8. "Honestly I’m here for the Q-Tip production " In response to Reply # 0
and I’ve been impressed by how “alive” it sounds. All 3 songs so far have beats that aren’t cookie cutter and change subtlety throughout which keeps it fresh.
9. "It’s crazy how vocally he sounds the same as always" In response to Reply # 0
Common does too. They’ve both taken care of themselves over the years - I think that pays off in being able to vocally deliver and being able to perform live.
13. "^ agreed. I was thinking about this re: Common over the weekend." In response to Reply # 9
While taking in his new album, and how he sounded so much like he's always sounded, unlike most of the artists from our generation who so often sound their age. Nas comes to mind, his voice been thru some shit. You can tell it's him but he's got that old man struggle in his voice that most of us will have at some point. Comm sounds mostly fresh still. LL too, now that you mention it.