>Born again, yeah man, we gotta do it >Holdin' my breath till resubmerging from amneotic fluid >Slicing the umbilical chord with my biblical sword >Satan dropped the ball and I scooped up the spherical orb
These lines are ill^^
I'm not feeling the scene on a hill with the Philistines Philly hell, feel it swell, the sellers, the guillotines The Old and New testaments, Old news and estimates revelations, casualties, famine, and pestilence a knock off, the tops off, you feel me right? homey the sub is packed, at night, I play the station like Sony slipped on tube socks and Ponies like I'm eighty somethin We rap-a-lot, Whateva Rock-it, like McGrady or somethin..
*************************************** "Science" and Religion are the two most dangerous weapons of ideology. See holocaust.
Why do "scientists" constantly produce statistics based on "race", a social construct?