"Is it really a surprise album if no one gives a fuck Thx but no thx Cudi" Tue Feb-25-14 11:31 PM by sersey
Somebody really should've told this nigga Cudi that the concept of an unannounced drop requires that you have an extremely deep fanbase eagerly awaiting new music from you. Otherwise it doesn't work...
The thing I've hated most about this guy from jump is that he feels himself way more than his talent should allow. He wack but he think he a mc and/or singer. Nigga wack at both. But he refers to himself as a Wizard and mentions in interviews that there are only a few other wizards in the game mentioning jay and kanye in the next breath.
Can't tolerate that shit....
I'm anticipating a Kid Cudi comeback surprise album like I'm anticipating a comeback surprise prostate exam.
You ain't jay z, Beyoncé, pharrell, or even Lil Half Dead. Fuck..outta here..