I don't wear a disguise I heard they despise cause I'm informed like da spies I don't wear a disguise I heard dat dis guy is up in da skies............... In da skies like clouds of the stratus The angels like Jesus could've gladly dispatched us Died so we dont have to burn like matches Sits on the thrown until He returns like taxes He like......I'm here so long sittin on da thrown Hair so long dat ima need a comb Left hand, born again, but already grown On the other hand......is Christ's side of the thrown Which is the right hand of the Father The world sittin in the right hand of the Father Teaching young boys to be da right man for ya daughter Life purified, bottled up like water David I turn psalms into jams Got more lines than the palms of ya hands I spit it for the Lord; I don't do it for the fans Cause hell is hot and my words are the fans
"And it's not that You're passive; Its just that Your grace is as active as Your wrath should be" -Crossmovement's PHANATIK