Alright okp. Lets do it. This is for any and everyone. Post a line that rhymes to the line previous to yours. You can change the end rhyme if you like as long as the rhyme is completed.
IE - end rhyme is cat hat Bat Rat Sick Lick
I will start
I never knew there would be days like this/
"And it's not that You're passive; Its just that Your grace is as active as Your wrath should be" -Crossmovement's PHANATIK
black magic pulled out dr. suess' hat beating beetles back wit a wiffle bat king of demons ravana threw gunga gunas around my dam neck like i was a rat my vison was pack in suit cases splat pop goes those dreams of finding a queen maya i'm sick possess by lucifer licking kitty cats and she's on my dick twisting on lays flame'n hot forks up in bars take yo pick can't abort plots pricks fornication sexually matt fights text wars blunt objects soar while your skin sat on my lap top of stool bones sticks to nerves heavy wrong thing 2 do clicks saw and tread wheels light right thing 2 do zip lock why can't i follow lords foot prints zag on wax paper patted by his hand left to my self grabbing 4 the wealth
4. "Life's Throwing Curve Balls -- With A Paranoid Pitch ..." In response to Reply # 0
Pickin' ^UP^ from:
hungry...nah - fed up wit this...still broke!..jus dreamt we was rich
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥
In a world filled with turmoil, there's no time to place it
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥