2. "I like it, don't love it." In response to Reply # 1
First thing. I do not like your voice. This is not a dig really but Guru was right when he said it's mostly the voice. You cannot underestimate just how big an impact your voice alone has on rap music.
The writing I pretty much like and overall I do think it is a quality product. I think you did a good job crafting songs and giving the album an identity.
My favorites are essentially everything up to track 6 + Get There, Aye I, and Siiik. So in a way I think the album is overlong. Thematically I think it could stand to be nerdier. Maybe that's just what I like.
Shuruikan is my favorite by far.
I don't like: Clicks + Views, Give It All Away and You've Been Telling Lies.
5. "RE: What software and services did you use to make these?" In response to Reply # 4
Thanks for checking it out and a thorough review. I used an AI website that's not hard to find. They all give slightly different results so which you use is more a matter of taste. I used one to two sentence prompts, describing genre, sub-genre, instrumentation and feel. Made thousands of beats, narrowed down to the ones I was most inspired by.
I tried not to touch the instrumentals too much. Didn't add anything except the sound effects in All City. At first it could only make shorter instrumentals, so some I just has to extend. I tried to write to the structures it gave me, and not approach the project any differently than I would collaborating with a real producer. The tech developed quickly in complexity and sound over the couple months I made the beats.
What's funny, I'm not crazy about my voice, either. When I was a kid I had a speech impediment which left me shy. Through hip-hop, I gained my confidence back. I know I still don't have a conventional voice tho. So I was actually exploring AI to play around with changing my voice, got distracted making beats that actually turned out dope, and made this album instead.