What information did I provide wasn’t correct?
Medical Facts :
- vaccine usually takes 10-15 years to develop - they don’t know the lasting effects of the covid vaccine - they are going off 2 months of safety data - they don’t know how the vaccine will affect children and pregnant women
Vaccines to protect against COVID-19 are being developed with unprecedented speed and technical skill, and I already pointed out that the quickest vaccine to every be created prior to this was for the mumps, and that took five years, but that went through the normal testing protocols.
I also provided you with a factual, credible link to the history of vaccines to support my statements. This is not hype or FUD. This is concern regarding a vaccine process that has been hyper-produced. I’m not saying it is bad or good. I’m simply saying that this is not the standard procedure in how vaccines are developed and administered. And yes this pandemic is a dire situation, which requires immediate attention and action, but as MEDICAL EXPERTS have pointed out , that doesn’t mean that medical ethics get pushed to the side. Again, this vaccine has been produced at light speed.
From the FDA ( experts):
“FDA noted there are some areas where there isn't enough data on the Pfizer vaccine, such as how it works in people with medical conditions like HIV/AIDS, in people who have recovered from COVID-19 infection, or how long the PROTECTION LASTS.
The report also highlights that while the Pfizer vaccine prevents recipients from getting sick with symptoms of COVID-19, there isn't enough data yet to know if the vaccine is effective enough at preventing all transmission of the disease that would eventually replace the need to wear masks, socially distance, and avoid large, indoor gatherings. So even if you are an early recipient of the vaccine it will be important to maintain these risk lowering techniques to protect others.”
Everything I have stated is not a myth, fabrication, hype, etc, this drug is being released with several , several, data gaps. So any normal, intelligent human being would be highly concerned about this entire process.
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