61. "good luck explaining to your voters why you voted with 200 republicans" In response to In response to 59 Sun Nov-07-21 09:08 PM by Reeq
against a bipartisan bill that has 60% approval (and over *90%* among democrats).
btw bbb is less popular than bif. which is why it was easier to get repub votes in the house and senate for bif but there will be zero for bbb.
explain to me how current dem leadership is out of their element when they got virtually the entire dem caucus to vote for the bill (-6) plus 13 repubs in the house and 10 in the senate. moderates *and* progressives on board.
are the 6 dems who went against their party (including 90+ members of the progressive caucus) in their element? are jayapal, khanna, bernie, katie porter, barbara lee, etc out of their element? how does that work?