I did have two general questions about the story:
1. Why were the grandparents acting like servants. I just thought it would make sense that a grandparents with new bodies would do the things they always did like cut wood and tend house. Soulhonky also made a good point that it would be a good cover to observe Chris.
Their strange behaviour made sense because they were old white people in young black bodies trying to convince a young black man that they were black.
And it worked because the results were creepy as fuck which works for the movie.
2. I did wonder what was Allison Williams role in everything. She seemed to kind of lack motivation for what she was doing. But I kind of didn't have to think about it too hard because I just wrote it off as her just being apart of the family business.
Other than that I think those are minor points because the fact is taken together it all worked. You talk about clashing tones but that's only a problem if it doesn't work or fall flat and it didn't. The crowd roared at the lil rell humor. I also never saw him as over the top, he sounded to me like a regular black dude working at TSA who all of sudden was dealing with an over the top situation.
And of course he would have a joke at the end because that's what you do in movies of this type. There was no more rewarding moment than when he dropped "Motherfucking TSA, that's what we do".
I think your other points are minor points:
1. Dude had the people's names and the state he lived in. It would be easy as hell to find out where they lived. that's what peoplesearch is for.
2. Whose to say that these folks going missing weren't a big deal in this world? Did you really need to see a news report saying these people were missing? If these people were missing and it was a big deal there is no reason why Chris would connect their being missing to these people.
>>As for the specific questions: >>- "The founders and creators of the technique perfected it >to >>be house servants in the end? What?!?" >>I think they were just doing that to hide from Chris. My >>assumption was that, once Chris was gone, they would have >>filled the usual grandparent role in the family. > > >But if the grandparents are in control, why are they SO >overwhelmingly stepfordish, why the weird kinks at night, it's >clear from the car that they're distinctly different when they >want to be, so why is their default so over the top? > > >>- "Semi famous people go missing and nobody follows up on >that >>case? To the point that she's binging top NCAA athletes? If >>Lonzo Ball goes missing, we'll never hear the end of it." >>Agreed. That was there for a joke but it didn't make much >>sense in terms of trying to keep a lower profile or kidnap >>people that wouldn't be immediately recognized. But it got a >>laugh in the theater so I think it accomplished that goal, >>although it seems silly in hindsight. > > >>- "There's black people hanging out with white people and >>nobody ever has to take a picture wth flash before?" >>If the white people knew that the flash would set the >morphed >>people off, not hard to see how they could avoid flashes on >>cameras. > >In a world where cameras do that, you do everything you can >not to have that happen though. > >>- "All of the pictures in a red box get replaced and rehung >>within hours for what purpose?" >>This is getting a little nit-picky IMO. For what purpose? >She >>was clearly unhinged. It was unnecessary but it made for a >>cool visual. It's like people writing on mirrors or windows >or >>countless other things in movies that don't make complete >>sense but look cool. > > >Very nitpicky, but I don't understand the character. We're to >believe that she's the coldest character of them all? They >make her into an American Psycho style Huntress by the end of >the movie. The second she raises those keys out of the purse >she's a unique character from the previous part of the movie. >Meanwhile every other character in the family can barely hide >their contempt for Chris and all the guests are the party >can't stop treating him like a piece of meat. Why is her role >so distinctly different from everyone else? If she's so >crucial to the entirety of it all, why isn't she in charge? >Why is there so little interaction between her and the mother? >They're a family where each person serves a specific and >complicated role in a massive conspiracy, but they barely >interact. How? > > >>"How'd you find me was never answered" >>Not sure it needed to be. Had he explained it, it wouldn't >>have improved the movie in any way. And not hard to assume >>that Chris had the address on his computer. > >It's not that it's not explained, it's that his friend is >covered in blood around dead bodies, and somehow he's able to >flip that to a joke. A clash in tone. >
********** "Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"