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Topic subjectDamn....Nerlens gonna miss the entire season??? (link)
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2249866, Damn....Nerlens gonna miss the entire season??? (link)
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-21-13 07:12 PM
Am I late on this? I swear I didn't know.

2249870, At least he/his people are saying it. Unlike Bynum.
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Oct-21-13 07:16 PM
2249871, http://webtek50.tripod.com/logos/no_limit_tank.gif
Posted by DJR, Mon Oct-21-13 07:17 PM
2249875, first thought too, that's a tank move
Posted by KosherSam, Mon Oct-21-13 07:19 PM
Posted by bshelly, Mon Oct-21-13 08:28 PM
2249873, Safe to say you can file that under here.....
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Oct-21-13 07:17 PM
2249899, lol -- posted before I read the replies...
Posted by celery77, Mon Oct-21-13 08:08 PM
2249874, why play? I woulda planned for that all along
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Oct-21-13 07:19 PM
no matter what. That team sucks. Let him come back in March or April and let him walk through some shit, get some light contact. Thats it. Real Rookie Year next year.
2250148, ^^^
Posted by MistaGoodBar, Tue Oct-22-13 12:06 PM
2249877, http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvnizcqduZ1qjo7rfo1_400.gif
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-21-13 07:21 PM
2249895, my question is who is even going to play?
Posted by rob, Mon Oct-21-13 07:53 PM
royce white is somehow more on top of things than lavoy allen. moultrie's out for while.

it's possible they will start a lineup this season including royce, james anderson, wroten, and orton....which would just be rolling with what all the projects the good teams in the west let go.

not that there isn't some potential there....but its a whole lot of question marks. this is going to be epic.
2249897, what are you basing this on?
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-21-13 08:07 PM
>royce white is somehow more on top of things than lavoy

But I mean overall it is what it is: the most blatant tank job in the post-lottery-era with flyers taken on risky dudes with high upsides.

I mean Duck Sauce is probably going to lead this team in field-goal attempts.

They are going to be truly, 12-15 wins levels of bad.
2249902, coach been saying he's out of shape then he slept through practice
Posted by rob, Mon Oct-21-13 08:15 PM
royce got on some planes at least.
2249898, didn't we make a tankapalooza post for exactly this kind of stuff?
Posted by celery77, Mon Oct-21-13 08:07 PM
I bet you Philly has already figured out how to cash injury insurance against Nerlens, too, so they won't even be the ones paying his full salary this year.
2249914, the Sixers are making a habit of getting big men who don't play
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Mon Oct-21-13 08:40 PM
2249919, says the guy whose team let D12 walk for nothing & signed Chris Kaman
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-21-13 08:57 PM
2249997, D12 played for the Lakers...Bynum didn't play for the Sixers
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Tue Oct-22-13 12:06 AM

come on man.... after that...then y'all draft a guy who is already out for the season???

2250153, he's out for the season because we're tanking & don't feel any need
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Oct-22-13 12:25 PM
to rush the kid back while indirectly helping us win games.

If he'd been drafted by Cleveland or Portland, they'd have him playing by January.

We don't need to do that with this squad, we've got two lotto picks next season in addition to Nerlens coming back.

Re-building this thing from the ground up.
2250154, One.
Posted by Kajun, Tue Oct-22-13 12:31 PM
>we've got two lotto
>picks next season in addition to Nerlens coming back.

Bobcats 2.0

2250161, Two. And I've repeatedly told u I'll put money on that.
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Oct-22-13 12:50 PM
>>we've got two lotto
>>picks next season in addition to Nerlens coming back.
>Bobcats 2.0
2250156, drafting and/or trading for dudes who can't play due to injury
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Tue Oct-22-13 12:33 PM
is usually a losing formula..

and tanking????


there is no such thing as tanking..... not when your destiny is tied to the lay of ping pong balls..

tanking is just a plea cop by fans of terrible teams who want to avoid speaking on their terrible team... Now for them being terrible is a strategy.... We tanking for more ping pong balls...lololol..
2250160, No plea cop...
Posted by gmltheone, Tue Oct-22-13 12:47 PM
>is usually a losing formula..
>and tanking????
>there is no such thing as tanking..... not when your destiny
>is tied to the lay of ping pong balls..
>tanking is just a plea cop by fans of terrible teams who want
>to avoid speaking on their terrible team... Now for them being
>terrible is a strategy.... We tanking for more ping pong

We're terrible. Been terrible for a while. Finally have a owner who understands it and is not scared to be terrible in the short term. No sixer fan is plea-copping anything. We know what losing is and how futile fighting for a 6-8th seed is. It's a waste of everybody's time and money.

Same as it ever was!
2250162, he could play, we just don't want him to, you'll get it later n/m
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Oct-22-13 12:51 PM
2250172, Warren's looking for smoe kind of win. What we're doing makes absolute sense
Posted by ChuckNeal, Tue Oct-22-13 01:24 PM
sense. Two lotto picks plus a fully healthy Noel in 2014-2015. Instead bringing him back and him potentially getting fucked up in the process.
2249923, This is championship level tanking
Posted by gmltheone, Mon Oct-21-13 09:02 PM
*so proud*

They've given up on the season already. Shamelessly too.

Same as it ever was!
2250011, i fux with nothing philly
Posted by themaddfapper, Tue Oct-22-13 03:17 AM
That said I'm so proud of y'all.
No fucks given about tankin
these cats are gonna get whomped nightly
its a goddamn death march
Kudos to being upfront
I'm now rooting like hell for the pellies. You ain't slick I see whatcha tryna do
2250020, None at all...
Posted by gmltheone, Tue Oct-22-13 06:53 AM
>That said I'm so proud of y'all.
>No fucks given about tankin
>these cats are gonna get whomped nightly
>its a goddamn death march
>Kudos to being upfront
>I'm now rooting like hell for the pellies. You ain't slick I
>see whatcha tryna do

Brazen about it too. Even after david stern publicly threw shade at us. Everything they've done this off-season is basically a middle finger to the league. LOL

Same as it ever was!
2250171, #SuckForWiggins !!!!!
Posted by mtbatol, Tue Oct-22-13 01:23 PM
2250189, It's by far the smartest strategy. I really like what they've done.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Oct-22-13 02:01 PM
The East contains several of the best bigs in the league, not to mention Rose/Rondo/Kyrie/Wall, not to mention, yknow, Bron and them. No chance the Sixers contend this year or next year, or even the year after.

They didn't have a franchise talent to build around anyway. So start fresh.

1. Draft a raw point guard with the size to create potential matchup problems and develop him over the next three years. They'll lose, but they weren't winning a title anyway, not in the Bron era.

2. Draft a raw defensive-minded big man to help against the Lopezes, Hibberts, and Monroes of the East. He's hurt and he's too thin, so sit him out for the season, work on adding about 20 pounds, and when he enters the league as a rookie next year, he'll have the size, the talent, and a shitload of motivation.

3. Keep losing the next two years. Some terrific prospects coming in the next two years, and not just the #1 picks. Even if they don't get Wiggins, adding Randle, Smart, or Parker next year would be dynamite. And if they enter the lotto again, there's plenty of talent coming down the pipeline the next year too, with Turner/Okafor/Looney/Vonleh/etc.

Obviously it'll suck if you're a season ticket holder, but be patient. This isn't far from the strategy OKC took-- they dealt their best players and started stockpiling talent in the draft with long-term hopes. Neither MCW or Noel are as good as Durant, obviously, but they have higher upside than the majority of the lotto picks in that draft, and Noel's injury is the perfect excuse to tank again to get either two more lotto picks or one and a high mid-firster (and considering the talent that may be available mid-first this year would've been high-to-mid lotto talent last year, that ain't bad).

Even if they don't hit a Durant/Russy/Harden combo in the lotto these next three years (they won't), they could still emerge with any number of enticing combos for the future with an early first and mid first this year and an early first next year. MCW/Smart/Oubre/Perry Ellis/Noel? MCW/Sulaimon/Parker/Okafor/Noel? MCW/James Young/Looney/Randle/Noel? Mudiay/Exum/Hood/some vet, who cares/Noel/MCW as sixth man? There is a smorgasbord of options.

I wouldn't be surprised if they try to deal Turner and Hawes for whatever they can get too. Miami's still gonna be the creme de la creme for another three years. Bide your time, get young talent, and be ready to strike at the first moment of vulnerability at the top.