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Topic subjectSo what is left in the "human infrastructure" spending bill?
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13446151, So what is left in the "human infrastructure" spending bill?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Oct-27-21 06:16 PM
This thing keeps getting whittled down and kneecapped left and right.

No free community college, no paid parental leave, no major climate things

Every tax proposed to fund the spending gets shot down.

Manchin and Sinema are a menace to Biden and the Democrats agenda.

13446152, If the public likes what they get, they can make sure they vote Dem...
Posted by c71, Wed Oct-27-21 06:30 PM
...to get more...

if the public is "...eh..." about what they get in this bill and get easily swayed back to the GOP...


...any further GOP stuff is going to be the norm.
13446158, legislative version of The Human Fund
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Oct-27-21 07:41 PM
Money For People
13446161, Hopefully they keep expanded CTC, universal preschool, some climate stuff
Posted by calij81, Wed Oct-27-21 10:18 PM
and are able to expand healthcare I will be cool with it.

The hard infrastructure bill also has some money for renewable energy in it.

JC would be cool but I feel like that can be achieved another time with a different bill.

I feel like the Dems should have taken Romney’s deal on the expanded CTC and raising the federal minimum wage to $12 back during the pandemic package because then they could have used the expanded CTC money in this bill for something else and people would be getting a raise on January 1.
13446162, combination of incompetence, corruption, and rotating villain
Posted by Stadiq, Wed Oct-27-21 10:34 PM

>Manchin and Sinema are a menace to Biden and the Democrats

Meh...I mean, fuck these two. But if you follow closely, its not just these two and it is starting to seem like they are playing the villain role in their very safe seats.

Lobbyists are in overdrive, too.

Either way, this is a colossal fuck up in every single way. The GOP couldn't write a better script on how to come back than what has happened the last 3-4 months.

Whatever bill the corporate dems end up agreeing to (half-off little ceasers? means tested of course)....why in the fuck did they not lock it down months ago? In a more private fashion?

How does the party (leadership, Biden, whoever) mange to have no influence or power over the corporate Dems?

Why hasn't someone been out selling this thing? This is where the gaff combo of Joe and Kamala are holding things back. They are both in hiding. But no one else could go out and sell this thing to people?

FDR sold his programs. Who is selling these?

How did they not have a priority list and/or a plan b?

How are they so fucking awful at controlling the story? This thing has been chopped apart piece by piece day by day in front of us all.

How have they managed to let "3 trillion over 10 years" sound scarier than 10 for the military? How?

Why did they wait months for this?

Biden had the juice for a few months...beginning at Afghanistan (sure looks like people cared) his approval has been in the tank. He has no leverage.

Why didn't they start this thing right away?

The fucks ups go way back.

Really?? Sinema? Do they not vet people at all?

NC? Maine? How?

Biden made pretty explicit promises...especially that impact younger voters. He's about to break those promises. This is how young voters give up.

Between this means-tested, scaled back, all-too-public shit show....and nothing on voting rights, abortion, court reform, etc...and no real movement on holding Trump admin accountable.... these consultant-baked dweebs are about to get curb stomped.

They learned NOTHING from 2010. Nothing.

To the average American who doesn't pay attention to cabinet appointments and other nuances in American politics....not much has changed for them other than higher prices and supply chain issues.

Even the child tax credit is about to be a wake up call for some next April.

And ONCE AGAIN the party completely takes BLACK VOTERS for granted.

The thing is...all of the above could be explained with incompetence, but it could also be explained by corruption.

They are always *just short* of delivering help to those who actually need it, but those darn Moderates keep messing things up.

"Dems don't have the votes!"

How is that always the case when they are in power? How are they ALWAYS 1 or 2 votes shy of actually accomplishing shit?

In 2009 they had SIXTY vote SUPER majority and delivered....a Republican-written healthcare bill. Oh, and a weak, pared down stimulus. Thats it.

Not even a public option because Manchin...errr I mean, Leiberman. Always that one villain, aint that a bitch.

They didn't hold W admin accountable. No bankers went to jail. Nothing. They delivered a weak stimulus and a complicated GOP-written healthcare bill that was careful to not actually hurt the profits of the healthcare system.

History is repeating in front of our eyes.

And we will be told to "vote" asked to donate money, time, etc.

Red wave in '22 and President Trump/Cotton/Haley whoever in '24. And guess what? They will definitely nuke the filibuster to pass their agenda.

The party that is pro-coup isn't pro-filibuster. FOH

Its hard not to look at it all and not wonder if Dems really are in on the scam.

13446163, In 2009 the death of Ted Kennedy literally killed the the more ambitious ACA
Posted by calij81, Wed Oct-27-21 10:48 PM
Democrats had 60 votes and Lieberman was an independent at the time. They were going to pass a better ACA but once Kennedy died they needed Lieberman vote and had to water it down to pass it.

As far as GOP killing the filibuster, I doubt they will. If they were going to kill it they would have done so back in 2016-17 when they had the majority to do so and Trump tweeting for them to do so.

I do agree that the democrats have a PR and messaging problem with this and really everything they seem to pass. That has been a consistent problem.

I do wish Kamala or Biden were out there every day talking this up and how important it and how it will help people.

Also, the means tested stuff bothers me as well.
13446164, they are evil but compensated scapegoats for the Dem's agenda
Posted by will_5198, Wed Oct-27-21 11:30 PM
>>Manchin and Sinema are a menace to Biden and the Democrats
13446176, I have to put out there (and I'm not going to debate it) but
Posted by c71, Thu Oct-28-21 06:58 AM
Manchin and Sinema by not switching parties are keeping the Dems in power.

The alternative is Republicans in power

Republicans in power is more than just not getting a certain program

When people think "Republicans in power is 'just'..." then 2000 and 2016 happens and that leads to Alito and Gorsuch, etc...


I have to appreciate Manchin and Sinema not switching parties.
13446188, Political affiliation is just a word.
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Thu Oct-28-21 08:56 AM
What matters is what you vote for. They arent voting with Democrats, which literally means the Democrats dont have the power of the majority. Them not switching means nothing but words and labels.
13446216, power? They are stopping Dems from passing bills
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Oct-28-21 11:00 AM
They are keeping us in power.

they are suppressing power

This is like staying with a cheating SO just so you can say you aren’t single.

13446180, Whittled down to a 1.5T down bill. LOL.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Oct-28-21 07:46 AM
That's larger than Obamacare but okay.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13446184, Over promise, massively under deliver
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Oct-28-21 08:37 AM
They can't even roll back the tax cuts that were voted against by all Democrats in 2017.

It seems like there is barely anything new in the remaining package. Just extensions of existing programs (one more year of child tax credits, some Obamacare stuff).

Far from the ambitious plan than was pitched to the American people
13446205, I think it was more of the mistake of negotiating in public.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Oct-28-21 10:38 AM
It just doesn't seem like they realistically thought they were going to get a 3B+ bill done in the first place.

Not saying this is where they planned to end up all along, but yeah.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13446209, Bidn rann on the 3.5+ trillion bill
Posted by handle, Thu Oct-28-21 10:46 AM
ALL house members understood this.

48 senators agreed too.

But this 1.7 trillion dollar bill, plus the 1.5 trillion bill is exactly 3.5 trillion more than the Republicans proposed or passed when they had power.
13446212, It’s more like $3T to $3.2T but I agree and said as much below
Posted by calij81, Thu Oct-28-21 10:54 AM
13446187, Sinema has recieved $500,000+ from Big Pharma.
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Thu Oct-28-21 08:49 AM
Our political system is an absolute joke. Dems took a massive L on this, courtesy of Sinema and Manchin. Absolute L.
13446189, I blame every last one of you who voted for the lesser evil
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Oct-28-21 09:11 AM
They do this every single damn time

And you all let them

You've been told all you have to do is "vote"

Vote blue no matter who!

And every gatdamn election cycle...this happens

The 2 party system is the problem.

The sooner you all get that and act accordingly...the better

And they gonna do it...again next year in 2022
13446194, We need a viable 3rd party tho.
Posted by spades, Thu Oct-28-21 09:30 AM
13446200, ^
Posted by beeinfinite, Thu Oct-28-21 09:45 AM
13446231, I voted for Biden, not Sinema and Manchin.
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Thu Oct-28-21 12:58 PM
And there was no third option. If i voted for the third option Trump would still be in the White House. Republicans arent dumb enough to vote for a third option, they actually stick together.
13446307, +1 to this and
Posted by sosumi, Fri Oct-29-21 11:05 AM
>And there was no third option. If i voted for the third
>option Trump would still be in the White House. Republicans
>arent dumb enough to vote for a third option, they actually
>stick together.

some states like NY let Dems abuse power to block out those registered as 3rd party from voting in primaries (have closed primaries)

so you end up voting for nonsense in the general if you stick to 3rd party affiliation or you have to do backflip strategies and register for the party you want to disrupt like 1.5 years ahead of time

Black folks do fall in line for Dems like GOP voters fall in line but the wishy washy white ppl mess things up...
13446371, pretty much
Posted by Crash Bandacoot, Fri Oct-29-21 03:17 PM
13446196, I was JUST thinking about this.
Posted by spades, Thu Oct-28-21 09:31 AM
It seems like there ain't gonna be anything else.
13446198, A LOT is still in - and NO REPUB would ever have done it
Posted by handle, Thu Oct-28-21 09:31 AM
You assholes make it sound like they outlawed Christmas and abolished the 14th amendment.

Lots of stuff is out, but lots is still in. And it's not done yet.

And if Republicans had 51 NONE of this would happen. ZERO. NONE OF IT.

#1:Subsidized child care that caps what parents pay at 7% of their income, which is funded for 6 years.

#2:A one-year extension of the current expanded Child Tax Credit, which impacts approximately 35 million households nationwide.

#3:Expanded tax credits for 10 years for utility and residential clean energy, including electric vehicles.

#4:Extend the current, pandemic-related Affordable Care Act subsidies for 4 years.

#5: Universal preschool for all 3- and 4-year olds, which is funded for at least 6 years.

#6:Earned Income Tax Credit for 17 Million Low-Wage Workers: Extend for one year the current expanded Earned Income Tax Credit for childless workers.

Stop Profitable Corporations from Paying Zero in Tax and Stop Rewarding Corporations That Buyback Stock Rather than Invest in the Company
• 15% Corporate Minimum Tax on Large Corporations
• 1% Surcharge on Corporate Stock Buybacks

Stop Rewarding Corporations for Shipping Jobs and Profits Overseas
• Global Minimum Tax: Consistent with OECD and with appropriate effective date for 15%, Country-by-Country
• Penalty Rate for Foreign Corporations Based in Non-Compliant Countries (i.e. Base Erosion and Anti-Abuse Tax)

Ask Highest Income Americans to Pay Their Fair Share
• New Surtax on Multi-Millionaires and Billionaires
• Close Medicare Self-Employment Tax Loophole by Strengthening the Net Investment Income Tax for Those Making Over $400,000
• Continue Limitation on Excess Business Losses

More here: https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/28/politics/read-build-back-better-plan/index.html

13446201, im just hoping they pass it soon
Posted by mista k5, Thu Oct-28-21 09:48 AM
there is definitely good stuff in there.

if they roll it out right it has the potential to be a major selling point on voting for more dems in the midterms. right now it isnt since theres so much focus on whats being cut and the back and forth battles. once its in place i think people will mostly forget about that.
13446206, The only thing in there that resonates is subsidized childcare and Pre-K
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Oct-28-21 10:42 AM
One year extensions to tax credits aren't big changes. It's definitely not Building Back Better.

The removal of Paid Parental Leave from the package was huge. I think that is something that really could have energized folks
13446211, I agree with all this. People act like the GQP would pass something like this
Posted by calij81, Thu Oct-28-21 10:52 AM
When was the last time the GQP or Democrats passed a bill like this in our lifetime?

This plus the hard infrastructure bill and that is $3T passed that will help a lot of people. Especially if you live in a Democratic state that has its own progressive bills passing because federal dollar matched with state/local and non profit dollars can get a lot of things done.
13446295, Exactly. Read the details for yourselves
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Oct-29-21 08:58 AM
Fuck these talking head insufferable influencer bros
13446199, the democrats sell pipe dreams to grab power
Posted by beeinfinite, Thu Oct-28-21 09:44 AM
and after they slowly go back to business as usual
13446202, Negotiated with themselves…and still Lost
Posted by bentagain, Thu Oct-28-21 09:54 AM
I’ve seen this movie before
Lemmeno when we’re ready to turn the channel
13446203, 50 REPUBLICANS against. 48 DEMS pushing for EVERYTHING
Posted by handle, Thu Oct-28-21 10:21 AM
And shit is going to get done. Not ALL the shit - but some it.

So you're saying they are the same????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
13446218, i dont think anyone is saying nothing is better than something
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Oct-28-21 11:17 AM
13446235, Big Head Bin is saying exactly that in #12.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Oct-28-21 02:18 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13446346, 3rd party guy?
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Oct-29-21 12:54 PM
yeah.. while I would like to see a third party it aint happening
13446312, literally every time the dems get power from Clinton, onward
Posted by kayru99, Fri Oct-29-21 11:21 AM
same script, same playbook
and rubes keep falling for it
13446298, i see how dictators rise to power in democracies now.
Posted by Reeq, Fri Oct-29-21 10:06 AM
one side is bickering about wonky policy and obstructing their own agenda while the other side is just straight changing election laws and and launching unpunished insurrections.

youll always be at a disadvantage when your side still cares about governing and the other side just cares about getting/keeping power and destroying you.
13446305, Our democracy is looking brittle as hell.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Oct-29-21 10:49 AM
Like it looks like only a matter of time before it happens here.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13446308, and both sides are letting radicals into the game
Posted by beeinfinite, Fri Oct-29-21 11:15 AM
13446310, ^^Watch this troll account
Posted by handle, Fri Oct-29-21 11:16 AM
9 days registered and 45 shit posts.
13446311, i noticed that too.
Posted by Reeq, Fri Oct-29-21 11:18 AM
posting youtube videos from russell brand who has become a right wing troll.
13446347, Denny back
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Oct-29-21 12:56 PM
13446361, ahhh.
Posted by Reeq, Fri Oct-29-21 02:19 PM
13446365, yup
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Fri Oct-29-21 02:43 PM
13447233, ohhhh shit nm
Posted by vik, Sun Nov-07-21 12:36 PM
13446373, ...
Posted by Crash Bandacoot, Fri Oct-29-21 03:19 PM
13446375, Here is where the lie is.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Oct-29-21 03:28 PM
Of course both sides have radicals. They always have and always will.

The difference is the Radicals of the Right are running the party and government!

that's a huge difference. Even AOC at her most radical-ist doesn't compare to a Trump or a Di Santis or a George Bush even. The Right Radicals in Charge literally are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and Millions of people in other countries.

SO GFOHWTBS Both Sideism.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13446392, RE: Here is where the lie is.
Posted by beeinfinite, Fri Oct-29-21 07:41 PM
>Of course both sides have radicals. They always have and
>always will.


>The difference is the Radicals of the Right are running the
>party and government!

biden opened the doors to left wing radicals to earn more of the vote. the democratic party is going to pay the price for that move for generations. the impact of this decision are already clear and causing massive systemic issues. the right has it's own radical problem as well that it needs to address which is tainting the conservative ideology. i don't see a good outcome for either party, and believe it's going to get much worse in the years to come. both parties have a lot of house cleaning to do.

>that's a huge difference. Even AOC at her most radical-ist
>doesn't compare to a Trump or a Di Santis or a George Bush

AOC is radical lite, but most of all, she's phony, naive, and inexperienced.

in what way is trump or desantis radical? put it into words.

The Right Radicals in Charge literally are responsible
>for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and
>Millions of people in other countries.

i think you need to expand on this with some context as i believe it's dead wrong. going backward in time, under obama, the US has been at war for 2,687 days. that's longer than bush or any other president in history. obama conducted airstrikes on 7 countries, that's 3 more than bush. how many wars did trump start or encourage? there are many democratic and republican presidents who started wars and continued to engage in war after taking office. i think this is a side of politics that we will never have access to. after a certain point, there are no republican or democratic interests, but simply american interests, evident by the fact that republican and democratic presidents have started and continued wars after their respective terms have ended.
13447235, lmao
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Nov-07-21 12:42 PM
>in what way is trump or desantis radical? put it into words.

The attempted coup was not radical ?
13447311, it wasn't a coup it was a riot
Posted by beeinfinite, Mon Nov-08-21 01:51 PM
calling it a coup is laughable
13447350, Don't try to whitewash it, alt right.
Posted by Lurkmode, Mon Nov-08-21 06:49 PM
>calling it a coup is laughable

Yeah this is real funny


13447360, i guess your link solves everything right?
Posted by beeinfinite, Mon Nov-08-21 10:56 PM
go on a journey through history and take a look at what a real coup looks like. do you think that at any point in history you needed a liberal academic group to determine whether a coup was a coup?

we live in the ultra sensitive era, you can't even say that only a woman can give birth without people losing their minds over it. these are the same people who would call this a coup, shocking.

13447377, and let's not pretend
Posted by beeinfinite, Tue Nov-09-21 08:15 AM
the media and the establishment didn't do everything in their power to demonize and remove trump

you'd have to be deaf and blind to miss that
13447500, Lmao No your counter argument solves everything.
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue Nov-09-21 08:25 PM
>go on a journey through history and take a look at what a
>real coup looks like.

That "liberal academic group" wasted all that time, when you had the answer to the question, is it accurate to call Jan 6 a coup ? No it's not if you go on a journey through history and take a look..." roflmao

>we live in the ultra sensitive era, you can't even say that
>only a woman can give birth without people losing their minds
>over it. these are the same people who would call this a coup,

Those pesky ultra sensitive era people who

"assembled a team of six researchers familiar with the criteria who reviewed a range of publicly available information sources. The six researchers made independent reviews, then compared notes with each other. The determination required unanimous consensus across all six researchers."

fit you description.

Who knew except you, that it was the media and the establishment making Trump tweet nonsense and ridiculous comments. The evil media and establishment forced him to hire and fire horrible people during his 4 years. They made him lie.

13447536, it wasn't a coup
Posted by beeinfinite, Wed Nov-10-21 12:00 PM
>That "liberal academic group" wasted all that time, when you
>had the answer to the question, is it accurate to call Jan 6
>a coup ? No it's not if you go on a journey through history
>and take a look..." roflmao

laugh if you want, but if you actually studied any of the real coup's that took place you would realize that they are incredibly bloody, violent, and premeditated, and are backed by military power

jan 6 was a riot that got out of hand

>Those pesky ultra sensitive era people who
>"assembled a team of six researchers familiar with the
>criteria who reviewed a range of publicly available
>information sources. The six researchers made independent
>reviews, then compared notes with each other. The
>determination required unanimous consensus across all six
>fit you description.

lol, as if you actually believe this has any relevance. i can provide you with researchers that deemed it wasn't a coup. what do you think that will prove? only that you chose to uphold a narrative from one side of the spectrum.

>Who knew except you, that it was the media and the
>establishment making Trump tweet nonsense and ridiculous
>comments. The evil media and establishment forced him to hire
>and fire horrible people during his 4 years. They made him

trump is the only politician who has ever been guilty of a lie. you got me there.

if you actually believe the media treated trump's presidency fairly, you're living on fantasy island.


ultraviolet is used to disinfect and fight viruses, and tech is being developed which function in the way trump was musing about. all innovation begins with an idea.

13447635, That's right it was not a coup. It was a Patriot Purge
Posted by Lurkmode, Wed Nov-10-21 07:59 PM
>laugh if you want, but if you actually studied any of the real
>coup's that took place you would realize that they are
>incredibly bloody, violent, and premeditated, and are backed
>by military power

Fiona Hill addressed your concerns


>jan 6 was a riot that got out of hand

That's all it is a riot that got out of and hand and spilled over into "an organized, illegal attempt to intervene in the presidential transition by displacing the power of the Congress to certify the election,”

>lol, as if you actually believe this has any relevance. i can
>provide you with researchers that deemed it wasn't a coup.
>what do you think that will prove? only that you chose to
>uphold a narrative from one side of the spectrum.

You want to talk about relevance after used every smoke and mirror deflection you could toss out. " journey through history' and "liberal academic" not to mention "you can't even say that only a woman can give birth without..."

a narrative from one side lol hypocrite much?

>trump is the only politician who has ever been guilty of a
>lie. you got me there.

That doesn't work every politician who lied does not make it ok for Trump to lie and does not prove the media and the establishment made him him lie or do everything I listed that you avoided.

>if you actually believe the media treated trump's presidency
>fairly, you're living on fantasy island.

Once again the media did not make Trump go on Twitter or do everything I listed that you avoided.

>ultraviolet is used to disinfect and fight viruses, and tech
>is being developed which function in the way trump was musing
>about. all innovation begins with an idea.

lmao the Trump cult
13447637, it was a riot
Posted by beeinfinite, Wed Nov-10-21 09:18 PM
>Fiona Hill addressed your concerns

are you serious? she testified against trump, you think she's going to be impartial and objective?

>>jan 6 was a riot that got out of hand
>That's all it is a riot that got out of and hand and spilled
>over into "an organized, illegal attempt to intervene in the
>presidential transition by displacing the power of the
>Congress to certify the election,”

lol @ organized. which part of it was organized? you don't think a legitimate faction that was planning a coup couldn't do better than a guy dressed up as a shaman? this is the type of truth twisting rhetoric that has destroyed journalism. hard to believe anyone even buys it but here we are.

>You want to talk about relevance after used every smoke and
>mirror deflection you could toss out. " journey through
>history' and "liberal academic" not to mention "you can't even
>say that only a woman can give birth without..."

what did I say that isn't factual?

even the Washington Post doesn't think this was a coup:


it doesn't meet the strict definition of a coup as outlined here:


the only people calling this a coup are political instigators who are attempting to delegitimize trump and his supporters.

>a narrative from one side lol hypocrite much?

I'm not arguing on behalf of trump supporters, I am arguing in benefit of the raw and strict definition of a coup. facts have nothing to do with opinions and feelings, unfortunately, the media often attempts to obscure facts and objective definitions with emotionally instigating hyperbole.

>That doesn't work every politician who lied does not make it
>ok for Trump to lie and does not prove the media and the
>establishment made him him lie or do everything I listed that
>you avoided.

do you want to have a separate discussion about trump cause I'll be happy to.

what exactly did trump do that was illegal, unconstitutional, or which was designed to hurt the people?

they accused him of colluding with Russian and threw the most humorless boycott they could find to prove it, and what did mueller find? nothing

how many times did they drag him to court for a farce impeachment?

how many times did they accuse him of having dementia?

how many times did they call him racist?

has there ever been any proof of the above?

now let's talk about Biden.

Biden's investments in China, and scheming in Ukraine.
do you think they are gong to bring out Mueller to investigate it?

how about Biden's mental well being? journalists literally complete his sentences for him when he forgets where he is or what he's talking about. remember when trump slurred a word and cnn brought out a panel of "experts" to state it was undeniable proof of dementia?
do you think they are going to bring out a panel to discuss Biden's clear mental decline?

what do you think would happen if hunter Bidens laptop and its contents belonged to trump jr?
do you think the media would dismiss it as conspiracies and refuse to talk about it?

how about Biden's approval rating? hear anything about that?
how about his policy's that were designed for the "people" to build back better, where are those?
how about his massive fuck up in Afghanistan?

the bias is clear. all trump is guilty off is being an asshole, but no-one can connect him to a single crime or betrayal of the people.

to top it off they banned him on twitter and everyone cheered. a company privatized free speech and people think this is a step forward? it's all fun and games until they come for your free speech too. luckily for you, you're spewing the wind up stuff they designed for you.

the media is a joke. trump wasn't a good old boy. he did not want to go to war. he wanted to take a stand against china, he wanted to build a bridge to North Korea and Russia. all excellent ideas towards peace, but fuck that right? let's give a Nobel peace prize to obama instead:

obama holds the American record for president who has been at war for the longest. tens of thousands of innocent people died in attacks he carried about against 7 nations with drone strikes.

definitely deserving of a Nobel peace prize right? lol

obama was hailed a hero, but he bailed out the banks and not the people when the real estate market crashed. all of them walked away with bonuses when people's lives were ruined.

under obama pandemic preparedness was completely neglected. trump's administration is responsible for operation warp speed which has literally saved the world from much higher numbers of sick and dying.

those are facts you can verify.

>Once again the media did not make Trump go on Twitter or do
>everything I listed that you avoided.

what did trump do that was so wrong? can you put any of it into words/facts that can be verified or are you going to tell me about the time he was mean on twitter?

>>ultraviolet is used to disinfect and fight viruses, and tech
>>is being developed which function in the way trump was
>>about. all innovation begins with an idea.
>lmao the Trump cult

way to dismiss innovation in medical technology that is actually being developed with 4 words because it completely undermines the mocking tone of your video. try to face facts.
13450444, Colin Powell, troll.
Posted by IsaIsaIsa, Mon Dec-20-21 06:48 PM


13446354, "both sides" lolololol
Posted by Brew, Fri Oct-29-21 01:48 PM
The lowest of the low political discourse.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Nov-09-21 01:13 AM
13446395, jill stein would never
Posted by Brotha Sun, Fri Oct-29-21 09:04 PM
13447222, RE: jill stein would never get elected
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Nov-07-21 08:34 AM
why are we talking about jill stein of all people right now lmao
13447013, "Nobody elected him (Biden) to be FDR"
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Nov-04-21 05:25 PM
You think that's a true statement?
I think there's a kernel of truth here. The 2020 election was more about getting Trump out the paint than anything else.

Nevertheless, this has been the basis of the democrat's platform for years. So they have a duty to implement it whenever they get the opportunity, mandate or not.


More pointedly, Ms. Spanberger said Mr. Biden must not forget that, for many voters, his mandate was quite limited: to remove former President Donald J. Trump from their television screens and to make American life ordinary again.

“Nobody elected him to be F.D.R., they elected him to be normal and stop the chaos,” she said, alluding to the sweeping agenda the president is seeking to enact with the thinnest of legislative majorities.

13447036, ^^That person is FULL OF SHIT
Posted by handle, Thu Nov-04-21 10:34 PM
Some people voted against Trump.

But Biden was CLEAR about his agenda and promised far more that what is any of these proposals.

She voted against Trump only - but he was HONEST about his plans and what his agenda was.

There is NO NORMAL anymore - the Republican PARTY supported a BLOODY coup attempt and is now lying about election results - it's never going back to whatever she's thinking was normal.
13447079, Yep.
Posted by Brew, Fri Nov-05-21 09:14 AM
13447041, yeah i mean democrats elected him to govern as a democrat.
Posted by Reeq, Fri Nov-05-21 01:05 AM
regardless of who he was up against and how bad they wanted him gone...they still expect biden and congressional dems to enact democrats policies.

the general crux of that platform has been the same for the last 80 years. investments in clean energy, healthcare, workers, mothers/parents, education, etc.

and theres nothing about a legislation that costs a few trillion over 10 years (and is largely paid for) that is more radical than an unfunded tax cut for the wealthy that blew a $2 trillion hole in the deficit in *1* year and stealthily gutted even more of the social safety net by eliminating that investment revenue from the government.
13447272, Another example of why some Dems are dumb as fuck.
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Mon Nov-08-21 09:46 AM
If they stick to this "everything is about Donald Trump" shit the Republicans will wipe the floor in the mid-terms. No one gives a shit about Donald Trump. Was he elected to get rid of Donald Trump? Yes. Did people then say "ok cool life is all good cause he won and Trump is gone?" No. The potholes in my roads and cracking and collapsing bridges beg to differ. Fuck Spamburger
13447181, So what do we think about the bill?
Posted by makaveli, Sat Nov-06-21 07:08 AM
13447198, Are free laptops still included in the bill?
Posted by Kira, Sat Nov-06-21 01:15 PM
Might slide my less fortunate homie $400 to use his voucher and slash that money off an m1 max.
13447230, the squad voted against the 'real' infrastructure bill (bif).
Posted by Reeq, Sun Nov-07-21 12:03 PM
which is stupid.

it was a protest vote because bif didnt move with bbb. but voters dont care about that shit.

now when any of them face a primary...theyre gonna have to run against shit like 'rashida tlaib voted against getting clean water for flint'. and they cant run on the new bridges and roads being built in their districts because they voted against them.

sometimes you gotta put the performative shit aside and think about those folks at home.
13447234, lol
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Nov-07-21 12:40 PM
I doubt they are going to lose a primary over that.
13447256, ever heard of eric cantor?
Posted by Reeq, Sun Nov-07-21 09:00 PM
13447293, god i hated that twerp, but yeah that was crazy
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Nov-08-21 12:20 PM
13447352, His own people the Tea Party helped get him out, right ?
Posted by Lurkmode, Mon Nov-08-21 06:51 PM
Are you saying progressives will vote the squad out over this protest vote ? Nah
13447244, Or the flip side
Posted by Stadiq, Sun Nov-07-21 07:28 PM

Is Pelosi put BBB in danger by going against her
word that the bills would go together.

And by doing so, gave some GOP reps some
potential Ws next year.

The squad are fine. You know that.

They were also consistent- No on BIF unless it
comes with BBB.

If BBB fails, the only “stupid” here is Pelosi.

In fact- either way, if she was going to pull this
shit, why did she wait until after Election Day? Let’s
talk foolish.

More evidence that current Dem leadership are
out of their element.
13447247, ^^This is the right answer
Posted by handle, Sun Nov-07-21 08:24 PM
>Is Pelosi put BBB in danger by going against her
>word that the bills would go together.
So right now the senate can simply walk away from any handshake deal -and 'the squad' has reason to believe they will do jsut that.

>They were also consistent- No on BIF unless it
>comes with BBB.
>If BBB fails, the only “stupid” here is Pelosi.


>In fact- either way, if she was going to pull this
>shit, why did she wait until after Election Day? Let’s
>talk foolish.
>More evidence that current Dem leadership are
>out of their element.
No, I disagree. She was trying to get BOTH bills done and the SENATORS are fucking it up.

Now they panicked and passed one to get the news cycle back on track.

If the BBB passes at 1.75 Trillion it be literally the best possible scenario we could hope for.

If it doesn't then the squad were right.

Pelosi probably got word from some R's that they'd vote for it and that's why the pushed it on the day they did.

"The sqaud" members are going to be targeted HEAVILY next election cycle - believe that EVERY dirty trick and ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD will go to destroy them. Voted yes or no on this would make that NO DIFFERNT.
13447255, good luck explaining to your voters why you voted with 200 republicans
Posted by Reeq, Sun Nov-07-21 08:59 PM
against a bipartisan bill that has 60% approval (and over *90%* among democrats).

btw bbb is less popular than bif. which is why it was easier to get repub votes in the house and senate for bif but there will be zero for bbb.

explain to me how current dem leadership is out of their element when they got virtually the entire dem caucus to vote for the bill (-6) plus 13 repubs in the house and 10 in the senate. moderates *and* progressives on board.

are the 6 dems who went against their party (including 90+ members of the progressive caucus) in their element? are jayapal, khanna, bernie, katie porter, barbara lee, etc out of their element? how does that work?
13447274, Explaining it to you
Posted by handle, Mon Nov-08-21 10:25 AM
>explain to me how current dem leadership is out of their
>element when they got virtually the entire dem caucus to vote
>for the bill (-6) plus 13 repubs in the house and 10 in the
>senate. moderates *and* progressives on board.

The senate HAS to get ever single Dem on board. Those Senate Republicans would have voted against the bill if any DEM voted against it. So they ALL had to be on board and that's why even the BIF got cut down.

>are the 6 dems who went against their party (including 90+
>members of the progressive caucus) in their element? are
>jayapal, khanna, bernie, katie porter, barbara lee, etc out of
>their element? how does that work?

They said what they wanted - AND they stuck to it - -AND they realized that their opposition would NOT doom the bill. Pelosi would have withdrawn the bill to keep it alive if it was to fail. So they didn't have to.

The polls say the progressive caucus is much more aligned with the voters than the centrist are - but it doesn't work that in the actual chambers.

They are doing what their voters want WHILE also not dooming the entire agenda. If they had to vote YES or the bill fails they would have voted YES.

And all the money in the world and all the most toxic trolls and insidious dirty tricks will be used against them regardless of this vote. Can't use this to say they are doomed.
13447280, So it was.....a "performative" vote?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Nov-08-21 11:08 AM
In politics, if you're explaining you are losing.
The simpler the explanation the better.

What is simpler:
(1) I voted to invest in our communities and fix our crumbling infrastructure.


(2) I voted no on infrastructure because I wanted to tie this bill to the BBB bill that has not yet been voted on by the senate. I would have voted yes if 13 republicans voted against it. But since they didn't kill the bill, I voted no.

The typical person isn't following all the vote trading and inside baseball. They are just following end results.

13447284, Motherfucker - I expained it
Posted by handle, Mon Nov-08-21 11:24 AM
It wasn't a fucking performance - it's what they said the would do.

People are going to be bashing them on CRT and why they didn't stop Fauci from experimenting on puppies.

They *may have* caved in and voted for this if they had to, but they said this "We will vote for this when the companion bill is available to vote on."

Fuck all the other shit you are saying - they have voting records showing they aren't in favor of 'CRUMBLING INFRASTRUCTURE!!!"

BTW, even at $3 trillion combined there's no chance it'll fix our "crumbling infrastructure" - this is a band aid. We'd need more like 20 TIRLLION to fix the infrastructure.

They will say "I voted against this bill because it does not guarantee the investment need to fix our crumbling infrastructure and because the companion bill is being held up by people who don't give a fuckl.'

And if the BBB DOESN'T pass then the squad was right.

Time will tell on this one.

13447291, You said "If they had to vote YES or the bill fails....
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Nov-08-21 11:57 AM
<"If they had to vote YES or the bill fails they would have voted YES"

If that's the case, then how is voting NO not a performance?

Voting NO here didn't change the prospects of the BBB bill. It didn't give them any additional leverage or anything.
They just voted NO on a bill they support because the want to be viewed a certain way.
13447355, Pelosi could have held the bill
Posted by handle, Mon Nov-08-21 08:04 PM
What the fuck don’t you understand. As long as the dems control the house the bill could be passed this session . Barring deaths we are a long way from that date.

Pelosi and Biden forced the vote and Jayapal caved. She says she got a handshake deal on the BBB but the squad doesn’t believe it.

There is no leverage to get the BBB passed now at all. 1 dem dies in the senate from a state with a Republican governor and it’s OVER.

The real question is why couldn’t BBB have Been done by now?

The performance is happening in the senate, don’t blame 6 reps who don’t have faith in promises from Manchin and Sienna.

We’ll see what happens, but I see why they distrust the process.

They aren’t actors they are politicians and they thought this was the best chance to get the legislation they want enacted. They didn’t bomb anything.
13447358, Yes. Consistent.
Posted by Stadiq, Mon Nov-08-21 10:14 PM
because the want to
>be viewed a certain way.

So...what's your point exactly?

They voted the way they said they would.

But lets talk more about a handful of reps rather than the party's leadership panicking after VA and bailing on their entire agenda.

Four days after an election.

Lets not talk about Dems having nothing on voting rights. Nothing. No plan.

Nah. Lets talk about a handful of reps who kept their word.
13447357, Do you really believe this stuff? Or is it devils advocate or some shit
Posted by Stadiq, Mon Nov-08-21 10:07 PM
>against a bipartisan bill that has 60% approval (and over
>*90%* among democrats).

Dog, we are talking about their individual districts. They are fine.

They were consistent and did what they say they would do.

Any primary attack from the center would attack them just the same- Handle broke it down well.

You know they are fine. Stop it.

>btw bbb is less popular than bif. which is why it was easier
>to get repub votes in the house and senate for bif but there
>will be zero for bbb.

#1. No shit.

#2 Who gives a shit?

But that is my point. Nancy caved on her word that BIF wouldn't pass without BBB. She caved.

What's worse?

She waited until FOUR DAYS AFTER ELECTION DAY to cave! If the BIF is as popular/powerful as you say...seems like VA could have used that juice last week.

So, why did Nancy cave and why in the unholy fuck did she cave late??

Because she is out of her element here.

VA happened...Dems panicked...and they think delivering a Bipartisan bill is going to help them in a year.

A bill where most of the benefits probably won't be felt for at least a year.

Because Nancy still operates like its the 90s. Like Dems can run on "Bipartisan! yay!" one day...and call the GOP a threat to democracy the next.

Inconsistent, fickle as fuck.

Passing BIF now is no more powerful than passing in 3 weeks or whatever.

She caved. Late, at that.

>explain to me how current dem leadership is out of their
>element when they got virtually the entire dem caucus to vote
>for the bill (-6) plus 13 repubs in the house and 10 in the
>senate. moderates *and* progressives on board.

Are you serious? You really getting defensive over Chuck and Nancy? Damn...

I broke it down above and in several posts, but on this bill specifically....

There are reasons GOP likes this bill, of course. But, you know that.

Again, no one is going to give a shit that Nancy got a few GOP votes in a year. No one.

And again...those GOP votes were always there. The question is WHY DID SHE WAIT UNTIL AFTER ELECTION DAY to cave.

You love polls. There is a lot of popular shit in BBB- stuff Joe ran on.

That she put at risk. To pass BIF....four days after an election.

Family leave, lower drug prices, etc? That shit probably motivates voters next year.

A lot more than "Nancy got 10 GOP votes! Go Blue!"

>are the 6 dems who went against their party (including 90+
>members of the progressive caucus) in their element? are
>jayapal, khanna, bernie, katie porter, barbara lee, etc out of
>their element? how does that work?

They aren't in charge of the party! You know I'm talking about strategy, etc.

Nancy went back on her word and probably killed BBB. She also gave the GOP some Ws in the process.

Oh, and she did it a week too late to help anybody (lol I'm crying. This ya'll queen??)

Meanwhile, Chucky is playing cute games with voting rights.

Dog, these little moral victories (bipartisan! she won the popular vote! The swing in VA wasn't as bad as NJ! See, those meanie head GOPers won't vote for voting rights! The polls say that x% of GOP approve!) sound like you upload them from MSNBC directly to your brain.

I'm dead serious man. Diversify your feed. This is why I used to joke that you work for the Dems...sometimes (lately) you legit sound like one of their people's excusing everything.

I'm just trying to picture ya'll comforting yourself with recounting the GOP BIF votes when the GOP kill the Filibuster in 2025 and start sending bills to Pres Cotton to make Trumpolini Supreme Overseer for Life or some shit.

And I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but cmon...you were the guy in here saying "95% of everyone will agree with Joe on Afg" and shit hasn't been the same sense. He has the 2nd worst approval rating of any Pres at this point. He's been fucked since Afg. That feed of yours is clouding your judgement.

13447271, Homepiss, you're such a centrist little snob...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Mon Nov-08-21 09:39 AM
>which is stupid.
>it was a protest vote because bif didnt move with bbb. but
>voters dont care about that shit.
>now when any of them face a primary...theyre gonna have to run
>against shit like 'rashida tlaib voted against getting clean
>water for flint'. and they cant run on the new bridges and
>roads being built in their districts because they voted
>against them.
>sometimes you gotta put the performative shit aside and think
>about those folks at home.

Give this man his own show on CNN !!!! 😂

13447480, I think Reeq is actually Van Jones
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Nov-09-21 04:04 PM
13447645, Manchin's likely OUT of BBB now because of the INFLATION report
Posted by handle, Wed Nov-10-21 11:19 PM
Remember BBB is paid for with takes and BIF adds new debt.

Whatever handshake agreement they had is 99% dead. Now that there is ZERO leverage against him he'll never agree to vote for it.

And any voting legislation is dead too.

Dude's a CHUMP.

13447707, Billionaire tax dead too. Dems are worthless
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Nov-11-21 02:47 PM
This isn't all on Manchin though.

Democrats are a fucking mess. An absolute mess.

Panicked about VA four days late and gave up what little leverage they had to force Manchinema to play ball.

6 trillion to 3 trillion to 1.75 to nothing.

This is absolutely on Pelosi, Chuck, and Biden.

They've had months to get Manchin on board. Months.

They wasted the honeymoon phase.

Wiffed on any momentum from 1/6.

Abandoned "both bills go together" FOUR DAYS after election day.

Have completely lost the messaging war on everything from 1/6 to CRT to inflation to supply chain issues to the cost of BBB etc.

They literally have no one at the top who can sell to the American people. Biden and Kamala are gaff machines.

Chuck, Nancy, and Biden have a combined age of what, 280?

On top of everything, we've got Nancy out here draping herself in gold to officiate a Billionaire's wedding.

As BBB dies.

I've always blamed incompetence. Their shit for brains consultants. Their naïve fever dreams of getting Republican voters. Etc.

No one can be this bad at their job, though.

I'm starting to really think they are in on the scam.

No leave. No drug releif. No movement on 1/6. No action on the supreme court.

And most importantly, nothing on Voting Rights.

and when they get fucking clobbered, they/ the media/ their staunch defenders/stans will

...blame voters. Particularly, Black voters.

They will deliver very little in 2 years and strike out on a laundry list of promises- the most basic being protecting the right to vote.

And galaxy brains everywhere will blame trends and "low turnout" mid-term Democrat voters.

Democrats are the only company I know that delivers shitty product after shitty product then blames consumers for not buying it.

"How are the GOP winning working class voters..." she wondered as she made her way to the reception.


How fucking awful do you have to be to come out of a Trump administration that ended in a motherfucking coup attempt by the other side...and be completely under water and useless within months.
13448363, Dems are in on the scam
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Nov-19-21 12:50 PM
Pelosi and them old bastards know damn well they aren’t going to go after their real donors money.. unless its for a donation.

but at least we got them to tear down some statues.. smh.
13448348, Build Back Better bill passed the house
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Nov-19-21 11:25 AM
Still got an uphill climb to find agreement with the senate.

Paid leave is in there (just 4 weeks). And we know manchin is against that.
Also the congressional budget office says it add to the deficit (contrary to democrat claims that it will pay for itself).

13448352, And it includes a $285 million dollar tax cut for the rich
Posted by Hitokiri, Fri Nov-19-21 11:38 AM
The second most expensive item in the bill.
This is a fucking joke.
13448355, Yeah that's tone deaf...
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Nov-19-21 11:48 AM
Reducing SALT deductions was the only good thing to come out of Trump's tax reform law. Even if it was included just to spite democrats in high tax states.

I'm guessing those representatives made it a necessary condition to get their votes
13450405, Nah (c) Manchin
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Dec-20-21 10:41 AM

Washington — Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia said Sunday he can no longer support President Biden's Build Back Better Act, dealing a potentially fatal blow to the $1.75 trillion tax and spending plan that includes Democrats' key domestic policy initiatives.

"I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can't. I've tried everything humanly possible. I can't get there," Manchin told "Fox News Sunday."

"This is a no on this piece of legislation. I have tried everything I know to do," he added, citing concerns over inflation, the national debt and the COVID-19 pandemic for his decision.
13450407, RUMORS
Posted by handle, Mon Dec-20-21 10:49 AM

SWIPE: In recent months, Manchin has told several of his fellow Democrats that he thought parents would waste monthly child tax credit payments on drugs instead of providing for their children, according to two sources familiar with the senator’s comments.

I don't know if that is true, but in my heart I know that's exactly what this fucking old piece of shit is thinking.
13450412, buying drugs instead of providing for kids is a West Virginian pasttime
Posted by Tiger Woods, Mon Dec-20-21 11:14 AM
relevant to where he's from it's probably the most honest thing he's ever said lol
13450418, it's the same argument used for welfare
Posted by handle, Mon Dec-20-21 11:46 AM
Sure SOME PEOPLE will buy FOOD and CLOTHES with welfare money....

But so MANY (probably more than the 'good ones') will buy DRUGS that we're ACTAULLY HURTING THEM instead of HELPING.

It's a conservative fantasy that is simply never true.
13450424, smh.. sadly this is true af
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Dec-20-21 12:44 PM
dude basically saying its better to keep them poor af than give them a little money because they don’t know what to do with it.
13450427, there were $11 billion dollars for the drug epidemic in the bill
Posted by shygurl, Mon Dec-20-21 01:16 PM
He is a piece of garbage, and even if some of the that money would have went to drugs, most of it would have went to helping kids. Fuck him.

I live in Appalachia (or at least Appalachia-adjacent) and I can't put into words how bad drugs have fucked up this area. I spent a lot of time in New York during the height of the crack epidemic (East New York if you know the area), and I have never ever ever seen as many drug addicts as there are in this area. That $11 billion could have done a lot of fuckin good smh

13450428, Nope. Absolutely untrue
Posted by Walleye, Mon Dec-20-21 01:28 PM
West Virginia has been drug testing TANF recipients for four or five years now, and the positive tests are reliably under 1%.
13450445, Can you link a source?
Posted by Oak27, Mon Dec-20-21 07:04 PM
I totally believe you, Florida had the same results years ago, I just want to have a link handy to send to people when arguing this fact.
13450448, Yes!
Posted by Walleye, Mon Dec-20-21 07:41 PM
Of course. Sorry about that. I tracked down something that I vaguely remembered hearing and then got distracted and forgot to include the link:


It's a paper arguing against the policy, so its perspective is pretty assertive but everything is cited, etc.

If you're interested, here's a link to an article today by Matt Bruenig looking at spending patterns of families receiving child benefits.

13450449, Appreciate it, thanks!
Posted by Oak27, Mon Dec-20-21 08:39 PM
13450429, I was about to post the same thing, he is probably right in his experience with
Posted by calij81, Mon Dec-20-21 02:26 PM
His own constituents. You know how much meat/opioids/fentanyl $350 can buy you in West Virginia? I think I even made a similar comment and joke when the government cut those $2k stimulus checks.

Not to say this is true and he is wrong. Even so, if some people, say 10% used it on drugs (which is just a made up number and probably much smaller) you’d still be helping 90% of people who need this money and would use for their family.
13450446, I do like how the WH called him out…
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Dec-20-21 07:31 PM
I’m just not sure what they do with him now.

he really driving a Maserati thru West Virginia? damn lol
13451809, It kinda seems like they've completely given up on this
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Jan-14-22 02:33 PM
And moved the attention on to voting rights (and failed).

I think they should try to find something to pass on human infrastructure. Give the people some kind of win, no matter how small. Time is running out and something is better than nothing.

13451814, i wonder if there are any parts that would pass on their own
Posted by mista k5, Fri Jan-14-22 04:08 PM
meaning even having republicans vote for them

if they dont pass something meaningful soon i cant imagine how bad the midterms will be. they need to pass something that has a positive impact on peoples lives now.

i figure they will rework it to something much smaller that gives munchass whatever payout hes looking for. it will still be a big L but if it does help some people at least thats good.
13451815, bunny rabbits and ice cream?? fog didn't lift yet?
Posted by Stadiq, Fri Jan-14-22 05:26 PM
You got Paski again condescending to any question of providing people with actual help...

White house publicly throwing Teacher unions under the bus...

Kamala telling people who can't find tests to use google and speaking absolute gibberish...

The GOP is about to snatch the issue of Congress members of stock right out from under the Dems as Nancy screams "capitalism!"

I doubt they pass anything. Even if they did piecemeal it and miraculously pass something, they are going to get curb stomped.

They won't by the way. The GOP doesn't want to give Biden anything.

Biden/Dems essentially inherited 4 different emergencies-

1. Democracy/Voting- No one important has been held accountable on 1/6 and voting rights is dead. Nothing on a stolen court. BIG Fail

2. Pandemic- Still raging. Hospitals still full. CDC spitting on disabled/high risk people. Priority has been keeping the economy going. Only answer has been vax. Fail

3. Economic- A lot to be happy about, a lot to be concerned about. Push...but the GOP will be able to sell it as a fail.

4. Climate- fail.

Not to mention nothing on Roe. Or immigration.

Black voters, women, unions, educators, etc. All important Dem voters/coalition and Dems are siding with Wall Street.

Biden is almost a lame duck at this point already.

Should have hit the ground running when they had the juice after 1/6.

Should have laid out exactly how the GOP stole the Supreme Court and expanded.

"But the GOP will just do it too when they get power back!"

So the fuck what. They already did. At least give us 2-4 years of progress.

All these institutions that Democrats refuse to touch (Sinema and Manchin are democrats) exist to help the GOP. To stop/slow/reverse progress.

Should have addressed all of these institutional challenges during the honeymoon.

Now they (and more importantly, we) are completely fucked.

13452917, Manchin: It's dead
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Tue Feb-01-22 01:44 PM

The scene on Capitol Hill today perfectly encapsulated the Democrats’ internal dynamics right now: Sen. RON WYDEN (D-Ore.) was talking to reporters just before lunch about how he was certain that Dems could all find common ground on Build Back Better, specifically name-checking Sen. JOE MANCHIN of West Virginia.

Moments later, Insider reporter Joseph Zeballos caught sight of Manchin himself and decided to break away from the Wyden gaggle to ask whether raising the cap on SALT deductions should go in BBB.

Manchin’s response: “What Build Back Better bill? There is no … I mean, I don’t know what y’all are talking about.”

Asked if he is engaged in talks on the bill, Manchin seemed to get a bit peeved: “No, no, no, no. It’s dead.”

Just after 1 p.m., the senator was asked to clarify if he truly meant that BBB is “dead.” He said: “If we're talking about the whole big package, that’s gone.” Would he mind a smaller version? “We’ll see what people come up with. I don't know.”
13452918, I wish Manchin were dead.
Posted by Brew, Tue Feb-01-22 01:53 PM
>Manchin seemed to get a bit peeved: “No, no, no, no. It’s dead.”