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Topic subjectRE: whether or not someone is a serial rapist
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=190411&mesg_id=190536
190536, RE: whether or not someone is a serial rapist
Posted by ILLwiLL132, Fri Jul-10-15 01:48 PM
>is a weird thing to not care about.

This is just something in the media that is popular there's a post on it so I commented. Why should I have so much care about his situation. I don't get your logic.

>like, on the list of things to care about, you mention your
>but when you hear 40 women have been raped, your response is

My daughters are not any of these women and i don't know any of these women. But like i said in the last message if these things did occur to any of these women then that is highly unfortunate and he should have been sent to prison at the time the events occured but at this point we can't prove any of it so what the fuck?
These women have been coming out of nowhere that doesn't alarm you in anyway. Especially knowing that it's past the statue of limitations for these supposed crimes.
Bro have you seen some of the shit some of these women are saying?

>bruh, be honest with yourself for two minutes. your lies don't
>match up.

What am i lying about sir?
What I'm saying is I really don't care if he's innocent or not. His life has nothing to do with mines so that's why I say that I could care less. What I'm concerned with is people in america and how all of these people are saying that he's guilty when there'e no proof of him being guilty that's all. There's guys with rape cases all across america IDGAF about their cases tf are you talking about? What the hell does someone on trial for rape have to do with my daughters?

>www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at