This is a piece I wrote about 8 months ago. This is more like a prayer/ conversation with God. I wrote this in Iraq when situations were gettin MAD HECTIC!... I don't know... it is what it is.
"Sometimes, you just gotta put your pride to the side, and realize, that you can't do it alone..."
check it..
Please lord,
grant me more, courage and wisdom, help me elevate over obsticles, nourish my vision, to see ahead, influence me, invert my intentions, to take a stand, lifes proven that my characters different, and I'm aware// Seems like I'm in a maze, encrypted, no directional path... so before I wonder off, I reflect on the past, and who to call upon... sunday mornings I sit in thought with your conceptual staff// I walk away ahead of the class, unknowin' the day it'll dawn on me, for me and you to settle the math, 100 fourty four thousand, ready to pass, they lack riches so admissions won't accept any cash, its past physics// From here out, I'm doin my steppin up, You'll prolly say that I changed since our last visit, know I have, My girl's sayin I should be, COM-PASH-INIT, get mad, then try to be a little more ABSTINENT// and I aint wit that, I need her support, I'm at, WAR, each day my luck could change, could be me on the floor, among otha thangs, My step pops just got my mother a weddin rang, he gets props lord// I know the rules, its as simple as connect-the-dots, you set plots, I maneuv'..(maneuver) I hang on the block, knowin I had a straight shot, but even a wise man was once taught by a fool, and he had to face it// I wanna change// I'm livin in a mind frame where only cash is sacred, if I'm called to the alter, they'll be no PROCRASTINATION, already been notified, I'll accept the CONGRADULATIONS, increased notoriety, paparazzi cameras tape, how a man escaped, triples sixes on his head, and his hands erased!, pandemonium, seein the news feed the society...