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Sun Jan-22-12 08:34 PM

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229. "Bomani nailed it far better than I ever can"
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Joe Paterno's Death Leaves LaVar Arrington And Others With Lots Left To Say

By Bomani Jones - Contributor

As former Penn State Nittany Lions like LaVar Arrington deal with Joe Paterno's death, others are considering his legacy. The answer depends on whether you truly knew JoePa, or just what you were told.

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Jan 22, 2012 - Just three months ago, Joe Paterno was JoePa, the patriarch of college football. He was going to save the ‘80s from the Sherrills and Switzers, and he humbled the ‘Canes in January 1987. He graduated players, donated millions back to the university, and gave a community a larger ethos to believe in.

He was the Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year in ‘86, a lifetime achievement award as much as anything else, and had 25 years to put more good works on top of that.

Then, one day in November 2011, he was fired. Two months later, he was dead.

Rarely do men die with their legacies in question. There may be disagreement on what said legacies are, but rarely are they in flux. Yet here we are, trying to weigh a series of Paterno's individual acts, all done with an air of piety that seems disingenuous with distance and hindsight against apparent complicity in unparallelled scandal and fresh, unspeakably horrific acts on his watch.

This isn't just about defining Paterno's legacy. When he left Penn State, it became imperative to reconstruct it from the ground up, something that one would think would take way more than two months to do. Now that he's gone, many will give it a try.

So what's there to do when making sense of a complex figure it seems we may have never known in the first place? Defer to those who knew Paterno to discuss the man who existed, and reassess the opinions we created before and after the Sandusky scandal broke. Paterno was capable of heroism, but incapable of being a hero. Did that make Paterno a great man? That all depends on what Paterno and Penn State meant to you in the first place.

"I was just having that conversation with my parents last night."

That was LaVar Arrington's immediate reaction when asked Sunday afternoon what Paterno meant to him. It wasn't a simple conversation. Arrington was as individually decorated as any Penn State player had ever been during his three years in State College. He was twice a first-team All-American, collected the Butkus and Bednarik Awards as a junior, and made one of the iconic plays in college football history as a Nittany Lion.

And none of that seemed to be enough to please his head coach. "I felt like we were almost adversaries," Arrington says. "I felt like he didn't like me, and it placed me in a position where I didn't like him."

Things have changed since. Arrington sees his time at Penn State as perhaps the most important in making him who he is today, "a man raising men," as he said. "Now that he's gone, it sucks to have that clarity. I never told him this. He probably went to his grave thinking I didn't like him.

"That sucks, man."

Arrington heard Joe was like everyone's granddad, and he didn't need that. He had a loving family and looked to Paterno for guidance, no differently than he looked to professors for guidance in class. He also didn't appreciate Paterno publicly questioning his intellect -- which created a perception about Arrington's brains for years -- nor did he like hearing from his head coach that he, the future No. 2 overall pick in the NFL Draft, wasn't even the best linebacker at Penn State. "I wanted that pat on my back, where he's actually looking at me a certain sort of way about something I did." Instead, he got what he termed "tough love," which often just seemed tough.

"‘I love my school, I love my teammates, I love my coaches, I love everything about the institution I was a part of,'" he recalled. "‘Why can't he love me the way I love him?'

"I couldn't accept that was the role that he took in my life."

And how does Arrington feel now about that place Paterno filled?

"What he's done for me, it's amazing how I live my life, and I know, in large part, it's basically due to how much that man challenged me."

He credits Paterno -- whom he, like all other former players, calls "Joe" -- for helping make him the man he is. He says he challenges himself daily, whether on his radio or television shows, his blog with the Washington Post, marriage and everyday struggles all people confront. And he says he does those things with the same ferocity required to confront what Joe Paterno threw in front of him every day.

"You don't really look at it from that standpoint, but Joe did," Arrington said. "He was able to get the big picture on guys. Either you were going to rise up to the challenge, or you were gonna succumb to it."

Arrington is now 33. He has two sons, both of whom he took to Penn State training camps after he retired from the NFL. It gave him the chance to see Paterno interact with his children and, for what he felt was the first time, address him as a man. Paterno has apologized for being so hard on him, making peace in a way that made Arrington afraid Paterno was "going to die soon."

"Maybe, he got caught up on so much on getting accomplished what he wanted to accomplish that he may have been too hard."

Those were the ups and downs Arrington went through with Paterno in his own life. This is before anything related to Sandusky, which hits closer to home for a man who played at Penn State from 1997-99, forced him to reassess everything.

"That dude (Sandusky) was my coach," he said. "I spent more time around him than anyone else. That becomes your environment. That becomes your family. Was I forced to change my way of thinking? I was there!"

And with all his rethinking, past his public declaration that he can no longer associate with Penn State as he did before, his faith and belief in Paterno remains unshaken. "I know Joe's heart. In looking at how the handled the situation, it would have had to have been due to ignorance of the magnitude of what took place."

He doesn't believe Paterno to be a plaster saint and beyond questioning. "I've paid close attention to the way he's made decisions," he says. "It wasn't always for the positive. I had times where I'm looking at Joe wondering, ‘who's the dude? what's he about?'" Simply notifying his superiors was not enough for many, but Arrington doesn't think Paterno could have done more than tell the athletic director and vice president who oversaw security. If Paterno was truly powerful enough to handle those allegations and all they entailed, he asks, then he wouldn't he have been powerful enough to save his job in November?

But how does Arrington reconcile Paterno, the man who taught him to fight challenges, doing little more than what he was supposed to when confronted with Sandusky and the problems and damage he did to so many?

"To me, I can't bring myself to looking at Joe Paterno," he said before pausing.

"Did he handle the situation the way people wanted him to? That's not for me to decide."

Former players like Franco Harris and Matt Millen have subjected themselves to ridicule in defense of their former coach. But how easily should they detach themselves from someone so integral in getting them to where they are? They aren't just former football players. They are entrepreneurs, college graduates, and fathers. They have been Super Bowl champions, and they have been executives. They played football for Paterno, but he has since been a part of their lives. To abandon him, in their eyes, would be to discredit the profound impact he had on them, and the impact they know he had on countless others.

So, like Arrington, they stood by Paterno until his end, and they'll continue to do so now. If the rest are like Arrington, they know they see things differently than someone would who wasn't close to him. And no matter where it places them relative to public opinion, they will be in that place forever.

"I'm not going to say Joe was perfect in the way he handled it," Arrington said. "But he certainly wasn't inadequate in the way he handled that situation. And not in a way where everything that man handled in his life is null and void. Not at all."

Much of what he handled could be captured by two words: Penn State. For Arrington and his fellow alumni, saying "We Are Penn State" meant something.

"That means higher achievement, that means giving back to the community, it means a standard of being something more than average," Arrington said. "If you know the way that we know him, that's what we represent. Joe Paterno represents us. We represent Joe Paterno."

In what may seem like a peculiar way, that's what Arrington and others are doing -- giving back to the community. To affirm Paterno is to affirm themselves. To highlight the good in him is to speak to the good in themselves.

They are Penn State. Joe Paterno is Penn State. And that's a lot to ask them to abandon, no matter the circumstances.

But those of us who aren't Penn State? We should have no such troubles.

I asked LaVar Arrington if his feelings on Paterno would be more in line with public opinion if he weren't so close to the situation. "If it were your father, and you knew your father made a mistake," he replied, "you're gonna handle that different than someone you had no relation to."

Paterno is not my father, nor was he my coach, nor did he represent anything larger about me. He was a towering figure in college football, one hailed as a model for all others. It was a role he enjoyed and embraced, and one he consistently reaffirmed. The appearance of virtue was so closely associated with Paterno that the whites on Penn State's classically simple uniforms seemed brighter, the empty nameplates more noble and symbolic. He represented the brand of Penn State football, and he lent its credibility to help make juggernauts of both Penn State University and the institution of college football.

That credibility went away months ago, though. No matter what the Joe Paterno that LaVar Arrington knows would have done, it's hard to imagine the Paterno we were sold would have stopped short of keeping Jerry Sandusky away from his, or any other, football complex. Arrington doesn't believe Paterno would have withheld information on child molestation to protect Penn State, but JoePa was Penn State. Penn State was he. And in all those silent years, the only thing that was truly protected was Penn State. If that was an accident, it worked out well for Paterno (until it didn't).

But what was Paterno, if he was not the good guy? What was he, were he not the pristine counterpoint to some of the ugliness wrought by competition in college sports? He clearly wasn't just a football coach, unless you think Barry Switzer and his three national champions will be mourned as JoePa is today. He represented an ideal and, ultimately, he failed the notion he claimed to embody.

Switzer did what Oklahoma's football coaches, from Bud Wilkinson and beyond, had to do -- win, by hook or crook. The institution that paid him, the state of Oklahoma, built the OU juggernaut to improve the post-Dust Bowl self-esteem of its constituents, and Switzer wasn't about to let them down. In the end, the Sooners were disgraced, and the program was crippled for over a decade as they cleaned up the mess they caused while feeding the beast.

Was Paterno truly any different? We'll never definitively know what his intentions were or what went through his mind the last 14 years when he saw Sandusky around the building. But we also know a scandal like this meant more than just wins, recruits or money. It challenged the very notion of what it meant to be "Penn State," something so many tied directly to their self-concept. The man who wasn't going to win the easy way, even if according to protocol, passed the buck. As was the case when black students endured death threats on campus, Paterno did nothing that would tarnish the name that had become synonymous with himself, his neighbors, success and righteousness: Penn State.

He was beholden to the same forces as everyone else in college sports, even if he chose to play the game his own way. In the end, he fell victim to what so many thought he was above, as if any man is above those awkward moments when principle, reality and self-interest collide.

But let's not pretend this was some average dude. Simply comparing his paycheck to his peers' and seeing his modest home on the news the last few months spoke to the fact he wasn't exactly like the rest. His dedication to education continued into the new millennium (even the guys in Paterno's doghouse got degrees, Arrington says). For goodness sake, he donated millions and raised more to build a library because that's what Penn State needed to be a top-flight university. He used his position to do great things to help a great number of people.

Was he a great man? I have no idea.

Does it matter? That's the real question.

If you, like math wizard Darren Rovell, think Paterno was the guy he was purported to be, but with one demerit, you're missing the point. Great men are hard to find. Saints rarely exist on Earth. But just as hard to find are people like Paterno, who do great things at all. Appreciating his good work did not require lionizing him, nor does honestly confronting his shortcomings require he be demonized.

Had we not dressed up his good deeds in so much schmaltzy bullshit, painting a picture of Paterno we can easily see now was unrealistically pure, maybe Penn State wouldn't have been so fearful of coming clean. We can't just dig up effusive obituaries, written well in advance, with a November 2011 addendum tacked onto them. It would be wrong to pick up Paterno's story from two months ago, like a movie jumping through the continuum to save time. We can start over, and we can handle it quickly.

As many good things as Arrington has to say about Paterno, his coach was not his hero. He never should have been any of ours.

As Arrington said, Joe Paterno was a man who knew great things were possible if you attacked challenges. In the end, we all wish he had attacked one more. Even good men fall short. Sometimes, way short.

May he rest in peace.


"You (Fisher) could get fired, Les Snead could get fired, Kevin Demoff could get fired, but I will always be Eric Dickerson.” (c) The God


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JoePa near death....?? [View all] , bnicedh, Sat Jan-21-12 05:58 PM
Subject Author Message Date ID
Guess that shit about coaching keeping him alive was true.....
Jan 21st 2012
thats what i was thinking
Jan 21st 2012
wasn't a fall from grace to me
Jan 21st 2012
      man if that ain't a fall from grace I don't know what is
Jan 21st 2012
      it wasn't TO ME . not arguing public perception or "legacy" or
Jan 22nd 2012
           gotcha, I thought you were speaking overall. Carry on
Jan 22nd 2012
      what you just described was an amazing fall from grace
Jan 21st 2012
      lol of course it wasn't....
Jan 21st 2012
Lol@coaching. Dude ain't coached since 04 prolly
Jan 21st 2012
if he had slid out like Bobby Bowden, he mighta been alright
Jan 21st 2012
He was never going to make it to Thanksgiving 12 as soon as he was fired
Jan 21st 2012
OKS brethren ... I think we need to start planning that intervention
Jan 21st 2012
      hahaha, has this finally lead me into the land of true degeneracy?
Jan 22nd 2012
Yeah just heard it...
Jan 21st 2012
Pretty sure it's the lung cancer what killed him.
Jan 21st 2012
      He's not dead yet y'all.
Jan 21st 2012
           Used as in, "meet the G that killed me."
Jan 21st 2012
hope he makes it still one of the greatest coaches the sport ever saw
Jan 21st 2012
RIP.. but the guilt should have killed him years ago...
Jan 21st 2012
fuck you.
Jan 21st 2012
Fuck you nigga.
Jan 21st 2012
      no fuck both YOU cowards...
Jan 21st 2012
           RE: no fuck both YOU cowards...
Jan 22nd 2012
                Hell no
Jan 22nd 2012
I hope he doesn't suffer too much in his final moments...
Jan 21st 2012
i'm curious to see in which direction this post goes *ahem
Jan 21st 2012
I knew this was coming. Every week since he was fired they have
Jan 21st 2012
I wish da nigga was young enuf to stick around 4 questioning...
Jan 21st 2012
Damn Samuel.
Jan 21st 2012
      da nigga knowingly let kids get raped b. And when he dies,
Jan 21st 2012
           I mean I feel you, but it just looks so harsh. lol
Jan 21st 2012
           LOL. I wish I could step on that nigga glasses.
Jan 21st 2012
                I shouldn't be laughing this hard but I'm rollin' right now!!!!
Jan 21st 2012
           mcquery himself says that he didn't tell joe the details
Jan 21st 2012
                what details? if he knew nothing, what didn't he do enuf of exactly?
Jan 21st 2012
                he knew something inappropriate went on in that shower
Jan 21st 2012
                     So his good deeds outweigh not doing enuf when u know
Jan 21st 2012
                     we do not know that he knew that a kid had been molested
Jan 21st 2012
                          he knew a kid and sandusky were in the shower with kid bent over
Jan 21st 2012
                          no he didn't. go read mcquerys testimony.
Jan 21st 2012
                               so that means he NEVER knew this?
Jan 21st 2012
                          now we know. So what say you, now?
Jun 30th 2012
                     joe pa knew sandusky was barred from bringing kids on campus
Jan 21st 2012
                          you and i both know he was not running those practices
Jan 21st 2012
                               not asking to throw the good away...its legit
Jan 21st 2012
                                    funny, because no one used it more than you
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
                An old wrinkled naked man was in the shower with a child...uhmmm
Jan 21st 2012
                     he was alarmed. he sent it up the chain of command.
Jan 21st 2012
                          bullshit. you turn his ass in to the fucking police. period.
Jan 21st 2012
This will be a post where nearly anything said
Jan 21st 2012
RE: This will be a post where nearly anything said
Jan 21st 2012
Paterno Dead at 85 via CBS Sports
Jan 21st 2012
This is crazy. Like seriously.
Jan 21st 2012
Jan 21st 2012
what? what the fuck?!?!?
Jan 21st 2012
Rest easy coach...
Jan 21st 2012
I hope he made peace with the fact.....
Jan 21st 2012
His condition has been upgraded to "alive" (c) Kent Brockman
Jan 21st 2012
It's too early for this but fuck it....
Jan 21st 2012
Jan 21st 2012
he did more good in a year than you will in a lifetime
Jan 21st 2012
wow @ that "minus" being just a blip on your radar..
Jan 21st 2012
Damn, yall don't do it like this....
Jan 21st 2012
name to me three of the nice things he's done, and i'll answer
Jan 21st 2012
      I wanna ride with you because I'm not in the judging business
Jan 21st 2012
      and if joepa molested the kids, i'd agree that he could burn in hell
Jan 21st 2012
           Well I'm not with the burn in hell crew, BUT what level of
Jan 21st 2012
      you don't know Joe Paterno's character. you never did.
Jan 22nd 2012
      yo....FUCK PENN STATE ..yay he built up a college!!
Jan 22nd 2012
Thats a BIG fuckin minus though.....
Jan 21st 2012
Jan 21st 2012
You don't know w/ certainty what Joe did and didn't do...Also, there
Jan 21st 2012
      I kinda feel sorry for him but he KNEW. People need to stop
Jan 21st 2012
      I'm not trying to camoflauge anything. All I'm saying is that neither
Jan 21st 2012
           So knowing he was in the shower with the kid was not enough?
Jan 21st 2012
                Like I said, he should have done more, but most likely he really
Jan 21st 2012
                     .....which was the bulk of my one gives a shit
Jan 21st 2012
                          I agree and that's extremely sad. I truly hope there can be some
Jan 22nd 2012
      he had the wherewithal to fire the nigga, and didn't
Jan 21st 2012
      He wasn't employed by Joe at the time - he was retired.
Jan 21st 2012
           so if ppl over your head are letting this happen, y not take a stand?
Jan 21st 2012
                I wish he would have done that. And I definitely agree that he should
Jan 22nd 2012
                So why not, you know, alert the police?
Jan 22nd 2012
                     He alerted the man who was head of the campus police...
Jan 22nd 2012
                          No. You call the police. The real police.
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
                people in here trying to have it both ways
Jan 22nd 2012
      they also have no idea what joe actually did
Jan 21st 2012
      We know Dusky was in the Presidents box for win 409
Jan 21st 2012
           joe had absolutely no control of the program this year
Jan 21st 2012
                Well Penn State should be ashamed of themselves not because
Jan 21st 2012
                RE: Well Penn State should be ashamed of themselves not because
Jan 23rd 2012
                That somehow makes it sound worse.
Jan 22nd 2012
                     oh, for the institution, it's absolutely worse
Jan 22nd 2012
      man if you dont think he knew a police investigation was happening in 98
Jan 22nd 2012
           I've stated over and over again that Joe most likely knew enough
Jan 22nd 2012
Lets say it was your kid he enabled a child molestor to fuck up the ass.
Jan 21st 2012
      He's actually NOT a vile piece of shit, but I understand ur stance
Jan 21st 2012
      His opinions on this matter paint him that way.
Jan 21st 2012
      this is too far. dude obviously has an opinion that is closer than most
Jan 21st 2012
           He's copping pleas and downplaying everything
Jan 21st 2012
                But why the alias tho, b?
Jan 21st 2012
                     It ain't an alias, b
Jan 21st 2012
                          ha. ok
Jan 21st 2012
                               I will say I went overboard, which is why I edited
Jan 22nd 2012
                                    Im with u on the issue. I said dude should burn in hell
Jan 22nd 2012
yall honestly think Joe couldve stopped all of this??
Jan 22nd 2012
      a detective and MOTHER of a victim heard sandusky confess in
Jan 22nd 2012
*ice-t reaction when nino brown died*
Jan 21st 2012
RIP Joe Pa...Much love G.
Jan 21st 2012
Jan 21st 2012
this is wild....NBC News says he is NOT dead
Jan 21st 2012
can we just keep this as the RIP thread tho?
Jan 21st 2012
      it's OKP tho, if Kim Jong Il got one
Jan 22nd 2012
           lol, Gaddafi got one too I think...nm
Jan 22nd 2012
AP says he's not dead yet
Jan 21st 2012
Wow...RIP JoePa
Jan 21st 2012
Jan 21st 2012
Shelly wasn't singing this bullshit 2 months ago.
Jan 21st 2012
I think he's upset with the people saying JoePa should "burn in
Jan 21st 2012
i agree that it was extra when I said that, but I really feel like
Jan 21st 2012
I actually understand the sentiment behind it but I think seeing
Jan 22nd 2012
The fact that he's upset with that is despicable.
Jan 21st 2012
      I don't think you realize that he is a little closer to the situation th...
Jan 22nd 2012
           That makes it all the worse, you realize that, right?
Jan 22nd 2012
                This has to do with the fact bshelly is a good dude...nothing more
Jan 22nd 2012
                     It isn't understandable. At all.
Jan 22nd 2012
                          This is why the internet is stupid...why are you trying to argue a
Jan 22nd 2012
                               I'm arguing a point regarding Bshelly, to which you DON'T agree
Jan 22nd 2012
                                    Are you retarded...I know he's a good guy and his stance on
Jan 22nd 2012
                                         Psssst... there are hundreds of lurkers, for starters.
Jan 22nd 2012
                                              This is quite comical at this point. Okay. lmao
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                   What's comical? You have no ground.
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                        OMG You are right. Does that help? lmao
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                             So..Who's arguing to argue here?
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                                       Still you persist, still you further my point
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                                            And still I laugh...
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                                                 Right, because you're oblivious.
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                                                      You're running around in the post about to get carpal tunnel
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                                                      You're all through this post your damn self.
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                                                      Not typing whole dissertations though but okay buddy. lmao
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                                                      Right, because you discuss things in sound bites.
Jan 22nd 2012
                                                                                      This is nuts. LMAO! You don't have less than a paragraph in you
Jan 22nd 2012
It's understandable that the man is attached to JoePa
Jan 21st 2012
he wasn't dying, and i got some perspective
Jan 22nd 2012
The people in here COPPING PLEAS are enablers just like he was
Jan 21st 2012
It's like you just spoke your name aloud.
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
Mad folks on Facebook & Twitter talking how good of a man he was
Jan 22nd 2012
There are some dumb emotional muthafuckers in this thread
Jan 22nd 2012
It's a topic that sort of lends itself to emotion, you know.
Jan 22nd 2012
the world is filled with atrocities. calm the fuck down and think
Jan 22nd 2012
      The topic isn't the world, it's shit bag joe.
Jan 22nd 2012
lol @ 'emotional' as the go-to discreditor
Jan 22nd 2012
      oh no doubt. and that is *sad*.
Jan 22nd 2012
we really needed all this to underline some BASIC FACTS??
Jan 22nd 2012
Honest question..
Jan 22nd 2012
Paterno is going to take a lot of secrets to the grave, I think a lot of...
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
"Paterno is going to take a lot of secrets to the grave"
Jan 22nd 2012
      that's the shit I'm trying to wrap my brain around...
Jan 22nd 2012
What is child molester "behavior"?
Jan 22nd 2012
      cmon man,..... stop..
Jan 22nd 2012
           Oh you think life is simple........
Jan 22nd 2012
                JoePa also said had never heard of a man ever raping a boy period
Jan 22nd 2012
                     thank you for being rational..
Jan 22nd 2012
HE'S ALIVEEEEEEEEEE (c) Dr. Frankenstein
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
Smh @ the PSU fans in here spinning and copping pleas
Jan 22nd 2012
Preface: sorry to pour salt in your wounds!
Jan 22nd 2012
Big 10 rivalries aside, you have to understand this man was larger...
Jan 22nd 2012
I was raised in Big 10 country, I'm aware of JoePa's influence.
Jan 22nd 2012
      your post proves you don't know shit
Jan 22nd 2012
           Only thing Joe did better at was harboring/protecting child predators.
Jan 22nd 2012
           lol. can you stop trying to drag every other coach through the mud here?
Jan 22nd 2012
                he's clearly still struggling with the loss
Jan 23rd 2012
smh @ this dumb muthafucker making it about him and some okagenda shit
Jan 22nd 2012
lol you summed up child rape as "it is what it is"
Jan 22nd 2012
      naw i described ppl rationalizing what their friends do as is what it is
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
You clowns can never get death in sports right
Jan 22nd 2012
SNL re-ran this skit last night...IRONIC
Jan 22nd 2012
His family announced it...he's gone for real now
Jan 22nd 2012
RIP Joe Pa (link)
Jan 22nd 2012
it is a shame it had to end like this
Jan 22nd 2012
not as big of a shame as enabling child rape
Jan 23rd 2012
I don't know why but this kinda got me fuming. Brent
Jan 22nd 2012
a wife, kids and grand kids ain't a hobby tho
Jan 22nd 2012
But they are worth living for...
Jan 22nd 2012
he was 85 with lung cancer
Jan 22nd 2012
Hey girl! What you doing around these parts lol
Jan 22nd 2012
      lol i lurk...
Jan 22nd 2012
no, what's pissing me off is the mythmakikng that's about to
Jan 22nd 2012
We knew it was coming. I guess I'm getting more caught up
Jan 22nd 2012
Lol i dont know why you're mad or think that's selfish
Jan 22nd 2012
I understand only to a certain extent. My father was always
Jan 22nd 2012
      blah blah blah blah
Jan 22nd 2012
           Girl boo.
Jan 22nd 2012
I'm mad that he's never going to have to take the stand, a lot of...
Jan 22nd 2012
u aint know?? Joe only cared about PENN STATE
Jan 22nd 2012
RIP Joe.
Jan 22nd 2012
Dude died of a broken heart.
Jan 22nd 2012
I don't think this is happening.
Jan 22nd 2012
I'm pretty sure it was the Cancer.
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
LOL, I now see that was badly phrased.
Jan 22nd 2012
Sarcasm....I hope.
Jan 22nd 2012
Karma's a bitch
Jan 22nd 2012
sorry, but none of that outweighs allowing children to get raped.
Jan 22nd 2012
      RE: sorry, but none of that outweighs allowing children to get raped.
Jan 22nd 2012
smh at all the people mad on the internet acting like crusaders NOW
Jan 22nd 2012
If I knew about it, I'd probably TELL SOMEONE.
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
Jan 22nd 2012
that sounds like "BUT THERE'S A WAR GOING ON" logic.
Jan 22nd 2012
This is one of the dumbest fucking things Rob has ever said.
Jan 22nd 2012
      like i said. i think yall are rallying to post because it's easy.
Jan 22nd 2012
           Except people ARE debating it.
Jan 22nd 2012
                oh please. that's WHY all this grandstanding is wrong.
Jan 22nd 2012
What are we accomplishing?
Jan 22nd 2012
if we were talking about any other crime/addiction/college scandal
Jan 22nd 2012
RE: if we were talking about any other crime/addiction/college scandal
Jan 22nd 2012
      that doesn't make any sense.
Jan 22nd 2012
           Then use coherent sentances
Jan 22nd 2012
                you're misreading my "in any other"
Jan 22nd 2012
As though there shouldn't be outrage at the blind eyes in here.
Jan 22nd 2012
*shrug* I've actually beaten down two sex offenders. Personally.
Jan 22nd 2012
      Sure seems like it though.
Jan 22nd 2012
           STFU your damn self. He asked what people were doing.
Jan 22nd 2012
                You used "I," "me," and "my" 34 times in four paragraphs.
Jan 23rd 2012
                     No, genius. He asked what we're doing about it in our communities
Jan 23rd 2012
wrong post
Jan 22nd 2012
wow. that just ended up being apologist bullshit.
Jan 23rd 2012
      your schtick should play well on talk radio. bravo.
Jan 23rd 2012
           give me a fucking break
Jan 23rd 2012
theonion chimes in
Jan 22nd 2012
That is one helluva head of hair for an 86 year old man
Jan 23rd 2012
I'm sorry
Jan 23rd 2012
He enabled child rape for over a decade.
Jan 23rd 2012
AT LEAST a decade, probably a lot longer than that.
Jan 23rd 2012
that's pretty much were I am on this situation...
Jan 23rd 2012
Eff him. Joe went to his grave still lying and covering up
Jan 23rd 2012
Yeah, a merry FUCK YOU to all the Paterno supporters
Jun 30th 2012
Jun 30th 2012
and as I said b4, I hope he rots in hell for that shit.
Jun 30th 2012
And you know a lot of these shit bags will still cling to that shit.
Jun 30th 2012
      But but but you don't know him like I do! Pedterno loves the kids!
Jul 01st 2012
           Fuck all those guys. I don't care if they flip now.
Jul 01st 2012
           Damn dogg, you're taking this way too personal....
Jul 01st 2012
dust to dust..........he good
Jul 01st 2012
Jul 01st 2012
      Why the fuck would any sane person NOT be mad, you idiot?
Jul 01st 2012
           Jerseys still poppin so no big deal
Jul 01st 2012
           relax it was 3am on the east coast and i was drunk BUT.......
Jul 01st 2012
                Did you actually read the article?
Jul 01st 2012
                     Lol, his sober posts are even dumber than his supposed drunk posts
Jul 01st 2012
Has the NCAA imposed any sanctions on Penn State?
Jul 01st 2012
that's what I'm sayin.
Jul 01st 2012
NCAA wants to act like this is beyond their jurisdiction
Jul 01st 2012
      They should have gotten out in front of this
Jul 01st 2012
The NCAA takes its sweet time. Unless you are tOSU
Jul 01st 2012
      urr, they were pretty quick to investigate and punish
Jul 01st 2012
           They should have be ready to weigh in the minute a verdict
Jul 01st 2012
rest in piss
Jul 01st 2012

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