talib<was mad down to earth and chilled like a regular person common<kinda snotty the roots<mad cool, they listened to me flow lol
whats ur experience meeting okp artists?
CHECK OUT AND DOWNLOAD MY FREE BEATS @ WWW.SOUNDCLICK.COM/SYLANA ~i dont deal with colors letters or any morse codes or beams~ "and suddenly the ghetto didnt seem so tough u thought u had it rough we always had enough"~tupac
1. "RE: i met talib, the roots and common and" In response to Reply # 0
Only met The Roots at their mural unveiling on May 31, 2013 in Philly... they were super nice. ?uesto came late so he kind of got bombarded by everyone, so I couldn't really make a final judgement lol... and it was a little hectic. But I made sure to come early and glad I did, most of the rest of The Roots were there (BT, Kirk, Mark, James, Kamal) and Tuba and Frank came a few mins later. Got pics and signatures and I enjoyed the experience. And BT is really 5'7 hahaha
3. "RE: i met talib, the roots and common and" In response to Reply # 0
I have met Kweli twice, and dude is super cool!!! He treats you like someone that he see's everyday from around his way. Really humble, so you don't get that I'm a Superstar attitude that other emcees may give you. He so treats it like an everyday regular encounter that happens on the street.