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Subject: "Your top 5 superhero movies" This topic is locked.
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Member since Sep 17th 2002
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Wed Dec-28-05 11:31 AM

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"Your top 5 superhero movies"



1. Batman Begins
2. The Incredibles
3. X2
4. Batman
5. Spiderman 2

"Like 4 out of 5 things you say on OKP offend me." -FireBrand


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
Para mi:
Dec 28th 2005
My list
Dec 28th 2005
heres my list:
Dec 28th 2005
RE: heres my list:
Jan 03rd 2006
My top 5
Dec 28th 2005
Dec 28th 2005
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Dec 28th 2005
That Kiss movie where they have super powers
Dec 28th 2005
I have no illusions... 99% of superhero movies suck
Dec 28th 2005
top 7 superhero movies
Dec 28th 2005
RE: top 7 superhero movies
Dec 28th 2005
      RE: Top 5 superhero movies
Dec 28th 2005
      RE: Top 5 superhero movies
Dec 29th 2005
      RE: top 7 superhero movies
Dec 28th 2005
      well, comics have very little to do with it in my eyes
Dec 28th 2005
           I don't really see the Crow as a superhero, tho-
Dec 29th 2005
           *slips on slope*
Dec 29th 2005
                RE: *slips on slope*
Dec 29th 2005
                NEO and other oddities
Dec 30th 2005
                     NOONE has thoughts on Harry Potter?
Dec 31st 2005
                     never heard of him.
Dec 31st 2005
                     I need to get back to this.
Dec 31st 2005
           If we're going down the Neo/Crow path
Jan 09th 2006
      Sin City not a "typical" superhero movie
Dec 29th 2005
Playing along
Dec 28th 2005
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Dec 28th 2005
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Dec 28th 2005
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Dec 29th 2005
      RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Jan 01st 2006
           RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Jan 01st 2006
                RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Jan 03rd 2006
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Dec 29th 2005
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Dec 29th 2005
here's my list
Dec 29th 2005
      RE: here's my list *edit*
Dec 29th 2005
      RE: here's my list *edit*
Dec 29th 2005
      RE: here's my list
Dec 29th 2005
           RE: here's my list
Dec 29th 2005
                RE: Superman
Dec 29th 2005
Tough one
Dec 29th 2005
What bout BLANKMAN!!!
Dec 30th 2005
I'm ride or die for Superman III
Dec 30th 2005
This made me laugh:
Dec 30th 2005
origin in Burton's Batman was simpler & more psychological
Dec 30th 2005
      RE: origin in Burton's Batman was simpler & more psychological
Dec 30th 2005
           Good points
Dec 30th 2005
                "batman" & "batman begins"
Dec 30th 2005
                     more good points
Dec 30th 2005
                          RE: more good points
Dec 31st 2005
                          RE: more good points
Jan 03rd 2006
58 over
Dec 30th 2005
Dec 30th 2005
      I am Sancho.
Dec 30th 2005
I'm not counting The Incredibles or Unbreakable
Dec 30th 2005
why the hell not?
Jan 01st 2006
      How the hell you gonna tell me my list is invalid?
Jan 10th 2006
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Jan 01st 2006
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Jan 01st 2006
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Jan 01st 2006
X2, Incredibles, Spiderman 2, Batman Begins, Superman 2
Jan 01st 2006
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Jan 02nd 2006
The indisputable 5:
Jan 09th 2006
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Jan 10th 2006
super man is my favorite hero but 1 and 2 are just not good
Jan 10th 2006
RE: Your top 5 superhero movies
Jan 10th 2006

Member since Dec 04th 2004
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Wed Dec-28-05 01:17 PM

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1. "Para mi:"
In response to Reply # 0



1) Batman Begins
2) Spider-Man
3) Batman
4) Superman
5) X2



Bonding over sutures is what's hot in Oh-Nine.


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buckshot defunct
Member since May 02nd 2003
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Wed Dec-28-05 01:29 PM

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2. "My list"
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Dec-28-05 01:31 PM by buckshot defunct



1. The Incredibles
2. Spiderman 2
3. Unbreakable
4. Batman Begins
5. Superman

Honorable mentions to Mystery Men, Batman: The Movie, Batman, Supermans II and III, X2 and The Rocketeer


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Charter member
9367 posts
Wed Dec-28-05 02:07 PM

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3. "heres my list:"
In response to Reply # 0


1. X2
2. Batman Begins
3. Batman/Batman Returns
4. X-Men
5. Blade/Blade II

Get Out the Room


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Member since Nov 10th 2004
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59. "RE: heres my list:"
In response to Reply # 3


1) Spider man
2) Superman two
3) X-men
4) Blade
5) Batman


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Member since Nov 13th 2004
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Wed Dec-28-05 02:50 PM

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4. "My top 5"
In response to Reply # 0



1.Batman Begins


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Member since May 15th 2003
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Wed Dec-28-05 02:54 PM

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5. "Mine:"
In response to Reply # 0



1. The Incredibles
2. Batman
3. Spiderman 2
4. Superman
5. Fantastic Four (the Roger Corman one (FUCK YEAH))

Bringing you unpopular posts since 2003.

"Einstein has a formula, Wu Tang has a formula. A part equals a square and all that stuff, you know what I’m saying? We have a formula, too."


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Member since Nov 14th 2004
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Wed Dec-28-05 02:59 PM

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6. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0



1.Sin City
2.Batman Begins

Stoicism and chill.
Stay +.


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Charter member
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Wed Dec-28-05 03:32 PM

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7. "That Kiss movie where they have super powers"
In response to Reply # 0


Actually, I can't think of 5 that I thought were really GOOD. Even Batman Begins frustrated me.

And I haven't seen a lot of the older school ones folks are mentioning in quite some time... I don't think I've seen Superman since the 80s.

That said, most of my picks would probably be among the usual suspects seen above, and I'd follow buckshot's lead with Unbreakable.


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buckshot defunct
Member since May 02nd 2003
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Wed Dec-28-05 04:06 PM

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8. "I have no illusions... 99% of superhero movies suck"
In response to Reply # 7
Wed Dec-28-05 04:07 PM by buckshot defunct



And it's difficult to come up with 5 that I'd classify as "good"

The vast majority manage to worm their way into my heart based on nostalgia value, or just the "Oh Shit!" factor of seeing my favorite comic book stories "come to life" so to speak.

It's not hard to list a Top 5. But are those movies "good"? Not so much.

Look at Superman. Love, love, loved this movie as a child. But save for the soundtrack and the fact that Christopher Reeves completely KILLS it as Clark AND Superman (Yes, they are 2 different characters) the movie kind of blows.

So my favorite superhero movie is about a family of superheroes who didn't originate in comic books (The Incredibles) and my favorite comic book film adaptation isn't based on a superhero comic (American Splendor)

As far as a super hero comic book adaptation movie really capturing that comic book feel, Spiderman 2 wears that crown. For now.


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Member since Jun 03rd 2002
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Wed Dec-28-05 04:39 PM

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9. "top 7 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Dec-28-05 04:43 PM by McDeezNuts



1 - Spiderman 2
2 - X-Men 2
3 - Spiderman
4 - X-Men
5 - Batman
6 - Batman Begins
7 - Superman 2

I'm a huge Marvel fan so the Spiderman and XMen movies finish at the top. This is a rare case of the sequal being better in both franchises, mainly because the Goblin was cheesy in Spiderman 1, even though I loved seeing Peter develop his powers. XMen 2 wins just because it had a lot more action and less setup.

The Batman movies come next. My favorite DC character. Batman beats Batman Begins because you can't top Nicholson's Joker. It was also a big too long. I think I liked the origin of Batman in the first movie better too.

Superman 2 is a cool movie and I didn't want to leave it off.

PS I don't count Sin City as a superhero movie, though somebody else listed it. It is one of my favorite recent movies, though.

PPS Unbreakable was dope, but too different to compare to the other movies. Similarly, I loved the Blade movies, but they're so different that it's hard to include them. And if we're including Blade, we should throw The Crow in the mix too... But I think they're too dark and bloody to be in the same mix with Spiderman, X-Men, Batman, Superman, etc.

Incredible was cute but can't compete.


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buckshot defunct
Member since May 02nd 2003
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Wed Dec-28-05 05:00 PM

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10. "RE: top 7 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 9
Wed Dec-28-05 05:02 PM by buckshot defunct



>I'm a huge Marvel fan so the Spiderman and XMen movies finish
>at the top. This is a rare case of the sequal being better in
>both franchises, mainly because the Goblin was cheesy in
>Spiderman 1, even though I loved seeing Peter develop his

The first half of Spider-Man is like...perfection. I love those origin sequences. But then Green Goblin comes along and just fucks up the flow.

>Superman 2 is a cool movie and I didn't want to leave it off.

People are sleeping on Superman 3!!!!

>PS I don't count Sin City as a superhero movie

Nor do I.

> Similarly, I loved the Blade movies, but they're
>so different that it's hard to include them. And if we're
>including Blade, we should throw The Crow in the mix too...
>But I think they're too dark and bloody to be in the same mix
>with Spiderman, X-Men, Batman, Superman, etc.

I never saw The Crow (though I do hold a grudge against it for being responsible for Hot Topic stores and mall goths worldwide) But once you get into that territory you gotta start considering stuff like The Matrix and what not. It's a slippery slope. But in my mind Unbreakable still fits pretty nicely into the category.

>Incredible was cute but can't compete.

I beg to differ. But do you.


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Member since Apr 07th 2005
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Wed Dec-28-05 06:43 PM

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11. "RE: Top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 10



1)Spider-man 2
2)Batman/Batman Returns
3)Batman Begins
5)Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker


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The Goldng Child
Member since Jun 27th 2002
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Thu Dec-29-05 02:40 AM

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17. "RE: Top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 11



cosign on the recognition for that batman beyond movie. that was sick.


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Member since May 15th 2003
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Wed Dec-28-05 07:26 PM

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13. "RE: top 7 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 10



>I never saw The Crow (though I do hold a grudge against it for
>being responsible for Hot Topic stores and mall goths
>worldwide) But once you get into that territory you gotta
>start considering stuff like The Matrix and what not. It's a
>slippery slope.

Not really, the Crow was a comic long before it was ever a movie; not so for the Matrix. If anything, the Crow would fall under the "alternative comics" movie banner, comprising things like American Splendor and Road to Perdition, ie, not necessarily mainstream or superhero comics, but comics nonetheless-

Bringing you unpopular posts since 2003.

"Einstein has a formula, Wu Tang has a formula. A part equals a square and all that stuff, you know what I’m saying? We have a formula, too."


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buckshot defunct
Member since May 02nd 2003
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Wed Dec-28-05 10:25 PM

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16. "well, comics have very little to do with it in my eyes"
In response to Reply # 13



We're just talking about superhero movies. There have been plenty of superhero movies that didn't draw directly from comics as source material.

Road to Perdition and American Splendor don't really belong anywhere in the equation. They don't feature superheroes, and the comics they are based on aren't superhero comics.

You could make an argument that Neo from The Matrix fits the superhero archetype. Plus, The Matrix was allegedly lifted from Grant Morrison's comic book series The Invisibles. So, you know, double whammy.


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Member since May 15th 2003
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Thu Dec-29-05 01:53 PM

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23. "I don't really see the Crow as a superhero, tho-"
In response to Reply # 16



Tragic figure with supernatural powers, yeah, but I think it's a stretch to lump him into a standard "superhero" category. That's why I brought up Road to Perdition and Am. Splendor; I would group those three movies under a "comics" banner, rather than fitting ANY of them into a superhero mold.

If you're looking at Neo, you might as well throw Luke Skywalker in there as well, and it really becomes a slippery slope. By that rationale, what action movie revolving around a central character ISN'T a superhero flick? You'd be hard pressed to say that, say, Total Recall is a superhero movie, but really, why not? Lack of superpowers? Didn't stop Batman or the Punisher. Not helping others? Neither did the Crow....

>You could make an argument that Neo from The Matrix fits the
>superhero archetype.

Now this would be an interesting spinoff post; what constitutes a superhero?

>Plus, The Matrix was allegedly lifted from Grant Morrison's comic book series The >Invisibles. So, you know, double whammy.

Wow, I was a huge fan of the Invisibles (King Mob WHAT) back when I 1st started reading comics, and I have to say, I don't really see this at all. They share the standard "real world is a fake controlled by evil outside forces" but that's about all. It's been awhile tho, so it's entirely possible I'm forgetting something...

Bringing you unpopular posts since 2003.

"Einstein has a formula, Wu Tang has a formula. A part equals a square and all that stuff, you know what I’m saying? We have a formula, too."


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buckshot defunct
Member since May 02nd 2003
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Thu Dec-29-05 03:27 PM

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25. "*slips on slope*"
In response to Reply # 23
Thu Dec-29-05 03:34 PM by buckshot defunct



>Tragic figure with supernatural powers, yeah, but I think
>it's a stretch to lump him into a standard "superhero"
>category. That's why I brought up Road to Perdition and Am.
>Splendor; I would group those three movies under a "comics"
>banner, rather than fitting ANY of them into a superhero

It would *seem* to me that the supernatural abilities and action of The Crow might nudge it a bit closer towards the realm of superhero (closer than American Splendor is, at least), but I've never actually seen it. So there's not a lot I can comment on in that regard.

>If you're looking at Neo, you might as well throw Luke
>Skywalker in there as well, and it really becomes a slippery
>slope. By that rationale, what action movie revolving around
>a central character ISN'T a superhero flick? You'd be hard
>pressed to say that, say, Total Recall is a superhero movie,
>but really, why not? Lack of superpowers? Didn't stop Batman
>or the Punisher. Not helping others? Neither did the

This is an incredibly slippery slope. Where does hero end and superhero begin? Is it the cape? I tend to lump them all into a "Hero" category, with subdivisions like "Classical Hero" (Hercules), "Folk Hero" (Paul Bunyan), "Action Hero" (Rambo), "Superhero" (Superman) etc. etc.

There's a whole lot of overlapping taking place, so sometimes it's difficult to fit one squarely into a single subcategory.They're all heroes though, and that's enough for me. I don't lose too much sleep over it. Although I do find the subject to be quite interesting.

Luke Skywalker, to me, is more of a throwback hero. He might be the last in a long line of classical heroes to be catapulted into Mythspace.

Neo is kinda tricky...and I'm not necessarily saying he *is* a superhero. Just that there's probably an argument in there somewhere.


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Member since May 15th 2003
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Thu Dec-29-05 05:12 PM

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28. "RE: *slips on slope*"
In response to Reply # 25



>It would *seem* to me that the supernatural abilities and
>action of The Crow might nudge it a bit closer towards the
>realm of superhero (closer than American Splendor is, at
>least), but I've never actually seen it. So there's not a lot
>I can comment on in that regard.

Ehh, it's not worth seeing. And BTW, you're entirely justified in the goth-hate. But it did have a damn good soundtrack...

>This is an incredibly slippery slope. Where does hero end and
>superhero begin? Is it the cape?

In the case of Evel Kinevel, yes.

>There's a whole lot of overlapping taking place, so sometimes
>it's difficult to fit one squarely into a single
>subcategory.They're all heroes though, and that's enough for
>me. I don't lose too much sleep over it. Although I do find
>the subject to be quite interesting.

The hero breakdown does get a bit silly, and it's a lot like the countless sub-genres in music (electronic music in particular), but I think there are some interesting distinctions between the different categories, as well as a myriad number of ways to classify. Do you go by motive (ie, help the world, or more personal reasons?), powers (or lack of), time frame....I don't know. I agree with the overlapping, and it reminds me of something I heard about Grant Morrison when he started on JLA; I can't remember exactly, but it dealt with him treating the heroes like gods, instead of just folks in tights....

>Luke Skywalker, to me, is more of a throwback hero. He might
>be the last in a long line of classical heroes to be
>catapulted into Mythspace.

But is this more because of his character, or the audience's reaction (and subsequent rabid devotion to) to him? I can see the elements of his character that put him in that category, but I don't think it'd be such an easy case to make if Star Wars wasn't, well, Star Wars...

>Neo is kinda tricky...and I'm not necessarily saying he *is* a
>superhero. Just that there's probably an argument in there

Man, the more I think about the Matrix the more I kinda realize I didn't like it very much. So whatever.

Bringing you unpopular posts since 2003.

"Einstein has a formula, Wu Tang has a formula. A part equals a square and all that stuff, you know what I’m saying? We have a formula, too."


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Charter member
5626 posts
Fri Dec-30-05 03:49 PM

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41. "NEO and other oddities"
In response to Reply # 25



Y'all got me thinking about the definition of a superhero. At first I was thinking that Neo fit the bill. Of course to be a superhero, you need to be able to be compared to people who are essentially "normal" and since the point of the Mtrix was to expose that everything that we thought of as "normal" was indeed an illusion, then yes, this is a slippery slope.

However, it does seem that Neo is exceptional even in the "real world" where "normal" people are being trained to do SUPER things by manipulating the cyber-reality of the matrix. Neo, it seems, can do his amazing feats even in the real world, thus setting him apart from his fellow humans. So in the end, he is kind of a super hero.

Another slippery slope is the world of fantasy. It can be said that the world of superheros is fantasy as well, but fantasy as a genre could overlap with the idea of the superhero, especially when you start talking about magic. I'm thinking specifically here whether Harry Potter can be considered a kind of superhero, since he is set apart from "normal" human beings, even if he is just a regular ol wizard. I guess within the wizard world, he is a HERO but since everyone of that world is magically-inclined, he doesn't "completely" stand apart, even if his did survive Voldemort when noone else could.

I dunno about this. WHat do you all think?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
who are you



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Charter member
5626 posts
Sat Dec-31-05 09:05 PM

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45. "NOONE has thoughts on Harry Potter?"
In response to Reply # 41




~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
who are you



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buckshot defunct
Member since May 02nd 2003
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Sat Dec-31-05 09:17 PM

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46. "never heard of him."
In response to Reply # 45



Sorry... I was meaning to reply to this earlier. Forgot. Let's see here...

>>>"I'm thinking specifically here whether Harry Potter can be considered a kind of superhero, since he is set apart from "normal" human beings, even if he is just a regular ol wizard. I guess within the wizard world, he is a HERO but since everyone of that world is magically-inclined, he doesn't "completely" stand apart, even if his did survive Voldemort when noone else could. "<<<

See, I'm wondering if this should even be brought into consideration. Let's compare these points to Superman. I choose Superman because I'm pretty sure we can all agree that he is, without question, a super-hero.

Superman is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, can leap tall buildings in a single bound, etc etc... so in that sense he is most definitely set apart from the "normal" world.

Set in a "real world" context, Superman is fantastic.

But set in Superman's world, on the other hand...

He hangs out with the Justice League, he fights aliens, wizards, evil geniuses and giant gorillas on a regular basis, protecting a planet that's very existence seems to be threatened on a daily basis etc. etc. So you could possibly argue the point that in Superman's world, he's not really all that special.

I don't know if Harry Potter is a "superhero" or not. But I do think that the "super" aspect should be determined based on a real-world context, not the fictional one the stories are set in.


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Member since May 15th 2003
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Sat Dec-31-05 11:50 PM

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48. "I need to get back to this."
In response to Reply # 41



Stepping out for a New Years' party, but I've got some ideas on this. I'll be back.

>Y'all got me thinking about the definition of a superhero.
>At first I was thinking that Neo fit the bill. Of course to
>be a superhero, you need to be able to be compared to people
>who are essentially "normal" and since the point of the Mtrix
>was to expose that everything that we thought of as "normal"
>was indeed an illusion, then yes, this is a slippery slope.
>However, it does seem that Neo is exceptional even in the
>"real world" where "normal" people are being trained to do
>SUPER things by manipulating the cyber-reality of the matrix.
>Neo, it seems, can do his amazing feats even in the real
>world, thus setting him apart from his fellow humans. So in
>the end, he is kind of a super hero.
>Another slippery slope is the world of fantasy. It can be
>said that the world of superheros is fantasy as well, but
>fantasy as a genre could overlap with the idea of the
>superhero, especially when you start talking about magic. I'm
>thinking specifically here whether Harry Potter can be
>considered a kind of superhero, since he is set apart from
>"normal" human beings, even if he is just a regular ol wizard.
> I guess within the wizard world, he is a HERO but since
>everyone of that world is magically-inclined, he doesn't
>"completely" stand apart, even if his did survive Voldemort
>when noone else could.
>I dunno about this. WHat do you all think?

Bringing you unpopular posts since 2003.

"Einstein has a formula, Wu Tang has a formula. A part equals a square and all that stuff, you know what I’m saying? We have a formula, too."


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Member since Sep 17th 2002
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60. "If we're going down the Neo/Crow path"
In response to Reply # 16



We have to start considering characters like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. No one wants to go there.

"Like 4 out of 5 things you say on OKP offend me." -FireBrand


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Charter member
31583 posts
Thu Dec-29-05 03:26 PM

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24. "Sin City not a "typical" superhero movie"
In response to Reply # 10



But I still classify it as 1 nevertheless

>>PS I don't count Sin City as a superhero movie
>Nor do I.

Marv & Dwight seemed very superheroish IMO.


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Member since Mar 09th 2004
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Wed Dec-28-05 07:23 PM

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12. "Playing along"
In response to Reply # 0



1. The Incredibles
2. Spiderman 2
3. Unbreakable
4. Superman II
5. X2

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Charter member
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Wed Dec-28-05 07:43 PM

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14. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0



1. Superman
2. Superman II
3. Batman Begins
4. X-Men
5. X-Men 2

"Ya know, making an engineer the commander of Pegasus is like giving the counselor of the Enterprise the helm. Only bad things can come of it."--nipsey, speaking truth about the late Cmdr. Gardner of the Battlestar Pegasus


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Member since Oct 28th 2005
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Wed Dec-28-05 08:42 PM

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15. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0



In somewhat relevant order:

The Incredibles
Spider-man 2

Incredibles was just an all-out amazing achievement. A movie that was successful on every level. This is a little tangent but, a movie that I saw recenlty that gave me the same "feel great" enthusiasm about seeing it, a feeling I instantly recognized as not having since I first saw Incredibles, was Curse of the Were-Rabbit.

Spidey 2 just felt like THAT was comic-book movie should be like. I remember seeing it and Incredibles within a week of each other and wondering aloud if a movie only needed to have a super hero rescue people from an elevated subway disaster to be successful.

I said it elsewhere, HULK was a great film. A fucking GREAT film that I will stand alone, all by my lonesome, and champion.

Unbreakable was a great idea, perfectly executed. They should make a sequel and hav eit be an unabashed mindless action flick.

X2 is the weakest of the 5 but is the quintessential personification of "mindless action flick" for those of us who dwell in the Android's Dungeon. Doesn't hurt to cast Patrick Stuart, Brian Cox as the heavy, Ian McKellan as the dog heavy, Big Gay Alan Cummings as Nightcrawler, and to let loose the admantium in the Logan/Lady Deathstrike catfight.

Those are my top 5, with X2 being easily replaceable should the mood strike, but my worst offenders have GOT TO BE:

Daredevil & The Punisher

These two comics were my 1-2 Marvel punch from about 1988-1994. I scoped every issue of both for 5 strainght years, and argued these two against all comers ad nauseum. What I loved was that they HAD NO powers. Frank Castle was just righteous retribution and Matt Murdock was simply fearless and unfuckwittable. I swear when I heard movies were coming out about those two, I think I came like a little bit. I wasn't happy about it, but there it is.

But then they went and made the two most offecious super-hero movies ever. And I don't even hate Bennifer Affleck like that. Thomas Jane, maybe, but Benster...he's cool with me. I just get angered that those two flop-olas effectively KILLED any franchise hopes for my fave characters. Even though Elektra got made somehow. I'm now too distressed to even discuss it. Fuckers.

Go Sleazehawgs


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Thu Dec-29-05 01:31 PM

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21. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 15



>I said it elsewhere, HULK was a great film. A fucking GREAT
>film that I will stand alone, all by my lonesome, and

I dont like it quite as much as you since I cant call it great but I do enjoy it tremendously despite its faults. It made my list as well.


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51. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 21



I'm a fan of every Ang Lee movie I've watched with the exception of The Ice Storm and I'm a fan of the man because he's always doing something totally different. HULK, for me, is only slightly behind CTHD as his best work.

As was stated below one of its better aspects is that it embraces its Superhero origins, even updating them for our modern scientific understanding and curiosity, and its done AFTER characters have been established. We get to see how he "becomes" HULK by realizing that HULK is just a smuch a part of him as anything else. I think that exploration was genius. I also loved what Lee did, which I've yet to see done as well in any other comic-book adapted film, he reminded us of its CB origins with scene selection, set design, and editing tricks. There are a couple of sequences in HULK in which he have 3 to 4 panels of action occupying space at the same time on the screen. You have to follow them from panel to panel as you would if you were reading the story in a mag. There's also this "look" to a lot of the lab and military equipment that just SCREAMS comic-book. Like how things that are not tech-related in the underground military base are painted a bright yellow and blue, just like they'r be illustrated - nothing muted or soft. The computer equipment, the lab set-up and ESPECIALLY the huge thing Bruce is tied up in front of at the end are classic Marvel illustrator visuals. I appreciated that stuff as a comic-book fan and I'm mad more of these films' directors don't embrace that look instead of imposing their own look to the films.

For my money, the action of HULK is the best (can we call HULK a superhero?) there is. Even if its CGI, its done exquisitely. I still don't understand how they accomplished that whole desert sequence. From the tank-smashing to the missilizing and "parking lot"ing of the natural desert rock formations to the destruction of a major SF cable-car line and street. Aside from being a great CB-inspired action sequence, it was visually stunning.

I also think Eric Bana was superb.

Wanna know my dream super-hero movie / s-h movie sequences? I got a few ideas:

1. The Ultimates. The recent Marvel title with Cap Am, Iron Man, HULK, Nick Fury, and the rest. Do it straight from the issue's storyline and it would freak. It would be an ambitious undertaking, and probably clock in at 5-1/2 hours long, but done right and it would be the finest film ever made for nerds like me.

2. A bad-guy film. Do anti-super-hero movie. One that doesn't develop him as a secondary character but one that focuses mainly on someone with enormous potential, who develops a severely wared world view, and decides to terrorize and destroy. The super-hero becomes the minor secondary character and still wins throughout the movie, but we get to focus on a guy who is evil, defeated, and unrepentand. X-Men has done something sim. with Magneto, but I wouldn't want an all Magneto movie. Maybe The Hellfire Club or maybe someone bugged out and minor like Jigsaw, Sandman, Red Skull, or shit...a Loki movie would rock the shit.

3. The Spider-Man vs. HULK fight on the Chelsea piers. Just something I think would look amazing. Done against the backdrop of a teeming NYC skyline with wide-angle shots.

Go Sleazehawgs


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Member since Jul 06th 2003
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Sun Jan-01-06 09:17 PM

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53. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 51



I'll comment on this:

>As was stated below one of its better aspects is that it
>embraces its Superhero origins, even updating them for our
>modern scientific understanding and curiosity, and its done
>AFTER characters have been established.>>>

and this:

>The computer equipment, the lab set-upand ESPECIALLY the huge thing >Bruce is tied up in front of at the end are classic Marvel >illustrator visuals. I appreciated that stuff as a comic-book fan >and I'm mad more of these films' directors don't embrace that look >instead of imposing their own look to the films.>>>

As I covered below, I relaly enjoyed the comic book elements. Mostly because it was handled with respect. Usually in these comic movies there's a need to have scenes where they make fun of those elements since, and it comes off as by nature of being a movie its superior to the comic. I mean look at the first X-Men and the "yellow spandex" line. At the end of the day you're still doing a film about impossibly random mutations, and riding on the popularity of quite possibly the least developed X-character simply because he falls into "badass" category.

I thought Spider-Man was a step in the right direction when it came to respect for the source material. They weren't afraid to use the costume, kept it as close to the source as need be, etc.

But what I loved about the Hulk movie was that they fully embraced the comic roots like you've illustrated, but at the same time provided a thoughtful story that was obviously geared for the older elements of fandom. Dramatically speaking, there's little difference between the way Hulk handled the pathos and how Batman Begins did.

And to end it, the shot of Hulk being dragged through the sky and leaving after images on the clouds was just beautiful.

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57. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 53



>I'll comment on this:
>>As was stated below one of its better aspects is that it
>>embraces its Superhero origins, even updating them for our
>>modern scientific understanding and curiosity, and its done
>>AFTER characters have been established.>>>
>and this:
>>The computer equipment, the lab set-upand ESPECIALLY the huge
>thing >Bruce is tied up in front of at the end are classic
>Marvel >illustrator visuals. I appreciated that stuff as a
>comic-book fan >and I'm mad more of these films' directors
>don't embrace that look >instead of imposing their own look to
>the films.>>>
>As I covered below, I relaly enjoyed the comic book elements.
>Mostly because it was handled with respect. Usually in these
>comic movies there's a need to have scenes where they make fun
>of those elements since, and it comes off as by nature of
>being a movie its superior to the comic. I mean look at the
>first X-Men and the "yellow spandex" line. At the end of the
>day you're still doing a film about impossibly random
>mutations, and riding on the popularity of quite possibly the
>least developed X-character simply because he falls into
>"badass" category.
>I thought Spider-Man was a step in the right direction when it
>came to respect for the source material. They weren't afraid
>to use the costume, kept it as close to the source as need be,
>But what I loved about the Hulk movie was that they fully
>embraced the comic roots like you've illustrated, but at the
>same time provided a thoughtful story that was obviously
>geared for the older elements of fandom. Dramatically
>speaking, there's little difference between the way Hulk
>handled the pathos and how Batman Begins did.
>And to end it, the shot of Hulk being dragged through the sky
>and leaving after images on the clouds was just beautiful.

As was the music that was playing during this scence & in the rest of the movie. Bana was perfect. It had a great comic book feel 2 it & the CGI was really impressive 4 the most part. A few scenes were just way 2 dark & it was hard 2 see what was goin on.


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Member since Jul 06th 2003
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Thu Dec-29-05 03:49 AM

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18. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0



In no particular order

1) Incredibles
2) Hulk
3) Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
4) Spider-Man 2

Nothing really needs to be said about the Incredibles, it's just that good. Loved the commentary about mediocrity in the world.

As for Hulk, people shit on this movie because it wasn't what they wanted it to be. Fuck all that, though. Hulk was the most ambitious and thoughtful super-hero flick that I've ever seen.
It wasn't afraid of its comic origins like the X-Men franchise. Instead it embraced them and proved you can still be a comic adaption and treat the material seriously.

Mask of the Phantasm: I will stand by it to the day I die, the best version of Batman in any form of media was the Animated Series. He's not even as good in JLU as he was during his '90s show. With that said, Mask of the Phantasm easily trumps all his live action movies.

Spider-Man 2 gets props because it was literally a comic on screen. While X-Men 2 felt like "the sequel to X-Men", SM2 felt like "the continuing adventures of Spider-Man" and being that it's derived from serial story-telling roots, I think it fits. Add in the subway battle, which ties with Blade 2's finale as the greatest comic movie fight scene, and you just have a great film.

TMNT - Darker than any X-Men flick. Only weakness was the Casey Jones bullshit. Y'all know you get hyped everytime you see Splinter stare down Shredder.

Fun is the new gritty


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Thu Dec-29-05 11:50 AM

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19. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0



1.)Batman Begins
2.)Sin City
4.)Spiderman 2


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Thu Dec-29-05 12:49 PM

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20. "here's my list"
In response to Reply # 19



1) the incredibles
2) blade/blade II
3) hellboy
4) spider-man 2
5) superman

honorable mention: the punisher: a underrated flick. just not good enough to bump superman off the list. daredevil: would've been a really good flick had someone else other than afleck had gotten the part. not that he was bad, dd was one of his best acting roles, but ben didn't get himself in top condition for the role. and jennifer garner? please...

with that said, x-man and x2 are two of the worst marvel flicks ever made. they've completely changed the characters thru time, which fucked everything slam up. plus, a lot of people don't measure up for the role. the cat playing magneto is far too old (considering magneto and xavier are roughly the same age) and halle is NOT storm both physically nor as an actress. (storm is 6-ft, statuesque and very brown-skinned)

the first spider-man was too hoaky and too embellished. (the green goblin NEVER went toe to toe with spidey after their first encounter...he didn't have that kind of power physically and he knew it...i know, i have the comic books from back in the day) but they got better with the second one.

inaugural member - okayplayer sports hall of fame.

what i'm digging right now:

chocolate butterfly - self-titled
laura jane - welcome to my planet boo
me & this japanese guy - waiting for the miracle
wade3 - dreams
tracey amos - who are we really?


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Thu Dec-29-05 03:53 PM

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26. "RE: here's my list *edit*"
In response to Reply # 20



>1) the incredibles
>2) blade/blade II
>3) batman begins
>4) hellboy
>5) superman

i totally forgot about batman begins, which was as close to the comic book as any batman movie that's not an animated series.

inaugural member - okayplayer sports hall of fame.

what i'm digging right now:

chocolate butterfly - self-titled
laura jane - welcome to my planet boo
me & this japanese guy - waiting for the miracle
wade3 - dreams
tracey amos - who are we really?


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-29-05 04:19 PM

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27. "RE: here's my list *edit*"
In response to Reply # 26



>>1) the incredibles
>>2) blade/blade II
>>3) batman begins
>>4) hellboy
>>5) superman
>i totally forgot about batman begins, which was as close to
>the comic book as any batman movie that's not an animated

I almost called you out on that. I was assuming that maybe you hadnt seen it yet if it couldnt even get honorable mention.


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Thu Dec-29-05 08:42 PM

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29. "RE: here's my list"
In response to Reply # 20



>the first spider-man was too hoaky and too embellished.

and yet Superman is on your list?

still thinking of my top 5 ...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
who are you



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Thu Dec-29-05 09:36 PM

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30. "RE: here's my list"
In response to Reply # 29



>>the first spider-man was too hoaky and too embellished.
>and yet Superman is on your list?

the first superman was a good MOVIE. for a flick made in '78, it was a cutting-edge flick. and where it might've been a bit hoaky, it wasn't nearly as embellished as spider-man.

inaugural member - okayplayer sports hall of fame.

what i'm digging right now:

chocolate butterfly - self-titled
laura jane - welcome to my planet boo
me & this japanese guy - waiting for the miracle
wade3 - dreams
tracey amos - who are we really?


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buckshot defunct
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Thu Dec-29-05 11:17 PM

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31. "RE: Superman"
In response to Reply # 30



Although it did make my list, that "Can you read my mind" scene where Supes takes Lois out flying in her nightgown is the worst scene in the history of American Cinema. I don't hold it against anybody for not feeling this joint.

Now Superman III, on the other hand...


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Thu Dec-29-05 01:48 PM

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22. "Tough one"
In response to Reply # 0


In no particular order

The Incredibles
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
Spider-Man 2
Batman (Tim Burton)
X2: X-Men United

I had to painfully leave Supes I & II because I can't get past the whole "turning back time" in I and all the plot holes in II bease of the Donner/Lester director switch.


"You best kill me, motherfucker!"
--Peoples Hernandez from Shaft


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Fri Dec-30-05 01:17 AM

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32. "What bout BLANKMAN!!!"
In response to Reply # 0




Jus wanted to get yallz attention. muahahaa
On the real though not in any order though:
1) Batman Mask of the Phantasm
2) Spiderman 2
3) Batman (1989)/ties wit Batman Begins
4) X2: XMEN United
5) Superman

I dont know what it is, but even though Batman(1989) had its flaws in story n all, it just never ceases to amaze me. I must know know like all the lines in that damn movie, especially ones ole Jack had. Oh and it suffered from that too, the fact that it was a bit more into the Joker than Batman, so to the person who said that thjey liked the origin from this one better than Batman Begins, umm...dude thjere wasnt much a an origin to BEGIN with?!?!!! hah

Anyway, this was tough to put together, but I know how ther has been flaws in a few of these movies, they still came across as "worthwhile" entertainment to me, and at the end of the day, thats basically what counts. And I was never a HUGE comic book fan/collector of any one single comic book or 2 or more, but several I have collected very sporadically though, and I havent bought a new one since like college, 4 years ago! lol

Any ANYway, yes superman had a nice origin sequence and STILL provided enough action to heh Now who ever is all on part 3 must also be on that stuff, hey CRACK KILLZ! hahaha psyche naw Richard pryor, as funny as he was (RIP) even HE couldnt save that movie, only other reason worth seeing it is to see the Bad-Superman vs Clark Kent as Good-Superman duel. Seeing him do his "bad deeds" is really a laugh out loud riot, but the rest of the movie?!?! WTF?! Superman IV was better than 3 IMHO. I mean it pits Supe against another Super being, aided from that of Lex Luthor of course, one of the best Super Villians I might add.

Um...other honorable mentions...Blade 1 and 2. They are very different in mood and stylings, but effective entertainment. 1 is better cause of the style and cinematography in the beginning was awesome, it jus got tedious with all the "Vampire God" gobbldy-gook. Spiderman 1 was good, though Green Goblins character was kinda ehh, but it wasnt ALL bad, just couldda been better. Ummm...havent seen Hellboy yet or Sin City, Im most definitely looking forward to them though esp the latter. Wish Spawn couldda been more developped and not feel...disposable? rushed??, it wouldda rocked...



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buckshot defunct
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Fri Dec-30-05 01:32 AM

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33. "I'm ride or die for Superman III"
In response to Reply # 32



And I'm mad as hell that Superman Returns is gonna wipe everything post Superman 2 outta continuity. I gotta deal with that shit enough as it is in the comic books. You're gonna say my movies don't count now, too? Fuuuuuuck. Youuuuuuuuuuuu!

Here's a 5 simple reasons why Superman III owns your soul:

1. The opening title sequence. Just a really wild chain of events that go down like a painstakingly coreographed game of Mousetrap.

2. The music won an Oscar. A lot of people forget that.

3. The Good Superman vs. Bad Superman junkyard brawl = The zenith of Western Cinema.

4. The computer scam would later be used in the Mike Judge magnum opus 'Office Space'

5. Richard Pryor (Okay his involvement is a little embarassing to tell you the truth. But still...)

Superman 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Blankman>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Superman IV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Toilet Seat Herpes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Trial of the Incredible Hulk>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Daredevil


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Fri Dec-30-05 01:07 PM

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36. "This made me laugh:"
In response to Reply # 33



>3. The Good Superman vs. Bad Superman junkyard brawl = The
>zenith of Western Cinema.

Hahaha, fuck "Rosebud", fuck "Frankly My Dear", fuck "Bad for Glass", it's SUPERMAN 3

Bringing you unpopular posts since 2003.

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Member since Jun 03rd 2002
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Fri Dec-30-05 11:25 AM

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34. "origin in Burton's Batman was simpler & more psychological"
In response to Reply # 32



IIRC, it didn't deal with him developing the suit or with his training, but it dealt more with the psychological aspects of seeing his parents murdered, and then later we find out that it was the Joker who did it (before becoming Joker of course).

The Batman Begins origin was cool, but it was a bit much for me - the whole idea of getting wrongfully imprisoned to learn more about criminals, and training with a group of murderous ninjas. I know Batman has that kind of training, but to be honest, it seemed a little cheesy.

I need to see it again though, I haven't seen it since the week it came out. I loved the movie, but I was surprised when people here on OKP said it was the movie of the year or the best superhero movie ever... that may have affected my feelings for the movie because I definitely didn't like it as much as the Spiderman, X-Men, or original Batman movies.


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buckshot defunct
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Fri Dec-30-05 11:47 AM

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35. "RE: origin in Burton's Batman was simpler & more psychological"
In response to Reply # 34



>IIRC, it didn't deal with him developing the suit or with his
>training, but it dealt more with the psychological aspects of
>seeing his parents murdered, and then later we find out that
>it was the Joker who did it (before becoming Joker of course).

The Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins saw his parents get murdered too, though. On top of that, they got murdered for being in an alley because Bruce was too scared to sit thru the play. Do that's a guilt trip double whammy right there.

And I hated how Burton had Joker kill Batman's parents. Not just because "that's not how it happened in the comic books," but it tied everything up a little too neatly. I mean, if that's supposed to be the driving force behing Batman, then shouldn't he hang up his tights once The Joker is defeated? It's a simple Point A to Point B revenge tale.

Batman Begins, on the other hand, didn't make things so nice and neat for Bruce Wayne. His parents were killed by some random thug who may or may not have been a victim of his own environment. So he doesn't just have one set person to focus his anger on. He's gotta take it out on Gotham.

>The Batman Begins origin was cool, but it was a bit much for
>me - the whole idea of getting wrongfully imprisoned to learn
>more about criminals, and training with a group of murderous
>ninjas. I know Batman has that kind of training, but to be
>honest, it seemed a little cheesy.

What about Batman isn't extreme though? The dude dresses like a rodent and lives in a cave. I liked the training because it really illustrated his obsession. The dude is a nut.


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Member since Jun 03rd 2002
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Fri Dec-30-05 01:46 PM

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37. "Good points"
In response to Reply # 35



I do need to see Batman Begins again, I had forgotten that the Waynes were killed after leaving the play early because of Bruce.

I kinda liked that it was the Joker who killed the Waynes. But I didn't see it as a revenge story because Batman didn't find out it was the Joker who did it until near the end when he heard the Joker use that "dance with the devil" line. He became Batman without really having the intention of catching that same dude who killed his folks.

I guess the random thug and violent environment theme was pretty cool. I hadn't remembered it that well.

>What about Batman isn't extreme though? The dude dresses like
>a rodent and lives in a cave. I liked the training because it
>really illustrated his obsession. The dude is a nut.



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Fri Dec-30-05 02:37 PM

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38. ""batman" & "batman begins""
In response to Reply # 37



tim burton did a good job with batman, but for the most part, it was kind of incomplete. first off, he focused more on the joker/batman rivalry from its beginnings than batman actually being the caped crusader. nicholson gave a masterful performance as the joker, but keaton never quite fit as batman. (yeah, i know burton chose keaton beause of his eyes, but the rest just didn't fit)

batman begins, however, had a fuller storyline. the focus was gotham city being overran by crime to the point where nearly every cop, judge, or district attorney was corrupt. that bruce wayne's parents were killed was an effect of a corrupt city. that made bruce an avenger against crime, something gotham didn't have a shortage of. plus bruce learned that in order to understand crime, he had to understand the criminal life. that's what always gave batman an advantage over his foes. overall, "batman begins" was just a better movie from beginning to end.

inaugural member - okayplayer sports hall of fame.

what i'm digging right now:

chocolate butterfly - self-titled
laura jane - welcome to my planet boo
me & this japanese guy - waiting for the miracle
wade3 - dreams
tracey amos - who are we really?


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Member since Jun 03rd 2002
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Fri Dec-30-05 04:36 PM

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43. "more good points"
In response to Reply # 38



>tim burton did a good job with batman, but for the most part,
>it was kind of incomplete. first off, he focused more on the
>joker/batman rivalry from its beginnings than batman actually
>being the caped crusader. nicholson gave a masterful
>performance as the joker, but keaton never quite fit as
>batman. (yeah, i know burton chose keaton beause of his eyes,
>but the rest just didn't fit)

I thought Keaton was the best Batman, at least until Bale came along. I reluctantly put Keaton second to Bale.
(I keep wanting to call him Bateman since he was so great in American Psycho)

>batman begins, however, had a fuller storyline. the focus was
>gotham city being overran by crime to the point where nearly
>every cop, judge, or district attorney was corrupt. that
>bruce wayne's parents were killed was an effect of a corrupt
>city. that made bruce an avenger against crime, something
>gotham didn't have a shortage of. plus bruce learned that in
>order to understand crime, he had to understand the criminal
>life. that's what always gave batman an advantage over his
>foes. overall, "batman begins" was just a better movie from
>beginning to end.

Agree with all of this except the last line. Fuller storyline yes, focus on the city and not the Joker/Batman dynamic yes, corruption and crime yes, understanding criminals yes.

I still think it was cheesy to have him become a criminal to better understand them, and also to study with murderous ninjas. I loved the movie, but those were things where I sorta inwardly cringed a little bit. The villains in Begins cannot even begin to fuck with Nicholson's Joker. That, combined with the nostalgia factor, pushes Batman ahead for me. It was just so damn cool - a badass villain, cool gadgets, some quotables... It's very close though. Begins may be a better movie, but I probably enjoyed Batman more.
(though it's hard to fairly compare since I saw Batman as a kid vs Begins as an adult)


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47. "RE: more good points"
In response to Reply # 43



I will can say that Batman Begins is better than Batman, but not because of what's usually listed as the reasons. For instance, I truly don't think it's any more "realistic" than Batman. Definitely more psychological, but that's not the same thing.

I think Batman Begins suffers from it being 2 stories that seem barely connected than one actual story. But that's just me.

Fun is the new gritty


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58. "RE: more good points"
In response to Reply # 43



The villains in Begins cannot
>even begin to fuck with Nicholson's Joker.

I disagree. I loved Jack as the Joker but Cillian Murphy killed it as the Scarecrow.


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39. " over"
In response to Reply # 0


seriously. post over.



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Member since May 15th 2003
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40. "OH YEAH"
In response to Reply # 39



Forgot about that one.

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44. "I am Sancho."
In response to Reply # 40


Scott Baio...he is not Sancho.



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Member since Dec 10th 2002
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Fri Dec-30-05 04:13 PM

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42. "I'm not counting The Incredibles or Unbreakable"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Dec-30-05 04:26 PM by OldPro



But I dug both

1. Batman Begins
2. Spiderman 2
3. Superman II (First real superhero movie IMO)
4. Spiderman
5. Batman Forever (A little too cartoony but it had some great action)

if we made it a top 10

Daredevil (Yeah I liked it so what)
Hell Boy
Blade 2


Superman III


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Sun Jan-01-06 09:22 PM

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54. "why the hell not?"
In response to Reply # 42



if the incredibles isn't on your list, it's pretty much invalid


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63. "How the hell you gonna tell me my list is invalid?"
In response to Reply # 54



It's not on my list because I chose to only list live action movies based on comic books. Man, cats on these boards kill me trying to dictate what others think.


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Member since Mar 10th 2005
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Sun Jan-01-06 07:37 PM

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49. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0



my favorite movie genre

1. Batman Begins
2. Spiderman/Spiderman 2
3. Superman/Superman 2
4. X2
5. Punisher

If you cant tell I love origins. I dont collect comics anymore and was never fully into it like you guys seem to be but I still have a good understanding of what happened in the comics and how the stories should be. I also ignore some continuity things and have a good idea of what i think my favorite super hero stories should go

Batman Begins was just the shit. Perfectly showed why Batman was who he was and used him as a character with faults and not just a bad ass bat.

Spiderman just did the origin so perfectly, I loved watching him work out the powers and stuff. Green Goblin was kinda weak but it didnt ruin the movie at all for me. Very cool action as well I thought. The sequel is tied because like someone said it didnt feel like a sequel but more like his continued adventures

Superman and Superman 2 are tied for pretty much the exact same reasons as Spiderman and Spiderman 2. Plus Superman 2 had the "Come son of Jor-El and kneel before Zod!" line

I pretty much hated Xmen the first time i saw it. I can enjoy a bit more now but I still wish they would have gone with the original XMen, a hairless beast, Ice man (not a young one an actual team member), Angel etc. The only problem with that is there's no Wolverine and he's pretty much indispensible. With the hate I had for XMen, X2 was kind of a breath of fresh air with more Wolverine action, introducing Collossus (whom should have been a team member from the get go too), Nightcrawler's kick ass action scene and the FUCKING PHOENIX! I was soooo hype when i saw that shit

I really liked the Punisher, I liked how the handled the killing of his whole family without making it overly gory but still making it gritty. Him walking out of the water and collapsing was pretty cheesy, i think that voodoo dude should have found him in a net while fishing or something. Very entertaining to me and did the story justice I thought although it could have been better

Honorable Mention: Hulk (it was cool, special fx were dope but his pops becoming the evil lightning bolt was way too much), Unbreakable, Sin City (i didnt include this because I dont really see any of the character as "heroes" but its still a great comic adaptation, probably the best), the Incredibles, and yes even Daredevil, hell I even half enjoyed Constantine (i was in no way whatsoever informed about the comic so it was my first introduction to the character and Keanu was definitely horible but it was still entertaining)

Im pretty lax on judging movies, as long as Im entertained its cool. I judge superhero movies harder than other genres but im more easily entertained by them so they usually score pretty high with me

Avy: Tyrion disrespects King Joffrey yet again

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Member since Mar 10th 2005
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Sun Jan-01-06 07:40 PM

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50. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 49



Batman and Batman Returns get honorable mention too but I cant look at Batman the same since Begins came out and I think Returns was too reliant on gadgetry and less on his actual skills

and of course Forever and Batman and Robin have been stricken from my memory

Avy: Tyrion disrespects King Joffrey yet again

"If your life consists of NO drankin, NO drugs, NO loose booty, NO fatty foods, NO additives, NO preservatives, AND no waings.......then what the fuck you wanna live so long for, boring ass n****?" - Tay


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Sun Jan-01-06 07:58 PM

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52. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0
Sun Jan-01-06 08:00 PM by DrNO



1. Spider-Man 2
2. The Incredibles
3. Blade II
4. Spider-Man
5. Superman
Hellboy, X-Men 2 and Batman Begins are runners up



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Frank Longo
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Sun Jan-01-06 09:51 PM

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55. "X2, Incredibles, Spiderman 2, Batman Begins, Superman 2"
In response to Reply # 0



in that order.

11/13: Hot Frosty (on Netflix)
11/23: Three Wiser Men & A Boy (on Hallmark)
11/27: Christmas Under the Lights (on Hallmark Mysteries)
12/14: The Santa Class (on Hallmark)


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Monkey Genius
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56. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0



1. Hulk... yes, Hulk
2. Batman Begins
3. X2
4. Spider-Man 2
5. X-Men

And I don't even like Marvel like that.

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Mon Jan-09-06 11:36 PM

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61. "The indisputable 5:"
In response to Reply # 0



5. Superman IV: The Quest For Peace
4. Batman and Robin
3. Roger Corman's Fantastic Four
2. Tim Story's Fantastic Four
1. Yentl




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The Commish
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62. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0


1) Batman Begins
2) Superman II
3) X2: X-Men United
4) Spider-Man 2
5) The Incredibles

My Ever Growing DVD list


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Ice Kareem
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64. "super man is my favorite hero but 1 and 2 are just not good"
In response to Reply # 0



maybe it cause im young and i havent seem them until recently, they may have aged really badly but i just dont see wat all the hype is about (with the exceptiong of reeve really nailing supes)


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Member since Mar 28th 2004
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Tue Jan-10-06 10:09 PM

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65. "RE: Your top 5 superhero movies"
In response to Reply # 0


1. Batman Begins.
2. Spiderman 2.
3. Blade
4. That's it.

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