50. "My friends and I talk about this all the time." In response to In response to 0
I think it's rude to spoil something no matter how long it's been since the show/episode aired. I have a friend who for whatever reason didn't catch The Wire when it was on. His excitement over certain big moments in the show is palpable, and I would never ruin that for him, I don't care that it's been seven years since the final season. I will either save my conversation(s) about it til later if he or another non-Wire watcher are around, or politely ask him to step away while we discuss it. I have no idea what circumstances caused him to miss it the first time around, and it's none of my business. Maybe he just didn't have the time. Hadn't heard of it. Whatever. I'm not gonna be a dickhead because I remember how awesome it was for me to watch it the first time around.
I do think that in certain situations it's up to the person who hasn't seen it yet to simply step out of the conversation because I do understand how exciting it can be to discuss, for example, the Mad Men finale immediately after it takes place. But I think you're a real dickhead if you just continue talking about it when someone makes clear they don't want it ruined for them. Lunch is a situation that's kind of unfair to that person, they were invited to lunch yet you're asking them to step aside for half of your lunch hour while you discuss it? Weird to me.