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Lobby Pass The Popcorn topic #750467

Subject: "How would you fix the movie industry?" Previous topic | Next topic
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Fri May-31-24 01:56 PM

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"How would you fix the movie industry?"



This memorial day weekend was the worst box office in 40 years. A lot of folks in Hollywood think the sky is falling. Is it?

What's the answer? What's the problem?

1. I think movies need to have clear, maybe even longer, theater windows. What's the point of even going to the movies if you know you can see anything at home in about 30 days?

2. Need more high end theaters. The Alamo is a great chain. I don't know to what extent other cities have dine-in/bar theaters but the more the better.

3. Movies need to cost less. Furiosa made about 70M worldwide memorial day weekend. How is that a flop?!? Oh because it took 200M to make and market the movie. I feel like the feeling today is that if a movie only costs 20-30M to make it HAS to go straight to a streamer (except horror).

I thought I had more but I forgot. What do you all have?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
Jun 01st 2024
man, Alamo Drafthouse really fell off to me
Jun 01st 2024
Fewer white men making the lion's share of decisions
Jun 01st 2024
RE: How would you fix the movie industry?
Jun 02nd 2024
They need to fix release window before they try anything else tbh
Jun 03rd 2024

Member since Jan 15th 2008
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Sat Jun-01-24 10:28 AM

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1. "...uh"
In response to Reply # 0



I would just dig into the novels of the 1950's - 1970's to find interesting stories and just make them with very interesting actors and actresses using directors and directors of photography who have very stylish abilities.

Anything other than a focus on 1950's - 1970's type of strong stories with interesting actors and actresses with stylish photography will lead to too much glamour and glitz and going for "fair to middlin'" stars who don't really "hit" hard.

Just have to go for the gritty raw thing - not the middle of the road stuff that is


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Charter member
63828 posts
Sat Jun-01-24 01:16 PM

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2. "man, Alamo Drafthouse really fell off to me"
In response to Reply # 0


I know covid had a lot to do with it, because they had massively expanded on took on huge debt in the years right before.

maybe because I live in Texas where they started, but the experience is so much worse now. I used to go once a month for all the special showings, and the new releases were events -- now the prices are double, while the service and enthusiasm is half as good as before.



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Member since Jan 09th 2006
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Sat Jun-01-24 04:11 PM

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3. "Fewer white men making the lion's share of decisions"
In response to Reply # 0



Starting from there, possibilities abound...


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Member since Aug 12th 2005
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Sun Jun-02-24 10:32 PM

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4. "RE: How would you fix the movie industry?"
In response to Reply # 0



>1. I think movies need to have clear, maybe even longer,
>theater windows. What's the point of even going to the movies
>if you know you can see anything at home in about 30 days?

I love the theater experience, and this is fucking me up. I have a weird class schedule, so my normal movie-going days are kinda thrown off. Now, I have to prioritize seeing a movie I wasn't that hype on ASAP, just for the sake of catching it before it's ready for home viewing.

>2. Need more high end theaters. The Alamo is a great chain.
>I don't know to what extent other cities have dine-in/bar
>theaters but the more the better.

Atlanta had AMC Fork & Screen for a minute, but now we have Studio Movie Grill (dope), iPIC (dope), Silverlight (dope), and one more that I can't think of because I haven't been yet. They're dope, but expensive. The "regular" Regal theater near me closed last year. I used to shit on it for not being clean, but sometimes I just want to roll out of bed into some sweats, hit the movies, and come back.

>3. Movies need to cost less. Furiosa made about 70M worldwide
>memorial day weekend. How is that a flop?!? Oh because it
>took 200M to make and market the movie. I feel like the
>feeling today is that if a movie only costs 20-30M to make it
>HAS to go straight to a streamer (except horror).

This seems like a shareholder/investor thing, which I hate when I think of shareholders and the cost of movies.

Also on the anti-shareholder tip, I wouldn't announce movies so far out. Especially with the Marvel/DC/comics movies, when you announce shit 4-5 years out, people get to cast, shoot, and edit movies over & over again during that whole time and they shit on it when it's not comics-accurate like they pictured in their heads.

Twitter & IG: @rulerofmyself
SC: rulerofmyself17

Yes! She's on the drugs. (c) BoHagon


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pretentious username
Member since Jun 18th 2010
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Mon Jun-03-24 10:57 AM

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5. "They need to fix release window before they try anything else tbh"
In response to Reply # 0



We can talk about what types of movies Hollywood is choosing to make till we’re blue in the face, but the fact is we’re seeing movies underperform that have a decent amount of hype and are well-received by both critics and audiences. I don’t think extending the theater release window will solve all of the problems, but it’s tough to even diagnose the other problems until that is fixed.

I understood when an early VOD release was used as an escape hatch for a movie that did absolutely NO numbers at the box office, but it’s become such a common occurrence that it has taken away much of the incentive to see a movie in the theater. If we all knew the Fall Guy and Furiosa wouldn’t be available at home for 6 months, what would those box office numbers look like? I suspect there’s a lot of Hollywood accounting bullshit behind all of this, and it’s left a really bad taste in my mouth. I’ll be very curious to see how the new Bad Boys does/how quick it hits VOD & streaming. Looking at the seating charts at my local AMC theaters… it’s not looking good!


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