>1. I think movies need to have clear, maybe even longer, >theater windows. What's the point of even going to the movies >if you know you can see anything at home in about 30 days?
I love the theater experience, and this is fucking me up. I have a weird class schedule, so my normal movie-going days are kinda thrown off. Now, I have to prioritize seeing a movie I wasn't that hype on ASAP, just for the sake of catching it before it's ready for home viewing.
>2. Need more high end theaters. The Alamo is a great chain. >I don't know to what extent other cities have dine-in/bar >theaters but the more the better.
Atlanta had AMC Fork & Screen for a minute, but now we have Studio Movie Grill (dope), iPIC (dope), Silverlight (dope), and one more that I can't think of because I haven't been yet. They're dope, but expensive. The "regular" Regal theater near me closed last year. I used to shit on it for not being clean, but sometimes I just want to roll out of bed into some sweats, hit the movies, and come back.
> >3. Movies need to cost less. Furiosa made about 70M worldwide >memorial day weekend. How is that a flop?!? Oh because it >took 200M to make and market the movie. I feel like the >feeling today is that if a movie only costs 20-30M to make it >HAS to go straight to a streamer (except horror).
This seems like a shareholder/investor thing, which I hate when I think of shareholders and the cost of movies.
Also on the anti-shareholder tip, I wouldn't announce movies so far out. Especially with the Marvel/DC/comics movies, when you announce shit 4-5 years out, people get to cast, shoot, and edit movies over & over again during that whole time and they shit on it when it's not comics-accurate like they pictured in their heads.
____________ Twitter & IG: @rulerofmyself SC: rulerofmyself17
Yes! She's on the drugs. (c) BoHagon