48. "you know, the opera fight might be my favorite M:I set piece." In response to In response to 0
something about the way it coordinated with the music, from start to finish (not just the fight but the whole thing) really resonated with me. that scene and the final negotiation alone almost make me want to see it in theaters again.
I was actually a little surprised how brief the plane stunt was, I was expecting a pretty drawn out scene but it was over in a flash basically.
I appreciate that they essentially doubled down on the Ghost Protocol formula of big bigger biggest, though I'm a little tired of the impossible car wrecks (at least Cruise didn't speed off on a motorcycle after the sand storm crash in GP).
The first is probably still the best, but the way M:I 5 combines the constant plot fuckery of the original, the actually intriguing villain of M:I 3 and the set-piece oriented nature of GP, Rogue Nation might have usurped it as the quintessential M:I film.