>I wanted to cry when my niece said >to me...”auntie, can a boy >and a boy or girl >and girl have a baby >together like a mommy and >daddy”
i must be missing something. isn't it natural for children to want to know "where babies come from"? isn't it a GOOD thing that the child is asking rather than wondering and getting misinformation? Isn't this a good opportunity to TECH the child something that might very well benefit them?
>if she didn’t see it here would she >see it elsewhere? Are we >living in a world where >we have to train and >inform our children about things >I didn’t know about until >JR High School?
yup we are. sad but true. BUT, in this case telling the child how babies are made isn't THAT unusual at that age.
i see your futher comments that basically agree with my views so i'll leave that alone...
>There >are so many ways that >we have become desensitized. Family >life, the media, nature... theres >so much.
I guess I missed how this ties in with the story you just told. Where does the desensitization come in?
>But theres this thing called >innocence... and this is something >that we should truly re-examine >and explore. I often get >upset with my parents for >sheltering me from so much >because there is ALOT that >I don’t know about... but >when I really look at >it I feel that it >was more of a blessing >then a burden
i guess you're getting at the idea that exposing a child to too much can be a help as much as a hinderance? i'm kinda lost.
please explain...
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