I wasn't even expecting that much, but given the type of reviews this film was get here and other places, I was expected a pretty good. fairly smart, summer action flick. At worst, I was a sorta dumb, yet fun summer action flick. Well, it was barely the latter.
I don't know, I guess the writing was the problem here, as story-wise this was barely compelling enough to keep me sort of interested in what was going on between the action set-pieces. And if the plot is too dumb to make me care, then at least the action set-pieces consistently have to be some absolute John Blaze shit that I've never seen before. The only ones that came close was the opening scene, and maybe the underwater sequence. Everything else wasn't that special.
I think the main problem here is that Ethan Hunt isn't that interesting of a character. And that's not a knock on Cruise, because I know he's capable of playing were compelling action leads, but Hunt is as dull as off-white paint. I didn't care about Ferguson's character or even believe for a second that this was supposed to be someone that Hunt could possibly "walk away from it all" with. Simon Pegg was the film's highlight. Outside of the committee scene's, Renner was given nothing to do. Same with Rhames, who's looking kinda old and portly these days.
So yeah, IMHO, this film isn't earning M:I passage into the upper echelon of action film franchises. This film may not even be better than M:I 3. -----------------
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