He called me "ma" As I smiled that *knowing* smile "Ma" -- His definition from a Japanese perspective Means: A ~fullness of space~ Best described as a metaphor ... The area between stepping stones .... The gap between musical notes ..... A space revealed when a door is slid open ...... Part of the rightful order of things You see, I never knew ... Because ma is such a cliche' way of sayin' -- mami' A complement to papi' And mami' can mean honey, sweetie, baby, cutie, pretty one, etc. But when he broke it down for me With a glass of warm saki & a book of Japanese Love poems I felt a deep sensation of security ... He read: "I shall hide myself within the moon of the spring night after I have dared to reveal my love to you ... And I read to him: Making love with you Is like drinking sea water The more I drink The thirstier I become, Until nothing can slake my thirst But to drink the entire sea ~Listening to him read to me~ My soul soared thru the rooftop I couldn't stop *Smiling* Mentally profiling As I realized the cohesiveness of our "ship" Long~Time Friend~SHIP Sweet Relation~SHIP That cool dip in a pool of Partner~SHIP Cuz love is friendship that's caught fire This kinda love goes far beyond just lust & desire It's quiet understanding, mutual confidence, Sharing & forgiving Living with loyaltly through the good and bad Settling for less than perfection While making allowances for human weakness I speak this with assurance -- *knowing* while showing I'm content with the present as I hope for the future But I can't brood over the past Pie in the sky "HAPPY DAYS" don't usually last It's the day-in and day-out chronicles Of irritations, problems, compromises, disappointments Big victories and working toward common goals That keeps torrential waters from capsizing over rolls And like two lost souls sailing on fate's ship We hold on for dear life Prayin' this Loveboat don't tip ~OVER~
Yeah, I know ... I fell off at da end! -- ;^\
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥