Nowhere near the level of the first one, but that was to be expected.
I was worried for the first half of this cause it was a soft remake of the first. Then it veers off and does its own thing.
The script is the biggest issue here. I wish Ridley would tell us what he sees in David Scarpa.
With that said, the fights are better in this one and the scope is much bigger. Ridley feels energized here. The political machinations were, to me, were okay in the first one. Here, much better. And unfortunately timely.
Uncle Denzel steals this movie. He knows exactly what movie he's in and every line reading in this from Unc is fan-fucking-tastic. Honestly, get John David so we can get a prequel with his character.
When I get old, I want to dress just like Uncle Denzel did in this joint except with Ghostface Killah's eagle bracelet.
But yeah, a good dad movie with tempered expectations.
One of the few times that I recommend Dolby over IMAX.
3. "Not as good on a rewatch." In response to Reply # 0
Went to a guild screening yesterday in Dolby Cinema with a Q&A with Uncle Denzel, Paul Mescal, Connie Nielson, and Fred Hechinger. See it in Dolby Cinema over IMAX.
It's problems with the script are even more apparent on a rewatch.
4. "i logged in just to say this movie was ass" In response to Reply # 0
huge ancient history epic movie fan. knew this would be hollywood with the artistic liberties, but good grief. Denzel didn't save this for me. really disappointed. Now i'm skeptical on the Carthage movie and I've been waiting on that one.
2 ass checks out of 2. Just really bad. I've seen better episodes of Spartacus season 1.
Frank Longo Member since Nov 18th 2003 86943 posts
Mon Nov-25-24 04:23 PM
5. "Enjoyed it, though I'm admittedly a sucker for this genre." In response to Reply # 0
Once again feels like Ridley set out and made a 3 hour 30 minute movie and had to trim it down to 2:45, because *so much* happens in this movie, it moves at a breakneck pace, lol.
Denzel's fantastic. Tremendous performance, deserving of any and all accolades coming his way.
11/13: Hot Frosty (on Netflix) 11/23: Three Wiser Men & A Boy (on Hallmark) 11/27: Christmas Under the Lights (on Hallmark Mysteries) 12/14: The Santa Class (on Hallmark)
6. "I enjoyed it. Kinda ruins the ending of Gladiator though." In response to Reply # 0
The entire point of Gladiator was he defeats Commodus and dies a hero and Rome becomes a Republic. This movie never explained why that failed to materialize. And the idea that Gladiator ended the way it did, but she just randomly decides to send her son away despite Maximus killing Commodus....makes no sense.
I enjoyed it but im going to pretend it doesnt exist and that Gladiator maintains its original great ending. Ha
"The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in." - James Baldwin
>The entire point of Gladiator was he defeats Commodus and >dies a hero and Rome becomes a Republic. This movie never >explained why that failed to materialize. And the idea that >Gladiator ended the way it did, but she just randomly decides >to send her son away despite Maximus killing Commodus....makes >no sense. > >I enjoyed it but im going to pretend it doesnt exist and that >Gladiator maintains its original great ending. Ha
It was entertaining, though it drags a lot when Denzel and the Emperors are not on screen, but since I watched it the retconning has been kinda bothering me and I’m of sure I’ll be rewatching it.
Frank Longo Member since Nov 18th 2003 86943 posts
Sun Dec-01-24 12:42 PM
8. "While I *kind of* agree..." In response to Reply # 6
I think, in the year 2024, the idea that sacrifices made in the name of securing democracy end up being crossed out of the history books by the fascists who invariably keep ending up in charge... certainly hits home!
11/13: Hot Frosty (on Netflix) 11/23: Three Wiser Men & A Boy (on Hallmark) 11/27: Christmas Under the Lights (on Hallmark Mysteries) 12/14: The Santa Class (on Hallmark)
9. "It’s definitely more realistic" In response to Reply # 8
than some vague “give Rome back to the people” idea, but I always kind of have an issue with retcons like this cause it makes me feel foolish for being so invested in the plot of the previous movie. I don’t think it’s ever intended as a middle finger to people who liked the previous film, but it does often feel that way.
10. "Gladiator: Beast Wars" In response to Reply # 0
this is a big old block of cheddar cheese
half of the movie is just a reprised version of the original, the other half being completely nonsensical from a plot or thematic standpoint
the characters being hammy (at least Ridley seemed to head nod to unseriousness of the script) and overall ridiculousness kept it kind of interesting, but the less you ponder anything that happened the better
the climax in the river had me laughing in my seat -- plot armor literally turning into actual impenetrable armor underwater! no wonder daddy Max was unbeatable in the arena, he had a fucking adamantium chestplate on
also the special effects budget for the Roman games was higher than I thought, I don't think many NFL stadiums could pull off a "sand arena into 50 foot pool back into sand arena" transition over a few days