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Lobby The Lesson topic #2756003

Subject: "Produce evidence that David Byrne is a genius in this post" Previous topic | Next topic
T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Wed Nov-14-12 09:28 AM

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"Produce evidence that David Byrne is a genius in this post"



Saw the movie This Must Be the Place last night, which David Byrne did the score for. (the movie is also named after a Talking Heads song

He's featured in it in a respectable cameo both in performance and in dialogue

Anyway the real point:

Dude made a song about a suicide bomber in 1980

Listening Wind:


Mojique sees his village from a nearby hill
Mojique thinks of days before Americans came
He sees the foreigners in growing numbers
He sees the foreigners in fancy houses
He thinks of days that he can still
Mojique holds a package in his quivering hands
Mojique sends the package to the American man
Softly he glides along the streets and alleys
Up comes the wind that makes them run for cover
He feels the time is surely now or never...more.
The wind in my heart
The wind in my heart
The dust in my head
The dust in my head
The wind in my heart
The wind in my heart
(Come to)
Drive them away
Drive them away.
Mojique buys equipment in the market place
Mojique plants devices in the free trade zone
He feels the wind is lifting up his people
He calls the wind to guide him on his mission
He knows his friend the wind is always
Mojique smells the wind that comes from far away
Mojique waits for news in a quiet place
He feels the presence of the wind around him
He feels the power of the past behind him
He has the knowledge of the wind to guide him...on.
The wind in my heart
The wind in my heart
The dust in my head
The dust in my head
The wind in my heart
The wind in my heart
(Come to)
Drive them away
Drive them away.

Name somebody with more depth and imagination who was as commercially successful?


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
Seen or not seen
Nov 14th 2012
he put Gene Wilder on the bongos ..I ZIMBRA
Nov 14th 2012
My life in the bush of Goats with Eno the whole album
Nov 14th 2012
Damn man you really know the catalog
Nov 14th 2012
      Talking heads and Eno is two of my favorite artist.
Nov 14th 2012
           Good looks I will check both of these
Nov 14th 2012
                np..they did an rerelease of in my life with ghost in like 05
Nov 14th 2012
                     copped. tried to do a little download the three best songs thing
Nov 15th 2012
                          yep def a whole experience
Nov 15th 2012
Nov 14th 2012
ha reading the NYTimes review now
Nov 14th 2012
      But this is my favorite aspect of Byrne as a musician
Nov 14th 2012
The evidence is in all the work he's done nm
Nov 14th 2012
allllll i wannnttt is to breaaaathheee
Nov 14th 2012
no armpit stains on that big suit
Nov 14th 2012
David Byrne gifs
Nov 14th 2012
Genius coreographer
Nov 14th 2012
Nov 14th 2012
      I haven't found a good video of that tour yet
Nov 14th 2012

Charter member
36436 posts
Wed Nov-14-12 09:58 AM

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1. "Seen or not seen"
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Nov-14-12 09:59 AM by Menphyel7



this damn beat LAWD JESUS..

"This is why first impressions are often correct"
and the lyrics..

"He would see faces in movies, on T.V., in magazines, and in books...
He thought that some of these faces might be right for him...
And through the years, by keeping an ideal facial structure fixed in his mind...
Or somewhere in the back of his mind...
That he might, by force of will, cause his face to approach those of his ideal...
The change would be very subtle...It might take ten years or so...
Gradually his face would change its' shape...
A more hooked nose...wider, thinner lips...beady eyes...a larger forehead.
He imagined that this was an ability he shared with most other people...
They had also molded their faced according to some ideal...
Maybe they imagined that their new face would better
Suit their personality...Or maybe they imagined that their
Personality would be forced to change to fit the new appearance...
This is why first impressions are often correct...
Although some people might have made mistakes...
They may have arrived at an appearance that bears no relationship to them...
They may have picked an ideal appearance based on some childish
Whim, or momentary impulse...
Some may have gotten half-way
There, and then changed their minds.
He wonders if he too might have made a similar mistake."

"F you Im better in tune with the Infinite"


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Charter member
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Wed Nov-14-12 10:03 AM

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2. "he put Gene Wilder on the bongos ..I ZIMBRA"
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Nov-14-12 10:03 AM by Menphyel7



"F you Im better in tune with the Infinite"


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Charter member
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Wed Nov-14-12 10:08 AM

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3. "My life in the bush of Goats with Eno the whole album"
In response to Reply # 0



one of my fav songs... Qu'ran

America is waiting

"F you Im better in tune with the Infinite"


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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Wed Nov-14-12 10:18 AM

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4. "Damn man you really know the catalog"
In response to Reply # 3



Only thing I really know Eno from is the ambient records my pops had in his collection

shit was basically the root of so much electronic music now but it had none of the rhythm and worldly influence of Byrne's music

wonder what his overall effect as a producer on that album was

more electronic than it would have been?


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Charter member
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Wed Nov-14-12 10:35 AM

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6. "Talking heads and Eno is two of my favorite artist."
In response to Reply # 4



the two of them coming together was awesome..

Eno with the electronic and Byrne with his worldly African influences really mesh well. They brought out the best in each other sometime to the the dismay of the other band memebers.

but def check out My life in the bush of ghosts that was Davids and Eno's album that came out in 1981 and was infulential as hell with its sampling and electornics.

They came together again Everyting that will happens will happen one day that came out in 08.

both are great albums

"F you Im better in tune with the Infinite"


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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Wed Nov-14-12 10:55 AM

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7. "Good looks I will check both of these"
In response to Reply # 6



I wasn't familiar with either one so I appreciate that


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Charter member
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Wed Nov-14-12 11:58 AM

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12. "np..they did an rerelease of in my life with ghost in like 05"
In response to Reply # 7



with bonus tracks find that one

"F you Im better in tune with the Infinite"


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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Thu Nov-15-12 10:32 AM

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18. "copped. tried to do a little download the three best songs thing"
In response to Reply # 12



couldn't do it

i had to have the whole album.

i mean it's from the same year and month i was born and it sounds phenomenal


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Charter member
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Thu Nov-15-12 11:44 AM

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19. "yep def a whole experience"
In response to Reply # 18



yea the rerelease version doesn't have Qu'ran on it cause they took off cause Muslims was offended so def get that song if you don't have it

"F you Im better in tune with the Infinite"


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Charter member
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Wed Nov-14-12 10:32 AM

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5. ""
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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Wed Nov-14-12 10:58 AM

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8. "ha reading the NYTimes review now"
In response to Reply # 5



he comes across a little more ego driven / defensive than what I had though he was like from the excerpts

Making Sense
David Byrne’s ‘How Music Works’
Published: September 21, 2012

David Byrne is a brilliantly original, eccentric rock star, and he has written a book to match his protean talents. It is not exactly a memoir — “the ‘aging rocker bio’ is a crowded shelf,” as he puts it in his acknowledgments. It is not exactly a series of essays about music, either, though it is some of that. It’s a little bit of both, proudly or unashamedly exposing Byrne’s biases and aimed at a particular audience: his own fans. Since he appeals to people generously diverse in age and interests, however, that’s a pretty big potential readership.

David Byrne


By David Byrne

Most books that attempt to explain music’s mysteries have been technical or historical in nature and concerned primarily with classical music. What’s best about “How Music Works” is that Byrne concentrates on his own experience, from a teenage geek splicing layers of guitar feedback on his father’s tape recorder (he had a mild self-diagnosed case of Asper­ger’s syndrome, he writes) to arty if neo-primitive rock star with the early Talking Heads at CBGB to increasingly sophisticated, globe-wandering art-rocker, happily collaborating with all manner of world musicians and pop-technological innovators (Brian Eno, Fatboy Slim). He has toured the world many times over, sold millions of records, adapted deftly to the age of digital downloads and started his own world-music record company, Luaka Bop. But he has also written poetry, created artworks (sonic and otherwise) and directed films, “True Stories” being the best known.

“How Music Works” is a faux-naďve guidebook (meaning he reduces complex phenomena to simple terms, though not always), written for the musically illiterate pop-music player and fan. Byrne himself only gradually learned to read music in conventional notation, and even then imperfectly, although he correctly points out all the aspects of music that traditional notation misses. But as a fearless autodidact, he knows an enormous amount about the social and architectural contexts of music, about how a recording studio and evolving forms of home-studio recording function, about distribution and marketing, and record-company contracts. This is a book about the workings of music as most people today hear it and play it and think about it.

Although there are repeated references to his own life and career, this is indeed “not an autobiographical account of my life as a singer and musician”: fans looking for his side of the breakup of Talking Heads, for instance, will find nothing here. But some of the best parts of the book — even though they’ve been partly anticipated, sometimes down to the same words, in prior interviews and liner notes — involve his project-by-project descriptions of how he composed and recorded each venture and collaborated with fellow artists, the other members of Talking Heads and Eno chief among them.

Other chapters, as on the history of recorded sound, analog and digital, and the business of music, seem too indebted to his secondary sources, although his sheer knowledge is impressive and his reading and research have been extensive. His prose style is not very elegant. For starters, he should have pruned his overuse of the phrase “for starters.” And yet his personality shines indelibly through this book, just as it does through all his varied albums.

Byrne’s biases are revealing. He has little use for classical music of the past, beginning with Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, whose music he “never got”; at one point he says Bach at the organ “doodled up and down the scales, as was his wont,” though that may be Byrnean humor.

Sometimes he’s a little defensive about his lack of interest in or knowledge of the classics: “I resent the implication that I’m less of a musician and a worse person for not appreciating certain works. . . . When I made something, even something crude, I would momentarily discredit and ignore the nagging feeling that said that if I couldn’t match the classical or high-quality model then I was somehow less of an artist. My gut was telling me that what I was doing was just fine.”

Byrne hardly considers the technical and formal aspects of “how music works” that are the principal concern of traditional music theorists — though in his last chapter he does leap down the rabbit hole into the mysteries of the harmonic overtone series and the music of the spheres. While he has some interest in the pop-classical fusions that are taking place every­where today — he should, because he’s a leader in such fusions — he regards the adulation of most old classical music as pretension by rich people and arri­vistes, and dismisses classical music’s, or maybe any music’s, claims to spiritual and moral value.

His lack of knowledge of classical music has led him astray in the past, as in his use of computer software to orchestrate his bland symphonic music for the Robert Wilson stage piece “The Forest,” and now with a few errors in this text, like misidentifying a photo of a Baroque theater in Bayreuth as Richard Wagner’s Festspielhaus, misspelling “Juilliard” and claiming Merkin Hall in New York as part of Juilliard. Speaking of errors, there are also omissions, as when he enumerates the constituent elements of a “scene,” in particular the nexus of bands that gathered at CBGB in the ’70s, and ignores the role of the press. But that may be merely a matter of personal pique on my part.

Byrne wants us to discount music as the effusion of the lone Romantic genius and to understand it in its social context, as the product of Everyman. He extols the making of music rather than its appreciation, and hails the eager amateur over the jaded professional. He wants funding to flow to neighborhood social centers to encourage young people to play music, rather than to fancy new concert halls and opera houses. In one of his best lines, he writes, “Why not invest in the future of music, instead of building fortresses to preserve its past?” Although in fairness, he does praise Venezuela’s free educational program El Sistema, in which mostly poor youngsters are taught to play mostly classical music.

Ultimately, “How Music Works,” wide-ranging and thought-provoking though it may be, doesn’t quite cohere. It is full of sharp, glancing insights, but Byrne never brings his approach to music into focus. He begins by stressing the importance of music’s context and ends with his paean to amateurism and, oddly, with music’s disappearance into a cloud of ambience and formlessness. In between, he’s given to such lines as “We don’t make music — it makes us. Which is maybe the point of this whole book.” But is it? Given the plethora of interesting illustrations and charts in this handsomely designed (if casually copy-edited) book, maybe “How Music Works” will function better as the e-book, with links to actual music, that the publisher promises. In the meantime, the print version remains, for me, slightly unsatisfying. Yet it is certainly a must for the many fans of David Byrne and perhaps others, too, those who wish to follow him down his own personal rabbit hole of speculation and explication.


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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Wed Nov-14-12 10:59 AM

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9. "But this is my favorite aspect of Byrne as a musician"
In response to Reply # 8
Wed Nov-14-12 10:59 AM by T Reynolds



"Byrne wants us to discount music as the effusion of the lone Romantic genius and to understand it in its social context, as the product of Everyman. He extols the making of music rather than its appreciation, and hails the eager amateur over the jaded professional."


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Member since May 29th 2002
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Wed Nov-14-12 11:18 AM

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10. "The evidence is in all the work he's done nm"
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I'm not done!


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Member since Jul 19th 2006
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Wed Nov-14-12 11:23 AM

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11. "allllll i wannnttt is to breaaaathheee"
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Charter member
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Wed Nov-14-12 11:59 AM

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13. "no armpit stains on that big suit"
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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Wed Nov-14-12 01:31 PM

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14. "David Byrne gifs"
In response to Reply # 0



And the GOAT:


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Charter member
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Wed Nov-14-12 01:37 PM

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15. "Genius coreographer"
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T Reynolds
Member since Apr 16th 2007
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Wed Nov-14-12 02:28 PM

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16. "dope"
In response to Reply # 15




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Charter member
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Wed Nov-14-12 02:47 PM

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17. "I haven't found a good video of that tour yet"
In response to Reply # 16



Every movement of everyone all night, besides Annie, was premeditated, and I'm pretty sure it was by David. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much and it was mostly due to his interactions w/ the horn section.


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