"It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (post-Season 12 discussion)"
ok ptp. that was one of the strongest seasons of the show, ever. so much shit changed, so much happening with these characters. the theme of which seemed to be about finally paying off decades long storylines (Mac's homosexuality, Charlie & The Waitress, Dennis' sudden humanising towards the end of the season culminating in him frign LEAVING, Cricket got a shot at redemption too). and about a million gut-bustin LOLs in between. i really can't think of a more consistent comedy that has lasted this long, and that is continuing to push buttons and take risks like a motherfucker this deep into their never-ending run (season 13 and 14 are a lock at the moment). and that one ep where they were in arbitration, they uttered "cunt", "fuck" and the n-word in the same damn scene. FX/FXX letting em off the leash for good now? cos i think i heard em say "fuck" in one other ep too.
1. "I can't imagine the show without Dennis" In response to Reply # 0
I think I'd rather have them end it than try to go on without him. And that would actually be a pretty good series finale. Everyone breaking out their signature dance moves in the bar, and Dennis realizing that it's time to officially grow up and get out of there.
But yeah, I enjoyed this season. Crazy that they are still on such a high level after 12 seasons.
2. "I thought this season was terrible" In response to Reply # 0
Like they were trying to be too "creative". And I guess it was just not my style.
They've been doing a lot of weird, concept episodes recently, and I liked some in the past seasons(The Birdman bar inspection, a day in the life of Frank.
But this season seemed jam packed with them. I just wanted normal hi-jinks.
5. "RE: I thought this season was terrible" In response to Reply # 2
>But this season seemed jam packed with them. I just wanted >normal hi-jinks.
I could see you having that opinion, but I think it's going to be very hard for the show to go normal since I can't imagine there are too many topics they can tackle via normal hi-jinks, at least what passes for normal on this show.
Gotta wonder when this show will pull the plug since I had to think it's incredibly hard for them to mine for material at this point.
"Sean sparks like John Starks, nah, Sean ball like John Wall" - Rest In Power Forever Sean Price.
3. "I think it could be fun to leave Dennis out in the beginning of next sea..." In response to Reply # 0
to shake things up, then maybe have an episode bringing him back, or just showing his life North Dakota
I loved the aftermath of Charlie & The Waitress, lol.
>ok ptp. >that was one of the strongest seasons of the show, ever. >so much shit changed, so much happening with these >characters. >the theme of which seemed to be about finally paying off >decades long storylines (Mac's homosexuality, Charlie & The >Waitress, Dennis' sudden humanising towards the end of the >season culminating in him frign LEAVING, Cricket got a shot at >redemption too). >and about a million gut-bustin LOLs in between. >i really can't think of a more consistent comedy that has >lasted this long, and that is continuing to push buttons and >take risks like a motherfucker this deep into their >never-ending run (season 13 and 14 are a lock at the moment). > >and that one ep where they were in arbitration, they uttered >"cunt", "fuck" and the n-word in the same damn scene. FX/FXX >letting em off the leash for good now? cos i think i heard em >say "fuck" in one other ep too. > >ok so this post is a bit of a mess cos after i watched the >finale, i consulted the google and it looks like Glenn >Howerton might actually leave the show for a while, which is >huge: >http://au.ign.com/articles/2017/03/09/glenn-howerton-could-be-leaving-its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia. >i don't think i could actually conceive of the gang dynamic >without Dennis frign Reynolds. > >anyways, for anyone who has been following it since jump, >y'all still in? & still enjoying this shit as much as i am? > >V.
that the show is going on a longer than normal hiatus before the next chunk of episodes air. I have a feeling the cast of that show in general are getting more non-Sunny work and that may be a reason for the break.
"Sean sparks like John Starks, nah, Sean ball like John Wall" - Rest In Power Forever Sean Price.