we're already 2 episodes deep. this season is subtitled "Mad City". 'sif shit wasn't already crazy enuf in this show (and hella violent), seems like it's gonna get even more crazy (i haven't watched yet but am about to). been a big fan of the show so far. this season we got almost a full rogue's gallery. plus: court of owls + Talon, the return of Fish Mooney (who i still think may serve as the inspiration for Selena to turn into Catwoman), the Bruce clone, Strange seems like he's still in the picture too, & Jim as a bounty hunter.
2. "S3E4. Outstanding episode" In response to Reply # 0
Specifically this episode fired on all cylinders. I feel like every character got a moment. From the "Trump elevator" shot to Edward's play on Penguin's emotion to Harvey being the best partner, Lee gets her explanation - on and on. THEN I'm wondering if Bruce v2 somehow becomes Batman then I'm back in the episode. It worked for me. I was also kind of loosely contemplating if this is Gotham's Ozymandias; the everything episode of the series.
3. "co-siggy on Bruce v2" In response to Reply # 2
the way he dropped off the edge of the building & perfect hero landing on the hood of the car? i'd say that combined with the Galavan-as-Azrael theatrics from last season are already giving young Bruce plenty of ideas about his future bat persona. top notch ep all round tho. ive become a real big fan of Mazouz, dude's killin it. the Nigma/Oswald dynamic is kinda adorable.
5. "if i were rogue bounty hunting Jim Gordon..." In response to Reply # 4
...i woulda smashed that again already. crazy or not lol. next ep description says Butch gets involved with the Red Hood gang. i wanna see him win again at some point, but i'm just glad he's still around. one of my fav side characters in the show.