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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectthere's really no light at the end of the tunnel...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2819067
2819067, there's really no light at the end of the tunnel...
Posted by bavid dammer, Sat Jul-06-13 09:27 PM
there's no "great movement" around the corner.
just diminishing standards from whatever was forged decades ago and people using music to capitalize and get rich with as little effort as possible...

the mediocrity age on every front, love it or leave it.
our corporate controlled music is just another symptom of a greater problem plaguing american society as a whole.
2819068, I try not to think about it more than I have to
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Sat Jul-06-13 09:29 PM
you can't have any sort of discussion about it here because the usual niggas come with their 'you mad as fuck' or 'cry about it' routines and it makes it impossible to carry the talk far
seems to me from my encounters out and about it's the same thing because niggas get defensive when you say anything about shit they like that isn't a glowing endorsement
2819069, cue all the nostalgiamania...
Posted by bavid dammer, Sat Jul-06-13 09:32 PM
do people realize what they're so attracted to about "the past" is all the things that are missing from the present?
not the particulars, just the concepts and the standards and ambition that brought them to fruition.

people nowadays jocking sting/freddie mercury impersonators.

no NEW voices allowed, i guess.

any semblance to "the past" regardless of how overt and direct a plagerism gets you in the door.

just indicative of so many problematic trends leading down the road to nowhere.
2819073, ...said the guy who regularly tells Lessonheads he wants to rape them
Posted by mrshow, Sat Jul-06-13 09:41 PM
2819075, when did I do that?
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Sat Jul-06-13 09:44 PM
2819076, that doesn't mean he doesn't love them though!
Posted by bavid dammer, Sat Jul-06-13 09:44 PM
2819082, He's mad romantic
Posted by mrshow, Sat Jul-06-13 10:00 PM
2819084, well, you're obviously swooning.
Posted by bavid dammer, Sat Jul-06-13 10:03 PM
2819093, RE: well, you're obviously swooning.
Posted by melanon, Sat Jul-06-13 10:54 PM
2819070, step away from the keyboard
Posted by imcvspl, Sat Jul-06-13 09:33 PM
stop looking for a movement and find good music... it's been a fantastic year.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." © Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
2819071, thanks for your reply.
Posted by bavid dammer, Sat Jul-06-13 09:35 PM
all we need is one from joe corn moe about how 2013 was the best year in the history of music in his opinion and i can add this one to the never click again pile.

admitting there is a problem is the first step in any form of change/improvement.
2819072, Hey I'm admitting there's a problem
Posted by imcvspl, Sat Jul-06-13 09:39 PM
the problem is you.
You want to bitch and complain about corporate control, and yet use their standards to dictate the state of the music. Get off it dun. There's great shit happening you just gotta take the glasses off. But feel free to thank me for the time and continue pretending because nobody is putting the music you want to hear right in front of your face 24/7 that nothing good exists.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." © Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
2819074, enough with the "here, try my worldview blinders bro" BS...
Posted by bavid dammer, Sat Jul-06-13 09:43 PM
i don't wanna get all orbit_established but you people on here who subscribe to shutting out the rest of the world in favor of your laptop and ipod quite frankly scare me.

pretending something isn't happening in favor of programming your own playlist doesn't mean 99% of the rest of the country aren't doing it and if you involved with them by stepping away from your devices (literally) for even half an hour a day you're going to become immersed in it as well.
2819079, Statements like this are best said while...
Posted by mrshow, Sat Jul-06-13 09:56 PM
stoned on the floor of a freshman dorm.
2819083, that's exactly where i'm posting from...
Posted by bavid dammer, Sat Jul-06-13 10:01 PM
and get this.

we're playing the music WE want to hear bro!!!~

fuck all that corporate BS on the radio!

2819103, what should i do?
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Jul-06-13 11:44 PM
i listened to smokey robinson all day today.
should i have listened to modern music that i don't like instead?

should i have tried to put some young kids up on smokey robinson?

should i have gotten pissed that there is nobody out making music
better than smokey robinson?

isn't it easier to just listen to the shit i like?
like every other music fan on the planet?

is it that deep? lol

>i don't wanna get all orbit_established but you people on
>here who subscribe to shutting out the rest of the world in
>favor of your laptop and ipod quite frankly scare me.
>pretending something isn't happening in favor of programming
>your own playlist doesn't mean 99% of the rest of the country
>aren't doing it and if you involved with them by stepping away
>from your devices (literally) for even half an hour a day
>you're going to become immersed in it as well.
2819105, fam i got a wife and three kids
Posted by imcvspl, Sat Jul-06-13 11:46 PM
just today i got all three of my kids dancing to some new shit i got put onto last night. we played that shit like ten times today, my one year old losing her shit (literally...ok not literally but it's funny) over it. i really don't give a fuck about the rest of the world. i give a fuck about my wife and kids.

just like you i did my time in the industry and realized it would never give a fuck about me or my kids, let alone give two shits about music. fortunately they don't own me or my family, nor 90% of the music that exists in the world today (yeah i made that percentage up but who gives a fuck). so you're telling me i should focus my attention on 10% of music that doesn't do shit but mock my family and its values, when there's countless music out there which enriches their musical world ten times over with every new discovery? please.

i haven't heard yeezus, i haven't heard born sinner, i haven't heard whatever mac miller's shit's called, i haven't heard mchg, i ain't heard none of that shit because i don't need it in my life.

i got my own bitter issues, but waste my time listening to an album i know i probably won't like, by an artist i've never been a fan of, who continues not to impress me, because everyone else in the world is doing so, just so i can keep track of everything i don't like about it... nah b. i love music too much for that. you think you love music but it's a psychosomatic relationship you got going.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." © Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
2819390, but see:
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jul-08-13 12:15 PM

Forum name The Lesson
Topic subject the proving ground for a song/album is not studio or club monitors.
Topic URL http://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2819238
2819238, the proving ground for a song/album is not studio or club monitors.
Posted by bavid dammer, Sun Jul-07-13 06:52 PM

for the last time, but renewed relevancy with yeezus being debuted in concert and magna carta in studio monitors...

the tracks sound good and then you get it cornered in a room by itself and it folds like laundry.
full of all types of frays hiding behind a heavy bottom, the story of most rap music of the last 10 years...

anyway, for the last time - everything bumps.
everything bangs.
everything does not hold up beyond reproach in headphones.

headphones are the equivalent of a sonic microscope.
the real proving ground is the headphone, not the club/studio monitors.

ok? alright then...
2819392, its only happening in your corny ass world nm
Posted by Binlahab, Mon Jul-08-13 12:30 PM

does it even matter?
2819106, Listen to something else.
Posted by Buck, Sat Jul-06-13 11:56 PM
2819111, make more posts complaining about it
Posted by atruhead, Sun Jul-07-13 12:40 AM
2819113, yeah, you're your own worst enemy.
Posted by shockzilla, Sun Jul-07-13 01:15 AM
2819114, yo. could you like
Posted by Kosa12, Sun Jul-07-13 01:17 AM
give us a run down on what you actually like
then we could help you man lmao
all of your posts are negative. thats not cool hahaha
2819131, RE: Sig-worthy:
Posted by Austin, Sun Jul-07-13 01:58 AM
>all of your posts are negative. thats not cool hahaha

"jacques snicket." http://bit.ly/14iU9Xs
"pushed by wind." http://bit.ly/164IZGB
"It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self-conscious people in the world."
—Henry James
2819420, I read this reply in a stoner's voice and appreciated it even more.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Mon Jul-08-13 02:17 PM
2819572, and the OP never even replied to this shit
Posted by Kosa12, Tue Jul-09-13 12:02 AM
S M to the fucking H
2819143, The problem is you're in a tunnel. Should've taken the freeway.
Posted by Nodima, Sun Jul-07-13 06:21 AM

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Sun Jul-07-13 06:40 AM
Nah but seriously I feel what you're saying. Like Garhart was saying in the 1st
reply, you can't really discuss this without someone saying something like
"listen to less radio" or "stop paying attention to corporations"... and that'd be
all well and good if this new age was really like that... but if it was really like that,
then Yeezus and Magna Carta Holy Grail wouldn't be the biggest threads on the
board right now, because all this good music coming out independently shits
on both of those albums, so cats can sit here and act like it's all about the
indie artists and all the power belongs to the artist in the youtube age, but the
truth is, major labels still have the most pull as evidenced by this very board.
And this board is one of the most anti-mainstream discussion joints you'll find
on the net... and STILL swinging from the nutts of mainstream mediocrity.
2819151, And yet the Run the Jewels post is still full of praise
Posted by imcvspl, Sun Jul-07-13 08:01 AM
>if it was really like that,
>then Yeezus and Magna Carta Holy Grail wouldn't be the biggest
>threads on the
>board right now, because all this good music coming out
>independently shits
>on both of those albums,

So what does that say about all the music being made (bammer's original point)? Absolutely nothing. It only speaks to the power of that machine, and the 85ers that will mindlessly follow whatever it says. Sure it sucks that El and Mike didn't sell 300k first week with better music, but it doesn't mean it wasn't better music.

>so cats can sit here and act like
>it's all about the
>indie artists and all the power belongs to the artist in the
>youtube age, but the
>truth is, major labels still have the most pull as evidenced
>by this very board.

They still have the deepest pockets. But deep pockets don't make better music so who gives a fuck.

>And this board is one of the most anti-mainstream discussion
>joints you'll find
>on the net... and STILL swinging from the nutts of mainstream

No it's giving them the attention they pay for, but at the end of the day still producing decisive opinions about sub par music, while Run the Jewels gets the attention of those that want the good, who praise it because it's actually good music, not just because someone labeled it g.o.o.d. music.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." © Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
2819224, all of this.
Posted by shockzilla, Sun Jul-07-13 06:11 PM
2819686, RE: And yet the Run the Jewels post is still full of praise
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Tue Jul-09-13 11:32 AM
>>if it was really like that,
>>then Yeezus and Magna Carta Holy Grail wouldn't be the
>>threads on the
>>board right now, because all this good music coming out
>>independently shits
>>on both of those albums,
>So what does that say about all the music being made (bammer's
>original point)?

IS it his original point? His point is about a "great movement"...
a "light at the end of the tunnel" commercially (actually, a return
to quality commercial output seems to be his focus most of the time).

>Absolutely nothing. It only speaks to the
>power of that machine, and the 85ers that will mindlessly
>follow whatever it says. Sure it sucks that El and Mike
>didn't sell 300k first week with better music, but it doesn't
>mean it wasn't better music.

Well of course. I'm not a fan of Yeezus or Holy Fail, so I agree here.

>They still have the deepest pockets. But deep pockets don't
>make better music so who gives a fuck.

The "85ers" who praise and buy the trash, I suppose.

>No it's giving them the attention they pay for, but at the end
>of the day still producing decisive opinions about sub par
>music, while Run the Jewels gets the attention of those that
>want the good, who praise it because it's actually good music,
>not just because someone labeled it g.o.o.d. music.

I mean, if you don't see anyone praising Holy Fail, then cool...
I must be seeing things in that post.

2819389, Just fucking die, already.
Posted by dalecooper, Mon Jul-08-13 12:10 PM
I don't mean that in a way that's like "This is the internet and I'm being mean to you because we disagree." I mean it like this: if this is how you really feel, why even get out of bed in the morning? (From a musical perspective, at least.) Just stop caring about music, if you really think things are this bleak, this doomed, this utterly fucked.

Or - admit that you're getting old and you don't know where things are headed, and a few bad years have you scared and grumpy. Admit it. There's no shame in it, it happens to almost everybody that loves popular culture at some point.

I don't know why it is that everybody thinks things were amazing in their childhood and all of culture and society is headed down the shitter now that they're older. This kind of opinion has been so ever-present since at least the dawn of print media that you'd think we'd occasionally look back it and learn something. But apparently not.
2819445, rilly doe.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jul-08-13 03:19 PM
2819477, RE: Just fucking die, already.
Posted by bills, Mon Jul-08-13 05:17 PM

>I don't know why it is that everybody thinks things were
>amazing in their childhood and all of culture and society is
>headed down the shitter now that they're older. This kind of
>opinion has been so ever-present since at least the dawn of
>print media that you'd think we'd occasionally look back it
>and learn something. But apparently not.

Get me that on a t-shirt.
2819573, A+ posting
Posted by Kosa12, Tue Jul-09-13 12:02 AM
2819595, thank you for your reply.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Tue Jul-09-13 01:29 AM
we should link this in all of his posts, really.
it's essential reading.
2819597, RE: Or, you know, focus on the stuff you like.
Posted by Austin, Tue Jul-09-13 01:44 AM
Regardless of its release date, if it's new to you, who cares.

"jacques snicket." http://bit.ly/14iU9Xs
"pushed by wind." http://bit.ly/164IZGB
"It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self-conscious people in the world."
—Henry James
2819601, one can only do this
Posted by shockzilla, Tue Jul-09-13 02:21 AM
if one actually likes music.
2819606, exactly
Posted by Kosa12, Tue Jul-09-13 04:08 AM
thats how i look at music
2819602, to the ppl shitting on bammer
Posted by Reuben, Tue Jul-09-13 02:25 AM
where do you all think music/art comes from?

you don't think it's influenced by the environment social political cultural pressures around it?
2819604, Damn right on cue.....
Posted by blueeclipse, Tue Jul-09-13 03:44 AM
Mfkrs was ed no time coming in here on that defensive bullshit. Why not engage this dude in a useful conversation instead of gettin all hard. He has a point. People are WAY too accepting of mediocre shit nowadays and it's hard to get meaningful movements going for a lot of reasons. Greed, apathy, and impatience are at an all time high. On top of that people want instant gratification. Nothing is allowed to marinate and come out without the threat of immediate backlash.....so it keeps a lot of people from taking chances. These are all real issues. It doesn't mean everything sucks......in fact we have more access than ever to independent stuff......but mfkrs still are on that Stockholm Syndrome where they know they're caught in some bullshit but keep feeding into it and making excuses. People never realize that nothing works without the support of people. It's not that there isn't a chance for movements......it's just that despite being as connected as we've ever been......we're as disconnected as we've ever been as well.
2819607, this is all true but
Posted by Kosa12, Tue Jul-09-13 04:13 AM
>People are WAY
too accepting of mediocre shit nowadays and it's hard to get
>meaningful movements going for a lot of reasons. Greed,
>apathy, and impatience are at an all time high. On top of
>that people want instant gratification. Nothing is allowed to
>marinate and come out without the threat of immediate
>backlash.....so it keeps a lot of people from taking chances.
>These are all real issues. It doesn't mean everything
>sucks......in fact we have more access than ever to
>independent stuff......but mfkrs still are on that Stockholm
>Syndrome where they know they're caught in some bullshit but
>keep feeding into it and making excuses. People never realize
>that nothing works without the support of people. It's not
>that there isn't a chance for movements......it's just that
>despite being as connected as we've ever been......we're as
>disconnected as we've ever been as well.

the OP literally never posts anything positive about anything. its almost like he comes here to rant. we could sit here and bitch about how music on a mainstream scale isn't hitting like it used to be before I was even born (lol) or we could talk about shit we actually like. I'm always up for discussion but sometimes you just get to the point where it seems that people are just constantly venting about things that they know wont change any time soon
2819610, ::shrugs::
Posted by blueeclipse, Tue Jul-09-13 05:34 AM
I'm open to the conversation.......I wasn't aware of any chicken little shit or wolf crying but I think it's a topic that needs to be discussed especially with the constant name checking, agenda tossing, and the endless search for validation that goes on here.