not that he was the lovey dovey gooey centre, but him (and Csokas' performance) kept me fucking glued to the screen. just his fucking eyes alone were menacing enough to make u not know what the fuck this crazy cat was gonna do next. was it hammy/scenery-chewing as fuck? hell to the yeah. but dude nailed it. so that's a huge loss for the show. it woulda been good to have him be a recurring big bad, like be the polar opposite/shadow of, and equal to, Sunny over 6-7 or howevermany seasons. build that conflict up over many years before pulling the trigger on it. but i guess his days were always numbered with the brain tumor in play. the final battle was worth it, tho. they been delivering on the fights all season but that was MASTERFUL work. carried the right amount of jacked up intensity. at times i actually didn't know how it would shake out, even tho cynical me knew the bad guy gets his and our protag will limp on to more adventures. just wished this time it wasn't so lol. R.I.P Quinn, u deranged sunuvabitch. Bajie's trip to the comms tower was interesting, hopefully they accelerate the Asra plotline nxt season and make it more of a focus. i suspect with Veil gone, Sunny's only real connection to the world is M.K., otherwise he should make Asra his mission. speaking of Veil, what a shitty end for a character that suffered all damn season. like i said above, dramatically i get it, but it reduces Veil as just a means to an end: 'kill Sunny's one true love so we can move his journey along' type deak. i feel like if you're a half decent writer? you coulda found a way to do that and still include Veil. and while i've LOVED this season from top to bottom, the way they mishandled Veil was a major letdown.
so clearly we're in a post apocalyptic earth that got de-powered at some point. any theories on the backstory yet? did we try to obliterate each other with nuclear war? was it a worldwide terrorist attack? and yes to ppl above mentioning "Revolution" (which was an AWESOME show, btw). seems like it's on the same vibe. which is dope. hope the journey to Asra dominated most of the nxt season. the world is built, now it's time to start telling its history.
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