i want to do somethin like cross the street to where the too lil girls are humpin & grindin & poppin it & show them how to slow the rolls of their hips & learn them of africa & breakbeats & promise to return w/more if they promise to do some type of self-affirmin thing until then & how they can tell stories like mikaela but i do not know hula
i want to cross the street to where a lil boy has fallen frum heat stroke & command wet towels & where's his mother??? & cradle his lil hot body til someone goes for his grandma who is raisin him but what if they argue about whose linen & he dies???
i want to cross & show u separate & show u what i can do a detroit madonna only she doesn't really- no one has ever really been able to tell me what she does- & i really want to do sumthin to really show u
what i can do
i don't wanna do no cerebral thang like read poetry in some spot where ppl can afford to pay to feign attention to works better found in libraries if they read & not just wrote
i do want u to watch me watch jeopardy
{because i am smart i'm as brilliant as a most brilliant 8th grader durin teen week & i'm always smarter than the celebrities & i success in final jeopardy more than often i really want u to know i'm smart, u can see}
u know i'm smart
& i write
i just know how to do so MANY thangs kitchen cleanin babies elderly anticeptic funny shelter best gift EVER thangs
w/my prettily set tables w/my confrontin white folks w/good diction & direct eye contact
i like the format and the ideas it reads like short stories real images form while reading ASIEM "Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran (Be and it is) " A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder checkout these sites http://4luvofpoetry.com www.poetology.com
i saw look forward to you posting... why? for this...
i want to cross & show u separate & show u what i can do a detroit madonna only she doesn't really- no one has ever really been able to tell me what she does- & i really want to do sumthin to really show u
what i can do
i don't wanna do no cerebral thang like read poetry in some spot where ppl can afford to pay to feign attention to works better found in libraries if they read & not just wrote
4. "08august2005" In response to Reply # 0 Wed Aug-17-05 09:03 AM by Youn Maze
on my berfday too ... this was splended ...i mean you are reallly breathing a breath of fresh air here .... your poem epitomizes the the everyday life of a woman i would guess and gives us a look from the inside out ....i really really enjoyed every minute of this .....