"Ayo Zin, much love. You birthed me through rigorous nights at da job killin' me freestylin'. Love You for dat man. This goes out to you
I be da kid dat write rhymes in the notebook Advanced technology got me typin rhymes in the NOTEBOOK Wit lyrics that de-tect-you-acknowledge-me, in my prime wit no hook Ya might shine? My might shines when I recite rhymes like Stevie Wonder- no look Yall LISTEN ....no look, my mindsets above yalls Brain elevated on top of ya fitteds, my mind sets above yalls Eternally chockin' on my last breath...but shrug coughs MC's fade into the black...no brag, my swag just rub off On momma's boys; Momma ya boy's flow gottem mad at da son (STARE) Homie-show stoppa like a bomb threat at da Madison Square Garden, Pardon me wit no beggin', just passion Forgot to mention Jesus, da inspiration that inspire in rations Blastin' Zin's lyrics through speakers...LAZER TAG Amazin' Swag and AMAZIN'S SWAG, baby boy, make way for dad
"And it's not that You're passive; Its just that Your grace is as active as Your wrath should be" -Crossmovement's PHANATIK
2. "I'll put it a lil something like this" In response to Reply # 0
first Photo had to leave so we rolled up our sleaves and everyone tried to tighten their belts, and we sighed and we grieved still feel decieved from all the sudden pain that we felt Then we lost 3rdI, swore the whole board cried can't lie , i was broken myself had to let it out, cause you hold it all in then the shit gonna fuck with your health Now my friend Zin the Picasso of Pen Leonardo of bravado says he's tossing it in well so long fare well, i hope you give em hell Can't follow the trend ,this i know so well i'm here to the year of the Two OH Twelve
you aint that old dude pick up your shit and get back here!!! I know you reading this shit DUNN!
R.I.P. Martin alexander (Marty Gra) Alston - my brother, my mentor , my friend-