lolll SO glad to see it's still on his mind (Frisky Dingo is one of the GOAT animated series'):
(from wiki) Mr. Ford
Mr. Ford is an affable, bald-headed, older black man with a fast, marble-mouthed, manner of speech. This, combined with a short-tempered intolerance for all who do not understand him directly, makes Mr. Ford a difficult character to comprehend. He is a straightforward speaker, able to say whatever is on his mind with impunity to whomsoever hears it. In consequence, his comments are often blunt, inappropriate, sometimes vulgar, but always appreciated for their honesty and matter-of-fact directness.
Mr. Ford takes on many jobs throughout the series, beginning as a pet shop owner, (though we do see him earlier, and much more AFROIER, as an attendee at a hospital for severely retarded children), and concluding as President of the United States of America. Through the auspices of a "corrupt Supreme Court" and "more specifically, Stephen Breyer," Taqu'il becomes America’s first black president. Mr. Ford is appointed Acting Secretary for Homeland Security; and only following the ostensible death of President Taqu'il’s entire cabinet, and the unfortunate ant-poisoning of the House Speaker and President pro tempore of the Senate, (at Mr. Ford’s own doing), does Mr. Ford become the second Mr. Ford to become President Ford of the United States.
We know that Mr. Ford is fond of the ladies, fond of golf, and concerned with "Double-keggers" or "Doppelgängers," perhaps both. He comments upon his ubiquity within the series thus: My ass is everywhere. The character would repeat his catchphrase when he made a cameo appearance in "Drift Problems", an episode of Adam Reed's subsequent TV series, Archer.
The character "Mr. Ford" is played by a "Mr. Ford". --
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