression that if Cosby had raped and drugged women, he would be arrested and taken to jail.

Taking a much more open-minded approach to discussing the Cosby scandal than she did last week when she declared he was innocent until proven guilty, Goldberg asked Abrams, “As a serial rapist, why is he still on the street?”

Abrams explained that because the civil and criminal statute of limitations has expired for the vast majority of the women accusing Cosby of a crime, he will likely never see the inside of a jail cell.

“Why is there a statute of limitations?” Goldberg asked. “I always thought that rape cases were open-ended.”

Abrams explained there is a movement now to remove the statute of limitations in rape cases, which Goldberg said she fully supports.

An incredulous Goldberg summarized: “I think you look at this case and you see the number of accusations and you say, ‘wait a second…’ I always thought if you take somebody to court, you can have the accuser say ‘that’s who did it,’ but you’re saying all that is left to these women is the court of public opinion.”

“If this is to be tried in the court of public opinion, all the information that is out there kind of points to guilt,” she concluded.

Goldberg’s statements are a major deviation from the previous times she has spoken about Cosby, 77.

Last week on “The View,” Goldberg angered fans by saying: “Save your texts; save your nasty comments. I don’t care. I say this because this is my opinion, and in America, still, I know it’s a shock, but you are still innocent until proven guilty. He has not been proven a rapist.”

She said she on Tuesday that she has taken a lot of heat for her past statements, and she reiterated that now that she is armed with a full understanding of the lack of legal action Cosby accusers can take, “I can’t say any more ‘innocent until proven guilty.’”

i will not let finite disappointment undermine infinite hope
- Cory Booker

Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes, and at the end the Germans always win
- Gary Lineker


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Tue Jul-14-15 08:52 PM

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193. "Studio execs gave Whoopi the business"
In response to Reply # 192


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Wed Jul-15-15 09:52 AM

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201. "I truly doubt that, I think she's just really let all the info sink in a..."
In response to Reply # 193


trying to be reasonable about all of it. Outside of her initial stand-up run & the Blackface thing she's always come off as extremely reasonable and fair imo.


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Wed Jul-15-15 09:58 AM

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202. "nah, she also defended Roman Polanski on some "what is rape?" bullshit"
In response to Reply # 201


how does she defend him and 2 days later get all the info? Especially since she is a Hollywood insider who knows all about the kinky side of Hollyweird

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Wed Jul-15-15 11:39 AM

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204. "the answer is she's an idiot. this answers any question"
In response to Reply # 202

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Thu Jul-16-15 03:10 PM

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209. "yes but"
In response to Reply # 204



so are most friends and family members of rapists and murders

i get it
we know the personae she has to reconcile that quite a few of the folks she's chummy with for the past 30-40 years are grimy rapey racist bastards
woody allen

and the people around them family assistants
likely knew
and she's might just be close to those people as well

the 6 degree of separation is very real for her
and she's an older black woman
mysogyny no matter how much she has battled it herself
is sunk in deep for her
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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194. "the only importance here"
In response to Reply # 192


is just how crazy you have to be to insist on staying on a bandwagon even whoopi goldberg has figured out it's time to escape from. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Jul 05th 2002
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195. "can one question the timing?-"
In response to Reply # 194



guilty or innocent?

>is just how crazy you have to be to insist on staying on a
>bandwagon even whoopi goldberg has figured out it's time to
>escape from.

w/o being on any bandwagon?

if racism is a cancer, black thought is the answer.

Rjcc is code for "bitch-ass troll"



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Tue Jul-14-15 10:25 PM

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196. "yes. you can question the timing of a rapist"
In response to Reply # 195


hiding in plain sight for ten years. that's an awesome question thank you for bringing it up you are a god among people - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Jul 05th 2002
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197. "but, that's not what i said."
In response to Reply # 196



if racism is a cancer, black thought is the answer.

Rjcc is code for "bitch-ass troll"



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199. "oh, then no. "
In response to Reply # 197

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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210. "LOL"
In response to Reply # 199



fuck you.


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198. "RE: the only importance here"
In response to Reply # 194



if someone who knows him and knows him well. I mean for YEARS could come around and look at it and say I was wrong he is dirty. I dont understand why people who have literally no stake emotionally or other wise still choose to ride for this man. Shit is crazy.

November 8th, 2005 The greatest night in the history of GD!


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207. "but during those times she also spoke about how"
In response to Reply # 192



she was falsely accused of a crime by several people
and it seemed less about defending Cosby than just saying
people will lie...

hot topics for life


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208. "Chuck D talking about it"
In response to Reply # 0



Bill's former mistress saying she got his back as well

Camille Cosby said those women lying

Still, Bill lost this one. The damage is done


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216. "NY Times: Bill Cosby Detailed His Pursuit of Women"
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Bill Cosby Deposition Reveals Calculated Pursuit of Young Women, Using Fame, Drugs and Deceit

He was not above seducing a young model by showing interest in her father’s cancer. He promised other women his mentorship and career advice before pushing them for sex acts. And he tried to use financial sleight of hand to keep his wife from finding out about his serial philandering.

Bill Cosby admitted to all of this and more over four days of intense questioning 10 years ago at a Philadelphia hotel, where he defended himself in a deposition for a lawsuit filed by a young woman who accused him of drugging and molesting her.

Even as Mr. Cosby denied he is a sexual predator who assaulted many women, he presented himself in the deposition as an unapologetic, cavalier playboy, someone who used a combination of fame, apparent concern and powerful sedatives in a calculated pursuit of young women — a profile at odds with the popular image he so long enjoyed, that of father figure and public moralist.

document Excerpts From Bill Cosby’s DepositionJULY 18, 2015
Cosby Legal and Publicity Teams Opt for Silence After Admission Is Released JULY 8, 2015
Bill Cosby: The Latest from His Accusers and DefendersJULY 8, 2015
In the last year more than two dozen women have come forward to accuse Bill Cosby of raping or groping them, beginning in the mid-1960s.Bill Cosby Admission About Quaaludes Offers Accusers VindicationJULY 7, 2015
In the deposition, which Mr. Cosby has for years managed to keep private but was obtained by The New York Times, the entertainer comes across as alternately annoyed, mocking, occasionally charming and sometimes boastful, often blithely describing sexual encounters in graphic detail.

Document: Excerpts From Bill Cosby’s Deposition
He talked of the 19-year-old aspiring model who sent him her poem and ended up on his sofa, where, Mr. Cosby said, she pleasured him with lotion.

He spoke with casual disregard about ending a relationship with another model so he could pursue other women. “Moving on,” was his phrase.

He suggested he was skilled in picking up the nonverbal cues that signal a woman’s consent.

“I think I’m a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things, whatever you want to call them,” he said.

Through it all, his manner was largely one of casual indifference.

At one point in the first day of questioning, Dolores M. Troiani, the lawyer for the plaintiff in the case, Andrea Constand, a young woman who worked at Temple University as a basketball manager, seemed struck by Mr. Cosby’s jocular manner.

“I think you’re making light of a very serious situation,” she said, to which Mr. Cosby replied: “That may very well be.”

Interest in Mr. Cosby’s deposition grew this month when a federal judge unsealed a 62-page memorandum of law in the case, which had been settled in 2006. The memorandum contained excerpts from the deposition, including Mr. Cosby’s acknowledgment that he had obtained quaaludes as part of his effort to have sex with women.

The parties have been prohibited from releasing the memorandum because of a confidentiality clause that was part of the settlement agreement, but the deposition itself was never sealed. This month, Ms. Constand’s lawyer asked the court to lift the confidentiality clause so her client would be free to release the nearly 1,000-page deposition transcript. The Times later learned that the transcript was already publicly available through a court reporting service.

Mr. Cosby has never been charged with a crime and has repeatedly denied the accusations of sexual assault, now leveled by dozens of women. David Brokaw, Mr. Cosby’s publicist, and Ms. Troiani did not respond to requests for comment on Saturday. In three suits, women who accused Mr. Cosby of sexual misconduct are pursuing civil claims against him. In addition, the Los Angeles police have said they are reviewing a complaint of a sexual nature against Mr. Cosby.

Continue reading the main story
While Mr. Cosby describes encounters with numerous women through the course of his deposition, it is through his long and detailed descriptions of his relationship with Ms. Constand, who is much younger, that Mr. Cosby’s attitudes, proclivities and approach to women are most clearly revealed. Ms. Constand was present for at least some of Mr. Cosby’s testimony in the Rittenhouse Hotel in Philadelphia.

An Interest Piqued

First spotting her at Temple University in the early 2000s, Mr. Cosby said he felt romantic interest immediately (“She’s good-looking”), and began a relationship that led, in his telling, to dinners and more.

Asked how he wooed her, Mr. Cosby, who has been married since 1964, responded: “Inviting her to my house, talking to her about personal situations dealing with her life, growth, education.”

He painted his relationship with Ms. Constand as one of mentor and mentee, casting himself in the role of an experienced guide and offering her the benefit of his contacts, fame and experience.

Left to right, Rebecca Lynn Neal, Gloria Allred, a lawyer, and Beth Ferrier. Ms. Neal and Ms. Ferrier were witnesses in a 2005 lawsuit brought by Andrea Constand accusing Bill Cosby of sexual battery. Credit Frederic J. Brown/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
At times he described becoming frustrated after Ms. Constand failed to follow his advice, such as when he wanted her to pursue her interest in sports broadcasting by calling someone and she did not. “Here’s a mentor, Bill Cosby, who is in the business, Bill Cosby, who happens to know something about what to do and Andrea is not picking up on it,” he said.

Ms. Constand ultimately went to the police to complain of Mr. Cosby’s behavior, but in his telling, his seduction was one of persistence and patience.

Early on in his courtship, he arranged an intimate meal alone with her at his Pennsylvania home, complete with Cognac, dimmed lights and a fire, he said. At one point he led her to his back porch, out of sight from his chef. “I take her hair and I pull it back and I have her face like this,” he said. “And I’m talking to her ...And I talked to her about relaxing, being strong. And I said to her, come in, meaning her body.”

But the two remained inches apart, he said, and he did not try to kiss her because he did not sense she wanted him to. Nevertheless, at the next dinner he said they had what he described as a “sexual moment,” short of intercourse. He described her afterward as having “a glow.”

Expounding on his philosophy about sex, Mr. Cosby said he tended to refrain from intercourse because he did not want women to fall in love with him. To him, he said, the act of sexual intercourse “is something that I feel the woman will succumb to more of a romance and more of a feeling, not love, but it’s deeper than a playful situation.” As far as he and Ms. Constand went, he said, they were “playing sex, we’re playing, petting, we’re playing.”

Was he in love with her? “No.”

Yet the friendship endured for a few years, until one night at his Pennsylvania home, when Ms. Constand said Mr. Cosby drugged and molested her.

Mr. Cosby said he gave her one and a half tablets of Benadryl to relieve stress, they kissed and had sexual contact. Her lawyer said she believed it was a much more powerful drug.

Some time later, after Ms. Constand had moved home to Canada, Mr. Cosby spoke with Ms. Constand’s mother on the telephone. The mother, he said, was upset about what her daughter said Mr. Cosby had done, describing the experience as “a mother’s nightmare.”

In the deposition, he said he was worried that Ms. Constand’s mother would think of him as a “dirty old man.”

During the call, Mr. Cosby told the deposing lawyers, he wanted Ms. Constand to tell her mother “about the orgasm” so that she would realize it was consensual.

“Tell your mother about the orgasm. Tell your mother how we talked,” he said he remembered thinking.

Subsequently, concerned that Ms. Constand and her mother might seek to embarrass him, he said he offered to help pay for Ms. Constand’s further education. Years earlier, he offered to reward another woman, Therese Serignese, whom he had met at the Las Vegas Hilton in 1976, with money as a bonus for good grades.

Hiding His Behavior

It is difficult to say to what extent Mr. Cosby’s wife, Camille, was aware of her husband’s womanizing, though it was certainly clear to her by 1997, when Mr. Cosby acknowledged an affair. Mrs. Cosby suggested at the time that there had been marital problems but they had put them behind them.

Mr. Cosby performing in Florida in November. Credit Phelan M. Ebenhack/Associated Press
Still, in the deposition, Mr. Cosby, 78, described going to some lengths to hide his behavior, blocking a magazine article to avoid publicity and funneling money to one woman through his agent so “Mrs. Cosby” wouldn’t find out.

In the case of Ms. Constand, who never sought any funds, Mr. Cosby said he imagined his wife would have known he was helping with her education. But, he said, “My wife would not know it was because Andrea and I had had sex and that Andrea was now very, very upset and that she decided that she would like to go to school.”

While Mr. Cosby insists the only drug he gave Ms. Constand was Benadryl, he is open about his access in the 1970s to quaaludes, a sedative also popular as a party drug.

He said he obtained seven prescriptions for them over two to three years from a doctor in Los Angeles, ostensibly for a sore back but in reality to give to women.

He admits to giving young women quaaludes at that time “the same as a person would say have a drink,” he said, but not without their knowledge.

Though he portrayed the drug-taking and sex as consensual, Mr. Cosby — when asked whether Ms. Serignese was in a position to consent to sexual intercourse after he gave her quaaludes in 1976 — said: “I don’t know.”

Joseph Cammarata, a lawyer for Ms. Serignese and two other women who are suing Mr. Cosby for defamation, said of the deposition: “This information is important because it sheds light on the private practices of a man who holds himself out as a public moralist.”

A Life of Wealth

During the questioning, Mr. Cosby cast himself as a sensitive and attentive supporter of Ms. Constand, though his tone changed when addressing Ms. Constand in the present tense.

Asked by Ms. Constand’s lawyer about how he felt when Ms. Constand cried during her own deposition, Mr. Cosby was unsparing: “I think Andrea is a liar and I know she’s a liar because I was there. I was there.”

And he could be dispassionate in recalling former relationships. With a woman named Beth Ferrier, a model he met in the 1980s, he recalled inquiring after her career and her father, who had died of cancer.

“Did you ask her those questions because you wanted to have sexual contact with her?” Ms. Troiani asked.

“Yes,” Mr. Cosby responded.

Still, he said he viewed himself as a good person, worthy of trust, and chivalrous in his desire to never tell others about the women with whom he had sex.

“I am a man, the only way you will hear about who I had sex with is from the person I had it with,” he said.

In some passages, Mr. Cosby offered a glimpse into a life long insulated by perks and wealth. Some idiosyncrasies are revealed, like his penchant for sweatpants (he had at least 100, he said), how he used the name Seymour Rapaport as an alias in the 1970s and 1980s when he traveled, and how many of his employees signed confidentiality agreements.

In the deposition, Mr. Cosby described sexual liaisons — he sometimes calls them rendezvous — with at least five women, and having a “romantic” interest in two more, in locations like Denver, Las Vegas and New York and Pennsylvania, in hotels or in one of his homes.

In the court case, 13 women came forward with anonymous sworn statements to support Ms. Constand, saying that they, too, had been molested in some way by Mr. Cosby. But they never had a chance to pursue their claims in court because, six months after the fourth and final day of his deposition, Mr. Cosby settled the case with Ms. Constand on undisclosed terms. His deposition was filed away, another document in a settled court case, until now.

i will not let finite disappointment undermine infinite hope
- Cory Booker

Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes, and at the end the Germans always win
- Gary Lineker


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Sat Jul-18-15 10:09 PM

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217. "Textbook G shit"
In response to Reply # 216



During the call, Mr. Cosby told the deposing lawyers, he wanted Ms. Constand to tell her mother “about the orgasm” so that she would realize it was consensual.

“Tell your mother about the orgasm. Tell your mother how we talked,” he said he remembered thinking.

Subsequently, concerned that Ms. Constand and her mother might seek to embarrass him, he said he offered to help pay for Ms. Constand’s further education.

Oh, and check post #99 y'all. It was some realness there

I'm riding with innocent until PROVEN guilty but I still ain't forgot about Cos throwing shade at the Black man.

I'm going to watch a ep of Different World tonight and I'm having a veggie dog at Ben's when I'm back in the DMV

Don't cheat!


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218. "Excerpts From Bill Cosby’s Deposition"
In response to Reply # 0



Excerpts From Bill Cosby’s Deposition
Over the course of four days in 2005 and 2006, Bill Cosby answered questions posed to him by a lawyer for a woman, Andrea Constand, who said Mr. Cosby had drugged and molested her. In the questioning, conducted by Ms. Constand’s lawyer, Dolores M. Troiani, Mr. Cosby denied that he had sexually assaulted Ms. Constand or other women who surfaced during that case with their own accounts of being preyed upon by Mr. Cosby. But he did acknowledge that he had used powerful sedatives to lure women for sex and employed multiple strategies to keep his wife, Camille, from finding out. JULY 18, 2015 RELATED ARTICLE

Views on Women and Sex

After describing what he depicts as a sexual encounter with Andrea Constand, Mr. Cosby explains in part why he viewed it as consensual.

I walk her out. She does not look angry. She does not say to me, don’t ever do that again. She doesn’t walk out with an attitude of a huff, because I think that I’m a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things, whatever you want to call them.
Asked if he ever talked with anyone else about what he described as his physical interaction with Ms. Constand, Mr. Cosby says he never discusses such things.

I am a man, the only way you will hear about who I had sex with is from the person I had it with.

Q. Why is that?

A. When I was a boy it was a thing that girls used to say, please don’t tell anybody. But it is something that I’ve learned as you grow older that they’re the first people to go and tell somebody after something has happened.
Mr. Cosby was asked to talk about his relationship with Beth Ferrier, one of the women who has accused him of drugging her. Ms. Ferrier has said that in the mid-1980s, after a brief consensual affair with the entertainer had ended, she met him before a performance in Denver, drank some coffee that he gave her, felt woozy and woke up in a car with her clothes a mess and her bra undone.

Q. What was your relationship with her?

A. We had sex and we had dinners and sex and rendezvous.

Q. What are rendezvous?

A. Rendezvous is when you call somebody and say, do you want to be at such and such and they say yes and you go there.

Q. Is there sexual contact associated with the rendezvous?

A. There was with Beth every time.

Q. Where did these rendezvous occur?

A. I don’t remember.

Q. Do you know the cities?

A. Denver for sure.

Q. Do you know if any of the rendezvous happened in New York City?

A. I don’t remember.

Q. How did it end with her?

A. Stopped calling for rendezvous.

Q. You stopped?

A. Yes.

Q. Why?

A. Just moving on.

Q. What does that mean?

A. Don’t want to see her anymore.
After some debate with Mr. Cosby’s lawyer, Ms. Troiani continued her questioning:

Q. You said just moving on. What did you mean by that?

A. Changing.

Q. Had you decided to stop having extramarital affairs?

A. No.
Later Ms. Troiani asked Mr. Cosby to respond to Ms. Ferrier’s account of an earlier time when, after a dinner in Manhattan, she went back to Mr. Cosby’s New York City home with several people and stayed behind when the other people left.

Q. She says that she stayed with you and that you began talking about her career and asking about her father who had died of cancer. Does any of that ring a bell with you?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you remember talking about that?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you remember what else you talked about?

A. That’s enough.

Q. Did you ask her those questions because you wanted to have sexual contact with her?

A. Yes.
Obtaining Drugs

Mr. Cosby acknowledges in the deposition that he secured seven prescriptions for Quaaludes in the 1970s over a period of two to three years from a Los Angeles doctor. He says that, while he told the doctor he had a sore back, he imagined that the doctor understood that he was not using them to treat his pain.

Q. You testified that he knew you were not going to take them. And I’d like to -- explain your answer. How did he know that, or why do you say he knew that?

A. What was happening at that time was that that was -- Quaaludes happen to be the drug that kids, young people were using to party with and there were times when I wanted to have them just in case.
Mr. Cosby says he never took the Quaaludes himself because they made him sleepy and because he was using them in his efforts to have sex with women. He also says that, with the exception of one glass of beer, he stopped drinking alcohol when he was 16.

Q. Why didn’t you ever take the Quaaludes?

A. Because I used them.

Q. For what?

A. The same as a person would say have a drink.
A Testy Defendant

Though he shows flashes of jocularity, Mr. Cosby is often testy under questioning, as in one sequence where Ms. Troiani asks him about the account of Therese Serignese, who says she could not have consented to the sex she had with Mr. Cosby one night in Las Vegas because she was incapacitated after taking Quaaludes he had given her. Mr. O’Connor, below, is Patrick O’Connor, Mr. Cosby’s lawyer.

Now, would you agree with me if she’s right that this incident of you meeting her when she was 19, then you would be in your late 30s, early 40s at that time?

MR. O’CONNOR: Well, it’s 1976.

THE WITNESS: I was born in 1937.

MS. TROIANI: Q. Would you agree with me that would place you around 39, 40?

A. Do the math.
In another instance, Ms. Troiani, after some debate with Mr. O’Connor about her line of questioning, asks Mr. Cosby about his state of mind after getting off the telephone with Ms. Serignese years later.

Q. Now, what do you think about? Do you have a problem answering that question?

A. I was waiting for you to stop talking.

Q. Okay. What did you think about?

A. Am I allowed to think?
Mr. Cosby at one point acknowledges to Ms. Troiani that his chef met Andrea Constand when she visited Mr. Cosby’s Pennsylvania home, and Ms. Troiani proceeds to ask some questions about the chef.

Q. Have you spoken to him about the accusations that Andrea has made in this case?

A. Yes.

Q. When was that?

A. I don’t recall.

Q. What was the conversation?

A. My lawyers wanted to talk to him.

Q. Did you say anything else to him?

A. No.

Q. Why did he leave your employ?

A. That’s confidential.

Q. What do you mean it’s confidential?

A. Look it up in the dictionary. I’m getting a little tired.
Hiding From His Wife

At several junctures in the deposition, Mr. Cosby describes how he tried to keep his wife, Camille, from finding out about the women he had been pursuing and, by his account, having sex with. In one instance, he describes how he once planned to pay for Ms. Constand’s educational expenses, not through a foundation he had established that provides education grants, but by “our writing a check.”

Q. And our being who?

A. The family.

Q. Would your wife know about that?

A. That’s family. My wife would not know it was because Andrea and I had had sex and that Andrea was now very, very upset and that she decided that she would like to go to school or whatever it is. We can get back on track.

Q. How would you explain to your wife that you were giving this personally as opposed to using the foundation?

A. I would say to her that there is a person I would like to help.
At another point, Mr. Cosby describes how he routed a payment to Therese Serignese, the woman who said she had been taken advantage of while drugged in Las Vegas, through his agent at the William Morris Agency. He says the agency sent Ms. Serignese $5,000 and he reimbursed them.

Q. And did that come from your personal account or from the business?

A. That’s from my personal account.

Q. So, was the purpose of that to disguise --

A. Yes.

Q. I have to finish my question. Was to disguise that you were paying the money to Theresa?

A. Yes.

Q. And the reason you were doing -- who were you preventing from knowing that?

A. Mrs. Cosby.

i will not let finite disappointment undermine infinite hope
- Cory Booker

Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes, and at the end the Germans always win
- Gary Lineker


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219. "Hes a damn trip"
In response to Reply # 218




stand ur ground, believe in urself,
believe in love, prepare urself for love, remove the negativity from ur life, and accept the love u kno u deserve


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Mon Jul-20-15 01:08 PM

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220. "i am disgusted."
In response to Reply # 218



fuck you.


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238. "What a wasted existence. "
In response to Reply # 220



All that money and prestige and opportunity to do real good.
But instead spends a majority of his time drugging women, raping women, moving money for cover ups, lying, hiding, etc. Shit sounds way immature, destructive, and overly stressful ... how a man with that many demons didn't keel over and have a heart attack already is beyond me.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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221. "DL Hughley says he did it. Sway Interview"
In response to Reply # 0



based on what he said, maybe IDK now


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222. "spot on"
In response to Reply # 221
Thu Jul-23-15 01:14 PM by thegodcam




i will not let finite disappointment undermine infinite hope
- Cory Booker

Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes, and at the end the Germans always win
- Gary Lineker


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Thu Jul-23-15 01:42 PM

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223. "a video? I don't have time to listen to dl hughley"
In response to Reply # 221


if someone posts the transcripts maybe I'll look. but why would I nee DL hughley's take? has anyone asked what Ja Rule thinks? - the other stuff i'm looking at


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224. "Maybe you should've watched the video before making"
In response to Reply # 223
Thu Jul-23-15 02:52 PM by csuave03



the Ja Rule comparison. Or at least ask for a breakdown

Then again, you've repeatedly made it obvious that you don't much care for factual data

Do you


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225. "im pretty sure that was sarcasm"
In response to Reply # 224



i will not let finite disappointment undermine infinite hope
- Cory Booker

Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes, and at the end the Germans always win
- Gary Lineker


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Thu Jul-23-15 06:44 PM

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227. "I have factual data"
In response to Reply # 224


accusations of 40+ women.

DL hughley neither adds to or subtracts from 40 people b.

if he has something important to say, someone will type it out.

I'll live. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Thu Jul-23-15 05:41 PM

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226. "DL is disgusted by Cos and has told him so."
In response to Reply # 223



During a radio interview a few hrs ago, even. And Cos had that interview suppressed - it never aired.

fuck you.


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228. "so the same stuff everyone has said"
In response to Reply # 226



after seeing the AP video I dunno why THIS would push anyone over the edge, but some people are just especially delusional - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Sep 18th 2002
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Thu Jul-23-15 08:17 PM

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229. "Over engineering never hurts....."
In response to Reply # 228



"Get ready..for your blessing..."


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Thu Jul-23-15 09:44 PM

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230. "if there were just one, sure. there are 40."
In response to Reply # 229


if you hear 40 women say something and you're like "nah"

then DL Hughley says "he was kind of a dick when I brought it up" and you're like, wow, maybe it really happened BRO YOU'RE A MISOGYNIST THINK IT OVER - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Thu Jul-23-15 10:10 PM

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231. "Bill Cosby Forced to Testify on Sexual Assault"
In response to Reply # 0



"You used to be so cool, but now, you know you're so cold"


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Sun Jul-26-15 09:23 PM

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232. "35 Women Tell Their Stories About Being Assaulted by Bill Cosby"
In response to Reply # 0


you know, unless you think DL Hughley is a more reliable source than the actual victims - the other stuff i'm looking at


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233. "Yep sure do nm"
In response to Reply # 232




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Mon Jul-27-15 12:58 AM

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234. "I'm glad you're clear on that."
In response to Reply # 233

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Mon Jul-27-15 08:45 AM

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235. "So far I've already seen "this is a distraction from Sandra Bland" and"
In response to Reply # 232



"Who cares, it's old news."

How else are people going to try and spin this?


12 play and 12 planets are enlighten for all the Aliens to Party and free those on the Sex Planet-maxxx

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Mon Jul-27-15 10:33 AM

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236. "they'd rather listen to DL Hughley"
In response to Reply # 235


so, I assume pretty much anything works - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Mon Jul-27-15 01:51 PM

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237. "Happy to see that you adore him so much"
In response to Reply # 236




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Member since May 05th 2011
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Mon Jul-27-15 02:50 PM

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239. "LMAO.. what did DL do to him? "
In response to Reply # 237


this whole thing is a damn shame.

Will we ever have a famous Black man who goes out gracefully or will they all be killed, torn to pieces or die broke?

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Mon Jul-27-15 03:48 PM

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242. "this has nothing to do with DL Hughley"
In response to Reply # 239


and everything to do with shitty people like y'all - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since May 20th 2007
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Mon Jul-27-15 04:24 PM

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246. "Really?"
In response to Reply # 242



You need to get a horse tranquilizer stat.

Also, watch your mouth


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Mon Jul-27-15 05:09 PM

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249. "watch deez"
In response to Reply # 246


it has nothing to do with DL Hughley or anyone else. it has to do with you being a shitty person. anyone who needs a DL Hughley cosign on anything to figure out what the truth is, should be locked away permanently.

unless of course I am unaware of DL Hughley's lengthy and extensive credentials as an investigator of sex crimes?

ok then. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since May 20th 2007
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Mon Jul-27-15 05:27 PM

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250. "^^^ mousepad mobster"
In response to Reply # 249



Thumb thuggin


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Mon Jul-27-15 05:41 PM

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251. "ask DL Hughley about me"
In response to Reply # 250

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Mon Jul-27-15 03:06 PM

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240. "But why did DL Hughley of all people get you to finally believe these wo..."
In response to Reply # 237




12 play and 12 planets are enlighten for all the Aliens to Party and free those on the Sex Planet-maxxx

XBL: trkc21
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Mon Jul-27-15 03:51 PM

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244. "cuz the dude's a liar and he's finally trying to find a way out"
In response to Reply # 240


of the shitty position he's taken by not believing the evidence directly in front of him. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since May 20th 2007
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Mon Jul-27-15 04:23 PM

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245. "^^^ This is the correct answer, thanks"
In response to Reply # 244



I don't even need to expound now. I'm sure he'll reply to this post with 'yeah, I know that's right!'


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Mon Jul-27-15 03:37 PM

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241. "despite the overwhelming evidence its still crazy how a black man was..."
In response to Reply # 232


able to rape all these white women in the 60's and 70's and get away with it. He wasn't THAT powerful then.

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Mon Jul-27-15 03:50 PM

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243. "a. clearly he was."
In response to Reply # 241


b. you didn't need to be especially powerful then. you don't need to be powerful to do it now. people do not believe women. they didn't then, they don't now. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Jun 28th 2011
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Mon Jul-27-15 04:26 PM

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247. "he had powerful friends."
In response to Reply # 241




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Mon Jul-27-15 04:36 PM

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248. "probably helps that it wasn't considered rape by most folks back then"
In response to Reply # 241



Including a lot of these women he took advantage of

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Mon Jul-27-15 06:33 PM

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252. "that's not that far removed from an era when black men were lynched..."
In response to Reply # 248


for just looking at a white woman.

But I'm guessing Hollywood was a totally different world from all of that.

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Mon Jul-27-15 07:00 PM

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253. "it must be nice to just say stuff"
In response to Reply # 252

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Mon Jul-27-15 07:36 PM

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254. "Cos was actually born a few years before this dude..."
In response to Reply # 253
Mon Jul-27-15 08:02 PM by ThaTruth


"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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