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Subject: "Josh Gordon kind of ethers...well, everybody" Previous topic | Next topic
Member since Mar 03rd 2003
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Thu Jan-29-15 10:39 PM

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"Josh Gordon kind of ethers...well, everybody"



Awesome read, the second hand smoke notwithstanding.

An Open Letter To Charles Barkley & Co.
Yes, I have a “problem,” but it’s not the one all of you seem to think it is.
By Josh Gordon

Dear Sir Charles, Stephen A., Cris and other interested parties,

Thank you for your recent outpouring of concern about my well being. In what has been a difficult time for my family, friends and fans, you — and those like you — have taken it upon yourselves to express just how much you care about me and my future. For that, I am truly appreciative.

The thing is, though, you don’t even know me.
Chuck, you have never so much as shook my hand, let alone exchanged a single word with me. Few of you have, to be honest. Respectfully, your worry over my “problems” with substance abuse and my twisting descent into darkness and, apparently, my impending death, is misplaced — mostly because you have very little idea what you are talking about. None of you do, even those of you who seem curiously obsessed with the goings-on in my life:

You’re done with me, Stephen A.? That presumes we ever actually got started. How, exactly, can you be “done” with someone you have never had a meaningful conversation with beyond a quick First Take spot? Regardless, I am relieved that you no longer need to harbor sympathy for me — mostly because I never asked for it, never wanted it, and certainly never needed it. I am not a victim here; I never claimed to be one, either.

And Cris, your level of interest in my life is even more puzzling, especially considering we have never met, either.

In addition to being concerned about me — like when you publicly called for the Browns cut me so I could learn the same lessons you learned — you also stated as fact that “we are dealing with addiction here.” Know this: We are not dealing with anything, Cris. We are not the same. Not at all.

So, in the interest of lifting the heavy burden of my welfare off your collective consciences, I’d like to set the record straight about a few things.

First, words cannot express the remorse and regret I feel over this latest incident. I acknowledge that the repeated transgressions that have led up to this point have damaged my credibility, and for that, the only person to blame is me.

I have let down many in Cleveland — my Browns teammates, our hard-working coaching staff, the team’s ownership, and the loyal fan base that wants nothing more than to win. Playing there is different than in many other cities. We feel the fans’ pain. We know how important this is to them.

Also, I have disappointed the family and close friends who have always stood by me — no matter how tough things have been at certain points in my life. Believe me, there have been more dark days than I care to remember.

Most importantly, I have failed myself. Again.

I failed myself when started using marijuana regularly as a young teenager. I failed myself when I ruined a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be Robert Griffin III’s running mate during his Heisman Trophy-winning season at Baylor. I failed myself when I didn’t check with the league office to ensure that my doctor-prescribed, codeine-based medicine was allowed under NFL guidelines. I failed myself when I was arrested for driving a motor vehicle with a blood-alcohol level over the legal limit. I failed myself when I missed a team walkthrough late in the season and was suspended for the final game of the year.

But you know what, Charles, Stephen A., Cris and everyone else? I also have succeeded.

I succeeded by escaping a youth riddled with poverty, gang violence and very little in the way of guidance or support. I succeeded by narrowly avoiding a life of crime that managed to sink its clutches into almost all of my childhood friends. I succeeded by working tremendously hard on my craft and my body to even have a chance to play professional football for a living. And, contrary to popular belief, I succeeded by overcoming my longstanding relationship with weed — because I knew I was risking my future over it.

Truth is, I have not smoked marijuana since before I was drafted by the Browns in 2012 — and there are years’ worth of drug tests to prove it.
So, then how did I get here, you ask? That’s easy. I messed up. But to even begin to understand why I messed up, you need to know the Josh Gordon that existed before the NFL.

I don’t speak of it often, and even less so publicly, but I faced a fair amount of hardship growing up. My father was pretty much out of the picture, which left my mom to fend for herself with three sons at home. She did the best she could, but there were large stretches of time as an adolescent when I was completely alone — with no supervision, no one to guide me, and no one to keep me in line.

We lived in a poor section of Houston called Fondren, and to say it was a rough place would be putting it lightly. The other kids in the neighborhood weren’t well off, either, but it always felt like we had even less to our name. We moved at least seven times, and things were so bad sometimes, there were days I would come home from school and there would be no electricity, heat or hot water.

Over time, particularly after my older brothers moved out, I started hanging out with the wrong kind of people. The kind who would think nothing not only of carrying guns, but using them. Back then, smoking marijuana wasn’t an addiction for any of us — we were still boys, basically. It was just what everyone did. It was everywhere, just like alcohol was.

So Charles, Stephen A., Cris — you judge me now, but what if you came from where I come from? Heck, maybe you did experience similar upbringings, but I wouldn’t know, because I do not know you. Each of you have dealt with more than your fair shares of self-inflicted controversies, though, that I do know.

Again, I make no excuses for my past. That culture didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to do, but when you judge me without actually knowing me, you deny the existence of the world I come from.
Later, when I went to college, it was like a dream come true, but in retrospect, I wasn’t ready for it. I had to have that opportunity taken away from me before I could really look within myself and decide what I wanted for my future. Was I going to continue to break rules to get high, or was I going to get straight and make the most of my God-given talents?

I made my choice when it came to the NFL, and I haven’t wavered.

Now, I messed up again. It happened about four weeks ago.

As most everyone knows, I missed a considerable portion of the 2014 season because I was suspended by the league. The details in relation to my reinstatement, however, are important to understand.

In connection with the DWI case, the league — in consideration of the fact that my blood-alcohol level was just .01 over the legal limit — agreed to shorten my punishment from four games lost to two. These games were tacked on to my eight-game suspension that had been levied on account of my inadvertently inhaling second-hand marijuana smoke last offseason.

That punishment — while harsh, given what my lab results clearly showed, including a backup sample that was under the league threshold — was just. I foolishly put myself in a precarious situation, one which I could have easily avoided if I had thought more clearly about the potential ramifications of my actions and who I chose to spend time around.

As a strict condition to my reinstatement in Week 12, I had to agree not only to abstain from drinking for the rest of the season, but also to submit to an alcohol screen as part of my in-season drug testing under the league’s substance-abuse protocol. Did I think that was excessive given I had never had any issue whatsoever with alcohol? Yes. Did I think it was hypocritical that a professional league making hundreds of millions of dollars off beer sponsorships was telling me not to drink? Yes. Did I so much as blink at the condition? No.

My primary concern was — and is — being the best football player I can be; I really didn’t even view it as much of a punishment or sacrifice.

On Jan. 2 of this year, just days after our season ended earlier than we all had hoped — and yes, my actions during the prior offseason definitely contributed to our failure to make the playoffs; it killed me seeing our guys fight so hard when I wasn’t out there with them — I boarded a private flight to Las Vegas with several teammates. During the flight, I had two beers and two drinks. It was the first time I had consumed so much as a drop of alcohol since July 4, 2014, the day of the DWI.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not much of a drinker. Even calling me a social drinker would be an exaggeration, but at that moment, on that flight, I made a choice. The wrong choice, as it turned out.

Upon landing, I received the all-too-familiar notice by phone that I was to report to a testing location within four hours. I failed the test, obviously, and the rest is history … colored by media speculation and faux outrage.

In the end, of course, I failed myself.

It doesn’t matter if I thought that the league-imposed restriction on drinking had expired at the end of the regular season; what matters is that I didn’t confirm whether or not that was the case. Now, that oversight has further jeopardized my relationship with my team and our fans, my reputation, and maybe even my career.

So that’s it, Charles & Co.

These are the actual facts surrounding my situation, and these are my words. What comes next is uncertain. I haven’t decided whether to appeal the latest suspension. That’s a matter for my agent and me to discuss.

To those of you who traffic in lies and innuendo over fact, with seemingly no consequences for your actions …

I really don’t know how you get away with it.

What I do know is the following: I am not a drug addict; I am not an alcoholic; I am not someone who deserves to be dissected and analyzed like some tragic example of everything that can possibly go wrong for a professional athlete. And … I am not going to die on account of the troubled state you wrongly believe my life to be in. I am a human being, with feelings and emotions and scars and flaws, just like anyone else. I make mistakes — I have made a lot of mistakes — but I am a good person, and I will persevere.

If I have a “problem,” it is that I am only 23 years old — with a lot left to learn. I’ve come a long way from those mean Fondren streets, but it’s clear that I can be a better me — one who kids coming up to me for selfies and autographs can be proud of. I want that future for myself. And I truly believe that what I am going through right now will only make me stronger. I believe that my future is bright.

If you see me someday, Chuck, Stephen A., Cris, or any other well-intentioned person to whom this letter is directed, please come on over, shake my hand, and say hello. I won’t be holding a grudge, but I will expect you to admit you were wrong about me.


Josh Gordon, No. 12



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Subject Author Message Date ID
Great read
Jan 29th 2015
i mean...
Jan 29th 2015
You didn't read the article. And Josh Gordon writes better than you.
Jan 29th 2015
i read it earlier today. in its entirety.
Jan 29th 2015
      No, its not subjective. You're an embarrassment.
Jan 29th 2015
This is kind of his point though
Jan 29th 2015
      Yeah, not sure why the fuck we act like it has to be that way.
Jan 29th 2015
Nigga costing himself MILLIONS though, smh.
Jan 29th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
***creates poll for my Dynasty League to give essay points***
Jan 30th 2015
feel bad for him, but he's a knucklehead
Jan 30th 2015
yeah. it's a lot of hot air until he proves otherwise.
Jan 30th 2015
      He's still less of a dumbass than you were at 23.
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
                     Nah, I'm one of the most beloved people around here
Jan 30th 2015
                          you're takin' this entirely too far...
Jan 30th 2015
                               Post #32.
Jan 30th 2015
                               you want it to be one way © marlo...
Jan 30th 2015
                                    "I'm a peaceful brother." (c) Nasir
Jan 30th 2015
                               Awwwe someones e-feelings might get hurt, LOL!
Jan 30th 2015
      yep, claiming he doesn't have a problem with alcohol
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
he really hasn't said much...
Jan 30th 2015
OE is right. Surprised at the callous cynism in this post.
Jan 30th 2015
But if he got jammed up in college....what twice?
Jan 30th 2015
his problem is that he is young and learning responsibility in real time
Jan 30th 2015
      No idiots you didn't know were publically judging you, though.
Jan 30th 2015
      nah his problem is, he keeps getting jammed up
Jan 30th 2015
           He already told us that, though.
Jan 30th 2015
           And now he has to follow through on that
Jan 30th 2015
                LOL -- are those things mutually exclusive? Jesus.
Jan 30th 2015
                     you know what isnt automatically mutually INclusive?
Jan 30th 2015
                     LOL -- Gordon "assessed his behavior" better than we did.
Jan 30th 2015
                          no he hasnt. if he did, hed refer to himself as an addict.
Jan 30th 2015
                               Women have called me a "sex addict"
Jan 30th 2015
                                    has your sexual behavior ever gotten you arrested?
Jan 30th 2015
                                         so marijuana arrest = addiction?
Jan 30th 2015
                                              it could very well be that the NFL's drug policy is unreasonable.
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
                                                   you're allowing arbitrary social definitions to determine a man's worth
Jan 30th 2015
                                                        no, im not. ive actually said almost nothing about "his worth"
Jan 30th 2015
                                                             saying he has the problem and he is an addict is judgmental
Jan 30th 2015
                                                                  judgmental as in weighing and assessing his behavior? yes.
Feb 01st 2015
                     I'm not debating the first part.
Jan 30th 2015
                          But again: Gordon made that arguement already.
Jan 30th 2015
           He keeps making questionable decisions. There is a difference.
Jan 30th 2015
                Sorry, but I call bullshit.
Jan 30th 2015
                     i would hope that ppl who care abt him wouldn't put him in that position
Jan 30th 2015
                          or he indeed needs to choose between his career and his fam/friends
Jan 30th 2015
                          in what position?
Jan 30th 2015
it was almost literally the exact opposite of a mature response
Jan 30th 2015
      You are literally the opposite of an intelligent person.
Jan 30th 2015
      no one is less qualified to assess addiction than the person in ?
Jan 30th 2015
           Jesus Christ, you just made MY POINT
Jan 30th 2015
                youre putting me in something i have no interest in being in
Jan 30th 2015
                     Nah, too late to backtrack. You made Gordon's exact point.
Jan 30th 2015
                          i havent judged him for anything.
Jan 30th 2015
                               but the NFL has stricter standards than most professions
Jan 31st 2015
      lol. take a breath and then read again.
Jan 30th 2015
RE: Josh Gordon kind of ethers...well, everybody
Jan 30th 2015
Pretty much. Lotta hypothetical well adjusted 23 yr old millionaires in ...
Jan 30th 2015
beyond the hype, he did it to himself...
Jan 30th 2015
You guys sound like the Orange County debate team semi-finals.
Jan 30th 2015
I'm not trying to take personal accountability out of this
Jan 30th 2015
      its not about one incident...
Jan 30th 2015
           But He ADMITTED To All That Though
Jan 30th 2015
                Yeah, HALF the article is Gordon talking bad about himself.
Jan 30th 2015
                i never said he shirked responsibility...
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
tl;dr, I don't have a substance abuse problem, I'm just irresponsible
Jan 30th 2015
"it was hypocritical that a professional league..."
Jan 30th 2015
it's a facile argument at best. Deflection, if we're being honest
Jan 30th 2015
      I disagree.
Jan 30th 2015
      Nah, the issue is the morality part.
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
clear pattern of behavior but he has talent and time on his side
Jan 30th 2015
lol, word
Jan 30th 2015
damn punching a buckeye?
Jan 30th 2015
      he's been gettin a little too self righteous lately imo...
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 31st 2015
                did i stutter ?
Feb 03rd 2015
                     if Duron's last name was Jones, would anybody still care about him?
Feb 03rd 2015
                          nope, he's an entitled little shithead, but the talent is there.
Feb 03rd 2015
cris carter is the LAST guy who should be pointing fingers
Apr 13th 2016
Josh needs to take as much time as he needs to get help in dealing with ...
Jan 30th 2015
Now that's a badass letter
Jan 30th 2015
one of the first "open letters" i can get behind
Jan 30th 2015
Stephen A response:
Jan 30th 2015
he kinda dropped a few jewels, though...
Jan 30th 2015
yea he bodied most of the rebuttals in here
Jan 30th 2015
He's doing it again. Stephen A talking like he knows him personally
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
Pretty much. Just furthered Gordons point
Jan 30th 2015
      Yep, Steven A. was terrible.
Jan 30th 2015
damn called him a young bol and cast doubt that he even wrote
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
lol @ Skip questioning the use of "faux outrage"
Jan 30th 2015
Jan 30th 2015
line up here to help OE enable josh gordon
Jan 30th 2015
Damn shame, you spent all night thinking that up.
Jan 30th 2015
      sidenote: it's a lot more fun to agree w/ u than disagree
Jan 30th 2015
      he knew the rules, his union agreed to the rules
Jan 30th 2015
      it's a shame your reading comprehension is so low
Jan 30th 2015
           your definition of 'alcoholic' is meaningless.
Jan 31st 2015
                that's not my definition, chief
Jan 31st 2015
                     purely medical definitions of alcoholism/addiction
Jan 31st 2015
                          josh gordon has a problem with alcohol
Feb 01st 2015
                          Your Obama example is perfect for my argument
Feb 01st 2015
                               i guess you're right
Feb 01st 2015
                               your argument is toyally irrelevant
Feb 01st 2015
                                    Like I've said, I don't accept those definitions
Feb 01st 2015
                          butting in here just to say it was actually four drinks
Feb 01st 2015
                               yeah, i peeped that
Feb 01st 2015
Jan 30th 2015
yeah, he's on point with pretty much all of this
Jan 31st 2015
I like to smoke weed and drink on weekends
Feb 01st 2015
this is the key
Feb 01st 2015
Feb 01st 2015
      his poor choices have cost him less than you think.
Feb 02nd 2015
           you have to be trolling
Feb 04th 2015
      eh kinda
Feb 01st 2015
           what do you mean kinda? your main thing was the main thing last yr
Feb 03rd 2015
He's still delusional about that weed
Feb 01st 2015
nit was insanely strict. 15 nano grams
Feb 01st 2015
      Well damn was not aware of that
Feb 01st 2015
Feb 01st 2015
FOH with the excuses.
Feb 01st 2015
suspended. 1 year minimum.
Feb 03rd 2015
Well theres that. And I can continue reading these dumbass replies...
Feb 03rd 2015
      lulz. reply 96.
Feb 03rd 2015
      i dunno why dudes tryna flip this like he just put upon and noble
Feb 03rd 2015
           He's a victim of repeated circumstance
Feb 04th 2015
how did Gordon get to stage three of the NFL drug program if
Feb 03rd 2015
that's a good point. denver post article i found says
Feb 03rd 2015
rumor is he failed another drug test
Apr 11th 2016
LOL, but of course he did
Apr 11th 2016
it's say you don't have a problem
Apr 11th 2016
Apr 11th 2016
He's living with Johnny Football in L.A..... smh
Apr 11th 2016
can you imagine the parties though?
Apr 11th 2016
wonder if they have an extra room for Justin Blackmon
Apr 11th 2016
Apr 11th 2016
      if nfl network ever wants to go full dirtbag, they have a show
Apr 11th 2016
Legalize it.
Apr 11th 2016
In a way he's an argument against legalization
Apr 12th 2016
      Addiction isn't an argument against legalization.
Apr 12th 2016
      smh you're smarter than this smuts
Apr 12th 2016
      No he's not.
Apr 12th 2016
           glad you're still commenting on me after all the years
Apr 13th 2016
Apr 13th 2016
Apr 13th 2016
      lol, whut?
Apr 13th 2016
Apr 11th 2016
he should've just said he was a drug addict. ppl dont feel sorry for id...
Apr 11th 2016
That would have been a good start.
Apr 12th 2016
damn just drafted him in fantasy this past weekend
Apr 11th 2016
that league sounds miserable
Apr 12th 2016
Apr 12th 2016
Apr 12th 2016
      Hey, blowhards was partially blown up because some people argued
Apr 12th 2016
dude's kind of ethering...well, himself
Apr 12th 2016
      Its almost like there is a division in this post
Apr 12th 2016
           Everyone recognizes that he has a "problem."
Apr 12th 2016
                You have shown very little understanding of neuropsych & medicine
Apr 12th 2016
                But dude you yourself conflated the two separate issues.
Apr 12th 2016
                     Lol. No. You guys just aren't very bright.
Apr 12th 2016
                          Ad hominem attacks, a sure sign of a winning argument lol
Apr 13th 2016
                          Not Ad Hominem at all. Basic observation.
Apr 13th 2016
                               I don't think you're not bright. Just wrong.
Apr 13th 2016
petition for reinstatement denied...can reapply Aug. 1st.
Apr 12th 2016
I Am Josh Gordon
Apr 12th 2016
The amount of courage it took for you to share
Apr 12th 2016
RE: The amount of courage it took for you to share
Apr 12th 2016
      My man
Apr 13th 2016
Apr 12th 2016
RE: respect.
Apr 12th 2016
Thanks for sharing man.
Apr 12th 2016
RE: Thanks for sharing man.
Apr 12th 2016
damn, thanks for sharing
Apr 13th 2016
RE: damn, thanks for sharing
Apr 13th 2016
honored you felt like you could share this with us
Apr 13th 2016
RE: honored you felt like you could share this with us
Apr 13th 2016
RE: honored you felt like you could share this with us
Apr 13th 2016
thanks for sharing man.
Apr 13th 2016
RE: thanks for sharing man.
Apr 13th 2016
Much respect
Apr 13th 2016
RE: Much respect
Apr 13th 2016
We touched gloves and then spoke about it. You know my stance.
Apr 13th 2016
forbidding someone on the BROWNS from drinking is inhumane
Apr 13th 2016
RE: Josh Gordon kind of ethers...well, everybody
Sep 21st 2016
Sep 29th 2016
somebody posted this on this on Twitter...
Sep 29th 2016
hopefully this is a step in the right direction...
Sep 29th 2016
Excellent, now starts arguably the hardest part
Sep 29th 2016
which is where he clearly needs to be. I wonder what sparked this
Sep 29th 2016
my fantasy team wants him to stay high and play ball
Sep 30th 2016
I'm a keep it a buck. I'd be more understanding if it wasn't weed.
Sep 30th 2016
he wanted off the Browns
Sep 30th 2016
      i wonder if he wants off the league.
Sep 30th 2016
      or he'll leave rehab before next season
Sep 30th 2016
      yep...Hugh said enough is enough...
Sep 30th 2016
Cgonz basically owned this post
Sep 30th 2016
yea he nailed it
Sep 30th 2016
you misspelled "theprofessional"
Sep 30th 2016

Member since Oct 18th 2004
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Thu Jan-29-15 11:01 PM

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1. "Great read"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Jan-29-15 11:02 PM by LA2Philly



Hopefully he can keep himself out of those precarious situations from now just significantly increases the risk that you're going to make another bad decision, and all it takes is one moment of weakness to cave in. Environment plays such a huge role in determining behaviors, and I'm sincerely hoping he realizes he needs to change his.

<--The drought is over

"have fun reveling in your pettiness tho" (C) Dula summing up 98% of OKS

"I didnt finish a damn thing...matter of fact I jerked off after she left."
-Kobe speaking to investigators



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Member since Mar 09th 2010
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Thu Jan-29-15 11:21 PM

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2. "i mean..."
In response to Reply # 0



these cats are on tv to opine.
if you kept out of shit, they'd opine on your play.
you keep getting into shit, and they don't have the details, so they opine on yo life.
this is what comes with hundreds of thousands of bucks kiddo.

and if you had a guy in your life, who rolled with you 24/7, and would either a) punch you dead in your face if you even *looked* like you were about to fuck shit up or b) the notion of disappointing him was so great you wouldn't think of stepping out of line, this shit wouldn't happen.

but you didnt, and here you is. enjoy the year off.


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Member since Oct 27th 2002
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Thu Jan-29-15 11:26 PM

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3. "You didn't read the article. And Josh Gordon writes better than you. "
In response to Reply # 2



And is probably about 14.5 times smarter.

And does less dumb shit than you did at 23.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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Member since Mar 09th 2010
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Thu Jan-29-15 11:32 PM

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5. "i read it earlier today. in its entirety."
In response to Reply # 3



smarter? subjective.
less dumb stuff? relative. his stakes were far higher than mine at the same age.


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Member since Oct 27th 2002
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Thu Jan-29-15 11:40 PM

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7. "No, its not subjective. You're an embarrassment. "
In response to Reply # 5



>smarter? subjective.
>less dumb stuff? relative. his stakes were far higher than
>mine at the same age.

No, that's an arbitrary and baseless double standard. He
plays a sport for a living. I wouldn't trust you to hold
my chain for 5 minutes, but if you've worked at something
as simple as a McDonald's (and had direct input on the food
that goes in someone's mouth) than your job actually had
"higher stakes," in that your professional fuckups affected
more people directly.

So you being an idiot nigga who flips burgers is actually
worse than being an idiot who catches touchdowns. Your fuckups
can spread Salmonella, and give people the deadly, bloody

Gordon's fuckups just makes an already shitty franchise
even shittier.

So please, shut that shit up, you bloody shits spreading ass


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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Member since Mar 03rd 2003
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Thu Jan-29-15 11:28 PM

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4. "This is kind of his point though"
In response to Reply # 2



>you keep getting into shit, and they don't have the details,
>so they opine on yo life.
>this is what comes with hundreds of thousands of bucks kiddo.



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Member since Oct 27th 2002
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Thu Jan-29-15 11:33 PM

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6. "Yeah, not sure why the fuck we act like it has to be that way. "
In response to Reply # 4



>>you keep getting into shit, and they don't have the details,
>>so they opine on yo life.
>>this is what comes with hundreds of thousands of bucks

We have such low expectations of human beings.

If your job is to be a sports journalist, you could do
actual journalism. You could write interesting stories.
Talk about interesting things.

Not sure where "moral police" showed up in the job description.

It doesn't have to be this way.

We allow it to be that way.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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Member since May 10th 2007
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Thu Jan-29-15 11:51 PM

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8. "Nigga costing himself MILLIONS though, smh."
In response to Reply # 0


Anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg

Get 25% off w/ rep code JR9103 |
Nike, G-Star, Herschel, Adidas (Men's & Women's clothing)


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Member since Jan 24th 2004
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Fri Jan-30-15 12:16 AM

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9. "interesting"
In response to Reply # 0



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10. "***creates poll for my Dynasty League to give essay points***"
In response to Reply # 0


I'll let you guys know how that works out for me. If it doesn't go my way.....

Jason Terry face



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11. "feel bad for him, but he's a knucklehead"
In response to Reply # 0



clearly a thoughtful individual who realizes his mistakes and is owning up for the most part. but there's some red flags here too. he says he can't understand why the league banned him from alcohol and that he's never had a problem with it, but he's got a DUI on his record.

and the situations he described-- inhaling secondhand smoke, two drinks on a plane, not realizing the ban extended into the offseason-- sound harmless, but when there's millions of dollars and your career on the line, these mistakes are enormous and staggeringly dumb. you should be punching anyone in the face who even offers you a drink. you should be able to recite the league substance abuse policy by heart.

like i said, he's mostly owning up, but there's some semi excuse making here that would bother me if i'm a coach/owner deciding on his future. the mindset he has of feeling like his mistakes are understandable makes me think he's probably gonna fall into some more "understandable" mistakes again.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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Fri Jan-30-15 04:36 AM

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12. "yeah. it's a lot of hot air until he proves otherwise."
In response to Reply # 11


- vowing not to make the same mistakes that submarined his college career...yet he's been suspended three of four seasons in the NFL, each progressively longer in term.
- talks about his dedication as a player and how much the team means to him...yet he doesn't even bother to come to practice once they're eliminated.
- rejects the idea he has any substance abuse problems…yet he’s been booked for a DWI and suspended three separate times for “substance abuse.”

he’s got a point about the moralizing (media and public faux outrage is one of the worst current trends) and gross exaggerations of his mistakes. and he seems contrite about those mistakes. but those are just words for now.



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14. "He's still less of a dumbass than you were at 23. "
In response to Reply # 12



So I'll roll with that agenda for now

Gordon at 23 > everyone mad @ 23, 24, 25


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15. "chill..."
In response to Reply # 14



*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...



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24. "? "
In response to Reply # 15




O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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26. "inbox."
In response to Reply # 24



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..and miles to go before i sleep...



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Fri Jan-30-15 11:15 AM

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32. "Nah, I'm one of the most beloved people around here"
In response to Reply # 26



My inbox is full of people telling me they sign up to
just to read my posts, that I've gotten them through rough
times, and recently have offers to review rock albums and
write about sports for $$$, all of which I've turned down
to post shit for free for THIS community to share and
experience....all because this is my first digital family, if
there is such a thing

Not asking for thanks, but I'm gonna go ahead and roll with
how I've been, and if I get banned, I'm good with that.

Just another racial double standard that I'm good with

No disrespect, I recognize that you've got a job to do, and
I think you're a good dude, seriously

But ban away, I'm not changing.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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Fri Jan-30-15 11:26 AM

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33. "you're takin' this entirely too far..."
In response to Reply # 32
Fri Jan-30-15 11:27 AM by CyrenYoung



..i never asked you to change anything (and i approached you about this respectfully through inbox).

i respect your opinion on most things, regardless of the delivery. you have your own way of approaching topics and that's cool. *congrats on being recognized for your reviews.

what's not cool is the way you often address/attack others who might have contrasting views (currently on display in this thread, replies #7 & #14).

like i've already stated: i'm not asking you to change your opinion. i'm asking you to voice it respectfully without attacking others.

if you choose to ignore this, then there's really nothing more to discuss.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...



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34. "Post #32. "
In response to Reply # 33



Y'all gonna fuck around and make a martyr out of me.

Board is more fun with me around, people who don't like
me will even admit that


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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48. "you want it to be one way © marlo..."
In response to Reply # 34



..not really sure what racial double standard you're referring to, but this has nothing to do with race.

more importantly: why is it so difficult for you to curb the racial slurs and attack/aggressive nature of your replies to people that are merely voicing their opinions?

no one is questioning your intelligence or ability as a writer and no one is asking you to change your opinions. again, just find a more respectful way of voicing your opinion.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...



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53. ""I'm a peaceful brother." (c) Nasir"
In response to Reply # 48



You've done good service as a moderator

I'll listen


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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69. "Awwwe someones e-feelings might get hurt, LOL!"
In response to Reply # 33


"Big bad OE talked about me on the internet and called me a dumbass, how shall I survive?" - OKP_User

LOL! Let that boy OE cook!

>what's not cool is the way you often address/attack others who
>might have contrasting views (currently on display in this
>thread, replies #7 & #14).

Anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg

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18. "yep, claiming he doesn't have a problem with alcohol"
In response to Reply # 12



yet he has a DUI and he just took two drinks that ended his 2015 season and cost him millions of dollars. like, sure you're not passed out every weekend, but risking and losing that amount of money puts you easily in the top 1% of people who have problems with alcohol. he has a massive substance abuse problem. the fact that he doesn't seem to realize that is extremely troubling.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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13. "^^^^^^PLEAS COPPED "
In response to Reply # 0


"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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16. "he really hasn't said much..."
In response to Reply # 0



..but then again, neither has the media.

they voiced their opinions about the issues that plague his career (on & off the field). regardless of what we might think about the media, that's part of their job.

none of this changes the fact that he's fucking up his opportunities at an incredible career.

perhaps he has a career in writing?

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...



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17. "OE is right. Surprised at the callous cynism in this post. "
In response to Reply # 0


that was a very mature response.

at 23, he's done some age-appropriate, borderline dumb stuff. Since the league has a hard on for "justice" he got caught up.

people dont want to allow for any nuance or complexity. its just he's dumb, losing millions, blah blah.



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Fri Jan-30-15 10:40 AM

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20. "But if he got jammed up in college....what twice?"
In response to Reply # 17


Now jammed up in the league 3 or 4 times, he probably does have some sort of a problem.

And that problem doesnt go away cuz he's charismatic, speaks so well, great as his job, or writes a tight blog post.

C'mon I'm not the only muthafucka who's seen "Flight". He's gotta deal with that shit and stop making excuses.



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43. "his problem is that he is young and learning responsibility in real time"
In response to Reply # 20


which was how most of us learned it as well.

it might take him time to undo some bad habits and relationships but i am not going to kill him for making basic mistakes for which the consequences far outweigh the crime or doubt that he can make the right choices moving forward.


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51. "No idiots you didn't know were publically judging you, though. "
In response to Reply # 43



You got to fuck up in the quiet of your own reality.

That's the problem here.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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55. "nah his problem is, he keeps getting jammed up"
In response to Reply # 43


I don't think anybody with sense cares what a pundit says about him on tv.

But for his well being, he has to stop doing what they tell him not to do.

Because right now, that's all most people know about him.

And that's the same for any young dude regardless of their job. You work in customer service, stop being a no call no show. Dont huff an L in the parking lot after work.

Because that, "Hey baby, I'm young and learning" wears thin on everybody in an instant.

Josh just needs to make better decisions. Because up to this point he has a long history of bad ones.



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Fri Jan-30-15 12:48 PM

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56. "He already told us that, though. "
In response to Reply # 55



He just told us he makes bad decisions and that he
needs to make smarter ones.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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57. "And now he has to follow through on that "
In response to Reply # 56


Dont worry about Chuck or Stephen A. or make excuses or try to explain himself. Because the public isn't gonna believe him with his history of transgressions.

Cuz what he doesnt want to be is 32 yrs old like Iverson sitting in a press conference still talking about, "I'm young. Still learning."



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58. "LOL -- are those things mutually exclusive? Jesus. "
In response to Reply # 57



>Dont worry about Chuck or Stephen A. or make excuses or try
>to explain himself. Because the public isn't gonna believe him
>with his history of transgressions.

That's not the point.

If terrible human beings are criticizing him and calling
him an "addict" then its perfectly within his right, and
appropriate even, to remind these dickheads that they've
never had a conversation with him, and are more than likely
spectacularly wrong in their assessment.

Like he alluded to -- if they *cared*, as all three said
they did, they would simply find a way to contact him,
maybe sit down with him over a burger and talk about the

They don't, because they are exploiting a situation for
personal gain, which is lamentable.

So he's right.

And all within it, he criticized himself for his issues.

Its really not that difficult to understand.

>Cuz what he doesnt want to be is 32 yrs old like Iverson
>sitting in a press conference still talking about, "I'm young.
>Still learning."

Okay. That's his business, though. And Iverson had problems
much different than Gordon.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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62. "you know what isnt automatically mutually INclusive?"
In response to Reply # 58



Assessing his behavior and judging his character


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63. "LOL -- Gordon "assessed his behavior" better than we did. "
In response to Reply # 62



>Assessing his behavior and judging his character

He's not addressing a news story about his problems.

He's not addressing people talking about how its unfortunate
that he's had those problems.

the people making the judgement, and this fake "care" and

Its terrible people stepping on a man for notoriety and
fame under the guise of "care" and "concern."

That's exactly what he's talking about.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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66. "no he hasnt. if he did, hed refer to himself as an addict."
In response to Reply # 63



And not put quotes around problem.

Because from a clinical standpoint his behavior indicates that he is.

Only addicts drink after multiple suspension and a DWI with more professional repercussions hanging over him.


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72. "Women have called me a "sex addict" "
In response to Reply # 66



I don't think so

I think I just like to hump

But I'm willing to not hump if a good episode of
Sanford and Son is on or if I need a nap

Point is, that "addict" shit is thrown around too liberally,
and often there are perfectly good explanations to explain
behavior without conjuring "addiction"

What's funny is, Gordon's characterization of himself is WORSE
than an addict

Its a rational person who makes dumbass decisions

He admitted that


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89. "has your sexual behavior ever gotten you arrested? "
In response to Reply # 72
Fri Jan-30-15 05:09 PM by cgonz00cc



If so, did you continue to perform that behavior? Were you caught again?

What about work; has your sexual behavior ever gotten you disciplined at work 3 times, jeopardizing your professional future?

Afterwards did you go around denying that you had a sex addiction?

Unless your answer to every single one of those questions is "yes", dont compare yourself to Josh Gordon.

And you keep going on about how he said he did stupid things, but thats not honest self assessment. Thats the kind of thing an addict would say if he were attempting to appease people who would enable him by helping him avoid treatment. And considering that you seem thoroughly appeased, its a good thing you arent part of Gordon's life for his sake.

You had a point way back in the beginning but you are WAY off base now.


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Fri Jan-30-15 05:42 PM

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90. "so marijuana arrest = addiction?"
In response to Reply # 89



we are swimming in addicts, everywhere but colorado and washington. weird.

arrests = addiction? then theres a whole lot of addicted people functioning normally in life after their addiction-based DUI. nevermind the time my dad told me that was the drunkest he'd ever driven one time (not stopped by cops) or the time I drove drunk but didn't get pulled over after a bad breakup and some friends trying to cheer me up. one cop car away from addiction! and the only reason i haven't been busted for weed is because my job doesn't test for weed. ADDICT!

gordon might have a substance problem. but what he describes as having happened isn't a substance problem. if second hand smoke can cause a positive test, that's not addiction. if he had two drinks on a plane trip, that's not addiction. it was against the rules, but it's not an addiction.

and that matters because we judge addicts differently. by calling him an addict, you don't bother to question why the fuck the NFL gets to say someone can't have a drop of alcohol at all. by calling him an addict, you don't bother to question why the NFL tests for weed.

Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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91. "it could very well be that the NFL's drug policy is unreasonable."
In response to Reply # 90



maybe the NFL should ease the hell up on the way it treats substance issues w/players.

maybe Josh isn't the one w/the problem.

his 'problem' doesn't look so bad to me - but i see ppl w/actual substance abuse problems everyday. so my perception is seasoned.

fuck you.


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92. "what? "
In response to Reply # 90
Fri Jan-30-15 06:19 PM by cgonz00cc



>we are swimming in addicts, everywhere but colorado and
>washington. weird.

Why are you taking the multifaceted clinical evidence of a substance abuse problem and boiling it down to arrest = addiction?

We arent talking about one guy with one arrest as the only negative outcome of using.

>arrests = addiction? then theres a whole lot of addicted
>people functioning normally in life after their
>addiction-based DUI. nevermind the time my dad told me that
>was the drunkest he'd ever driven one time (not stopped by
>cops) or the time I drove drunk but didn't get pulled over
>after a bad breakup and some friends trying to cheer me up.
>one cop car away from addiction!

Thats a great story but i dont understand the relevance. Unless you had already faced multiple instances of official consequence for drinking, your anecdote is not relevant to the situation at hand.

and the only reason i haven't
>been busted for weed is because my job doesn't test for weed.

Right, but if it did, and you were caught more than once, that is a clinical sign of substance abuse. This isnt my fucking opinion lol. CLINICAL SIGNS.

>gordon might have a substance problem. but what he describes
>as having happened isn't a substance problem.

Shocking that someone would deny having a problem. And ive definitely never heard of someone with a substance abuse problem lying about their use. Never ever.

>if second hand
>smoke can cause a positive test, that's not addiction.

Thats a big if lol

>if he
>had two drinks on a plane trip, that's not addiction. it was
>against the rules, but it's not an addiction.

In and of itself, of course not. But when he is bound to follow probationary rules at his job because of earlier discipline related to drinking, thats a positive sign. And again, that is NOT my opinion. That is a clinical diagnostic.

>and that matters because we judge addicts differently. by
>calling him an addict, you don't bother to question why the
>fuck the NFL gets to say someone can't have a drop of alcohol
>at all.
>by calling him an addict, you don't bother to question
>why the NFL tests for weed.

This dude's continued using is bringing his professional life down around him. He isnt you drinking and driving one night after a bad breakup. I mean...cmon.

EDIT: did you even read the post you were replying to? Because your whole post seems to be aimed directly at the subject line.


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93. "you're allowing arbitrary social definitions to determine a man's worth"
In response to Reply # 92
Fri Jan-30-15 06:29 PM by thejerseytornado



>Why are you taking the multifaceted clinical evidence of a
>substance abuse problem and boiling it down to arrest =

big words that mean nothing. there's no clinical evidence of anything, there's just a history of suspensions.

>We arent talking about one guy with one arrest as the only
>negative outcome of using.

no, we're talking about a guy who has failed tests that were so stringent, second-hand smoke counted. tests that continued after his season was over when he thought they ended when his season was over.

>Thats a great story but i dont understand the relevance.
>Unless you had already faced multiple instances of official
>consequence for drinking, your anecdote is not relevant to the
>situation at hand.

official consequences aren't good definitions of an addiction problem because official consequences are distributed unequally. Were I in a different job, i'd have faced multiple consequences. am i less addicted simply because i'm in a career that doesn't drug test?

>Right, but if it did, and you were caught more than once, that
>is a clinical sign of substance abuse. This isnt my fucking
>opinion lol. CLINICAL SIGNS.

then those signs are, unsurprisingly (and htis is a larger problem with psychological definitions of disorders), easily manipulable by social rules. For example, "anxiety" is much more common in states with medical marijuana. are people just more anxious in california than pennsylvania? i doubt it.

>Shocking that someone would deny having a problem. And ive
>definitely never heard of someone with a substance abuse
>problem lying about their use. Never ever.

shocking that you assume the worst about someone you don't know. well, shocking's not the word. sad. unempathetic. judgmental. those are better words.

>Thats a big if lol

but they did have to raise the limit after gordon's is the dumbfuck conservative nfl...hmmm...

>In and of itself, of course not. But when he is bound to
>follow probationary rules at his job because of earlier
>discipline related to drinking, thats a positive sign. And
>again, that is NOT my opinion. That is a clinical

and if the mistake was, as he describes, him thinking the season was over after his last game and not the "league year" (march something, i think), is that a sign of addiction? fuck and no.

>This dude's continued using is bringing his professional life
>down around him. He isnt you drinking and driving one night
>after a bad breakup. I mean...cmon.

i mean, he drank and drove once that we know of. I've drunk and driven at least once that we know of. the only difference is I DIDN'T GET CAUGHT.

edit re your edit: well, then your subject line was dumb. and the rest of your article still doesn't consider the possibility that the testing measures used against Gordon were potentially extremely restrictive to the point where a shit-ton of people would be deemed addicts.
Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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94. "no, im not. ive actually said almost nothing about "his worth""
In response to Reply # 93



That seems to be a projection of yours that me saying that he exhibits strong clinical signs of substance abuse = me determining his "worth"

>big words that mean nothing. there's no clinical evidence of
>anything, there's just a history of suspensions.

That IS the clinical evidence. How do you think these determinations are made? Just wait until someone turns up with a ring of glue around his mouth? The continued use despite repeated professional and personal consequences of use, is something that psychology defines as evidence of substance abuse. Im sorry if you dont want that to be the case, but it is.

>no, we're talking about a guy who has failed tests that were
>so stringent, second-hand smoke counted.

Thats alleged and, medically speaking, highly unlikely

>tests that continued
>after his season was over when he thought they ended when his
>season was over.

So he went straight to use without bothering to determine if it was professionally acceptable? That doeant seem like problem behavior to you?

> official consequences aren't good definitions of an addiction
>problem because official consequences are distributed
>unequally. Were I in a different job, i'd have faced multiple
>consequences. am i less addicted simply because i'm in a
>career that doesn't drug test?

Id guess that were you in a different job, your behavior would have been different.

>then those signs are, unsurprisingly (and htis is a larger
>problem with psychological definitions of disorders), easily
>manipulable by social rules. For example, "anxiety" is much
>more common in states with medical marijuana. are people just
>more anxious in california than pennsylvania? i doubt it.

Not really.

>shocking that you assume the worst about someone you don't
>know. well, shocking's not the word. sad. unempathetic.
>judgmental. those are better words.

Im not assuming the worst about anybody. Im making fun of the idea that he doesnt have a problem because he said he doesnt. And here it sounds like you are the one associating substamce abuse with being a bad person, not me. Ive actually expressed sympathy elsewhere in this post already, along with hopes that he is able to live a productive life. If you think ive said otherwise its because you projected it onto me.

>and if the mistake was, as he describes, him thinking the
>season was over after his last game and not the "league year"
>(march something, i think), is that a sign of addiction? fuck
>and no.

He put in zero due diligence. THATS the sign.

>i mean, he drank and drove once that we know of. I've drunk
>and driven at least once that we know of. the only difference

and you didnt test positive for work...twice. nor did you fail to complete the consequences of that DWI when you started using again at an inappropriate time.


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Member since Dec 24th 2005
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Fri Jan-30-15 06:59 PM

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95. "saying he has the problem and he is an addict is judgmental"
In response to Reply # 94
Fri Jan-30-15 07:00 PM by thejerseytornado



it's saying that he's lying. you're calling him a liar.

>That seems to be a projection of yours that me saying that he
>exhibits strong clinical signs of substance abuse = me
>determining his "worth"

look around the post. you may mean one thing, but the term "addict" isn't neutral in this circumstance.

>That IS the clinical evidence. How do you think these
>determinations are made? Just wait until someone turns up
>with a ring of glue around his mouth? The continued use
>despite repeated professional and personal consequences of
>use, is something that psychology defines as evidence of
>substance abuse. Im sorry if you dont want that to be the
>case, but it is.

i'm saying i don't like just lazily relying on psychological definitions when they're so easily manipulable by non-psychological things like extremely rigid testing definitions. that is, if Gordon's story is true about thinking the league year ended at the wrong time, then he's addicted because of idiocy, not because of not being able to stop drinking (which he had successfully done for many months)

>Thats alleged and, medically speaking, highly unlikely

oh, you know the legal levels? say word?

>So he went straight to use without bothering to determine if
>it was professionally acceptable? That doeant seem like
>problem behavior to you?

man, he's a 23 year old football player. 23 year olds make stupid mistakes. someone mighta said "year's over!" poured some drinks and gave him one. that's not addiction as i understand it.

>Id guess that were you in a different job, your behavior would
>have been different.

maybe? who knows? i think i break tons of my employer's rules a lot. *shrug*

>Im not assuming the worst about anybody. Im making fun of the
>idea that he doesnt have a problem because he said he doesnt.

you're assuming that his story isn't true. and isn't possible. i'm not doing that.

>And here it sounds like you are the one associating substamce
>abuse with being a bad person, not me. Ive actually expressed
>sympathy elsewhere in this post already, along with hopes that
>he is able to live a productive life. If you think ive said
>otherwise its because you projected it onto me.

he could live a productive life if the NFL didn't stick its head into its players' lives so aggressively.

>He put in zero due diligence. THATS the sign.

or he's 23 and never got a good education (football player lol)? never got professionalized?

>and you didnt test positive for work...twice. nor
>did you fail to complete the consequences of that DWI when you
>started using again at an inappropriate time.

i'd never be tested like him. that's the difference between him and me. i don't get tested. i smoke and drink A LOT MORE than he does.

Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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114. "judgmental as in weighing and assessing his behavior? yes."
In response to Reply # 95



Judgmental as in assesing his character? No.

I dont have the assocication between addiction and character that you seem to. It is an illness, a pathology with clinical indicators.

The association between addiction and negative character is *yours*.


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Fri Jan-30-15 01:31 PM

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64. "I'm not debating the first part."
In response to Reply # 58


And I agree with you and him. And was disgusted when Carter said they need to cut him. And back Boogie when talking about Charles.

But my point is he needs to get his shit straight cuz those critics are gonna come out if he gives them ammo.



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73. "But again: Gordon made that arguement already. "
In response to Reply # 64



>And I agree with you and him. And was disgusted when Carter
>said they need to cut him. And back Boogie when talking about
>But my point is he needs to get his shit straight cuz those
>critics are gonna come out if he gives them ammo.

Y'all sounded mighty civil rights era black people right


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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Fri Jan-30-15 01:24 PM

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61. "He keeps making questionable decisions. There is a difference."
In response to Reply # 55


>And that's the same for any young dude regardless of their
>job. You work in customer service, stop being a no call no
>show. Dont huff an L in the parking lot after work.
>Because that, "Hey baby, I'm young and learning" wears thin on
>everybody in an instant.
>Josh just needs to make better decisions. Because up to this
>point he has a long history of bad ones.

he claims he hadnt smoked since before the draft. the inconsistent drug test results that got him suspended give some reason to believe him. he didnt get high, he was around other dudes who were getting high. questionable decision.

he claims he thought he was in compliance when he drank "after the season" and admits he didnt know what after the season meant. questionable decision.

this is a recent history of taking risks that only look unacceptable to grown men who have lived long enough to know that any questionable decision with that much money on the line needs to be avoided at all costs.


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68. "Sorry, but I call bullshit."
In response to Reply # 61



assume the second hand smoke is the truth.

A dude who has gotten busted for smoking simply stops smoking, but his best friend or brother or girl or whomever continues to smoke around him. He's not tempted and never joins in. How is that questionable? Now he's got to drop friends just because friends smoke when he is in no way addicted? Fuck that.

What if it was mom dukes smoking to ease her anxiety, but doing it in a state w/o medical marijuana laws? Stop talking to mom?

Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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70. "i would hope that ppl who care abt him wouldn't put him in that position"
In response to Reply # 68




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77. "or he indeed needs to choose between his career and his fam/friends"
In response to Reply # 70
Fri Jan-30-15 03:22 PM by Awburn


a hard choice that a grown man might make eventually but a 23 yo usually isnt ready for.

should he have to make that choice? No, but the NFLs testing limit apparently was so conservative that it registered contact highs.

i dont blame him for not knowing that simple exposure would get him got but i can see how some would think that being in a position of potential temptation is a questionable decision.


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84. "in what position? "
In response to Reply # 70



so now anytime someone wants to smoke, it's like "damn, guess josh gotta bounce. see ya!"

or like they light up and he comes over and they have to be like "nope! sorry! weed! you aren't addicted, but not allowed here!"


Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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Fri Jan-30-15 10:46 AM

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21. "it was almost literally the exact opposite of a mature response"
In response to Reply # 17



it was a well written response, a thoughtful response, but we're nowhere near mature here. observe.

he doesn't think he has a "problem" (he put it in quotes):

>Respectfully, your worry over my “problems” with
>substance abuse and my twisting descent into darkness and,
>apparently, my impending death, is misplaced

he doesn't think he's an addict:

>like when you publicly called for the Browns cut me so I could learn the
>same lessons you learned — you also stated as fact that
>“we are dealing with addiction here.” Know this: We are
>not dealing with anything, Cris.

he's still qualifying his previously failed alcohol test as a near-miss when, sorry, sir, it was just a fail:

>In connection with the DWI case, the league — in
>consideration of the fact that my blood-alcohol level was just
>.01 over the legal limit — agreed to shorten my
>punishment from four games lost to two.

>That punishment — while harsh, given what my lab results
>clearly showed, including a backup sample that was under the
>league threshold...

he doesn't think he has an issue with alcohol or ever did, and the NFL's hypocrisy is the real issue here:

>Did I think that was excessive given I had never had
>any issue whatsoever with alcohol? Yes. Did I think it was
>hypocritical that a professional league making hundreds of
>millions of dollars off beer sponsorships was telling me not
>to drink? Yes.

i only had two beers, officer:

>I boarded a private flight to Las Vegas with several teammates.
>During the flight, I had two beers and two drinks. It was the
>first time I had consumed so much as a drop of alcohol since
>July 4, 2014, the day of the DWI.

he thinks the media is overblowing the issue of him being suspended three out of his four years in the NFL, including most of the 2014 season and all of 2015:

>I failed the test, obviously, and the rest is history …
>colored by media speculation and faux outrage.

the kill shot. this is literally the opposite of what you'd do in A.A. no owner will sign him until he faces reality about this:

>I am not a drug addict; I am not an alcoholic;
>I am not someone who deserves to be
>dissected and analyzed like some tragic example of everything
>that can possibly go wrong for a professional athlete.

and one more time for good measure, the word "problem" in quotes and "only" 23, as if that's not well into grown man status:

>If I have a “problem,” it is that I am only 23 years
>old — with a lot left to learn.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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23. "You are literally the opposite of an intelligent person. "
In response to Reply # 21



>it was a well written response, a thoughtful response, but
>we're nowhere near mature here. observe.
>he doesn't think he has a "problem" (he put it in quotes):

With all due respect, I trust his opinion before I do
yours. Contrary to popular belief, 99.99% of the time people
do know themselves more than strangers.

That is exactly why its "mature."

He knows he made mistakes. His specific beef is about people
dumber than him making *moral* judgements and throwing
around categorical terms ("addict") that they (a) are not
professionally qualified to make, since "addict" is a technical
term and (b) are not qualified to make because they are making
them based on headlines, not inside the situation.

Every single of you numbskull fucks judging have been judged
for something that *appeared* one way that was completely
different when you knew the facts, knew the details or knew
the person involved. It happens all the time.

The truth is, 99.99% of the time you *do* have to know the
person to make judgements. Especially when it comes to shit
like marijuana.


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27. "no one is less qualified to assess addiction than the person in ?"
In response to Reply # 23



Thats why friends and families of addicts have to have interventions. Because the addict is often oblivious to the reality of his problem.

Youre wrong about this. Someone who may or may not be an addict is often the last to know. And denying and minimizing the issue is textbook addict behavior.

This isnt about Gordon however, just generally speaking about substance abuse.


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31. "Jesus Christ, you just made MY POINT"
In response to Reply # 27



>Thats why friends and families of addicts have to have

Is Stephen A. FUCKING SMITH A "friend or family" member of
Josh Gordon!?!??!!?

Is Cris Carter?

Is Charles "prostitute-ing" Barkley!??!"

DID JOSH GORDON write a letter to his "friends and family?"
Or was the letter a SPECIFIC POTSHOT at ASSHOLES who ARE NOT
connected to him in any MEANINGFUL WAY!?!??!

Do you niggers TRY to think clearly about ANYTHING, EVER!?!?


Seriously -- I legitimately think most niggas in this world
wake up and drink a bowl of melted lead


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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36. "youre putting me in something i have no interest in being in"
In response to Reply # 31



All im saying is that potential addicts are are the worst self-evaluators

The rest is whatever


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39. "Nah, too late to backtrack. You made Gordon's exact point. "
In response to Reply # 36



>All im saying is that potential addicts are are the worst
>The rest is whatever

No, the rest is not "whatever."

Gordon made a very careful, and thoughtful argument
directed at certain people: people who don't know
a motherfucking thing.

He's not writing the letter to his friends and loved ones.
They get a chance to call him, hug him, have dinner with him,
and personally express their sentiments to him, which is none
of our business.

The problem is idiots and morons who have never met him,
and are far worse human beings by every conceivable standard,
morally judging him and medically diagnosing him.

That's precisely what he, openly.

Like, right away.

Like, really, really clearly.

Again: people who drink lead and can't read didn't pick that
up, and are in here talking about "he can't excuse his behavior,"
when literally the entire article is him bad mouthing himself
for being irresponsible.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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60. "i havent judged him for anything."
In response to Reply # 39



But the third time substance abuse impacts someone's professional life is clinically considered a strong positive sign of addiction, and exploring clinical treatment may be beneficial to him.

This isnt all conjecture. Getting suspended from work due to substance abuse is an objective indicator of addiction, as as is legal trouble due to substance abuse. People who arent addicts usually dont continue to use after being suspended from work twice and getting a DWI. That is addict behavior, flat out.

I actually feel bad for the guy and hope he has people in his life who actually care about him as a person.


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101. "but the NFL has stricter standards than most professions"
In response to Reply # 60



>But the third time substance abuse impacts someone's
>professional life is clinically considered a strong positive
>sign of addiction, and exploring clinical treatment may be
>beneficial to him.

I get what you're saying, but if you or I had DWI on our record we still wouldn't be tested all the time by our employer. He's copping a couple pleas, but he's also owning up to his behavior far more than most 23-year olds.


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67. "lol. take a breath and then read again. "
In response to Reply # 21


does an addict not smoke for two years?
does a person with a problem wait until after he thought the season was over (in attempted compliance with the rules) to drink again?

if he is lying, then all bets are off. But based on his story you are in full skip bayless mode.

>he's still qualifying his previously failed alcohol test as a
>near-miss when, sorry, sir, it was just a fail:

Nope. He said that the league was lenient cuz he was barely over the limit in the only example in which alcohol had previously caused him trouble. He's giving details so that maybe people will give a considered reasoned response.

>he thinks the media is overblowing the issue of him being
>suspended three out of his four years in the NFL, including
>most of the 2014 season and all of 2015:
>>I failed the test, obviously, and the rest is history …
>>colored by media speculation and faux outrage.

Nope. His point is that people dont know him are talking like they do know him. That is a fact. Should he have bothered pointing this out? Prolly not, cuz haters gone hate. But his explanation makes a lot of sense to people who appreciate nuance.

>the kill shot. this is literally the opposite of what you'd do
>in A.A. no owner will sign him until he faces reality about
>>I am not a drug addict; I am not an alcoholic;
>>I am not someone who deserves to be
>>dissected and analyzed like some tragic example of

Patently false. The skins just hired a GM who has documented problem and is in openly still drinks. If he isnt a patriot within 18 months some other smart team will grab him up. We know the Stillers like to selectively look the other way when stars screw up. Maybe Big Ben can show him the way to good clean living.

There is absolutely nothing tragic about this situation. He effed up his money. Too bad.

>>that can possibly go wrong for a professional athlete.

troll much?


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19. "RE: Josh Gordon kind of ethers...well, everybody"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Jan-30-15 10:45 AM by Dae021


I know we're always trynna ask these kids to be mature grown ups and shit, but dog the Browns season was OVER, why in the fuck can't he have a drink. The fact that the NFL knew he was going to Vegas they were like YEP we catching him. This just seems wrong, the season was over why are they testing for alcohol anyway. Let that dude live.

He's served his time let that dude rock.

I'm also really surprised niggas are in here talking about "oh you got a DUI you've got a problem" damn well knowing that there are TONS of niggas in here who've gotten behind that wheel when they knew they damn well shouldn't have. One DUI does not a problem make, was it a bad decision absolutely, but does dude have alcohol problem? Probably not.

Do ya'll just want him to be a bad guy? He seems like a young kid who's learning as he goes along without a lot of great guidance. We've got to stop trying to hold these KIDS accountable to adult 35 year old standards. I get frustrated too, but they're really young and have to be given the space to make mistakes. The only problem is theirs are magnified.

Get out the room,

Situation Podemy love

Situation Podemy : www.situationpodemy.wordpres


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22. "Pretty much. Lotta hypothetical well adjusted 23 yr old millionaires in ..."
In response to Reply # 19





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25. "beyond the hype, he did it to himself..."
In response to Reply # 19
Fri Jan-30-15 11:00 AM by CyrenYoung



..yes, there are plenty of critics ready to pounce on every negative action taken by gordon. still, i don't think that makes him a bad person.

but let's not pretend that he didn't bring all of this on himself.

i don't agree with some of the bs the NFL trumps under their "code of conduct", but i also recognize that every player signs that agreement with complete understanding of its limitations. his own actions put him on notice, yet he continued making bad decisions that eventually cost him time, money, and ultimately his job.

*does his age factor into this?

absolutely. still, that doesn't excuse his actions. his age was taken into consideration when he ran into issues in college. then again as a rookie in the pros. then AGAIN as a vet. this cycle of issues has nothing to do with age, and everything to do with a lack of maturity.

when he was given another chance (not 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.), he knew the risk. he knew the parameters of his probation (esp since its governed beyond the regular season), yet he still chose to take that gamble.

the NFL makes quite a few mistakes when it comes to dealing with off-field issues, but this isn't one of them.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...



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29. "You guys sound like the Orange County debate team semi-finals. "
In response to Reply # 25



Its so sad to read grown black men think this way

Its embarrassing in fact.

Dude shitted on HIMSELF in that letter. He talked about
how much of a dumbass HE WAS.

The letter was a POINTED response to a SPECIFIC allegation,
and the use of SPECIFIC terminology and a VERY PERFECT shot
at the supposed expertise of people who have knowledge of the

It didn't try to wisk away his wrongs.

The truth is 3/4 of the niggas in this post was doing cocaine
out of fat prostitutes buttholes at 23, or wanted to and were
just too nerdy and scared to try it

Y'all need to go fly a kite of dicks with that


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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30. "I'm not trying to take personal accountability out of this"
In response to Reply # 25


I just don't think THIS particular instance is worthy of all the vitriol.

The NFL has a code that only applies when they want it to. Trust me they wanted to "catch" this kid this time.

He knew it, he owned up to it in his letter. He stated that he should've checked with the league to see if his period was over or does it extend until after the superbowl. He took that responsibility so we have to chill with the judgement.

I'm sure we have less sympathy because we know he makes a lot more money than us, but at somepoint we need to take that shit out of the equation and just look at young brotha in need of REAL guidance.

Get out the room,

Situation Podemy love

Situation Podemy : www.situationpodemy.wordpres


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Fri Jan-30-15 11:37 AM

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38. "its not about one incident..."
In response to Reply # 30
Fri Jan-30-15 11:43 AM by CyrenYoung



..this is the culmination of many incidents that have landed him in troubled waters.

there might some truth to people wishing on gordon's downfall.

there might be truth to the fact that he was unsure about dates/timelines for his probation.

tons of possibilities to consider.

the fact remains that josh gordon knew the risk, gambled, and lost. when someone makes repeated mistakes (on or off the field), its up to that individual to be considerate and deliberate with every action moving forward during that probationary period. when you're unsure, find out the facts BEFORE making any moves.

he can be upset or disregard the journalist/media that continue to report every bad move he makes. he can also take full responsibility for his own actions (rather eloquently).

but if he truly wants to address/eliminate the nonsense, he can do a lot more with actions than he can with words.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...



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Fri Jan-30-15 11:55 AM

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46. "But He ADMITTED To All That Though"
In response to Reply # 38



He's not backing away from the fact that he fucked up. His first paragraph is him taking responsibility for that and not blaming anyone else but himself.

He explains the entire situation. Not that he had to go to a bar to get a drink, not that he had to cop some malt liquor. He had drinks on the team plane after the season was over. He thought his suspension ended when his season ended. He admitted he was wrong entirely.

The thing he's doing is pointing out to the outrage (especially at Charles, CC and Stephen A.) that they actually "care" about him, when he's barely ever met them. He's also disputing the fact that he's an alcoholic or has a drug problem (which are VERY STRONG accusations).

To say he's trying to skirt responsibility for him making a mistake is cats not reading what he said.


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Fri Jan-30-15 11:57 AM

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47. "Yeah, HALF the article is Gordon talking bad about himself. "
In response to Reply # 46



I'm legitimately puzzled

And the black people should be ashamed of themselves


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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52. "i never said he shirked responsibility..."
In response to Reply # 46



..i simply said that he could kill the noise through action.

i don't agree with cris carter or stephen a. smith and their approach to this, but it doesn't change the real issues.

all the talk in the world means nothing unless you back it up through action. acknowledging his responsibility in this is just ONE step in a long line of steps he needs to take to resolve these issues.

he's human and should be able to handle this in private, but he also signed a contract to become a public figure. as such, the media will prey & pounce on every opportunity.

i truly hope he turns things around and finds away to enjoy a successful & healthy career (on & off the field).

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...



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44. "</post>"
In response to Reply # 19



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John Forte
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Fri Jan-30-15 11:04 AM

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28. "tl;dr, I don't have a substance abuse problem, I'm just irresponsible"
In response to Reply # 0


and you know what? I respect it.


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Fri Jan-30-15 11:31 AM

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35. ""it was hypocritical that a professional league...""
In response to Reply # 0



"...making hundreds of millions of dollars off beer sponsorships was telling me not to drink? Yes."



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John Forte
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40. "it's a facile argument at best. Deflection, if we're being honest"
In response to Reply # 35



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Member since Feb 15th 2005
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Fri Jan-30-15 11:41 AM

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41. "I disagree."
In response to Reply # 40




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Member since Oct 27th 2002
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Fri Jan-30-15 11:42 AM

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42. "Nah, the issue is the morality part. "
In response to Reply # 40
Fri Jan-30-15 11:44 AM by Orbit_Established



NFL makes a lot of money off drunken people

But NFL players are bad people when they are drunken

It is deflection, but its a valid contradiction

It doesn't pardon him breaking the rules

But I'm not going to call him a devil for consuming the
very beverage that makes the NFL really rich, and
acting the way millions of fans do every Sunday

Again -- the issue isn't about the rules. Its about the
*moral* judgement.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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45. "Yeah."
In response to Reply # 42



>Again -- the issue isn't about the rules. Its about the
>*moral* judgement.


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37. "clear pattern of behavior but he has talent and time on his side"
In response to Reply # 0



i want someone to punch chris carter in the face too



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49. "lol, word"
In response to Reply # 37



his "im an ex addict so i can judge you harsher" shtick is gettin very annoying

I wanna go to where the martyrs went
the brown figures on the walls of my apart-a-ment...


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54. "damn punching a buckeye?"
In response to Reply # 49



"though time has passed, im still the future" (c) black thought


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98. "he's been gettin a little too self righteous lately imo..."
In response to Reply # 54



dude seems like he'd vote for Ben Carson

I wanna go to where the martyrs went
the brown figures on the walls of my apart-a-ment...


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104. "lately?"
In response to Reply # 98




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131. "did i stutter ?"
In response to Reply # 104
Tue Feb-03-15 10:34 PM by guru0509



jk , felt like sayin that

nah hes an annoying self righteous ham , his kid is a dickhead too (just signed with the Colts, and is gonna be GOOD) but *shrug* but his life story is dope

cokehead college fuckup goes to the nfl being a cokehead then cleans it up and mentors two of the greatest wrs to follow him ...


and calvin still wont beat his td record.

I wanna go to where the martyrs went
the brown figures on the walls of my apart-a-ment...


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Tue Feb-03-15 10:26 PM

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132. "if Duron's last name was Jones, would anybody still care about him?"
In response to Reply # 131


he didn't do a damn thing at three different colleges and had been passed over by the entire NFL the last two seasons.

maybe he turns out to be a two-deep player in Indy. or maybe Ryan Grigson needed to fill his dumbass quota with Da'Rick Rogers cut and Trent Richardson about to be.



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133. "nope, he's an entitled little shithead, but the talent is there."
In response to Reply # 132



even terrelle pryor hated him and he was the most coddled guy on the team by tressell, but pryor went to class and tried (fwiw). duron played basketball at J.O. North and xbox all day

>he didn't do a damn thing at three different colleges and had
>been passed over by the entire NFL the last two seasons.

he played well at a juco lol but i hear you.

>maybe he turns out to be a two-deep player in Indy. or maybe
>Ryan Grigson needed to fill his dumbass quota with Da'Rick
>Rogers cut and Trent Richardson about to be.

put me in that bunch that says I think he'll ball out, but I wont be claiming at all whatsoever.

I wanna go to where the martyrs went
the brown figures on the walls of my apart-a-ment...


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189. "cris carter is the LAST guy who should be pointing fingers"
In response to Reply # 37



And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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50. "Josh needs to take as much time as he needs to get help in dealing with ..."
In response to Reply # 0




He's right that the league is hypocritical for suspending him over alcohol with their beer sponsors on deck.

Screw playing football for any team at any point in the future. Just focus on coming back a better person as a whole. Football goes on and his teammates and this organization welcomes him back whenever he gets right, however long that takes.

The league needs to step in and show some actual concern for the player. Get him the help he needs with the best counselors available. Most importantly, stop pundits on these networks from recklessly speculating and toying with this man's life. All fake concern is bullshit and they know it.


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59. "Now that's a badass letter"
In response to Reply # 0



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65. "one of the first "open letters" i can get behind"
In response to Reply # 0




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Fri Jan-30-15 02:47 PM

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71. "Stephen A response:"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Jan-30-15 02:51 PM by SoWhat



^ Stephen A needs to get the fuck over himself. talking about this dude has a problem. nigga, please. if homie has a problem and Stephen wants to help then he should reach out to homeboy personally. airing him out on national tv will not help him. duh.

STFU, Stephen.

fuck you.


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Fri Jan-30-15 02:56 PM

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74. "he kinda dropped a few jewels, though..."
In response to Reply # 71


I wish he hadn't come of so Stephen A. with it. I don't know if he can turn that off, lol.

...I'm from the era when A.I. was the answer, now they think ai is the answer - Marlon Craft


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79. "yea he bodied most of the rebuttals in here"
In response to Reply # 74





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75. "He's doing it again. Stephen A talking like he knows him personally"
In response to Reply # 71


and analyzing a tiny segment of his life like he is the worst person in the world.

He failed one drug test in the league (I don't buy that second hand smoke story lol) and now got suspended for failing an alcohol test.

These are the transgressions you are going to talk down about like he is some huge failure in life?



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76. "right"
In response to Reply # 75



fuck you.


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Fri Jan-30-15 03:36 PM

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80. "Pretty much. Just furthered Gordons point"
In response to Reply # 75





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82. "Yep, Steven A. was terrible."
In response to Reply # 80


If he was so willing to do any and everything to help, he should have reached out to homie BEFORE he talked about him on TV to find out what Gordon's deal was and then speak with understanding about Gordon's situation.

He also could have reached out to Gordon before commenting on the letter but apparently being informed is not how a caring person acts.

plus miss me with the letting down the black community b.s. too.


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78. "damn called him a young bol and cast doubt that he even wrote"
In response to Reply # 71



the letter
lol @ the crowd reactions too



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Fri Jan-30-15 03:41 PM

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81. "Jesus"
In response to Reply # 71



Within one minute.

"My intial reaction was "this boy is a fool" (crowd laughs). And even foolish to think he come at me"

"Im inredibly sad for Josh Gordon. He clearly has a problem, and when somebody has a problem, if I'm the man that I say that I am, then its incumbent upon me to extend a helping hand in any way that I possibly can. Because the brother has a problem"

(Montell crowd clap)

So, to "extend a helping a hand" is publicly mocking him, calling him a fool and questioning his capability of writing a well thought letter?




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Fri Jan-30-15 03:48 PM

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83. "lol @ Skip questioning the use of "faux outrage""
In response to Reply # 71





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87. "Cunt."
In response to Reply # 71




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Fri Jan-30-15 04:49 PM

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85. "line up here to help OE enable josh gordon"
In response to Reply # 0



with friends like you guys, this dude is 100% guaranteed to be out of the league in a year. let's review the facts.

- josh gordon has an enormous substance abuse problem. he's been hit with repeated violations in both college and the NFL. he's been suspended three out of his four NFL seasons. two months after coming off a 12-game ban, he just had two beers that cost him his job for a year. that alone is the definition of an enormous problem. addiction takes a lot of forms. it's not always about getting hammered every night, it's also about making poor decisions about your usage, even just occasionally. in other words, it's not just the frequency you use, it's also the CIRCUMSTANCES under which you use. (those of you saying "he's not an addict, he just keeps making bad decisions, pay attention). if substance abuse keeps repeatedly affecting your job negatively, if you lose your job for a year due to substance abuse, YOU HAVE AN ENORMOUS SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROBLEM. if you're unclear about your current probation and decide to have those two drinks anyway without checking, YOU HAVE AN ENORMOUS SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROBLEM.

- the NFL is NOT being hypocritical on alcohol, and the NFL is NOT singling josh gordon out. NFL players are more than welcome to drink alcohol. NFL players who get arrested for alcohol-related violations like a DUI have demonstrated that they have a problem being responsible with it, and thus trigger a probation that bans them from drinking alcohol. this policy was agreed to by josh gordon's union. if he feels the NFL is being too harsh on him, he should work for a different organization that's willing to look past his repeated history of substance abuse and that has a more lenient policy on alcohol for former DUI offenders. perhaps that car dealership he was working for is hiring.

- it's funny how he keeps having a really, really good reason for having banned substances in his body. "it was secondhand smoke, my doctor prescribed it, i thought the ban expired, the NFL is the real problem here." also funny how hundreds and hundreds of NFL players (even those who are "only" 23) manage to successfully keep these substances out of their bodies. i'll let you guys argue the semantics of whether or not he's an alcoholic, whether or not he's an addict, but he sure needs to start acting like one. he needs to act like he can't even be around anyone who's smoking weed, like he can't take even one single sip of alcohol, because there's a good chance that those things could spiral into extremely negative consequences for him. oh, look, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT JUST HAPPENED. TWICE. label him however you want, but dude needs to be in A.A., stat.

- "I am not a drug addict; I am not an alcoholic; I am not someone who deserves to be dissected and analyzed like some tragic example of everything that can possibly go wrong for a professional athlete." you guys can say he's owning up to it, he's taking responsibility, he's bashing himself all you want. but until he faces reality about that statement right there, all the rest is just noise. dude should be setting NFL records right now. he has the talent to easily be the best receiver in the league. but he's had three of his first four seasons cut short due to substance abuse violations, and he's one strike away from being out of the league at the age of 23. when it comes to substance abuse, he is absolutely a tragic example of everything that can possibly go wrong for a professional athlete.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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Fri Jan-30-15 04:57 PM

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86. "Damn shame, you spent all night thinking that up. "
In response to Reply # 85
Fri Jan-30-15 05:08 PM by CyrenYoung



strike 3, time out.


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88. "sidenote: it's a lot more fun to agree w/ u than disagree"
In response to Reply # 86



anyway...did we just get the "if he doesn't like the rules, he should bypass millions of dollars and fame and work elsewhere" argument? yep. we did. awesome.


and if rules/bad effects were how we defined substance abuse problems, then there's a shit ton of marijuana addicts with substance abuse problems everywhere except Colorado and Washington. weird how that works.

Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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Fri Jan-30-15 08:13 PM

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99. "he knew the rules, his union agreed to the rules"
In response to Reply # 88



he had no issues with the rules until the rules applied to him. nigga was on his fifth strike and decided to drink anyway. suddenly the rules are unfair and hypocritical. cry me a river. go work somewhere else.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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Fri Jan-30-15 08:00 PM

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97. "it's a shame your reading comprehension is so low"
In response to Reply # 86



you think josh gordon is manning up to his issues when he's doing the exact opposite. look who the letter is addressed to. his teammates? his fans? his family? nope, CHARLES BARKLEY. what? dude is so deep in denial, he thinks his big problem is that the media is being mean and unfair to him. that's what he thinks everyone should be talking about, and SURPRISE at all the morons in here falling for it. like, nigga, stephen a. smith and cris carter and what they think of you are literally the least of your problems.

josh gordon's problem is josh gordon. period. full stop. any other discussion on his part is plea copping. anybody falling for josh gordon's attempt to shift the discussion away from josh gordon is enabling. dude is an addict. he's an alcoholic. he can talk all he wants about how little he drinks, how long he's been sober, but if the one time a year you drink, it costs you your job, and you knew that was a risk, you're an alcoholic. josh gordon is the one and only source of josh gordon's problems. the fact that you're slow enough to fall for an addict's coping tactics and you're such an easy mark changes none of that.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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Sat Jan-31-15 03:06 AM

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100. "your definition of 'alcoholic' is meaningless."
In response to Reply # 97



if the one time a year you drink, it
>costs you your job, and you knew that was a risk, you're an

if this is it?

chile, please.

fuck you.


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Sat Jan-31-15 11:07 AM

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103. "that's not my definition, chief"
In response to Reply # 100



take it up with the american medical association: "In general, problem drinking is considered alcoholism when the person continues to drink despite experiencing social or health problems caused by drinking." or the american psychiatric association: "Repeated use despite recurrent adverse consequences."

within the past seven months, gordon has been arrested for drunk driving and essentially fired from his job (he won't be back with the browns) for drinking while under probation. once is a mistake. twice is a recurrence. by medical definition, josh gordon is an alcoholic.

if your friend caught a DUI and lost his job within seven months due to alcohol, you would get that friend to alcoholics anonymous, stat. especially if this is the same friend that, just within the past five years, lost an athletic scholarship and got kicked out of baylor for repeated substance abuse violations.

but apparently that's just me. seems like everyone else here would rather sit around and listen to their friend rationalize their behavior (something alcoholics tend to be very, very good at) and tell them that they're absolutely right, they don't have a substance abuse problem. i really hope the people around gordon aren't doing that, because i have absolutely no faith in him staying clean for the duration of this next suspension without outside intervention. he has a habit of banned substances ending up in his body under the most innocent and understandable of circumstances. it's going to happen again. he needs help, not a pat on the back.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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Sat Jan-31-15 12:32 PM

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105. "purely medical definitions of alcoholism/addiction"
In response to Reply # 103



aren't necessarily the best. in this case, they seem particularly inadequate as, were Josh Gordon in practically any other profession in the world, he'd have had no problems.

the other key is Josh Gordon is none of our friends, and that's why this desire to say he has a problem and not that he faces an undeniably extreme level of scrutiny (and may or may not have a problem). Sorry, but a guy having two drinks on a multi-hour flight does not make me think he's got a problem. that's the thing--if that basic fact is true, that's not a "drinking problem" except that the NFL is extremely strict w/ how they tested him.

his version of history is pretty damn legitimate sounding (excluding, probably, the weed. but, the larger issue with weed is LEGALIZE IT). we're defiing a "problem" based on consequences that are, as i've said before, distributed unequally. that's not a good definition. josh gordon's example is the example that shows why the AMA and APA definitions of addiction aren't perfect. there's been a long standing sociological critique of those definitions and this is a great piece of evidence. for a decent intro, see
Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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106. "josh gordon has a problem with alcohol"
In response to Reply # 105



josh gordon has a problem with weed. we can argue about the severity of his problem or what to label him, but neither of these two facts should be in dispute. the problem is that josh gordon doesn't believe he has a problem with either substance, and one well-written letter later, way too many people are agreeing with him.

context is everything here. people keep pointing to the frequency of his drug/alcohol use and saying he doesn't have a problem. but the fact is that when your drug/alcohol use is actively destroying your career, it doesn't matter how often you're doing it. you have a problem. if obama has two drinks per year, and they both just happen to come 15 minutes before the presidential debate, obama has a drinking problem. "but he only had two drinks all year" is not a defense.

likewise, josh gordon had two drinks on a plane, big deal. except that seven months ago, he was arrested for drunk driving and put on probation with the NFL. in that context, having two drinks is an enormous deal because it got him fired from his job-- and he knew that was a potential risk when he did it. the fact that he didn't say no to those two drinks in that situation, under those circumstances, the fact that he couldn't just ask for a pepsi instead, means he has a problem with alcohol, period. people who don't have a problem with alcohol don't get arrested and fired for it in a seven-month period. counting the number of drinks you had is irrelevant.

you say the NFL is being too strict here. i understand the impulse-- with its history-- to side with the individual over the institution, and i think that's the trap most people here are also falling into. yet at least two other organizations agree with the NFL's assessment that josh gordon has a substance abuse problem: baylor (which kicked him off their team) and the legal justice system (which arrested him-- he plead guilty-- in july). the NFL isn't picking on josh gordon. he has a problem.

two other things to remember about the NFL here: one, they're a P.R. driven organization. it's a very public profession, you're in the spotlight, so the NFL's tolerance for substance abuse is just flat-out gonna be lower than other professions. that just is what it is. two, the NFL is a sports organization, so again it's gonna have a lower tolerance for substance abuse. things that are perfectly legal to have in your body are banned by the NFL, and that's true of every major sports organization in the world. there are prescription medications that are perfectly legal to take, yet if you want to play sports, you can't have them in your body, not even when prescribed by a doctor. that's not just the NFL, that's sports.

so, again, it sounds insensitive to say, but it's the hard truth: if you can't keep these substances out of your body (something that thousands and thousands of college/professional athletes around the world manage to successfully do, even those who are "only" 23), then you should go work somewhere else. you can't be a football player. when your body is your profession, what you put into your body is also your profession. if you're careless about what you put in your body, you lose your profession. pick a different one. josh gordon isn't entitled to be an athlete. he has to follow the rules of sports in general and the NFL specifically just like everyone else, or else he can't play. this is the world grown-ups live in, he should step into it and stop acting like he's being singled out or picked on.

likewise, josh gordon has a problem with weed. smoking weed cost him his athletic scholarship, it got him kicked out of baylor, it dropped him from being a likely first-round draft pick to a supplemental pick, costing him millions of dollars, and even after all that, he still tested positive for it in the NFL. anyone who loses that much due to drug use and CONTINUES using or being around those who use drugs (we're all taking his secondhand smoke story at face value here, when let's be honest, that's actually being extremely generous-- he didn't just test positive, he was over the limit), that person has a problem with drugs. doesn't matter whether weed should be legal, wouldn't even matter if weed *was* legal. in your chosen profession, you can't have this substance in your body, period.

so the big problem here is that josh gordon doesn't believe he has a substance abuse problem. people who don't think they have a problem don't get help for that problem. they don't say, no, i can't have that drink because i have a problem with alcohol. no, i can't go to that party because i have a problem with weed. those are things josh gordon should be saying just as a person in general, but ESPECIALLY as a professional athlete who's on substance abuse probation. josh gordon isn't saying those things because josh gordon doesn't believe he has a problem. he does. he clearly does. he needs to be saying those things and he needs help. if the people around him are falling for his rationalizations the way everyone here is, he's gonna 100% end up in another situation where another banned substance magically finds its way into his body-- through absolutely no fault of his own of course. thing is, at this point, the NFL won't care how it got there. it's just gonna end his career, and rightfully so.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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Sun Feb-01-15 09:22 AM

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107. "Your Obama example is perfect for my argument"
In response to Reply # 106
Sun Feb-01-15 09:27 AM by thejerseytornado



That's not an alcohol problem, that's a presidential debate problem. His control of alcohol consumption would be far, far, far better than 99.9% of drinkers if that were the case.

Josh Gordon works in a field with uniquely strict rules. Assume, for a minute, that everything he said is true. Defining that amount of substance use, leaving aside the punishment, just look at the amount, as a problem requires you to either believe that the overwhelming majority of people have substance use issues or to believe that josh Gordon is experiencing uniquely high scrutiny.

Josh Gordon has a problem with following nfl and Baylor substance use policies. Those policies, however, are far more strict that any reasonable definition of substance abuse or addiction.

You can either take the context and not question it because jobs are privileges (sigh. Wonder how often the owners get tested for weed and alcohol?) or you can take the context and question it. I will always choose the second.
Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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Sun Feb-01-15 03:05 PM

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113. "i guess you're right"
In response to Reply # 107



josh gordon doesn't have a substance abuse problem, josh gordon has a flying on planes, driving cars, going to parties, passing out in fast food restaurants problem. you should put that in a letter and mail him that advice.

you're still counting drinks. what don't you get about this? THE NUMBER DOESN'T MATTER. you can drink twice a year and still have a drinking problem if one of those times you get arrested and the other time you get fired. it's the circumstances. it's the consequences. stop counting drinks.

and newsflash, every player in the NFL is under the same "uniquely strict" rules with "uniquely high scrutiny." out of about 1,700 players, 98% managed to comply with those "uniquely strict" rules without failing a drug test and being suspended. josh gordon is *uniquely* one of only five or so players (0.03%-- three out of every thousand) facing a year-long suspension for repeated violations. josh gordon has a substance abuse problem.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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Member since Aug 01st 2002
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Sun Feb-01-15 03:14 PM

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116. "your argument is toyally irrelevant"
In response to Reply # 107



Substance abuse is a well studied psychological and medical condition and you are arguing with people who seem to know a lot more about it than you.


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Sun Feb-01-15 04:53 PM

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119. "Like I've said, I don't accept those definitions "
In response to Reply # 116



i posted an intro to the sociological critique already. You're multiple replies behind.

Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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Sun Feb-01-15 04:30 PM

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118. "butting in here just to say it was actually four drinks"
In response to Reply # 105


"I had two beers and two drinks..."

he wrote it in a slick way.



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Sun Feb-01-15 11:30 PM

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122. "yeah, i peeped that"
In response to Reply # 118



i'm trying to give him every benefit of the doubt and assume those other two drinks were apple juice (just like we're all taking his secondhand smoke story at face value), but most likely he was properly faded on that plane. not that it matters.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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dula dibiasi
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Fri Jan-30-15 07:27 PM

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96. ""
In response to Reply # 0




it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. - sherlock holmes


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pretentious username
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Sat Jan-31-15 04:53 AM

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102. "yeah, he's on point with pretty much all of this"
In response to Reply # 0



I kinda want to say he's copping pleas on a couple items here, but he's really not. He blames himself for putting himself in bad situations and not knowing the rules well enough. What else is there to say about that? His points are still valid about the league and journalists being overly self-righteous. The only reason people are disagreeing with the message is because of the messenger. There's really no reason for the league to go that hard or journalists to act like they're disappointed in him on a personal level. He failed himself and his teammates, two things he really acknowledges. He didn't fail you. Not even close.


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go mack
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Sun Feb-01-15 10:07 AM

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108. "I like to smoke weed and drink on weekends"
In response to Reply # 0



guess Im an addict

and I get random drug tested for my job as well, saliva tests tho so easy to pass.. however I got way more to lose than he does, have far less money and 3 kids to support that I raise on my own. I turn 40 this year as well. If I ever do fail a test, I am sure I would quit weed tho, they would give me a 2nd chance. I wouldn't want to but I would. My job would never prevent me from alcohol, most jobs wouldn't. I would rather quit drinking than weed..


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Sun Feb-01-15 03:05 PM

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112. "this is the key"
In response to Reply # 108



>If I ever do fail a
>test, I am sure I would quit weed tho, they would give me a
>2nd chance. I wouldn't want to but I would.

NOT quitting is behavior indicative of a substance abuse problem


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Sun Feb-01-15 03:11 PM

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115. "exactly"
In response to Reply # 112



weed cost him everything in college, and he still tested positive for it in the NFL. alcohol destroyed his entire 2014 season, and the second the season is over, he's back to drinking. it's so clear that dude has a problem, i can't believe it's being seriously debated.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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Member since Oct 16th 2003
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Mon Feb-02-15 09:56 AM

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123. "his poor choices have cost him less than you think."
In response to Reply # 115


>weed cost him everything in college, and he still tested
>positive for it in the NFL.

You keep exaggerating to make your point. he still made it to the NFL. if that was the goal then mission accomplished despite the fact that it was harder than it should have been.

he left a lot of money on the table, but grown men worry about that not 23 year olds who are still richer than they've every known.

Again, if he is lying then all bets are off, but if he hasn't smoked since he's been in the NFL then there is evidence that he learned a lesson and is acting on it. That is growth not addiction.

>alcohol destroyed his entire 2014
>season, and the second the season is over, he's back to
>drinking. it's so clear that dude has a problem, i can't
>believe it's being seriously debated.

The second the season was over...within perceived compliance with his punishment, he safely consumed alcohol on a plane. After abstaining for months. That is not evidence that he abuses alcohol. He just isnt an obsessive, rule-following puritan.

In an isolated situation, driving with a .09 isnt abuse. its dumb and reckless. 4 drinks after the season isnt abuse either. not knowing the terms of your punishment is dumb and reckless.

We all agree he has a problem. But its that he is young and dumb. not that he is an addict.

Rationally assessing and then acting in line with the potential consequences of your actions is a very adult thing to do. So adult that most adults don't even do it.

He is a young adult making young adult mistakes and there is evidence that he is making better choices over time.

"To face that guy twice a year is going to be a headache�He takes away from your enthusiasm for the game a little bit." Justin Tuck on RG3


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Wed Feb-04-15 03:42 AM

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135. "you have to be trolling"
In response to Reply # 123



>there is evidence that he is making better choices over time.

everything you said was spectacularly wrong, but that was the cherry on top.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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go mack
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Sun Feb-01-15 03:48 PM

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117. "eh kinda"
In response to Reply # 112



I think the young and not giving a shit is the main thing here, don't believe he is addicted to alcohol or marijuana.

At 23, before I had kids, I could give a shit less if I got fired for drug testing. I would find myself another job. I get this is his career, but he is also handed more money for one year than most of us will make in ten years.

I don't think he needs to go to rehab, just needs to figure out that NFL ain't playing and he's got to stay completely sober without any slipups from now on until he is out, which kids his age and hell some my age don't always want to do. From his letter, I think he does get that now, maybe he should have figured it out sooner, maybe this won't be the last time he messes up either. Just have to wait and see, none of us know him.


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Tue Feb-03-15 11:22 AM

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124. "what do you mean kinda? your main thing was the main thing last yr"
In response to Reply # 117



>I don't think he needs to go to rehab, just needs to figure
>out that NFL ain't playing and he's got to stay completely

what the hell do you think rehab is for if not teaching people strategies for staying sober?

He should have learned that lesson after his third life impacting episode with drugs/alcohol.

Now that he has had his fourth, you think its just "hey bro u gotta stay sober!"

None of you seem to understand anything about the medicine and psychology of substance abuse (except for theprofessional) and tjt seems to think im maligning his character when i say that he hits clinical checkmarks of dependence and/or addiction.

It aint about the league's policies, its not about when he could drink vs when he couldn't, and it aint about his age. The only people that would make it about any of those things have a large gap between what substance abuse is and their beliefs about what substance abuse is.

His use is fucking up his life. Period.


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Member since Nov 21st 2005
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Sun Feb-01-15 10:52 AM

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109. "He's still delusional about that weed"
In response to Reply # 0



or someone laced his brownies cause you don't fail drug tests for being around weed. Unless the NFL ha drastically lower standards of what counts as a positive than any other drug tests


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Sun Feb-01-15 11:13 AM

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110. "nit was insanely strict. 15 nano grams"
In response to Reply # 109



ten times stricter than the Olympics, more than three times stricter than the U.S. Military. So strict, they raised it after Gordon's test.
Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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111. "Well damn was not aware of that"
In response to Reply # 110



That is crazy low. I retract my statement.


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120. "15???"
In response to Reply # 111



god dang


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Member since Aug 09th 2007
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121. "FOH with the excuses. "
In response to Reply # 0



Take your cautionary tale back to your neighborhood.

"hey, make this right mayne
stop at the light mayne,
my yester night thang got me hung off the night train "


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dula dibiasi
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Tue Feb-03-15 06:25 PM

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125. "suspended. 1 year minimum."
In response to Reply # 0




it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. - sherlock holmes


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Tue Feb-03-15 06:38 PM

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126. "Well theres that. And I can continue reading these dumbass replies... "
In response to Reply # 125


"Josh just young. He has no problems witv substances."



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dula dibiasi
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Tue Feb-03-15 06:44 PM

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127. "lulz. reply 96."
In response to Reply # 126



sitting this one out. but yeah, there's definitely some 'questionable content' up in here.


it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. - sherlock holmes


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Tue Feb-03-15 07:14 PM

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130. "i dunno why dudes tryna flip this like he just put upon and noble"
In response to Reply # 126




Steph: I was just fooling about

Kyrie: I wasn't.


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Wed Feb-04-15 01:14 AM

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134. "He's a victim of repeated circumstance"
In response to Reply # 130




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Tue Feb-03-15 06:46 PM

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128. "how did Gordon get to stage three of the NFL drug program if"
In response to Reply # 0


he hadn't failed a marijuana test in two years (as he claims)? forgetting all the semantics of his last three suspensions...I'm legitimately curious.

his first NFL suspension was two games for codeine, which is a stage two punishment, then his next suspension was for a year (amended to 10 games after the CBA changed), which is a stage three punishment. the DWI was after his first season-long suspension was announced, so that wasn't the incident that kicked him to stage three.

he must've failed another unpublicized test before the codeine, because you get a freebie in stage two before you're actually suspended.



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Tue Feb-03-15 07:03 PM

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129. "that's a good point. denver post article i found says"
In response to Reply # 128



it's either 2 stage 2 positives or a stage 2 positive and a "failure to comply"

the fact that his story has actual holes is suspicious. but i'm an asshole because i don't think messageboard commenters can say whether or not someone is addicted via third-hand analysis.

Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou


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Mon Apr-11-16 05:16 PM

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136. "rumor is he failed another drug test "
In response to Reply # 0


Gordon's sample, which was collected in early March, tested positive for marijuana and dilute, according to a source informed of the results of the test. The source added that both the "A" and "B" samples collected were positive for marijuana and dilute. Though the level of marijuana was below the 35 nanograms per milliliter required for a positive test, the diluted sample is considered a positive test. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Mon Apr-11-16 05:21 PM

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137. "LOL, but of course he did"
In response to Reply # 136



As soon as I saw this upped, I basically did the Steve Harvey "I know good and well this motherfucka didn't get popped again... Godammit, he got popped again."


Checkin' Our Style, Return To Zero:


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Mon Apr-11-16 06:50 PM

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147. "it's say you don't have a problem"
In response to Reply # 137


but you know they're going to test you and you can't or won't stop what do you call that then? - the other stuff i'm looking at


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138. "lmao"
In response to Reply # 136
Mon Apr-11-16 05:40 PM by Deebot


they're gonna test this dude every single week with the most advanced technology on the market going forward...good luck.


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Mon Apr-11-16 05:42 PM

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139. "He's living with Johnny Football in L.A..... smh"
In response to Reply # 136


These buffoons are like Sidney Dean & Billy Hoyle minus the winning



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141. "can you imagine the parties though?"
In response to Reply # 139



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Mon Apr-11-16 05:59 PM

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142. "wonder if they have an extra room for Justin Blackmon"
In response to Reply # 139



...I'm from the era when A.I. was the answer, now they think ai is the answer - Marlon Craft


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Frank Longo
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Mon Apr-11-16 06:00 PM

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143. ":("
In response to Reply # 142



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Mon Apr-11-16 06:19 PM

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144. "if nfl network ever wants to go full dirtbag, they have a show"
In response to Reply # 142

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Frank Longo
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Mon Apr-11-16 05:44 PM

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140. "Legalize it."
In response to Reply # 136



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Tue Apr-12-16 09:12 AM

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149. "In a way he's an argument against legalization"
In response to Reply # 140



he's one of the few people who does seem to have a psychological and chemical dependency.

Obviously I agree with you, but Gordon is an example of needed treatment programs.


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Tue Apr-12-16 03:12 PM

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160. "Addiction isn't an argument against legalization."
In response to Reply # 149


Christ that's moronic.

The argument is that prohibition causes more problems than the drug itself. Which is pretty obviously the case here.

i still blame hip-hop.


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163. "smh you're smarter than this smuts"
In response to Reply # 149



whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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164. "No he's not."
In response to Reply # 163


i still blame hip-hop.


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175. "glad you're still commenting on me after all the years"
In response to Reply # 164



it's nice to know I make a difference in your life.


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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176. "idiot."
In response to Reply # 175


i still blame hip-hop.


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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183. "guys"
In response to Reply # 176



Can't we all just get along

V's sig still perfect tho

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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190. "lol, whut?"
In response to Reply # 149



maybe this hasnt quite made the ulta-left talking points list. i will wait patiently until it does.

And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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145. "smh "
In response to Reply # 136



We see through all that boo boo like it's ghost shit... (c) Quelle Chris

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146. "he should've just said he was a drug addict. ppl dont feel sorry for id..."
In response to Reply # 136



<--- Big Baller World Order


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154. "That would have been a good start."
In response to Reply # 146



That letter was classic addict rationalization. Pretending hes just an "idiot" is how he got here.



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falafel stand pimpin
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148. "damn just drafted him in fantasy this past weekend"
In response to Reply # 136


we do ours before the draft
dude was killing it in the weight room last year


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150. "that league sounds miserable"
In response to Reply # 148




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152. "lmao"
In response to Reply # 150



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153. "+1"
In response to Reply # 152



...I'm from the era when A.I. was the answer, now they think ai is the answer - Marlon Craft


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158. "Hey, blowhards was partially blown up because some people argued"
In response to Reply # 150



he had value


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dula dibiasi
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151. "dude's kind of ethering...well, himself"
In response to Reply # 136



doesn't have a "problem" tho! no siree!!!


it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. - sherlock holmes


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155. "Its almost like there is a division in this post"
In response to Reply # 151



>doesn't have a "problem" tho! no siree!!!

Between people who know what they are talking about, and people who dont.

How strange.



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Member since Oct 27th 2002
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156. "Everyone recognizes that he has a "problem.""
In response to Reply # 155



Again, the conversation is what that problem is,
and the way we should discuss it.

It's the *moral* conversation that is the issue.

And that is where the smart/dumb divide is in this post.

Smart people, as usual, agree with me, as is generally the case.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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157. "You have shown very little understanding of neuropsych & medicine"
In response to Reply # 156



Thus i have no interest in reading any more of your devout, yet wrong, ideas about either

Hope you had a nice organic lunch tho



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Member since Feb 11th 2007
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159. "But dude you yourself conflated the two separate issues."
In response to Reply # 156


Was he correct in calling out the talking heads for making out-of-line comments? Absolutely.

Was there every indication that he had a bigger substance abuse problem than he was acknowledging (and that failing to acknowledge the seriousness of the problem didn't bode well for his chances of conquering it)? Absolutely.


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Member since Oct 27th 2002
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Tue Apr-12-16 05:49 PM

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162. "Lol. No. You guys just aren't very bright. "
In response to Reply # 159



>Was he correct in calling out the talking heads for making
>out-of-line comments? Absolutely.

That's the only issue.

>Was there every indication that he had a bigger substance
>abuse problem than he was acknowledging (and that failing to
>acknowledge the seriousness of the problem didn't bode well
>for his chances of conquering it)? Absolutely.

I have no way of determining that.

He seems like he likes to drink and smoke weed.

Jeopardizing his wealth because of his habit is a big problem.

I only care to comment on what I know, and that is that he
made the specific critics that he was responding to look like
idiots. He's unquestionably right about that.

And he's very, very smart.


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Member since Feb 11th 2007
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173. "Ad hominem attacks, a sure sign of a winning argument lol"
In response to Reply # 162



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177. "Not Ad Hominem at all. Basic observation. "
In response to Reply # 162



>>Was he correct in calling out the talking heads for making
>>out-of-line comments? Absolutely.
>That's the only issue.
>>Was there every indication that he had a bigger substance
>>abuse problem than he was acknowledging (and that failing to
>>acknowledge the seriousness of the problem didn't bode well
>>for his chances of conquering it)? Absolutely.
>I have no way of determining that.
>He seems like he likes to drink and smoke weed.
>Jeopardizing his wealth because of his habit is a big problem.
>I only care to comment on what I know, and that is that he
>made the specific critics that he was responding to look like
>idiots. He's unquestionably right about that.
>And he's very, very smart.


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178. "I don't think you're not bright. Just wrong."
In response to Reply # 177


And being dishonest about what you claimed in your earlier posts. Obviously you understand there are two separate issues here but you dumbed the conversation down and conflated them on purpose so you could insult people.


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161. "petition for reinstatement denied...can reapply Aug. 1st."
In response to Reply # 0



...I'm from the era when A.I. was the answer, now they think ai is the answer - Marlon Craft


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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165. "I Am Josh Gordon "
In response to Reply # 0



No, I didn't grow up like he did, and I'm much older.

But I understand him & what he is dealing with.

I too have a problem with alcohol & weed. I KNOW that I have a problem. My problem has impacted my motivation, my work ethic, my employment, my relationships & my parenting.

When I was exactly Josh's age, I tried cocaine for the first time. I basically became an insta-junkie & my already precarious life came crashing down around me. Luckily, for me, I had a father who was willing to give me one last shot after 5 years of addiction struggles & failures (during which time I always worked by the way, despite leaving college & working shit jobs in large part because of drinking & smoking as well as clinical depression I refused to face realistically). So after approximately one month as a cocaine addict, I headed off to rehab for the second time, knowing it was my last chance as my family would cut me off if I failed). I succeeded, mostly. I have not touched cocaine in nearly 16 years. For a year I did not drink & I did not smoke weed for over a year. I turned my life around, met my wife who got pregnant and I prepared to return to school after 6 years. I did, and I finished, with much better grades. But I continued to drink & smoke weed, and I still do to this day.

Part of me knows that I shouldn't. But part of me resents that I can't get certain jobs because of how society views my habits (while popular culture continues to celebrate them). I know that on many levels I fail my children with my use, but on other levels I am a more loving, supportive & caring father than most & that LOVE is more important than money when it comes to raising children. Plenty of rich people with no substance addictions are terrible people and parents. But their money shields them. That's not an excuse, it's reality. Addiction is a much stronger barrier to those of us towards the bottom of the pyramid than it is for those towards the top.

So that separates me from Josh, but what I understand deeply is the struggle and inability to stop doing something you know you should stop even as it affects my ability to earn what society deems God: money. I can't even begin to explain to you how it feels, but I can say that, despite my struggles & inabilties, I AM a good person. I AM a smart person. I AM a loving and good father, husband, son and brother. I have value as a person and my inabilities are not permission for any of you or anyone else in the world to judge me, to hold me in contempt, or to speak on my value as a human being.

I am often ashamed, but I refuse to despise myself in a society like this that places value on what it places value on. I refuse to let the success of others erode my self esteem. I refuse to let the judgment of others beat me down. What you or anyone else thinks is irrelevant if you have not walked in my shoes or lived in my mind, felt with my heart or heard with my soul. I refuse to see my life as less valuable because of my bad habits & the hypocrisy of a society built on death, destruction and substance abuse, a society that wages a hypocritical war on "drugs" while leaving those of us with certain dispositions and behaviors behind because they do not serve the interests of others. In a society whose financial bloodstream is fed by cocaine addled millionaires, whose social life is driven by alcohol soaked gatherings and whose ultimate demise will come from the most dangerous addiction of them all, power, I refuse to allow you to call me stupid, to call me a bad parent or a person or to stand in judgment of my choices.

And hopefully this refusal will eventually help me set aside or mitigate my habits & do better. But even if I die a drunken mess, I lived and I had value.

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Member since Oct 27th 2002
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Tue Apr-12-16 07:04 PM

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166. "The amount of courage it took for you to share "
In response to Reply # 165



Thank you for that.

You've overcome a lot, and best of fortune as as you
continue your quest to conquer these demons.

>No, I didn't grow up like he did, and I'm much older.
>But I understand him & what he is dealing with.
>I too have a problem with alcohol & weed. I KNOW that I have
>a problem. My problem has impacted my motivation, my work
>ethic, my employment, my relationships & my parenting.
>When I was exactly Josh's age, I tried cocaine for the first
>time. I basically became an insta-junkie & my already
>precarious life came crashing down around me. Luckily, for
>me, I had a father who was willing to give me one last shot
>after 5 years of addiction struggles & failures (during which
>time I always worked by the way, despite leaving college &
>working shit jobs in large part because of drinking & smoking
>as well as clinical depression I refused to face
>realistically). So after approximately one month as a cocaine
>addict, I headed off to rehab for the second time, knowing it
>was my last chance as my family would cut me off if I failed).
> I succeeded, mostly. I have not touched cocaine in nearly 16
>years. For a year I did not drink & I did not smoke weed for
>over a year. I turned my life around, met my wife who got
>pregnant and I prepared to return to school after 6 years. I
>did, and I finished, with much better grades. But I continued
>to drink & smoke weed, and I still do to this day.
>Part of me knows that I shouldn't. But part of me resents
>that I can't get certain jobs because of how society views my
>habits (while popular culture continues to celebrate them). I
>know that on many levels I fail my children with my use, but
>on other levels I am a more loving, supportive & caring father
>than most & that LOVE is more important than money when it
>comes to raising children. Plenty of rich people with no
>substance addictions are terrible people and parents. But
>their money shields them. That's not an excuse, it's reality.
> Addiction is a much stronger barrier to those of us towards
>the bottom of the pyramid than it is for those towards the
>So that separates me from Josh, but what I understand deeply
>is the struggle and inability to stop doing something you know
>you should stop even as it affects my ability to earn what
>society deems God: money. I can't even begin to explain to
>you how it feels, but I can say that, despite my struggles &
>inabilties, I AM a good person. I AM a smart person. I AM a
>loving and good father, husband, son and brother. I have
>value as a person and my inabilities are not permission for
>any of you or anyone else in the world to judge me, to hold me
>in contempt, or to speak on my value as a human being.
>I am often ashamed, but I refuse to despise myself in a
>society like this that places value on what it places value
>on. I refuse to let the success of others erode my self
>esteem. I refuse to let the judgment of others beat me down.
>What you or anyone else thinks is irrelevant if you have not
>walked in my shoes or lived in my mind, felt with my heart or
>heard with my soul. I refuse to see my life as less valuable
>because of my bad habits & the hypocrisy of a society built on
>death, destruction and substance abuse, a society that wages a
>hypocritical war on "drugs" while leaving those of us with
>certain dispositions and behaviors behind because they do not
>serve the interests of others. In a society whose financial
>bloodstream is fed by cocaine addled millionaires, whose
>social life is driven by alcohol soaked gatherings and whose
>ultimate demise will come from the most dangerous addiction of
>them all, power, I refuse to allow you to call me stupid, to
>call me a bad parent or a person or to stand in judgment of my
>And hopefully this refusal will eventually help me set aside
>or mitigate my habits & do better. But even if I die a
>drunken mess, I lived and I had value.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Tue Apr-12-16 07:31 PM

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167. "RE: The amount of courage it took for you to share "
In response to Reply # 166



Thanks, ima assume you're genuine & not just propping me up because it fits your agenda

As Malcolm said if I can die having exposed any meaningful truth then all credit to the Most High & only the mistakes were mine

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Member since Oct 27th 2002
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Wed Apr-13-16 12:32 AM

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172. "My man"
In response to Reply # 167



>Thanks, ima assume you're genuine & not just propping me up
>because it fits your agenda

I talk my shit, but am a genuine dude.

I'd never do no shit like that.

>As Malcolm said if I can die having exposed any meaningful
>truth then all credit to the Most High & only the mistakes
>were mine


I'm up late, reflecting on what you shared.

Here we are, having fun (most of the time) behind keyboards.

And people in here sharing truly essential parts of themselves.

I can only imagine how difficult that was, but I appreciate it


People are listening.

Kudos to you.

Stay on the straight and narrow.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "


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dula dibiasi
Member since Apr 05th 2004
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Tue Apr-12-16 07:57 PM

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168. "respect."
In response to Reply # 165




it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. - sherlock holmes


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Tue Apr-12-16 11:32 PM

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171. "RE: respect."
In response to Reply # 168



Same to you & thank you for "listening"

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Member since Jan 29th 2003
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169. "Thanks for sharing man."
In response to Reply # 165



Like O_E said, your words here and your ability to overcome your depression reflects a deep, personal sense of strength and inspiring courage.

Society sends alot of mixed messages in many aspects. Shunning the frailty in people, which breeds addiction, while also fetishizing people, in pop-culture and in positions of real privilege, for living lifestyles without the sense of real, negative consequences that many of us face for treating addiction with substances.

I'm sure there are moments where you feel ashamed for your habits, but I'm sure you realize that addiction is a disease and not a reflection on your personal morality or character. You love and care for your family and are working to instill real values of support and strength which can help them through difficult times in their lives. Loving your family is the best gift you can give your children and like you said is more valuable than anything.

Be angry at the disease, not yourself.


<--- Me when my head hits the pillow


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Tue Apr-12-16 11:31 PM

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170. "RE: Thanks for sharing man."
In response to Reply # 169



Thank you, i sincerely appreciate your words & this was a very kinda therapeutic way for me to get some of this stuff out & also show how easy it is to point the finger at folks like Josh Gordon without evaluating why we are so quick to judge and tear people apart for their faults

It only matters to me that someone reads & understands & hopefully someone struggling with the same shit will know they aren't alone

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Member since Jun 29th 2002
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Wed Apr-13-16 09:50 AM

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174. "damn, thanks for sharing"
In response to Reply # 165



I acknowledge your strength and determination.

Unfortunately those traits aren't as prevalent in my family members who have had clinical depression and substance abuse most of their lives. It's a constant battle for them. Sometimes they're winning, sometimes not.

If my parents weren't determined to help me avoid the fate of their siblings, I don't know where I'd end up.


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Wed Apr-13-16 07:55 PM

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182. "RE: damn, thanks for sharing"
In response to Reply # 174



Thank you smuts

I'm no better than your family members, maybe luckier but not better in any way/shape/form

Don't enable them but make sure to love them, they need that no matter how shitty their behavior is/appears

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Member since Dec 24th 2005
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179. "honored you felt like you could share this with us"
In response to Reply # 165



i appreciated it and i hope it helps you as well.


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Wed Apr-13-16 07:59 PM

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184. "RE: honored you felt like you could share this with us"
In response to Reply # 179



Same to you sir, I just appreciate you taking the time...bless

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Wed Apr-13-16 07:59 PM

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185. "RE: honored you felt like you could share this with us"
In response to Reply # 179



Same to you sir, I just appreciate you taking the time...bless

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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pretentious username
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180. "thanks for sharing man."
In response to Reply # 165



and good luck with everything.


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Wed Apr-13-16 08:01 PM

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186. "RE: thanks for sharing man."
In response to Reply # 180



Thank you for letting me share

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Member since Nov 21st 2005
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181. "Much respect"
In response to Reply # 165



That was a good read. Proud of you and happy for you.


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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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187. "RE: Much respect"
In response to Reply # 181



Thank you & I sincerely hope I do better but stay positive

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Cold Truth
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Wed Apr-13-16 11:35 PM

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191. "We touched gloves and then spoke about it. You know my stance. "
In response to Reply # 165



I came away from that with serious food for thought.

And yes, that was a real and standing offer. I don't fuck around when it comes this shit. For what it's worth I'm a little concerned about you and the ramifications this stuff has for your family.

So yeah, I meant what I said. That's a standing offer. Just keep chipping away at this.


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Member since Nov 21st 2002
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188. "forbidding someone on the BROWNS from drinking is inhumane"
In response to Reply # 0



i appreciate the kid checking a couple chins, especially when one of them is screamin' a smith's. i also like his highlighting how nutty the NFL's policy is. that said, them's the rules, that's the agreement and he knew it. nothing snuck up on him. he fucked up. multiple times. he cops pleas. he accepts little if any responsibility. get it together, dude.

And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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192. "RE: Josh Gordon kind of ethers...well, everybody"
In response to Reply # 0




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dula dibiasi
Member since Apr 05th 2004
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Thu Sep-29-16 04:43 PM

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193. "..."
In response to Reply # 0




it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. - sherlock holmes


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Thu Sep-29-16 04:52 PM

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194. "somebody posted this on this on Twitter..."
In response to Reply # 193


...I'm from the era when A.I. was the answer, now they think ai is the answer - Marlon Craft


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Thu Sep-29-16 05:00 PM

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195. "hopefully this is a step in the right direction..."
In response to Reply # 193



..this is bigger than football.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Member since Oct 18th 2004
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Thu Sep-29-16 05:08 PM

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196. "Excellent, now starts arguably the hardest part"
In response to Reply # 193



It's a daily battle

<--The drought is over

"have fun reveling in your pettiness tho" (C) Dula summing up 98% of OKS

"I didnt finish a damn thing...matter of fact I jerked off after she left."
-Kobe speaking to investigators



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Thu Sep-29-16 05:14 PM

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197. "which is where he clearly needs to be. I wonder what sparked this"
In response to Reply # 193


but, at least he's there. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Member since Oct 21st 2004
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Fri Sep-30-16 11:40 AM

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198. "my fantasy team wants him to stay high and play ball"
In response to Reply # 193



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Fri Sep-30-16 12:21 PM

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199. "I'm a keep it a buck. I'd be more understanding if it wasn't weed."
In response to Reply # 0


Right now, this shit is just silly to me.

If he has other mental issues, sure get them handled. But if you can't put down the sativa, I'm eye rolling like Dee from "What's Happening"



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Member since Oct 21st 2004
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Fri Sep-30-16 12:30 PM

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201. "he wanted off the Browns"
In response to Reply # 199


and he's getting his wish.


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dula dibiasi
Member since Apr 05th 2004
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Fri Sep-30-16 12:37 PM

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202. "i wonder if he wants off the league."
In response to Reply # 201



because that's where this is inevitably heading.


it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. - sherlock holmes


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Member since Oct 21st 2004
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Fri Sep-30-16 01:07 PM

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203. "or he'll leave rehab before next season "
In response to Reply # 202


declaring he's 100% healthy and clean, ready for another chance.


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Fri Sep-30-16 01:41 PM

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205. "yep...Hugh said enough is enough..."
In response to Reply # 201


...I'm from the era when A.I. was the answer, now they think ai is the answer - Marlon Craft


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Member since Oct 18th 2004
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Fri Sep-30-16 12:24 PM

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200. "Cgonz basically owned this post "
In response to Reply # 0



One of the hardest aspects of addiction is owning up to the fact that you have a problem (really, self-recognition/self-honestly is one of the toughest barriers of the human psyche) so this is a great step.

<--The drought is over

"have fun reveling in your pettiness tho" (C) Dula summing up 98% of OKS

"I didnt finish a damn thing...matter of fact I jerked off after she left."
-Kobe speaking to investigators



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Charter member
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Fri Sep-30-16 01:33 PM

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204. "yea he nailed it "
In response to Reply # 200



>One of the hardest aspects of addiction is owning up to the
>fact that you have a problem (really,
>self-recognition/self-honestly is one of the toughest barriers
>of the human psyche) so this is a great step.

I wanna go to where the martyrs went
the brown figures on the walls of my apart-a-ment...


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Charter member
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Fri Sep-30-16 07:07 PM

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206. "you misspelled "theprofessional""
In response to Reply # 200



but, yeah, your boy cgonz was right there with me. literally everything we said in here is exactly what happened.

this whole post is now one of the realest things on oksports. anyone who has a friend or family member who may have a substance abuse problem or if you're struggling with substance abuse yourself, read josh gordon's original letter again, then read through these posts one by one. understand the signs that you may be enabling and not helping. understand the difference between rationalizing (he only had two drinks, he's young, the league is being too harsh, the media is singling him out, drug laws are too strict, etc.) and owning up. understand the difference between someone who's actually taking positive steps towards recovery and someone who still needs serious help.

josh gordon was always the latter, and now his NFL career is probably over. there's speculation that this rehab stint is just a deal he made with the league to avoid another failed test and a career-ending suspension. i really hope that's not the case, 'cause this goes beyond his football career. this is his life. i hope, at age 25, he's finally recognizing that he is an addict/alcoholic and that he has a very serious problem.

"i smack clowns with nouns, punch herbs with verbs..."


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