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Lobby Okay Sports topic #2536667

Subject: "Joe's dead, Jerry's in prison, but anyway, here's this:" Previous topic | Next topic
Member since Feb 15th 2005
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Thu May-05-16 06:54 PM

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"Joe's dead, Jerry's in prison, but anyway, here's this:"



A new bombshell dropped in the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal Thursday.

It came in the form of a line in a court order on a related insurance coverage case involving Penn State, and its ramifications can't immediately be gauged.

But that line was eye-popping in itself.

The line in question states that one of Penn State's insurers has claimed "in 1976, a child allegedly reported to PSU's Head Coach Joseph Paterno that he (the child) was sexually molested by Sandusky."

The order also cites separate references in 1987 and 1988 in which unnamed assistant coaches witnessed inappropriate contact between Sandusky and unidentified children, and a 1988 case that was supposedly referred to Penn State's athletic director at the time.

All, the opinion states, are described in victims' depositions taken as part of the case, but that, according a PennLive review of the case file, are apparently under seal.

"There is no evidence that reports of these incidents ever went further up the chain of command at PSU," Judge Gary Glazer wrote, in determining that because Penn State's executive officers weren't aware of the allegations, he would not bar those claims from insurance coverage.

The insurance case involves big money for Penn State - other sections of Glazer's order find that the university cannot claim coverage for Sandusky settlements for abuses started between 1992 and 1999.

But it is the Paterno allegation that is eye-popping, because of the unending national conversation and curiosity over how much the late and legendary Penn State coach may have known about Sandusky's actions during their lengthy careers.

Parts of Penn State nation still are deeply divided over questions like whether Paterno's Beaver Stadium statue - taken down in the summer of 2012 - should be reinstalled there or somewhere else on the campus.

Paterno's family, and by extension its legions of loyalists, have argued vehemently that Paterno and the larger Penn State community were deceived by Sandusky, whom they have argued - with a consultant's help - was a master deceiver and manipulator.

And they also disputed the claim in the current case Thursday evening in the strongest possible terms.

"Over the past four-and-a-half years Joe Paterno's conduct has been scrutinized by an endless list of investigators and attorneys," the Paterno family's attorney, Wick Sollers, said in a statement.

"Through all of this review there has never been any evidence of inappropriate conduct by Coach Paterno. To the contrary, the evidence clearly shows he shared information with his superiors as appropriate.

"An allegation now about an alleged event 40 years ago, as represented by a single line in a court document regarding an insurance issue, with no corroborating evidence, does not change the facts. Joe Paterno did not, at any time, cover up conduct by Jerry Sandusky."

PennLive reached out to Steven Engelmyer, the lead attorney for Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association Insurance Co., which is arguing it has not duty to reimburse Penn State for more than $60 million in Sandusky-related settlements paid to date.

Engelmyer declined comment.

Others, including Penn State's independent Sandusky investigator Louis Freeh, have alleged that, at least from 1998 on, Paterno, then-Penn State President Graham Spanier were aware of complaints against and about Sandusky.

In a pending criminal case, Spanier and two of his top aides are accused of failing to report a specific allegation of abuse by Sandusky in 2001 that a then-graduate assistant had reported directly to Joe Paterno.

Paterno, who died in January 2012, was never charged with any crimes.

As Sollers pointed out in his statement, however, it was Paterno who actually referred the graduate assistant, Mike McQueary, to the athletic director and a senior vice president at the university.

But Freeh's report also cited emails that raised the suggestion Paterno may have been part of a later decision not to take the McQueary report to police or child welfare authorities.

And many of the people who presented civil claims to the university only sarted to come forward after the completion of Sandusky's criminal trial in June 2012. Freeh's report was issued the following month.

Attempts to reach prosecutors who worked the Sandusky case were unsuccessful.

The allegation contained in Glazer's ruling drew immediate puzzlement and uncertainty from some of Paterno's most loyal supporters at Penn State Thursday, and a muted reaction from the university itself.

Trustee Anthony Lubrano, a Paterno loyalist who has worked tirelessly with alumni allies to try to "correct the record" in the Sandusky case, said he was "not even peripherally aware" of the 1976 claim about Paterno.

Penn State spokesman Lawrence Lokman said that university officials who have worked on the legal cases radiating from the Sandusky scandal were aware of the allegations, broadly, contained in the insurance case.

"Many, many people, potential victims and victims have come forward to the university as part of that (settlement) process," Lokman said. "We do not talk about their specific circumstances."

Lokman also would not say whether the 1976 incident raised in the PMA case was one of the 30 or so that have resulted in monetary settlements.


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Joe's dead, Jerry's in prison, but anyway, here's this: [View all] , Buck, Thu May-05-16 06:54 PM
Subject Author Message Date ID
May 05th 2016
RE: fuuuuuuuuck
May 05th 2016
I never bought that line of bullshit about Joe not knowing.
May 05th 2016
Even so, how do you not fire the guy?
May 05th 2016
      I have no earthly idea. Paterno had little boys of his own at that point...
May 05th 2016
      Guessing here, but maybe he didn't believe it
May 06th 2016
May 06th 2016
      Joe needed Sandusky to make the football side work
May 06th 2016
           RE: Joe needed Sandusky to make the football side work
May 06th 2016
so is the ncaa gonna punish/fine them again or what?
May 05th 2016
good question. do they strip more wins (back to '76?) ?
May 05th 2016
      They already reinstated the wins that they took away...
May 06th 2016
           and it was rescinded on the basis of 'good behavior'
May 06th 2016
anyone with half a brain knew that JoePa was aware
May 06th 2016
I don't think anyone finds this surprising.
May 06th 2016
...and the "let Joe Pa rest in peace" gang is back
May 06th 2016
the reason i walked away
May 06th 2016
a friend of mine is one of these guys
May 06th 2016
my girlfriend's family is full of them
May 06th 2016
psu people are really weird about paterno
Jul 13th 2016
It's Hilarisad how people actively or passively familiar with Ped State....
May 06th 2016
When ambition overrules good character
May 06th 2016
Now this should finally dead this idea that Paterno didn't know
May 06th 2016
being in the dark about your right hand man constantly raping little
May 06th 2016
eagerly awaiting a nutso diatribe from Franco Harris
May 06th 2016
Sandusky Case Bombshell: Did 6 Penn State Coaches Witness Abuse? (swipe)
May 06th 2016
Another report...Paterno knew in 1971
May 09th 2016
"I have a football season to worry about"
Jul 12th 2016
when's that statue coming back up again?
Jul 12th 2016
Things to avoid: comments sections
Jul 12th 2016
Jul 12th 2016
Jul 12th 2016
ctrl-f "schiano" -> 0 hits -> hmmm
Jul 13th 2016
I can't believe Schiano and Tom Bradley still have jobs today
Jul 13th 2016
not really sure there is grounds for them to be fired
Jul 13th 2016
      At this point I'm more interested in what the hell our vetting process i...
Jul 16th 2016
           RE: At this point I'm more interested in what the hell our vetting proce...
Jul 17th 2016
yeah that shit is not wavy either
Jul 13th 2016
oh and let's not gloss over the fact that u only give a shit now
Jul 15th 2016
I was never crazy about that schiano hire. I wish urban had left him al...
Jul 16th 2016
      LJ sr. was a PSU lifer
Jul 16th 2016
           I wasnt happy about ANY former PSU employees...including LJSr
Jul 16th 2016
this was as easy to predict as Joe Pa's being dead within six months
Jul 14th 2016
You back on the boards?
Jul 14th 2016
yeah, time will tell how much but I missed y'all
Jul 17th 2016
wow. welcome back.
Jul 15th 2016
thanks, appreciate that brotha, good to be home
Jul 17th 2016
Bomb don't know how to call a brutha
Mar 13th 2017
bump for today's honorary ceremony!!
Sep 17th 2016
Who the hell up there signed off on this bright idea ??
Sep 17th 2016
Sep 17th 2016
      The administration and faculty didn't.
Sep 17th 2016
           RE: The administration and faculty didn't.
Sep 17th 2016
                RE: The administration and faculty didn't.
Sep 17th 2016
RE: bump for today's honorary ceremony!!
Sep 17th 2016
In retrospect, I wish the ncca had given us the death penalty
Sep 17th 2016
Mike Wise breaks your heart *swipe*
Sep 18th 2016
Sep 18th 2016
This part...damn...
Sep 18th 2016
Sep 18th 2016
Curley and Schultz plead guilty...
Mar 13th 2017
What's the current status on the Paterno legacy on campus?
Mar 13th 2017
Was there over the summer, there's definitely a trace.
Mar 13th 2017
PSU trustee sick of hearing about Sandusky's "so-called victims"
Mar 30th 2017
Penn State has a real problem on their hands
Apr 02nd 2017
Penn State up to it again
Feb 21st 2024
This is WILD. But as a Michigan alum still living in Ann Arbor,
Feb 22nd 2024
      most PSU alums are still die hard Paterno fans...
Feb 22nd 2024
      why not? you didnt have shit to do with Bo. you can say what you want.
Feb 22nd 2024
           To be clear what I'm saying is it's not fair for me
Feb 23rd 2024

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