2. "Please ask Ras Kass these:" In response to Reply # 0
- ever thought of putting his life's work, his perspective, out in song form, book or whatever? He's had one of the most interesting lives of any rapper
- any plans for another Nature of the Threat/INterview with a Vampire-like song of any kind?
- what is he reading nowadays? Is he/how is he doing the knowledge?
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
4. "Ras was a no-show. Apollo is a cool dude" In response to Reply # 0 Sat Oct-04-14 10:57 PM by spirit
Apollo said his inspiration to get into producing was "Breaking Atoms" but that Premier was the producer most influential on him. He also shouted out Wu (Rza) and Mobb as sonic influences.