50. "Not tonight. Cincy’s defense played well and got them" In response to In response to 49 Fri Dec-31-21 06:56 PM by allStah
in several 3 and outs.
It was 3rd and ten! You take the down, easily. And they are already backed up in your territory.
They Gave bama 2nd and 23, 2 extra downs? Fuck and that....Any coach well tell you in that situation against a top ten, you ride the momentum and your defense.
Open screen plays and slant routes will destroy that almost every time, because the defense goes into dime and quarter packages.
3rd and ten, play tight, send pressure, which Bryce had trouble with all night long. The next play...they stopped them which would have made it 4th down.....but giving them an extra down focked that up.
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