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Topic subjectJoe's dead, Jerry's in prison, but anyway, here's this:
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2536667, Joe's dead, Jerry's in prison, but anyway, here's this:
Posted by Buck, Thu May-05-16 06:54 PM

A new bombshell dropped in the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal Thursday.

It came in the form of a line in a court order on a related insurance coverage case involving Penn State, and its ramifications can't immediately be gauged.

But that line was eye-popping in itself.

The line in question states that one of Penn State's insurers has claimed "in 1976, a child allegedly reported to PSU's Head Coach Joseph Paterno that he (the child) was sexually molested by Sandusky."

The order also cites separate references in 1987 and 1988 in which unnamed assistant coaches witnessed inappropriate contact between Sandusky and unidentified children, and a 1988 case that was supposedly referred to Penn State's athletic director at the time.

All, the opinion states, are described in victims' depositions taken as part of the case, but that, according a PennLive review of the case file, are apparently under seal.

"There is no evidence that reports of these incidents ever went further up the chain of command at PSU," Judge Gary Glazer wrote, in determining that because Penn State's executive officers weren't aware of the allegations, he would not bar those claims from insurance coverage.

The insurance case involves big money for Penn State - other sections of Glazer's order find that the university cannot claim coverage for Sandusky settlements for abuses started between 1992 and 1999.

But it is the Paterno allegation that is eye-popping, because of the unending national conversation and curiosity over how much the late and legendary Penn State coach may have known about Sandusky's actions during their lengthy careers.

Parts of Penn State nation still are deeply divided over questions like whether Paterno's Beaver Stadium statue - taken down in the summer of 2012 - should be reinstalled there or somewhere else on the campus.

Paterno's family, and by extension its legions of loyalists, have argued vehemently that Paterno and the larger Penn State community were deceived by Sandusky, whom they have argued - with a consultant's help - was a master deceiver and manipulator.

And they also disputed the claim in the current case Thursday evening in the strongest possible terms.

"Over the past four-and-a-half years Joe Paterno's conduct has been scrutinized by an endless list of investigators and attorneys," the Paterno family's attorney, Wick Sollers, said in a statement.

"Through all of this review there has never been any evidence of inappropriate conduct by Coach Paterno. To the contrary, the evidence clearly shows he shared information with his superiors as appropriate.

"An allegation now about an alleged event 40 years ago, as represented by a single line in a court document regarding an insurance issue, with no corroborating evidence, does not change the facts. Joe Paterno did not, at any time, cover up conduct by Jerry Sandusky."

PennLive reached out to Steven Engelmyer, the lead attorney for Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association Insurance Co., which is arguing it has not duty to reimburse Penn State for more than $60 million in Sandusky-related settlements paid to date.

Engelmyer declined comment.

Others, including Penn State's independent Sandusky investigator Louis Freeh, have alleged that, at least from 1998 on, Paterno, then-Penn State President Graham Spanier were aware of complaints against and about Sandusky.

In a pending criminal case, Spanier and two of his top aides are accused of failing to report a specific allegation of abuse by Sandusky in 2001 that a then-graduate assistant had reported directly to Joe Paterno.

Paterno, who died in January 2012, was never charged with any crimes.

As Sollers pointed out in his statement, however, it was Paterno who actually referred the graduate assistant, Mike McQueary, to the athletic director and a senior vice president at the university.

But Freeh's report also cited emails that raised the suggestion Paterno may have been part of a later decision not to take the McQueary report to police or child welfare authorities.

And many of the people who presented civil claims to the university only sarted to come forward after the completion of Sandusky's criminal trial in June 2012. Freeh's report was issued the following month.

Attempts to reach prosecutors who worked the Sandusky case were unsuccessful.

The allegation contained in Glazer's ruling drew immediate puzzlement and uncertainty from some of Paterno's most loyal supporters at Penn State Thursday, and a muted reaction from the university itself.

Trustee Anthony Lubrano, a Paterno loyalist who has worked tirelessly with alumni allies to try to "correct the record" in the Sandusky case, said he was "not even peripherally aware" of the 1976 claim about Paterno.

Penn State spokesman Lawrence Lokman said that university officials who have worked on the legal cases radiating from the Sandusky scandal were aware of the allegations, broadly, contained in the insurance case.

"Many, many people, potential victims and victims have come forward to the university as part of that (settlement) process," Lokman said. "We do not talk about their specific circumstances."

Lokman also would not say whether the 1976 incident raised in the PMA case was one of the 30 or so that have resulted in monetary settlements.
2536669, fuuuuuuuuck
Posted by Rjcc, Thu May-05-16 06:59 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2536688, RE: fuuuuuuuuck
Posted by Rjcc, Thu May-05-16 09:40 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2536678, I never bought that line of bullshit about Joe not knowing.
Posted by placee_22, Thu May-05-16 08:20 PM
He did what was best for the program and let little kids get raped for over 40 yrs.

Fuck that statue and anyone that wants it back up at this point.
2536679, Even so, how do you not fire the guy?
Posted by RaFromQueens, Thu May-05-16 08:22 PM
This is insane.
2536680, I have no earthly idea. Paterno had little boys of his own at that point too.
Posted by placee_22, Thu May-05-16 08:30 PM
I can't call it man. Why keep this dude around. Who's THAT fucking loyal.

I'm guessing if Joe was diddling kids too, Sandusky woulda probably dropped that bomb 1st. So it can't be that.
2536710, Guessing here, but maybe he didn't believe it
Posted by Walleye, Fri May-06-16 06:07 AM
It's ugly, but if somebody told me one of my closest friends - who I saw daily during long, long work days - was raping children, I'd have a hard time believing it.

Doesn't excuse it. But as an answer to your specific question (which I share) it may work.

There's a story about John Paul II not believing the accusations of sex abuse in the church because, growing up in communist Poland, the state's political enemies were often accused of being pedophiles in order to discredit them. It's awful, and certainly doesn't fix anything, but it explains one of the many weird questions that kind of hangs around things like this: what employee is so valuable that even raping children isn't sufficient reason to fire them?

2536833, football.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Fri May-06-16 03:31 PM
what employee is so valuable that even raping
>children isn't sufficient reason to fire them?
2536841, Joe needed Sandusky to make the football side work
Posted by justin_scott, Fri May-06-16 05:33 PM
that's the only explanation i have. Joe looked the other way because they were winning and\or making tons of money. Joe didn't care about anyone but winning and being known as the best.
2536844, RE: Joe needed Sandusky to make the football side work
Posted by j0510, Fri May-06-16 05:49 PM
>that's the only explanation i have. Joe looked the other way
>because they were winning and\or making tons of money. Joe
>didn't care about anyone but winning and being known as the

^^^Yes. Joe did not care about any of the kids. All he cared about was money, prestige, and power. All the school cared about was/is money, prestige, and power.

We are seeing the exact same thing today. Football coaches/programs, the school, and campus/city police are going out of their way to suppress sexual assault reports.
2536686, so is the ncaa gonna punish/fine them again or what?
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu May-05-16 09:29 PM
like we all knew Paterno knew. does confirming it actually change anything? besides more civil suits.
2536698, good question. do they strip more wins (back to '76?) ?
Posted by placee_22, Thu May-05-16 10:47 PM
what would that even accomplish?
Death Penalty would just hurt a bunch of kids/coaches that had nothing to do with Sandusky whatsoever.

I don't see any value the NCAA can add here

^^^applicable to a number of things involving the NCAA
2536718, They already reinstated the wins that they took away...
Posted by soulfunk, Fri May-06-16 07:58 AM
And they rescinded the original sanctions, restoring full scholarships and they ended the post season ban early.

That entire PSU backlash seems crazy to me - people wanting to put Paterno's statue back up, going after the president for accepting the NCAA sanctions "too quickly", etc...
2536722, and it was rescinded on the basis of 'good behavior'
Posted by 3xKrazy, Fri May-06-16 08:28 AM
so nothing has really changed here.

it's easier to swallow since their program sucks so bad anyway. the biggest punishment would be making Franklin coach for the next 60 years like JoePa. Or perhaps give hackenburg another 10 years of eligibility.
2536723, anyone with half a brain knew that JoePa was aware
Posted by 3xKrazy, Fri May-06-16 08:31 AM
for the lunatic PSU zealots walking around with a copy of the Freeh report in their back pocket...I doubt this will faze them much.
2536729, I don't think anyone finds this surprising.
Posted by LegacyNS, Fri May-06-16 09:43 AM

<---- 5....

2536731, ...and the "let Joe Pa rest in peace" gang is back
Posted by Selassie I God, Fri May-06-16 10:09 AM
Reading other boards...they just can't allow themselves to believe that a person that is a good coach and charitable in one aspect of their life can be a selfish piece of shit in another...SMH.
2536732, the reason i walked away
Posted by bshelly, Fri May-06-16 10:20 AM
even a horrific, unfathomable tragedy like Sandusky wouldn't have been enough for me to divorce my team, if everyone involved owned it and swore they would do everything they could to help the victims and atone for their sins.

Instead, most of the Penn State community dug in for a fight.

2536739, a friend of mine is one of these guys
Posted by Kungset, Fri May-06-16 10:47 AM
perfectly normal dude otherwise, but when it comes to Penn State he's on some Branch Davidian shit
2536753, my girlfriend's family is full of them
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Fri May-06-16 11:17 AM
A couple of years back during Thanksgiving, her father was whining about the sanctions against PSU. Just had to bite my tongue and wait for the subject to change.
2556624, psu people are really weird about paterno
Posted by makaveli, Wed Jul-13-16 04:00 PM
like they're not logical.
2536735, It's Hilarisad how people actively or passively familiar with Ped State...
Posted by Kira, Fri May-06-16 10:28 AM
... community are deflecting and denying this.

I hope Joe Ped is rotting in the hottest pit of hell suffering for his refusal to stop a predator for the benefit of his football program.


An interesting take I found online after thoroughly researching this news:

"The reason Ped State football exists as a juggernaut it is today is largely because of Jo Paterno's decision to keep silent.

Look at the dates being discussed - 1976: Penn State went 9-3 in 1975 and finished #10, then went 11-1 in 1977 and finished #5. They were in the National Title hunt those years.

1987: Penn State had finished 12-0 in 1986 and won their last national championship. They were in the national title hunt.

1988: This was Joe Paterno's worst year in a long time, people were asking if he should retire.

A sex abuse scandal in any of those years would have destroyed their football program and caused irreparable harm. By being able to weather those years, Penn State is what it is today. Don't forget, they were independents until 1991, their application into the Big Ten wasn't set in stone until 3 years after this last time a child told joe pa personally what happened. Do you think the Big Ten would have let Penn State into the conference in 1991 with a sex abuse scandal on their hands?

Every single time the Joe Paterno didn't act, it was directly for the betterment of himself and the football program and Penn State's pecking order in the college football world.

Their football program is built on broken lives and destroyed potential so it does not deserve to exist."
2536749, When ambition overrules good character
Posted by Case_One, Fri May-06-16 11:09 AM

2536827, Now this should finally dead this idea that Paterno didn't know
Posted by vee-lover, Fri May-06-16 02:50 PM
what Sandusky was doing to those young boys

It was a few of you IDIOTS on here who tried to argue Paterno was in the dark abt what was happening right under his nose

Smh what a sordid situation all the way around
2536835, being in the dark about your right hand man constantly raping little
Posted by J_Stew, Fri May-06-16 03:42 PM
kids, for YEARS, might not be as bad as knowing, but it is still ridiculously pathetic.
2536840, eagerly awaiting a nutso diatribe from Franco Harris
Posted by 3xKrazy, Fri May-06-16 05:00 PM
2536842, Sandusky Case Bombshell: Did 6 Penn State Coaches Witness Abuse? (swipe)
Posted by j0510, Fri May-06-16 05:34 PM

Sandusky Case Bombshell: Did 6 Penn State Coaches Witness Abuse?
MAY 6 2016, 6:10 PM ET

As many as six assistant coaches at Penn State witnessed "inappropriate behavior" between Jerry Sandusky and boys, stretching as far back as the 1970s, NBC News has learned.

It is unclear if any of the men reported what they saw to higher-ups at Penn State before the sex-abuse scandal erupted in 2011.

The information, which comes from court documents and multiple sources with direct knowledge of legal proceedings, raises new questions about how long the abuse went on, why no one stopped it and whether there could be even more victims than previously known.

Sandusky — who worked in the football program at Penn State under legendary head coach Joe Paterno for three decades — is serving 30 to 60 years in prison after being convicted of molesting 10 boys he met through a charity starting in 1994.

But sources told NBC News that one former Penn State assistant coach witnessed an incident in the late 1970s. Three other coaches — who have gone on to work in the NFL and at Division I colleges — allegedly saw inappropriate conduct between Sandusky and boys in the early and mid-1990s.

"You won't believe what I just saw," one of those three coaches blurted out after bursting into a room filled with Penn State football staff, according to sources who spoke to a person who was in that room.

A lawyer for one of the three '90s coaches denied his client had seen anything. A second coach declined to comment. A third could not be reached, and the name of the fourth was not disclosed to NBC News.

Bolstering the sources' account, Sandusky's adopted son, Matt, who says he also was molested, told NBC News that investigators informed him a football program employee witnessed his father performing a sex act on him in a locker room in the early 1990s.

In addition to the four assistants detailed by sources, court papers made public this week point to two more coaches who allegedly witnessed what was described as "inappropriate" or "sexual" contact between Sandusky and children in 1987 and 1988.

Those same documents also revealed that a child allegedly told Joe Paterno he was molested by Sandusky in 1976 — 25 years earlier than Paterno acknowledged hearing about Sandusky in a shower with a child.

Those papers are tied to a legal dispute between Penn State and an insurance company over who should pay the university's share of $60 million in settlements to 26 victims, and the court was not required to verify the allegations.

Asked about the six coaches, Penn State released a written statement.

"The university is facing and has faced a number of litigation matters and claims related to the Sandusky events. Allegations of various kinds have been made, and will likely continue to be made," it said.

"The university does not speculate publicly or hypothesize about individual allegations. These are sensitive matters, and we want to be respectful of the rights of all individuals involved. It would be inappropriate to do otherwise."

Sandusky, 72, recently petitioned for a new trial.

Paterno died of lung cancer in 2012, months after being fired as head coach amid allegations he knew about Sandusky's abuse and failed to act.

His family is hitting back at the claim that he knew about Sandusky's crimes back in 1976.

"Because of a single sentence in a court record of an insurance case, Joe Paterno's reputation has once again been smeared with an unsubstantiated, forty year old allegation," the family said in a written statement.

"Over the past four and a half years, numerous allegations that were taken as fact when they were initially communicated have been proven false. It is in this context that the latest claim should be viewed."

Penn State said it could not comment on the allegation that a child told Paterno he had been abused.

"The university has no records from the time to help evaluate the claims. More importantly, Coach Paterno is not here to defend himself. Penn State does not intend to comment further, out of concern for privacy, and due to the strict confidentiality commitments that govern our various settlement agreements."
2537182, Another report...Paterno knew in 1971
Posted by Selassie I God, Mon May-09-16 12:46 AM


A second report has surfaced that late Penn State coach Joe Paterno was informed in the 1970s of former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse of children.

In a CNN report released Friday, a man described as a troubled young kid in 1971 said he was raped by Sandusky in a Penn State bathroom. Then, he told CNN, Paterno ignored his complaint about it.

Also Friday, NBC Sports reported that “as many as six” Penn State assistant coaches witnessed abusive acts by Sandusky, dating to the 1970s.
The latest allegations come one day after PennLive reported that Paterno was allegedly told in 1976 about an accusation of child sexual abuse by Sandusky.

The PennLive report cites a court order connected to an insurance coverage case involving Penn State. The order includes a line that one of the school’s insurers has claimed “in 1976, a child allegedly reported to PSU’s Head Coach Joseph Paterno that he (the child) was sexually molested by Sandusky.” The filing also cites incidents of other assistant football coaches witnessing “inappropriate contact between Sandusky and unidentified children.”

Sandusky was convicted of 45 counts of child sex abuse in June 2012, five months after Paterno’s death, and is serving 30 to 60 years in prison. Lawyers for Sandusky, 72, have been in court this week attempting to overturn his conviction.

In CNN's report Friday, the accuser — who was 15 at the time of the alleged attack in 1971 — said he has never before spoken publicly about the abuse but that he did confide in a friend in the 1970s. That friend verified the story, CNN says.

CNN also said a Pennsylvania State Trooper, a longtime friend of the accuser, confirmed that days after Sandusky's initial arrest in November 2011, he told the trooper his story.

According to CNN, the accuser's parents questioned him about a cut on his head, the result of the alleged attack, and called Penn State against his wishes. They told their son that the police would not be called.

From the CNN report:

---He found himself on the phone with two men from Penn State.

"I tell them what happened — well, I couldn't get it out of me that I was — I can't even tell it to this day. It's just degrading — that I was raped," he said.

"I told the story up to a certain point. I told them that he grabbed me and that I got the hell out of there."

He insisted that he "made it very clear" it was a sexual attack.

"I made it clear there were things done to me that I just can't believe could have been done to me and I couldn't escape. I said, 'I'm very upset and scared and I couldn't believe I let my guard down.' They listened to me. And then all hell broke loose.

"They were asking me my motive, why I would say this about someone who has done so many good things."

They accused him of making it up. "'Stop this right now! We'll call the authorities,'" he said they told him.

Victim A says he couldn't think. "I just wanted to get off the phone."

The men on the phone had introduced themselves as Jim and Joe, he said. He had no idea who Jim was, and can't, to this day, say for sure.

"There was no question in my mind who Joe was," he said. "I've heard that voice a million times. It was Joe Paterno."---

Penn State spokesman Lawrence Lokman said Thursday in response to the PennLive report that school officials involved in cases related to the Sandusky scandal were aware of the new allegations contained in the insurance case in a broad sense.

“Many, many people, potential victims and victims have come forward to the university as part of that (settlement) process,” Lokman told the website. “We do not talk about their specific circumstances.”

The family of Paterno — who died in January 2012, two months after Sandusky's arrest — vehemently denied the allegations in the PennLive report.

Scott Paterno wrote on Twitter that "it would be great if everyone waited to see the substance of the allegation before they assume it's true. Because it's not."

If the allegation were true, it would suggest his father had protected "an obscure assistant coach no one had yet heard of" in 1976, Paterno wrote. He added: "It's bunk."
2556445, "I have a football season to worry about"
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Jul-12-16 12:09 PM
""Is it accurate that Coach Paterno quickly said to you, I don't want to hear about any of that kind of stuff, I have a football season to worry about?" a lawyer for Penn State's insurance carrier asked the man. "Specifically, yes," the man replied."


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2556525, when's that statue coming back up again?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Jul-12-16 05:26 PM
2556532, Things to avoid: comments sections
Posted by bshelly, Tue Jul-12-16 06:24 PM
2556543, p.o.s.
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Jul-12-16 08:14 PM
2556550, O_o
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Jul-12-16 10:05 PM
2556609, ctrl-f "schiano" -> 0 hits -> hmmm
Posted by brown sugar, Wed Jul-13-16 01:33 PM
2556612, I can't believe Schiano and Tom Bradley still have jobs today
Posted by MothershipConnection, Wed Jul-13-16 01:57 PM
And I can't believe I'm fighting idiots on other sites that actually think neither of them did anything wrong.
2556630, not really sure there is grounds for them to be fired
Posted by 3xKrazy, Wed Jul-13-16 05:25 PM
from their current gigs. that isn't to say that they didn't act improperly or immorally during their stint at PSU.

look, we all know that joe pa and everyone else knew what was up. i think it becomes a complicated mess because we don't know who reported what to whom. perhaps there were some assistants (or none, or all) who did in fact kick this up the chain and took care of their legal obligations to report it but were told "it was being taken care of" and to keep their yaps shut.

i have a hard time believing that everyone involved with PSU was cool with this to the extent that they ALL turned a blind eye and wrote this shit off as "ok". we know that Joe Pa knew and that the school administrators knew...so where does this leave the lower level assistants and their responsibilities to act? I'm asking because I don't know. Was it their responsibility to resign? To walk up to Sandusky and pound his face in? It's not like ringing up the local police was gonna do shit.

Just seems like there's a fair amount of speculation and unknowns here.

Funny enough, I had always pegged Schiano to take over Franklin within the next year or two.
2557035, At this point I'm more interested in what the hell our vetting process is
Posted by MothershipConnection, Sat Jul-16-16 12:18 PM
Like did they actually ask him "Were you aware that Sandusky was a child molester?", "Did anyone tell you they witnessed Sandusky molesting children?", and if they actually checked with any outside sources. Cause if he lied at any point through that, that would be grounds for termination to me, it's not like he embellished how good he was at Powerpoint or something. Between him and Alford it seems like we have a lot of coaches tied to some very public rape cases and I'm sort of ashamed that we still employ them.

Bradley to me has a lot more to answer for than Schiano. Schiano was only at Penn St for like 4 years and not since 1995 when he was a young guy still climbing the ranks and it sounds like he saw something and reported it to a higher authority and it went nowhere. It sounds like Bradley at least two times was directly told of something by a coach under him and barely acted on it. Plus he was an absolute Penn St lifer who was there for three decades, how didn't he know anything?

Now it sounds like we're going to keep Bradley since Mora stood up for him but for what? It's hard to fire a dude over one piece of testimony but what's the benefit for us? So other schools can negatively recruit against us saying we employ a guy who harbored a child rapist? That ran one of the most underachieving defenses we've ever had last year? If you have any time to that hellhole in Happy Valley to me, you better come clean about everything you knew, be fucking outstanding at your job, and generally just go above and beyond to be employable to me, and Bradley hasn't done that.
2557132, RE: At this point I'm more interested in what the hell our vetting process is
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Jul-17-16 02:45 PM
>Like did they actually ask him "Were you aware that Sandusky
>was a child molester?", "Did anyone tell you they witnessed
>Sandusky molesting children?", and if they actually checked
>with any outside sources. Cause if he lied at any point
>through that, that would be grounds for termination to me,

Maybe they asked him and he answered honestly?

I don't think testimony in a civil suit is enough to prove that he lied or grounds for termination.

>Bradley to me has a lot more to answer for than Schiano.
>Schiano was only at Penn St for like 4 years and not since
>1995 when he was a young guy still climbing the ranks and it
>sounds like he saw something and reported it to a higher
>authority and it went nowhere. It sounds like Bradley at least
>two times was directly told of something by a coach under him
>and barely acted on it. Plus he was an absolute Penn St lifer
>who was there for three decades, how didn't he know anything?

Fair points.

>Now it sounds like we're going to keep Bradley since Mora
>stood up for him but for what? It's hard to fire a dude over
>one piece of testimony but what's the benefit for us? So other
>schools can negatively recruit against us saying we employ a
>guy who harbored a child rapist? That ran one of the most
>underachieving defenses we've ever had last year? If you have
>any time to that hellhole in Happy Valley to me, you better
>come clean about everything you knew, be fucking outstanding
>at your job, and generally just go above and beyond to be
>employable to me, and Bradley hasn't done that.

Fair points again but I don't agree with the negative recruiting stuff. That would be a major stretch and I'd bet any amount of money that neither UCLA or OSU recruiting will be affected but his. Barring any new revelations this really hasn't been that big of a news story.

I think my overall point is that it's easy to be flippant about someone's livelihood and be on some scorched earth 'FIRE EVERYONE' shit while sitting behind a keyboard . It becomes a witch hunt and conceivably should go beyond football coaches. You have an administrative staff, academic support staff, strength and conditioning staff, athletic training staff, etc., etc. all of who had deep ties to the football program and conceivably should have known something. Are all of these people unemployable now? Wasn't there a janitor who witnessed Sandusky in the shower?
2556629, yeah that shit is not wavy either
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jul-13-16 05:17 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2556845, oh and let's not gloss over the fact that u only give a shit now
Posted by 3xKrazy, Fri Jul-15-16 08:49 AM
because this has suddenly and very loosely involved a short-term OSU football employee. which is terribly sad and corny and very much part of the big picture problem.

i assume that the mich message boards are working themselves up into a lather about this as if it might somehow miraculously earn them a victory on the field or in recruiting. which it won't.
2556987, I was never crazy about that schiano hire. I wish urban had left him alone.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Jul-16-16 06:59 AM
I don't want us involved with any former Joe Pedterno staffers
2556994, LJ sr. was a PSU lifer
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Jul-16-16 07:28 AM
Fire him too?
2557025, I wasnt happy about ANY former PSU employees...including LJSr
Posted by guru0509, Sat Jul-16-16 10:52 AM
>Fire him too?

fine with me.

keep the stench of that depraved hell hole university faaaaar away frm my beloved alma mater.
2556730, this was as easy to predict as Joe Pa's being dead within six months
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jul-14-16 01:33 PM
of all this stuff surfaced and they finally had to get him out of there.

Obviously he knew.

Fuck Joe Paterno.

Fuck Penn State as an athletic program, a campus and a community.

That other cretin isn't even worth mentioning like he's a human.
2556809, You back on the boards?
Posted by calij81, Thu Jul-14-16 07:40 PM
2557148, yeah, time will tell how much but I missed y'all
Posted by Bombastic, Sun Jul-17-16 07:46 PM
2556844, wow. welcome back.
Posted by 3xKrazy, Fri Jul-15-16 08:46 AM
your site looks good man. best of luck with it.
2557149, thanks, appreciate that brotha, good to be home
Posted by Bombastic, Sun Jul-17-16 07:47 PM
>your site looks good man. best of luck with it.
2599343, Bomb don't know how to call a brutha
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Mar-13-17 09:34 PM


Nah, hit me sometime, lemme know what you've been up to
2565199, bump for today's honorary ceremony!!
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Sep-17-16 09:30 AM
sadly I think we're all out of tomatoes and insults to throw at this vile collection of people
2565200, Who the hell up there signed off on this bright idea ??
Posted by Beezo, Sat Sep-17-16 09:55 AM
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Sep-17-16 10:07 AM
*evil laugh*
2565209, The administration and faculty didn't.
Posted by bshelly, Sat Sep-17-16 11:01 AM
But the money and the vast majority of fans weren't taking no for an answer and insist on continuing to light the program's present and future on fire.

Seriously, if we run Franklin off (and he may end up deserving it), who's taking this job? And who else is excited for Penn State to take a run at Herman only to never even get a phone call?
2565217, RE: The administration and faculty didn't.
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Sep-17-16 11:53 AM
>But the money and the vast majority of fans weren't taking no
>for an answer and insist on continuing to light the program's
>present and future on fire.

forgive my ignorance...but how you have an official honorary ceremony at a campus venue without the administration's approval/endorsement?

>Seriously, if we run Franklin off (and he may end up deserving
>it), who's taking this job?

the guy currently coaching OSU's defense
2565225, RE: The administration and faculty didn't.
Posted by bshelly, Sat Sep-17-16 12:50 PM
I mean, the administration caved because they want to keep their jobs. If they didn't, the Board of Trustees, which now has at least one avowed Paterno Truther and god knows how many silent sympathizers, may start firing right away, or they might wait until their friends with the checkbooks tell them to do so.

Fuck that place.
2565220, RE: bump for today's honorary ceremony!!
Posted by Selassie I God, Sat Sep-17-16 12:12 PM
>sadly I think we're all out of tomatoes and insults to throw
>at this vile collection of people

That's where I am with it now...if they can't see why deifying him isn't the right thing to do at this point, nothing short of video of him holding little kids down while Sandusky did his thing will change their minds....and some of them would still hold Joe in high regard.
2565211, In retrospect, I wish the ncca had given us the death penalty
Posted by bshelly, Sat Sep-17-16 11:05 AM
Not that we deserved it--again, I don't think the ncaa should act in cases of criminal matters. That's for the courts.

But I do feel like a lot of the absolutely toxic post Paterno culture wouldn't have gotten going if the idiot masses hadn't been able to attend church on Saturday for 2 or 3 years. Might have deemphasized football or Paterno in the university culture just a little.
2565329, Mike Wise breaks your heart *swipe*
Posted by bshelly, Sun Sep-18-16 08:41 AM
2565332, Incredible
Posted by Marauder21, Sun Sep-18-16 09:28 AM
2565361, This part...damn...
Posted by Selassie I God, Sun Sep-18-16 01:00 PM
"Joe Pa knew. He knew and he did nothing. He knew in 2001 and 1998 and, because of unsealed court documents, we learned this summer that he also knew as far back as 1976.

Leaders of men do not deserve to be commemorated if they cannot protect children. Taking the good parts of a man’s life and celebrating them – paying homage for all the character-building he did for his players – disrespects and demeans the boys who became men after they were abused by Sandusky, especially the ones whom Paterno knew about."
2565499, amazing.
Posted by will_5198, Sun Sep-18-16 11:06 PM
five years later and an outspoken group of Penn State fans and alumni are still victim-blaming. it's one of the most disgusting protests I've ever seen, and I wish all the worst for their beloved football program.
2599314, Curley and Schultz plead guilty...
Posted by soulfunk, Mon Mar-13-17 04:46 PM
Are they about to testify against Spanier? What's gonna come out now?

2599320, What's the current status on the Paterno legacy on campus?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Mar-13-17 05:34 PM
Is there no trace of him?
2599344, Was there over the summer, there's definitely a trace.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Mar-13-17 09:35 PM

Shit ain't all over the place, but I seen his poster up
on some storefronts and shit


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2602211, PSU trustee sick of hearing about Sandusky's "so-called victims"
Posted by will_5198, Thu Mar-30-17 08:02 PM
"Running out of sympathy for 35 yr old, so-called victims with 7 digit net worth," Penn State trustee Albert L. Lord said in an email on Saturday. "Do not understand why they were so prominent in trial. I am tired of victims' getting in the way of clearer thinking."

Lord, a former chief executive of Sallie Mae who was elected by alumni, has served on the Penn State Board of Trustees since 2014.


the remaining undercurrent of disgusting people at this shithole school is amazing. this guy is a *current* trustee appointed by Penn State graduates. tells you everything.
2602714, Penn State has a real problem on their hands
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Sun Apr-02-17 11:50 PM
If the trials and the negative publicity wouldn't at least change the lack of attention the university gives towards the victims of Sandusky, it's uncertain if their attitudes will change at all.

Just a sickening case all around.
2805112, Penn State up to it again
Posted by The Real, Wed Feb-21-24 05:59 PM
Holding secret meetings, which violated state law, to rename the stadium after Joe Paterno.


2805140, This is WILD. But as a Michigan alum still living in Ann Arbor,
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Feb-22-24 12:56 PM
who drives past Schembechler Hall and Bo's statue a couple times per week, I'm definitely not in a position to call out PSU. Bo knew about Dr. Anderson, and there is a good chunk of our alumni/fanbase who have their heads in the sand about it.
2805147, most PSU alums are still die hard Paterno fans...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Feb-22-24 02:21 PM
I was knew one socially when all this went down she was so insufferable I had to disassociate myself from her lol
2805153, why not? you didnt have shit to do with Bo. you can say what you want.
Posted by 3xKrazy, Thu Feb-22-24 04:36 PM
> I'm definitely not in a position to call out

we do this weird thing in cfb where we make fans accountable for the transgressions of the team they root for. makes no sense to me.
2805166, To be clear what I'm saying is it's not fair for me
Posted by soulfunk, Fri Feb-23-24 09:18 AM
to call out PSU fans without acknowledging the issues with Michigan fans. Because most of our fan base feel the same way about Bo that they do about Joe. If we'd taken down the statue and renamed the building, I'd bet that there would be some of the same secret meetings years later about bringing it back.