Of course. Sorry about that. I tracked down something that I vaguely remembered hearing and then got distracted and forgot to include the link:https://wvpolicy.org/tanf-drug-use-screening-harmful-to-low-income-west-virginians/#:~:text=Drug%20screening%20and%20testing%20in,tested%20positive%20for%20any%20substance.It's a paper arguing against the policy, so its perspective is pretty assertive but everything is cited, etc.If you're interested, here's a link to an article today by Matt Bruenig looking at spending patterns of families receiving child benefits.https://www.peoplespolicyproject.org/2021/12/20/what-to-do-about-very-bad-parents/
______________________________"Walleye, a lot of things are going to go wrong in your life that technically aren't your fault. Always remember that this doesn't make you any less of an idiot"--Walleye's Dad